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Many modern health “authorities” credit vaccines for the decline in disease and assure us that vaccines are safe and effective. But is that true? Take a close look at the following graphs and you will see the reduction in deaths from pertussis (whooping cough), diphtheria, polio and measles.
Notice that these diseases were virtually wiped out before the introduction of their respective vaccines! Rather the decrease in these childhood maladies weren’t due to vaccinations (as you may have been told) but were mainly the result of improved public health and hygiene (including sanitation and cleaner drinking water) during that time.
An interesting side note concerning polio involves some “shady” behavior by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC); in 1958, after the introduction of the live polio vaccine, they changed the definition of “polio.” Cases of inflammation of the membrane that protects the brain and spinal neuron cells, causing muscular weakness and pain (but not paralysis) were no longer classified as “polio”; they were now to be referred to as aseptic meningitis, even if the polio virus was present.
Reported cases of aseptic meningitis went from near zero to thousands, and polio cases dropped the same amount. Then, later in 1958, the CDC changed the definition of “polio” again!! All cases with classic polio paralytic symptoms were to be called acute flaccid paralysis. In 1960, the CDC triumphantly declared large parts of the world as “polio free,” while the newly created acute flaccid paralysis “mysteriously” became quite common.
Even Dr. Jonas Salk, the creator of the inactivated or “killed-virus vaccine” used in the 1950s, “testified that the live-virus vaccine (used almost exclusively in the U.S. from the early 1960s to 2000) was the ‘principal if not sole cause’ of all reported polio cases in the U.S. since 1961.” (Washington Post, September 24, 1976)
In 1977, Salk testified before a Senate subcommittee that “all polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by the oral polio vaccine.” In 1985, the CDC reported that 87% of the cases of polio in the USA between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine and most of the reported cases occurred in fully immunized individuals.
Despite indisputable proof that vaccines do nothing to prevent disease, brainwashed pediatricians insist that it is unwise and a health risk to have unvaccinated children. Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that vaccines have been a hoax from their inception. Edward Jenner, known as the “father of vaccines,” was not a scientist but a huckster and Louis Pasteur, the father of the germ theory of disease, was nothing more than a charlatan out to make a buck. I have heard these two men referred to as the “Barnum & Bailey” of medicine.
Contrary to popular belief, the scientific community is not 100% behind mandated vaccination laws in the U.S. Thus, you have a consensus of thought rather than solid scientific evidence supporting vaccine mandates. . . which, for lack of a better term, translates into “junk science.” Real scientists and real science tell us that artificial immunity (aka vaccination) is “an emperor with no clothes on.”
As far as real science is concerned, there is no evidence that you should vaccinate yourself or your children, ever, for any reason. I am well aware that vaccines are considered “sacred” to most physicians. As a matter of fact, questioning them is tantamount to blasphemy. I can assure you that I would not challenge the efficacy and safety of something as “holy” as vaccines unless I were certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am accurate when I state that vaccines are not safe (unless you change the definition of “safe” to include death, numerous diseases and brain damage).
The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective. -Dr. Len Horowitz
But don’t take Dr. Horowitz’s word for it! Check out the statistics for yourself; from 1990 to 2008, the U.S. Government recorded 238,755 vaccine related injuries and deaths, according to the VAERS database. Since the FDA estimates that 90% of vaccine reactions go unrecorded, we can extrapolate that during the past 18 years, there have actually been almost 2.4 million vaccine related injuries and deaths!” – Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
But that’s not surprising, considering the toxic ingredients in most vaccines. Many vaccines contain XE “toxic cocktails” which are live and dead animal viruses that have been cultured in monkey kidney tissue, cow tissue, goat tissue, pig tissue, and even aborted human fetuses. Vaccines contain any combination of the following: thimerosal (a mercury derivative), aluminum, formaldehyde (carcinogenic embalming fluid), phenol, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), live viruses, bacteria, and acetone, among other things.
What if I were to take some mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, antifreeze, and live viruses cultured in dead animal tissue, then mix them together with some peanut butter and spread it on a piece of bread for my children to eat for a snack? Would you think I was a good parent? What if I were to tell you, “This will keep them from getting sick?” Would you question my sanity? The odds are that I would be arrested for child abuse. However, when doctors inject our kids with the same ingredients (minus the bread and peanut butter) and tell us, “This will keep them from getting sick,” most of us don’t even give it a second thought.
What if you call your family physician and tell him you are going to inject your baby with mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde and that you are wondering what the “safe dosage” was for these ingredients? Well, right after he calls CPS, he will probably call the police! You see, there is no safe dosage because these are all lethal substances that are also potentially carcinogenic. But mercury derivatives, aluminum, and formaldehyde are ingredients in most vaccinations. How is it possible that they are safe?
The answer depends upon who is injecting them. If you or I inject our child with mercury or formaldehyde, we are going to jail. But if a pharmaceutical company and a doctor inject the same toxic poisons, then they are perfectly safe. What’s wrong with this picture? Unfortunately, most Americans follow the masses, believe what we’re told, don’t ask questions, and place blind faith in our doctors.
What about Autism?
In the 1970s, only 1 child in 10,000 had autism. In the 1990s, there was a “stepped-up vaccine schedule” where the amount of thimerosal was drastically increased in most childhood vaccines, including the MMR and DPT. Now, in the year 2009, autism affects 1 in 67 children! It is a well-established fact that exposure to mercury can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions – all similar to traits defining, or associated with, autism. My cousin’s second boy has autism and he first showed autistic behavior less than 24 hours after receiving the MMR vaccine. The evidence linking vaccines to autism is overwhelming.
Interestingly, in March of 2008, the U.S. government conceded that childhood vaccines were responsible for the autism in 9-year-old Hannah Poling. This unprecedented concession was in response to one of three test cases that allege thimerosal caused autism in children.
I am no longer “trying to dig up evidence to prove” vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence…. This debate is not scientific but political. —Dr. David Ayoub, M.D.
I know we were all taught to blindly trust our doctors, but the fact is that they no longer deserve that trust. Physicians take an oath to “First, do no harm,” but today, what gets injected into your child is being decided not by physicians but by multinational pharmaceutical companies which have a financial incentive to sell as many vaccines as possible. Only by keeping people in the dark can they continue their absurd profiteering from the vaccine industry. We assume that because vaccines are mandated by U.S. law that the government is verifying their safety and effectiveness. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Every day, millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic, putrid substances called vaccines. Before they begin first grade, children can get as many as 36 vaccines! There are about 200 more vaccines in the pipeline. Scenarios for the future even include consuming vaccines in nose sprays, ointments and fruits and vegetables. This “Vaccine Obsession” has gone beyond what anyone can possibly defend on scientific grounds. Pumping more vaccines into our precious children borders on the criminal.
With every child on the planet a potential “required recipient” of multiple vaccines, and with every healthcare system and government a potential buyer, it is little wonder that billions of dollars are spent nurturing the vaccine industry. Without public outcry, we will see more and more new vaccines required of us and our children. And while profits are readily calculable, the real human costs are being ignored. According to Dr. James R. Shannon, former director of the National Institute of Health reported in December 2003 that “the only safe vaccine is one that is never used.”
Keep this in mind when you’re attempting to make up your mind whether “to jab or not to jab.”
God bless.
—Ty M. Bollinger

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The government is corrupted in America. It’s really sac. These pharma companies should be in jail. Even that murderer fake Fauci.
not to worry judgment at the great white throne is there reward. also Yashwa said in the Bible that if one on a small child is hurt that person would have a millstone tied around their neck and thrown in the ocean.
Thank you for this information..I already know we are giving too many vaccines to everybody..
I also went through cancer treatments. They damaged me..I don’t want to go through that again
My intuition helped me not take the new shots for covid. .I no longer will take any flu or pneumonia shots as well
In 1970 my son was 18 months old when given his vaccines – he developed 105 degree temp that night. Doctor was dumbfounded. I was scared SD to death. But that was the last vaccine either of my sons ever had. When will they get it?
My daughter was born perfection healthy 8 lbs 4 oz. She had her first DPT and had seizures, never developed. My life was in and out of hospitals. She passed away at 14 months.
Lederle had a bad batch at that time and it went to the West Coast. They knew children died or was disabled and they put it out on the West Coast market anyways
My heart just broke … I am so sorry for you and your precious baby .
Thanks for this information
Don’t really know where to share it.
But grateful someone has done, is doing the necessary research
Hello thank you for this article. My twin brother had the covid vaccines Pfizer and four weeks later ended up with pulmonary embolism. Thankfully it was caught and he took the relevant medication and is now fine. He had further blood work done and nothing showed any evidence that he was susceptible to blood clots. He initially felt pain and breathlessness when doing sport 10’days after the vaccine. We can only really link this health scare to the vaccine. It would be interesting to know if you have received other comments about the covid vaccine . I have been sacred off and do have not had the vaccine. I did catch covid earlier this year and thankfully wasn’t too bad and for it was like the mild flu with loss of taste and smell for a couple of weeks.
I believe you.
The CDC & HHS are dirty and tied to the Pharmaceuticals.
DO you trust Pfizer & Bourla, CEO?
I was wondering where the graphs on this page are sourced from.
Thank you for sharing the truth with evidence. Please, keep doing what you’re doing.
God Bless!
Together in Health,
Melissa Bone, (Hons.)
Certified Nutritional Practitioner
Really great article, Ty; in agreement 100%. Thank you !
Thank you so much for the information
We should add to this assault bad water, bad air and poisonous foods, electromagnetic disturbance and more…
You must read Dr Mary’s Monkeys – zero’s in on the Polio vaccine, and what could be the start of the cancer pandemic . I had to read it about 3 times, but it is fascinating about the “classified” part of how many thousands upon thousands of folks were immunized with a polio vaccine that was tainted. Then “classified” and we didn’t know. And how they were working “classified” to correct the problem created by the vaccine.
hello, when I try and print articles there are paragraph’s /sentences missing…is there another form I can use to print these? LOVE n APPRECIATE ALL you do-keep up the fantastic job!!! Thanks a trillion n more!
copy them into a word programme
Thankfully our Creator Lord knows of and is guiding these incredible evils toward that glorious day when he ends them.. Hallelujah!
Come Jesus come! 🙏🏽
In Britain, the government have now breached eight out of the ten conditions, as outlined in the Nuremburg Code. As this was written into British Law in 1947, it was to stop the likes of Dr Joseph Mengele, who i jected helpless, kidnapped children with lethal experimental drugs at Aischwitz. Eighty years on, it feels like this is happening all over again. Revelation 18:23 states that the nation-states of the world have been “deceived by sorcery.”
Great Article. How can I share this on Facebook or send to people?
Thank you so much for the work you do. I pray the truth will out soon.
My wife who walks daily,does yoga,goes ballet dancing and eats well has cancer.
I have not had the vaccine for covid but she has including the booster.
My head is convinced that her cervical cancer is due to the vaccine and I’m not sure what to do if anything.
Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
I regularly receive a Vitamin C, IV drip to boost my immune system,
I also have not been vaxed,
The practitioner who treats me told me that they are treating Cancer Patients successfuly with higher doses of Vitamin C, all Natural, Safe & Effective,
Hope I helped,
I am so sorry.
They never share how many people have been affected by the vaccine.
What about smallpox vax did that help any?
I know Ty has taken a much deeper & more scientific dive into this subject (years of research) but I love that he continues to put out new & simplified information to those who might be new to the topic.
Liza Mundy-I believe you can find the graphs used by Ty in a few places, one such being a book called “The Invisible Rainbow” & perhaps in Ty’s own book “Monumental Myths” (either would share the source).
Grant-My heart is so heavy for you, I’m sorry & pray you find someone who can help your wife heal! I think your gut feeling is very valid…honest oncology doctors & nurses are reporting HUGE new & reoccurring cancer rates in the last year.
Deborah Ritterband- I’m sorry to hear about your twin. Nice that he is doing better & I will keep praying that nothing more happens in the long term. I’m sure Ty has lost count of the Covid jab stories he has heard…I think they (he & his wife) are working on a new project where they may share many of those sad stories in a few months.
What do you mean “border on criminal”. Everyone of them should be in jail and tried for murder, including doctors and nurses. They know better, and for that they should pay
Ah, we’d like to think they all know better, but the sad and miserable truth is that most people DO NOT know better. They swallow the vaccination coolade: hook, line & sinker. When you ask them if these injections are unsafe, the fact is that the doctors & nurses have been TRAINED to believe that the jabs are all safe; no-one much bothered asking any questions, and almost all medical practitioners (and nurses) would go to the grave professing that they are ‘saving’ lives with these vaccines.
Brainwashing. Criminality. Poor education. Call it what you will. Until we can get people to be reasonable and wake up to the fact that vaccines CAN and DO maim and kill, we will continue this vaccine war. The pharmaceutical industry, however, is where we need to start. They are the main drivers and they are currently unaccountable for their actions. THIS MUST CHANGE.
As an aside, you might also want to consider that most people have no reason to question ANYTHING until something doesn’t work out as planned – be it a holiday, a house purchase, a stint in hospital or a routine vaccination. Perhaps having regular Philosophy classes in school (starting in kindergarten!) might see us warding off our species’ inability to critically think!
Took my son for the first MMR vaccine. He got a fever after and 24 hours later he began uncontrollable crying and screaming he would calm down and again like clockwork started the crying and screaming again.. This went on for a week he never got another vaccine. For school I had a letter from a Doctor and a religious exemption…
they wanted to ensure all infants were inoculated so made it a law. and then gave themselves immunity from consequences.
What do you say when they say they have become more expert at detecting Autism and that is why it has increased
What kind of expertise does it take to detect Autism? Even for the average person it’s pretty obvious from the get-go.
It sounds to me like you’re still trying to hold onto a little, tiny bit of trust in your government, of which is completely undeserved. It’s ALL a ‘Show of Good Intention’… a veneer. They are compromised puppets for the true Evil ones that own and run the world, that ARE and always have been absolute Criminals in EVERYTHING they do. They NEVER cared about us and our well-being, and it has always been in their long-works Plan to get us off THEIR planet, which, as you can see is becoming more obvious by the day. When you accept this in the core of your being, everything becomes simplified and crystal clear.
I have been told that starting with the 2022 flu shots, later this year, future flu shots will be combined with the COVID-19 shot as one vaccination.
In CA we cannot send kids to schools w/o the required shots. Kids have 1 more to get b/f entering 7th: TDaP; they have taken all our options for an exemption away. Now they are trying to make Covid one mandatory.
At the time (1986) when Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, the pharmacutical industry made 285 million USD per year selling vaccines.
That law made the industry free of responsability for injuries and deaths caused by their products.
In 2019 that same industry made 5 Billion USD selling vaccines, AND made 50 Billion USD selling products for the sideeffects of the vaccines.
It helped when politicians made vaccination of children mandatory by LAW.
Even using the word ‘jab’ in place of ‘injection’ in an attempt to convince the public that this is a harmless procedure is a deceitful act. Including that word in your vocabulary only helps perpetuate the myth (about ‘vaccines’ – in reality – gene therapy – being safe & effective) being aggressively disseminated.
Gene-therapy is not the correct term. It’s not a therapy (because it is not intended to heal) it is gene-altering, gene-manipulation.
The Big Pharma companies have been doing this for a long time and this time they are determined to get everyone taking their wicked vaccines! I am a Christian and put my trust only in God…unfortunately we have “Christian” leaders pushing this wickedness on their flock. All leaders of the world are compromised, and the Beast System is forming…
Thank You Ty. Keep up the good job of informing the public the ill effects of multinational pharmaceutical industry mafia and the poisons they roll out in the name of life saving vaccines.
In your vaxxed series there was information about a particular vaccine causing peanut allergies. I cannot find that information. Can you give me some direction on what vaccine it was. The incidence of peanut allergies is off the charts and I’m in complete agreement the vaxes are the cause. I want to provide information to a relative for her about her sons peanut allergies.
Thanks for all your good work and help on this if you can direct me to the data.
If you owned a gas station you would be happy to find out cars needs gas. If you were in the medicine business you would be happy to know people take vaccines thus ensuring you a lifetime of patients.