TTAV is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats. Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list. It’s free.
According to an article published by Bloomberg last week, Facebook may soon take steps to reduce or remove access to any content it deems as “anti-vaccination.”
The news comes after pressure from lawmakers who blame the social media platform for spreading “misinformation” and contributing to a recent increase in measles. Such a move would not only censor free speech, but it could significantly inhibit our ability to continue the important discussion about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry.
Facebook has long been a primary platform for users to have open discussion about everything from pop culture and social issues, to government and health news. And while the internet has provided a platform for fake news and misinformation by anyone with a computer, it has also become an important forum for open discussion that is badly needed worldwide.
Unfortunately, the vaccine industry wants to silence anyone who doesn’t fly the CDC banner that vaccines are “safe and effective.”
On Valentine’s Day, California congressman Adam Schiff sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook that said the following:
The scientific and medical communities are in overwhelming consensus that vaccines are both effective and safe. There is no evidence to suggest that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling diseases, and the dissemination of unfounded and debunked theories about the dangers of vaccines pose a great risk to public health.”
This, of course, is absurd. There is evidence that vaccines can cause injury or even death. For proof, look no further than the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which despite unfair burden on plaintiffs has paid out over $4 billion since its inception. What’s more, there are many who are simply calling for greater accountability from manufacturers, doctors, and oversight bodies.
But in America, if you question vaccines in any way, you’re branded as a lunatic – an anti-vax menace to society. And that’s because there’s so much money in vaccines that any doubt about their safety or efficacy could cost billions in revenue.
And while we agree with limiting the spread of misinformation, we can’t throw the baby out with the bath water. It is absolutely imperative that we keep an honest conversation about vaccine safety going. And frankly, mainstream media just isn’t going to give you all of the information you need to make an informed decision for your family.
Facebook says it’s looking for ways to address the problem, including “reducing or removing this type of content from recommendations, including Groups You Should Join, and demoting it in search results, while also ensuring that higher quality and more authoritative information is available.”
We hope that Facebook will give proper consideration before implementing these kinds of changes. At TTAC, we provide peer-reviewed research and documented testimony from experts regarding the broken system for testing and administration of vaccines. But despite our extensive research, we’ve already been branded and clocked from social media platforms. Pinterest recently deleted our account, without warning, for violating their “misinformation policy,” which includes “anti-vaxx” advice.
Ironically, we have never told our readers what to do regarding vaccination, nor have we condemned anyone who chooses to vaccinate or not vaccinate their children. Our mission is to bring the truth, and we’re here to give you the facts, not to tell you what to do.
And Pinterest is not the first to wage war on vaccine information freedom. YouTube, a division of Google, recently made changes to its video platform after being accused of spreading “misinformation.” They’ve removed several videos from their recommendation system to appease political figures crying foul. But information that doesn’t fully support the safety and efficacy of vaccines isn’t always fake news.
In fact, head over to YouTube and search “vaccines.” One of the top results is an episode from our documentary series The Truth About Vaccines, which provides expert testimony and research that questions the way in which vaccines are tested and approved. Is this “misinformation?” Is it “a great risk to public health?”
And this is a bipartisan issue. While the CDC, vaccine manufacturers, and politicians with financial ties to the industry continue to attack anyone who speaks out against claims that vaccines are 100% safe and effective, both liberal and conservative public figures aren’t sold. When it comes to true health and vaccine safety, there is not a political line in the sand.
Jenny McCarthy, Jim Carrey, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and even President Trump have all spoken out against the ever-increasing childhood vaccine schedule, raising serious questions about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. These people are not “anti-vaccine” or “anti-science,” they simply have questions about the way the system works.
Here are a few quick facts about vaccines:
#1. Vaccines have not been proven to be safe. New vaccines are routinely tested against confirmed dangerous ones in order to arrive at what appear to be positive outcomes, and the timeline for these studies is significantly shorter than for other drugs seeking FDA approval.
#2. There’s too much money being pumped into the system by the pharmaceutical industry. Those who serve in the CDC Immunization office are often rewarded with lucrative jobs by some of the industry’s biggest companies, including Merck, who has been repeatedly accused of defrauding the U.S. government but continues to be one of the leading manufacturers of U.S. vaccines.
#3. Vaccines use preservatives that are known to be dangerous. Many vaccines are accompanied by adjuvants like aluminum and mercury. These toxic substances can wreak havoc on the immune system and have been linked to a host of diseases. There is evidence that these preservatives cause a number of health issues, including autism.
#4. Infant immune systems are not equipped to handle the load that the current vaccine schedule presents. In order to develop healthy gut bacteria, infant immune systems are initially suppressed. The massive load of toxic adjuvants and antigens put the infant body on defense, preventing healthy gut bacteria and permanently damaging the child’s immune system.
#5. Vaccine manufacturers are not liable for harm caused by their products. Lobbyists have pressured the government, claiming that to NOT make vaccines available is unethical. That’s why there are no studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. If you or your family are injured or killed by vaccines, you have to go through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, where you essentially sue your own government for the negligence of private corporations.
#6. Freedom of information is under assault. Politicians who question vaccine safety are quickly silenced, and expert witnesses are dismissed and misrepresented if their findings don’t support the vaccine industry. Now we’re seeing social media platforms caving to pressure by silencing anyone who speaks out against the CDC schedule, safety testing standards, or the millions of dollars the industry spends on lobbying efforts.
Facebook needs to take a stand in defense of free speech. With over 2 billion users across all of its platforms, Facebook may be one of the most important venues for open discussion about vaccine safety. The conversation about vaccines is important, and if we can’t have an open dialogue, nothing will change.

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How can we make sure our freedom of speech will not be taken away from us completely? We need a solution so those of us of like mind can continue getting information that is. Not tainted by agencies.
I have been working with Dr Wolfe for 2 year’s….all must pull together for the life of the true essence of our spirit. 🙏
There is an answer for us.. collectively we can do must come from 💜 not ego/ selfish motives….
Love is the answer .. self love is the cure 🙏💜
Lovely message, Suzanne!
You can try contacting Facebook directly about this to have your voice heard. If more of us reach out to have our voices heard then the more we can expect change to be implemented.
Blessings and love!
Agree with Suzanne. We can and should love, that doesn’t mean however we have to support those doing evil. After you contact Facebook, make sure you no longer give your time, money or further attention to them. There is a continuous campaign to de-fund alternative real news, free speech, and anything that contradicts the government/corporate version of reality. Now it is outright censorship of what is left of our freedom to speak and think for ourselves. It is better to try to connect directly with those you friend on Facebook than to continue to use an internet social platform that was designed from the beginning to be addictive and for mass social control.
Perhaps TTAC and Dr. Axe should proactivey lead an effort, among the natural health community, to select and migrate to an alternative platform to Facebook. I would absolutely follow.
Great suggestion, Rebecca!
I’ll be sure to pass it along on your behalf.
How about having a presence on It’s similar to Facebook, is free, it has no advertising, and respects your privacy, It doesn’t ask for your birth date. It has a reasonable Terms of Service, but no censorship. It does charge a small monthly amount for some extra benefits like private audio or video chat. They have to charge for somethings to pay for the service.
MeWe has been in existence for 3 years and has four million subscribers, many who have migrated from Facebook.
I searched for vaccines on MeWe and have already found at least one person posting excellent material.
I have 5 pages on Facebook and now a new group where I present facts on health from a Christian perspective. I have been repeatedly barred from posting to groups for a week at a time for no reason given. My reach to others has dropped from 10,000-20,000 per day down to under 100-1,000 per day! So it is already happening to even us down in the trenches on Facebook.
Thanks for speaking so boldly and loudly in this increasingly dark world!!!
Hi Bob – thank YOU for sharing your support and your feelings about this with us.
We appreciate you!
I have been forced to suspend all comments and even reading FB postings regarding vaccines. The vicious attacks I received after requesting that readers look at Wakefield’s study before condemning him, were unbearable. Granted, I have always had doubts about vaccine safety and I am very old. I contracted polio from the vaccine, my sister had seizures after being vaccinated, my daughter could not walk for 2 weeks after a vaccine at age 3, and my brother-in-law died from the hepatitis vaccine. I did not have my son vaccinated for Pertussis due to the death of the children in TN. He never got Pertussis, but the doctor gave me a piece of his mind. I worry about my grandchildren because both of my children are convinced that the science proves the necessity and safety of vaccines. Both live in states that require vaccines for public schooling. I worry that hiding information will result in injury, but they do not trust my books and videos. How should I handle this?
Hi Edith –
Thanks for sharing.
You could start by proposing your children to watch the first two episodes of A Global Quest. They’re available for free on Youtube:
It might be best if you share your your children that they can decide after watching these episodes if they no longer want to take part in any additional learning. But by watching these two episodes it might just open their minds to learning new info that can be lifesaving for them or a family member in the future.
People are busy and that’s understandable. But it’s better to be equipped with knowledge so in case anything were to happen they would know that there are options available.
Hope this helps.
Blessings and love!
I wish I had a better answer. I am convinced that vaccines offer protection but I am not sure what the real adverse reactions odds are and what determining factors are. Are there any good indicators of commonality among those affected?
I know a few people throughout my sixty years that have been affected negatively by vaccines and luckily, none long-term. If there is a 1% chance plus or minus of a negative, why or what determines? Like all things, we all seek to minimize risks with knowledge before making a decision.
Does a flu vaccine or Hepatitis ABC or Shingles, Human Papillomavirus, Pneumococcal Disease, Meningococcal Disease, mean its worth it if you odds are 1-5% chance of adverse effect? What are the factors that make it more likely?
To say that all vaccines are tainted is something that needs to be either stated directly and clear and not confusingly met with “it’s up to the individual to determine”. I am a believer in good science and smart choices.
Regarding Facebook and the censoring. I have written them several times about making information available on an opt-in basis and this was all about political memes which are just being shared too easily and are destroying our country. If they can identify “anti-vac” or “pornography” then Facebook can identify political ads and require a user to opt in to see them.
My opinion and writing Facebook does not seem to get anywhere which is why I think it will be doomed to failure due to the destructive effect of money and corrupt “free speech” that many people are to lazy to verify the truth behind.
Here’s a partial answer to some of your questions. Search for “pharmaco-genetics”. It’s a VERY new science, barely a decade or 2 old, and little has gotten out to the general public. At the risk of over-simplification, genetic tests can be done to look at certain factors. Some people are what’s known as “rapid metabolizers”, and some are “slow metabolizers”. Most folks are somewhere in between. The “rapids” will metabolize drugs too quickly, and the “slows” won’t metabolize them fast enough. Also, there’s the issue of “epigenetics”, another very new field. We know that the *expression* of genes can change over time, as the result of a variety of factors. Also, also, there’s both the “placebo effect”, and the “no-cebo” effect. You’ve probably heard about the “placebo effect”, but the “no-cebo effect” is much less well known and studied. Plainly, if you *THINK* a drug will work, there’s a better chance it will. And if you *THINK* that it won’t, there’s a greater danger of unwanted effects. Almost none of what I’m telling you about here will appear in the mainstream, corporate money, fake news media!
Hi Larry,
Many people believe vaccines are safe and effective, such as yourself. There are many parents who have woken up to find their once healthy child is now damaged by vaccines, some are severly damaged. There are estimates the damage is as high as 50% of the population and there in NO liability required from the manufacturer of the MD who writes the order for the vaccine. I personally have friends, co-workers, children of friends and other who have been damaged by vaccines. I would try to do more research!! There is evidence the people who are rejecting the vaccines are highly educated or they already have vaccine injured children.
I have watched these Truth facts from the beginning and thank you for standing up!! It is soooo important that the Truth about big pharma gets out there and stays out there. So grateful for you two and the Quest!
sharing even though the majority of those around me cannot believe we are being censored
Marjorie – thank you so much!! It means so much to us to have your support and love! Thank YOU for standing with us!
I personally tried the flu shot 3 years in a row.After having a lung collapse in 92 ,my doctor insisted. Each time, I became deathly ill within hours after the shot,I litterally felt like i was about to die. I became extremely weak, lethargic, unable to move. Personally i feel it would be horrible to with hold the effects of the flu shot from the public..that is just wrong on every level. I have not had a flu shot since 94-95, also have not had the flu.
Sorry to hear this, Vickie! We hope you’re doing well now love! xo
Thank you Ty and Charlene for opening our eyes in so many ways. I so appreciate all of your hard work and discoveries. It is my opinion that while the pharmaceutical industry has helped us in many ways (I have been on insulin for 70 years), they have become GREEDY. The price of insulin, for instance, has risen ten fold in recent years. Their multiple ads on TV are laughable, having families romping around at the beach while describing all of the horrors a particular drug can cause. God made us so many herbs, etc that have been used for hundreds of years to cure diseases. I find “Big Pharma ” to be despicable!
Thank you for your love, Tracy!
We’re so sorry to hear how this has affected you.
Praying for endless love, blessings, and good health for you and your family.
Great comment Tracy.
Regarding insulin and diabetes – sadly – in many cases this is reversible within weeks to months. Perhaps not on all cases.
Look up Dr Jason Fung on YouTube if they haven’t censored him yet. His discoveries may blow your mind…
This has been happening for a long time now with politics in general, fake news, immigration concerns, food industry, vaccines etc. They try to shut you out in any way they can only to continue to brainwash society and population. Happening in Europe too. Im getting judged by other mothers/people a lot for not vaccinating my children. They say we are the threat to the health system making their kids sick. So for our own protection we dont share this decision so openly. My son has been excluded from birthday parties for that reason and I have been called to be an irresponsible parent. I see a lot of posts circling facebook about why vaccines are important and that is usually just an opinion of another person rather than any facts or articles being shared. The latest I saw was peanut allergy and why kids cant bring nuts to school so therefore everyone should also follow the rule to vaccinate their child before sending them out into public. They say it should be mandatory. Or the nurse who was offended on FB same thing. Horrible example I thought but people are sharing this post. Sadly!
This is sad to hear, Kristina.
I’m sorry to hear that you’re judged by other parents.
Wishing you and your family good health always!
This makes me sick and angry and, I hate to say, fearful. This country is falling apart from so many different directions. The perfect storm. Anyway, I don’t do Facebook. Is there an email address someone has that I can contact Facebook to share my opinion? Thanks, Ty & Charlene, for exposing all the truth you have.
Ty & Charlene,
I have watched your Truth facts from the beginning and thank you for your hard work & for standing up!! It is soooo important that the Truth about Cancer & big pharma gets out there and stays out there. So grateful for you two and the Quest! We must not allow our rights to free speech to be censored. We are standing up here in California against mandatory vacination of our children to attend school…we lost, but havent given up as so many of our children have been harmed. My point is to keep the Faith as we are behind you all the way.! This has to stop and people have to wake up!!
Thank you so much, Marjorie! Everything we do is for you and people like you all around the world. Thank you for supporting us throughout. xo
Facebook or any other entity for that matter shouldn’t be trying to censor or reduce “misinformation.” I can’t believe they already have algorithms to suppress what big money deems “misinformation.” The internet has always been a place where the user must tread carefully. I remember being a child in elementary school and when the teachers taught us how to cite sources for our research (when the internet was so brand-new), they always emphasized that internet sources must be researched and vetted carefully. That’s the nature of free-flowing information on the web… anyone can write anything. Just because you found information not part of mainstream media doesn’t mean that minority voice is “misinformation.” Freedom of speech! It’s your own job to think critically and consider different ideas, and make your own decisions. No government or company should need to suppress or monitor misinformation. This is just a sneaky, illegal way of squashing the voices of so many people who have unfortunately experienced vaccine injury or worse. Human beings need to be more compassionate in just listening to a voice or opinion that is different from mainstream or majority. It is easy to ridicule or bully someone behind a computer screen. If real sharing happened between people face-to-face in person, maybe people would have more practice discussing topics they disagree about and perhaps realize some truths, but sadly we don’t make time for that enough; we’re too busy on the computer, finding articles that validate our own opinions. This is why documentaries that tell real stories are so important… it’s like listening to someone in your living room when you watch these stories.
Love it! Thank you for sharing, Kay! We appreciate you!
In 1971, I was given 7 vaccinations so that I could enter nursing school in the fall of that year.
After a couple of weeks, I contracted encephalitis and a few years later, in 1974, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I have had this terrible disease for 45 years now because of these vaccinations. I could not attend nursing school, because of the terrible head pressures, due to the encephalitis, which persisted for years. I have eye problems and some kidney problems, due to my diabetes. My whole life has been torn apart, because of vaccinations.
Lilita – this is so terrible. I’m so sorry to hear you went through this. We’ll be sure to pray for you, love!
Thank you for all of your hard work in continuing to educate the public. I’m surprised at how many people are unaware of the fact that there is a Vaccine Injury Court. It seems to me that keeping it simple is the way to go. If vaccines are safe, why do we have a Vaccine Injury Court, which is run by the government, that has paid out over 4 billion dollars? Period. They can talk all they want about research and who did what, and who claims what, but you can’t dismiss the fact that people have been injured and even died due to vaccines, or there wouldn’t be the need for such a court and compensation. It needs to become common knowledge that there is a court. Who can refute that. Let’s spread the word. Blessing to you both.
Blessings to you as well, Constance! Thank you so much for your message. xo
I feel like I’m watching an episode from The Twilight Zone. Every human deserves The Right To Choose but in America, Land of the Free Home of the Brave it’s written into our Constitution. We are witnessing a similar scenario as in Nazi Germany and the extermination of a particular group of people. Who has the right to force people to get toxic chemicals injected into their bodies or to undergo debilitating procedures against their will? It should be simple. If you want to follow the CDC’s recommendations and get vaccinated on a certain schedule then I have no problem with it, just don’t force other people to do it because of “their” Greed and Power Hungry Politicians.
Hi Rebecca! It’s sad how extreme it has become. People’s health has just become a monopoly. It’s so important to have the choice for our bodies!
We must fight for the our freedom of speech, freedom to make our own medical decisions, and to rid our selves of censorship and tyranny. We are dangerously close to loosing our rights medical and otherwise. Keep fighting and supporting those organizations who are fighting for our liberties! We have a wonderful God given immune system and a body equipped to take care of illness with a god given earth that provides the healing power that we need if we have the will to take care of our body and our earth and use it.
AMEN, Deborah!
Hi, Ty & Charlene, Thanks so much for all you do. It’s pathetic that money takes center-stage over ‘truth and real health’. What the big name organizations are doing to stop ‘freedom of speech’ is no different than other countries that has tried to ‘silence’ the people. GOD is not pleased with us, and for those corrupt organizations, politicians, government officials..they know who they are, will all have to answer for this corrupt behavior real soon! Research and evidence is ‘out there’ people are harmed by these vaccines, and there’s no recourse for the victims. I often wonder do these companies pump their own kids and grandkids with this ‘junk’ or is the money so important that they don’t care to harm their kids or read the research.. If, the latter is true, so much for geniune love. When grown folks and businesses can’t stand up for the truth because ‘the big boys’ will shut them down, or pay them off…how do we look our children in the eye and tell them ‘be true to thyself.’
Amen, Deborah! God bless you and your family! Thank you for being here to support us.
Hi, Thank you for all the truth’s you bring us about trying to be well. I dread the day we cannot go to the internet and look up the truth about anything because it doesn’t agree with the companies who are making all the money. What kind of censorship is this? The people who control big pharma, agriculture, our food etc. are getting more scarier all the time. Not testing the effect of their products on us, and not really caring what it does anyway. But to lie and then expect us to believe and follow along like idiots is just too much for me. If I don’t vaccinate my child wouldn’t he be the one at risk, not the other children who are? I thought the vaccine they got protected them. I think this measles propaganda they are pushing right now is just part of the plan to get censorship on the truth. Thank you again, you are both awesome!
Hi and thank you so much for putting the truth out there. The decision to vaccinate your child or not is a minefield, but it should ultimately be the parents decision, not some drs, (who only know what Big Pharma tell them). The idea that someone else can make the decision to vaccinate you or your child is scary, mind-boggling and like something out of a sci-fi film! Thank you and for all the work you do.
We agree with you completely, Mel! Thanks for sharing!!
Love and blessings to you and your family!
Or we can all delete Facebook. Remember, with Facebook, WE are the product. People are the product. They use us and our information and make targeted ads depending on our behaviors, clicks, likes, dislikes, etc. So the human being is their product. If we all leave in droves, they, the Facebook company, will LOSE. They profit off of our addiction. They want to make us feel more connected and informed with our social networks, so we’ll keep coming back to the addiction.
Not everything in life should be replaced by an “app.” We can still do things the old fashioned way, and it might be BETTER than the app. Yup, technology should not replace everything. How about a revolution people? Stop having superficial news-feed deep relationships, and spend more time in real life instead of the virtual online life.
Who funded this series? Of course people don’t questions the financial ties to vaccines but I was asked this so I’m asking you.
Hi Cheryl! We are a completely self funded and independent company.