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On August 15th, 2016, in an unbelievably draconian attempt to claim control over YOUR body, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued “Control of Communicable Diseases – Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” (published in Federal Register Number: 2016-18103).
If you have the patience to wade through the linguistic gibberish, legal mumbo jumbo, and medical doublespeak, you’ll see that this proposed rule would give the CDC the power to apprehend, detain, and vaccinate YOU against your will and without your consent!
I’m sorry, did we stumble into Mao’s China? Or Hitler’s Germany? Is this a decree from Kim Jong-un? Although this sounds like something we would expect from Communist China, Nazi Germany, or current day North Korea, the proposed rule is intended for “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
If you read between the lines, you’ll see that if this goes into effect, anyone in the USA who is “suspected” of carrying a communicable disease can be detained, quarantined, and “medically treated” (i.e. forcibly vaccinated). All under the guise of “protecting” us from some new strain of virus (like Zika) or some phony pandemic (like Ebola or West Nile or Swine Flu).
As Robert Scott Bell often mentions – vaccines are the sacred cow of the “Church of Pharmaceutical Mysticism.” Despite the fact that most of the recent “outbreaks” have been in almost fully vaccinated areas, like the current mumps outbreak in Arkansas where 100% of the cases are in vaccinated individuals, the CDC still propagates the lie that these neurotoxic injections (which have been linked to cancer) are “safe and effective.”
By the way, this directly contradicts the findings of the kangaroo court system set up by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program which has paid out $3.4 BILLION to vaccine injured families, so I guess they aren’t all that “safe.”
But that’s not even the focus of this article. I’m trying to sound the alarm that this is an attempted authoritarian power grab of unprecedented proportions! Regardless of your opinion about vaccines, the real issue is whether the U.S. government has the right to force any medical intervention upon its citizens.
The real question at hand is “who owns your body?” This proposed rule is a blatant declaration that the U.S. government (and CDC) own your body. I guess they don’t believe that each individual has certain inalienable rights that cannot be disregarded or abandoned.
Has the CDC ever heard of informed consent? You know, our right to decide whether or not we agree to a medical procedure based upon being given all the facts? A frightening portion of this proposed rule states “the individual’s consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite to any exercise of any authority under this part.” In other words, the CDC can force any medical treatment that they deem to be appropriate, and it doesn’t matter one iota whether you consent or not.
In my opinion, the CDC is attempting to create a “medical fascist police state” which trashes the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and where citizens are no safer than the Jews in Nazi Germany’s concentration camps. You see, the Nazis claimed ownership over Jewish people’s bodies and eventually rounded them up and took them to the death camps, where many of them were forcibly vaccinated and eventually murdered.
If this totalitarian, tyrannical proposed rule becomes law, you can literally kiss your freedom goodbye. If you value your life, your freedom, and your health, and if you are concerned about the future of your children and grandchildren, please make your voice heard.
Don’t be a sheep. In 1787, Thomas Jefferson, writing from Paris in a letter to Edward Carrington, said that a nation of sheep would result in a government of wolves.
Let’s join together and let the wolves of the CDC know, in no uncertain terms, that we won’t take this any longer and that this nefarious proposed power grab is not acceptable.

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It’s in effect already. My 79 year old English husband was forced to get a flu shot yesterday ( Sept 14) because he is applying for residency here in the US after our return from living 40 years in England. Today he is sick with the flu. I pray the rest of the vaccinations don’t do him harm!
Where did the Nazi’s go after the war ?
to the USA
@mb–After the war, many Nazis fled to Central & South America. The Nazi Party is illegal in Germany. It may be the only country to outlaw Nazis. Horribly, the Neo Nazi party is strong in the US.
I left a comment for the CDC. Proud to sign my name against an outrage, though sadly no lack of those.
Do these people think the American citizens area alians to forcibly made to be given inappropriate injections that they don’t necessarily need, that is an ultimate asault on the person. Hi I do live in the UK but this is totally all wrong? ? I
Pretty much. Parents are frequently threatened with removal of their children if they don’t vaccinate, if they selectively vaccinate, or if they delay vaccines. Ty talks in the docuseries about how children have even been removed and forced into unwanted chemotherapy, even kids old enough to refuse the treatment themselves.
I am from Amish country and they also take the children for the same reason. But they leave the children to the parents who rape and molest them
Do you remember Ashya King? His parents Brett and Naghmeh, wanted him to have cutting-edge proton beam therapy which is less harmful than bog standard radiation.
After fleeing the UK, the Kings were arrested in Spain and spent several nights in custody after an international arrest warrant was issued against them. After a public outcry they were released
Because proton beam therapy is so highly targeted, the Kings claimed it could avoid healthy tissue, particularly tissues and organs behind the tumour. Now Aysha has no detectable cancer. Thank God his parents ignored standard radiation practises.
None the less the Chemo/Radiation Nazi’s still arrested his parents initially. Just like the land of the free really, not free at all in the UK either.
Now the UK oncologists are up in arms against the Kings, as they have to explain to cancer patients, why they receive sub standard treatment.
Went to CDC and left comment.
I’ll try this again. You must do a proper writ of mandamus, or other type of order for it to have any effect on this proposed ruling. Once in the public comments record, it has to be addressed by them. All other comments are basically fruitless.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have been fighting long and hard for personal rights and freedoms globally for over one hundred years, not the least of which is our right to determine which medical treatments we will and will not accept. Foremost is the blood transfusion issue. These have at times been forced on us and our children by the legal system. We view this action as medical rape. Sounds like they are preparing to go main stream with their arrogant tactics. See you all in court!
The only fear we should have is death itself. And why should we fear death when we die we all go to heaven! ?✝✡❤️
The land of the free has become the land of the oppressed.
Thanks for the tip. Of course the US is mostly already a fascist state – the Constitution has long since been riddled with holes. One of the “easier” ways to spread fascism is through “health safety” issues such as this. The saying went “First they came for the Jews…”
Common sense might lead governments to temporarily quarantine people who are suspected of HAVING communicable diseases until it can be determined if it is in fact so. But that would only be in the interest of treating that person or persons and preventing further spreading of the disease.
None of that has a whit to do with vaccinations. I’m not even sure I’m against vaccinations, per se, but mandatory vaccination goes well beyond legitimacy for government actions. I’m happy to join your efforts.
Here’s how I filed my comment:
Common sense might lead a government to temporarily quarantine people who are suspected of HAVING communicable diseases until it can be determined if it is in fact so. But that would only be in the interest of treating that person or persons and preventing further spreading of the disease.
None of that has a whit to do with vaccinations, and especially so since the science of vaccination is far from a sealed and done matter. I’m not necessarily against vaccinations per se, but mandatory vaccination goes well beyond legitimacy for government actions.
To me this regulation strikes me as coming from the same mentality that gave us the Patriot Act, one of the most vile pieces of legislation ever passed. It has the cover of parading as a “public health safety” issue, but as I said before, the science of that claim is far from a settled matter. IMO this legislation is designed to open the door for future incursions on the freedom of citizens, much in the same manner as underlying the quote “First they came for the Jews…”
This attempt at a regulation must be abandoned to the scrap heap of US political history.
When I was a girl ( I am 80 now) our home was quarantined because I had whooping cough. I know it can be serious, but I lived through it and vaccines don’t guarantee immunity at all. So Quarantine if needed, but don’t invade a humans body, especially against their will, with poisons.
True it was quarantine, improved nutrition and improved sanitation which allowed humans natural immune system the strength and resources to beat the disease, this was the case for all diseases. It never had anything at all to do with this barbaric procedure that they concocted hundreds of years ago when they knew nothing and still insist on keeping. there is no short cut to health, there is in magic pill or vaccine, at best they only ever hide a symptom in the present at the cost of causing three more down the line. But everyone knows this- they know this, they’re not stupid its all about money and control, so they’re not doing the job we put them there for which is to be advocates for us (the people) they have become evil ,tainted by money and power. We must vote them out, they are no longer any good for us (the people) they no longer serve us, lets cut them loose, we don’t need them!
It sounds odd, yet the healthiest way to be protected from illnesses is to be ill. Then our immune system is created in order to keep us healthy. You see this with small children: They are having colds all the time, cough and sneeze and seem to grap up every bacteria tha comes along their way. Those children that are allowed to do so are healthier adults as a result.
Hasn’t this is already happened in some states where various jabs are mandatory for going to school?
Also the authorities can already take your child by force, strap them down, force sedating drugs into them, followed by immune destroying Chemo-Poisons. I don’t see many in the land of the free revolting yet; well, not in any meaningful way, that would force the scum authorities to reconsider their profiteering rackets, dressed up as a health scam.
No wonder so many people in the civilised world hate America, it is mostly run by dollar terrorists.
The only state that no longer has any sort of exemption from this, I believe, is California. I live in PA, and I have filed a religious exemption with our school district, which is required even though my kids are homeschooled.
Unfortunately, those of us who refuse to vaccinate are the minority. In fact, there are people who believe my unvaccinated kids endanger their vaccinated kids. If vaccines work, how can that even be the case?!?!
CA used to have the religious exemption, not sure if they still do, but in 2014 when my youngest was going to enter 7th grade I discovered CA had a different exemption. Something akin to “sincerely held belief”. Sorry, I don’t recall the actual name. Not only did it work for (against) those useless/dangerous required “7th grade shots”, it also held up in the state of OH when we moved at the end of that same year. I am a Christian but never felt comfortable using the religious exemption so this was perfect for me. Check out this site: (sorry, don’t know how to make it a link) scroll down, there is a clickable map that enables you to access vaccination law exemptions by state. Quite a few states have a philosophical exemption, which is probably what I used. I noticed CA’s laws are changing. Watch out Californians!
Good Morning Ty,
I enjoy reading your newsletter and periodic posts. I worked in the field prior to retiring and worked with Dr. Josef Iselin Charlotte Gershon and others. I considered myself a small country doctor that prayed a lot and saw remarkable.results, at times within weeks or even a few days. God speed to you in your noble Quixotic endeavoirs. Best wishes Dr. Ron Carreno
Thank you Dr. Ron. I appreciate it.
why cant you answer others TY and only Dr’s comments?
Ty – I do not see a green button to click.
Hi Nancy,
When you follow the link there will be a green button at the topic that say submit a formal comment:
These new rules are totally unacceptable ! My body my choice !
great post. who has read roe v wade? was it about abortion? NO. it was about a woman’s right to her body. Someone will challenge the law using it and hopefully win.
Thanks for the update. A power grab by any authoritarian group is always slid through quietly in the legislation, so Kudo’s on catching this and publicizing it. There is no excuse for us to allow our freedom to self determine our lives and our health be removed. Your comparison to nazi Germany is correct. We cannot allow our freedoms or rights over our own bodies to disappear.
And what about the many people being allowed into our country. So not only do they need to make sure they aren’t dangerous but will they be forced to vscvinste??
I agree 100% Randy. Thanks for the input. We must stand up to tyranny.
Thanks for taking time to email this important message!
I also live in the UK and have seen signs that this is on the way for us also. Parents being constantly pressured to get their kids immunised when they aren’t sure. I actually had a visit from a Health Visitor regarding my youngest daughter because I wouldn’t let her have a new meningitis vaccine at 5 when she started school. My main reason, at the time, was that she had been unwell for weeks and the vaccine had only been used previously in the states for a short period and there was no data available on any adverse affects. The school and the Health Visitor went to great lengths to make me feel guilty, telling me that I was the only parent and that if there was an outbreak in the area, my daughter would be the one who transmitted it as she hadn’t been vaccinated. I stood my ground and did what I thought was right for my child at the time, but I was made to feel like an outcast and that I was being totally unreasonable. That was some 20 years ago now and it has gotten a lot worse since then. We all as human beings need to stand together on issues like this no matter where we live, I will be signing and promoting all of Ty’s information as I believe it is vital that we all stop leaving our future in the hands of people who cannot be trusted to protect our best interests. You only have to look at the amount of money the Drugs companies make to see the reason behind it, it’s a business and the priority is to make as much profit as possible!
I am in Australia and same here. We have the “No Job No Pay” legislation linking vaccination to childcare payments. I have a daughter entering the Defence Force and this organisation takes vaccination to a whole new level. Mandatory, every vaccine under the sun, no questions asked and if your shots aren’t up to date the week you go in, you are given them all at the same time. It is tantamount to criminal. I feel saddened for all our defence force personnel as they are all poisoned in the line of duty. And my daughter is about to become one of them. Very proud of her choice but scared for her health future.
This is frightening! My doctor has been pushing vaccines on me, to know avail, for years now and it seems like she is part of this whole program. I am afraid to sign a petition and give my name and pertinent info in case I end up in a database of dissenters and they come and get me!
You can comment as “Anonymous” – seems most are doing this, likely due to similar concerns.
It is beginning to appear that the only solution to all this medical usurping of our rights is to stop going to doctors unless you have an injury that requires stitching or surgery and antibiotics to repair and prevent infection. As far as anything else, go to alternative practitioners, eat clean, healthy real food, and do your own research. Keep your personal health information out of the traditional medical system.
Why the heck do you go to the doctors?? Did you break something? Did you cut yourself? Let me guess, you get prescribed medicine! Stop being so ignorant. Wake up. Sorry for sounding harsh and extreme. I mean the very best for people and say all that with due respect.
Just in today (9/20) from Alliance for Natural Health:
A report published last week found glyphosate in a number of childhood vaccines. Now more study is needed to learn more about the presence of other weedkiller ingredients in both our vaccines and our food.
Keep in mind that absolutely no studies have been done on the toxicity of weedkiller when injected into children. The US Environmental Protection Agency analyzed Monsanto’s self-serving safety studies on the potential toxicity when glyphosate is ingested, but not when it is injected. EPA documents studying how the body metabolizes glyphosate (that is, how it moves through the body) found that glyphosate shows up in bone marrow thirty minutes after injection.
We are also starting to understand more about why glyphosate is linked to so many health problems. Glyphosate is chemically very similar to glycine, an essential amino acid. This is important because glyphosate may be displacing glycine when our cells create proteins. This would result in proteins not being formed properly and not being able to perform their usual functions. Researchers think this mechanism may be a factor behind the modern world’s explosion of disease, including obesity, diabetes, autism, mitochondrial disorders, liver disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.
Thank you, Ty for all you do to help and keep us informed. I pray that we are not seeing history being repeated. Sad but there are people that are not the least bit concerned over forced vaccinations.
Thank you Victoria. History does tend to repeat itself. We must wake up the masses.
i am german, living since along time in paraguay and i admire your efforts about issues like the cdc. i am 75 years old and i have given up hope that mankind is capable of realising that just a bunch of criminals want to dominate and kill us, all legally of course. unfortunately the majority are sheep easy prey for the wolves. quite a while ago the usa has ceased to be the land of the free nd it is getting worse. god help us all!
Ingrid. Your outlook is grim and very sad. I don’t believe we all need to give up hope. We are America. We are not defeatists.
What Do you think of living there? Freedom more? God help us all!
Hallo Ingrid, I am a 67 German too and l am living in the US since 17 years. I can only agree with you. Land of the free?????? never was! In times America has don more harm to its people than any other country in the world. Has put more innocent people into jail than any other country and is forcing its people into “concentration camps” so big Pharma can make big money out of it. The problem is: America wont wake up! They’re behaving like the three monkeys: Not hear, not see, not speak. America has become the richest third world country.
I would like to weigh in but would like you to send me some the of pre-written letter that I can sign as i do not have time to go through every detail and write according to the points. You will have much more success getting people to respond if you write an intelligent letter and then people can just sign it, i am outraged and all I want to do is respond with anger and I know that is not effective. If you compose a rough draft of a letter so people have a template to go from it will be much more effective. Please do this!!! would greatly appreciate it. i am willing to sign anything i agree with but do not have the time to write the points out. i sign so many petitions but they have to be easy to respond to.
Thank you, big fan, Judy
This is of course in referance to the post on the CDC and mandatory vaccinations
Thanks Judy. Just let them know that this tyrannical power grab violates the US Constitution and you’re not going to allow them to violate your rights. That’s all you need to say. 😉
perhaps people do not realize that ‘freedom’ means having the option of being ‘WRONG’ – in what I personally believe to be true
women have known for a long time we dont own our bodies. no surprises here unfortunately.
This is Government over reaching to the extreme. My medical condition is between me and my doctor, not the government! If there is concern for my health it should be expressed thru the medical profession via my doctor.
During any wide-spread epidemic, pandemic or whatever rest assured I will be in contact for a medical checkup by my doctor.
I understand the limited need to quarantine individuals when necessary for public safety; however the Government invading one’s body with-out permission is way beyond the scope of what our Fore Fathers envisioned when drafting the Constitution.
Were this to take place I am certain it would be met with violence on the part of the public to prevent Government intervention in their person.
If you pass this legislation, you had better be prepaid to repeal the second amendment.
Dennis, you are so right. The 2nd amendment is there to protect us from our government. Molon labe. has the best Chaga
From Siberia. The extract is the best
And you only have to use a tiny amount
Why is it if in receiving this info that
All my info had to be put in AGAIN???
If vaccinations are so good and effective – what do the vaccinated have to fear from the not vaccinated????
Some family & friends ask me every year “Did you get your Flu shot?” “NO, I have not had one for over 10 years and I have not been sick for more than a few hours ever since I started taking preventative measures eating home grown vegys and taking collodial silver.”
I am starting to believe claims that the United States of America (home of the free, 50 sovereign states) was taken over by the similarly named corporation THE UNITED STATES and that we inadvertently became corporate property via our Birth Certificate and Social Security number.
“The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The corporation, OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original Constitution into a dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the original Constitution for the united States (1788) was defaced in effect vandalized and sabotage when the title was capitalized and the word “for” was changed to “of” in the title THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (1871) is the constitution of the INCORPORATED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does is not !
Capitalization is significant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans.”
And we thought SLAVERY ended 150 years ago.
THIS is exactly true….. but unfortunately only a small few will dig deeper into this issue, if any at all.
We are now in a commercial law system that requires consent to move forward. The system of law prescribed by the Constitution recognized an honest weights and measures system, namely the use gold and silver as currency. When The United States went away from that toward a fiat currency, we turned our back on The original Constitution and “consented” to the Banks monetary system which comes with its own legal system and that is UCC law. This is how the government can enforce anything it wants without worry of violating The Constitution – There is no Constitution.
And thats simply because we as a people have allowed them to put it upon us without challenging it. Andrew Jackson may not have been the greatest person to embody fairness and equality, but he did do us a great good by denying The Bank a home in The US throughout his terms.
He knew it would be the downfall of this country if they succeeded.
Dear TTAC,
Is there any REAL and CONCRETE way to stop this from happening? I don’t see how commenting on this will make any difference. I’d love to spread the word, but I don’t want to waste people’s time if this is a futile effort. Thanks!
True Christians know they cannot obey such a law, as it puts Man’s law above God’s law. Of course, there is no God in an Orwellian Society.
Gabriella, YES this is the best way to keep this from happening. The CDC has tried this before and we stopped them with millions of people saying “NO”
Thanks for your reply, Ty! I’ll be sure to comment and spread the word!
Done. I left a comment on the government web site.
They were hunted and many were killed by Israel, some survived and are now running America, and they call themselves Bilderbergs!
Hi Ty, here in Germany the same discussions are running over and over again. The reason why we don’t have a law like that is the fact that it violates one fundamental right:
The right of physical integrity, the right for informational self-determination.
If you want to fight against a law like this new attempt of the CDC, keep these fundamental rights in mind.
And by the way: If everyone else is vaccined, why should I, the not vaccined, be a threat to them? Does their vaccination not protect them???
Great point Elisabeth. If vaccines work, then why do they care if anyone else is vaccinated? It shouldn’t matter…..
Hallo Elisabeth, I’m an ole Munich gal living over here since 17 years. You are so right and I can onle agree with you. Living over here in the USA has opened my eyes and I was shocked about whats going on over here, but more so about the people who won’t even wake up and fight for their rights. God have mercy upon America. I’ll move back to where I’m coming from.
It’s a “Depopulation” plan in effect any way they can do it! The world is over populated, the self described elites, want to thin the herd, that’s what they discuss at their secret meetings before they start their “Caligula-Style” party!
That was a good but scary article if you are American Ty. Will the next CDC order be rape of everyone as your rights are being removed by the Unknowns. Thankfully I’m in the UK, so these draconian tactics may be with us in 12 months if they get their way in the US. Good luck with the prevention campaign.
As far as the question, “Who owns our bodies?” God owns our bodies! It’s a temple of the Holy-Spirit, what’s wrong with you people? Didn’t you go to church with your parents as children? That’s the problem with the world! Just like Sodom, and Gamorah, we as a nation have pushed God out! Not a good idea, and you can scoff all you want, please remember this, soon, very soon, you will see what I mean! God, is alive! The “Alpha and Omega” the one, and only, true-living-God! Our Creator! Do you people know why there is ISSIS? It’s because the Jews disobeyed God, when he told them to kill the Islamic People! Read the Bible, I dare you! There is a way you too, can live forever! Think of the most evil people ever, down through history, that you can remember, now imagine spending eternity with them! Be very leery of George Soros!
Seems to me that writing a complaint and leaving all my info puts a target on my back. Shouldn’t we start a petition of our own? If the CDC is moving to make this legal then I think they are asking for your input not because they care about what you think but because they want to know who is going to fight against them.
Ty – I was already to leave my official comment. But then wondered, will everyone voicing opposition to this new rule be put on some new “black list” to be specifically targeted? I know that sounds paranoid, but seriously wouldn’t that be the next step.
If you’re not on some sort of government list by now, you should be ashamed of yourself. (Just being sarcastic) — We are ALL on the list….. stand up and fight the tyranny. 😉
Read John 3:16!
The comment by Larissa Grosvenor and her husband getting the ‘flu’ really hit home for me. Several years ago my father (approx. 70 yrs of age at the time) decided to get a flu shot from the local pharmacy. Why?…because they were offering it free of charge, he said. He was healthy as a horse, and couldn’t remember the last time he got a vaccine, but, he got it anyway. A couple of weeks later he came down with asthma. So, he then went on the inhalers, which he remained on for the rest of his life. (my dad passed away earlier this year, age 83, of lung cancer…coincidental?). Actually, he died from the catastrophic effects of the chemo/radiation he received to combat the cancer, but that’s another discussion.
Anyway, on the tactical level, if some ‘authority’ insists on a vaccination (school district, Immigration, etc.), one should seek-out if there’s an exemption waiver in place for the situation at hand. For example, in the instance of the State of Texas public school system, there IS a waiver. As such, I’ve been able to exempt my son without escalating the conflict further. BUT, nobody will openly volunteer that the waiver exists. I had to discover ‘through the back door’, so-to-speak. So, just a reminder for us all, maybe there is a waiver for your particular situation. Remember to verify if so.
Joh 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
Visit the proposed Rulemaking. Search (CTRL F) for vaccin and u will get about 91 results. My interpretation is that YES u may be vaccinated against your will if for instance another passenger on a flight is exhibiting signs of Measles, Ebola, etc.
Although they claim they will pay AFTER 3rd party payments, I suspect that detained persons might be subject to huge bills for unwanted and refused medical expenses whether or not they are found to be ill.
My objection was “any citizen must be allowed to refuse any procedures” without THREAT; but given education, facts (PRO & CON) and a free choice.
Hello Larissa, I am Isa (67) from Germany, living in the US since 17 years. After my husband died of cancer I am going back to Germany in a couple of years. How on earth could you ever have decided to returned to the US which is worse than any other country. The doctors over here wont make you healthy because they are making there money with the Pharma Companies forcing their “medication” onto people. Go back to Europe Gal, before you get killed.
“ First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. ”
History repeats itself – especially when you ignore it.
Please also call your Congressman and make sure they are aware of your outrage regarding this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. We cannot silently standby as our freedoms are further eroded!
I get letters asking me to help with asthma tests or vaccines. I do tell people I avoid Doctors and hospitals like the plague I do think these establishments are so dangerous to my health. I am 70yrs.
My peers are always talking about blood pressure and other medical terms. If I don’t know I don’t worry.
“We are America” And precisely what good is that doing you when your authorities are about to force vaccinate you?
Unless you can persuade all the sheep flocking to the quacks to get their toxic jabs, you don’t have much hope at all. They are already brainwashed and bigoted. I am sorry being American isn’t going to get you off the hook, unless there’s a serious revolution to PharmaGeddon and it’s dollar terrorism.
Excellent for those hesitant to SPEAK OUT in fear of persecution.
My 12 year old son passed away one year ago this week after they broke him down for four years with chemo and radiation, and gave him brain damage with methotrexate. Even when they turned off his monitors without my permission and left him to burn up, dying with a heart rate off the charts and a 107 fever, they listed his cause of death as sepsis.
It pains me deeply to read this. I am very sorry about the loss of your child. I hope you find peace very soon and that only the best memories of your son fill your days.
I’m so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with you.
I posted over 2 hours ago. Did you not receive? Regarding the movie: “Vaxxed”.
Sorry Mike. Never got the post.
I took the time and “have the patience to wade through the linguistic gibberish, legal mumbo jumbo, and medical doublespeak.” This revision to an existing rule refers to travelers on airplanes or ships, especially cruise ships, and other forms of travel, and revises a rule that has been in place for a number of years.
“The HHS/CDC foreign quarantine regulation applies to any person (including United States citizens, legal permanent residents, and foreign nationals), conveyance (airplane, ship, bus, train), animal or thing attempting to enter or being brought into the United States from another country by land, air, or sea. The HHS/CDC domestic quarantine regulation applies to any person or conveyance traveling by land, air, or sea between US states and territories.”
After being notified of a sick traveler, the CDC will perform a “public health risk assessment.”
“CDC staff may also use NONINVASIVE public health measures such as checking the traveler’s temperature or may observe the person for visible signs of illness, such as looking for a rash. The staff member may consult with a CDC public health medical officer to decide if the traveler may have a communicable disease, if further actions (such as a medical examination) are needed, or if the traveler can continue with travel.”
“Noninvasive public health measures are ways CDC staff conduct a public health risk assessment including looking at travelers for visible signs of sickness, taking a temperature using an ear, mouth, skin, or non-contact thermometer, listening to the heart/lungs with a stethoscope, external touch such as during a medical exam, or taking a blood pressure reading.
“Non-invasive public health measures do NOT include any medical procedures that involve piercing of the skin, collecting blood samples or giving shots (VACCINATIONS) or inserting objects into any body cavity, except for the nose, mouth or ear to check a temperature or look for visible signs of infection. If any of these other measures are needed, the traveler will be asked or required to go to a hospital or clinic where a medical examination will take place.” [my emphases]
Nowhere in this proposed rulemaking did I read anything at all about enforced vaccinations by the CDC. Getting all up in arms about that topic due to THIS proposed rule revision from HHS and the CDC appears to be wrong and misplaced.
I know that government(s) have overstepped their authority and forced such medical care, and vaccinations, on people, especially children over the objections of their parents, but such actions were not taken as a result of this particular CDC rule. Be upset about THOSE government actions, yes, but put your objections into the proper context.
TY Janetta for sharing! I appreciate you reading (& understanding lol) the involved wording of that CDC article!
Dear Ty and dear Americans. I live in the Netherlands. The same is going on over here. The state owns you. Why? Because the state is a corporation, a fiction with statutes. No Law, no Constitution. Every time you identify yourself with your security number – which belongs tot the state – you agree that they own you. You have to comply their corporate statutes. Democracy and voting are just a veil.
I don’t hate Americans I don’t even blame them. I feel sorry for them. Because they are used as cannon fodder in corporate wars. Disguised as wars on terror, war for peace and war for democracy. They don’t even need resolutions anymore.
I’m sorry to say but petitioning is begging, it’s giving them power over you. It won’t work, for sure not in the long run. They keep trying and when the people are to busy with other things they will try it again.
Yesterday the Dutch Parlement voted 75 – 74 in favor of a donor register. This means if you don’t take action, you’re a donor according to the law. I won’t be long before everyone of us will be obliged by law to be a donor. In Belgium that’s already the case.
So who owns you? Worst comes to worst the big corporations for profit (a cartel of banks, governments and big corporations. At best the community of people. We own each other. That’s not freedom!
I don’t know how to resolve this. What can we learn from history? What can we learn from the former freedom fathers and the founding fathers of America?
Stand for your freedom? Each and every one of us.
If I remember well Spooner once stated: civil disobedience becomes a duty?
Seems they changed districts but their allegiance to the dark side remains the same.
Frank Daley, we all fear death because death is not natural. We were created to live forever. Our bodies have the ability to heal itself. As far as those that die, the bible clearly states: “the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all..whatever your hands find to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave, where you are going.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10) “the righteous will possess the earth, and they will live “forever” on it.” (Psalms 37: 29). If all are going to heaven, who will be those righteous ones living on earth forever? Soon, in the very near future, Jehovah God will step in and put an end to wickedness, and the earth will be filled with those righteous ones! “He will swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces”. (Isaiah 25:8).
This is what the bible promises!!!
Filed comment with CDC, forwarded your post to family and friends to do the same! Thanks Ty!
There is only one way to stop this, If memory serves me, in the 1980s congress did a favor for pharmaceutical companies and placed laws so a individual could not use them for any effects from vaccines. Sure there is a fund set up, but no where near what’s needed to put the breaks on bad vaccines.
If congress were to reverse this and open up law suits, it would certainly stop all this forced vaccines, they would never recover from the lawsuits. By the way, the main people behind vaccines are Bill Gates and the Rothchilds. The Rothchilds own the patents on Zika virus and many other dark viruses. Bill Gates through his forced vaccines over seas is a wanted man in many countries for making thousands of women sterile, and thousands more paralyze.
Some one needs to petition for new vaccine laws…
Yes Terry. Bilderberg, Rothchild, Rockefeller, Bill Gates……and some more want to bring down poor population in America only to let live the rich and wealthy.
Don’t they have their secret meeting every year in the Californian Mountains.
Please give him vitamin c to bowel tolerance, that is likely 1 gram every half hour while he is awake, if he overdoses his bowels will flush but there will be no negative side effects. If you get the C crystals then you can put 2 tbsp. in a quart of pure water and have him drink one before noon, one after noon and one before bed–if he tolerates it. You can sweeten it with honey or stevia, no artificial anything. I have done this and it works–I didn’t have a flu shot, I had a serious ENT infection that had defied 2 rounds of antibiotics. One day on this regimen and I was WELL!! Blessings
Trbobitch, I have asked that same question. There is some long convoluted answer about “herd immunity ” that doesn’t make much sense. (Mooooo) The winter of 2014-15, I was the only one at my workplace to refuse the free flu vaccine. When everyone except me came down with the flu a few months later, the excuse was that the the vaccine, designed months in advance of the winter season, had not protected against the correct strains. Not an explaination for why I didn’t get it too, but that piece of information was conveniently ignored.
So God persecutes his own creations? That sure makes a ton of sense. The Almighty hates his own creations..Right
And by the way, ISIS was created because George Bush and Paul Bremmer decided not to use the local Iraqi military to support the rebuilding of Iraq, thus that element became ISIS in response to US intervention. Had we used the existing Iraqi forces, ISIS more than likely wouldve never gotten a foothold in the region.
Oh no! My hubby is applying for a green card & is just about ready for the medical exam. Do you mind sharing what all the required vaccinations are? You can try for a waiver Best wishes.
Don’t let it happen Robin. He’ll get sick as hell. Went through it when I came over here. Back then I didn’t know.
Hi JJM , you are certainly right. I want to believe that you are out of this CORP already, of this illusion, of this matrix. Signing a petition is good, but what good will this be if we don’t know how to become a sovereign? It sounds like you can illustrate us on this, so we can defend for our rights.
Vaccine-glyphosate link exposed by Anthony Samsel
Does this read like an American Mein Kampf
A booklet by Charles Capp ‘God’s Creative Power for Healing’ maybe of some encouragement for you and your husband
i’m on your side!
Hi, I live in Canada, and I would be very angry if we didn’t have the option of vaccinating… I vaccinated my first born and he died at the age of 4 months of SIDS, of which I believe was vaccination related… he was a very healthy thriving boy. I vaccinated my 2nd boy till the age of 6 mos. and started to do research and have not vaccinated him since, he has had a lot of behaviour and learning struggles, and it wouldn’t surprise me if that was vaccinated related… my 3rd son was not vaccinated and he is a calm, academically inclined boy, I am not sure if the fact that he wasn’t vaccinated played a role, but I didn’t want to take chances in putting all the crap into their body… there are other ways of boosting the immune system and protecting them if there is an epidemic of any kind going on… the Naturopaths would pump them up with Vitamin A… my boys are hardly ever sick and very energetic… they have maybe seen the doctor maybe 5 times, or less in their lifetime… they are 20 and 16 now… There is something to be said for only putting natural substances into our body… If I could sign the petition I would, but being in Canada I couldn’t… sending lots of love and light to everyone!
Missed the deadline to leave a comment. Is there anything else we can do? We are living in a pharmaceutical dictatorship. It’s like being part of a science fiction movie!
In my opinion Rockefeller Foundation is owner of Zikavirus and should pay the bill
Zika always was mild and harmless but after some vaccination stupitities in South america suddenly became suspicion of Encefalitis. Zika could become profitible, like the Monsanto seeds that fly to the neighbour and result in debt to Monsanto.World upside down. And soon all be kept well deep under in a Greenland bunker.
We live in Hungary and we are homeopatic practicioners. We do normally not believe in homeopathic profilaxys but there are positive feedbacks.
The late dr Tinus Smits developed a detox program for vaccination damage and also advised profilaxe (confront with the deluted potentised agens before the actual vaccination etc/ look data on the inernet)
This is not a solution of the freedom issue, but can be of help. Besides the fact that cancer is result of intoxication and radiation the development of the cancer differs in individuals (slow progression or progressive and quick death) According to homeopathic health philosophy it is important to diagnose what disease classification you are part of. This classification give insight in how you react on pathological influences.
Do you react with lack of reaction, too strong reaction or destructive reaction on this burdoning influences.
So look for a socalled Classical Homeopath to accompany you like your dentist does and try to avoid to become communible ill.
That was a mistake or your doctor just wanted to make extra money. According to CDC and USCIS, the flu season is October 1 through March 31. This is the period when they will force anyone applying for residency to get a flu shot.
I personally know of three different people who have been injured by vaccines. One baby passed away right after receiving the Hep B shot. Another child, who was developing very well, suddenly became autistic following a round of vaccinations. Another adult gets extremely sick with every vaccination she receives.
I believe everyone has the right to choose.
A forced vaccination law would not take individual cases into account.
The proposed amendment that the CDC is pushing is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Please make your voices heard.
30 day comment period is the only time that people can really affect legislation. What most don’t know is that plain comments are read and then discarded. This is the time to register publicly a ‘Mandamus Order’ or similar restraining orders. Find actual case law forbidding this, or unconstitutional parts of the proposed rule and put in the proper format. If done correctly, it can put a stop to the entire ruling. One person can make a difference.
Vote for the Libertarian Party and you won’t have this problem. They believe government should have no,power over us.
because if they are ready to steal the liberties we have with our bodies, what makes you think they won’t steal our liberty of conscience? One step leads to another. It is a slippery slope. Read your scriptures again!
If Americans allow this to become law in America you can bet many other countries will follow and do the same. Your Liberty and ours is being chipped away and very soon we will have none!!
Ca.has stopped giving exemptions,my son and his family live there and they had a few vaccines done with first child,at different seasons for certain vaccines.the second child had less vaccines,
These kids Never get sick,they eat all organic,but….they won’t be able to go to collage unless they poision them selves, so on line collage it is!
My endocrinologist stated to me a year ago the gov. Owns you and me,and stay away from doctors.He knows I know western medicine is causing harm.
People this rule was not initiated by the CDC, as I read it, this diabolical action was started by 3 executive orders from our POTUS. See here form the ruling:
HHS/CDC has statutory authority (42 U.S.C. 264, 265) to promulgate regulations which protect U.S. public health from communicable diseases, including quarantinable communicable diseases as specified in Executive Order of the President. See Executive Order 13295 (April 4, 2003), as amended by Executive Order 13375 (April 1, 2005) and Executive Order 13674 (July 31, 2014).
Vote Trump and end this pathetic regime in the White House.
Read the Nuremberg trials. Trial number 12 was IG Farben, the pharmaceutical company. Its directors did a small stint in gaol and then went to USA in the early 50s to head up pharmaceutical companies there.
Right. And all supported by DEUTSCHE BANK UNION.
Veto, easy to say not so easy to do….
With greed attained, they now lust for power and control.
“If any of these other measures are needed, the traveler will be asked or ‘required’ to go to a hospital or clinic where a medical examination will take place” The requirement could be misused. What do they mean by required? So, they take you away to another place to continue the
process? I do not have trust for this process. Look what happened in California (state government) where they lied outright about the right of
the Doctor to make decisions on whether to allow no vaccinations if there are dangerous reactions to vaccination. They want to take Dr. Sears’
license away as he signed a waver for a mother who’s child had 2 very bad reactions to 2 vaccinations. The state assured the voting public that would never happen, but here we are. The changes in law can be very subtle, but the outcome on down the line can be disastrous. Plus, they lie.
So, if someone on the plane,ships, etc., is sick–will everyone on there be “required” to go somewhere and get a vaccination? No trust here.
My employer requires a flu shot (in the medical field). So I get a flu shot or lose my job. I’m in the process of trying to find a “clean” flu vaccine in CT. I’m sure there is one of it there. A few others are also looking. Wish me luck. Or reply if you can help.
Cilantro/Far Infrared Sauna/organic sulfur/Now brand- Detox support/Vit C/glutathione/chorella and more may help detox. 2000mg of fish oil daily stopped my colds/flu for more than 20 years. Best wishes.
Very well-said, Andrew. And jabs are required if you want certain jobs. It’s quite obvious to awakened, courageous-enough-to-speak-up-and-out individuals like ourselves what the medical terrorists are up to, but obviously not so obvious to the people that comprise the lines at Flu Clinics across the country. IMO, Cognitive Dissonance is the main culprit here. These are the people of whom were the targets of Jack Nicholson’s character, Col. Jessup’s rage in a Few Good Men when he screamed, “You want the truth? You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth”! It’s Fascism with a new coat of paint. They found that it’s much easier to invoke Martial Law through Medical Tyranny than through gun confiscation. Oh, they plan on getting everyone’s guns anyway, but it’s better and easier to have a legal way to extract the individual from the premises first,
THEN get their guns while they’re quarantining and injecting them.
Flu, tetanus and measles, mumps and rubella. The last three come in one vaccine. Why on earth would a 79 year old need all this! He was fine until these vaccinations.
MMR – was forced upon me when my late husband wanted to merry me and move over here 17 years ago. I got sick as hell in all directions and underwent a detox with my body. Never have been sick again since then and never again will I let them take control over my body.
Larissa, the 3 in 1 vaccine is the one that has been known for over 30 years by the CDC to cause autism. It is one of the nastier of the vaccines and probably causes other diseases as well. Check out the movie Vaxxed.
EMT training needs 13 vaccines. Military requires many vaccines. People may get a yearly flu shot or shingles shot. Giving money to feed the poor maybe used to promote/give vaccines. Helping the poor with our gluten/GMO food and vaccines is not helping them..hurts them. Giving pets many vaccines and feeding them gluten/GMO also may shorten their life. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn/rice. Grain free food for pets may help them. Feeding Humming birds GMO corn syrup. Bird food with GMO may hurt. Forcing vaccines may strong a whole generation of children and make adult suffer/die early. Giving 7-8 vaccines every two months and Hept B shot at 12 hours old may destroy the brain/body/child. Nursing homes/hospitals giving vaccines may hurt people. Big business running America needs to stop…is destroying people/animals/land/water/soil etc.
Thanks, Ty, for your work and devotion. So far, I do not have cancer, but read as much as I can from your Truth about Cancer
The owner maker of Bayer aspirin funded Hitler and the war. They didn’t go anywhere but are hiding in government and politics. They’re the ones pushing the drug needles into us!
No surprises here! Ever since I found out that Dick Cheney and Bill Gates invested heavily in the vaccination industry, I knew this would be their next move. Those guys only invest in sure things. Itś our own fault you know…we refused to fall for their yearly fear-mongering pandemics whether they label it measles, ebola, or sika , and theyŕe starting to get impatient that their investments havent shown the windfall they have expected yet. Add to that equation their underlying desire to expand their ultimate purpose, that of Eugenics (or massive extermination of humankind) because what is the purpose of being disgustingly rich if you have to share this planet with the rest of us? As far as our representatives in Washington DC are concerned, sorry but I am very skeptical as to their motivations and fear that the ethics that once were the cornerstone of our highly revered political system have long since been replaced with the desire for personal gain. So wake up America! Stop being lulled to sleep and pushed towards apathy when it becomes more important to find out who the next bachelor will be or who will win the big prize on Ämericaś Got Talent!
Janetta, Thanks for you well worded comment. I read parts of the proposed rulemaking, and skimmed through the rest. I searched for the word immunization. I could not find where there was any indication of this document indicating any requirement for immunization. And, as you said, it emphasizes over and over that the examination will be non-invasive of persons suspected of having illness that might pose a threat to others in a public transportation situation. I know that many have been abused and shamed by government agencies on various health related issues. If we are going to secure our freedoms to direct our own healthcare, we need to do it with accuracy. Inaccurate accusations and blind following only adds credibility to those who would say we don’t know how to care for ourselves.
My dad also used inhalers for asthma after a flu shot and died of lung cancer at 79. I believe the flu shot and the inhalers caused the cancer and the chemo and radiation “treatments” killed him.
Has everybody forgotten Bush’s ONE WORLD ORDER ?
TY, are my posts regarding the movie: “Vaxxed” being blocked by you? I would really appreciate an explanation! You can email me privately if you want. Mike
Mike, I think they are being blocked.
OK, I’ll bite TY. Why are they being blocked? And, apparently someone other than yourself is making the decision to block or not. Have you seen the movie “Vaxxed”? The info that documentary presents fits right in with TTAC disclosures about fraud and failures in modern medicine. I hope you can clear this up. Mike
No one from The Truth About Cancer will reply to these general articles.
If there is nothing in it for them…you are left on your own to figure it out.
If you buy….they reply.
GC, that’s not true. I wrote the article and now I’m responding to you and there’s nothing in it for me. Just trying to help educate and protect our freedom. 😉
That page looks like a good place to put your info so they can find and vaccinate you. I wouldn’t do it, What about a formal petition? How is a formal “comment” going to do anyting? Something is not right.
Operation Paperclip
Who knew Ty was a patriot and freedom fighter. No surprise as we all had our eyes opened and one leads to another. Cancer is the gateway drug to truth. PS. @ friends of mine have stopped the mustard gas and they are doing better. A friend in jail now has cervical cancer and I sent her all info on chemo of Tys and more so she understands what is going on. Problem is she is limited to treatment. But I did add a letter to her doctor in the last mailing to her to contact Ty and TTAC.
We should die in God’s time, dont let then do it before time by making us sik as hell.
I’d like to know more about ‘informed consent’, and if this is similar to what Dr. Rima is talking about on her website?
So can speaking up about refusing vaccinations (or any medical treatment) by using certain/specific legal words really
protect us when confronted by attempted government force? Thanks for any clarification on this aspect.
Everyone will not go to Heaven. Many will end up in Hell such as those who assign partners to God, atheists, unjust leaders, liars, killers, murderers, rapists, gays, disobedient children, etc…
But after the forced bluttransfusion/ or vaccination the court is too late! the doctors should be informed of other treatment at the time of their education!!
ps. I’m also JW.
It is like:
a movie, and the audience is asking themselves: what is the outcome?
we know, because we red the Book…..
This is truly horrifying. Big brother (government) has taken over our lives a little at a time. I believe it is my right to decide what I put into my body not what conventional disease care (aka health care) dictates. Having had to deal with the system has been challenging and being made to feel I do not know what is right for me and my body. Thank God The Truth About Cancer has developed as, while I all ready knew some of the information shared, there was tons more I did not know. I’ve been blown away by the knowledge shared and will continue to fight for my rights and well being.
Thanks for the great article, Ty! I posted on my FB page and left comments. I probably should have been a little more diplomatic about my comments, but what can I say? I am ticked! Here’s what I wrote:
This is utter BS! Last I checked the United States of America was a FREE country and its citizens have a right to say what goes into our own bodies and that of our children. There is a blatant and undeniable conflict of interest in the pharmaceutical industry and and our government. Over and over again you have proven that you have NO interest in protecting the citizens of this great nation, but rather you want to control us.
I am utterly appalled that you would even put forth such a proposal. Maybe you should take a little time to read our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don’t give us this crap about “protecting the masses” and “herd immunity”. Take a look at real truth about vaccines, disease outbreaks, and their causes. But you won’t do that will you? No you won’t because you have an agenda and truth gets in the way of agendas, doesn’t it?
Well, you know what CDC? YOU make me sick! How’s that for irony? As far as I am concerned you can take this proposed regulation and shove it!
“CDC: You make me sick, how’s that for irony?” I love it…if you don’t mind I’ll be quoting that myself
Dear Ty,
You may know a lot about health, but you have learned many lies about history and are repeating them.
Look up revisionists Ernst Zundel and Germar Rudolf to discover the true story about WW2. The Nazis
weren’t the bad guys and the Germans are still paying for defending their country.
The Nazis weren’t the bad guys? Delusional much?
Ty, thank you for all you do! I am trying to find a religious exception for my work mandating us to get the flu shot or be fired. Someone told me they use aborted fetus in the making of these vaccines. Have you seen any info on this? I’m afraid they will reject this as my reasoning. I would appreciate your help!
I read the same thing and wondered why this particular proposal has everyone up in arms when the proposal specifically says the CDC will use noninvasive public health measures and outlines what noninvasive means. I still posted a comment because I believe the CDC will use strongarm tactics to force treatment on people who don’t want it ( ie. threatening criminal action if said person doesn’t sign agreement for treatment), but this proposal wasn’t I was lead to believe.
Absolutely right Gerri. and thats where big money from Germany was taken to. BAYER was big NAZI company during WWII experimenting with prisoners in Concentration camps and when war was over they went to USA. so did many others. I’m an 67 ole german gal living over here for 17 years now. Most People over here are so bloody single minded its unbelievable. They are like the three monkeys. No hear, no see, no talk.
This is outrageous!
Of course not! God made man in his own image, then he made a female for a help mate, Eve disobeyed God! You see God expects us to live according to his commandments! Jesus was born to be the savior, not the condemner! We shouldn’t judge others, God said vengeance is mine! Each and every person will be judged! And punished accordingly, and hell, is real! Read the bible before you comment!
Okay you say Jesus was born to be the savior, not the condemner…. God is the condemner. But God is three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit… so PART of God saves, the other condemns. What does the third part do? Never mind, This is not the place for such a incomprehensible discussion.
God gave the Jews all the land! When they were released from bondage, they should have obeyed God! There would be no Nation of Islam if they had obeyed! Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Ishmael, God told Abraham to lay with Hagar, she had to leave because of Sarah, Abrahams wife! God told Hagar as she was alone in the desert, that her son would be the father of a great nation! Abraham and Sarah had Isaac also the father of a great nation! There has been a plan in place by God, from the beginning! We are not promised eternal life by our actions, it’s our faith!
What the…?!
No version of the Bible states that God told Abraham to lay with Hagar. Sarah disobeyed God by taking matters into her own hands and told Abraham to lay with Hagar.
I read the whole article you linked to and found nothing about forced vaccination. Can you point me to it?? This article talks about Forced vaccines.
I get that shasha. I live in California. My daughter moved 15 hours away because of it. I meant IN THIS LEGISLATION. We can’t afford to be alarmist with this. It just makes us look stupid when we leave protests for something that is not talking about vaccines.
This is what I commented to the CDC:
Regarding the new proposed ruling Docket No. CDC-2016-0068,
I have lost all hope for the false idea “LAND OF THE FREE” !!!
The US is blindly sabotaging their own country.
With QE3,
With Fracking,
With Removing the Gold standard,
With Crooked, back stabbing, lying, hypocrite politicians.
Now with Forced Poisons on their citizens.
We are just starting to recover from the 2008 financial crisis.
Who’s fault was that? What did the US citizens do wrong to deserve that?
If this Docket No. CDC-2016-0068 becomes law …
For me there is no more “God Bless America”
I would feel like a hypocrite saluting the flag if I don’t even own my body.
you willse signs of the flu because the body is fighting it off.But it hopefully is all dead virus. so dont be alarmed about some symptoms.
yes and a friends brother has come back from the, POLICE ACTION we call war, and now has bleeding they can not find. Just say no to drugs.
That is not true Doctor. It is never to late to repent for ones sins. Their treasures may not be many but all have fallen short of the glory of God.
Good grief, Robert! You are over the top with the biblical stuff. You need to take a look at Thomas Paine’s book: “The Age of Reason” to get an idea of the serious deficiencies propounded in the Bible. Keep this question in mind: who told us that the Bible is the word of God? Man, right? And, man is to be believed, right? Anyway, these forums usually get fractured into many non-relevant topics. I suggest we try to keep it on topic as much as possible.
Thomas Paine is a hero of mine, thanks for mentioning him, he is rarely thought of in the USA even though he changed history.
Ty, I or my kids and grandkids will not get any vaccines. I will go to jail first. Ray Bruns, Antioch, IL
You are so right. Unfortunately logic and reason is too advanced for most people.
You hit on a very important point: the oncologists are angry because now they have to explain that what they have been doing is harmful and substandard. This is one of the main reasons why better and less harmful treatments often get covered up; it is an admittance that what preceeded them was substandard. It’s like the tobacco company, years ago, not wanting to promote low tar cigarettes because it was an admission that high tar had been harmful all along!
“Why” you ask? How about because of the right of freedom of speech?
To the CDC: “I am strongly opposed to any forcible, or required medicating or vaccinating. Any medicating or vaccinating must only be done according to the ethics of informed consent. To do otherwise I believe is a breach of human rights and therefore illegal under international law.”
Comment no. 1521
The Nazi weapons experts came in a program called operation Paperclip; there were many others,some800, of the intelligence services who also came in for free in exchange for all their info about the USSR. See an important documentary paper of about 30 pagers from Carl Ogelsby called, i believe, The Treaty of Fort Henry. Search engine time.
Are we able to comment if we are Canadian? If not, is there another site to do so?
Hi Andrea,
Anyone that has access to the page should be able to comment on our articles!
Mike, can you elaborate? I’d like my comment to be effective.
Janetta Paschal posted some important info to the effect that the CDC ruling that was the focus of TTAC’s article was in reality no big deal. So, assuming that Janetta interpreted the CDC ruling correctly, which I have no time to verify, then this whole link has been an exercise in “much ado about nothing.” Maybe the folks at TTAC need to research their topics more thoroughly? Anyway, there has been lots of stimulating discussion, which is usually beneficial.
No of course the Nazis didn’t exist, just like Hitler didn’t exist, neither of course did the Nazis set up all the gas chambers and of course the Nazis didn’t have train loads of Jewish people sent to chambers, I expect the SS didn’t exist either, I am just beginning to wonder if Germany existed!
i believed you Ty until someone pointed out declared the information false now I am in a quandary. your message is stay healthy and be weary of any claims that nothing govt or big corpt/man-make/modified products are harmful or fake that you cannot digest or will make you sick…However I disagree with TTAC using alarmist rumours (the same tactics as they use) to scare us into more fears. if thi is the case Shame on you guys :o[
ie “The article held that the CDC proposes granting itself the power to “apprehend and detain anyone, anywhere, at any time, without Due Process or any right of appeal, and to hold that person in quarantine for as long as the CDC wants.” However, 42 U.S. Code § 264, originally codified in 1944 and updated several times throughout the years, already grants the federal government authority to take necessary measures (including the apprehension of individuals) in order to prevent the spread of communicable diseases”
Even in Canada, doctors want people to get vaccinated against infectious diseases. When doctors are giving vaccines to children, teenagers, and adults, they do not seem to realize how toxic those vaccines are. It is not too surprising that we have physical and mental problems, because we are probably exposed to aluminum.
I read the whole thing and I saw nothing about forced vaccinations. In the article, they said “if you read between the lines…” so I guess that’s supposed to cover exaggerations. I am tired of the exaggerations on both sides. However doctors and nurses sometimes bully people…and I can certainly imagine some zealot saying they can go if they agree to be vaccinated. My mom was bullied while she was in skilled nursing to get a vaccine repeated that she had just had. If I had not been there she would have given in.
Unfortunately, not all will go to Heaven, only those who have salvation in Jesus Christ per the Holy Bible.
Most of the elite in the Nazi part, did in fact move to the USA< to work for the USA government.
Read The Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs
Really we come back
Blood transfusions are different than vaccinations for communicable diseases. Receiving or not receiving a blood transfusion does not effect anyone but the person receiving the transfusion, except in the case of a pregnant mother- then the fetus is subjected to what the mother chooses. I understand a person’s right to choose for themselves, but when their choices effect others that’s when I struggle. Not being vaccinated puts other non-vaccinated or immunocompromised vaccinated people such as sick people, children and the elderly at risk for such diseases. Their decision to not vaccinate can and does effect others. I do believe that those chemists/microbiologists such as Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur etc. aided in the advancement of longevity because of their vaccine discoveries, which I am truly grateful for. Its a hard call. I hope everyone makes an informed decision for themselves.
“Not being vaccinated puts other non-vaccinated or immuno-compromised vaccinated people such as sick people, children and the elderly at risk for such diseases”
Conversely, those being vaccinated, with toxic viruses, are putting non vaccinated people at risk, having compromised their own immunity with a toxic virus, full of potentially dangerous substances.
#Please don’t confuse the works of Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur, with the trillion dollar industries that churn out toxic vaccines.
Have you ever considered why no one’s blood is tested for anti-bodies to a disease, before you are injected with a substance that is supposedly going to prevent you from getting, that which you are already immune to?
Of course testing people to see if they are already immune would firstly cost money and then the drug companies would lose out because millions of us wouldn’t need a vaccine.
The likelihood is, that it is the vaccinated that are really the problem for others, not the unvaccinated.
The flu vaccine is a computer generated prediction as to the strain that’s going to emerge. At best they have been 20% correct. Too bad you can’t ask the NY Senator who died from the flu shot whether or not he thinks it is worthwhile. And autism? They (HUGE Phama) keep saying there is no link between vaccines and autism, but if you research you will draw a different opinion.
Absolutely correct!
Exactly Robert. I too know about their secret meetings every year in a hidden Camp in CA not accessible for others. They even play “KKK”. The Bush “Dynasty” was heavily involved in it. Depopulate the world make room for the Billionaires in their self driving Vehicles on the freeways and create a one man ruler of the world. Some years ago I’ve had some very interesting DVD’s which unfortunately I lent to somebody but never gotten them back. Ever so sorry.
Outrageous. I have left my comments with the federal register. Here’s a sample of my perspective:
Please know this is not from some Pacific Northwest wild-eyed anti-government right-wing nut-case. I just retired from 40 years of public school teaching, working with special needs students with every kind of physical, mental, social and learning disability. During that 40-year tenure, I’ve done a 180-turn on my belief that the government knows what medical treatment is best. Over the years I saw many cases of of damaged health due to following government guidelines. I’ve listened to anguished parents who talked about a child who just “never quite recovered” from a vaccine or medical treatment they felt pressured into because of school/government recommendations.
You don’t have to believe me since my “proof” is anecdotal. But how can you ignore the studies done by doctors internationally, linking these neuro-toxic injections to cancer? How can you ignore the fact that many of the outbreaks of disease in this country have been in fully vaccinated areas? How can you ignore the billions of dollars paid out to vaccine-injured families?
I am concerned about the future of my children and grandchildren. Most concerning is that portion of the proposed rule that says, “the individual’s consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite to any exercise of any authority under this part.” This means the government can force treatment on anyone without looking at their individual health needs, medical records, or rights. This is both unconstitutional and immoral. Do not allow this to happen.
To me, and it is my Christian belief, this is just another sign that the Mark of the Beast and end times is upon us. Revelations in the Bible talks about taking the mark. It won’t matter how many petitions we sign, if things come to this, and also heading towards no cash being accepted. This is my opinion, and please don’t mock me if you disagree. You have a right to your opinions too. Forceful vaccinations are so wrong.
The link has what I eat. EDTA IV chelations may unclog blood vessels. Fish oil thins blood and lecithin defats the liver/blood. No gluten may help more nutrients absorb in the intestines. Folate and 5000mcg of biotin, 120mg of ginkgo/Vit C and Vit E help with circulation. Vit B12 methylcobalamin may help stress/bones/oxygen. Best wishes.
No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label etc. and vitamins/good oils/ LDN and detoxing help me. Vit D3 5000IU, zinc 50mg if detoxing, 2000mg fish oil, 2000mg evening primrose oil. 2000 mg lecithin, Phosphatidylserine/DMAE, krill oil, CLA, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, Mg citrate 400mg, Vit C, 5000mcg of biotin, Nature’s Plus- Source of life multiple, HCl and Now brand- Super enzymes with meals, dairy free probiotic, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/spray/under the tongue kind/intrinsic factor kind, MTHF folate, coenyzme Q10, rhodiola, may help brain/body/thyroid/depression/immune system and more. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye/corn…oats has gluten with avenin…and there is a small amount of gluten in rice. GMO corn/soy/canola oil may hurt. Amour thyroid maybe needed since gluten may made antibodies to the thyroid. Coenzymated B vitamins far from synthetic kind make make me calm.
Sunlight (helps the immune system and helps to heal the gut lining),exercise, organic food, good water..not tap water, cooking by scratch pure food….. no food in a box/bag/premade/label/restaurant which may help avoid hidden gluten. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten…too much. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices may have hidden gluten/food with a label and lotion/make up etc. One restaurant cooks special for me…rice/veg/tea/extra mushrooms (no meat since the woks may have MSG/gluten in them).
EDTA/DMPS IV chelations from an Alternative doctor, 600mg of cilantro, organic sulfur, Now brand- Detox support, Far Infrared Sauna and more may help detox. Hair tests show good minerals and heavy metals. Heavy metals can block thyroid and other chemical reactions in the body/brain.
LDN may help block hidden gluten/heal the gut lining and help the immune system, but the Celiac diet is still needed. 100% no hidden or microscopic gluten may help. Cutting back on gluten or cheating by eating gluten hurts the immune system. It may take 1 1/2 months to heal the gut lining after getting hidden gluten. HCl and enzymes with meals and gluten enzymes help me. There are now gluten enzymes also a person may use that may help, but LDN helps block gluten in the air/on the skin and all day long.
Amour thyroid has some T3 and Calcitonin. Synthroid is only T4..may not convert to T3. Zn/Se/enough iron/strong probiotic may help convert T4 to T3 for thyroid.
Alternative doctors/chiropractors/acupuncturists and more may help with health/vitamins etc.
Books: No grain No Pain, Wheat Belly, Grain Brain, Dangerous Grains and The Autoimmune Fix and more explain Celiac.
Longer version:
You are welcome! No gluten may help lower swelling/inflammation and prevent heart disease. I can’t have saturated/monounsaturated fat…coconut oil/olive oil or heated oils. Each person is different. Just find what foods help you and what foods don’t. A food journal with date/time/food/supplements/symptoms etc helps me figure out my health. Chiropractors/acupuncturists are cheap for nutritional help. Best wishes.
Would you mind clarifying this absurd claim of yours that “Cancer is the gateway drug to truth” Cancer is not a drug FYI
Entered my comment. To say this is outrageous is a gross understatement. I only wish more people realized the enormity of power grabs like this. It’s the classic turn the heat up slowly so the frog doesn’t realize he’s getting boiled alive until it’s too late.
I submitted the following comment to the CDC about the Proposed Control of Communicable Diseases : This proposed legislation brings to mind the saying “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Unfortunately, I fail to see very much in the way of good intentions in this legislation. What I see is an erosion of basic human rights that are guaranteed by the US Constitution. I oppose this legislation in no uncertain terms. My specific objections to this legislation are best summed up by the comments submitted by someone else and are as follows:
1.The HHS/CDC is acting in blatant disregard of individual human rights by proposing that they have the right to impose on someone: quarantine, isolation, conditional release, medical examination, hospitalization, vaccination, and treatment and that the individual’s consent shall NOT be considered as a prerequisite to any exercise of any authority.
2.This is too broad:
The statement: applies to all communicable diseases that may impact human health
the power to classify people as having a precommunicable disease, and apprehend or quarantine them for suspected exposure.
3.Having flight reservations require health reports will significantly impede air travel.
4.The following proposal for ongoing surveillance and tracking is A SERIOUS VIOLATION of individual privacy:
HHS/CDC has proposed a definition for electronic or internet-based monitoring that defines this term as referring to mechanisms or technologies allowing for the temporary public health supervision of an individual under conditional release, including electronic mail, SMS texts, video conference or webcam technologies, integrated voice-response systems, entry of information into a web-based forum, wearable tracking technologies, and other mechanisms or technologies as determined by the Director or supervising health authority.
The nation fought to abort babies via “keep your hands off my body” when the body dying wasn’t the pregnant woman’s but a separate individual life. In the instance of forced vaccinations *I* declare “keep your hands off MY body!” You can’t have it both ways–in one instance supporting the murder of innocent lives singing the song of keeping hands off the woman’s body and at the same time insist on putting your hands on EVERYONE’S body. It is utter hypocrisy, and blatantly wrong.
I have been trying for weeks to have my comment approved and posted and it has yet to be posted. I guess they’re censoring even our public comments. Maybe it’s because I quoted the Declaration of Independence…
Just did! Think it’s very important to submit something even if time is limited. Short is better than nothing. I also set up account to be notified, so they will know I am watching.LOL I am not sure if it will make any difference as they do what big pharma wants, but if enough people show up they have to take notice.
Dr Lawenda at Integrative Oncology – an Oncologist who developed Breath holding technique for breast cancer radiation – minimising damage to the heart for left side breast cancer. Its been over 10 years but there are very few oncology centres that can be bothered. Its not about whats best for the patient – but the truth about cancer is going to change all that.
I have seen a doctor only 4 times since 1970. I have never been healthier since I stopped seeing them!
So I am currently trying to find food items to replace my heart meds. I found 1/3c. beets, 1carrot and apple (organic) a day equals my station drug plus no Alzheimer’s side affects from the statins. Am looking for more food replacements for Lisinopril for blood pressure and Metaprolol for heart , and want to quit traditional doctors in favor for homeopathic doctors near Lacrosse, WI. I rarely if ever get a cold, once in three or more years. I use Tumeric and Frankincense and Turkey tail mushrooms ground for preventing illness, eat organic and eliminate all sugar except in organic fruits. Any suggestions for food replacements for the last two meds would be appreciated. Of course, will get to a homeopathic doctor soon. My other ADVIVE NEEDED is: Does a person have to take Part B when turning 65? It seems senseless when I want to go to homeopathic doctors and to have that money deducted from a small Social Security check seems ridiculous, even if only get covered 20% hospitalization free from part A Medicare. Any advice?
My partner gets part B at no additional cost. Check availability in your area and prices. A few companies will just take the medicare premium (automatically done) and give you limited additional coverages. I don’t know if it is required to have part B, but if you can get it at no extra cost to you, you might as well go for it. Of course, availability and premiums and coverages seem to change almost every year, so what is available now may not be when you turn 65. He was able to find this type of coverage in Hawaii and Oregon. Good luck!
As far as food replacements for drugs, just search “natural treatment for ___” and fill in the blank with whatever you want to know how to treat. You definitely have to sort through the thinly veiled advertisements for supplements (complete with scare tactics,) but there is good info out there. Just be careful and coordinate coming off your meds with a good natural health care practitioner. (See how I covered my rear there?
My partner gradually came off a few meds by checking his vitals daily while adding good foods (and removing junk foods) from his diet. As his vitals improved he cut back on his meds, continuing to check each day to be sure everything went smoothly. And his doctor was only a phone call away when he had questions.
THANK YOU SASHA for your in depth and quick reply. I intend to look into everything you suggested. So appreciative for your time. It seems even Big Pharmacy has its hands in people’s Social Security checks, making sure doctors still get their pockets lined with people who just want to retire and get the measly retirement check to pay their bills. I would love to see the Social Security Admin. and govt. live off the same money and get proper medical rights which include homeopathic choice treatments. That will never happen in my lifetime. I am not quite 65, but do get early retirement at 62. Am trying to get as informed as I can before the last minute.
You can view available waivers state by state at this site: scroll down the page to the clickable map
Check this website for state by state exemptions: scroll down to clickable map