TTAV is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats. Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list. It’s free.
A few days ago, NBC’s show TODAY spent five and a half minutes talking about vaccines. But they didn’t talk about vaccine safety studies and how they aren’t held to the same standard of other medicines. They didn’t talk about the revolving door between vaccine manufacturers and government entities. They didn’t even talk about why the CDC vaccine schedule has increased exponentially over the years.
They utilized the typical ad hominem attacks. This phrase is Latin for “against the man.” Instead of advancing good, sound reasoning, ad hominems replace logical argumentation with attack-language unrelated to the truth of the matter. This is a typical tactic of those in favor of vaccine mandates. Call those who question the safety or efficacy of vaccines a name… like “Vaccine Refuseniks” or “Science Deniers” or “Conspiracy Quacks.”
It was a hit piece that used a broad brush to label people as “anti-vaxxers” and accused them of deliberately spreading misinformation and preying on people’s fear. By the way, the “anti-vaxx” and “pro-vaxx” terminology creates a logical fallacy called a “false dichotomy” because the vast majority of medical doctors today would probably categorize their position as somewhere in between.
Many doctors who consider themselves “pro-vaccine,” for example, do not believe that every single vaccine is appropriate for every single individual. Many doctors recommend a “delayed” vaccine schedule for some patients, and not always the recommended one-size-fits-all CDC childhood schedule. Other doctors choose to recommend vaccines based on the actual science and merit of each vaccine, recommending some vaccines, while determining that others are not worth the risk for children.
Then, the segment featured a clip from our Global Health News series, a quick sound bite designed to portray TTAC as dishonest and fear-mongering. The clip was used without our knowledge, and NBC did not reach out to us for comment.
We’re here to set the record straight.
18-Year-Old Ethan Lindenberger Used as Prop in Pro-Vaxx Propaganda
Host Kristen Dahlgren began the segment by repeating the WHO’s statement that vaccine hesitancy is a top ten global health risk. She then introduced Ethan Lindenberger, who testified on Capitol Hill recently about the role of social media in spreading “misinformation” and “fear-mongering” that Dahlgren said puts many people at risk.
Lindenberger is an 18-year-old boy from Ohio, with no background in medical research nor any other credentials or experience that would qualify him as an expert in any way. The teen gained some notoriety when he chose to be vaccinated after turning 18. His mother had chosen not to have her children vaccinated, and it wasn’t until his 18th birthday that he could choose for himself.
He blamed social media for his mother’s choices, claiming that she “would turn to anti-vaccine groups online and on social media looking for her evidence and defense, rather than health officials and through credible sources.”
Ethan’s mother and brother speak out in the video with Del Bigtree below:
When asked where he gets most of his information, he said, “not Facebook” and cited the CDC and WHO as his primary sources. To be clear, both the CDC and the WHO have Facebook pages where they routinely share short videos or images, often with links to relevant health articles.
Lindenberger fancies himself a social media whiz, having listed OH! Publishing as an employer, but his Reddit page clarifies that he simply helped a friend set up social media accounts to promote a book. He also has two Facebook accounts, allegedly because he forgot his password. Why we’re listening to an unqualified young man who can’t figure out how to reset his password explain the dangers of social media remains a mystery.
The fact that information is shared on Facebook does not inherently make it untrue. Frankly, the boy’s story adds no value to the social debate revolving around vaccines, though Dahlgren seemed happy to use the gimmick to lead off her segment. [Note: We believe in medical freedom of choice, and support Ethan’s constitutional right to make his own choices regarding vaccination.]
NBC Attacks The Truth About Cancer
The host went on to accuse “anti-vaxxers” of “blanketing social media with misinformation campaigns” that are “designed to scare families,” while showing logos from TTAV, the documentary Vaxxed, and the National Vaccine Information Center.
At the 1:40 mark, Ms. Dahlgren, while referring to the 2019 outbreak of measles, states
…in the first 2 months of 2019, the CDC has reported more cases of measles than in all of 2016 and 2017 combined.”
Wow! So we must be looking at thousands and thousands of measles cases to be considered an outbreak, right? Wrong. According to the CDC, from January 1 to February 28, 2019, 206 individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 11 states. Doing the math, that’s an average of about 19 cases per state. NINETEEN … ONE NINER. Not exactly what most people would think when they hear “outbreak” is it? But according to the CDC, an “outbreak” is defined as 3 or more cases. Can anyone say “fear mongering”?
Oh yeah, since 2000, there have been a total of eleven reported deaths from measles, or an average of one death every couple of years. While any death is tragic and heartbreaking, you can see that measles is not typically a deadly disease. The number of Americans who die from measles every year is about the same number that die from a scorpion sting! You’re about 100 times more likely to die from being struck by lightning than from measles in the USA.
At 1:48 Amy Pisani (the executive director for “Vaccinate Your Family”) says
It’s a public health nightmare, because children are actually getting the diseases that were eliminated from our country years ago.”
HMMMMM… Ms. Pisani is referring to measles, which she claims was “eliminated” from the USA years ago. But that’s a misleading play on words, because “elimination” does not really mean “eradication.” In 2000, when the CDC said that measles had been eliminated in the country, they actually meant that measles was no longer endemic. In other words, any measles cases that occurred would come from people traveling to the country.
At the 2 minute mark, they show a clip from Global Health News, singling out the line where Ty says, “The only science that’s settled is that vaccines harm.” In the episode, we discussed mandatory vaccinations, state senator Richard Pan’s refusal to discuss whistle-blowers in the CDC, and unsupported claims about vaccine safety. After diving into the issues with safety testing and research – in the context of a discussion about mandatory vaccination – we pointed out that the only thing we know for certain is that vaccines can cause harm.
Watch the full episode here:
This was a blatant and unethical attempt to slander and discredit our work and our mission. The clip was carefully used to fit Dahlgren’s narrative, and we were lumped unfairly into the “anti-vaxxer” and “misinformation” categories without so much as an email requesting a comment.
After the slanderous attack on our mission, we were introduced to Dr. John Torres, an ER doctor and NBC medical correspondent. They asked him about three vaccine “myths.” Since preventing misinformation is such a priority for the network, we’re going to fact-check Dr. Torres’ responses.
The Fact Check
Fact Check #1
Concern: Vaccines can cause autism.
Torres’ Response: There was one study that’s been disproven. Multiple studies show that vaccines don’t cause autism.
Fact Check: Honestly, we had a difficult time finding the “multiple studies” on the website that show vaccines don’t cause autism. However, we did find one of the studies they cite for support of their assertion. Poul Thorsen was one of the co-authors, so we will refer to it as the “Thorsen study.”
The Thorsen study was a CDC sponsored cohort study and was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002 and Pediatrics in 2003. There were 7 other co-authors of the study, and they looked at Danish data between 1991 and 1998. Thimerosal was removed from Danish vaccines in 1992, and the Thorsen study indicated that not only did autism rates not go down after its removal, they actually went up. Therefore, there was no link between thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines and autism. Therefore, vaccines do not cause autism.
Here’s the “rest of the story” that was never included in the Thorsen study’s findings. It’s a perfect example of “lying by omission”. During that period, the Danish registry added “outpatient clinics” to their count of autism cases, when these cases had never been included before. It turns out that 93% of Danish children are diagnosed with autism at outpatient clinics, but the number of autism cases before 1995 did not include the clinics. Also, in addition to adding outpatient clinic autism diagnoses, there was also a new law requiring, for the first time, that autism cases be reported on the national registry in Denmark. The combination of these 2 factors is what likely accounted for the sudden rise in reported cases of autism, not the removal of mercury from vaccines.
But that’s not all. Of the 8 co-authors of the study, Poul Thorsen was actually a CDC employee, three co-authors had received direct funding from the CDC on vaccine-safety related projects, and two of the co-authors were employees of Statens Serum Institute, a Danish vaccine manufacturer. None of these conflicts are mentioned in the study.
In a report released September 18, 2017, our good friend, Bobby Kennedy, and his team outlined various criminal acts committed by the CDC, whose “problematic” ethics coupled with downright scientific fraud have resulted in extremely unreliable vaccine safety science.
And this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a problem with study ethics. The FDA conducts inspections of clinical sites where human testing is underway. They sometimes find misconduct or substantially substandard practices, but aren’t able to relay the issues to the medical community, so the studies are still published.
In a JAMA Network review, 57 studies published between 1998 and 2013 were found to have falsification or submission of false information, problems with adverse events reporting, protocol violations, inadequate or inaccurate recordkeeping, failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent, and violations not otherwise categorized. The studies we see are not always backed by good science.
Among other alarming information, Kennedy has found evidence of criminal activity by Poul Thorsen. The evidence, recently uncovered by Children’s Health Defense, shows that Thorsen and his collaborators did not obtain permission from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to conduct their research. In 2009, when CDC discovered that Thorsen never applied for the IRB approvals, they did not report the errors and retract the studies. Rather, FOIA documents show that CDC supervisors ignored the missteps and covered up the illegal activity. In 2011, The Department of Justice indicted Thorsen on 22 counts of wire fraud and money laundering for stealing over $1 million in CDC grant money earmarked for autism research. Thorsen is currently on the “most wanted” list on the OIG website.
Despite the obvious ramifications of the above-omitted details, conflicts of interest, and criminal activity, the Thorsen study was never retracted. And here’s the kicker: This fraud-tainted study is now cited as one of the primary studies that form the backbone of the popular orthodoxy that vaccines do not cause autism.
There have been several instances in which experts and professionals who speak up about the connection between vaccines and autism have been quickly silenced. Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, Dr. William Thompson, and even Congressman Mark Green have been threatened, persecuted, or simply dismissed at the first sign that they are unwilling to play ball with the vaccine industry.
Further, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid over $4 billion to families who have suffered injury or death caused by vaccines. Given the low reporting rate, rigorous application process, and unique rules that make findings for the plaintiff uncommon, this is a massive number.
Have you ever heard of Hannah Poling? Hannah’s father, Jon – a Harvard trained medical doctor/neurologist –claimed in 2008 that Hannah’s autistic symptoms were caused by a vaccine reaction after she had received 5 vaccines (DTaP, Hib, MMR, Varicella, and Polio) at the age of 19 months. Here’s what’s interesting: Hannah had been part of a study of normally developing children prior to being diagnosed with autism and had received an advanced brain imaging technology being developed by Harvard University.
Dr. Jon Poling was able to present compelling evidence that the vaccine reaction was causative of Hannah’s autism. The vaccine court ruled in favor of Poling stating that there was sufficient evidence to conclude that vaccines given to Hannah Poling likely aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disease causing brain damage with features of autism. The Poling family was awarded $1,507,284.
Also interesting is the Sanofi Pasteur “Tripedia” Vaccine insert (for the DTaP vaccine) which lists autism as a possible “adverse event.” The Tripedia vaccine was taken off the market several years ago due to public outcry about its link to autism and other adverse affects. It’s crystal clear that the science is not settled regarding vaccines and autism.
Fact Check #2
Concern: Infant immune systems are not able to handle the burden of the current vaccine schedule.
Torres’ Response: Infants have very strong immune systems to begin with. They are exposed to thousands of germs every day. The shots only have a few germs to prime their systems and are totally safe.
Fact Check: Infants are born with very susceptible immune systems. For the first month or so, most of the baby’s immunity is passed on from the mother. Their immune systems develop as they encounter various viruses and germs, but the process takes time. Infants have weak immune systems that can be compromised by such a heavy load of antigens and toxins at such an early age.
What’s more, this suppressed immune response is necessary for the child to develop healthy gut bacteria, which are necessary for a strong immune system. Toxic adjuvants in vaccines cause the body to go into a protective mode that prevents healthy bacteria from getting in, potentially causing permanent damage.
In addition to the relevant antigens (the virus itself), vaccines contain a host of preservatives, adjuvants, and antibiotics including thimerosal (mercury), aluminum, gelatin, and MSG, are just a few of the ingredients commonly used. It is thought that the rise in childhood allergies may be a result of increased exposure to these ingredients and other toxins. Additionally, certain cell lines, like WI-38 and MRC-5, are derived from aborted fetal tissue. These are used in vaccines for Hepatitis A, Rubella, chickenpox, and shingles, to name a few.
Below is the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for thimerosal. As you can clearly see, these do not look like benign substances.
Fact Check #3
Concern: The body’s immune system is better than any vaccine.
Torres’ Response: The body’s immune system is better only once you’ve been exposed to the disease. Measles has a 1 in 500 death rate and the vaccine has a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of an allergic reaction.
Fact check: It is true that the body builds immunity based on exposure to various germs and diseases. However, according to Physicians for Informed Consent, the fatality rate of measles is closer to 1 in 10,000. This number (0.01%) is 20 times smaller than Torres’ number (0.2%). Conversely, the WHO says that reactions to the MMR vaccine are “not uncommon.” The risk of a fever over 103 degrees is between 5 and 15 percent. Rashes occur between 2 and 5 percent of the time. Anaphylaxis occurs in as many as 10 in every million doses. The rate of seizures caused by the vaccine is about 1 in 3,000. Torres says the odds of an allergic reaction are 1 in a million, or 0.0001%. The odds of severe fever, rashes, anaphylaxis, and seizures are 15%, 5%, 0.001%, and 0.033%, respectively. Again, these numbers come directly from the WHO website, and expose Torres’ as either a liar or an unreliable source.
For someone who claims to be battling misinformation, neither Ms. Dahlgren nor Dr. Torres seem very interested in accuracy. But maybe there’s another reason for such a biased, slanderous, and inaccurate report: money.
Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars every year on TV advertising and are one of the primary sources of revenue for most major networks. In fact, pharmaceutical companies spend far more on marketing than on actual research. In a 2017 interview, lawyer and radio host Mike Papantonio said the following:
According to a 2009 study by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, with the exception of CBS every major media outlet in the United States shares at least one board member with at least one drug company. Let me put it in perspective for you, these board members wake up, they go to a meeting at Merck or Pfizer, and then they have their driver take them over to a meeting with NBC to decide what kind of programming that network is going to air. For those board members who aren’t pulling double duty with a media conglomerate and a big drug company, they still understand that they can’t be honest and objective about big pharma because big pharma pays their bills.”
We see how this influence has spread to social media. Our profile was removed from Pinterest, and Facebook has released statements that they will be taking steps to remove or bury anti-vaccination posts and pages. But remember false dichotomy? Speaking up about the safety of vaccines, or the money that the industry uses to influence the government and regulatory bodies, does not automatically make someone “anti-vaxx.”
At TTAC, we are pro-freedom and pro-knowledge. We believe that no government should dictate what chemicals we put into our bodies and that we should be able to travel freely across state lines without carrying papers that verify our compliance. These are not wild, unfounded fears. These are based on real legislation in motion right now regarding mandatory vaccination. We support Ethan Lindenberger’s right to choose vaccinations, just as we support his mother’s decision to abstain. What we will not abide are the lies being pushed by manufacturers, health organizations, and major media outlets.
We do thorough research before publishing an article, eBook, or docu-series. We interview experts from around the world and spend hours pouring through scientific studies so that we can give you all the information you need to make the decision that’s right for you, no matter what that decision may be.
Vaccines are one of the most polarizing topics of our day. People on both sides have dug in their heels and are unwilling to have an open discussion. The moment that a person questions the safety of vaccines, they are branded as a dangerous lunatic. But we challenge you to look through some of our articles. Look at our coverage of Vaxelis, or the yellow fever vaccine. Check our sources. Our goal here is to present the truth.
Shame on you, Kristen Dahlgren, and shame on the executives at NBC. This was not reporting; this was a targeted and dishonest attack. If NBC, Kristen Dahlgren, Dr. John Torres, or Ethan Lindenberger want to join the fight against misinformation and fake news, perhaps they should start by looking in the mirror.
6 Vaccine Truths Everyone Should Know
1| Vaccines have not been proven to be safe.
New vaccines are routinely tested against confirmed dangerous ones in order to arrive at what appear to be positive outcomes, and the timeline for these studies is significantly shorter than for other drugs seeking FDA approval.
As a matter of fact, the 2011 Supreme Court decision, Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, SCOTUS referenced the already established status of vaccines as “unavoidably UNSAFE.” To reiterate – U.S. law regards vaccines as unavoidably unsafe. (the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 42 USC 300aa-22)
2| There’s too much money being pumped into the system by the pharmaceutical industry.
Those who serve in the CDC Immunization office are often rewarded with lucrative jobs by some of the industry’s biggest companies, including Merck, who has been repeatedly accused of defrauding the U.S. government but continues to be one of the leading manufacturers of U.S. vaccines.
3| Vaccines use preservatives that are known to be dangerous.
Many vaccines are accompanied by adjuvants like aluminum and mercury. These toxic substances can wreak havoc on the immune system and have been linked to a host of diseases. There is evidence that these preservatives cause a number of health issues, including autism.
4| Infant immune systems are not equipped to handle the load that the current vaccine schedule presents.
In order to develop healthy gut bacteria, infant immune systems are initially suppressed. The massive load of toxic adjuvants and antigens put the infant body on defense, preventing healthy gut bacteria and permanently damaging the child’s immune system.
5| Vaccine manufacturers are not liable for harm caused by their products.
Lobbyists have pressured the government, claiming that to NOT make vaccines available is unethical. That’s why there are no studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. If you or your family are injured or killed by vaccines, you have to go through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, where you essentially sue your own government for the negligence of private corporations.
6| Freedom of information is under assault.
Politicians who question vaccine safety are quickly silenced, and expert witnesses are dismissed and misrepresented if their findings don’t support the vaccine industry. Now we’re seeing social media platforms caving to pressure by silencing anyone who speaks out against the CDC schedule, safety testing standards, or the millions of dollars the industry spends on lobbying efforts.

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Anyone pulling their head out of the sand can see the same tactics used to discredit anti vaccine statements are similar to attacks on those speaking out against non standard practice cancer therapy, GMO’s, chemtrails, 5G, smart meters, LED blue light at night effects on humans, and everything else that is being rolled out into common use without safety studies or the choice to not take part. To think this is merely happenstance or a result of only greed is a delusion akin to believing in the tooth fairy.
All I can say is, thank you for continuing to stand for the facts and truth about vaccines (along with your other passions), and for taking the uncaring and unlawful attacks sent your way and others. As I saw that articles were being “blocked” and information on social media was being taken down, about vaccines, I kept thinking how thankful I am for the journey you and your team began with The Truth About Cancer, and for Dr. Wakefield and others who have made the truth known. Parents need to be honestly and truthfully informed, as well as adults facing the decision to be vaccinated (especially older people with compromised immune systems). Thanks again, with great respect.
Thank you so much, Linda! We share our deepest gratitude with you for being here to support us and stand with us.
We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the love and prayers of people just like yourself!
How do you fight the system when they will not allow children to go to school unless they have been vaccinated. I’m sixty one, In my life I think that I have only received the polio vaccine and maybe one other. My children received what was mandatory in Ontario Canada the eighties: polio, MMR, smallpox, diptheria and a couple of others that I don’t recall. This was long before I knew any better. At the age of 14 our daughter was made to go get the Hep C vaccine, she was given 7 days to comply or she would be kicked out of high school. We had no recourse and had to have her vaccinated. I absolutely refused to be vaccinated against anything for any reason. I was exposed to mercury as a child by other means(our father did gun smithing and had liquid mercury, my sisters and I all played with it. Dad didn’t know it was toxic either). Well all three of us girls have developed Hypothyroidism which we have attributed to our thyroid issues. We don’t do flu shot, or shingles vaccine or anything else that they try to push on us as we age. I don’t take any prescription drugs other than natural desiccated thyroid. For years they tried to put me on statins for high cholesterol, I refused. Turns out that cholesterol is not the big problem that we were made to believe either. My agenda now is to try to get the mercury out of my body in the hope that it will help with the thyroid issues. God bless and protect you both for the work that you are doing to inform people of the truth.
Well all three of us girls have developed Hypothyroidism which we have attributed to our thyroid issues “to the mercury that we absorbed through our skin”
Re detox of mercury. My practitioner has found selenium and Dr.Mercola liposomol Vitamin c effective for eliminating mercury after you removed the source, such as mercury fillings. You can eat a brazil nut each day for the selenium. Take one of the vitamin C each day.. This form of C is similar to iv vitamin c. See a natural health doc to be sure you keep liver and intestines cleansed. And Eat probiotic foods as they also will help with detox See for more information and tips about a real nutrient dense farm food diet. Also, it your child has taken vaccines with aluminum, have her/him drink fiji water as it contains high levels of silica, the binding agent for aluminum. Epson salts baths are useful too.
Hi Brenda, Its is good that over the years you have learnt to stand your ground. In regard to your Mercy levels, there is a tool that may help you with this, MMS, but please do your own research. Jim Humble there is not adequate space here to go into MMS’s many uses but they are many (my family and I have been using MMS for over ten years). But as you already know there is a lot misinformation out there (assuredly for something that works).
With the warmest regard and a love for humanity. Andrew.
Ty & Charlene, Please Please keep up your great work.
Fantastic retort on every point! Mr. Lindenberger’s notion that “there was one study that’s been disproven” regarding the link between vaccines and autism is ridiculous. Perhaps he should be made aware of the “157 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link” (available free on scribd) all published scientific research that directly prove the correlation between vaccines and ASD. And that’s just the beginning- it seems there are new studies coming out all the time to further support this. Clearly the science is on our side, and those who are leading the vaccine truth movement deserve much praise and respect. Thank you guys for all that you do, please keep up the excellent work!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STANDING UP FOR THE TRUTH!!! I know it is not easy but you are sooo appreciated!! Keep strong 💪
Thank you so much, Jill!! We love you!
Have you asked NBC and/or Ms. Dahlgren to present a segment on the Today show with the TTAC team so that they (NBC) can prove that they provide unbiased reporting on health issues? It just seems like you are “preaching to the choir” here.
It’s impossible to debate idiots! Let them get vaccinated, just don’t mess with my Right To Refuse.
Thanks Ty & Charlene for all the good info you send out!
Hi, I have a couple of copies of your vaccine documentaries which are great. My son’s girlfriend is an immunologist so he believes vaccines are a God send. I sent him one of your articles because he really wants data. He asked you for a study showing disproof they are beneficial. You just deleted his comment so now his belief in you is even less. I wish you could have maybe sent him just one site. That was kinda rude of you.
Hi Deborah –
Thanks for sharing this with us.
We’re sorry to hear about the deleted comment. It may have been filtered by our system as spam or deleted if there was negative or inappropriate language in it. I’d love to find his comment to make sure but we’re not able to go back into our deleted list.
Please ask him to reach out to our team for articles on the harms of vaccines at and they will be more than happy to share the info that we have on this. He can also go onto our website to search for all articles we have on vaccines or stories of those who have been damaged by vaccines.
Hope this is helpful.
Blessings and love!
Thank you so much! I will!
FYI. My 14 year old grandson only had the hepatitis shot when he was first born cause they insisted and is very healthy and never been to a doctor. My 11 year old grandson has had all his “shots” and is sick a lot!
Although I refuse to participate in social media outlets, it is disturbing that those who do are being censored. People won’t get any non-government-approved information from the established sources – government and media – and if they are unaware there is any doubt, they won’t know to even go searching or looking for other viewpoints. The one place (social media) that could introduce them to other ideas is now eliminating those who dare to express concern about government approved and endorsed topics.
I recently heard of a new “Facebook Alternative.” I don’t remember what it was called, but in a search just now, it appears there are many other options. The downside is that the people who don’t think to question Facebook, won’t think to question accepted medical practices either, so they will most likely never hear there are valid concerns if there is not a presence in the places they go.
I’m not a bit surprised about NBC. I wish people would stop watching television. Thank you for speaking up and getting other information out there to be seen, heard, and read. The fact the NBC is aware of you is a sign that your message is spreading further than they would like – enough that they felt compelled to publicly discredit you and misrepresent what you said.
What about the hundreds of deaths worldwide in 2019 from measles, particularly including children in the Philippines? By commenting only on US numbers, you are minimizing a global health problem.
It is tough now-a-days to know the truth but important to do a wide variety of reading and to follow the money in many of the writings. Our CDC and FDA and TV stations get massive donations from the pharmaceutical. Co.s so most of their info is biased. Also this can be true in other sources but the more you read the more informed you are. Our doctors are too busy to read all that is out there and many are afraid too as many alternative have had practices and offices destroyed by govt. officials. Our doctors must follow standard protocol for treatments or run the risk of losing their livelihood. It’s a sad state of affairs but the more one reads, the more you can begin to find truth- but it’s not easy!
Hi Carol – thanks for sharing this with us.
It really is very important to do your research and be informed not only by the news that is put out by mainstream media but also credible pieces shared online (or in books) to increase your knowledge on the entire picture.
It’s sad that our mainstream info is filtered by the marketing and biases of some officials.
Here’s to your knowledge and good health!
Good job on refuting Nauseatingly Biased Crap (NBC) and for bringing good information to those of us who look beyond the fake “news” networks for the truth.
I don’t understand why we don’t hear more about Bobby Kennedy and his work with mercury and vaccines. I mean, I get it that “they” don’t want us to hear about him, but he’s such a prominent figure that it seems like it would be hard to silence him.
You can sign up for the newsletter from his organization children’ If you’re on Facebook you can like their page & receive all the newsletters & updates that way also. I noticed that Kennedy also has a fb page under his own name .
Thank you so very much for all that you do on both the vaccine and cancer awareness fronts. I find it so ironic and infuriating that MSM along with the CDC spread disinformation daily about vaccines & illnesses – most recently the measles, yet who’s being heavily censored & spoken of with total distain? We truth tellers are when all we’re trying to do is prevent the suffering another family would experience should their child (or adult member) be injured or killed by these unsafe vaccines. Therein lies the problem tho because they fear an educated public. Unfortunately I find so many people are quite content & cozy believing the lies of known liars. Cognitive dissonance runs deep & wide in America. The poor kids suffer for their parents’ woeful ignorance.
Your written rebuttal here is perfect & necessary. I heard a doctor on The Today Show last week (which I normally never watch) say that “1 in 500 people die from the measles so it’s very important to get your vaccine.” I was yelling “LIAR!!!” at my tv like at lunatic, but I was incensed! 🤦🏻♀️ Thanks again for all your hard work. It truly is greatly appreciated !! ❤️❤️
“The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing. – when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” So said Edmund Burke in 1770, as quoted on Pinterest. Maybe they should consider again their attitude in this matter.
We should be grateful that there are people like you, Ty and Charlene, who are prepared to do a big something about issues that concern all of us. The Big Guys – Pharma and their allies- will pick off their opponents one by one unless we all stand together to protect our basic rights: freedom of speech and choice.
You offer the opportunity to make an informed choice about whether to vaccinate or not; in any debate both sides must be fairly represented. Hiding or misrepresenting the facts is morally wrong and when those who have campaigned so vociferously for freedom of speech, like the press and media, then turn around and abuse this hard won right, it is despicable.
For any authority to force a person to be vaccinated against their personal wishes, seems to me to be a crime against that person’s human rights. Maybe this is now the time to consider a class action to protect the rights of those who choose not to be vaccinated. There must be some motivated lawyers out there to take up cudgels in this fight!
God bless you both and keep up the good work.
Thank you for sharing this, Miguel!
God bless you and your family!
Thank you for continuing to enlighten and educate us. It’s a pity our governments and their organisations can’t be just as open, honest and forthright. PS what is it about your news agencies lately, promoting lies and propaganda?
Thank you for providing such valuable information!
The key is to continue to ask for and encourage public debates from each side of the argument. Let’s get the facts flushed out in a respectful way in prime time for all to see. Truth is on your side. Its too bad that one side generally refuses to participate in such a debate, which should say a lot. Perhaps, the emperor has no clothes….
Thank you Ty and Charlene for such great information on vaccines. They try to give each child several vaccines at once. I told my daughter to tell my grandson’s pediatrician after they informed her that it is mandatory for my grandson to get vaccines, to give it one at a time. They know that there are no known facts which indicates the safety of vaccinations. God bless you both and carry on the good work.
This young man is a genius. And he’s never been vaccinated. Connection? I think so. I know of a young girl in my family who was vibrant, smart and very promising. After receiving her vaccines at age 2, she had a seizure. She was never the same again. She looks depressed, has dark circles under her eyes, and is not as vibrant as she used to be. Her mother still thinks vaccines are safe.
We’re so sorry to hear about this young girl who was damaged by vaccines.
We’ll surely pray for her and her family.
I appreciate your response, however I am a firm believer in your mission. I first purchased your Truth about cancer series just before I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Doing fine now! I saw this piece on The Today Show and was very upset with the presentation. My daughter in CO is very concerned with the laws that are being put forth because she has 2 daughters that were adversely affected by vaccines. Her third daughter has not been vaccinated and she is fine.
I recently listened to a show on NPR called 1A because they were supposed to have a discussion about vaccine safety but the only guests they had were Pro-vaccine. No balance in that discussion at all
This is terrible to hear, Larry.
Love and prayers to all at TTAC &TTAV. Your message of truth will prevail; David will beat Goliath.
Keep up the good work, you have a great many admirers and supporters and we will not forsake you.
LOVE this!
Thank you so much!
God bless you and yours!
Thank you both for all the truthful info you put out there for all of us! As far as NBC, they say what they are paid to say & big pharm has deep pockets!! No one should should just believe anything they hear, media or otherwise. Do your research & make your own informed decisions. Bless you all.
Hi Cyd – thanks for sharing.
We appreciate that you’re here to support and stand with us in making our voices as vaccine safety advocates heard.
Wishing you and your family endless blessings and love always!
Dear Ty and Charlene,
Thank you for you steadfast and superior reporting of the Truth about vaccine safety. Autism is just the tip of the toxic iceberg. Your fact checking on the garbage Torres was spouting off, with no factual basis. . . these doctors have no moral character or backbone.
We are so greatful, Ty, for that brilliant Mathematicians mind of yours.
Our most sincere thanks for standing up for the most innocent and most vulnerable of GOD’S CHILDREN!!!
Rock on Ty and Charlene! Your well written, readable, provable footnoted prose is so powerful and will surely help the world to one day abandon this habit of poisoning. Your dedication and courage shall inspire all! Blessings and strength to you and your staff, and I hope you will continue your efforts for the benefit of all. Peace, Laurie
Thank you so much!! We love and appreciate you! xo
Thank you for researching & sharing this information. May your voices encourage others to start spreading this information so that parents may be able to make informed choices regarding vaccinating their children.
It’s our pleasure, Lyn!
I too mistrust all news media but Fox News seems to be more open to Conservative viewpoints. Have you contacted them to present your case? I hope you give it a try so more people would hear the truth. Unfortunately our Government controlled agencies like FDA. , dept. of Education , etc. etc are not our friends! Also , The Blaze tv is a good voice for the public’s welfare. Thank you for all you are doing! God Bless You!!
We love you TTAC! What you have already accomplished in sharing the TRUTH with the world is powerful and inspiring. We do not vaccinate and each time I read your articles or watch your videos I am fueled with new assurance in my stance that lets me share confidently with others – and to do it with love and respect. You all are a class act and I want you to know that you are loved and appreciated by SO many in the health community. Keep pressing on! You are doing incredible work!
Wow – thank you for sharing this lovely feedback with us!! We’re so happy to hear this.
Blessings and love to you and yours!
Thank you, yet again Ty and Charlene! I’m so grateful for the voice of reason you bring to the table, valuing and sharing documented research and knowledge.
Thank you so much, Alana!
We truly appreciate your support!
Actually, we do have controls in the USA for vaccinations: they are known as Christ Scientists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Amish. Dr. Brad Case in his book, Thugs, Drugs And The War on Bugs, goes into the vaccine controversy in great detail and relates how an investigative reporter found only 4 cases of autism among the Amish: 3 were adopted children who had been vaccinated, and one had been exposed to mercury accidentally! The reporter calculated that statistically, at present rates, there should have been about 120 cases of autism present.
Anyone interested in history might want to read Suzanne Humphries excellent book, Dissolving Illusions: a well researched history of vaccines. Europe and parts of the USA went through this same sort of hysteria back in the 1800’s with mandatory smallpox vaccinations – armed police going door to door; vaccine “deniers” being thrown in prison – with the result of massive outbreaks of the disease in populations that were 90+ vaccinated (can anyone say “herd immunity”). Suzanne – who started out as a “garden variety” albeit honest doctor – started researching the subject when some of her patients had their kidneys destroyed after being vaccinated for the flu! She was amazed to find that the more she questioned the mandatory vaccinating of every patient who entered clinic – no matter what their medical condition – the more she was shunned and ostracized by her superiors and the rest of the staff.
NBC was not the only media outlet with a ‘misinformation media blitz’ about vaccines. There have also been a series of one-sided pieces on NPR promoting misleading, and even false information. There is no attempt at journalistic ethics or standards of seeking the truth by diligent examination of all sides of the issue, which is pretty remarkable for NPR who are known to go to great lengths to obtain the opinion of every climate science denier or pro-military imperialist that they can find. This because they cannot dare to expose the fact that they are taking their marching orders from the pharmaceutical industry, therefore they will not publicly interview anyone representing the medical ethics of first doing no harm, the precautionary principle, or the right of informed consent, let alone honest clinicians and researchers with even a modicum of knowledge about the scientific studies on vaccines, the publicly available archives of adverse events, federal laws, or supreme court decisions. Neither will the media report about the number of bills being considered in almost half of the states in the country that would force all individuals to be vaccinated with whatever the pharmaceutical industry and their paid puppets leading government agencies and in congress (look at who is donating to those in congress–information that is not hard to find) deem necessary (not you or your doctor). They would like you to forget about the recent examples of ineptitude, greed, death and destruction at the hands of the pharmaceutical industry in the current opioid crisis, the recall of multiple blood pressure medications with cancer-causing impurities, the infamous case of Vioxx (estimated 60,000 people sacrificed), and the emerging crime of the HPV vaccine–the list goes on. Yet, we are told to blindly submit, no questioning permitted, to the vaccine regimen. Failure to do so is met with ostracizing, deleting of social media accounts, surveillance, denial of freedom of speech, denial of human rights, and perhaps soon imprisonment.
Having read what Ty and Charlene have written and watched all the TTAC and TTAV documentaries and owning them, sharing them and speaking of them, I guess I should be lumped in as one of the “lunatics” the medical fraternity calls anyone who dares to question anything. i would like to say that having lived through two bouts of bacterial pneumonia with my daughter developing 2 weeks after her receiving the Hibtiter Type B vaccine at the ages on 9 months and 4 years, had I known then, what I know now…there is no way she would have had the vaccine at 9 months. We spent literally 4 months on various antibiotics from November to March of the following year. My daughter went from 24 pounds to 16 pounds and was so ill and weak it was pitiful. From Amoxil to Augmentin to Zinnat and then Josalid we fought to control her illness….fevers of 104, pain, vomiting, loose tummy…..I was about to give up when my helper came to me and said…lets try natural medicine and she collected, Black Sage, Christmas Bush and Bois Cano and she boiled up the leaves and made a “lock” then sweetened it with natural honey…we gave this to my daughter to drink and what happened after was amazing. She drank the “juice” and within about 10 minutes went down for her mid morning nap. She woke up sweating profusely and then vomited up the nastiest sludge I had ever seen or smelled. It was awful…thick and slimy greeny black in colour. She went to sleep pale and pallid and feverish but woke up pink and needing to be sick. After this, we gave her a bath, some more “juice” and she went back to sleep. She woke again to vomit and we had more of this nastiness. She was very tired and again went back to sleep. She slept for about 2 hours. When she woke up, she was pink, cool, no fever, not feeling sick and for the first time in months asked for “foodie!” Her coughing had subsided and her runny nose had stopped. By the next day, she was creeping around, interested in her toys and had much more energy. By the third day, you would not have known that she had been so ill for so long. We gave her the “juice aka bush tea lock for 3 more days.” She turned 1 year about 3 weeks later and was back up to 22 pounds and full of fun and energy. The lingering effects of that situation is that she gets sinus headaches and when she gets colds, ( relatively infrequently) she tends to get bronchitis. This we manage by giving her extra liposomal vitamin C, D3 and K2 and lots of “bush” tea. She is seldom down for more than 3 days. As a teacher and a breast feeding counselor, I have seen first hand the ill effects of vaccines on children at various ages and would like to add my voice to the line…..educate, question and protect….as parents we have a right and legal responsibility to protect our children against harm of any kind. I personally ( if I could do it all again) would not give any vaccine until after the age of 2 ( or when the immune system was robust enough) and then I would only give what the doctor felt absolutely necessary for entry in to school. When we were young, we had very few vaccines here in Trinidad and Tobago and most of the people of my generation were sent to friends homes who had measles, mumps, German measles and chicken pox so that we could catch the viruses and develop immunity. No one died from getting any disease and even mumps which is supposed to be so bad for boys especially, many got it, were quarantined, given lots of fresh, natural food, kept cool with witch hazel and Bay rum or cold water rags being applied to their skin to fight the fever effects….lots of baths and fresh air, bush tea and sometimes medications and everyone recovered!!! My point is that nature has given us a wonderful opportunity to acquire immunities and if we keep ourselves and children properly fed, properly rested, outside to play in dirt and sunshine and enjoy nature’s bounty…well, the rest will take care of themselves. So thank you Ty and Charlene for giving so many the opportunity to have more knowledge so that right decisions and choices can be made. I truly believe in informed and educated consent and an absolute adherence by all medical practitioners to uphold their oaths to “First do no harm!”
Ethan, the young man in the story, will probably never know that his mother may have saved his life by NOT getting him vaccinated before his natural immune system had a chance to develop. I only hope that one day he comes to his senses and thanks her profusely for putting the health of her son before the profits of the drug companies.
Fantastic article. I am all for “safe” vaccines. The fact that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in the USA has paid over $4 billion is proof enough that vaccines are not safe. The Japanese Government Continues to Ban the MMR Vaccine because they consider it unsafe.
I hope this page will be available indefinately as every parent needs to read it.
T and C .. . love you guys! You’re doing such great work!!
THANK YOU for being a light in the lies of darkness. The truth is quite clear when you look at the facts and connect the dots and see who benefits. The vaccine issue is very similar to how Monsanto’s Roundup, Rbgh and GMO’s were okayed by our government. They did not want anything to stand in the way, opposing their agenda and goals. Censorship is corruption and misinformation is deceipt. namaste’, rachel;
THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . .THANKS . . . .THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . .THANKS . . .
THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . THANKS . .
THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . .THANKS . . . .THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . .THANKS . . .
THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . THANKS . .
THANKS . . . .THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . .THANKS . . . .THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . .THANKS . . .
THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . THANKS . .
THANKS . . . THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . .THANKS . . . .THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . .THANKS . . .
THANKS . . . . THANKS . . . THANKS . .
Thank YOU, Ed! We’re so grateful for your support.
God bless you and your family with endless joy and good health! ❤️