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On Sunday evening, over 19 million people tuned in to watch the Golden Globe Awards, where hosts Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh surprised guests and nominees alike by sending out a team of nurses to administer flu shots.
And while this ridiculous stunt has been seen by millions and discussed at length on social media, there’s something else that happened on Sunday that no one seems to be talking about.
On the show Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson, it was revealed that pro-vaccine expert Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, whose testimony as an expert witness has been used to disprove a link between vaccines and autism, told government officials over a decade ago that vaccines actually can cause autism. The information has been kept secret until recently.
Welcome to Vaccine Court
The question of vaccine safety is a major point of contention in America. While many will claim unequivocally that vaccines are safe and effective, there is mounting evidence that there may be major health risks associated with these vaccines. The problem is that research standards for vaccines are so inadequate that it’s hard to know what effects they truly have on our children.
Additionally, the manufacturers of these vaccines cannot be sued. Instead, victims must go through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The VICP is a federal “no-fault” program designed to compensate those injured by childhood vaccines. Claims are heard in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (CFC), which handles monetary claims against the government.
This court has a statute of limitations of 6 years and the government, which is always the defendant in CFC hearings, is represented by the Department of Justice. The VICP is managed by the department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the money for these claims comes from patient fees associated with vaccines, not from the companies that produce them.
And this is where we meet Dr. Zimmerman.
The Omnibus Autism Proceedings
In the early 2000s, the VICP faced over 5,000 cases alleging that vaccines had caused autism. Rather than hear these cases on an individual basis, the VICP set up the Omnibus Autism Proceedings, in which they examined six cases to determine if there was a link between vaccines and autism. They specifically looked at cases claiming that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine or any vaccine containing the mercury-based preservative thimerosal might lead to autism.
The proceedings lasted from 2002 to 2010. Dr. Zimmerman was brought in by Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers as an expert medical witness in support of the defense. Dr. Zimmerman is a pro-vaccine, board-certified, pediatric neurologist and former Director of Medical Research, Center for Autism and Related Disorders, Kennedy Krieger Institute, and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
This doctor is no slouch and has no inherent bias against vaccines.
That’s why, in 2007, he made an excellent witness for HHS in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings. And at first, things seemed to be going well. Regarding the case of Michelle Cedillo, Dr. Zimmerman testified that
There is no evidence of an association between autism and the alleged reaction to MMR and Hg [mercury], and it is more likely than not that there is a genetic basis for autism in this child.”
It was exactly what the DOJ needed to protect the HHS from a massive liability and to silence any doubt about the vaccine-autism connection.
But then, on Friday June 15th, 2007, Dr. Zimmerman spoke with Vincent Matanoski, the DOJ’s lead attorney for the hearings, wanting to clarify his written expert opinion. The following is directly from Dr. Zimmerman’s signed affidavit:
I clarified that my written expert opinion regarding Michelle Cedillo was a case-specific opinion as to Michelle Cedillo. My written expert opinion regarding Michelle Cedillo was not intended to be a blanket statement as to all children and all medical science.
I explained that I was of the opinion that there were exceptions in which vaccinations could cause autism.
I explained that my opinion regarding exceptions in which vaccines could cause autism was based upon advances in science, medicine, and clinical research of one of my patients in particular.”
Shortly after clarifying his opinion to the DOJ attorneys, Zimmerman was contacted and informed that he would no longer be needed as a witness for HHS. He had been scheduled to testify on Monday June 18th, just three days after his clarification to attorneys.
And you know what? It makes sense that lawyers wouldn’t want to use an expert witness whose opinion could be detrimental to their case. But the DOJ took it a step further. After dismissing Dr. Zimmerman, they continued to lean on his written opinion regarding Michelle Cedillo, failing to disclose the clarifications the doctor had made.
Here’s an excerpt from Vincent Matanoski’s closing statement in another case during the Omnibus Autism Proceedings:
I did want to mention one thing about an expert who did not appear here, but his name has been mentioned several times, and that was Dr. Zimmerman.
Dr. Zimmerman actually has not appeared here, but he has given evidence on this issue, and it appeared in the Cedillo case. I just wanted to read briefly – because his name was mentioned several times by Petitioners in this matter – what his views were on these theories, and I’m going to quote from… the Cedillo case.”
He went on to recite Dr. Zimmerman’s case-specific testimony without any mention of the doctor’s clarifications. In fact, Matanoski was even so bold as to say, “We know his views on this issue.” And so, the expert medical opinion of Dr. Zimmerman was deliberately used out of context to help the HHS win a landmark proceeding which resulted in a formal ruling that vaccines do not cause autism.
Dr. Zimmerman’s affidavit was signed in September 2018 and is just now coming into the light. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an attorney and vaccine safety activist, has called it “One of the most consequential frauds, arguably in human history.”
According to Attkisson, Kennedy was “instrumental” in Dr. Zimmerman’s decision to come forward and document his claim against the DOJ. Kennedy has since filed a fraud complaint with the Justice Department Inspector General.
Vaccine Safety Initiatives… Where Are They?
Government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which is a department of HHS, have continued to promote vaccines and insist that they do not cause autism. The fact that the government’s expert medical witness has confirmed that vaccines can cause autism and have caused autism has never been made public.
This news is not being covered by the media. In fact, finding any reputable coverage on the doctor’s affidavit is next to impossible. And I get it. If you question vaccine safety, you will immediately be branded as a lunatic; a dangerous, conspiracy-theorist quack. But if vaccines are so safe, and if there really is no connection between vaccines and autism, then why did the DOJ commit fraud against the American people?
The report featured several current and former politicians. All of them said that the pharmaceutical industry has given so much money to people on Capitol Hill that it is nearly impossible to initiate vaccine safety initiatives. Florida Congressman Bill Posey says that he doesn’t know if there’s anyone more powerful than the pharmaceutical industry, and that leadership in his own party have twice promised to hold vaccine safety hearings “only to scuttle them in the end.”
You can be proactive by writing your congressional leaders and demanding that we take a closer look at the science.
You can demand transparency from your leaders when it comes to the money they receive from Big Pharma.
You can demand that Dr. Zimmerman and Vincent Matanoski be subpoenaed and questioned so that we can get real answers.
The pharmaceutical industry may be pumping money into Washington, but our elected officials still work for the American people. It’s time for us to speak up.
Go here to find out which politicians represent you.

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Im so glad you started TTAC, your site is informative, educational, and truthful. I respect all that you do and are trying to accomplish to help people. Keep up the great work, and believe me you are being heard, the number of people you are reaching speaks volumes. Im so glad there are people like you out there showing the natural ways to help people live a healthier life. We have choices and a voice and we don’t have to buckle under big pharma and the government. We all deserve to live healthy, happy lives.
Thank you again for all you do, along with your wife and wonderful team of experts who help you in getting the truth out there.
Hi Debbie!
We are truly so blessed by your message. We couldn’t have reached the amount of people we’ve reached in these years without the prayers, love, and support of people just like you all around the world.
We’re so grateful for each of you!!
God bless you abundantly
– Your TTAC Family
AMEN ! I – too – am so grateful for the information being revealed by Ty Bollinger and all his team o n research – Cancer – Vaccines – and other diseases — It has helped me so much to learn things
I could not learn from my own doctor for my own health — Thank you — and keep up with the good work of educating people about the truths about Big Pharma – drugs – and vaccines – and even our government ! — So many people – AND children have been harmed by their criminal activities — We – as citizens – and especially as parents – have a right to know the real truth — to be protected from these dangerous practices being forced on us – and to have a CHOICE — this IS supposed to be a FREE country !! I thank God for you —
Hello TTAC
June 2016 I had surgery for axilla lymph node designated as stage 4 cancer. They removed the lymph gland and 22 other lymph glands,. did a breast lumpectomy. The lumpectomy came back benign. I was then told to have chemo or radiation treatments to be sure they had removed all cancer tissue.
I refused both and went with the recommendations that I had seen on the TTAC videos and program I had been encouraged to watch by a friend who had just seen the program. My oncologist and surgeon were both horrified that I would refuse their recommended treatment options.
Today I have been for check ups and MRI etc and they can find no trace of the cancer. Thanks for giving me the courage to stop the invasive treatments.
Hi Eileen,
We are so glad to hear that you are doing well now and have no traces of cancer!
I thank you so much for taking the time and effort to do the research needed to unearth the information that could save many lives. There is so much controversy about vaccines and you cannot trust a lot of what you read on the internet. It is good to know there is someone we can trust to report the truth as you uncover it.A few years ago I put together prayers based on the scriptures and have since added to them. When I pray these (not every day as they take a good part of an hour to go through) I name many churches, ministries, etc. and their leaders. I will add you and the TTAC Family from now on. God bless you and your team.
God bless you, too, successbmine for your prayers.
My daughter has Autism and I have believed and maintained all along that it was an absolute result of her vaccinations. It was like flipping a switch!!!! Thank you, very much for your continued role of seeking the whole truth!
Hey Chris C, what vaccine do you think it was? And when did she get it? Have a 2m old and am aggressively researching all of this now – thanks in advance!!
Somtimes you can use CEASE theraphy to help THE child detox.
Before you came along I was worried that I might develop cancer and would need to go down the chemo route as thousands of others have done. Now I no – longer live in fear of getting cancer as you have proved these dreadful so called remedies do not need to be taken and that we have choices.
For many years I have avoided the medical professionals and refused vaccines and tests on the way. I am now 73 in reasonable health, walking my dogs twice a day. Driving a 16 seater mini bus and running a small business on line.
Thank you for giving me the confidence to look forward to the future and new adventures.
so true what you say, I have a problem that I need to take a little of this medication, I have tried to come off completely, but the illness shows up slowly, slowly. Any how I have to stay close to my doctor to get this prescription, every 9 months. Do you know that the medical practise I attend sends me, follow up appointments for tests, and test packs, after I have revoked these appointments and these tests. The dentist are the same, last year I nearly died of dental poisoning… I have decided to avoid the health system, full stop, and guess what I feel empowered and successful and I look and feel amazing too…
Seeds of darkness are being brought out to God’s marvelous light. Now may true justice be done in Jesus name!
My brother was autistic.
He was 50 when my 2 yro old son got his vaccines
My son reacted with the EXACT same symptoms that my brother had “50” years earlier! I am so glad my mother shared my brothers response right after he got his vaccines.
We all prayed and my son came out of it thank God!
Today my son is 29 and he is healthy and whole thank goodness. His brother who is 20 months younger never received one shot and he is 6’3”. The two older brothers received 1 set of shots and they are both 6 feet tall. Hmmmm! They are rarely ill and if they get sick it last just a few hours or less. So I know they have known for 50 years or more “””they””” all know that take the hypocratic oath.
I have a question…if vaccines cause autism then why don’t our military men and women end up autistic after they receive many shots all in one day at one time?
Alot has changed in the last 50, 40, even 20 years but without looking at every angle of a problem you’ll never find the truth.
We are adding more hormones to our food. Our soldiers are and were exposed to Gene mutating chemicals.
We are using plastic more, which breaks down and poisons our bodies. Exposure of electronics to children at younger ages causes problems in their brains….I personally had 3 MMR vaccines. I drank from glass Pepsi bottles, ate more food cooked at home and not at restaurants, played outside and rarely touched video games. I’m fine. Sometimes genes do play roles in our lives and you can’t blame anyone or anything when something goes wrong.
Well said.
Too bad you didn’t actually read the article, because your question was answered in the article. You just want to take your experience with vaccines and put that on everyone, You didn’t have a bad reaction, therefore nobody else should. It’s ridiculous.
well, with autism, it happens to the young brains attacked by the chem’s in the V
When are you going to stop supporting the National Vaccine Information Center and Barbara Loe Fisher who helped create the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and still supports keeping this evil program that prevents vaccine manufacturers from being held liable for vaccine damages and instead makes the taxpayers responsible for paying the damages to vaccine injured people. They have no intention of trying to get vaccines banned or eliminating mandatory vaccination laws. They only support opt-out exemptions which does nothing to protect uneducated people unaware of the harm vaccines cause and does not require informed consent since there is nothing preventing the medical authorities from concealing the harm that vaccines are known to cause and instead promoting disinformation to convince people that vaccines are safe and are effective at preventing diseases and infections.when the reality is the complete opposite.
I was injured by vaccines as an adult (MMR and hepB) and have suffered ever since -10 years ago. I can definitively see how a child could get autism from them. Wake up America and stop listening to corrupt people get rich literally off of you. They ruined the last 10 of my life. And BTW military people have been injured similar to me!!
Dr. James Jeffrey “Jeff” Bradstreet
Nagalese Enzyme (alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase) in Vaccines (MMR)
GcMAF (Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor)
Hi my middle sister married when she was 21 years old. Always healthy and grew up on purely grown organic vegetables and organic meat. My sister had her first son when she was 26 years old, he was beautiful and very smart, at 6 months he had his required injections, and you guessed it, he became hyper and lost his speech, and became very fat. From this point on he was difficult, and unsettled. My sister, had him diagnosed, and he was Autistic. I am the eldest child, and after I had my injections at 18 months, my left eye turned in, I had to have three operations. I have no sight in the eye, and the eye was frozen, it has very limited function…Health wise also Dentists have abused my teeth, I nearly lost my life at 21 years, I guess from all the dental poisoning. I stay away from the health system, now, last year I suffered poisoning…
Hi Marie,
Wow – this breaks my heart. I’m so sorry to hear of all the pain you and your family have been through at the hands of the medical and dental system.
I’ll be sure to keep you and your family in my prayers.
In case it might be helpful to you, I wanted to share these resources with you in case you would like to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series. Perhaps you can inquire if anything can be done to help.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!