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Freedom is under attack. Freedom of speech, freedom to share information, and the freedom to disagree are under attack. And Mark Green, congressman-elect for my home state of Tennessee, is under attack.
Because he dared to question the safety of vaccines.
Not only is Mark an elected U.S. congressman, he’s also a state senator, a veteran who assisted in the capture and interrogation of Saddam Hussein, founder of a successful healthcare company, a philanthropist, and a medical doctor. Recently, the congressman-elect made statements that have resulted in a massive defamation campaign by the media.
At a town hall meeting, Dr. Green questioned the safety of vaccines and suggested that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) may not be as forthcoming as the American public assumes. During the speech, he said:
Let me say this about autism. I have committed to people in my community, up in Montgomery County, to stand on the CDC’s desk and get the real data on vaccines. Because there is some concern that the rise in autism is the result of the preservatives that are in our vaccines. As a physician, I can make that argument and I can look at it academically and make the argument against the CDC, if they really want to engage me on it.”
In addition to questioning the safety of vaccines, he went on to say that the CDC may be directly responsible for the lack of data available on vaccine safety. “It appears some of that data has been, honestly, maybe fraudulently managed,” Green said. “So we’ve got to go up there and stand against that and make sure we get that fixed, that issue addressed.”
Green was promptly lambasted in a series of news articles which all said exactly the same thing: “Vaccines do not cause autism.” They refer to the idea as “a false claim,” “discredited theory,” and “antiscience.” In fact, there are some who have called for his “censure or exclusion” from congress unless he retracts his statement and delivers “a heartfelt apology.”
There are 3 major issues here:
- That vaccines have not been proven safe
- That the research standards and liability for vaccine manufacturers are uniquely inadequate
- That we are currently in the midst of one of the greatest assaults on freedom and integrity in a generation.
Big claims, I know. Let me break it down.
Vaccines Have Not Been Proven Safe
At TTAC, our mission is to shine a light on the truth, and to provide information that the medical, pharmaceutical, and other industries have tried to hide. We believe that the choice to vaccinate your children, receive chemotherapy, or pursue any medical intervention is your choice, and yours alone.
We also believe that you have a God-given right to be well-informed and that companies and government agencies should not be exempt from transparency and accountability.
When it comes to vaccines, the sad truth is that a massive industry – which has been granted inconceivable leniency – is slowly taking away our freedom to choose what we put into our bodies. For example, most drugs are required to undergo extensive, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. When it comes to vaccines, there are no such studies. In fact, vaccine safety studies primarily use other vaccines as the control group. New vaccines are routinely tested against confirmed dangerous ones in order to arrive at what appear to be positive outcomes.
As long as the latest vaccine is less dangerous than one that is known to be hazardous, we begin immediately injecting it into our children.
And while most drugs are required to undergo years of study and evaluation before going to market, vaccines are routinely added to the CDC schedule with only a few days of testing. These “studies” would be unacceptable in any other pharmaceutical field, and yet it can take as little as two days for a new vaccine to be approved – and subsequently injected into infants.
And as the congressman from Tennessee said, there’s evidence that the preservatives in vaccines can cause autism and other health problems. Many vaccines are accompanied by adjuvants like aluminum and mercury. These toxic substances can wreak havoc on the immune system and have been linked to a host of diseases. Still, the CDC states repeatedly that vaccines are safe and effective.
How do they know?
They don’t. And the primary reason for that is that vaccines are a big industry; there’s a lot of money influencing public policy.
Research Standards and Liability for Vaccine Manufacturers are Uniquely Inadequate
We just learned how safety testing for vaccines is exceptionally insufficient, and significantly less structured than the rest of the pharmaceutical industry. What may shock you even more is that vaccine manufacturers can’t be sued when their products cause injury or death.
That’s right.
You see, vaccines have been praised as the greatest medical breakthrough in human history, responsible for eradicating lethal diseases of epidemic proportions. Lobbyists have pressured the government, claiming that to not make vaccines available is unethical. That’s why there are no studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. But it gets worse.
In 1986, the pharmaceutical industry went to President Ronald Reagan’s cabinet and essentially blackmailed them. They claimed that lawsuits against them were inhibiting their ability to develop and administer their vaccines, and that they needed to be protected from liability in order to continue to make these “life-saving” drugs.
Allow me to introduce you to vaccine court…
If you or your family members are injured or killed by a vaccine, you are not allowed to sue the manufacturer. Instead, you need to go through something called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. This is a no-fault system in which plaintiffs fight against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is defended by lawyers from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
You’re essentially suing your own government over the negligence of private drug companies. Burden of proof is on the plaintiff, but there is no discovery allowed. Combined with the severe lack of research, it’s extremely difficult to prove that vaccines are at fault.
And here’s the kicker:
As long as vaccine manufacturers don’t know that their products are harmful, they are relieved of any liability. With a built-in market of 80 million American children each year, there is no incentive for these companies to conduct thorough safety studies. If they don’t find anything to report, they’re released from any liability for their product.
You may wonder how no one has found evidence that vaccines can be harmful. Well, I have your answer.
We Are Currently In the Midst of One of the Greatest Assaults on Freedom and Integrity in a Generation
Mark Green, a veteran, doctor, congressman, and philanthropist, is not the first to be attacked for questioning the CDC and vaccine safety. There is currently a war against those who demand more accountability from an industry that administers their product to tens of millions of Americans every year. I could write a book about it (actually, I have), but I’ll give you a few highlights from the last decade or so.
» 2004: The CDC’s claim that vaccines do not cause autism is largely based on a study conducted in 2004, overseen by senior scientist William Thompson. In 2014, Thompson confessed that the agency actively destroyed any data linking the MMR vaccine to autism, stating:
The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”
Thompson had previously brought his concerns to the director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, Dr. Julie Gerberding. She promptly replaced Thompson as speaker at the upcoming Institute of Medicine meeting on vaccines and autism, and placed him on administrative leave. When he attempted to leave the CDC, he was given a $24,000 retention bonus, which he saw as a way for the CDC to “buy his silence.”
When Dr. Gerberding left the CDC, she took a job with Merck pharmaceutical company (who manufactured the vaccine in question) as president of the company’s vaccines division. She received a hefty salary and massive stock options worth millions.
Conversely, Thompson has been continually discredited by the media and repeatedly attacked by those who defend vaccines.
» 2012: Lawyer and congressman (D-Md.) Elijah Cummings served in the house of representatives for over 20 years. He gained notoriety in 2012 while addressing the House Oversight & Reform Committee (of which he was chairman), saying when “you go from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 88 [referring to the rate of autism in U.S. children], it seems to me that somebody would say ‘Wait a minute, let’s put the breaks on this, and at least find out– if I’m giving a baby 9 shots in a day– how much impact that’s having.’”
Cummings has been a persistent thorn in the side of the medical industry, accusing Valeant Pharmaceuticals of obstructing an investigation into its pricing structure, scolding Biogen for charging outrageous prices for a multiple sclerosis drug, and chastising “pharma bro” Martin Shkreli, a convicted felon who raised the price of his company’s parasitic drug from $13.50 to $750 per pill.
Despite his clear angst over the issue, Cummings quickly backpedaled. According to news editor Anne Dachel, a friend of Cummings asked the congressman to look into the claims that Thompson had made regarding the autism research. Cummings replied, “Brother, I’m going to get right on this.” Two days later, Cummings, who has spent his entire political career challenging the pharmaceutical industry, told his friend “I’m pro-vaccine… I don’t know if I want to deal with this.”
Is it plausible that vaccines, despite a severe lack of research, are safe?
Is it also plausible that a massive industry that generates billions in revenue each year has silenced anyone who has challenged the efficacy and safety of vaccines?
» 2018: The war against transparency and freedom of information has reached our doorstep. Pinterest, one of the leading social networking platforms with over 250 million monthly active users, has quietly banned anyone who dares to question the CDC or vaccine industry.,, the National Vaccine Information Center, Health Impact News,, and hundreds more have had their accounts removed for “violating community guidelines.”
And they’re not alone. TTAC, which has questioned CDC practices and the effectiveness and safety of vaccines in general, has also been banned. The fact that the natural health community has shared nearly 100,000 peer-reviewed and published studies doesn’t seem to make a difference. If you question vaccines or the CDC, you can kiss your account goodbye.
You may or may not agree with Congressman Green’s politics, but the question of vaccine efficacy and safety is a bipartisan issue. We deserve to have all the facts before blindly injecting our children with an ever-expanding list of vaccines. But the pharmaceutical industry wants to keep us placated.
Mark Green is not the first to be persecuted for speaking up, and he won’t be the last. We need to demand more from our leaders, and we need to demand more from the vaccine industry.

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Hi I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and colon cancer one right after the other basically had surgery on my breast then went for a colonoscopy and bam had adenocarinoma stage 3 with spread to one lumpy node my breast was stare 1 grade 2 so I’m on a blocker pills they want me to do chemo for my colon I don’t know what to do thanks Marla
Hi Marla,
We are so sorry to hear what you are going through. We cannot provide you with medical advice, so the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Autism was around long before vaccines were discovered to prevent the spread of diseases like measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), polio, smallpox, etc. The only difference is that back in time, before vaccines, no one knew what autism was.
It’s because of these types of people that measles is on the increase and deaths are occurring as a result!
Some treatments are dangerous and possibly kill more people than cure them. Today too many people are given drugs that are supposed to cure, and the operative word here is “cure”, but then have to be given another one to counter the side effects of the previous one. However, this doesn’t apply to vaccines. These were developed to prevent the spread of killer diseases like measles.
It should also be remembered that the “doctor” who first came out with the “evidence” about the MMR was proven to be false and he was discredited!
And there are many studies that have proved that these diseases were on the decline or even eradicated before the advent of the said vaccine.
Perhaps you need to do a little more research of the kind not paid for by the vaccine makers themselves. ( As many wonderful, brilliant doctors and researchers who really do care enough for humanity have- at great risk to themselves I might add, may God bless and preserve them )
Well written. I could easily write stuff like this. How do I get in touch with whoever paid you?
I agree that vaccines are important, but I don’t believe that it is necessary to put formaldehyde and themerisol in them. Thankfully, they have stopped putting themerisol in many vaccines for children now. Preservative free is the way to go, and I do believe that more extensive studies are warranted. Every year they come up with more and more vaccines that are said to be necessary for babies/children. I don’t believe in injecting a baby with so many at once…..I spread them out for my kids and did not give them the Hep B vaccine until they were teenagers. There are risks with any injection, medication, medical procedure….etc. but I still think more research needs to be done if we are going to be injecting infants with multiple vaccines within short time periods.
Angela, you really should do your research on Dr. Andrew Wakefield before you comment about him. He never directly link Autism to the MMR. He said there was a relation between MMR and gut issues in children with autism and there should be more research. They threw his study out and excommunicated him for even SUGGESTING IT. Autism is very new. If it wasn’t, where are all the adults with autism? Severe? Wearing helmets? I see none.
As a Health Care Professional (RN), I worked a short time (2 yrs )for a vaccine adverse event reporting system. supported by the CDC and FDA. After working over 25 years as a nurse, and giving many shots (including hundreds of flu shots each year), I began to question the many additional vaccines added to the babies routine injection schedule after researching the cases that came onto my desk. And, in my opinion,i t is totally unacceptable that adequate research is not done by some independent group and that the vaccine companies can not be penalized/sued for cases where it can be proven that injuries (e.g. autism) was contributed to or caused by true negligence of the companies providing the vaccines. Coming from a Health Care background, I come back to the quote “First Do No Harm” in providing Health Care to the people we are responsible to.
I suggest you go do more research about Andrew Wakefield. He did not saw MMR caused autism. He said in a case study that mmr measles virus was found
D in their intestines and that further study should be done. He said people should use the single vaccine injections’ but the government made sure that it was not available because they had just spent a lot of money for MMR. His coleage Dr Smith was found not guilty of the charges and the judge said the whole thing was a witch hunt by the BMA. Brian Deer lied.
I would encourage you to look a little more deeply. I don’t think you have actually researched the Dr, you are referring to as being discredited. Andrew Wakefield was one of several doctors on that study that simply expressed a concern that there may be a link and needs to be investigated
He was the one that the media focused on and he did not have enough financial resources to fight the case and moved to the US broke and misrepresented. HOWEVER, his colleagues DID fight the opinion in court and NOT ONLY WAS HE EXONERATED (if he was exonerated all the researchers are including the Dr. your referring to) the judge is on record as stating that what happened to those researchers was a travesty of justice and may it never happen again.
Your drawing way to many conclusions based on pop-culture and media without actually knowing the facts, context and the biochemistry functioning behind the drugs you are referring to.
When I was a kid, we had measles “parties.” If a kid in our neighborhood had measles, mothers would have a party for all kids to get exposed. My sister and I had both the measles and chicken pox at the same time. I had some little red bumps, but felt fine and thought this was a great way to get out of school for a few days. The logic was kids could handle and heal from measles much easier than adults and one might as well get the illness out of the way. No one was harmed, much less died from having the measles. Today you have paid shills creating ignorance, confusion and fear among parents. Measles are nothing and there is obviously more risk to injecting foreign synthetic chemicals into a body than allowing the immune system to be exposed to and heal from a naturally occurring illness.
As for historically undiagnosed and/or unrecognized cases of autism, you do not know what you are talking about. You can’t speak to this. You were not there, you did not observe or test any of the cases you refer to. You are just saying words with no substance or meaning. You are either grossly ignorant to the extent you should keep your mouth shut lest you pose a risk to others, or you know what you are doing and operate with full intent to harm as many as possible. The latter is usually the case as honest people simple are not ignorant enough to make your remarks and honest people are willing to examine data and change their mind in order to maintain honesty.
Thank you, Ty, for all your work and research on this most important topic! I will post this and keep you and your family in my prayers.
God bless;
Thank you for the support of our mission, Cathy! Blessings.
If there was nothing to hide why all the defense and attack? It’s about power, money and control. The best people to explain the agenda behind all this are Jon Rappoport whose blog at ‘No More Fake News’ is excellent and David Icke who connects all the dots. It is much more sinister than people realize.
Thank you both for all you are doing. The truth will come out – same with cancer as you’ve also discovered. Far too lucrative to change and allow easily obtained herbs and spices heal people.
Hello, I grew up pre vaccination. Pregnant women who caught rubella, often had disabled children or miscarried.
Boys with the Mumps often became sterile.
Other peers who caught polio lived in calipers.
Whooping cough was a battle for those who caught it.
Having been subject to rubella myself I remember a period of devastating illness.
The introduction of vaccines created a healthier community, as prior to that the above mentioned illnesses spread rapidly.
In response to Helen: This is interesting considering that the CDC pink book last I read it indicated that sterility from mumps was more theoretical than having actually happened. Orchitis is occurring is rare even in post-pubescent men, and sterility being caused by it is even more rare. Both testicles being involved is pretty much unheard of and if they were to be involved, the odds are astronomical of sterility resulting in both testicles.
Rubella? They aborted 19 babies in infected mothers before finding a fetus who was infected with it. Having rubella while pregnant didn’t guarantee a baby would develop if – in fact the complications happen as a result of vitamin a deficiency. Rubella is harmless in the rest of the population.
The pertussis vaccine is less than 30% effective in some populations and it doesn’t prevent transmission of the illness. While pertussis is serious in newborns, it is not life threatening in children over 6 months of age. It can also be easily managed with high dose vitamin c, and the main symptoms can be prevented if high dose vitamin c is given during the actual infectious stage.
Polio was rampant during DDT spraying – acute flaccid paralysis hasn’t disappeared, but the diagnosis and testing around it has. Things that would’ve been called polio in the early 60’s are no longer considered polio. In addition to that,95% of polio infections caused nothing more than minor cold symptoms. One outbreak after the vaccine was out let to a newspaper article being published where they debated the different polio vaccines because polio incidence had gone up despite the vaccine. There was far from wide spread support for the Salk polio vaccine and there were some who believed it completely ineffective. Those things were acceptable to debate and print in a newspaper back then… that conversation nowadays somehow makes you a pariah.
I could go on, but instead I would suggest that your memory has been influenced by media coverage over the years. The facts that can be easily verified don’t support your claims that amount to fear-mongering and passing on of misinformation. Vaccines have a sordid history and the so-called benefits are given out more as propaganda than anything else.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for you ongoing fight to protect our children. I truly believe in your mission and support it as well. Happy New Year and my 2019 move forward with change and awareness.
👍👏love them, they risk their lives to protect our children and grandchildren.vaccines are evil, dirty and don’t even work.
HI Ty,
I have a great grandchild due to be born in July. I have long suspected that the vaccines are not
safe because of the preservatives. My grand daughter was able to get the preservative free
vaccines through a homeopathic doctor. I worry the hospital will insist on giving the baby their
vaccines when the baby is born.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Hospital can NOT make you give vaccines to your infant. I wrote a birth plan that excluded all vaccines till I deemed my child ready and then spread the vaccines far apart. Better to do multiple visits than MULTIPLE VACCINES!!
I belong to a Vegan Club and would like you to come speak. What is your cost? Trish Goodin-Yard
Hi Trish,
Please send a message to our customer support team and they will pass your message onto Ty. Here is a link to contact them:
Ty, I have been receiving your emails with huge credit given to you and your wife for standing out in the battle against the power of money not health.
I myself acquired cancer, but a very unique one. At the age of 70 it was found that I had Burkitts non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Since the core of this is the Epstein Barr virus, a. Very aggressive and fast moving cancer I made the decision to start chemo. I have been alternative and holistic all my life so to make this decision went against everything I knew. Surprisingly the chemo stopped the tumor and no sign of another but the medical profession insisted to proceed with additional treatments. I agreed to two more which they changed to CHOP instead of hospital stays. In all this time I have read and studied the history of this particular form of cancer to find that it has been around us for many many years. In the 1700″s Hodgkin’s lymphoma was found but not given credit untill the 1800’s. All with Epstein Barr virus involved.
Most cancers of today are fungal and can be treated easily if one would follow the knowledge available to them. I am a massage therapist using myofascial release as my main core of pain relief. I choose to inform people about the truth for the healing of their bodies. With a background in Chemistry I know what man made chemicals can do to the human body. I learned what info what not afforded the people about the vaccines for children. Unfortunately most people don’t want to know, accepting what is put in front of them without question. My children had little on the vaccine side and refused anything during school years. Today is harder to do. The authorities are against us. I myself refuse any vaccines for anything. I have learned what herbals are antiviral and have read much on vaccine history. Dr. Susanne Humphries and a co helper put out a book on the history of vaccines that gave me much help with instructining the people on the natural way of treating viruses. Measles respond to vitamin A very well and whooping cough recovers well with a full spectrum vitamin. C. Amazing how God set this up before money became the power.
Anyway to continue to inform I am not going to do any more Chemo and back on everything I know to rebuild my immune system to resist the viral action on me. I found that today’s leaky gut is the main offender of most health problems of today and also letting a bacteria onto my blood allowing slipping thru the bowel and into my body what was needed for the virus to enter my white blood.cells. Now I have been repairing the gut with colostrum and clearing the path for my immune system to repair and resist what ails me. The doctors won’t like it but so be it. I am tired of them killing off important cells.
I really appreciate you on your mission.
I also have mine and Lord has directed me what to follow now.
Blessings to you both.
Thank you for posting the information. We have a doctor who tests for gut viruses. Facebook page is Crossroads in Health. She also recommends SBI protect for healing gut (bit expensive).
Hello Kathyrn, Can you give me some suggestions for cancer fighting? After reading your post I am very interested in what you are doing yourself. I am 47 recently found out I have lung cancer never smoked in my life, work from home. I am now on Tarceva and feel like a useless exhausted person 24/7. jess dot liles at yahoo. com
Thank you!
On ABC TV Sunday morning the program Full Measure will revealed the vaccine’s harm. This was mentioned last Sunday. It is on 1000 am in EST. I am not sure of the time in other areas.
Check to see when Full Measure is on in your time zone and see what is said about vaccinations. this will be unusual to be out in the public about vaccinations.
My question is: how can one go about to prevent her new born baby to get out of the hospital after delivery without having taking all these vaccinations when you are against them, but what are your choice? It seems nowadays the hospital does not need your consent to vaccinate your child.
Tell them not to vaccinate after they are born. You should have the choice. When you are admitted to the labor and delivery unit in the hospital they have to ask for your consent to vaccinate your baby – say NO. I did not give my newborn the Hep B vaccine. No one should be doing this.
I didn’t tell them that I was denying vaccinations, I just said I didn’t want them for my baby at that time. Also, we NEVER let our baby out of our sight. We put it in writing & confirmed with doctor & nurses. Hope this helps!
You state when you check in and sign a form stating you do not medically consent to Hep B and Vit K (if you choose to not get it.). Then you don’t let the baby out of your sight. I’ve delivered 2 in the hospital and we declined Hep B, Vit K and Erythromycin in their eyes for both. I also declined the vaccines they offered me which was MMR, TDaP, pneumonia (they offered it to me because I’m asthmatic 🙄 and the flu.). People need to remember that doctors work for you. You can advocate for yourself and your child.
I’m lucky to live in a country where vaccines are not obligatory, but when a friend had a baby a dozen years ago, the doctors were all set with some vaccine or other (can’t remember which one) because they decided he had a yellowish tint and was probably jaundiced. She, who is totally against vaccines, pointed out that her husband is Japanese! You would have thought that the baby’s surname would have pointed this out, but they’re so needle-happy.
I live in the state of Washington, they will pretty much do everything to your child with just a quick verbal consent that you may or may not realize you are giving depending on the trauma of delivery. Before I gave birth to my children I made it %100 clear that I did not consent to any vaccinations and I also always had someone there with me the whole time looking over their shoulders. And if your pediatrician is nasty about pushing vaccines on your newborn find a new one, you don’t have to put up with that kind of abuse.
IDear Ty and Charlene,
I can’t express my gratitude for the emails I received from you. I fully agree with what I have read. The reality of this world, our government , and the pharmaceutical companies is worse than any nightmare. They truly are destroying our lives, liberties, and per suites of happiness. This needs to stop.
I want to share what you have to offer, but I recently deleted my Facebook account. I have been following the news about Mr Zuckerman, Cambridge Analytica, and the likes. I recently watched The Creepy Line and that did it for me. I have been threatening to delete, and I announced on my wall I’m leaving and shared it.
Now I need to find a new social platform. I presume Google and Facebook have a ton of my information in their file on ‘ME’ and consequently my contacts, so I don’t know where to go from here. Who out there is honest? I will continue praying and reading your info and passing it in by email and text until I have a new social sharing platform.
Your suggestions are welcome!
In Jesus’ name.
Marie Urso-Hewitt
Where can I watch ” The Creepy line”?
Marie, many of us feel the same. I agree about FB, but I keep my account for the info I get from it. Rarely post anymore, but don’t really concern myself with what they know about me. It’s really too late for that. There is a social site called MeWe that claims to not track you. It seems to be growing and hopefully will be around awhile. It’s worth looking into.
There is a new social media platform called MeWe- no ads no censorship ,I would suggest you try it –
Can’t we start and sign a petition? I can’t afford to pay for a monthly fee to get a membership but I’d be happy to sign a petition
I have read his book step outside the box, but have been a health freedom advocate for many years.. Easier in England as no vaccine is compulsory.
None of our family, children, grandchildren, Granny, grandad, pets are vaccinated. My parents in the 1950’s did not believe in vaccine. We are all extremely healthy, had the usual childhood things, mumps, measles, German measles, chicken pox all very mildly, to build our immune systems. In fact in the 50/60’s we’d be taken round to the house of children with these to make sure we got them..
No one died as our immune systems could deal with them easily.
Thanks Ty and Charlene for all that you do!
May 2019 Bless you with an abundance of all things great, which you deserve. Thank you for doing God’s work. It takes a massive amount of courage to do what you do and we, the public are far more educated and better off because of you. Keep up the phenomenal work!
With gratitude,
I have heard use of ebrionic tissue to grow vacines may transmit harming traits to vacine.
Love every thing you do
Our Son had a radio show inDenver
You spoke on the show
He speaks so well of you
Darren Craddock maybe you remember him
Carry on the good work
JENNIFER Craddock. 👍
I agree with you 100% We now have a President who seems to be a caring individual with a wife and a young son, who has shown interest re: vaccines. If we could get a petition signed maybe we could get things changed. I know it will be a hard and long journey (the powers that be) Because our elected officials in D.C. are BEHOLDING to BIG PHARMA and god forbid they go against their PIGGY BANK and have their line of MONEY come to a screeching HALT. They do not care about the populous, they only care about their POCKETBOOKS.
You lost me at ‘caring individual’ and ‘president! In the same sentence
I was diagnosed in April of 18 with AML. I had stemcell transplant in Aug and have yet to completely start my vaccines all over again. They say I No immunities but am really afraid of the shots they give nowadays. Please give me your advice on whether I should have these or will my immunity system build up on its own?
Hi Beth,
We are so sorry to hear what you are going through. Here are some articles about vaccines on our website:
We cannot provide you with medical advice, so the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Thanks to Mr. green for making the CDC admit they LIED to us for all these years! They should be shown the door then sued until every damaged child is compensated for their treachery!
Hi trail blazers, well done for yet another vital message brought to public notice. Can you advise how do I learn if the British Government is using the same vaccines as described in your article.
Like the USA we Brits are also bombarded with the ‘Value of getting a Flu jab’. I do not feel safe however.
Most of the vaccine preventable diseases had been eradicated until parents began not immunizing their children. Now they are coming back with a vengeance. Kids who suffer from compromised immune systems are at the greatest risk along with infants. If you choose to not vaccinate your child then they should be homeschooled period.
Thank You all for your continued fight to retain our freedoms. The CDC as evidenced by their history of cover-ups are absolutely corrupt. Anyone who cannot see this is blind. I applaud Dr. Mark Green in standing up to demand answers from the powers that be, for no one else has had the power or intestinal fortitude to do so. As history will show, only the Nazi’s were as cruel and unjust as the CDC is appearing to be. Problem is, Big Pharma dictates policy and when policy is driven by their vested financial interests, it dissolves any freedom.
Dear Ty and Charlene,
I would like to thank you both from the bottom of my heart for your incredible dedication to help to save our children and everyone, who are suffering of cancer.
PLEASE know that your love and service to mankind will be always remembered!
May 2019 bring you love, happiness, good healthy and abundance.
With gratitude and appreciation,
This is unbelievable that a person is not allowed to question the dictates of a suspected product.The country is controlled by corrupt corporations and in complience with a corrupt government. Seams like past history when doctors didn’t, was their hands. This is now the norm and anyone who questions gmos ,global warming,or anything with vested interests shall be crusified.
Truth is what the government declares it to be. How long before the people no longer trust anything this corrupt government declares as fact.
I have been questioning the safety of vaccines for decades myself and noticed an increase in mental health problems, SIDS, etc. also.
Has anyone heard of Dr. Moulden? He is since deceased but noted in his very extensive work that ALL vaccines cause harm. He is not the first or last, as you may well be aware.
Has anyone heard from Bill Gates mouth directly promoting world population genocide through three areas? HE stated in a video when speaking of the overall world population, “now if we do a really great job on NEW VACCINES, healthcare and reproductive health services (Planned Barren-hood, his father started this), we can lower that about 10 to 15%.”
We each have the individual right to reject what we believe to be not good or healthy for us and NOBODY has the right to force us to accept it. Be pro-active.
Ty and Charlene,
I am so profoundly appreciative of the work that you are doing to educate the population regarding both vaccines and so called cancer treatment. It is so courageous of you both and I hope you will continue to speak out the truth. Thank you for being on the cutting edge towards change for a better world. The future generation is most definitely at risk. In fact, it isn’t too much to say that these practices have put our actual civilization at risk. How can nations function if half of the children are autistic? What kind of society destroys it’s own children for profit? The first step towards critical change that must happen is awareness that the problem exists. Thank you for exposing the truth.
Research the benefits of Micro Particle Colloidal Silver for Cancer, Diabetes and a host of other ailments and viruses. This is something else the Big Pharma don’t want the public to know..
Thank you. I’ve been researching that for some time. Having trouble getting some to listen
My biggest problem with the statement “vaccines do not cause autism” is a little scientific fact that I learned in 8th grade. One of the laws of science- You cannot prove a universal negative! I love how the “scientists” conveniently forget this law that should govern everything they do in order to make claims like that.
exactly. I have been in healthcare for 29 years and have a doctorate in research. there is no such thing as “settled science.”
Thank you both for all the helpful information. I served my country for 20yrs in the Army, and because I was allergic to egg whites, I was not allowed to receive a flu shot. I retired I 1995 and still have never had a flu shot. I have never gotten real sick from the flu, and I have a very good immune system. On the other hand, my wife has always received flu shots and she get the flu worse than me. I have always been spectical about any vaccine. I hope something is done to protect us all.
Hi Ty an Charlene,
best wishes for this year 2019 and a lot of energy to continue your mission on showing the truth about vaccines. Thanks to your information my youngest grand-daughter did not get the standard vaccines right after birth and she now enjoys a splendid health as well as great mental and physical fittness. Thank you for your work!
Thank you for your well-wishes and kind words, Joseph! And we thank YOU for sharing this important information with your family and friends :).
God bless.
I love this news Joseph Meyer! Thanks for sharing
It is encouraging!
The article stated that there haven’t been studies of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children. I believe there was a study released in 2018 that showed that unvaccinated children are healthier but I don’t have a link.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your comment.
If you can find the link we’d love to take a look at it.
God bless,
Ty and Charlene
Your rewards in the next life will be astonishing! Cancer, vaccines, sugar, etc. are killing the populous. Thank You for waking us up.
Larry Mahoney
In Canada we follow a similar schedule as the CDC. However we do not give hep b until adolescence. With my oldest I gave him most vaccines on time per schedule and I was iffy about them then. With my youngest I had read the Vaccine Friendly Plan and determined it best to space them out and refuse certain ones altogether. It’s quite sad that people cannot voice their skepticism about the actual science and research of vaccines. Other drugs go through rigorous testing before approval for human testing and then release to market.
Not as rigorous as you may have been led to believe. A lot of studies are rigged, with people who have adverse reactions being dropped from studies, etc. This is why so many drugs are pulled from the market after people die.
Our country is becoming a police state, in so many industries, not just medical. Anyone who questions the ‘status quo’ or safety of anything is smeared, discredited, and crucified by the press which is controlled by the corporations and the govt. I don’t watch/read anymore mainstream news , not even network tv, knowing who controls it and how corrupt it is. It is all about mind control. In fact the mainstream press has become so outrageously biased, it is a joke, tabloid journalism on steroids.
Vaccines damage your own innate immune system. They contain highly toxic and dangerous ingredients, such as aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, retro viruses, you name it, all kinds of crap are in these vaccines. Vaccines are injected directly into your bloodstream , no filtering through your digestive system (liver and kidneys) nor respiratory system.. I now refuse ALL vaccines.
I researched CJD/BSE many years ago,from that I soon became aware how dangerous vaccines are and Andrew Wakefield was correct in his conclusions.
Many opinions are ignorant of the truth behind the causes of this disease and it’s links to all cancers ,how Luekeamia retroviruses evolved, aerosolise and underly every disease known.
The vaccine assaults continue right into old age and I have to wonder if the cause of Alzheimer’s is also related to vaccines. But regardless, what can we do to stop this assault? If credible people are silenced, what can we do as individuals who are not professionals? Need someone who is willing to be assaulted and keep on going anyway.
As a RN, who has been following this since the 80’s can tell you that there is no doubt in my mind that there is a link between dementia, Alzheimer’s, or whatever you want to call the incidence of increasingly diminished brain function.
I think my mother had dementia and I am trying to educate myself about it. I am reading the book (Could it be B12) by Sally Pockolok. There is a movie of the same name. She was a RN that had precipitous anemia that she had to diagnose herself. It shows how inept our medical system really is!
The public…and I for one am totally against the evil pharmaceuticals.i stand against them and their evil that they have bestowed upon all of humanity as well as all animals and plants.they are the DESTROYERS here to kill..steal..and destroy all living life….im here to stop it as well as others who don’t know what powers they posses inside themselves.they have the power they just have to realize it..
Just say no to vaccines. We must never be required to get injected with deadly poisons.
Vaccines containing aluminum – there’s your answer to the Alzheimer question, right there.
The Pinterest ban is not so quiet…. Dr. Mercola and his wife Erin, some of your own pinnable articles, National Vaccine Information Center, Sayer JI (Green Med Info) and more. This is NOT a quiet ban – this is a blatant blanket ban of truth on Pinterest, and there is no appeal process available that is even remotely actionable.
Erin said that she and husband Joe Mercola do not advocate abandoning Pinterest accounts over this ban… I disagree, but I understand that the platform is a pillar for online sales and advertising.
While I have not closed my account there, I use it far less often than before as most of what I would want to post will be declined anyway – so why bother?
When the truth of all that has been happening in recent decades come out (certainly not limited to CDC), there’s going to be a lot of clean up to do…. But the “karma” for the misery caused by those who’ve lied to us for profit – that is their mess, not ours as a public. -GrannySue
Pinterest was great at one point – free exchange – now its not worth time if alternative and anti vaccine posts are banned .
At the beginning of this article [top of page] is its URL: which can be sent to friends and family as a link to this article. When you e-mail this Link, do highlight it and use the add link function to make it a clickable link. Unfortunately this editor does not have this function.
I never use Pinterest. It has more problems than just covering up the harmful affects of vaccines. You are correct GrannySue, Karma!!
AND – just “so-ya-know” – I actually tried to pin this article and it was rejected.
Go Figure moment?????
EVERYBODY should try to pin this. If we can’t afford to lose the accounts there, we can at least send a message. Simple measures first. Send in complaints through the “contact us” form. -GrannySue
Yep, it wouldn’t let me.
The additives that are toxic in vaccines are NOT “preservatives” (another deception). They are neurotoxic substances intended to stimulate the immune system (hoping to increase immunity to the biological material also).
There are NO EFFICACY STUDIES WITH SCIENTIFIC CONTROLS (ie., true placebos without toxins), so there is no evidence vaccines work better than saline. The companies know better than to do such studies, since vaccine risk is too high. Grace Ziem, MD, DrPH
Beautifully said! Thank you for your courage.
Chris P.
I too did not know that. Thanks for the information.
This information is completely and utterly false. The CDC is a Federal program under DHHS and has evolved from its inception in 1946. Do your due diligence and research before believing nonsense.
The good Dr. also failed to disclose that Maryland has disciplined her. She is no longer permitted to practice medicine. THIS IS Public information, as I said, do your due diligence.
How about a link/ information also about other auto-immune problems, esp Multiple Sclerosis? Is was thought that this was also linked to vaccines. My son had an extra measles/ mumps vaccine in high school because they thought that that group of children born around 1973 received that vaccine at too early an age so they gave it again! He then was very ill with appendicitis and was given huge doses of antibiotics to save his life. He was diagnosed with MS at age 28. There was a time when information was linked to the problem but now nothing is said on that subject!! Presently there is no known cause for MS that anyone is admitting to for all the new cases of MS.
Have you read about Montel Williams–he stated his MS was a result of a MASSIVE overdose of a vaccine while he was in the armed services. He has saved his own life with natural & bio-metric devices. He talked about this on the Skinny on Fat Summit
Recently I found the youtube presentations of Dr John Bergman. Not only does he think MS comes from vaccines ( see the book Plague of Judy Mikovits, where she explaines how vaccines have retroviruses in them that cause MS, CVS, Chronic Lime Disease and Autisme) but he also explaines how you can reverse MS. Good luck!!!
Kay, Please read the Medical Mediums books, he goes over the Auto-immune diseases. I think it would help.
3 neurologists diagnosed me as having MS. Two GP’s also agreed. All five were wrong. Proper blood testing through IGeneX in California confirmed a positive for Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme disease). From being debilitated 7 years ago to continuing work now, as a functional person, 1 Naturopathic doctor had it correct. With a tick borne illness and what is in vaccines, the CDC, IDSA and medical community continue to suppress the truth, putting money before the health of people. “There is a lot of wasted Health Care Dollars spent on Misdiagnosis.”
A new book How to End the Autism Epidemic by Handley is very good. There are ways to screen kids that are at risk. One doctor has vaccinated 4000+ kids with 0 autism. I’ve also seen cases where it is reversed by quickly responding with dietary changes.
I don’t want them anyway. They can carry retro virus. Please listen to Dr. Judy Mikovitz. She’s wonderful, along with
Dr. Brian Hooker and the rest. I’ve listened to lecture after lecture. Dr. Tennpenny, Dr. Humphries, Dr. Marcella Piper-Terry, covers aborted fetal cell fragments is vaccines and more. Please listen and pass along. They have lectures and talks on YouTube.
Well written and clear description of your perspective. So where are the facts? I am inclined to believe this viewpoint. I would like to see the evidence shaping it the viewpoint in this discussion
Hi Paul,
Please see the sources and references tab that is directly below the article summary. Hope this helps!
Read ‘Plague’ by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits PhD.
Mikovits was an excepted expert in virology until she dared to point out what her research showed. Then she was discredited, harassed and actually jailed without a warrant for trying to protect her research.
This a typical ‘no win’ argument. The question SHOULD BE “do vaccines cause MORE harm than good”? How, under the same rules, can we ‘justify’ the automobile? There is NO QUESTION that vaccines have been responsible for the outstanding increase in life expectancy in nations FORTUNATE enough to have them. The FACT that there are occasional negative reactions to the vaccines SHOULD NOT dictate their wholesale withdrawal. We have the SAME type of reactions to other COMMON FOODS — peanuts and shell fish for example. I do believe there should be a parental consent requirement however — subject to court override in emergencies.
You make an excellent point. The issue for me has to do more with freedom of choice, as not all respond the same to every type of treatment. One person’s solution could be the signing of a death warrant for another. It should be each individual ‘s right to make an “informed “ decision on his or her behalf as well as any children they have. Afterall, should there be an adverse effect from forced treatment, the pharmaceutical company is poised to add insult to injury.
Larry O’Brien (and any others that support your thoughts of “NO QUESTION” concerning vaccines helping humanity, I thought so too at one point…please read Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners by Neil Z Miiler. It is full of well-researched DATA, not opinions. It certainly gives much eye-opening statistics and data to consider!
Hi Larry,
And there in lies the challenge. Yes some vaccinations have done great things for many. But..some have done great injury to many. If it were your child or loved one you would be screaming from the rafters for more safety checks. Just like cars we don’t take them off the market but we make the maufactuers change things so they are safe for all or the majority and allow those that it is not safe for to be allowed to abstain, and compensate…and if the manufacturer is found to have known about the defects they are prosecuted for their sins. Let’s have double blnd studies done on the researchets and their families first!
The fact remains that the rate of autism is increasing at the same rate of vaccination. I disagree with you on your comment where subject you state “subject to court override in emergencies”…how could there ever be an emergency for the administration of a vaccine? Freedom of choice is required and demanded together with truthful education of parents and teachers and doctors.
I believe they DO cause more harm than good. There is a question as to whether they really have done anything to extend life. There is a REAL chart going back more than the cherry picked years the CDC uses that shows all of these diseases were already in rapid decline. What you are relying on is just more reporting from the people making the money off of this. Sorry, that doesn’t count. Maybe try doing a little research on Cochrane instead of just regurgitating garbage. On there you will find there is no evidence that the forced flu vaccine for medical workers helps to lower patient flu rate. You will also find that the pertussis vaccine is useless. I could go on…
could you repeat the hippocratic oath to me please , also it is very interesting both the pertussis outbreak in supposedly ‘ herd protected’ communities is leading even some hard line vaccinators to start questioning the basic assumptions behind vaccination . Its worth looking at the historical data on the decline of incidence of ‘vaccinatable ‘ diseases prior to mass vaccination programmes . Also there are good long term studies into differences between Amish and homeschooled children ,that have escaped the vaccination mandate .
Could you elaborate on the studies about Amish and homeschooled children? I’m interested in seeing this.
The current data behind what vaccines have to offer, what they’ve contributed to or have not helped accomplish unfortunately bias ‘scientific research’ and blatantly false information.
Measles was a huge problem in the early 1900 in the United States and by 1960, 3/4 of measles occurrences had diminished. The measles vaccine was introduced in 1962. The reason behind the measles reduction from 1900 to 1960 was based on better sanitary living conditions, better city infrastructure and cleaner leaving capabilities.
There is tons more information I can that proves the lies, falsification of data, and how un-knowledgeable the prescribing physicians are when recommending vaccines, ie: the flu vaccine has in its insert sheet that it has not be safely tested on pregnant women (i’m parapharsing), yet the flu vaccine is recommended to pregnant women all the time during their pregnancy, why?
It appears that you gather your information from research that has been funded by the pharmaceutical companies that stand to profit from vaccines. Court override?!!
Who’s side are you on?
They are allergic to peanuts and shell fish because the vaccines are brewed in those substances, among many other substances that you have no clue about. Kindly do some research. Proper plumbing and washing hands and saved more lives than any vaccine ever could.
We don’t even know if the diseases we have been told to be afraid of (those prevented by vaccines) are wild or vaccine derived. We need independent research and studies to look into this.
We might get a nasty shock.
The other big question brought up in the article is the testing and approval phases. The idea of accountability, liability and transparency is void in the presence of the mighty dollar. Consider the drug companies that introduce drugs through the proper procedures, that are approved by the CDC, have and are currently being sued for various health issues and death. We really have no clue what is in the vaccines or the complete ramifications of forcing, brow beating people to blindly injecting our children. The “just do it because because we know best” attitude doesn’t work anymore. I fully support congressman Green and his questioning the status quo.
I believe there is a BIG question about the safety of vaccines, including the Flu Vaccine that is “pushed” every year. As for vaccines having an effect on the increased age, there are records of people living well into their 80’s and 90’s back in the 18th & 19th centuries before vaccines were used at all! When reading the latest information, the young people, from babies through school age are having health problems that were not even thought of several decades ago, and the vaccine regimen was considerably less – could there be a relation there????? There definitely should be a parent’s right to decide what their children are subjected to, as they are the ones who are presently dealing with their child’s reaction if that happens from vaccines!!!
I think spacing out the vaccines will help. If someone gets 9 vaccines at a time, the concentration of toxins would be 9 times higher than if he got 1. Although some may be cumulative. Dr. Rand Paul said that he believes in vaccines, but spaces them out. If a kid has autism, ask how many vaccines he got at a time.
Are any other countries doing better testing?
Maybe it’s OK to tentatively approve a vaccine in 2 days, but there should be extended testing/monitoring.
Somebody said that peanut allergies may have been affected by peanut oil in vaccines. It shouldn’t go directly into the bloodstream, but through the digestive system.
Read the latest Nexus Magazine – a most interesting article on vaccines, aluminium and autism.
Heather Bell
Hi Larry,
And there in lies the challenge. Yes some vaccinations have done great things for many. But..some have done great injury to many. If it were your child or loved one you would be screaming from the rafters for more safety checks. Just like cars we don’t take them off the market but we make the maufactuers change things so they are safe for all or the majority and allow those that it is not safe for to be allowed to abstain, and compensate…and if the manufacturer is found to have known about the defects they are prosecuted for their sins. Let’s have double blnd studies done on the researchets and their families first!
If every conspiracy theorist on the Internet knows that vaccines “cause” autism, then what about the millions of people, including me, that have had plenty of vaccines and are fine?
Your immune system must be optimal and able to handle a bombardment of vaccinations. I suspect you are an older person, as this would then be more likely, since you have not been subject to most of those vaccines in very early childhood when the CDC schedule was much lighter. Anyway, you can read the books mentioned for more evidence, also please see the work on dietary issues by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride and her GAPS diet; she explains some about the link between lower-functioning immunity and the danger of vaccinations. If you are not interested in reading anything about the issue of vaccines, then I ask you why does my cousin have COPD when he never smoked, why did I smoke as a kid and yet never contract lung cancer? Some of us are luckier (aka healthier) than others!
I have refused injections for flu and been frowned at. The only time I did allow a flu injection I had the worst bout of flu I’ve ever had. I am horrified at the antibiotics given to children like lollies.
When will people learn to study and read all they can to get a clearer understanding of the truth of the Bible and the lies of the Money making Big Pharma. Thank you Ty Bollinger for making me see sense.
I too had one flu shot & was afraid because I have a compromised immune system. I gave in out if fear that the flu could kill me. Within one hour of getting the shot I could barely function while stopping at a store. I had to call a friend to ask them to get my grandchildren from school, as I was too weak to drive. I said I would remain in my car & try to muster the strength to drive the 2 miles home but if I was not there, please come get me. I got home & was in bed for 3 days with knife sharp stomach pain, then 3 weeks of respiratory flu & another 2 months of frightening fatigue. That was Nov 2014. I told a friend in MN about this & he said the same thing happened to his grandmother. Does anyone have any information on flu shots for that time period? I’m afraid to get another flu shot as asking several doctors & nurses why that may have happened resulted in only shrugged shoulders or ” The flu shot does not cause the flu.” …”Then what happened to me& why?” More shrugged shoulders or told I must’ve already had the germ in me but no explanation of why I went from planning errands to unable to function within an hour of the shot. I have to endure everyone treating me like I’m crazy too. Now I’m afraid for my grandchildren to get flu shots. I heard states are making it mandatory or parents get fined!
Thanks for sharing this, J.A.S.
You’d think that if they’re administering the flu shot they would know about its side effects or at least be able to help you with direction or solutions.
How terrible!
In case you would like to look for a natural doctor, the best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Hope this is helpful! Blessings and love!
One question niggles in my mind – why has the incidence of autism (and auto-immune disease for that matter) escalated exponentially at a comparable rate to that of the growth of the vaccination industry? The answer looks pretty simple to me. In a world where we seek to promote health and well-being for all, some of our clever ideas really aren’t so smart.
My friend was recently given a vaccine for about 4 different things. When she became very ill during the night and ended up in the hospital she pointed out that all of her reactions had been described as a possible reaction to the vaccine. She was told “oh no, this is not a reaction to the vaccine.”
It is hard to imagine how many people become violently ill or die because of a vaccination . The doctors and hospitals do not want to report the reaction as they are supposed to do. They evidently don’t want to make the effort or are afraid of the liability. Maybe they are discouraged by the hospitals?
How can we get accurate figures on reactions when this is common procedure?
Reporting is not limited to doctors and hospitals. Your friend can report the reaction.
self reporting reactions
A solid sociological management principle is that “You get what you reward.” When the vaccine companies were rewarded with immunity for producing these poisons and doctors are rewarded millions to inject this potion into little children which the CDC says protects them, they want to give them more vaccines. The CDC board gets billions from patents and high paying jobs from the pharmaceutical companies through the revolving door and is self dealing and self serving. They are certainly averse to any scientific study or credible criticism showing the damage these vaccines are doing. They are motivated to lie, cheat on the data and bend the truth as well as destroy the source of that data that shows THEY are causing disease and possibly destroying the entire population for their own greed.
After not responding to a you a request for over a year the cbc was sued for all info and studies they’ve done to check the safety and effectiveness of vaccines they had done nothing is what the info given after the sueing
Yeah, I skipped my vaccine this year……feel better already!
Of course they all say mercury preservatives doesn’t cause nerve damage! Do you think any doctor would say. “Oh, yes, I’ve been shooting your kid with a preservative which is 49.6 % mercury by weight.for years although we have known for years that mercury products cause brain and nerve damage”. There is very little question that many shots contained mercury and caused autism.
Thank you for all the information. My youngest son has mild autism, I remembered clearly when he recieved the MMR and chicken pox vaccine, after a day of vaccine he broke out with rash all over his body and the doctor said it’s from eczema. He had good skin when he was born but after 6 months of vaccines began having eczema under his eye but only that area. So I am pretty sure that the rash to his body was a reaction to vaccine that MMR or chicken pox vaccine.
I also noticed that after 2years of age, his speech became even more delayed until he was 4. We are pretty sure that vaccine has a lot to do with this. We stopped the vaccines but it was kinda late, my sister told me about the video and it opened our eyes. Please continue to fight for what is right.
Educate the parents. May God continue bless your work.
Ontario,. CA
Hi Charis,
We are sorry to hear what happened to your son. We are so glad that you have found us! We hope our information is helpful to you and your loved ones.
How to Raise A Healthy Child in spite of your Doctor
We have 5 kids–all grown now. The first two were fully immunized according to the recommendations in the 1980’s. I don’t recall them having anything more than MMR and Polio vaccines. (Maybe diptheria??) The last three kids, we skipped the vaccines and filed a waiver with the state.
Nobody questioned our choice or bullied us–that was in the 1990’s. Now, here we are nearly 30 years later and heaven forbid you should even question the safety or necessity of vaccination. I was shocked when I first encountered the assault on Facebook. I was stunned when a leading news commentator stated that parents who do not immunize their children should be locked up for child endangerment. When the Disneyland outbreak occurred and was blamed on unimmunized kids, I felt the sting of discrimination for that family and those kids. (That was the first time I heard of ‘herb immunity’ and when I read the theory behind it I was amazed that people could believe that– In our state when we chose to skip the immunizations the law stated if there was an outbreak our kids could not attend school until the epidemic had passed- herd immunity?)
When my second son(unimmunized) was in high school he became very ill and the symptoms were like the onset of something we had never seed before–it wasn’t a cold or the flu. For the first time I considered that maybe he was ill because he picked up a virus from the other kids that were immunized. He recovered after a week and lives with no overt signs of illness and could have a natural immunity for all I know.
We have indeed become brainwashed and a bunch of followers with no rational thought process left. How can bombarding the body with all sorts of foreign elements not impair the immune system? And we start it IMMEDIATELY at birth before the baby’s system is even built up. I had a conversation with our County Public Health Nurse years ago. What I realized at the end of the conversation was we would never have common ground. We had two different views of the immune system. Her worldview said the vaccinations sharpened and enhanced the immune system. My worldview reasoned it was an artificial assault on the immune system which would burden it down and destroy the health of the person with other complications and problems. I think this is true, whether autism, ms, or any of the rampant auto-immune disorders or newly discovered and rare diseases of NOW. If all individual human bodies reacted the same to each thing we introduced then it would be easy to know definitively what the cost or cause was, but the fact is it is not that easy because of environmental, upbringing, genetics, quality of living, food intake now and in the past, etc.
But at the bottom is ‘do no harm’ and ‘government remove yourself’–
I thank the Lord we had Vaccines in 1957. Things that saved my life were Vaccines and Penicillin. Children were dying from Measles, Polio; and all the diseases the Vaccines gave us immunity to. Billboards with Poster. Children for polio. My great grandma lived to be 97. My grandmother near 90. And my Mother is still teaching school at 85. All my children – nieces and nephews are healthy. So many diseases are genetics. As is Autism. Usually on the dad’s side. I’m sure there are a multitude of reasons a child is born with autism. Fathers age. Other chemicals the mother was exposed to. Pesticides. Pesticides in food. Toxic air quality. New home chemicals. Hidden poisons. Be wise not foolish!
hate to break it to you but, nutrition cured all those diseases….disease was rampant because people were malnourished during the depression….Vaccines are possibly ok. But! not in a corrupt system. My sons 24, his life destroyed…He was just fine until 18 week, MMR…hits his head on concrete now.
It wasn’t the vaccines it was bad sanitation and living conditions that were making people sick and causing their death – read Suzanne humphreys dissolving illusions you will find it all in there
Each person must see the 4 videos titled 1) Vaccine Preservative Thimerosal, part 1,
2) Vaccine Preservative Thimerosal, – what you can do, part 2, 3) Overview of Mercury Toxicity and 4) Mercury in Vaccines- a deeper look at Thimerosal in Vaccines. The most complete videos are #2 and #4 above. Many children have been impacted by the vaccines containing mercury in Thimerosal.
Please check out the book “Medical Medium” by Anthony William. In it he points the finger to mercury toxicity as the causitive agent in autistic children. If you follow the dots as to where children get a load of mercury from……you can get the drift.
Hi Lauren! Wow – that is fascinating! Thank you so much for sharing, hopefully, we get a chance to speak to him one day.
As a healthcare worker, I am basically given the choice to receive the FLU SHOT or wear a mask everywhere I go in the hospital for 4 months a year. I resent being forced to take toxins into my body just to stay employed. Interestingly, even those employees who work from home must also receive the flu shot. The only logic I see in that revolves around $$$. This is a very large corporation and I’m sure there are financial kickbacks. Any thoughts?
of course.
Isn’t he the congressman that flip flopped on the vaccine issue? Now he’s all for them? Dig into it and probably find out how much he was paid off /threatened to look the other way. So sad all our elected officials are selling their souls to Satan just for $$. Very few have guts to take a stand on any thing. Vaccines need to be a choice.
Who is anti science here? My brother and I were in the test group for the polio vaccine in 1954. Both of us have life long problems (autism spectrum for him and a whole series of irregular immune responses and chemical sensitivities for me). They may have nothing to do with the vaccine we were given although we will never know because there was NO followup done of the kids in the study. Note that that particular vaccine was quietly scrapped for a different formula because although there was no scientific followup there was a concerning number of deaths, polio cases and illness resulting in hospitalization.
As we grow older our bodies are depleting in vitamins and minerals that must be replenished in order to sustain quality optimal health.I have been taking high quality supplements since I was 17 years old and am almost 57 and have not had the flu, cold or virus in years.The key here is to build a healthy immune system that is like Fort Knox! Cells in the body die off routinely and new cells must be built with good nutrition! The modern doctors of today’ and have been increasingly for a long time have drifted more and more into drugs, vaccines and quick fixes to cures and virtually know nothing or care to about sound nutrition. That is why degenerated diseases run rampant in America today! The love of money (greed) is more popular than ones good health.!We have the ability to wipe out cancer, heart,and many other diseases. If we are are the richest nation on earth than why are we the poorest when it comes to our health?
As my brother had a severe skin inflammation reaction to the smallpox vaccine back in the sixties, my mother refused any further vaccines for her children. As a result, I grew up unvaccinated and very healthy and had 3 children of my own. My children were never vaccinated and not once did any of them require antibiotics. They were strong, healthy children and are now strong, healthy adults.
Congratulations! It takes much strength to defy doctors orders. Their education is biased by the supplier, Big Pharma. Now, in Canada, they have to admit that “Romaine Lettuce” is more than Cannabis. The medical profession is out-rightly anti-cannabis, all based on a century of misinformation from Big Pharma and the Bullies (Police).
Unbelievable what is happening to this world.No longer you are allowed even to ask a basic intelligent questions,you are getting booed, you are banned to participate in any vital issues as far as the health and well being of your child.You are forced just to follow the instructions without any hesitation.Folks, welcome to the dictatorial Communism.This is the dawn of the Glorious New World Order,where no thinking, decision making,but sheepishly follow the ORDER of the ‘Superiors’.
I followed all your series with great admiration and learned a lot in interim.. I also was very careful with having my daughter get all the vaccinations did not believe either that they would be all beneficial and that is a long time ago. She is to date in excellent health. . My husband and myself have never had a flu shot …what for..never have the flu.
However last year my husband was diagnosed with unset of lewybody Dementia. A gene that runs in his family as many members had it . His sister also suffers from it who lives in Europe.
We decided last year to follow the protocol prescribed by dr.Dale Bredesen . After one year of total dedication to this amazing way of lifestyle my husband has made astounding improvements. We have both worked very hard to achieve that. But it is working.. we are grateful for doctors who are out there who find alternative methods without medication protocols..
Thank you Ty for all your hard work .
Ellen, thank you for sharing your husbands’ journey with us!
We are grateful for your support and wish you and your husband the very best. Have a blessed day.
My brother, now 63 was diagnosed with lewybody Dementia, .. Two generations, prior had many with Dementia. I Would like to learn about Dr. Dale Bredesen’s protocol. I am 65 this year, My husband is determined to keep the both of us active with biking, or cross-country skiing every few days. We deleated processed foods and sugar after watching Truth about Cancer for the last 4 years and enjoy Dr. Axe proteen Powder with my morning smoothies & lost 40 lbs. And left suger cravings and migraines behind, after only knowing life with them for too many years. Juanita/ Canada.
Thanks Ty and team for your commitment to Truth!
Unalienable rights
A: In the United States Declaration of Independence, the term “unalienable rights” signifies rights that are granted by the Creator and cannot be taken away from the people. The rights listed in the same sentence are the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
And we are being alienated when ask these questions..???
The last flu shots I had were in the 1990’s. It may have been 1997 and 1998. I was sick with flu like symptoms both years AFTER I took the shots. I have not taken a flu shot since. I have not had the flu, or anything like it, since.
If flu shots become mandatory for adults sometime in the future, I will fight like hell NOT to have one. Never again.
Absolutely! If that happens all hell will break loose.
Green has previously come under fire for other controversial comments, including remarks that cost him a job as President Donald Trump’s Army secretary.