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Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved VAXELIS, a new 6-in-1 combo vaccine. The new drug, produced as a collaborative effort by pharmaceutical giants Merck and Sanofi, claims to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, and invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) type b.
The vaccine has been approved for infants as young as 6 weeks old and will be administered in a series of 3 doses between 6 weeks and 4 months of age.
As the vaccine schedule for children continues to inflate, we need to start asking better questions. Is this vaccine safe? Is it effective? Are developers adequately testing these drugs before going to market? At 6 weeks, are infants equipped to handle the increasing burden of vaccines being mandated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)?
Here’s what you need to know about the new combo drug:
VAXELIS is the first hexavalent (six vaccines in one) drug to be approved in the U.S. and is being hailed as the solution to the increasing number of injections children receive during physician visits. In their first year of life, children routinely receive over 25 vaccines, some administered just hours after birth. Safety concerns have continued to grow as increasing evidence points to vaccines as a cause of many childhood illnesses and even death. The efficacy of these drugs has been hotly debated, though the CDC states unequivocally that vaccines are both safe and effective.
Unfortunately, the standards for safety testing vaccines are significantly lacking. For starters, vaccinated patients are not tested against an unvaccinated control group, but rather against patients vaccinated with other drugs. New vaccines are routinely tested against confirmed dangerous ones in order to arrive at what appear to be positive outcomes. Without a control group, these studies are incapable of accurately measuring the frequency and causal relationships of the vaccines they study.
The duration of these studies is also much smaller than any other drug seeking FDA approval. While most drug studies last for months or even years, vaccines are only evaluated for a few days or weeks. There’s evidence that the preservatives in these vaccines, like aluminum and mercury, are directly related to the alarming rise in autism diagnoses in America.
Additionally, manufacturers in the U.S. are relieved of any liability for injury or death resulting from their products. Plaintiffs are not able to sue the manufacturer for damages but are instead required to go through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), in which victims end up suing their own government in a specially appointed court. The lack of adequate studies makes it hard for plaintiffs to prove that vaccine manufacturers are at fault. And as long as the manufacturer isn’t aware of any harmful effects, they retain immunity against legal action. This has resulted in a system in which it is in the company’s best interest NOT to conduct thorough safety studies. Ignorance is bliss.
The limited research on the adverse effects of VAXELIS showed some troubling trends, and several children died after receiving the combo vaccine. Lethal side effects included asphyxia (loss of breathing), excess fluid in the brain, “unknown causes”, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Somehow, none of these fatalities were attributed to the vaccine, including half that had no other attributable cause. You can read the full insert here.
Reclassifying causes of death has directly contributed to the ability of vaccine manufacturers to avoid blame for lethal side effects. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, previously known as “Crib Death,” was virtually nonexistent in infant mortality reports before the active push for childhood vaccination in the 1960s. SIDS has been repeatedly reclassified, which is why studies on vaccine safety fail to attribute these fatalities to the vaccines in question.
What’s more, the increase in vaccines administered hasn’t led to a decrease in infant mortality. According to a review published in 2011, 33 nations have lower rates of infant mortality, despite the U.S. recommending more childhood vaccinations than any other country in the world. The study elaborates:
…two-thirds of babies who had died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) had been vaccinated against DPT (diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus toxoid) prior to death. Of these, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination; 13% within 24 hours; 26% within 3 days; and 37%, 61%, and 70% within 1, 2, and 3 weeks, respectively. Torch also found that unvaccinated babies who died of SIDS did so most often in the fall or winter while vaccinated babies died most often at 2 and 4 months—the same ages when initial doses of DPT were given to infants. He concluded that DPT ‘may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits.’”
This is especially interesting because the package insert that accompanies the vaccine (which most patients will never see) uses similar language regarding adverse effects, recommending that parents evaluate the risks of immunization against its benefits. But how accurate are these studies?
According to the vaccine insert:
Because clinical trials are conducted under varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a vaccine cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another vaccine and may not reflect the rates observed in practice. The adverse reaction information from clinical trials does, however, provide a basis for identifying the adverse events that appear to be related to vaccine use and for approximating rates of those events.”
Even the creators of this new vaccine admit that the research is not adequate.
Additional problems were reported, including immune disorders, extensive swelling of injected limbs, and seizures. These effects weren’t factored and were considered to not be related to the vaccine. According to the vaccine insert:
Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to vaccination.”
There are other issues with these studies. Both participants and the “control” groups received various additional vaccines, rendering potentially important data statistically insignificant. The control vaccine also had reports of seizures, convulsions, immune disorders, and insufficient oxygen in the blood. Hardly a high bar to set.
And because VAXELIS was compared with and against a vaccine known to cause these adverse effects, it is impossible to determine if these problems are a direct result of the combo drug, or simply a known problem with the control drug.
Adverse effects were also self-reported by parents, further reducing the accuracy of the studies. Rather than being monitored by medical professionals following vaccination, these children were sent home. Untrained parents were then responsible for monitoring and accurately reporting adverse effects in their children.
Still, the drug was approved, and will soon be administered to millions of young children.
About Merck and Sanofi
With so little information on the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, it’s worth looking at the manufacturers. Ethical companies often go above and beyond to ensure that their products are safe for consumers. Unfortunately, this is not the case when it comes to VAXELIS.
Merck and Sanofi, the companies responsible for the development and safety testing of VAXELIS, are major players in the pharmaceutical industry. Both companies have poor track records when it comes to ethics and consumer safety.
Merck is one of the biggest vaccine manufacturers in the U.S. and has been involved in several lawsuits alleging misconduct, falsifying research, and influencing government oversight. One ongoing lawsuit began in 2010, when 2 former employees accused Merck of defrauding the U.S. government by selling 4 million doses of mislabeled MMR vaccine and contributing to recent outbreaks of mumps caused in part by their ineffective vaccine.
The CDC’s claim that vaccines do not cause autism is largely based on a study conducted in 2004, overseen by senior scientist William Thompson. In 2014, Thompson confessed that the agency actively destroyed any data linking Merck’s MMR vaccine to autism, stating that
The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”
The woman in charge of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office helped to keep Thompson quiet, insisting on the safety of the vaccine. She later took a job with Merck with a salary and stock options worth millions.
And the MMR isn’t the only vaccine for which Merck has been accused of fraud. The HPV vaccine has more documented cases of adverse reactions than any other vaccine in the world but is still regularly administered in the United States. Merck has been sued and stands accused of aggressively marketing their HPV vaccine, GARDASIL, while deliberately withholding information regarding its safety from consumers and federal agencies.
Merck’s partner is no better. Recently, Sanofi payed over $100 million to settle allegations that they had violated the False Claims Act by offering kickbacks to physicians who purchased or prescribed their products. As if relaxed research standards and removal of liability for their products weren’t enough, Sanofi is just another major pharmaceutical group engaging in deceitful marketing practices and bribery to maximize profits. The health and wellbeing of consumers doesn’t seem to be a concern for these pharma giants at all.
Profits over patients.
About Infant Immune Development
In addition to safety concerns and the atrocious track record of the manufacturers, we also need to ask ourselves: how does injecting 6 different antigens into a 6-week old infant effect long-term development? Despite CDC insistence that vaccines are the only way to protect young children from disease, there is evidence that these vaccines can prevent the development of the body’s natural immune system.
You see, infants are born with very susceptible immune systems. In fact, for the first month or so, most of the baby’s immunity is passed on from the mother. Their immune systems develop over time as they encounter various viruses and germs, but the process takes time. Infants have weak immune systems that can be compromised by such a heavy load of antigens and toxins at such an early age.
Suppressed immune response helps infants develop healthy gut bacteria, which is essential for building a strong immune system. But vaccines work by using toxic adjuvants – like aluminum and mercury – to induce an inflammatory response. This puts the immune system on the defense during a critical time during which healthy bacteria need to be introduced to promote healthy gut flora. The body is shocked into a protective mode that prevents the healthy bacteria from getting in.
Many doctors support the idea that immunization protects infants during a vulnerable period in their immune development, but the truth is that this barrage of vaccines can permanently and negatively affect the child’s development, resulting in metabolic disease, allergies, and autoimmune disease.
We’ve covered the way that the media has attacked and censored anyone who questions the safety and efficacy of vaccines. In an industry that generates billions of dollars in annual revenue, the ability to write the narrative on vaccines is substantial. And while the new combo vaccine is being touted as a medical breakthrough, children continue to become ill and die, and Big Pharma continues to profit.
We need to demand more from these companies, from the government agencies charged with their oversight, and from media that continues to silence those who ask questions. Currently, all 50 states require vaccination before children are permitted to attend school, creating a medical militia that forces parents to inject their children with poorly tested, unproven, and toxic substances in order to participate in our society. Informed consent is virtually nonexistent due to insufficient research standards, media censorship, and rampant fraud among manufacturers.
We believe that everyone has the right to decide what goes into their bodies. From vaccines, to chemotherapy and GMOs, our ability to make informed decisions is under constant attack. At TTAV, we will continue to provide information that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know. We’ll continue to cover breaking medical news, provide information on natural therapies to treat and prevent disease, and continue our quest for the truth.

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Please date the article. After the by line other wise the reader is wonder last week when?
This is so sad
It seems that Americans have become the guinea pigs for the world and our government would rather side with pharmaceuticals than their own people. New mother’s and doctors need to be warned
Where would this world be without wonderful people like you to protect the young and old.
Thank you for this well documented article. I am very concerned about the proposed use of this vaccine and others. What can we do? What action will affect a change in the system of the pharmaceutical giants? Please help to explore the necessary actions to create change. Your information is great but what do we do with it? Leaves me feeling depressed which does not help anyone. Not everyone who needs to sees your site.
I am so angered by the CDC approach to vaccines. The United States has the most vaccines for children than anywhere else in the world and has an extremely bad record for child death in a developed country. How dare they try to set standards for the world. We know this is all under the corrupt Pharmaceutical Companies pressure and financial gains all round. It is shocking and most distressing. Just this morning I was approached at my house door by the Doctors without borders to pay towards vaccination programs in Africa. Why don’t the pharmaceutical companies donate that from the goodness of their hearts!!!!
Thank you Ty and Charlene for all your efforts against such corruption and the use of harmful medication not tested for safety.
Sheila deKoekkoek. The Netherlands.
To would like to share this. I have a ew great grand baby, and know lots of new moms . But their is no share button
Hello Donna,
You can use the share options at the top of the article, right below the Header. Thank you for sharing this important information and supporting our mission!
If you got this in your email, share in up top.
God bless
Thanks, Ty, for your work for extraordinary enlightenment and truth about vaccinations. I have shared the information so that everyone in my surroundings becomes aware of the problem. Currently, I am writing a Danish article on Glyphosate and vaccines. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for your tremendous work for the truth!
No NZ gives this many at 6/52 3/12 and 5/12 research and actual patient data shows they get better antibody response at this age. Before making statements like this you should do your due diligence which includeds visiting families of child mortality from diseases that they could be protected against try visiting the young children who are in hospital for over a year re learning how to do everything again because they got tetanus. They can’t even walk. Visit the mother of an 18 year old who went to college and felt like she had a cold then died I. Her sleep because of meningitis that there is a vaccine for. Tell a dying mans family he caught pertussis from an unimunised child. When your faced with the cold hard reality of death (by taking a walk in our shoes ) that is unnecessary then you can actually have something to say.. get out from behind your desk and stupid made up scare mongering and come and see the real results of unimunised children, amputees arms and legs. Not able to walk. And don’t even mention the bundle of lies about autism. I’m tired of seeing babies die and children losing limbs, brain capacity because someone makes uneducated statements just because they believe it’s not right.
It seems to me that the author isn’t totally discounting vaccines, but rather questioning the safety standards and testing methods behind them.
The cases you described could probably have been prevented if medical schools which are sponsored by Big Pharma would give each student a true medical education which focuses on prevention by using high dose vitamin C for example, Vitamin A for measles, black cumin seed oil, and millions of other things which our creator has put on this planet. Doctors are intimidated when you ask them about Vitamin C or other natural remedies when it should be standard care to include it. Doctors frown upon natural remedies when it is written in history that these things are truly healing. IT IS INSANITY TO THINK THAT PUMPING A 6 WEEK OLD BABY FULL OF TOXINS, VIRUSES, HEAVY METALS ETC. AND TO EXPECT A POSITIVE OUTCOME!!! YOU – doctors and nurses alike have been brainwashed by this for-profit system which rewards no logical thinking, no questioning of the status quo, and no recognition of natural healing
Thank you for providing this information. It is comforting to know that there is someone who will keep us informed. I think it would be interesting to see statistics (graph) showing the increase in vaccinations and rise in autoimmunity issues and gut issues.
This is horrifying, but not surprising. This country was FOUNDED on the very premise of profit over life…from its very inception when the first ships touched the coast of the “New Land”. It’s gross, disgusting, and has literally destroyed whole communities of people (read between the lines). In recent time, the assault targets every citizen and not just the marginalized few. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I will be sure to pass it on to anyone who will listen.
Horrible, just horrible! Thank you Ty for all you do bringing this information to the public. God bless!
Morning TY and Charlene, great article but maybe I should have waited to read it when I was more emotionally, asleep. As if those drug pushers aren’t getting away with enough murder now they have another scam. This infuriates me. I share all the info I read n hear but the people, and at least one admittedly says they don’t read it, even when it could harm or kill their own babies. I just wanna SCREAM !!!! I don’t know what else to do. Some people just wanna live in their own Fairy Land. I really appreciate all the work you both do for people around the world. I stumbled onto your channel look for a cure for my type 1 diabetes and found all the cancer info. Which I was sharing with my neighbor who has cancer but, I know I’m just looked at as the tin foil hat wearing neighbor.. What do you do when the ones you care about don’t wanna open their eyes? Live your work n will continue to read your stuff. Thank you again for ALL your help. Sincerely, Susanne
Thank you Ty for continuing to be the voice of support for we who want pure, clean, safe options for healthy living for our children and society. So many of us have lost family and friends due to toxic drugs– doctors being sold on methods and standards that have not only proven to be deadly– causing more suffering for patients and families who had nothing but trust that the best treatment known was being administered. This latest vaccine(s) passage is so damn scary. Maybe more people will fight against the “shots” with highly suspicious harmful evidence that is covered up now being administered to babies just 6 weeks out of the womb…. newborns with no voice and parents that are uniformed to say the least. Continue to Shout Out as loud and long as it takes. Your loss has turned into knowledge being spread far and wide.
I am so sorry for your loss. One grateful reader…..
The link for the insert on VAXELIS is broken. See line: “Somehow, none of these fatalities were attributed to the vaccine, including half that had no other attributable cause. You can read the full insert here.” The message I got when clicking the link “here” was:
You don’t have permission to access /product/usa/pi_circulars/v/vaxelis/ on this server.
If you try accessing through Merck’s international portal, it is not available here as well but you are directed to go off site to various distributors websites where you need to establish an account to access the information…
Access to the information has been restricted.
Hi Mark, the link has worked for me and the people I sent it to. Maybe something to do with your browser settings? We’ve used chrome, safari, and ios.
Please make sure that the back up does not contain errors which could be used against this movement. I want to be able to send this to my friends who fully believe in vaccinations and this will only give them ammo to counter these facts. In the study that was attached what or who is Torch and how does the analogy between fall and winter deaths and 2 to 4 months make sense?
“Torch also found that unvaccinated babies who died of SIDS did so most often in the fall or winter while vaccinated babies died most often at 2 and 4 months”
Also, is there any way you could provide a reader’s digest version of these articles? Those of us who work and have a life do not have time to read these articles in their entirety. Most of my friends and family that I forward these articles to complain of this to me and generally do not read them.
Hey Bob, it looks like Torch is the author of citation 25 on that document.
This is where the quote came from (in Ty’s sources):
If you read that document, Torch is the author of “Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) immunization: a potential cause of the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS),” which is the source used for those statements.
Regarding the reference to seasons, I think point is that unvaccinated children who died of SIDS died most often at a certain time of year, while vaccinated children died most often at 2 and 4 months (when most vaccines are administered) regardless of the season. Raises a valid question about the connection between vaccines and SIDS. I read Ty’s source and it’s pretty well documented.
Great article, Ty. I just wanted to point out that the vaccine insert says it can be administered to children between the ages of 6 weeks and 4 years, not 4 months. So really there’s an even greater number of potential children that may be affected by this vaccine, even if parents wait until their babies are older.
No matter at what age the babies are being vaccinated.Wrong is wrong.There is no scientific data ,proof or evidence that vaccination is helping the immune system of these children.If mercury & aluminum have been proven to increase autism & dementia & brain fog & even cancer,then how come these same metals are good to inject in small babies who are still developing their immune system.This is 100% RIDICULOUS.
I agree! It’s so black and white! It’s bad so it shouldn’t be inserted into the body!
Hi Amanda, it seems like he was referring to the schedule. It’s approved up to 4 years old, but meant to be administered in 3 doses by 4 months. Which is a heckuva lot of antigens for such a young body to process.
It is totally criminality what they are doing to defenseless innocent children. Our job is to educate parents so this madness will stop.
I appreciate all this information given to us. I am new at all this, but thru my life I have learned that less pharmaceutical drugs in your body is better. I leave in Texas, and in February I’ll give birth to my child. I want to go vaccine free for this one. But, I can only send a exemption vaccine form till my baby birth not before. I don’t know how to exempt from the first vaccine that hospitals administer to newborn baby’s.
The hospital should ask you before they vaccinate your child. Tell them you don’t want the vaccine. I would hope they wouldn’t get give your child something without asking you first!!!
You tell them you don’t want your child receiving any vaccines while in the hospital, & you just say you have everything planned out with your baby’s doctor (so they don’t annoy you about why you don’t want them) there are vaccine refusal forms for each vaccine which you fill out the forms while in labor it’s for hep B & vitamin K vaccines
I appeal to all integrative medical practitioners to please help us by providing leadership when it comes to vaccinating our children and grandchildren in the form of an easy to follow practical guide. Hopefully with information on how to stay within the legal guidelines, so they may attend school. It would be a wonderful tool to help young mothers and fathers. Especially, when you consider all the pressure they are up against from the medical and educational institutions. The information provided in the article is imperative, but if it, along with more on the topic, isn’t given in an easy to follow “how-to’ realistic guide very few will benefit from it.
I’d love to be able to hand such a guide to my grown children who are all beginning their families. I think many would appreciate and applaud this altruistic endeavor.
My daughter is planning a pregnancy this year. What vaccines if any are healthy?
Sadly, probably none. Before my 3rd baby was born I learned about the horrid ingredients in the vaccines, so we are leaving our son alone – he is healthy and perfect, developing so well. I read the Vaccine Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas – he has a delayed plan for vaccines and omits some, maybe you could get this book for your daughter. He says in his practice when his patients follow this plan none have become autistic. I considered this plan but decided to leave the little guy alone for now. We go to a family doctor who supports our decision.
It’s really very sad. It’s all about the profits, not the safety of the child.
Just tragic. What can one say.
Thank you so much for all you do!!!! You have given us the information we need to protect ourselves! You are better than an angel!
One big problem with these combo vaccinations, it seems to me, is there is no way to identify which feature(s) of the array of substances being injected is causing any particular adverse reaction. Also, with oral prescriptions, at least, taking multiple medications can result not only in side effects from one or more meds, but also from bad INTERactions between drugs. How can we know multiple vaccines delivered simultaneously cannot cause similar bad reactions? Not to mention, the terrible physiological burden of receiving so much poison all at once. I think we are well on our way to killing off our own species in the name of profit. I wonder if these Big Pharma execs give their own children the same shots they promote for everyone else’s kids?
TTAC and all the functional medicine docuseries are a gift to our species! As a health care professional I thank you deeply for affecting my practice; and I am also grateful to you for inspiring me to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. Future generations will be indebted to your many contributions.
Hello Randy,
Thank you for the wonderful, encouraging feedback and support of our mission!
Many Blessings.
My grandson died two days after his immunizations at 6 weeks – diagnosis: SIDS.
I find it suspicious so close to immunization and his death as he was a perfectly healthy boy according to the physician at the time of his immunizations. I would like to pursue this for my heart broken children who will never get over the horrific surreal night of his death and the investigation they where put through as well as CPS pointing fingers at his loving parents making it look like abuse. They are forever changed. They have been cleared BUT, I would like to prove the pharmaceutical companies to be at fault because in my heart I KNOW it was the immunizations at 6 weeks.
The pharmaceutical has gone too far with our children’s lives at their expense.
Please help me prove they (pharmaceutical) are heartless monsters.
Dear Lori,
Our hearts go out to you and your family! To lose a child is to lose a piece of yourself and no parent should have to go through this.
Thank you for helping us to reach as many people as possible with the truth.
God bless.
Dear Lori,
We have two grand twins that we love more than we used to believe was possible. We don’t have the words to express the sorrow we feel for you and your children and grandchild. We pray for the day when beautiful, innocent babies mean more to the pharmaceutical companies than their bottom line.
Thanx Ty!……According to statistics USA has the highest number of Sudden Infants deaths.(SID)and yet they claim to have safe vaccines.
It’s so annoying,disappointing,disrespecting and heartless for USAID,DOH and the American government to open up a centre for autism.
We did not have autism since my childhood,now the devil is putting so much aluminium and mercury into the vaccines and advertise through our ministry of health.
It is clear mercury eats up the brains of our young ones and in the end autism will prevail…..when we were still at school,they used to teach us the six killer diseases:malaria, polio,diptheria, missles,whooping cough and one more……but now the devil has developed more diseases now we ‘ve 12 immunisable diseases, including hepatitis(A&B)…..USAID started a new programme known as Programme To Strengthen Routine Immunisation In Uganda….but bcoz our officials get paid,get per ‘m,they don’t ask the danger this will cause.
I wish there was a way to share things like this to specific people via email in addition to the social media.
Hello Maureen,
Thank you for your thoughts and comments. We will certainly pass your feedback along.
Have a great day!
just when you think our world cant possibly get more evil, bam, it goes and slaps you hard across the face grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Yes- I don’t know if i want grandchildren now- so scary
AGREED! EVIL spelled backward is to LIVE! The human race seems to becoming an endangered species!!!!
This government is giving these infants poison. To much st one time. It was enough when we got three at a time as a child 74 years ago.
just because “they” created it , doesn’t mean you have to allow your children to get it !
You are so right! When I deliver my babies, the nurses try to put so much pressure on you to let them immediately give your babies shots! I always “politely” refuse, but have to almost fight them about it because they try to force it on “my babies!!!” Then they want to ask you why you don’t want them to administer it. Because THEY ARE MY CHILDREN, NOT YOURS!!!! Then I ask them, “do you have any children? No. Okay. Well then you wouldn’t understand.” My children got their first immunization shots at the age of 2, and have never been sick. I do home school them, so they are not in contact with strangers or many other children often, if they were, then I would have them receive immunizations more frequently. But the immunization schedule looks crazy to me. Who would give new born babies, and young toddlers sooo many drugs so fast. Bottom line, your children are your responsibility. You are responsible for caring for and protecting them at all costs. Sometimes people don’t want to feel ridiculed or scrutinized for not allowing the Dr. to give their children shots on “their” schedule. NO ONE can make me feel any kind of way concerning MY CHILDREN! Because at the end of the day, when immunizations negatively and permanently affect your children, you are the one that is going to have to bear the burden of it. It’s so sad, but we have to be vigilant about these issues and protect our children from these systems that are financially and business focused, not baby focused. Immunizations are supposed to help protect us from diseases. Take control of the immunization schedule for your children. Think. Do what feels right for you and your family. If you feel that getting 4-6 shots per Dr. visit is too much, if YOU feel uneasy at all, then speak up, and make a decision that is right for you and your children. When I take my children to the Dr., they are not on schedule and the Dr. suggests doubling up on the immunizations. But I MAKE the decisions for my children’s immunization schedule. Every child is different and every child’s needs are different. As the parent, do what is right for your children and do not be afraid to question what is being presented to you because some actions, are irreversible.
We live in a great country, but the corruption between our government agencies and the pharmaceutical companies is absolutely disgusting and so harmful to our babies and children!!! We at least should be able to make our own decisions about vaccines and not be forced to do what our government dictates! I have Rheumatoid Arthritis because OF VACCINES!
I have a great grandbaby who just turned 1 year old. Is it possible to have the Dr. draw blood work before all those boosters are due to see if the previous antigens are active? We do this on animals to prevent over vaccinating.
Yes it is. Our school district also accepts “laboratory evidence of immunity” in place of some vaccines/booster shots (mmr and dtap i believe).
What kind of test do I ask for to have this done
All vaccines are bad, and animals are dying from them too. Animals do not need vaccines, and neither do we.
Bless you, Ty, and your work for God. Praying your messages reach and teach others fervently. We support you and are thankful that you’re a legit Christian who’s standing up and taking action. Never give up!
Thankyou so much for your sincere truth on these crucial facts!! Unless properly educated with such arming, defensive information, people will be no wiser than the fraudulent drug companies and Govt administrators responsible for pushing these toxins upon innocent and unsuspecting patrons.
It is shocking and despicable at best.
The same laws are now being enforced in Australia. Don’t have your children immunised, they are not allowed to attend a public school….. When and who should dictate to us as parents what we give our precious children, food or drugs or how we affect and control their health by forced immunisation. It’s a disgrace.
Thankyou so much for your efforts in getting the Truth out there to the public and attempting to create a 100% awareness about the dangers of immunisation.
I will back you all the way.!!!
And I aspire to spread this alarming but crucial truth to as many as I can in my corner of the world.
Good on you Ty and Charlene. ☺️
My younger sister died of SIDS in 1974 at 1 month of age, I believe it was related to the DTaP vaccine but I can’t prove it as I don’t know all the details around that day.
I just know she stopped breathing in her sleep and was deceased by early morning. She would have been 44 years old. Babies just don’t stop breathing, after doing research I learned a side effect of the Diptheria vaccine is it lowers respiration significantly and is a common denominator in lots of SIDS cases.
They continue combining multiple vaccines into one inoculation all for profit purposes not for the benefit of a human. Nowhere in nature will you ever get this type of viral attack simultaneously, research herd immunity vs. natural immunity you will be amazed at the differences.
Thank you TTAC for changing the world, changing our lives, you have been our champion for medical truth and I’m forever grateful to have found you almost 4 years ago and the community you created has surpassed anything I imagined, I’m so blessed to have found this movement.
Thank you Ty for all the great educators both you and your family have been about THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER series. I have purchased all of your series and even the one about pets.
The world will be in your debt forever . Thanks for caring
I’m glad I wasn’t born in the USA but in the Netherlands. Vaccination is not compulsory here and I didn’t receive any vaccinations. When I was young everybody had what we called the children’s diseases. I’m 66 years old now, my BMI is 20,5 and I am still very healthy. I don’t take any medicines.
That is great, Marry!
Thank you for sharing this from the Netherlands.
Thanks Ty for sharing this important information. I believe that a significant number of childhood illnesses can be attributed to over-vaccinating. Infant’s/children’s livers simply aren’t designed to process all of these vaccinations!
Immunizations have prevented susceptibility to numerous contagious diseases that once attained plague proportions. Sanitation and personal hygiene practices have also contributed significantly to reduced incidents of infectious diseases and mortality. Some inoculations are no longer common unless one is in the military or is travelling outside of the US. Uninoculated immigrants and foreign visitors are a real concern in that the most susceptible among our citizens may contract diseases that have been all but eradicated in our country.
Having said all of that, I still object to immunizations being administered to infants and children under five years of age, particularly when combined in one dose and whenever they contain hazardous materials used as preservatives. In my opinion, American mothers are too quick to substitute breast milk with milk from cows, various formula delivered in bottles, pureed or soft foods, cereals etcetera. In the womb a fetus obtains sustenance and antibodies from the mother and the process continues through breast feeding. There is no shortcut to a fully developed functioning immune system.
I have received numerous immunizations during my lifetime, particularly during my military service, without any serious side effects. I was inoculated against yellow fever, smallpox, anthrax and several others. I received the pneumonia vaccination a couple of years ago and still required a week in hospital for pneumonia several weeks later. I have since been inoculated with a different pneumonia serum. I have undergone hundreds of x-rays and three with injection of nuclear “tag” material to enhance contrast. I don’t object to immunization, but I believe more care is required for inoculating children.
Autism, SIDS, and ADHD are either being more accurately and more frequently diagnosed, or else the number of incidents have increased significantly. I am concerned that early immunizations of infants and children with serums containing mercury, aluminum, and other elements are at fault. I am seriously concerned that children and adults are in general overmedicated. Part of this effect I am convinced is also related to recreational drug use among people of childbearing age.
The use of chemicals in food production and genetic experimentation have had significant impact on yields, but are troubling. “You are what you eat”. What goes into our food supply ends up in us. Think obesity! It is how much and what we eat. What is in the cattle feed that stimulates them to grow quickly and have increased yields of meat and milk? It is no longer just animal husbandry/breeding.
Thank you TY for your passion, commitment , honesty, selflessness and dogged determination in the face of the continuing evil being unleashed on the World. I pray for you and your family; may God protect you all from the pHARMa demons and their possessed facilitators.
Here Here! I could not have expressed it better!
“VAXELIS showed some troubling trends, and several children died after receiving the combo vaccine.”
Hi, could you give me, please, news about those died children
Thank you.
We MUST get this information in the hands of as many people as possible as soon as possible and for those who refute what we know …get them easy to understand and well documented verifiable info in the form of DVDs and books …to where when read or watch these , they can no longer deny the credibility of it and then they will want to know more and pass it on just like we do .Ty’s documentaries and especially the last one he did on the Truth about Vacs–A Global Quest… and his book Cancer…Step Outside of the Box..are read good starters. Thank you Ty and all for the ever growing influence in terms of educating others with facts and the difference you have already made in the numbers that now know and know what to do.
And we truly thank YOU Marian for your faithfulness to help us in this mission and making this world a better place.
Have a blessed day.
You articles are a precious service to people every where in this world. Keep going with this work.
God Bless!
Great summary of everything surrounding the 6 in 1. However, the first summary line says “The FDA has approved VAXELIS, a new 6-in-1 combo vaccine created by pharmaceutical giants Merck and Sanofi, for infants as young as 6 months old.”. Shouldn’t it say weeks instead of months?
Thank you for your comment and feedback, KT!
We do apologize for the oversight on our part and please rest assured, it has now been corrected in the article.
Have a great rest of your day.
I am 64 years old and worked in a pharmacy for 42 years and saw how the pharmaceutical industry pushed their drugs on doctors with gifts and lunches 🥗! Then you wonder how brainwashed they were about certain drugs because they were only hearing what the little bit of time they had from that rep from that company. Then next thing you know it we would see scripts written for that medication! We were inside a medical building so the rep would always stop at the pharmacy also. So you can only imagine what they are being told about the all in one vaccine! Let me tell you, the reps from Merc are smooth and know what they are doing I had much contact with them for many years! This world 🌎 is getting scary that is all I can say! Just like the flu shot I didn’t get that because I’m scared of it especially having auto immune diseases. I’m scared for my grandchildren in today’s world 🌎! I don’t know how others feel how these new vaccines?
Theresa, Hey…..I’m 64 yo too (fancy that) and a physician. None of us oldsters can forget the days of wine, dining, handouts & free events/trips. Then, around the turn of the century, the polits decided to end the bribery (they do make good rules occasionally) though THEY still get rich off of the special interests! “But I digress” (as RFB would say). One thing that really bothered me was when I once asked a drug rep where they get the testosterone to put in their replacement gel. I forget the brand, it was either Androgel or Androderm, but they would not say. I told them that I would not prescribe their gel unless I knew the source of the testosterone, so they asked their bosses and again the answer was no. I never did Rx that brand. I still wonder where they got the “T”. Cadavers? Cattle? Some other poor animal? E coli? I’m sure that the answer is out there now. Thanks for the monumental work Ty. Maybe see you again at another Red Pill Expo!
Have anyone researched the claims that Ty is making about this drug or the company? See how long it took the FDA to approve this drug, see how much babies it was tested on, see how it is already in use in Europe – some years now. See. We see without seeing and …..Fact check these claims before we go off on them. Not everything is as one person say it is.
For my first 2 children, I chose not to have vaccines administered when they were born, just for this reason. I then had one start the series when entering kindergarten and one was even later in elementary school. There may be laws that you have to vaccinate for school, but I have not seen laws that require you to start when a baby is an infant. If you start the child later, depending on the age, they just follow a different schedule.
Thanks for sharing this LG!
Aug 21, 2018 Death by vaccinations from the CDC
How to get the information from the CDC about vaccines and damage done.
It is the FDA’s fault because they helped get Congress to OK it that Big Pharma pys the FDA’s salaries in 1992. The FDA is supposed to be there to protect us but now they help Big Pharma, no one cares about the people.
To do this to small babies is awful, and the parents pay for it for the rest of their lives.I know I’m a caregiver, my husband had a bad Hemorrhagic stroke 11 yrs ago. I can’t imagine what it is like to be one your whole adult life. I had a customer whose son had spinal meningitis at 18 mos. and was misdiagnosed, it gave him cerebral palsy. She took care of him for 70 yrs. She ask God to take him first, so she would have to worry about anyone else taking care of him, and then for her to have 2 yrs after he was gone. She past 2 yrs and 2 mos after.
Please edit this…. The only state that you have an issue with vaccinatons being mandated, is California. Everyone can look up their states vaccine exemption information and apply.
NY is looking to mandate the vaccines by taking away religious exemptions. NJ looks like it has already tried to put that in place.
Mississippi and West Virginia have no exemptions.
Maine just disallowed religious and philosophical exemptions…..
Hello Ty and Charlene,
Thank you for this most important info..I will be sharing it via social media and word of mouth. An adult has the choice to vaccinate or not. Children don’t. You are doing an incredible job speaking out for the children.
Judith Howard Rose
thanks for this article..i have avoided vaccines ever since i had a Tetanus shot at the age of 33 and came down with lock jaw within days. The doctor was like “it cant be possible because it was a killed vaccine but it must be” last he admitted it has to be the vaccine. One of our dogs died from a Rabies vaccine and that started our vaccine quest for knowledge…we are killing our kids and pets with all these vaccines. Thanks for starting this movement!!
Yes, thanks for continuing the movement that has been going on for years.
Some have been fighting against vaccination in Australia for around 30 years, but still being ignored by the government, the medical mafia and the mainstream media. I started investigating vaccines 22 years ago, and have been warning everyone I can since then. Vaccination started with a scratch to the skin with one disease and has developed into a satanic ritual of poisoning, in the name of greed, population reduction and brain damage to the masses.
Years ago I was attending a Cancer Control Society conf. in CA. There was a seminar by a lady veterinarian who said that she knew of major problems with puppy vacines. She spoke with a veterinarian who worked in a rural area where he made about $5000/month just from the vacines. Sometime after she spoke with him.and he realized there could definitely be a problem, he vaccinated a potentially excellent show puppy who died soon after being vaccinated. He quit the vaccinating of puppies.
I am definetely against vaccination e ven on seniors like me. Unfortunatelly I can not convince my daughter because she is a doctor and I am not .
there is a Pinterest “share” button on the header….Pinterest is censoring Natural News and this vaccine info newletters and website, also GreenMed website….how can we get around this censorship and save these articles…is there another conservative place to save things that are censored by google, pinterest, facebook, etc???
What’s hard to understand? Many Vaccines are given before the baby develops its immune system. These can’t work! But heavy metal laden vaccines that early are ideal brain destroyers. The adjuvants make their way into the Brain before the blood/brain barrier is developed, where they can interfere with healthy Brain development… Damaged kids become life long patients, a Multi-Billion dollar boost in net profits. Families who have damaged kids lose their independence and discretionary income. Our Medical industry fully supports Agenda 21 with Vaccines allowing them to “Selectively thin the herd”. Different Vaccines for different Social sub-groups…
Is there a petition we can sign to stop this??? If not, please get one going. I have no idea how to do that kind of stuff.
Great idea, Mia!
We’ll be sure to pass along this idea on your behalf.
Please read Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism for rational, scientific information on vaccines.
How many parents want to volunteer their precious newborns as guinea pigs? It is appalling that our government is trying to pass laws making it mandatory that you do. And even more appalling, they turn a blind eye to the deaths these vaccines cause. Despicable!
Well said, Katie!