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Vaccines are a “hot button” topic, and as a parent you may be asking yourself… are vaccines safe? After all, we want to do what’s best for the health and well-being of our children. At the same time, we’re also under enormous pressure to succumb to the vaccination schedule pushed on us by family doctors, public health, and schools. Let’s consider for a moment the testing procedure to determine the safety of vaccines…
Most in the medical community consider the gold standard of scientific inquiry to be the double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Such studies compare the effects of a given substance to that of a placebo under tight controls. We’re told that, without such research, it’s impossible to know for certain whether or not a given substance is truly safe or effective.
That’s why drug companies spend millions of dollars every year trying to prove the efficacy of pharmaceuticals using such methods. It’s also why many conventional doctors discredit alternative medicine modalities that don’t have double-blind studies to back them up.
Where’s the Research into Vaccine Safety?
In theory, these rigorous standards are supposed to weed out “pseudoscience” from “legitimate” science, and in some cases they do. But there’s also a much darker side to the story. This is particularly true in the area of vaccine research, and it is rarely discussed in the mainstream. Truth be told, there has never been a single study conducted using the gold standard that compares the health outcomes of vaccinated children to unvaccinated children. This is because depriving some children of vaccines, authorities claim, would amount to child abuse.
It’s the worst kind of circular reasoning. Untested vaccines can’t be tested using proper scientific standards because doing so would supposedly prevent some people from accessing the presumed benefits of the vaccines being tested. Yet this is where we’re currently at as a society, much to the detriment of our health and the health of our children.
The system failed to hold the vaccine industry accountable for this travesty. Increasingly more untested vaccines are being added to the childhood vaccine schedule all the time. All the while, rates of autism, obesity, and other chronic diseases continue to skyrocket. It’s a public health crisis that “We the People” must confront head-on. The worldwide Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Children’s Data (VanVCD) Survey is one way to do this.
Preliminary Data Shows Vaccinations Aren’t as Safe as We’re All Being Told
Back in the fall, Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM, Medical Director of the Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research in North Carolina, and his colleagues developed a simple 11-question survey. They are asking parents from around the world to complete this survey as part of a global data-collection effort. It’s the largest survey to date looking at the health and development outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children.
There’s no cost for taking the survey, and your information won’t be used for marketing or other commercial purposes. The one and only goal is to get to the bottom of the age-old question many of us in the natural health community have been asking for decades… are vaccines safe for children, and is there scientific data to prove it?
I’ve spoken to Dr. Buttar about this ongoing survey and the data that’s already been collected, and I can tell you that the results are sobering. What he’s seeing is that many of our concerns about vaccine safety are indeed valid. He also sees that government health agencies are doing an extremely poor job at informing and protecting the public.
If you’re new the vaccine safety debate, I hope that you’ll keep an open mind as you process the information I’m about to reveal. This is raw data collected from people just like you who simply filled out the survey in accordance with the questions asked. There’s no tricky wording, no manipulative agenda, just honest answers to honest questions… and as you’ll see, figures and percentages that speak for themselves!
Unvaccinated Children Excel Developmentally
When looking at the data for developmental milestones, for instance, it’s clear that unvaccinated children are generally higher achievers than vaccinated children. The latest figures show that the overall percentage of vaccinated children who perform better than others in their peer group is 31.1%. At the same time the overall percentage of unvaccinated children who perform better than their peers is 38.4%.
This gap widens somewhat in the average performers category. Here, 43.7% of vaccinated children performed at a similar level to that of their peers, compared with 56.1% among unvaccinated children. In other words, unvaccinated children are more likely than vaccinated children to keep up with their peers in all areas of normal childhood development.
But the real kicker is the percentages in the “behind their peer group” category. A simple filtering of the VanVCD data shows they are significantly higher in the vaccinated group. More than one-quarter (25.2%) of vaccinated children perform worse than their peers developmentally, compared to just 5.5% among unvaccinated children − a 19.7% variance!
Unvaccinated Children are Healthier
Similar disparities are present in the category of chronic illness, a major concern among vaccine skeptics. It turns out that vaccines aren’t exactly as safe as the medical system claims they are, according to the data. When answering whether or not their children had a chronic illness or neurological deficit, an astounding 92.4% of parents with unvaccinated children responded “no,” while only 7.6% responded “yes.”
In the vaccinated category, a shocking 43.1% of parents responded with “yes” to this same question − a sixfold increase compared to parents of unvaccinated children. In other words, vaccinated children are six times more likely than unvaccinated children to develop a chronic disease. In some cases it could be a neurological problem, and either could follow them the rest of their lives.
“Remember, to have ‘statistical significance,’ you have to have an ‘n’ of 32,” Dr. Buttar explained to me about the scientific legitimacy of these figures. “In other words, the sample size has to be at least 32 to be ‘statistically significant.’ The ‘n’ here is around 1,000 − and it’s increasing daily!”
Have Children? Take the VANVCD Survey and Contribute to Open-Source Science on Vaccines
These are just two examples of the types of data comparisons that can be extrapolated from the VanVCD database. There are many other parameters you can input into the system to learn more about how vaccines are affecting children. It’s an invaluable resource that I encourage you to take advantage of, as well as contribute to, for the betterment of vaccine science.
A few thousand people have already contributed to the VanVCD database thus far. Many more thousands are needed to help either challenge or reinforce the existing findings. Again, the purpose of this survey isn’t to push any specific agenda. The intention is to conduct honest inquiry into the safety and effectiveness of vaccines − research that, up until this point, has never been conducted.
Imagine how invaluable the VanVCD database will be once millions of parents have taken the simple 11-question survey. I strongly encourage you to check out the VanVCD website, take the survey. Don’t stop there − pass it on to all of your friends and family members for them to take. This survey needs to go viral, and you can help make it happen by spreading the word within your circles of influence.
The survey takes about two minutes to complete. This is a very small price to pay for the health of our children, our children’s children, and all future generations that face an ever-increasing onslaught of untested vaccines. We can’t let the medical industry continue to inject our children with substances that may potentially cause developmental delays and disease. We’ll never definitively know one way or another unless we compile the data and present the evidence.
This is what the VanVCD survey is all about, and why its success is critical now more than ever.
To learn more about the VanVCD survey, please visit:
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I am NOT a fan of immunizations! My goal is to find the truth. For this reason, I hope that the survey will control for home schooling and parental involvement with their children. I am concerned that parents who home school and/or are quite involved in their children’s daily lives will also be the parents who do more research and have the chutzpah to buck the medical system when it comes to immunizing their children. The children in these households would also probably tend to be higher achievers and have safer eating habits, thus tend to be healthier. These confounding issues should be taken into account when evaluating the results of this survey.
As a physician, I have moved well away from immunizations, both because I don’t trust what is in them and because I doubt their efficacy. I truly hope this survey results in some major changes in the mainline medicine that I have moved out of!
My daughter was opposed to vaccines. Her physcician felt that unvaccinated children often were healthier because they came from homes where the diet was better. Well, she was forced to vaccinate to be a missionary. Her one child was 3 days unresponsive in ICU and the rest were all far sicker. The doctor said he would never vaccinate her children again and he saw that it was not he healthier diet (which they certainly had), but the vaccines. Good for you that you are questioning vaccines! They are terrible.
Patricia, I just took the survey and it does not ask any questions about schooling. Although I homeschool my children, I know many people whose children are in regular school but they choose not to vaccinate. I would agree with you that they all tend toward a healthier lifestyle in general. I also know many families who homeschool that choose to vaccinate, so I’m not sure it will be the confounding issue you think it might be.
I would be interested in what reaction you get from your peers.
Dear Dr. Glover – Where do you practice? My granddaughters are having their pediatricians (Napa, CA) tell them their children cannot be patients unless they are immunized. Their mother received only the first baby shots (I didn’t know any better but things were slightly different in 1959). Granddaughters were home schooled and received NO IMMUNIZATIONS and great grandkids (six) were delivered without drugs and did not have any of the “normal” things given to newborns, or babies. Two were born at home.
Thank you, doctor Glover, for that comment. It was exactly my question. How does a study control for these variables? One of the most important questions before coming to any conclusions in science is: “What else is happening?” I am not anti vaccines in general, but worry about the sheer overload of vaccines on very young children.
This article talks about a survey of peoples with no scientific background. There is no evidence in this article which shows that vaccines are harmful. you try and discredit vaccines by saying no double-blind, placebo-controlled study has happened, then you produce a survey with no double-blind, placebo-controlled study for your evidence against vaccines.
What we do have actual evidence of is, diseases like whooping cough, polio, measles, Haemophilus influenzae, and rubella have reduced to the point of almost no cases in the developed world since the start of vaccinations. Do you all think that was a coincidence?
These diseases are still around, they are kept from spreading to the same levels they once were because the majority of people are now vaccinated.
In 1974, about 80% of Japanese children were getting pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. That year there were only 393 cases of whooping cough in the entire country, and not a single pertussis-related death. Then immunization rates began to drop, until only about 10% of children were being vaccinated. In 1979, more than 13,000 people got whooping cough and 41 died. When routine vaccination was resumed, the disease numbers dropped again. That is evidence. show me something like that.
Hi Evan, Thanks for the feedback. I will pass this onward for you!
Very disturbed by lack of oversight of vaccine ingredients (honest oversight), horrid/disgusting/immoral ingredients, that they are made in China, our diets, from GMO frankenfoods, to mineral- stripping glyphosate/Roundup, gender-bending atrazine, glyphosate/Roundup patenting as antibiotic. There are very some serious, and perhaps tandem problems here..serious damage is being caused to babies/children/adults an d even our pets are being damaged healthwise..Lord help us..
I have wondered about the rise in Transgender children. The vaccines carry tissue from fetuses.
I’m sure that it isn’t given only to the sex that the fetal tissue is related with. I know before that was in the vaccines, there was not near this occurance.
I have to agree with you, Evan. I don’t deny that vaccines pose a risk to children, but the benefits FAR outweigh the risk. Which is worse – having your child “behind their peers” (what does that even mean, and how can that be proven?) or having your child die from a illness that could have been prevented?! It’s a no-brainer to me. Thousands of children died every year before vaccines were routine (and many more were paralyzed or permanently handicapped by disease), and recently the incidence of vaccine-preventable illness is increasing because so many are choosing not to vaccinate. We will start to see serious complications and deaths from those illnesses, and not all of them will be children whose parents choose not to vaccinate – many will be babies too young to be vaccinated, immunocompromised individuals, and the elderly who have weaker immune systems, not to mention those whose immunity has worn off. All those people choosing not to vaccinate their children due to unsubstantiated and unproven risks put everyone else at higher risk. And there have never been any definitive studies (that I know of, and I have looked) that have proven a causative link between vaccines and autism, mental illness, or other serious problems. My main concern is the link between vaccines and autoimmune diseases, but even that link has not been proven.
A survey is not evidence-based research. It is not an accurate sampling of the population. While I don’t think we need to jump for every vaccine out there, I would much rather take the tiny risk (and it is extremely tiny) of my children experiencing serious side effects than the MUCH greater risk of them contracting one of those deadly diseases. I think there certainly needs to be continued research and effort put into making vaccines safer, but choosing not to vaccinate based on unsubstantiated and misleading “evidence” is foolish. Death is worse than any side effects that vaccines may cause, people.
BUT..what if it was DDT that really caused polio problems ?, what if the Cutter incident was real ? (it was), what if the polio vaccine killed/severely sickened a man’s (who first conjured it up) grandchild/neighbor’s child ? (it did). What if reverse transcription (viral back-writing on your DNA) happens ? It does. What if foreign DNA was in some vaccines ? It is. Porcine wasting disease was present in a vaccine ? It is. Rotovirus vaccine could cause intussusception ? Telescoping of intestines, causing blockage ? It can. Other junk viruses that could use your cell to manufacture/replicate itself ? Bursting forth into your at a point ? What if polio vaccine contained SV40 (Simian monkey virus) ? It did. What if a side effect was type 1 diabetes ? What is some vaccines shed to others ?There is so much truth out much info..research..make your own decision but KNOW the truth.. and WHAT IF your doctor does not know ? Many don’t or will not admit it..what if they got a bonus ? Some do. Feel safe and secure for your babies ? The U.S. has more first-day infant deaths than other first-world countries. Our children are suffering from normally adult diseases..are predicted to die younger than their parents..Are there 200 + diseases there are NO vaccines for ? Are viruses alive ?
Hi Evan, your last paragraph is a copy-paste from CDC page, the most “objective source” . Let’s read a different approach copy-paste because data can be manipulated very easy from both sides and my opinion is that if you want to be objective you must read data and sources as many as you can and compare them’ and even then nobody could be sure for the real truth, that’s why a personal decision to vaccinate or not to vaccinate is so difficult …………… “Between 1970 and 1974, 37 infant death occurred after DPT vaccination in Japan; because of this the doctors in one prefecture boycotted vaccination (Iwasa et al. 1985 and Noble et al. 1987). Consequently, the Japanese Government first stopped DPT vaccination for 2 months in 1975, and, when vaccination was resumed, the vaccination age was lifted to 2 years. Interestingly, not only the entity of sudden death disappeared from vaccine injury compensation claims (only 2 deaths were subject of vaccine injury compensation claims in the 2-year olds compared with 37 in younger children), but the the overall infant mortality has improved: Japan zoomed from 17th to first place in infant mortality in the world. This means that Japan moved from a very high bracket to the lowest infant mortality rate in the world (Jenny Scott 1991). Interestingly, Noble et al. (1987) who spent some 2 weeks in Japan studying the acellular whooping vaccine there, wrote that “It is difficult to exclude pertussis vaccines as a causal factor even when other etiologies are suggested, particularly when the adverse events occur in close temporal association with vaccination”.
The same thing happened in England after 1 July 1975 when thanks to the first media reports of brain damage linked to vaccination, parents stopped vaccinating: the compliance fell down to 30% or even 10% in some areas. As unwittingly documented by McFarlane (1982), the overall infant mortality rate plummeted. She wrote:
“The postneonatal mortality fell markedly in 1976, the year in which a sharp decline in perinatal mortality rate began. Between 1976 and 1979, however, neither the late nor the postneonatal mortality rates fell any further. Indeed, the postneonatal mortality rate increased ,slightly among babies born in 1977”. This very closely correlates with the documented oscillations in vaccination compliance: low compliance was linked to low death rate and vice versa. The vaccination compliance was lowest in 1975-76. Then it started climbing up in 1977-78, simply because people have short memories and the new parents did not know about the publicity surrounding vaccination as the cause of serious side effects (young couples become interested in these issues only after they have their first children). Fine and Clarkson (1982) wrote “…it is surprising that the interepidemic period did not decrease after the 1974 fall in vaccine uptake.” They expected the incidence to increase in the unvaccinated children. Indeed, this interepidemic period was unusually long with the lowest incidence of whooping cough on record….”Comments on JAPANESE SIDS
When many parents and doctors are giving multi vaccines to young children, they think that the vaccines are doing good for children and all they are doing is just putting toxins into their bodies. Many children have been tested positive with aluminum. That could be one of the reasons that the children are having mental problems such as autism, bipolar depression, schizophrenia, obscessive compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorder. Who is to know maybe all the many vaccines that we took as children might had caused us to develop chronic diseases early.
Silvia my son was a healthy, vibrant, lifeskill leader type of a child until he turned 11 years old and got the next scheduled vaccines. He began to suffer life changing side effects within one week of this vacciniation. It has been a long battle ever since. Today he is 21 years old and it just dawned on me exactly what the trigger was to all this. No one in the medical community hinted that this could be why and I never thought once back then when he was suffering from all the sudden bizarre side effects. He had to be home schooled since then. He was immediately put on meds for psychiatric disorders such as severe anxiety, major depressive disorder, bipolar depressiom and schizophrenia. I had no idea this was all part of the plan of conventional medicine. I NOW KNOW THE TRUTH!!! Talk about a rude awakening?! Itrusted his doctor and all the doctors that being on meds is what he needed. Today, with the help of natural, holistic providers and doctors we are weaning him off the pharmaceuticals and choosing food as medicine as well as vitamins and supplements and a healthy lifestyle. Cannabis has been a literal godsent as well! This experience has caused a major awakening to what is really going on in traditional western medicine. I am so incredibly thankful for Ty and his quest and that I by no mistake was shown these truths. I no longer will allow my son or myself to be a customer for life.
George Bush by executive order eliminated the possibility of suing the medical community for the damage done by immunizing children who then became autistic! Wonder why? was Pres. Ronald Reagan in the late ’80s..
Carole, try Chirokinetic Therapy if you’re in The United Kingdom. David Stevens is person to find. I first learned about vaccination risks from him. And I don’t care what some sceptics say about him online. I saw great results he has and I experienced it as well. Unfortunately here in Uk even qualified doctors are “hunted” if they use alternative methods. Not only David, but even my chiropractic is in truble because she helps children with autism and mentioned risks of vaccionated at her talk. She is now facing loosing her licence. Also a doctor who is succesfuly using mistletoe therapy for cancer (well known therapy in Germany) has hard life here in Uk. Seems to me very cruel that people can’t freely make their choice if they want to follow alternative ways.
Carole, I understand very well what your son went through. When doctors go give vaccines to children and even adults, they think that these vaccines are doing something good to them and preventing them from getting chronic diseases, but they are just making them worse physically and mentally. My mother said that the reason that my sister and I might suffer mental illnesses, could be the multi-vaccines that my sister and I took as children. Do you believe what my mother was saying was true, because I suffer from Asperger’s syndrome and my sister has bipolar disorder? I have heard that too many vaccines cause autism and Asperger’s syndrome is a minor form of autism.
vaccines as with all of big pharma Druge are given safe approval by the FDA/AMA, and others, and passed as safe,so are they in fact safe…. this is the way I look at it and follow these rules and you can not go wrong. When the FDA etc say a big pharma product is safe to use ..Then I know to stay well clear of any product of Big pharmas…But now with Natural and Holistic proven health CURES, and the FDA etc says not approved by them , I buy all and know it is very safe to use, and the Natural Holistic CURES that have been around long before big corrupt pharmas snake oils that keep you on the money go round with many side effects are very unsafe to use .90% of drug trials falsified and passed as safe by the FDA…That says it all folks.
We are unpaid guinea pigs only if we allow ourselves to be.
For now. One day it may be mandatory.
I am afraid about the micro impurities in the preparation of vaccine and contamination.
Agree..toxins, foreign DNA, junk viruses..
Vaccines scare me too, I know we cannot trust them and we have a corrupt government all the way around from FDA to the White House to Big Pharma and right down to our doctors who are brainwashed. So what possible recourse does a parent have in this day and age, when the refusal of such vaccines will label you a crazy mommy, in some cases get your kids taken away and you charged with “child abuse”, and possibly much worse? My husband and I are not in the position to home school. Much as I would like to, both our incomes are needed to keep our home going and paid for. We don’t live rich and we don’t live poor, we’re comfortable, but without my working we could never survive (or we’d have to survive in a bad neighborhood which isn’t worth it). How can those of us who want change organize to make any kind of difference? It all just feels so hopeless, like nobody with any power will ever listen because they’re all bought and paid for.
Religious preference is a legal opt out to choose no vaccination for pre school to high school.
I too am styptical of advanced vaccines. We live in a society of not to question medical research, that the professional Doctor know what’s best. Not always the case in my opinion. I find the same holds true to dog vaccines & question & research all before giving to my dogs.
What is your opinion of rabies vaccines for humans? Are they given too often when they are not really needed?
I would answer with the following question: when was the last time you have been in close contact with a human having rabies? Personally, never!
It is so scary to know that California has vaccines to be mandatory – what and who is next?
I spoke to a young woman who works for ALVITA TEA in Utah…. she said their children have to be up to date on all their vacs before the start kinderten. She HATES IT. She has three children. I gave her Ty’s website, Health Rangers Natural News, and Gina Tylers blog to refer to. People all over the country are angry and they feel helpless. Is this America or what? What is it! “Land of the Free” Bull Poo!!!
No, she does not have to vaccinate her children in order for them to go to school. Every state has medical exemptions for school (that are usually very difficult to get). There are only 3 states now that do not have a religious exemption; Mississippi, West Virginia, and now California. 16 states have philosophical exemption. Utah is one of the states that has all three exemptions. Please tell her to stop vaccinating her children and hand in an exemption to the school. The following link is for the NVIC website with Utah’s vaccine laws.
I may have misunderstood, and if the woman lives in California there are a few groups on Facebook that are against SB277 who she could consult about fighting the new law.
We are giving away our freedom and our very country away to a bunch of scare-mongering, money-hungry thieves. We need smaller government, and make our own decisions. I always advise people to research vaccinations thoroughly and do only what they can live with, because it is only them and their kids who will pay the price for their decisions (i.e. I decided I can live with holding my kid’s hand in the hospital for supportive care if necessary related to a bad bout of X, but I know I could not live with knowing that I consented to and paid someone to inject something into my child that caused life-long impairment.) There used to be something called “Informed consent” in medicine, now our pediatricians are bullies. I read about the APA’s anti-bullying campaign and laugh hysterically, because they are the worst of the bullies!
My granddaughter is 4 and has had no vaccines in her life time. She has been healthier then all of her peers who have had vaccines. She also is extremely intelligent. Most people think she is a 6 yo because of her articulate speech and her very advanced thinking for a child. I have been a nurse for 40 years and currently work in the ER. I have never seen so many young children come I with severe peanut allergies ( I have rad that peanut oil is in some vaccines). When I was growing up this was non existent. My granddaughter has NO allergies. I have advised my daughter from before she had children to avoid vaccines. I had the measles and the mumps as a child and I didn’t die!! Natural immunity is the only way to go. We have an incredible immune system. Feed it the right nutrients, avoid the toxins and it will work the way it was designed! (I have never had the flu shot and working in an ER I have never contracted the flu).
So wonderful about your sweet granddaughter, Michelle. None of our kids have been vaccinated and, like her, all are excelling — very creative, articulate, engaged and healthy. Alas, at least two of them have severe allergies to eggs and cashews. I have no allergies and my husband has only one that we know of. I’m thinking that environmental toxins are coming into play here, particularly Glyphosate (RoundUp). We try to eat organic as much as possible and avoid all the pollutants we can, but the contamination in our world today is so insidious. I’m definitely hoping that more and more information will come out in Glyphosate (and other poisons) so that other little ones can be spared!
Homeopathy is great with allergies and has no side effects. will have articles about this with the remedies needed. i vouch for it all. Learn a bit as it is easy and the kids will take over when they need it.
Yes, My granddaugher is 31/2 years and has been sick once where she was catching a little cold, she threw up and that was the end of it. She’s not been vaccinated, not an ear infection, nothing! My grandson had his 1st vaccines, and after the 1stMMR, he started getting ear infections all the time and lapsed into Autism Sprectrum Disorder. We HATE medical tyrants!!! It’s GOT TO STOP!!!
My daughter of 2 is unvaccinated and super smart. Also, my two sisters have 4 kids each and none of them have been vaccinated and are super healthy.
I understand how some parents may not want to immunize their children, but what about those infants who are too young to be vaccinated that your child has now infected with whooping cough, causing a life threatening illness by you foisting your personal choice on somebody else. If you live on a farm and have no contact with the rest of society, then go ahead and make that decision. But when you’re putting the health and lives of others at risk for your choice, and bringing back diseases that have been mostly eradicated, I think you need to ask yourself if you’re part of the solution, or part of the problem.
I have just got to say something here. If immunization works why would you be concerned about other kids not being immunized? Wouldn’t the kids that are immunized be “safe”?maybe you don’t trust immunization as much as you think you do, just saying.
Did you even read the comment Roberta? It clearly asks “what about those infants who are too young to be vaccinated”
The real question you might want to ask is.. Where does disease come from? It just doesn’t magically appear in the unvaccinated. Be it by choice or by being too young or unable to for medical reasons. (Technically we all have medical reasons to NOT!) Anyhow, an unvaccinted child doesn’t JUST develop pertussis or the measles. But a vaccinated child might just spread the virus and remain Asymptomatic!! With peoples access to knowledge today (if they use it) you can avoid disease and know when to isolate and how to treat in the event you are subjected to the virus or bacteria. I’m sorry, but if vaccination want’s to continue let alone become mandatory they will have to do a LOT of work to ensure NOT even 1 in 1 million children are harmed or killed by a vaccine. That’s just the way it has to be. There is no reason to fear Polio returning, or Small pox. It won’t unless we lose our knowledge over generations and a great calamity befalls us. And if that’s the case, vaccines will NOT save you from disease.
CULTURE OF NATURAL-IMMUNITY In my experience over 5 decades, those who choose not to vaccinate are typically those who as well choose home-birth with or without midwife & birthing clinic assistance. These mothers tend to extensive breast-feeding over years with resulting young child natural immunization. These children tend to be home-schooled, hence developing natural immunity by playing in dirt etc. The 1000s of individuals & families who I’ve been in touch with tend to be vegetarian & vegan. eating organic, deeply mineralized Polyculture-Orchard, Permaculture foods with additional natural immunity because of lack of contact with imprisoned health compromised domesticated exploited animals. These families try to live & work in non-exploitive ways in alignment with nature over 1000s of criiteria. The mainstream population is deliberately made ignorant about by mainstream media, education, corporate artificial lifestyles, lack of assessment for natural science medical credentials etc.
Well the kids that are vaccinated don’t have to worry because the so called vaccines work right! So only us parents with unvaccinated children have to worry! My children are unvaccinated so we’re all of our ancestors! We are all here today. Also Dr’s get $400.00 if the child is up to date on their vaccines by age 2. Look that one up big money in big pharma! Wake up America!
All of your ancestors are still alive? That’s impressive.
Sue, vaccination does NOT equal immunization. Not by a long shot – no pun intended. That’s just marketing speak from an absurdly long-running campaign on public perception kept alive by those who have the money to do so and in whose interests keeping it alive is.
Logically, your posited argument breaks down quickly. If vaccination did equal immunization, it wouldn’t how many people didn’t get a shot, because those that did are safe, therefore that disease will only infect that very small minority of people that chose not to get the shots. In other words, the fear-mongering is just that. But reality and truth is that getting a vaccination shot does not provide immunity at all. Not when the shot is given and not later on when the person might be exposed to the the illness or microbe or virus that the shot was supposed to protect against.
Here’s another sobering and argument-destroying thought: If the vaccinations did actually provide immunization against a particular threat, there’s absolutely NO reason why you couldn’t get that shot AFTER you have been exposed to the threat. So, why don’t we do that? Why all the marketing and campaigns of fear? Threats of parental removal/child removal? Threats of forced vaccination? The bottom line is this: either WE own our bodies and WE have control over them or the STATE owns our bodies and the STATE has control over them. By extension, our children are OURS or our children belong to the STATE. There really is no other issue on the table and that is what the powers that be fight for – the actual issue of vaccines or medicines or whatever are irrelevant to them. They mean EVERYTHING to us, though. But we should be way more concerned about the underlying issue just as much, because today the end issue is vaccinations, but who knows what the next issue is going to be.
Think about it dispassionately and use the power of simple logic to properly analyze this topic and for goodness sake, use the many, many resources out there to actually get the facts about vaccinations and the history of disease. There has not been one single disease that was eradicated or controlled by vaccination. A simple look at the timeline of when vaccinations were introduced and the numbers of people contracting or dying from that disease will very quickly show you how ridiculous it is to assign causality to the supposed efficacy of vaccines when the numbers were already dropping in a very statistically significant way prior to their introduction. In many cases, when the vaccines were introduced there was actually a spike in the opposite direction!
Anyway, check it out for yourself and you will see and for pete’s sake, don’t let the paid pharma shills deter you. They are on every site and every comments section. It’s all they do all day long, every day. Happy truth hunting!
On the flip side, why should I be required to put my child at risk to (maybe) protect another child? It is my personal decision the risk I am willing to take, and that should be every parent’s decision. If it was my personal responsibility to keep another child healthy, I would be able to throw away the bottle and force the mother to breastfeed, not allow the child to cry-it-out, throw away the soda that’s in their sippy cup. As it is, it’s my job to keep my child healthy, and it’s your job to keep your child healthy, but that job and right ends when it interferes with another parent’s decisions. Many diseases have been eradicated due to safer sanitation, and many diseases were decreasing before the vaccination was invented.
A good point, Sue, but the whooping cough vaccination itself can actually be problematic. This vaccine (and others) are actually “shed” by the child or adult receiving them, sometimes for weeks. In other words, it is very possible to contract whooping cough simply by being around someone who has recently received the vaccine. It’s terrible, but true. This is why cancer patients (with threatened immune systems) are advised to stay away from people who have been recently vaccinated.
Hi Sue, I will start by letting you know that I do not immunize my children. All nine of my then children and my husband contracted whopping cough when my youngest was eight months. It lasted in the house for approximately four months.They contracted it from immunized people within our church. Two people, an adult and a teen, different families, worked together in same classroom, fully vaccinated, had been into their docs AND emerge telling them that they couldn’t breathe etc on more then one occasion. I know for sure the adult went to emerge at least twice during her uncontrolled breathing issues, at which point she was given meds and antibiotics. Never once were they tested for whopping cough. When a couple of my children started coughing, just started not fully sick yet, I took them to family doc and asked for them to be tested for whopping cough. They never coughed once in the office, the doc argued with me saying that it is an invasive test and that she hasn’t tested in several years and that she saw no need for it. I calmly sat there saying that was fine but that i wanted them tested, for her to go ahead and stick that swab way down their little noses. She finally did and sure enough, they had pertussis. They were prescribed meds, which only my husband took because he was actively involved with many people and didn’t want to be contagious for long(the effects of the illness lasted longest with him). I didn’t give my children the drugs because i had more then one person tell me how hard they were on the liver and I consulted another doc who asked why I would give them meds when they were fine healthy strong kids who just needed to be allowed to run and play outside in the fresh air. He said to “just let them cough outside.” I liked that doctor
and they did and they were all fine. Even my youngest at the time is strong and healthy today. I kept them out of public’s way for the two week infectious time, only one other three year old had gotten it in our church(best friend of my then three year old) Through this, I found out that nearly 10% of all common colds are actually pertussis cases in immunized people, and that is where most un-immunized babes are getting pertussis from because people have a false security in their immunizations and don’t think twice about holding that wee one when they have a cough…after all…it’s probably just seasonal allergies.
Unfortunately you also have to take into consideration that a child or parent newly immunized with whooping cough can actually shed that disease and be a carrier of it to your unvaccinated baby. So in fact, the newly vaccinated sibling of your newborn baby can give them whooping cough. This is something they don’t tell you but I’ve done a lot of research and there are many vaccines that “shed”. Those recently vaccinated should actually be incubated until they stop shedding the virus.
The Weston Price foundation does independent studies and takes no money from pharmaceutical companies or the government…. so they are not being paid to come up with a specific test result.
Ali P, Thank you for bringing up this information!
Actually, you absolutly right. But, it is go for any vaccination. Dr use live vaccines, so if your neighbor kids just got vaccinated with chicken pox, so it is up to you, you can let your kids play with them and they will get immune for life time, or keep them at home or away from newly vaccinated, at least for seven days, or 14 days. And the reason I know a lot about vaccination, as my middle daughter has neirofibroma, and no one can tell that, as I belive that not being vaccinate her, we did not boost (feed) her condition. All her young life we went through natural approaches, and I can see now it was the best choice, as we left her Dr without a job :))) !!!
What you do is wonderful. What we have to stop doing is voting in those politicians who absolutely keep approving and voting for our destruction. Yes we know who they are.
My daughter had whooping cough when she was 6 months old. It was a night mare for the whole three month, but she is 5 now. She is barely get sick. Whooping cough is not that dangerous if you know how to help during cough attacks. And two of my other kids, not vaccinated as well, did not get the whooping cough, as I gave them Eritromycin as soon as I herd them began to cough. After five days of this meds, they coughed total for about 7 days, the duration of the wooping cough for them were cought tremendously.
Sue Rumi, there is a HUGE problem with this way of thinking. It is not my responsibility to sacrifice my life, liberty or pursuit of happiness to ensure anothers… that is called socialism and leads straight to communism. What you just said about the infants not being able to get vaccines and I could give them something if I don’t get vaccinated is terrible logic and while yes it is sad when a baby dies it happens anyway and will always happen. This is life. We are not all meant to live. The point of this article is to help show people that there are no true studies that prove then safe and effective, therefore we should have the choice to reject them.
What is interesting to me is that in the Disney example ALL of the children who came down with the measles were not only once but twice vaccinated and no children who had not vaccinated got it. So naturally the only political solution is to vaccinate more. If it did not work once and did not work twice why in this universe would it work three times. It is too bad that the corruption in our medical system is sooooo bad that there is o science behind most of it anymore; just who bribes the lawmakers the most. And along with that they don’t care who dies or gets damaged in their insane profit making experimental toxic products.
Well if the kids who aren’t vaccinated aren’t the ones getting sick then how are we the ones bringing back the diseases..?? I have 5 kids and none are vaccinated and never had anything but a slight cold while their friends get the flu and whooping cough and crupe and all of that nasty stuff.
Sue,If you are believing this, please read this article or watch the video. This helped me so much to truly understand the issues and what is going on with the vaccine conversation. This doctor cites all of the studies the vaccine philosophy is based on and proves how they are wrong and also who funded them. She gives exact info so you can look the studies up for yourself. Very helpful resource.
And if you and your kids are vaccinated then what are you worried about? It’ll be the unvaccinated that’ll have to deal with disease if what you think is true.. It’s the vaccines that are the problem. They grow that crap in human fecal tissue adding other dna to your children causing autism and many other disabilities. Plus the many other chemicals in them. When I see proof they’re good not bad I’ll believe but for now I’ve seen the exact opposite proof only.
I’m a 47 year old female parent of 2 children age 5 an an 15. It’s only in the past couple of years I’ve been hearing about the dangers of vaccines gone by an vacations that are coming like don’t get vaccinated against Ebola etc. This i believe now to be true. As I’ve reAd extensively around these. I would not have got my children vaccinated if I had of received this information earlier. I will not get any more vacations for me or my children in the future because now I don’t trust the governments or pharmaceutical companies in this world today Ok they have done some good getting rid of poliovirus etc. But today in this world we live in its all about somethings else rather than the good of the children an people of this beautiful world. I just don’t think it’s right what’s so ever for it to be compulsory for our children to be vaccinated before kindergarten. How dare they do this to parents. What’s next Parents an people MUST stand up these tyrants. They are enslaving us all over again. An were just sitting back. No more.
Sue, it’s very important to study each and every vaccine to understand it’s risks, benefits, and limitations. In a 2013 FDA study, the pertussis vaccine (whooping cough) was shown to create atypical carriers. The vaccine does not prevent catching and spreading of whooping cough, it only limits the severity of symptoms in about 70% of people, and that effect lasts just a few years. This is a huge problem scientists are working on. And even though the CDC now pushes for pregnant women to get the Tdap vaccine, they admit there have never been any safety studies done. All the known data comes from voluntary registries and VAERS, which is also voluntary. It is known that a pregnant woman’s response to a disease is what can harm a developing fetus — a vaccination causes an immune response in the pregnant women which crosses the placental barrier. There longterm health outcomes of children born to mothers vaccinated while pregnant are not being tracked. Pregnant women are not informed at the time they are vaccinated that there are no safety studies and that they are in fact part of poorly run trial study. This is not full informed consent. I do understand your concern for protecting the vulnerable like infants, but in the case of whooping cough, the vaccine is not the solution, and scientists acknowledge it is part of the problem.
Sue R, I will keep my kids on the farm, thank you. But you are kidding yourself if you think your kids are safer around immunosuppressed masses than around my kids! Enjoy the kool-aid!
Can someone speak to the idea of ‘herd immunization’ and the fact that many vaccines are to prevent against communicable diseases but if my children are home schooled, they are not around anyone else who may be infected? There was a time when inoculations safe millions of lives but that was then… The world is different now. I am absolutely positive that big pharma is after my money, NOT my children’s health. Its time we all stopped tip-towing around this fact…
Herd immunity can never be achieved. 95% of a population has to be actively immunized – so have you had your shots lately? Most likely no. All the parents crying “herd immunity” ask them if they were vaccinated in the last 5 yrs. They will be quiet.
Actually, there was NEVER a time when inoculations saved millions of lives. That’s a total fallacy. Improved personal and public hygiene measures such as reliable potable water and ways to keep rot at bay, like refrigeration and the like proved to be the things that saved millions of lives and continue to do so to this day. Attributing the decline of those diseases to vaccines is just another act of brilliant marketing on the part of those in power.
“Big Pharma” has only a small percentage of their revenue from vaccines. The majority of their revenue comes from other pharmaceuticals. In addition, “big pharma” at one point refused to even continue making vaccines. They were tired of the law suits. It wasn’t worth it for them. Then the government stepped in and said “no, no, we need to protect people from deadly diseases. Please continue your research and continue to develop vaccines and we will protect you.” And, that’s why vaccine court was created. Notice there is no special court for any other pharmaceutical? Only vaccines, and only because pharma companies didn’t want to make them anymore. They’re not a significant revenue producer for pharma companies. That’s a misconception.
Regarding herd immunity, while your children have a lower chance of catching diseases because they’re homeschooled, the risk is not completely gone. Do they go to theme parks? Grocery stores? Kids gyms or restaurants? Any public place lends an opportunity to catch something that’s airborne and highly contagious.
I like that you are conducting this survey. However, I have heard many parents who do not vaccinate their children will be afraid to submit the names of their children for fear of being placed on a government vaccine tracking system, which may jeopardize their rights as parents and could lead to losing their children.
I want to know about us, older people that are told we must get the flu shot or shingles vaccine…what should we do then?
I have not vaccinated my child and I have a BsC. I believe we need more research on vaccines and the long-term side effects. The survey linked to in this article is horrible (not at all unbiased, scientific, representative in anyway of a typical population). It is unethical to do double blind studies on pharmaceuticals in humans but you can do cohort studies, animal double blind, and many other types that are WAY better then this HIGHLY biased questionnaire.
Dear Sue Rumi, If your children are vaccinated for whooping cough and are then exposed to a child that has it, why are you afraid? If you trust vaccinations, you should have no fear of your child aquiring the disease, right? It is ludicrous to think that someone else choosing not to vacinate thier children affects anyone but themselves. If the vaccinations work, you’re covered. If they don’t, it only affects those who choose not to have them. I only wish I had the knowledge I have now and realised I had a choice when my children were at the age to vaccinate. I would have chosen not to do so and no one but us should be affected by any outcome!
I filled out the survey, but have 6 children. Each one has a different story. I was only given the space to tell about one of them. Should I fill out the survey 5 more times or will that mess with the tracking?
I have been in the integrative medicine field for 35 years, I DO NOT believe that vaccines are effective…they should not be used, e.g. the nasal form was just shot down recently and was shown to have little or no effect! Aside from depositing aluminum, formaldehyde, genetic material from varied sources, in some cases mercury and beta-propiolactone etc. right next to the brain, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out, and a bit of common sense to know that a situation like that isn’t going to end well.
Here is the thing, when I read articles such as this one I would like to see MORE references. And I do not mean references that site other peoples websites or other articles. I would like to see referenced material from reputable sites that are peer reviewed and or have ‘standing’ as sites that are unbiased.
Making statements like this “Truth be told, there has never been a single study conducted using the gold standard that compares the health outcomes of vaccinated children to unvaccinated children”. This kind of statement may be true, but for it to be taken seriously there needs to be a point of reference. This sounds more like an opinion than a factual statement. Please do not give the medical community any more ammo than they already have just because you could not, or would not take the time to validate your statement. You want the medical community to be based in science, you will need to lead by example.
Dr. James
I have a vaccine injured child. My mother died from Cancer. I truly believe a vaccine was the real cause of her health declining. I am very worried about my children’s future. My son was perfectly healthy and normal, I had a perfectly normail pregnancy. He was injured by the 2nd vaccine he recieved. Vaccines are killing people and making all of us sick. I am happy about the survey and also have concerns about the tracking system. I filled it out any way.
What is done is done but there is much to do to improve and even get rid of most of the problems. Diet is major to this and next find a Homeopath or a Naturopath to help you set your protocol Homeopathy Plus can help you find someone and can help you directly. they help hundreds with not side effects and not expensive.
And we consider ourselves to be living in a free society ??? When children can be taken from their families as a result of decisions taken by parents who don’t buy into and go against mainstream medical , against Vaccines or chemotherapy treatments… that is oppression , not freedom!! This is happening for real and when I learned of it , I was in shock & denial – I simply could not believe this could happen to US & or CAN citizens.
Our laws protect the rights of sex offenders and the rights of people to bare arms over the basic rights of parents to choose what they believe is the best path for the health of their own children
I understand clearly that some children are born to people who have no place being parents but believe in general this is the exception not the rule. Policy makers may well use that small demographic as an excuse to “protect children” and not change policies but the bottom line is that free people should be allowed to choose for themselves based on available information and not be denied the basic right to do so under the majority of standard circumstances.
People of like mind and belief need to rally to challenge the systems that we were raised to believe in – systems that “with intention “create doubt and fear in us so can be more easily manipulated into doing what serves profits over a persons long term health and well being.
We need to question EVERYTHING and listen to our inherent intelligence over propaganda machines that see us as revenue streams instead of humans. Love is love is love – We are meant to share anything and everything that can help people and the planet we live on.
Thank you Ty Bolinger for giving me the info I needed to prove that my inner voice has been right all along.
Don’t let a challenge define you – let your response to it .
I agree and do my best to challenge what we have and spread the word about homeopathy and nutrition. Ty is doing wonders. What is done is done but there is much to do to improve and even get rid of most of the problems. Diet is major to this and next find a Homeopath or a Naturopath to help you set your protocol H can help you find someone and can help you directly. They help hundreds of children who are damaged.
At best, vaccination is the direct injection of a poison directly into your bloodstream. How crazy is that? Vaccination not only does not provide immunity to disease, it can’t!
Whatever the FDA says do the opposite .
Seriously. Just about
Not bad advice. They have long been bought out by others who do not have our, or our children’s, best interests at heart.
If you can contact the person who made the survey, let them know that they should have more specifics on the milestone question. My child receieved only one vaccine, and my answer to the milestone question is she is behind in some and ahead in others, but there is no survey option for this scenario, so i had to average it out and put she is the same as her peers.
Theone, this survey is statistically irrelevant. The questions are so vague and there are only 11! And it doesn’t take into account socio-economic conditions. Any conclusions drawn from this survey are incomplete and assumptive in nature. This is not true market research.
I agree.
This is an important point. As is the case of these not very scientifically collected statistics. on-vaccinated children (who are home-schooled) can often perform better in some academic settings, not because they haven’t been vaccinated but because their academic setting matched their exact learning needs. My well educated, well vaccinated, vegan-pescatarian children (OK, one’s a carnivore and the others are not) have NEVER had a bad reaction to a vaccine, and in fact their annual flu vaccine keeps the far, far healthier than their classmates. I am sure those who refuse the flu shot will say it’s because of their healthy diets. So maybe it’s the non-vaccinating cohort’s inclinations toward healthier eating that are at the root of some of these stats, rather than the rejection of vaccines. I’d love some great scientific data, but this survey has too many variables to be effective.
I found Sweden and Denmark in the survey but not Norway. Any reason for that?? Could not finish the survey because of that.
What suggestions do you have for a parent to take when avoiding child hood vaccinations for their school age children? If your state (MS) requires that they are vaccinated what legally can a parent do to say “No”..without recourse. My eldest son is 12 and my youngest son is 10, my daughter is 8, I am purposely avoiding the remaining vaccines but school will start soon and I must present up to date shot records.
Go to the likes of / books and select topic VACCINES , buy a selection of books . Know which ones are by pharma companies pushing VACCINES and fear , know the others that are open and do their best to inform you (of the risks and dangers ) of VACCINES . when you have read several then you may have enough knowledge to see more of the big picture .”Dissolving Illusions,.. Hidden History…” by Dr Suzanne Humpheries is great starter , “the virus and the Vaccine” , another . etc
Do not be afraid . do what is the best for your children .
I am of the NO to vaccination camp. However, my children went to our State’s pubic schools and have been vaccinated. I was not willing or able to home school them, and I am glad that they did go to school with others, so getting vaccinated was a necessity, by law.
I am still opposed to forced vaccinations. Perhaps the only double blind study that will hold up is to isolate an entire stable community (say a rural town) as the no vaccination group and document their ensuing health for things such as peanut allergies, autism, mental disorders, etc.
My daughter is a teacher, and believes in vaccinations. Her reasoning (fed to her by the school system) is that non vaccinated children are developing mumps, measles, etc. and this is not acceptable. Perhaps this is true, but it is also nature’s way. I also question the validity and seriousness of this claim.
However, I also think that higher achievement attributed to this article’s non vaccinated children is skewed. These children are mostly home schooled – which means they have families that are more educated/aware/involved than non home schooled children.
Why does the questionnaire not ask about Autoimmune diseases? That is a damage that vaccines excel at!
There is a court case of a husband and wife going on today in Lethbridge, Alberta , Canada. They lost a child due to doing Naturopath way of treating. The family has 3 other children. All because they don’t believe in vaccinations. The couple could be going to jail today because of this. I don’t believe in getting vaccinations either.
Nancy, your short comment doesn’t give readers the whole story. I don’t support forced vaccinations any more than you do, by the way. The couple in Alberta refused to take their child to a doctor even though he was not getting better with their home remedies. Also, the remedies were not in my judgment appropriate for a small child, namely, horseradish and other hot spices. I would ask readers to get all the facts of this case. Sometimes you have to just hold your nose and take your kid to the doctor.
I posted a reply to Nancy’s comments, but it has not been published, so here goes another try: Lack of vaccination was not an issue with the arrest of the parents in the death of the 19 month old baby. They are being tried for not providing the necessities of life when their child died of bacterial meniingitis. They did not use “naturopath” way of treatment, neither did they take the child to an M.D. They tried to cure the boy with horseradish, onions, garlic and peppers. A nurse friend of the family on seeing the sick child said he might have meningitis yet still they did not take him to the hospital.
I don’t support vaccinations, either. But let us please get the facts straight on the Stephan case in Alberta. Thank you kindly.
Hi Samia, We do not work over the weekends most times, this would cause the delay of your comment being posted.
Isnt it interesting that if someone happens to die whilst being treated by a naturopath it is major news and people like the parents you mentioned are vilified in the media and in court. Whereas if a doctor follows the standard procedure of treatment for a particular issue and it leads to a death of a patient, no one bats an eyelid because the doctor was following standard approved protocol. If a doc decides to use a non approved alternative treatment and it doesnt end well then they are lynched publicly. No wonder it is hard for doctors who become aware of alternative health treatments are reluctant to risk using them.
A touchy subject. The polio vaccine saw a massive halt to a debilitating disease and it’s inventor chose to make the vaccine available as a generic and at cost product so that it was affordable and available, not via a “big pharma’ company with loads of profit as many medicines now seem to be sold.
In countries where vaccines are not available, children are not necessarily healthier nor more intelligent. Each parent has a choice to make and making decisions using all of the available information is important, rather than what your neighbour or a website conveys.
Injections of any form pose risks, as does smoking cannabis. Each situation is different and parents need to gather information on such topics to make decisions.
I am scared for my granddaughters. In order to go to school they have to be vaccinated. The oldest one is already in school and so has had her vaccinations. So far she is doing well. But the three year old has had at least one vaccination, and when she goes to school she will by law have to have her vaccinations. What is a parent to do? Both their parents cannot home school. And thinking of my daughter, she contracted asthma when she was two, eczema when she was three, major depression when she hit puberty, and now has fibromyalgia. Could those be the result of her being vaccinated? Who knows!
I believe vaccines can be tolerated by those with a healthy gut-biome–but not by those whose gut-biome is disrupted. Our last child (gut-biome disrupted as I now realize) changed from healthy to very unhealthy/ADHD after her first round of shots (in Canada, in 1983) but of course nothing was known about this at that time. I kept her eating healthy food and away from doctors–except of course the other shots which were obligatory then, and she “grew out of it”. We were among the lucky ones!
I bite my tongue in anger when I see some proud mother take her toddler in to get inoculated with…….? Toxins, Heavy metals, dormant viruses and no telling what else. These are the same mothers that go buy their baby formula and fluoridated water – for babies. And they’re so proud of themselves for doing what they’re told.
Even a dead fish can swim downstream
Those sweet mothers are not the problem. I wish what they are told is the truth. It is sad to want the very best for your precious child and be fed lies by the people you trust to give you advice. People are just uneducated in the truth because of corruption. The government is demonizing the truly educated to keep everyone in the dark. I’m so thankful for Ty’s efforts and everyone fighting this fight to wake up our country. Praying for a revolution of truth!
My husband and I brought our grandson home from the hospital. Our daughter had the good sense to believe in us enough to refuse all vaccinations from the time he was born. He is now 17+. His recent ACT scores were in the high 20s. He is a star basketball player. Never has been on a medication with the exception of 2 antibioitcs over his 17 years. No allergies. Well built. Perfect weight. No cavities. Well behaved. No drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. There is a sparkle in his eyes that would not be there had we given him his vaccinations.
I believe the Divine Plan for his life is being fulfilled. I believe that the Company of Heaven does not wish us to poison our children. I believe we are setting an example for others to educate themselves and pass it on. We just happen to live in an area where when we stood up for our beliefs no one gave us a hard time. I believe we are being Divinely protected and living examples of what can be done when you choose to take a stand. Most SHEEPOLE just do what they are told and in the process are suffering the consequences.
Has anyone on here seen a child die from whooping cough? I have! I’m a respiratory therapist and if you could take the colour of a navy blue shirt this was the colour of the child. I’m not saying that all the “crap” they put in vaccines to make it shelf stable or multi dose cost effective is good but it’s not the vaccinated children that are dying of whooping cough so how can anyone generalize and say that they don’t prevent some diseases. Could they potentially not both prevent disease and slightly cause other disease at the same time? There is no proof that vaccines cause autism either so how can we say that we can’t believe vaccines prevent disease because there is no double blind study to show it and yet say they cause disease’s such as autism when there is also no double blind study to show that either. Kind of seems like double standard to me. I think a lot of this is here say and saying they don’t have proof but unfortunately neither does the other side. I very much enjoyed every aspect of your show except for the talk on vaccines and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of proof behind most of the accusations. Don’t get me wrong I know there are major issues with our health care system and they could make vaccines healthier…but they could also make McDonald’s healthier. I think part of the problem with not vaccinating is people are still putting other toxins into their children’s bodies like mcdonalds, fast food, chemical laden prodcuts etc. I try to avoid toxins and processed foods for the majority of the time. But the picture of the little baby that went from a healthy pink child to one that could not breath, organs were completely shutting down and every vein in their body had become black is ingrained into my mind….that child was NOT vaccinated. Unfortunately like you said there is no double blind study to say if a child of the same age , ethnicity, gender etc had been vaccinated what the outcome would have been but doesn’t that just bring us to the point where there is no physical evidence the other way either to what you are saying…..just a different perspective from a critical mom who works in health care and knows the ins and outs and problems we face with it.
What I meant about the mcdonalds comment is that I’m sure most of the parents who don’t give vaccines have done a lot of research and aren’t feeding their kids sugar, mcdonalds, processed foods etc. So yes likely they will be healthier than a peer who is eating all that crap. A double blind study would have to keep all those variabilities the same…eating the same food, living in the same neighborhood, going to the same school etc. So even with all that feedback is it taking into consideration all these variabilities?
My granddaughter has had every available vaccine that you can get including every flu shot. I suspect that her MMR is coming up at her 2 year old visit. This breaks my heart as I do believe Dr Wakefields research is very sound and autism is in her future.. My daughter has great trust in her doctors who insisted she and our entire family get the tDAP when she was pregnant. My husband and I were the only decliners and we were grossly abused by my daughter and her husband because of it. Immediately following getting that vaccine my daughter went into labor. I suspect her premature labor was caused by that tDap vaccine! And have read research to this effect. My granddaughter, born premature has been ill most every day of her life. One cold after another, ear infections, etc. She has been on non-stop antibiotics/motrin daily. And she barely eats anything! She was chatty at a year, but is now very speech delayed. It’s heartbreaking.
I am a mum of 2 children….7 and 4. Each had x2 and X1 vaccinations. Both had eczema as babies and also have asthma. Thru hard work their eczema cleared by the age of 2. They still get ‘cold induced’ asthma which is managed thru homeopathic remedies and some ventolin. Only last year our govt prevented children who weren’t fully vaccinated from attending kinder. I was lucky as I sorted out the fine print and got accepted into kinder. I know if I continued to vaccinate my children they would have been further affected….my daughters (who had Vit k and Hep b) skin was like someone who had third degree burns as her body was so toxic. I have lost payments from the govt thru not vaccinating but no amount of money could persuade me to put my children’s health at risk………Its just unfortunate that the govt had to have this bullying attitude ‘No jab No play.’ I treasure my children as they are my precious gifts……..and no one will dictate to me what I should put into their bodies.
I have 5 boys one my first son had one vaccine, he has asthma and eczema. the other 4 have nothing. thank goodness we stopped after the first needle.. None are ever sick,. 3 out of the 5 have had the flu once for one day each.. Thanks it.. Our vaccinated friends, their kids are sick at least twice a winter with the flu and lasting anywhere for 5 to 7 days.. brutal..
Please see Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon’s work on Baby and Child Care, as well as their first book, Fourfold Path to Healing…
much useful information..
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Ty, you are a true godsend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the knowledge you make available to us. At this time my son has refused to vaccinate his 3 month old daughter. At this time he has recieved 4 letters from the government . Cdc etc. Th Doctor refuses to see her if she does not get vacinnes. We live in Kansas City , Mo. Do you have any advice for us. We can not find a doctor in area that will treat her without vaccines, so much for freedom. My husband is a dentist we are appalled and scared . Would value your advice. Thank you Marcy Klein
Hi Patricia. Good to hear from another MD who is bucking mainstream medicine. For years I struggled with an incurable digestive disease with an unknown cause. It was bad. So bad that during a flare up I didn’t go potty for 6 weeks due to a really pissed off and screwed up digestive system. After becoming exhausted with all the bs from several top digestive medical groups and the chief gastro doc at a top research hospital I couldn’t take it anymore. My chiropractor told me to see Ed. I was like whose Ed. He said just go see Ed. It turns out Ed was a gastroenterologist by training so he had the traditional medicine background but Ed also had over 3,000 hours of chinese medicine under his belt. Ed cured me of ulcerative colitis in 6 weeks. CURED. I have been asymtomatic for over 20 years. I have sent several clients, friends and their children to see Ed over the years when mainstream medicine wasn’t helping their ailments ranging from skin allergies to migraines. I had one client who became an alcoholic because her digestive pain was so severe. Ed fixed all of them. Ed was a healer. I say was and shed a tear everytime I share my story about my dear friend Ed who was taken from us 5 years ago from pancreatic cancer. My theory is he took on his patient’s diseases and never processed them becoming a depository vs. a conduit. Maybe maybe not. If you know any healers like Ed with the East/West background preferably in the Atlanta area I would be eternally grateful. Stay well, Bruce
Michelle that is a wonderful story, thanks for sharing. All what you said is the TRUTH. Can you tell me what should I do when it’s time for my daughter to get hers for school. It’s a requirement or she won’t be able to attend school which is a shame. I cannot home school her? Please I don’t want to get her any more vaccines. I always knew this and that’s why I only would let them giver her what was required for school but I don’t want to get her anymore if I can help it. Any advice? Thank you
Medicine has no idea about man as an animal all contained within itself. Soul, vital force and a great immune system all as best the organism can organize itself. Western medicine deals from the symptoms down and in truth all its vaccines and medicines including all the side effects are dangerous and toxic too the human. Vaccines and antibiotics invade a stable system and the immune system is called in to deal with it. It therefore rings true that all vaccines are toxic to the body and not a way to create a good healthy system. At birth Western Medicine destabilizes the body with many invasive substances and hence we have children who are damaged at birth and have a plethora of responses to this damage. Some are lucky and have little obvious problems but more and more show signs of the damage and become vulnerable and ill as growing bodies from them on.
I am not sure if you have considered in your “child performance” stats and ratings that there is a very very good chance that those choosing NOT to vaccinate are also the most likely to have breast fed their babies as well. Lots of research shows higher scholastic performance rates for breastfed babies as opposed to bottle fed babies, due to better brain development. Also, diets may be much better with families consciencious about such things. People who buy into the whole modern vaccination idea often also buy into the formula feeding idea too, as well as the modern diet, as is the case with my two daughters.
Both were breastfed until 2 years old. Neither were vaccinated (i had to battle authorities NOT to vaccinate), and both were far healthier than their friends and schoolmates thruout childhood, with much fewer colds, flus etc. Their vaccinated friends still got things like whooping cough, and suffered severely from it, while my unvaccinated kids contracted very light cases of it which never caused them any trouble (except being quaranteened from other kids for a month) and soon passed.
As adults one daughter has followed the same path and not vaccinated her kids. They were all breastfed, and have vegetarian, mostly organic diets, as did my own kids. The other daughter has a completely different attitude, and vaccinated her kids. They never got a drop of breastmilk, and are being raised on junkfood and heavy meat diets. All the kids are young, so it remains to be seen how they fare.
Thank you for taking on this important work!
Summer Joy
A different viewpoint. While it may be true that in some (comparatively few) cases vaccinations do cause issues (most likely due to bio-individuality), the evidence is overwhelming that entire populations are not dying of or incapacitated by small pox, tetanus, polio, or dypyheria as they were generations ago. I can only imagine how valuable an ebola vaccine will be to the people in Liberia (et al) who just saw half their family die of it. I think the answers we should be seeking are
“Are we using the appropriate ingredients to have the least toxic impact for vaccinations?” and
“Are we inoculating for the most important life-threatening conditions, and allowing the immune system to be developed and strengthened (by actually getting sick) with the flu and other non-life threatening illnesses?”
The question “Should we not vaccinate anyone ever again for any of these illnesses in the very small likelihood that it may induce a problem?” is a danger to humankind as a species. I feel horrible for those people who have had an adverse effect from immunizations, but is the answer really to gear towards the lowest common denominator when discussing life-threatening illnesses?
For those who home-school, are you saying your kids never go out in public (shopping malls and stores, restaurants, parks, concerts, visit friends, etc.) – who lives like that? We are an international herd, like it or not… And in fact, if you are home schooling, couldn’t the fact that they are developing better be due to the home school part vs. the lack of immunization part? And are they as a whole eating more homemade and healthy options allowing them to have less health issues? This survey doesn’t take into consideration extraneous factors like this and is a dangerous way to determine outcome.
As I see it, we have two primary problems: 1. A “food” industry that is based on lab-created products that contain processed ingredients and crap – flours, sugars, fake sweeteners, additives, dyes, chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides and a lack of real whole foods that do not enable proper development of, and that cause biological breakdown to our digestive, immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. 2. A lack of education surrounding the importance of what we eat to support the natural biological processes required to fuel our bodies, minds, and souls. How many kids in the US under the age of 18 even know what “whole foods” means? How many people eat vegetables 4 – 5 times per day?
Fixing our food problem will save a lot more lives and health issues than not vaccinating our kids which would likely introduce many more problems.
ABE – the low cost, safe Anaerobic Biofilm Eradicator, will eliminate the need for all vaccines and antibiotics.
Good move, Ty, to have an “if you’re in a hurry” option… VERY good move. Thanks.
In a few words and short : why any vaccinations are little effective ? with idea in mind, that any toxin in small quantities is beneficial ? to stress the point, to begin with keeping bodies alkalized….the rest could be miracle ! all the best.
The only time I would suggest anyone has any vaccines is if they took a Homeopath from me two weeks before to protect them from the bad effects of the vaccines
The discussion of whether vaccines are good or bad is just stupid in my opinion. You can debate whether polio vaccine A is safer than polio vaccine B, but it is clear to me that society is better off without kids getting polio and the risks associated with the polio vaccine are worth the benefits. Some vaccines prevent diseases that will kill your child. If your baby dies of pertussis will you feel better that at least it didn’t die from those heavy metals you thought MIGHT be in the vaccine. Instead of debating whether kids should have vaccines clearly have saved millions of lives and prevented much suffering, we should work towards dealing with the issues you feel make them less safe. If heavy metals are the concern and they are not required for the vaccine then work to ban the use of heavy metals in vaccines, not work to get rid of vaccines that may save your child’s life.
At the very least we know SOME vaccines work. At its peak in the 1940s and 1950s, polio would paralyze or kill over half a million people worldwide every year. And after now 60 years after the vaccine it’s all but gone. People where afraid to allow their kids to go to public pools and such for fear of them getting polio. Now polio is all but gone. Clearly there are benefits and you have to weigh the risks and rewards.
That being said, I think the flu vaccine is a HUGE scam. Supposedly the flu virus mutates constantly, but a bunch of smart folks figure out which mutations I need to worry about NEXT year and they create a vaccine that saves me from them. But last year’s vaccine won’t help me and somehow this year’s vaccine will protect me from all those constantly changing flu viruses. If there are new virus strains every year, where do they find them? Who’s collecting them and typing them and why would I believe they’ve found all the important ones. Anyway, you get the picture. The flu vaccine is a scam. But that doesn’t mean that one scam invalidates all the other vaccines.
We know that vaccines work. The question isn’t whether we should vaccinate our kids. Of course we should. The risk of death or suffering from preventable diseases is greater than the risk of getting autism or whatnot. The real question is how do we make vaccines as safe and effective as possible?
“We know that vaccines work”. Yes, they work to destroy the lives of the children and the families who have reactions to all the adjuvants and virus they put in that sh@. You are so very uninformed to have such an adament opinion. Have you seen the movie VAXXED!? Please. You sound like a shill for the Vaccine industry.
It’s sad because it’s the kids who pay in the long run (and sometimes the short)
All good stuff here. I don’t want to take anything away from Mr. Bollinger, I don’t know anything about him except what I’ve read here today. Another good source about vaccines and why not to vaccinate is Dr. Shari Tenpenny! She has been an anti vaccine advocate for over 20 years.
How can we detoxify our children from what is shot into their bodies in this vaccine?
GinaTylersHomeopathy blog has info. on that, if you can check it out.
Next will be veterans and then senior citizens. Then it’s time to leave, if not sooner.
Leave? I’ve heard people say that before, Leave WHERE, Elysium? Like in the movie), Please, where is the mythical place where we can all go and have our freedoms back. Death to Medical Tyrany. We have to take back our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The economy of the body is one of protection from outside threat and therefore the crude medicines we receive be they vaccines or meds are poison to the system and fought which takes energy away from the job of the system to keep in balance. In Homeopathy the first cause is sought in chronic illnesses and is often successful and has not side effects. In acute illnesses like colds and flu, headaches and stomach problems I have had great success dealing with first symptoms but there is always some underlying cause which has to do with the spirit and this is avoided like the plague by medicine which cannot deal with reality.
Hi everyone, my daughter will be 2 years old in September and has never been vaccinated. My position is that I trust in the complexity of our bodies and all I’m doing is allowing her immune system to do it’s job. As I read your comments, it saddens me when I realize how lucky I am because I don’t have to deal with the government or kindergarten trying to force a vaccine on my child. I live in Canada. Her doctor (who is pro vaccines) brings it up at almost every visit (it’s her job after all), but she accepts our decision and we have had level-headed discussions about this. I have taken my daughter to the emergency room for an unrelated situation and as they were assessing her they asked me if she had all her vaccines. When I answered that she has never been vaccinated they simply put it in her file and moved on to the problem at hand. I feel for all of you who have to make the difficult decision not to vaccinate your child and then fight almost everyone tooth and nail about your decision. It’s not a decision that a parent takes lightly. For those of you who are unsure one way or the other, please inform yourselves. Take the time to look for the answers to support your side of the argument. We all have a clear stance on vaccines, but do we really have the information to back it up?
Please read, it’s a must for all of you out there. Dr Aviva Romm: Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent’s Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives
If you read the history of Homeopathic success since its inception in 1800 you will see a different and positive result in epidemics and the like, with no side effects and very inexpensive. It is a clear to anyone who has used Homeopathy. It works well and very fast in acute situations. We are being bilked big time; attacking the body from outside be it pills or vaccines is a toxic assault and dangerous. To mask and kill things in the body is an invasion to the immune system and deranges this system causing damage overall. I have dealt with cancer for 7 years, I am 81 and nutrition, regular supplements, Homeopathy and Chaga the keep me well and improving all the time and I still smoke some.
I’m 81 and have had cancer for 6 years I am fine and with proper nutrition, supplements some Homeopathy I am doing well. I have never had the flu shots and would never recommend it as sometimes they have bad effect. I use Homeopathic anus barbariae 200C at the first sign and never get a second sign. Safe, and not expensive and works a charm. Known also as Occillocixinum by Boyron and is the most used flu remedy in France.
Mr. Board, are those homeopathic and naturopathic treatments helping your cancer go away? Do you have any sign of cancer today with those treatments? Do they really work at all?
Silvia Logan I take a constitutional homeopathic medicine as part of my overall protocol. On a daily basis I take Nux Vomica 30C for being overwhelmed. On an if needed basis for something acute I use it all the time. I have just two teeth left and two plates and one tooth started to hurt and I took Arnica 200C for the pain but the infection loosened my tooth and the pain (not much) radiated in my jaw and I took Mercurius 30C for the loose tooth and in two days it was all back to normal. I created a Pocket Pack and I am confident of the remedies in it. I will take a wager of up to your limit and if you will pay my way I will come down and we will use it together and the remedy will be successful 90% of the time. It is gentle and I speak with more than 25 years of using it on myself and 100s of others. I tell you the truth.
Homeopathy I will bet on. I already seem to have posted to you but here is what I said. Yes it helps my cancer and is a vital part of my protocol which is full of vital parts and simple with as much respect to my nutrition as I can muster and a few other things. My cancer is Lymphoma and my tumour in my liver has shrunk from 10cm to 3cm and I am well otherwise. I will bet you any money you want to bet that the remedies are effective. Why I have testimony from people who use my Pocket Pack and my own successful use on myself for over 25 years. I am sure. If I can help you at all. is my url and my email. I will spend what time you need to send you things to read etc. Have no fear Homeopathy and the Bach Flower Remedies are safe and work.
Hello John, reading your comment you’re looking for a solution treating cancer. Make sure you get the book “Cilling Cancer – Not People” . I know the author and he has a list what to do if you’re diagnosed with cancer (No sugar, No meat) and a whole chapter on restructured water. I see amazing results and if you consider the get your special, high antioxidant water for yourself please contact me for more information. All the best for you.
I will try to reach her back. Thank you!!!
Thank you for your explanation. I did not know, and so I apologize.
Not in all states will the religious exemption work. It is getting more difficult to use this exemption as well. I used it and threatened the school distract with legal action if they tried to force vaccination on my children. Now…..this was 12 years ago. Things have changed since this time.
You are wrong in your assessments. Vaccines do not and never have gone through blind studies. The assumption of Western Medicine to treat symptoms as causal is incorrect. To do this with surgery, Pharmaceuticals that mask and kill things and vaccines that introduce strangers the system and poisonous and toxic and destroy the symmetry that the immune system is dealing with. Homeopathy and most of the traditional healing techniques deal with the whole person as an individual separate from all other individuals. Homeopathy keeps looking for the totality of symptoms to match the right remedy for the illness. It includes mind and spirit symptoms as well as body symptoms. If you took the time to really review the information that is out there you would come to understand how wrong you are at this time.
Excellent comment, Greg. That’s my standard answer, also: if your kids are vaccinated, and vaccinations do what you claim, all is well! They are protected.
Good idea. Let’s put Mercury , aluminum, formaldehyde etc in infants now.
Not! The fewer chemicals and drugs we take in the better off we all will be. Those running the FDA should be given a triple dose of everything they approve!
My kids are vaccinated and also super smart. Oh, and super healthy. Hmmm…
Consider yourself blessed.
Your well educated, well vaccinated and so on children are OK. You did not have to call the
Vaccine Injury Hotline number, on the back of the flyer at Walgreens. The content and reasoning of your comment leaves much to be desired, in so far as addressing the negative effects in a growing population. Inclining toward the healthy diet of unvaxed kids as attributing to their not being sick. Yours are vaxed and fine. Millions of others have not been so fortunate.
Let’s talk apples to apples… in north america, where living conditions are superior to Japan or even china for that matter. We do not have the dysentery conditions that are common in a lot of the other countries. I have 5 boys… the first boy had his 6 month vaccinations.. he is the boy that has asthma and eczema… the other boys have nothing. Another thing they are never sick. Last year for the first time at 10 & 9 yrs old the 2 boys had the flu for the first time, lasted 1 day. Our 14 has had the flu once. our 5 and 3 year old have never had it. We have had them surrounded by the measles and mumps but they don’t catch anything.. Their immune system is superior to there fellow peers. Our whole do vaccinate, there kids get the flue early, it’s a joke.. Thank GOD we had the common sense to not vaccinate the kids. This theory of herding immunity is also a joke.. If you are vaccinated or not… you carry the viruses……PERIOD… IT’S A CRIME TO ALLOW CDC TO DO WHAT THEY DO…. FALSIFY DOCUMENTS TO MISLEAD PARENTS INTO REDUCING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR THEIR CHILDREN WITH VACCINES.
Why would you get a flu vaccine or any just because you are older? I am 66 and have never had a flu or pneumonia vaccine. I haven’t gone to the doctor for an illness in decades. Or for a check up. No vaccines for me!
The body’s immune system is simple. No toxins in gives the body a chance to do its own work. I have cancer and follow The Truth About Cancer to understand it all. My credo is clean organic food, gluten free bread and meat from farms that give no antibiotics and feed their animals well.. Chaga an antioxidant that is over 20 times more powerful than blueberries, vitamin C, Magnesium, L Lysine, Omega’s, Vit BDE and Green tea. My tour of 10 cm is gone now from my liver and I just do not put medians in my body as they are all toxins. I pity the children who get a ton of vaccinations and then flu shots. The immune system is in a whirl trying to deal with this invasion and if the person is already at risk then horrible diseases and conditions follow.
I honestly believe 99.9 % of the children’s disases come from vaccines , but the parents don’t want to admit it because it would put them on a guilt trip
I am a nurse who regularly vaccinates children and I fully respect all parents’ decisions not to vaccinate, more so if they know about the diseases which we are trying to protect against (and by the way, I have NEVER come across an anti-vaccine parent who discusses the dangers of the diseases, ONLY ever the vaccines).
I am appalled by the photo you have chosen to illustrate this article which must be photoshopped to.promote fear. 0.5ml with a or blue needle would only ever be used on a young child like this, NEVER a green adult needle, with 14ml of fluid? It’s shameful scaremongering and if you have faith in your position you should never have to stoop so low.
Hi Helen! Thank you for reaching out to us about this. You’re right, the needle was in fact far too large for a child. Please note that we’ve changed the image. Once again, thank you for your feedback on this. Wishing you many blessings and love!
Read the book ” Dissolving Illusions.Disease,Vaccines ,and the Forgotten History ” by Suzanne Humphries .MD. ISBN:1480216895 year 2015. DR.Kalokerinos ,40 years practice ,say: Vaccination is a GENOCIDE .Read Russell lBlayloct ,
There are stories from across the U.S. of people who have been dismissed from medical practices or yelled at by their physicians over questions regarding vaccination or personal decisions of whether or not to vaccinate. This is true even in the cases of prior adverse reactions to vaccinations.
1 – 5 is not a acceptable question, for
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