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Vaccines are the sacred cow of modern medicine, or as my friend, Robert Scott Bell, often declares, “The Church of Biological Mysticism.” The first vaccines (smallpox) were derived from pus and blood scraped from sores on cows and horses, then put on a lancet, scalpel, or needle and jabbed into someone’s arm.
“Blood and pus, anyone? How about some feces?” Do you think it’s a good idea to inject our bodies with blood and pus from infected animals? That’s not only disgusting, it borders on insane. But that’s where the modern practice of vaccination originated. And it’s only gotten more repulsive and more insane since the smallpox vaccine.
Vaccinations are another of conventional medicine’s colossal blunders. The absurd idea that vaccines protect you from infectious diseases and increase immunity are blatantly false. Health “authorities” credit vaccines for disease declines and assure us of their safety and effectiveness, yet these assurances are directly contradicted by government statistics, published medical studies, FDA and CDC reports, and the opinions of credible research scientists globally.
Vaccines contain additives, preservatives, and adjuvants, which are supposed to increase the body’s immune response to the vaccine – substances like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, squalene, and antifreeze.
Medical research has well established that the direct injection of foreign proteins and other toxic materials (listed above) makes the recipient more, not less, easily affected by what he/she encounters in the future. This means they do the opposite of immunize, commonly even preventing immunity from developing after natural exposure. I have heard vaccinations described as “toxic cocktails” of the most noxious substances on earth.
But let’s focus on CANCER.
We’ve all gone grocery shopping.You know if you look at the label you will get a general idea of what is contained in the product. That is how you find most of the nasty ingredients in processed foods. Not so with vaccines!
By law, doctors only have to give parents the vaccine information sheets, but not the package inserts. You can find them here.
Do a search for the term “carcinogenesis” (literally “cancer creation”) on the product insert for any vaccine. You’ll see the following common phrase regarding most vaccines,
This vaccine has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility.”
Huh? The inserts say that vaccines are not tested to see if they are carcinogenic. Seriously?
How can we inject these dangerous, toxic concoctions into our infants and children without knowing whether or not they cause cancer?
So, since specific vaccines are not tested to see if they cause cancer, let’s take a look at some common vaccine ingredients and look at the medical literature relating to these specific ingredients. Following are a few cancer-causing ingredients, neurotoxins, and immune-destroying ingredients that are in most vaccines:
- Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) – This is classified as a known carcinogen. Both the EPA and the International Agency for Research on Cancer admit this. So, why do vaccines still contain formaldehyde? Formaldehyde has been linked to several types of cancers, including Leukemia. It has also been used in the Anthrax vaccine, DT, DTaP, Hib, HPV, Hep A, Hep B, Influenza, Meningitis, Polio, and more.
- Aluminum – Aluminum salts are in childhood vaccines such as the DTaP vaccine, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, and more. Aluminum hydroxide (just one of the aluminum salts that is used) has been linked to autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and yes, cancer. Aluminum causes cancer by displacing iron from its protective proteins, raising the level of free iron in the body, and triggering intense inflammation, free radical generation, and lipid peroxidation.
- Mercury (from Thimerosal) – This preservative is in almost every vaccine and has been linked to autism, mental retardation, and yes, cancer. The search for the association between mercury and cancer reveals 643 scientific papers. Wow!
The Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) states that in addition to mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde, vaccines may also contain SV40, bovine serums, latex, neomycin and other known carcinogens and allergens. Many of these toxins are injected into the bloodstream of babies as young as one day old. In fact, no long term testing for efficacy or safety for any vaccination has ever been done. Essentially, Big Pharma is using our babies as their own guinea pigs.
In 2002, the British medical journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases that were occurring each year.What was it contaminated with? SV40 – a carcinogenic monkey virus! The puzzle began in 1994, when Dr. Michele Carbone, a Loyola University researcher, found the virus SV40, which had never before been detected in humans, in half of the human lung tumors he was studying. Since then, 60 different lab studies have confirmed the results, and SV40 has been found in a variety of human cancers (brain, lung, bone, and lymphatic).
In 2011, Dr. Maurice Hilleman made astounding revelations in an interview that was cut from The Health Century. In the interview, Hilleman admitted that Merck drug company vaccines had been injecting dangerous viruses into people worldwide. Keep in mind that Dr. Hilleman was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program. He developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received a special lifetime achievement award from the WHO.
When we see the term “cancer vaccine” in connection with the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine, we may naturally assume that it prevents cervical cancer in young girls and women, yet there is no evidence whatsoever that this is the case. As a matter of fact, one of the most disturbing observations which deserves serious investigation concerns the almost 45% increase in risk of precancerous lesions after the Gardasil HPV vaccination! In other words, the HPV vaccine may increase the risk of other cancers!
I conclude this article with a quote from Dennis Turnbull,
I have no hesitation in stating that in my judgment the most frequent disposing condition for cancerous development is infused into the blood by vaccination and re-vaccination.”

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Not a single citation of where your facts come from, huh.
Hi KP, The different blue hyperlinks are some of the sources that we used. Hope this helps!
Obviously KP is lazy…or just a shill.
Look up or google Simian Virus or SV40. Even the NIH sites have it documented!
Ty, really appreciate the knowledge that you pass on. Good work!!
So, if a child is bitten by an animal that tests positive for rabies, the wisest thing to do is to deny them the Rabies Vaccine?
you are talking about another type of vaccine…We should look into every vaccine and find out what toxins they have…immunizations on children, flu shots, have so many metals, toxins, that our immune system is being destroyed…as a mother, I have seen first hand what it has done to children and to me, with so many medical problems, but…through the grace of God have been able to research alternatives other than drugs and it has done wonders….
Hi Virginia,
If you don’t mind me asking, what alternative to drugs did you use that did wonders for you?
Hello Regine, just saw your question, hope you don’t mind me contributing to this discussion – you can use homeopathic vaccination (I don’t like that term but it best describes the effect of a homeopathic remedy made from a particular disease). I have been using them for 16 years in my homeopathic clinic – so I can really say this from experience as a professional..
Fact: The very first vaccine was Dr. Pasteur’s Rabies Vaccine. He cured ONE goat of rabies and the French government ordered mandatory vaccinations for all French Citizens. Dr. Pasteur became rich and famous and politicians’ pockets were greased. Trouble is that the goat was not cured by Pasteur’s vaccine but rather by an antiseptic formula from Pasteur’s nemesis, Dr. Antoine Béchamps of Normandy, which Pasteur had stolen and passed as his vaccine. This info was discovered by French post-graduate students. Thus the start of the vaccination scams in this multi-million dollar industry.
So yes, by all means, have the antiseptic formula administered to your child for rabies.
The first actual vaccine was produced by Edward Jenner in 1796, and was the small pox vaccine. It was thought to originate from the same pathogen that caused cow pox (viruses were not known of at the time), and practice of inoculating for immunization against small pox using cow pox was named “vaccination” to distinguish from the long-used “variolation”, which used actual material from small pox patients. This vaccine was used to prevent millions of deaths, and led to the eventual eradication of small pox in the late 1970’s. This vaccine is no longer given because it is impossible to catch small pox in the wild — the miniscule possibility of an adverse reaction outweighs they non-existent probability of actually getting small pox. Nevertheless, the US and many other governments still retain samples of the virus, in addition to stocks of the vaccine (which is actually a related virus which does not cause significant illness in humans).
The rabies vaccine was actually tested on human children who were infected with rabies, which is what led to its proven success. This is ethically dubious, but it worked, and the rabies vaccines has saved a lot of lives as a result.
There have been many other vaccines since then, most of which have been huge successes (though not every disease can be easily vaccinated against, and some vaccines have proven to be too unsafe for general use, and subsequently taken out of use). Polio vaccines are a great example: the world is almost polio free, all because of the wonders of vaccination. Influenza vaccines are definitely not very successful all the time, but they still save a lot of lives even when they don’t fully protect all individuals.
Vaccines are truly the most amazing medical conception in human history, and have probably saved more lives than any other medical invention in history.
Ivan Illich showed in his book Medical Nemesis (1976) that the incidence of polio was already sharply declining long before the vaccination was introduced. The increase of polio started in the 18-hundreds, when hygiene became common practice. Before that, children would get micro-infections due to playing in contaminated dirt or water and so build up a natural resistance. The lack of these minor infections made the children more vulnerable and the incidence of polio shot up sharply but started declining again already before WO2. Were we building up a natural resistance that we could pass on to our children? Anyway, the incidence of polio was already a fraction of that of the beginning of the century, when vaccination started in 1956-57. The same is true for other diseases such as measles which were very common before WO2. So, the question is how effective vaccinations are as a tool for preventing diseases.
By the way, nobody ever proved Illich wrong in his theory.
Vacation is a supposedly a prevention, not a cure
This article lines up with my own findings. You can find this same information concerning the ingredients on the CDC ‘s website- the same website they use to insist on the necessity of vaccinations.
For anyone interested, a lot of the vaccines also contain what the pharmaceutical companies refer to as “bioligical material” obtained from cells grown in a petri dish and originally derived from a few fetuses aborted in the 1960s. Check into it if you like. All life-threatening diseases have an alternative vaccine which is not derived from the aborted fetuses, except Hepatitis A. With hepatitis A not only are the chemical ingredients a concern, but also this “biological material”.
Here is another source. This is a memorial website for children who faced adverse affects within days of their vaccines. You could almost shrug this information off as ” It’s just a coincidence the symptoms occured at the time the vaccine was administered.” That is until you see how many children are listed and read their stories for yourself.
What is the site
Or if your child gets bite by a poisonous snake i guess he thinks you should not get anti venom. They would most likely die. I bet the people that got H1N1 a few years that died because they were not vaccinated wished they would have been or atleast their family probably wished they were.
Snakes are not poisonous. Snakes are venomous. Poison is ingested and venom is injected.
I was bit by a snake in college. They did not give me antivenin because they said it would probably kill me. They only give it if it looks like the patient will die anyway and they want to say they tried everything. It was a cottonmouth. I had massive swelling and the finger that was bit turned totally black. I was sure I would lose my arm. Then, as the swelling went down, I thought I would only lose my hand. I was finally resigned that I would only lose my finger. But after drinking copious amounts of water and later having a pressure bandage to squeeze out the swelling, I recovered totally. You don’t need poison to combat poison. I praise and thank the Lord Jesus for healing me. No one thinks that humbly asking God to heal us is scientific. But He told us plainly “I am the God that healeth thee.”
When your tool box is limited to what pharma/govt determined what should be in it – then you may indeed be limited to choose “immediate” death from rabies or compromised survival with a vaccine (which can be detoxed to an extent though you can never unvaccinate yourself).
Homeopathy will never be accepted where there is criminal & immoral authority on which modalities may be offered to patients, but it is used throughout the world with excellent results. It is growing by leaps & bounds despite the official demonization of its benefits. There is a homeopathic remedy for rabies that heals without harming & inflaming the body which is how vaccines “work”.
I totally believe any article written against vaccines…my son had devastating reaction……they must test first ….then administer…..
My dog died from vaccine cancer, many do, but you can t register it and there are no records or statistics because it s about big big big business. Another healthy dog died within 24 hours after vaccination, registered as sudden death. We know about an epidemic of cancer in children, not so in Amish communities where they don t vaccinate.
Yes Sarah, I think you stepped into a parallel universe, maybe it s a human reaction towards the realization of what your government and those who have power over humanity are capable of.
So what can we do as parents to not vaccinate our kids if they have to go to school??
Pursue a exemption from vaccination a good site is NVIC check out Lissette
Sarah, if you think that the info is not true that is your own cup of tea because you have right to your opinion. Some of us whose kids have suffered from vaccines will never deny this gospel truth. My healthy boy that started talking very early lost all his words after loading him with seven different vaccines at Albert Einstein hospital in Philly just in one day. He is now 10 years old and I have been struggling to detoxify him after his test results came back from Norway that lead, Mercury, Aluminum and Arsenic were very high. Where in the world did he get it from if not from vaccines? Pray that it does not happen to even your worst enemy.
I think all vaccines are worthless trash and injure and kill people, but mercury is no longer in most vaccines. It is still in the flu shot and one other I think. Just wanted you to have the correct information.
My son had chronic eczema after vaccinations. Also, he caught whooping cough despite being vaccinated. Making more informed choices now and opting out of school age vaccinations unless there is an epidemic!!
Vacation is a cure but vaccination isn’t.
Bless you, Ty. You truly are exposing the medical establishment for the fraud that it is.
What response do you give when people say that formaldehyde is naturally occuring in the fruits we eat and the amount in vaccines is so miniscule that it’s harmless? Is the chemical makeup of formaldehyde in fruits the same natural chemical makeup in vaccines and embalming fluid?
In 1988, polio was 125 countries, and every day about 1000 children were paralyzed from the disease. Then, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative was launched. Children were vaccinated in each of these countries and the polio rates immediately began to decline. Presently, there are only about 20 known cases of polio worldwide per year, and only in the areas that haven’t yet had access to the vaccine.
For every article presenting some obscure negative effect of vaccines, you can find dozens of peer-reviewed articles demonstrating their effectiveness. Note that any trained physician you visit will recommend vaccinating, while “anti-vaxxers” consist largely of people citing anecdotal evidence.
That being said, some children have allergies to one or more ingredients in vaccines. Obviously, they should be exempt from vaccinations. This, however, is the exception, not the rule.
Lastly: of course some of the ingredients in vaccines are carcinogens. Do you know what else can cause cancer? Sunlight, all carbohydrates, laundry detergent, being a hairdresser, filling your car with gas, drinking any beverage above 65ºC, handling nickels, and breathing inside a city, to name a few. The reason nobody’s freaking out about your cup of hot chocolate is that almost all carcinogens take repeated exposure over many years to pose any adverse effect.
Probably best not to inject gasoline and laundry detergent into children then, yes? Most physicians in the US do not vaccinate their children. Can we at least agree, that this immune system development intervention should be the choice of the parent…since there is any controversy, some may want to err on the side of caution. Some may want to wear sunscreen.
That is not even remotely true. Doctors do vaccinate their kids. I live very close to one of the best hospitals/ health care systems in the world and know many of the doctors and nurses personally, all have vaccinated their children.
There is much more evidence online which I read through when I was researching but I didnt save it.
In the article you quote Dr. Dennis Turnbull, MD saying, “I have no hesitation in stating that in my judgment the most frequent disposing condition for cancerous development is infused into the blood by vaccination and re-vaccination.”
Mr Turnbull never acquired a license and is in the process of being prosecuted for posting false information about himself-
Surely this quote should be removed from the article considering that the person being quoted has zero evidence behind his claim and is acknowledged as a fraudulent individual. Would it not bring distrust to the article that a prominent quote contained within the article can be discredited with a simple google search?
Hi Thomas, thank you for your comment. We’ve reviewed this and removed both “Dr.” and “M.D” from his name. Dennis Turnbull was a published cancer researcher for 30 years and a graduate of the Medical Reform College of New York and his insights and discovery during the 1800s were important to our understanding of cancer and its therapies.
Mercury is simply a part of the molecular substance within parts of the vaccine. Sodium and Chlorine are incredibly toxic chemicals- sodium exploding when touching water and chlorine killing life it comes in contact with. However, when these chemicals are combined in a chemical bond, they produce sodium chloride- table salt. There is no free mercury in these vaccines.
Ty you are an inspiration. Thanks.
Those that are pushing vaccinations should be severely punished selling human life for money they have killed hundreds of thousands leaving children and Families devastated by there effects yet another beautiful died after vaccination and yet no recourse they will have their part in the Lake of Fire I prayed God expose them now
Just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work standing behind you 100% I’m doing my best to spread the word about vaccinations before more lives are destroyed and to those that this is new information about vaccinations please do your research before you vaccinate your children