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Last week, a federal judge determined that The Johns Hopkins University, Rockefeller Foundation, and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co will face a $1 billion lawsuit over their involvement in a government experiment that infected hundreds with syphilis against their will or without their knowledge.
This is a big win for victims and their families, who have been seeking justice since the study first came to light in 2010. Though the Guatemala experiment was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and led by a senior surgeon from the United States Public Health Service (both part of the Department of Health and Human Services), no compensation has been offered by the government.
Let me fill you in on the atrocious history that led us here.
The Push for Research
During World War II, the military was losing the equivalent of two divisions a year due to venereal disease – roughly 350,000 soldiers – at a cost of $34 million. This led to a major push for research into ways to treat and prevent sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis. The recent discovery of penicillin was a major focus of these studies.
In 1943, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted studies on inmates at Terre Haute penitentiary in Indiana. Dr. Thomas Parran Jr., the Surgeon General at the time, was a major contributor to the campaign researching effects and treatments of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
The study included 241 inmates, who were paid $100 and received a commendation letter submitted to the parole board. These inmates were injected with several strains of gonorrhea and used to study the effects and potential treatments associated with the disease.
It is said to be the first U.S. study to infect human subjects with a dangerous contagion. Among others, Dr. John Charles Cutler helped lead the experiments. The study is now considered a violation of medical and human rights ethics.
Although the subjects consented to the study, they are considered a vulnerable population, and medical professionals should never intentionally infect humans with dangerous and harmful diseases.
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
But Terre Haute was not the first study on STDs in human subjects, nor the most severe example of ethical violations. From 1932 to 1978, the PHS conducted a clinical study of 600 impoverished black sharecroppers, nearly two-thirds of whom had contracted syphilis. They were told that they would be receiving free healthcare from the United States government, but none of the subjects were given treatment, even after penicillin had been shown to successfully treat syphilis.
Not only were the men not treated, they were actively prevented from accessing treatment that would have been otherwise available. Several men in the study died, 40 of their wives contracted syphilis, and over a dozen children were born with the congenital disease during the course of the study. Cutler was also involved in the study, though Thomas Parran was the catalyst for its creation.
When PHS employee Peter Buxton initially filed a protest in 1966, the PHS’s Division of Venereal Diseases determined that his objections on ethical grounds were unwarranted, since the study was not yet complete. He continued to protest the study to no avail until 1972, when he provided details of the experiment to the Washington Star. The next day, the leaked information was featured on the front page of the New York Times, and the study was terminated later that year.
Bringing the information to the public was the only way for Buxton to affect change.
Following a class-action lawsuit, the U.S. Government awarded $10 million to the participants in a private settlement. The study resulted in well over 100 deaths from syphilis and related complications. It is likely that, had the PHS not withheld treatment, these deaths could have been easily prevented.
The Guatemala Experiment
Fast-forward to 1946, when U.S. researchers began perhaps one of the greatest ethical violations in American history in a study in Guatemala. Funded by a grant from the NIH, the study included 1,308 human subjects and sought to learn more about STD treatment and prevention.
But unlike Terre Haute, where subjects gave informed consent, or Tuskegee, where patients were already infected, the Guatemala experiment deliberately infected thousands of human subjects with syphilis either against their will or without their knowledge.
Led by chief PHS physician John Cutler and funded by the NIH (both of which are departments of HHS), the Guatemala experiment was undoubtedly a U.S. endeavor. And the lack of ethics was not lost on those involved. In fact, Dr. Parran, still Surgeon General at the time, acknowledged that the study could never take place on U.S. soil.
The subjects were among the most vulnerable populations, including prison inmates, orphans, soldiers, prostitutes, and patients at a nearby mental hospital. These subjects included children as young as 10 years old.
The methods used in the study are deplorable, and unfit to print here in detail. Prostitutes were intentionally infected and provided to Guatemalan soldiers. Inmates and mental patients were forcibly infected, with researchers going so far as to put bodily fluids from the infected into the eyes and orifices of other subjects.
To read more about the extent of depravity demonstrated by these medical professionals, click here. Warning: The details of the study contained in this document are graphic.
One psychiatric patient was injected with syphilis by Dr. Cutler and suffered severe side effects until treatment was administered 3 months later. After the treatment, Cutler put bodily fluids from a subject infected with gonorrhea into the patient’s eyes and other sensitive areas and injected her with syphilis yet again. The patient, who was subjected to these barbaric experiments against her will, suffered horrific symptoms and died a few days later.
This is just one example of the horrendous atrocities conducted by the research team. And it was all conducted and funded by the U.S. government.
The Shocking Discovery
The study was terminated in 1946. R.C. Arnold, a PHS doctor supervising Cutler’s work, is on record as saying:
I am a bit, in fact more than a bit, leery of the experiment with the insane people. They cannot give consent, do not know what is going on, and if some goody organization got wind of the work, they would raise a lot of smoke. I think the soldiers would be best or the prisoners for they can give consent. Maybe I’m too conservative.”
Cutler responded: “As you can imagine … we are holding our breaths, and we are explaining to the patients and others concerned with but a few key exceptions, that the treatment is a new one utilizing serum followed by penicillin. This double talk keeps me hopping at time.”
There was never any question as to the morality of the Guatemala experiment. Cutler and officials in Washington were fully aware of what they were doing. Although the sadistic experiments were conducted between 1946 and 1948, the public was not aware of these crimes against humanity until 2010.
Medical historian Susan Reverby is a professor at Wellesley College who was conducting research into the Tuskegee study. Her book, “Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy,” was published in 2009.
During her research, she came across some old documents from Dr. Cutler in a Pennsylvania archive. Expecting to find more information about the Tuskegee study, she was floored to find detailed documentation of the experiments conducted in Guatemala.
The study’s findings were never published, so when Reverby shared them with government officials, it was the first time that anyone not directly involved in the experiments was aware that the study had taken place. Then president Barack Obama made a formal apology to Guatemalan President Álvaro Colom and condemned the research as a violation of human rights.
Seeking Justice for Victims
Nevertheless, the victims received no compensation from the U.S. government. After a class-action lawsuit, a judge ruled that the U.S. government was not liable for actions committed abroad. Our own government, through funding, oversight, sanction, and execution, was directly responsible for these atrocities. But when it comes to justice for the victims, that same government says that they are not culpable.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins and the Rockefeller Foundation were involved in both the Guatemalan experiments and the Tuskegee study. Doctors from Johns Hopkins conducted panels to advise the U.S. government on the study. Executives from Bristol Laboratories and the Squibb Institute were also involved, and Bristol supplied penicillin for the study, according to allegations in the lawsuit.
And while the U.S. is not to be held liable for their actions outside the country, Judge Theodore Chuang said that the “need for judicial caution” is “markedly reduced” in suits against the private sector, according to a Reuters report. And while these companies clearly played a role in Guatemala, it is readily apparent that the U.S. government is ultimately responsible, despite the absence of any legal liability.
Standards and oversight have greatly improved since these studies took place. Most notably, federally funded research that exposes subjects to an inordinate amount of risk must now be reviewed by an institutional review board, which is mandated to be especially vigilant regarding studies of “vulnerable populations such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.”
And while we hope that atrocities like those committed in Guatemala are never repeated, there is a resounding truth that still holds true today: money drives the medical industry. In the 1940s, the need to reduce military spending resulted in a massive occurrence of unethical studies. Today, lobbyists and special interest groups from the pharmaceutical industry continue to demonstrate substantial influence on regulation and safety protocols related to their products.
At TTAC, our mission is to shine a light on the truth, and to provide information that the medical, pharmaceutical, and other industries have tried to hide. We believe that the choice to vaccinate your children, receive chemotherapy, or pursue any medical intervention is your choice, and yours alone.
We want you to have all the information required to make informed decisions about your health and the health of your family. We live in an age of exceptional medicine, in which common injuries and illnesses that would have been fatal in the past are easily remedied. But there’s a lot of money in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and we need to remain ever vigilant to ensure that corrupt corporations and government officials are held accountable.

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Interesting to note-all of this was done under DEMOCRAT administrations. Remember Obama’s remark, shortly after his election?? If you’re over 70, take an aspirin and bite the nail?
And you would be gullible enough to believe similar atrocities haven’t been committed during Republican administrations? This is not even close to being a partisan issue. It is an issue of hubris perpetrated by a government with unlimited power and influence.
Sadistic and immoral.
This all happened under many administrations. Blaming a political party is a waste of time and ignorant.
With all due respect, Ms. Stevens, this issue is not a Party issue. Please see what is being brought to light. It’s profoundly more important, especially for future generations.
No, I am sorry but I have to correct you. This was NOT all done while Democrats were presidents. Hoover, a Republican, was in office from 1929 – 1933 and the Tuskagee experiments began in 1932.
If you read the report Ty gave you the option to read because of the horrible things Dr. Cutler continued to do, you would have seen that after he left Guatemala, he continued experiments back in the US and other places until 1955. Eisenhower had taken office in 1953 and continued until 1961, also a Republican.
I personally believe that our country is headed down the wrong path and getting farther aeay from God, and some very liberal Democrats have had a major hand in that. But let’s be more careful and not use a broad brush to blame them for everything.
Why does everything have to be turned into a political issue. This is a human issue – which party was in power is missing the whole point
Thank you for continuing to share and empower those works wide that WILLhelp others guard against the few that have little morality and ethical integrity. God bless u all.
Coach Cheryl in ATL
You are so welcome Coach Cheryl! Thanks for being with us.
Thank you, Ty—for this exceptionally eye-opening and well-written article! I had no idea about the Guatemala Experiment, and I am appalled at the inhumanity the subjects were subjected to, without their consent! It’s ludicrous and atrocious!! And no, I could not read any of the more graphic details, as I am a highly sensitive person and empath. Dear God, as only Omniscience could, forgive those who tortured those victims.
Like you, I research, use for my own self-care, and write about alternative (and holistic) health and wellness options, as many still are not aware that they have myriad choices. Before I found holistic health options, I always recommended people to get 2 or more opinions and not blindly take one doctor’s opinion. Now, I am even more steadfast in my stance (due to the unethical and moral sliding that’s occurred over the years in the industries of pharmaceutical and allopathic medicine).
Thank you for the tireless work that you and your team does to educate the masses.
Dear Ty and Charlene Are any of your DVDs or transcripts from TTAC available now? I watched your series when it was running but coulllllldn’t afford the price at that time. My son -in-law has just been diagnosed with Ca of the prostate, and needs to learn about all his choices. I wouldllikte to share some of what you taught during the series. Please let me knoe by email, or by mail a. Thanks Anne Meurer
Hi Anne,
Our series is for sale on our website. Here is a link to it:
Episodes one and two are available for free on our YouTube channel as well! Here is a link:
We are sorry to hear about your son-in-law. Sending healing vibes his way!
If you think the above experiments were bad enough, what about the experiments that were done on healthy pregnant women between 1948 and into the 1960’s with diethylstilbesterol and progestins. Somewhere between 6-11 million women were given these drugs to ”supposedly prevent miscarriages’ from Eli Lilly and Upjohn Pharmaceuticals and the University of Chicago. Lots of research out now on it and the drugs weren’t just used for one pregnancy, but for however many pregnancies happened between those years. Then supposedly the FDA placed a ban on those drugs and the agricultural industry leaped on it to give to the animals to fatten them up quickly for the market. I was one of the ones exposed and by the time I find out everything – because there was nowhere to find information because the internet hadn’t happened yet – the statutes of limitations had already expired. I was told by my dr that I should have been able to sue both my primary care doctor and gyn for over $35 million dollars each for the damages that I incurred to my reproductive system and hormone train wreck. I have collected books and internet articles over the past 20 years now confirming this stuff. There’s a big organization in California that has information about all of this also. Doctors were supposedly told by the pharmaceutical companies that DES and Progestins were safe but didn’t know that these chemicals bypassed the placenta barrier and wreaked unconscionable reproductive organ damage – cancers mainly, infertility and birth defects. Check it out! Talk about unethical human experiments. It has been determined that the damage from these chemical exposures goes down 4 generations before it becomes filtered out. We use Depo-Provera now for birth control – how do you think that was figured out? Pregnant women losing their pregnancy (chemical abortion) when given derivatives of these medications to prevent miscarriages and turned into birth control solutions. All the babies who were born under these women who were chemically experimented on are victims of this large study. Some women knew there were being experimented on and most of them didn’t. Come were compensated and most were not. Since the study was done over 40 years ago now, you cannot go back and sue the pharmaceutical companies or the doctors involved. But millions of millions of people – males and females – were victims of these atrocities and generations on down. What a cover up!
Sorry to hear you suffered sooo much!
I agree totally. Experiments like this are still happening today using our military, seniors & children! Anytime they mandate medicine, i.e. vaccines, there’s a risk of experimentation. They’re not looking out for our health & well-being, just their pocketbooks.
The Flu shots should be investigated now the News has stated Cancer Tumors are being put in Flu shots along with already Mercury , Fetus An what else ? People are fired if not get them or wrote up or some kinda punishment held against the worker most in the Health An school industry .
I believe there will be a empodemic started ( planned ) as Obama signed executive order allows for the apprehension, detention or conditional release of individuals the introduction transmission or spread of suspected communicable diseases .
I think this could very well be planned an spread on purpose knowingly gave posion shots to do it an excuse to sub do people for population control & many other experiments evil gruesome ends & desecration .
I’d like see this Flu shot an others stoped dead in there tracks . There was a nurse that was fired years ago at a hospital for not taking flu shot in Goshen Indiana an hard say how many sence or threatened An held against them on there jobs . Mane you can work on this to . Thanks Rc
Dismissals of medical personnel for refusing the influenza vaccine continues today. We are constantly reassured of it’s safety, but how can those that have lied repeatedly to us for their own monetary gains, be trusted to be telling the truth?
Thank you for all you do. The information you give freely is invaluable to humanity.
Hi Patricia,
Thanks for your compliment and for being with us!
as a pHd in clinical nutrition and an ND I have developed a soup that helps to build the immune system and is especially effective to reduce the symptoms of the common cold
I would like to donate some cases of this wonderful product to folks in need.;
pls advise how i would go about doing this
thank you
P.M. Goodman D.D.S., M.SC., PhD, N.D. ,
Dear Dr Ohil
Goodman Thank you so much I am interested in your healing soup recipe .May I keave my email.
My son in law – only 37 – was just diagnosed with MS – would this soup help him? How can he/we get it?
This is beyond vile but not surprising coming from the US gov. There are still ‘experiments’ just like this going on to this day by the US gov or US mega corporations that are closely linked to big pharma (aka us gov) by the one and only devil incarnate Bill Gates and his wife and organizations, on Africans and Indians. Vaccination experiments done daily, by the hundreds of thousands if not millions. All of these people need to be stopped
I have always held that folks who donate their blood should be PAID for their contribution….hospitals charge when they pass it on.
I celebrated my 80 th birthday with my 20th marathon.
Never been sick.
Never a surgery. Knees etc good.
Never cancer though exposed to sun in Florida, Mexico, Hawaii many times….and mountains too.
How much is my blood worth?
Same here Dave, I am 82 cannot remember having a cold or flu that lasted over 2 days. Have a lady cousin here in Fla. that will be 100 next month and she is as bright and clear as a 35 year old.
I think the press for flu vaccinations is suspect. vaccination is the ultimate government intrusion.
Hope to congrate you on your 100th
Your not a targeted individual
Honey, I don’t know what your blood is worth (LifeLine pays) but I know the book should be worth millions – and the royalties ought to keep your family in good stead for generations!! Congratulations!! – GrannySue
It’s disgusting the things do because they’ve got enough money to do things like this,and That’s the crunch of it all,they don’t give a toss for people suffering,my bro in law was only 42 when he died of this horrid disease and I don’t think they ever will
Thank you – Ty and your Team – for your diligent quest to expose the truth and educate the people about their rights and choices – when it comes to their own health and especially that of their children — parents usually know their children better than any doctor or government could know who are not even interested in a child’s welfare — but only interested in lining their pockets — this has been a great help to me in making the right choices for my own health – and learning where to go for better health care. I primarily do my own research and DO NOT trust doctors – or government to make those choices for me. They call me an uncooperative patient ! Ha !
Stay uncooperative ,you will live longer.75 year old prostate cancer survivor of 17 years that refused the sick care system treatment.Learned a lot from books back then,easier now but same info holds true,food exercise,vitamins and minerals work.To this day when I tell people this stuff I get the deer in the headlights look and the usual “if it was bad the government wouldn’t let them do it/sell it,”no clue about their own health.Had supper with a guy tonight,he opened a can of diet pepsi,was talking about “his” diabetes,I said pop in general and diet pop especially was bad for a diabetic,he picked up the can,downed it,slapped the can on the table and said,”there,didnt’t die,did I?”.All I said was “nope,neither did I” and left it at that,what’s the use until they get sick enough to ask for help.
What this editorial shows us is this, Governments around the world cannot be trusted with the responsibility to uphold moral and ethical standards when it comes to health of their countrymen, women and children.
It has been proven over and over again by facts of this nature coming to light and the insidious ways in which Governments treat those less fortunate and unable to speak and act for themselves. Trust us, I don’t think so. People everywhere ought to be up in arms about this.
When Governments and big Phara get together are prepared to do in the name of science and what has been done, time and time again, it shows with time and secrecy nothing changes. The basis of these actions is never goodwill or right intent it is always greed and power.
“Standards and oversight have greatly improved since these studies took place. Most notably, federally funded research that exposes subjects to an inordinate amount of risk must now be reviewed by an institutional review board, which is mandated to be especially vigilant regarding studies of “vulnerable populations such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.” ”
“especially vigilant regarding…..vulnerable populations…”
Yet it’s these very groups that are being coerced into getting vaccines, especially children and pregnant women.
And the amount of medical kidnappings and CPS violations…………
Where is the protection???
Perfectly stated!!
In reality there is none… “Institutional review” was also practiced then, and it is those very same institutions that stand to profit most by “finding” in the direction of the cash. Ask FDA who performs the studies for new pharma items. I dare ya!! 😉
Don’t get me started on CPS/DCFS. They had my grand-daughters for two years. Criminals ALL.
– GrannySue
So greatful that you expose lies and deceit.Extremely thankful for your just calling in the truth! May GOD always bless you and your entire staff of Dr,s, professionals who care
I disagree with this statement: Standards and oversight have greatly improved since these studies took place. Most notably, federally funded research that exposes subjects to an inordinate amount of risk must now be reviewed by an institutional review board, which is mandated to be especially vigilant regarding studies of “vulnerable populations such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.” The reason I disagree is that all federally funded research must be IRB approved. Not just ‘inordinate amount of risk. Even if we just do surveys about fairly benign things, we must seek IRB approval. Now the question of how sincere and ethical IRB boards are, that is another question about which I have some familiarity and I wouldn’t say we are in a place where we can be lax .
US Government ruse of democracy is no more than a totalitarian government.
We are lead to believe we have a say, propaganda fed to we the people via all media and talk talk talk by politicians. Blind people on this earth following along until it’s too late.
If we say anything about it we are “conspiracy theorists”, a term also concocted by the government.
I agree! I own less on purpose and this has allowed me to be more stealth. As I observe this crazy world at age 64, less is more! Keeping up with current events only brings me down and burns my energy on things I can’t change. I choose to be slightly aware from time to time and then I “go fishing” in my minds eye, hug and laugh with my grandson and look to the sunshine!
Conspiracy Facts
Could this be the reason women are enfolded into the front line forces now? STDs seem to be encouraged, since they won’t kill you until after your tour of duty, when you were hoping for health care and a pension.
Ty, this is absolutely horrible. Can’t imagine that the government of the free and home of the brave could be responsible for such atrocities! It is unthinkable! One thing and two things for sure is that Christ Jesus is a perfect ruler of God’s Kingdom and by means of that Kingdom peace and good health for all men will be realized.
Thanks, Ty and Charlene, for helping disclose all these atrocities. However, before mentioning any improvements in these behaviors and sending the message that things are more in control now, I find reading Elana Freeland’s books a must. We may realize that, instead of being in a better position now, we’re just in the opposite one. Thanks again for all you do, lianne
Ty & Charlene..thanks for all your diligent work in informing us..first heard of you when my dog was going through mass cell tumor treatment..unfortunately..was too late for my dog..purchased much valuable info…keep on researching..God Bless..Phyllis
Hi Phyllis,
We are sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. We are glad that you are with us and have learned so much!
I am concerned that Big Pharma might attempt to conceal information regarding Chemo, radiation, cancer, etc. in a brutal manner. Praying Medic’s wife has conducted an extensive study on the issue. Concerned for your safety.
The truth will set you Free, the truth is out there, the truth is Free and can be found all over the Internet and it’s thanks to the TTAC Organisation that I researched and came across relevant informations that has given cause and rise for my partner, diagnosed stage 4 in March 2015 inoperable primary breast HER2 positive-ductal carcinoma following into lymph and Secondary sclerotic to spine and ribs, told to go home and wait for the onset of pains and the inevitable in due course. We have had 4 oncologists in less than 12 months, bewildered by the fact that chemo is constantly refused but significant MRI & CT scans proving marrowat return and shrinkage of bone mets from 25mm to subcentimetre status. The fight goes on but only with Naturals and has helped so many others that have found themselves diagnosed but still retaining the strength to direct their own lives and not surrendering to the blinkered white coat brigade. Eternally grateful to the Team and assuring you of our best intentions to spreading TheTruth about Cancer along with all the other disgraceful behaviour of the profession that takes an Oath to Save life but has no interest in making it available in its simplest forms..
Our first and hospital leading oncologist resigned from the NHS position after we made it clear that litigation was being considered, but she did so after taking so many of our Notes on Naturals first, oddly enough she was educated at Cambridge and also worked for Astra Zeneca, promoting Tamoxifen, need I say more, this same one now only works in private sector oncology whilst working for Astra Zeneca in search of a new Tamoxifen as this company recently announced there is not enough profit coming back from the drug.
We have shocked these oncos with the use of MMS, MSM, DCA and so many more with doctors and professors alike from the World if Harley Street, London showing great interests.
Your organisation is held in high regard here in the UK.
Long may you continue and may you all remain SAFE for works you have exposed.
But in the context of a period in history and a world war where we dropped atomic bombs killings hundreds of thousands of women and children . . . .
I think it is a tenuous stretch to imply that behaviour and mentality over 70 years ago still exists today. Laws, attitudes, corruption and rights have come so far. You can’t simply accept every piece of information and take it on face value just because it supports your view, you have to question the motives of the people who question authorities also.
Thank you Ty & Charlene for all you do !!!
Thanks for revealing this deplorable behavior. Hard to believe it’s true, but I do. The fact that we’re still using our military (many still teenagers) as guinea pigs is a pretty good indicator that we haven’t evolved nearly far enough yet. Peace…
What has happened to Dr William Thompson who was at the CDC when they were told to destroy data showing correlation. between black boys. and autism when given vacc nes?
I understand that 80% of our male children will be autistic in 20 years.
Thank you for all that you are doing for our good. God’s blessings to you.
Thanks for being with us Nina!
It also makes you realise the inportance of a FREE press and maybe legislation put in place to prevent large corporations which intend to supress the truth and wish to create medical, religious, political, historical, educational or financial bias for gain Our moral compass needs to be re established. We are each in some way responsible for the attrocities that happen when we are more interested in the next new smart innovation or the bargin at the supermarket. We became addicted to the sugars of wealth, power and intellect when we were craving nourishment from the sweet nectars of family, community, inherent knowledge and spirituality washed down with the milk of human kindness.. We’ve failed to hold people to account for the decisions they were about to make, weren’t watching legislation when it was put in place, drowned out the unqualified voices of truth. We allowed our history to be warped, knowledge to be weaponised and the power of togetherness to be forgotten,…….we neglected to tend to our flock. We are all to blame and yet we will all need to be a part of the solution where morality, faith, vocation and love are restored.
Ty, Thank you for putting this story out for us to see.I don’t trust Big Pharma because all they care
about is the money. When I read about Congress allowing Big Pharma to pay the FDA’s salaries, in 92, it was too much. It is a conflict of interest because the FDA is supposed to protect us from meds that can hurt us, but they don’t care about that just the money.
When President Trump first took office I sent him an email about all of the natural cure Dr.s that had died mysteriously and with in a week he had someone in the WH from one of the Institutes, to ask them about it. I get an email from the WH daily that tells what he is doing and who he meets with. The problem was they have never been able to prove who did it, but we can have a very good idea. The funny part is I haven’t heard about anymore since he has been in office. Keep up the good job and God Bless! Camille
Yes, I agree with most of what has been written here. I have stopped taking drugs and pills
altho’ I correct myself, I am a Diabetic through a pill I was given about 10 years ago, and now have to take an injection of Insulin and a Metformin tablet each morning. I must admit I would rather not take the Metformin as I have read it is not a good pill. My granddaughter had an operation for
a brain tumour I would dearly love to have the money to send her overseas where I believe they are more advanced in this region. Oh! to be able to believe the medical profession and all they tell us. I,m sorry but I am so sceptical of some of their advice. I pray each day and I,m sure most of my good health now comes from help above. God Bless you and your work with your wife Ty.
Thank you so much Ty for the disclosure you are done about the pharmaceuticals. The Guatemalan experiment was just a little taste of what is really going out in the world. Hopefully you can make more disclosures about the different experiments done with African people or even African-American. Hopefully more people open the eyes, and start a better and healthier diet. That is a good starting to stop supporting pharmaceuticals. God bless all of you guys, your team and family.
HOW can this be TRUE (Standards and oversight have greatly improved since these studies took place. Most notably, federally funded research that exposes subjects to an inordinate amount of risk must now be reviewed by an institutional review board, which is mandated to be especially vigilant regarding studies of “vulnerable populations such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.”)
Why have they demanded complete compliance in vaccination (current times) while at the same time making themselves legally irresponsible for any harm?
For one or both of 2 reasons: 1) They know the vaccines are harmful; 2) They have not tested it enough to verify the safety. They are still of the same mindset to absolve themselves of all repercussions of harm.
So our government cannot be responsible for our abusive companies? Publish the facts internationally. Let Interpol deal with these CRIMINALS, This is criminal behavior of which THIS American is ashamed for our government for doing NOTHING to make it right!
I used to think that the Neurenberg Trials regarding Medical experiments was all about Nazis… wasn’t. It was about DOCTORS. Doctors who feel invincible. It was imperitive at the time of the Trials in the early days, (as Allopathic Medicine was gaining a stranglehold on our health), to label the experiments as Nazi and NOT DOCTORS. History, past and present, shows that Doctors, if not controlled, will try and do ANYTHING if no-one objects or KNOWS……… Surgeons, Oncologists, Pharmaceutical Companies, Medical Students in Training Hospitals, and more, are happy to do what the patient won’t know about if it advances their careers or profits. Opioids are not just Pharma. The street pusher is your MD, GP, Medical Centre, and Hospital. Trust Me I’m A Doctor?……….Only if I’m a fool.
Wow – that’s powerful Terry.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so very much for all you do to inform us. We are thankful for you, your wife and your work.
It is a sad comment on our world, our country and our times when there is so much corruption especially in the medical world. ( I look at my medical alert bracelet with the snake as a symbol of the medical profession and it gives me pause).
As a Christian I am not suprised. I know that God is faithful to His promises and to his people.
Thanks, Ty. This was a difficult read. I don’t shy away from any information that I feel might enlighten me, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. I find it sadly astonishing, with all of the atrocities I’ve come to learn about in the last few years, stories like this can STILL set me back on my heels. I long for a time when these stories are just distant memories, and that humankind can soon earn the the title of humanKIND. Thanks for doing what you do…
Liam Vogel
“EXCELLENT, THANK YOU ! Another tip, if you don’t see Lifeframe in all programs (because mine didn’t) just type it in and it will come up on the top in a box that doesn’t look like it’s clickable, but click it. Once it opened, I right clicked the icon and pinned it to my task bar so I don’t have to hunt it down any more.