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Last month, San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera announced that he was investigating Dr. Kenneth Stoller for allegedly writing fraudulent medical exemptions for mandatory childhood vaccinations.
He followed the announcement with a subpoena asking Dr. Stoller to surrender private patient medical records for any of his patients seeking a medical exemption, citing “state nuisance” laws.
Dr. Stoller and his lawyer are fighting back.
What Is California SB277?
To fully understand the situation, we must first go back to 2015, when California passed Senate Bill 277 (SB277). Like all states in the U.S., California requires that children receive a number of vaccines in order to attend schools and childcare centers. Various states allow children to be exempted from the mandated vaccines for personal, religious, or medical reasons. SB277 eliminated all but the medical exemption, becoming the third state to do so.
The bill was written and championed by State Senator Richard Pan, and only allowed exemptions based on contraindications (a reason for the drug to not be used) and precautions provided by the CDC. Due to public outcry, the bill was amended to give physicians complete and sole discretion to issue medical exemptions.
This was enough to ensure that the SB277 passed, and although the bill represented further erosion of our medical freedom, there was some comfort in the knowledge that our doctors could still ultimately decide if forced vaccination was necessary.
And the authority of these doctors was not in question. Here is a transcript from a 2015 Assembly Committee Hearing on SB277:
(Assembly Member) Rob Bonta:
And then finally, we have an amendment regarding the medical exemption and a physician’s judgement. And I’ve heard from a number of constituents and Californians regarding concerns that a medical exemption is difficult to obtain or was difficult to obtain. I believe that current law states that a physician has complete, professional discretion over the writing of a medical exemption. However, I have asked the author to take an amendment to clarify that a medical exemption is entirely within the professional judgement of a physician and we have agreement on that amendment.”
Richard Pan:
Introducing California SB276
And yet, less than 3 years after SB277 took effect, State Senator Richard Pan introduced Senate Bill 276 (SB276), which will do 3 things:
- Give sole power to grant medical exemptions to government officials. These officials will not be required to see the patient or have any medical training.
- Restrict the awarding of medical exemptions to only those who fall within the stringent CDC guidelines. The state will have the power to revoke exemptions granted previously under SB277.
- Create and maintain a database of all medical exemptions. Since the state health department is not a medical establishment, it will not be prohibited from disclosing this information or sharing it with other government entities.
State Senator Pan is using the same tactics to promote this new bill that he did to promote SB277 – fear and lies. And Dr. Stoller, has been caught in the crossfire, and both he and his patients are now being held hostage by the vaccine gestapo in the war on medical freedom.
… And all we have to do is follow the money to find the pharmaceutical industry at the root of this latest assault.
The vaccine industry and their political allies are attempting to discredit legitimate medical exemptions and illegally access patient information through a frivolous lawsuit against Dr. Stoller. But he’s fighting back with a lawsuit against the San Francisco City Attorney, accusing him of abusing and misusing the law to spread propaganda in support of SB276. He also claims the bill would allow illegal access to federally protected patient data.
Ironically, the implementation of SB276 would be inconsistent with even the CDC guidelines, which recommend exemptions be implemented by physicians who actually examine their patients. If the lawsuit and/or SB276 succeed, it would create a breach of patient privacy that would allow government agencies to identify and target families who received vaccine exemptions. They can then bully them with public nuisance lawsuits or other coercive action.
In Dr. Stoller’s complaint against City Attorney Herrera, written and filed by attorney Richard Jaffe, there are 5 primary conclusions:
- Within SB277, physicians were given discretion and authority to grant exemptions much broader than CDC guidelines.
- State Senator Pan always wanted to restrict exemptions to CDC guidelines, but was forced to allow doctor discretion after public outcry in order to pass SB277. He is trying to use SB276 to give full exemption authority to the government and limit exemptions as he originally intended.
- Based on the science, the primary cause of the measles cases are unvaccinated adults and vaccinated children, not children with medical exemptions.
- The severe vaccine injury rate, when compared to the percentage of medical exemptions in California, demonstrates that there are actually too few exemptions being granted.
- It is likely that those invested in passing SB276 are acting together to bypass the law in order to illegally obtain Dr. Stoller’s patients’ information and generate support for SB276 by denouncing valid medical exemptions as “fraudulent”.
The Disney Measles Outbreak
It would be unfair to accuse Richard Pan of using fear and lies to support his corrupt agenda without proof, so let’s take a look at what’s been going on since the introduction of SB277, the accusations against Dr. Stoller and like-minded physicians, and who exactly pays Mr. Pan’s bills.
California mandates require a number of vaccines, but since measles is used frequently by those in support of forced vaccinations, we will focus primarily on that.
In 2014, there was an outbreak of measles at Disneyland. Mr. Pan used the outbreak, along with low vaccination rates in certain pockets of California, to promote SB277. He claimed that too many people were using exemptions to avoid vaccination, and that the only way to protect our children was to limit the number of exemptions allowed so that as many children as possible could be vaccinated.
What Pan failed to mention as he campaigned for the public execution of medical freedom were the facts surrounding the Disneyland outbreak. According to data published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 38% of the people who contracted measles during the Disneyland outbreak actually got the disease from the vaccine itself. Other studies show that an estimated 10% of children who receive the measles vaccine do not develop the antibodies they need to combat the disease.
Added together, it appears that nearly half of those who contracted measles in the Disneyland outbreak were vaccinated – and that most of them got sick because of the vaccine. What’s more, if 38% contracted measles from the vaccine, it is not unlikely that others were infected with vaccine-induced measles rather than wild-type measles.
This didn’t matter to Mr. Pan, who convinced the most populous state in the nation that forced vaccinations were the only way to protect children from a measles outbreak that may likely have been caused by vaccines in the first place. 2014 brought the U.S. 667 cases of measles and zero fatalities.
When it came time for Mr. Pan to introduce SB276 (a complete betrayal of the changes he’d made and agreed to with SB277), he once again turned to fear-mongering and lies. Here’s what he says regarding the need for SB276:
Medical exemptions have more than tripled since the passage of SB277. Some schools are reporting that more than 20 percent of their students have a medical exemption. It is clear that a small number of physicians are monetizing their exemption-granting authority and profiting from the sale of medical exemptions.”
And it’s true. Medical exemptions have more than tripled since SB277 took effect. They “skyrocketed” from 0.02 percent to 0.07 percent. But does an exemption rate less than one-tenth of a percent indicate that doctors have gone rogue when it comes to writing exemptions? Mr. Jaffe certainly doesn’t seem to think so.
In the complaint filed on Monday, it was made abundantly clear that the occurrence of severe adverse reactions to vaccines is higher than the rate of exemptions in California. Let’s take the MMR vaccine, for example.
The World Health Organization (WHO) lists the rate of adverse reactions after measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines. 10 of the reactions are classified as “serious”, and the cumulative rate for these reactions exceeds 10%. That’s just for the MMR vaccine. According to the math, the medical exemption rate is far too low. Perhaps doctors should be issuing more exemptions.
Mr. Pan is also relying on fear. The mainstream media and government, funded by the very companies that manufacture and sell these vaccines, are doing everything they can to fabricate a public health emergency that can be used to increase their control over our health decisions. They’re also creating a proverbial lynch mob, doing their best to ensure that anyone who declines a vaccination is ridiculed, humiliated, and excluded socially.
In 2019, there have been 38 reported cases of measles in the San Francisco Bay Area, 28 of which (74%) were in adults who contracted the disease while traveling abroad. AND YET State Senator Pan blames the 0.07 percent of school-aged children for the measles epidemic – an epidemic far less frightening than the vaccines meant to prevent it.
The Truth About Measles
Here’s the truth about measles and the MMR vaccine:
From 1959-1962 – just before the vaccine was introduced – measles was fatal in only 0.01% of cases. And while the number of unvaccinated children has quadrupled since 2001, from 2000-2016 measles deaths decreased by 84%. But there are other factors at play when it comes to the dangers of measles.
Malnutrition, especially vitamin A deficiency, is a primary cause of about 90,000 measles deaths annually in underdeveloped nations. In the U.S. and other developed countries, up to 92% of hospitalized measles patients are low in vitamin A. Better nutrition and hygiene may explain the decline in measles mortality even before the vaccine existed.
And the numbers that are used to scare us into submission are not numbers that you can trust.
About 90% of measles cases are benign and go unreported, meaning that reported cases of measles only constitute about 10% of all cases. Using reported cases to calculate mortality rates results in numbers that are artificially inflated by a factor of 10.
Mr. Pan would have you believe that we are in the midst of an epidemic crisis. After all, there have been over 450 confirmed cases of measles in the U.S. this year alone. They’d have you believe that your freedom to choose what goes into your body – and even your constitutional right to religious freedom – must be forfeited in order to save the children. How many must die?
Since the turn of the millennium, there have been 11 deaths from measles in the U.S.
To put that in perspective, here are some unique death rates in the U.S. from 1999-2014:
- Deaths from contact with powered lawn mower: 951
- Deaths from a fall involving ice skates, skis, roller skates or skateboards: 1,139
- Deaths from a fall from tree: 1,413
- Deaths from a fall involving bed: 10,386
You are 1,038.6 times more likely to die falling out of bed than from measles.
In 2017 alone, 16 Americans died from lightning strikes – more than those who have died from measles in the last 20 years. In fact, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), you’re more likely to die from the MMR vaccine than you are from measles.
While the mortality from measles in the U.S. remains virtually non-existent, the risks of receiving untested vaccines (for which the manufacturers are not liable) are huge.
Here are the adverse reactions you may have to the most common MMR vaccine used in the United States: MMR II
- anaphylaxis
- panniculitis
- atypical measles
- fever
- syncope
- headache
- dizziness
- malaise
- irritability
- vasculitis
- pancreatitis
- diarrhea
- vomiting
- parotitis
- nausea
- diabetes mellitus
- thrombocytopenia
- purpura
- regional lymphadenopathy
- Leukocytosis
- Guillain-Barré syndrome
- anaphylactoid reactions
- angioneurotic edema
- bronchial spasms
- arthritis
- arthralgia
- myalgia (muscle pain)
- paresthesia
- encephalitis
- encephalopathy
- measles inclusion body encephalitis
- aseptic meningitis
- subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
- acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
- transverse myelitis
- febrile convulsions
- afebrile seizures or convulsions
- ataxia
- polyneuritis
- polyneuropathy
- ocular palsies
- disseminated mumps
- rubella vaccine virus infection
- subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
- pneumonitis
- sore throat
- cough
- rhinitis
- erythema multiforme
- urticaria
- rash
- pneumonia
- measles-like rash
- pruritus
- burning/stinging at injection site
- wheal and flare
- erythema (redness)
- swelling
- induration
- tenderness
- vesiculation at injection site
- Henoch-Schönlein purpura
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy
- nerve deafness
- otitis media
- retinitis
- optic neuritis
- papillitis
- retrobulbar neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve)
- conjunctivitis
- epididymitis
- orchitis
- death
These are adverse reactions listed by the manufacturer directly on the package insert! And the worst part is that it’s almost impossible to determine your child’s risk until it’s too late. That’s why doctors like Dr. Stoller rely on family history or genetic markers to predict risk factors. But even those aren’t always enough.
Dr. Stoller’s lawyer, Mr. Jaffe, believes that patient rights matter, and that we have a right to seek alternative medical care. According to paragraphs 75 and 76 of his recent filing:
California citizens have a right to receive unconventional medical care and advice from California licensed physicians Bus. & Prof. Code section 2234.1, and that includes medical advice and services concerning childhood vaccines. The rationale being, per Section 2234.1(c), ‘Since the National Institute of Medicine has reported that it can take up to 17 years for a new best practice to reach the average physician and surgeon, it is prudent to give attention to new developments not only in general medical care but in the actual treatment of specific diseases, particularly those that are not yet broadly recognized in California.’ Therefore, there are certainly no shortage of physicians critical of using family history and genetic associations to grant medical exemptions because using information beyond CDC guidelines has not gained consensus status, and the science is not settled on identifying children vulnerable to adverse events.”
The risks of serious adverse reactions may be relatively low, but when the possible side effects of the measles vaccine include measles, all the symptoms of measles, and death, you have to wonder why anyone would risk injecting their child.
The following are the CDC guidelines for issuing a medical exemption for the MMR vaccine:
- Allergies to the MMR vaccine or any of its ingredients. (The CDC recommends the first dose of MMR at 12 months.)
- Anyone who is pregnant. (It is also recommended that women not become pregnant for at least 1 month after receiving an MMR vaccine.)
- Anyone with a weakened immune system.
- Anyone with a family history of immune system problems.
- Anyone with a condition that makes them bruise or bleed easily.
- Anyone who’s recently had a blood transfusion.
- Anyone with tuberculosis.
- Anyone who has received another vaccine in the last 4 weeks.
- Anyone who is not feeling well.
But few children, if any, know if they’re allergic to the ingredients in the MMR vaccine at 12 months old. Injecting your child with these vaccines is like playing Russian roulette with their health, and State Senator Pan wants to make sure you can’t opt out. And why? Because he’s beholden to the pharmaceutical industry, just like many of our lawmakers and regulatory authorities.
SB277 wasn’t a misguided crusade by a well-meaning legislator; it was a coordinated effort by the pharmaceutical industry to make sure every child receives their product.
According to the Sacramento Bee, the pharmaceutical industry spent roughly $3 million on lobbying efforts during the 2013-2014 legislative session. What’s more, they donated over $2 million to members of the legislature during that time and more than $500,000 to outside groups that had campaigned for them.
Senator Pan received the lion’s share of the pharma donations to the tune of nearly $100,000. Not bad for a state senator. Toni Atkins, the speaker of the California State Assembly at the time and now President pro tempore of the State Senate, received more than $90,000 in cash donations from the pharmaceutical industry.
Merck manufactures and owns the patents to MMR vaccines, including MMRII and Proquad, an MMR/Varicella combo vaccine. These vaccines are both purchased under contract by the CDC, in addition to the private sector. And Merck can’t be happy about a drop in vaccinations.
In 2018, Merck generated $1.8 BILLION in revenue from the MMR vaccine alone.
Mandatory vaccines would mean a guaranteed customer base of over 4 million babies each year – just in the U.S. Currently, there are about 100,000 American children under age 2 who are not vaccinated, a trend which is going up thanks to groups advocating for vaccine safety and accountability. This represents tens of millions in lost revenue for Merck, and billions across the vaccine industry every year. Walgreens sells the MMR vaccine at $99.99 a pop.
As vaccine exemptions and abstentions increase, the industry continues to lose revenue. This expands to insurance providers, pharmacies, and a host of industries associated with vaccine manufacturing and sales. This is why we’re seeing a frantic effort by the media, government, and medical industry to denounce safety advocates, exaggerate disease risks, and introduce an age of mandatory vaccination.
The first step towards that end is identifying and tracking down anyone who resists vaccinations. We’ve seen attempts by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and German Health Minister Jens Spahn in the past few months to track down unvaccinated citizens and force them to comply. We covered the way in which Epic Medical Systems is using medical records software to create a database of dissenters.
It has been proven that even deidentification is not enough to protect patient privacy once it’s been removed from the medical arena. There is no Hippocratic Oath in government. And the presence of genetic information used to validate exemptions makes it even more unlikely that patients’ privacy will be protected once released to the government.
We were able to speak with Mr. Jaffe, who is Dr. Stoller’s legal representative. He told us that last month’s subpoena was not the first attempt by government agencies to acquire Dr. Stoller’s patients’ information. “There have been many efforts,” he said. But something shady does seem to be going on. For example, how does the City Attorney know anything about Dr. Stoller’s exemptions?
I don’t think [City Attorney Dennis Herrera] has any basis to know that Dr. Stoller has written any exemptions in San Francisco. Presumably, they’re covered by federal privacy law. Obviously, what’s going on is that Pan is promoting his false narrative of false exemptions and I think the city attorney has taken up on that,” said Jaffe.
Unless Dr. Stoller’s own clients have voluntarily surrendered their health records, it is not likely that Herrera has any knowledge of Dr. Stoller’s exemptions. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, or FERPA, prohibits schools from releasing medical information, including exemption records. Is it possible that the San Francisco City Attorney is simply a pawn in a bigger scheme?
Is Pan in the Pocket of Big Pharma?
While we can’t yet prove a connection between Pan’s pro-vaccine agenda and Herrera’s desperate attempt to bully Dr. Stoller into surrendering protected patient files, one would have to accept many, many coincidences to believe that there is no connection. “In my view it wasn’t enough to assert a conspiracy claim,” said Jaffe. “I thought about it. But it wasn’t enough.”
He hopes to find the smoking gun during discovery.
He also hopes that the case will ensure freedom for patients, and he’s made it clear in his court filing. Paragraphs 77-79 read:
Plaintiff seeks a declaratory judgment that the patients of Dr. Stoller, and the patients of other like-minded physicians, have a right to receive a vaccine medical exemption based on an alternative standard of medical exemptions beyond CDC guidelines, under Bus. Prof. Code 2234.1 and a state constitution right. cf Schloendorff v. NY Hospital, 211 NY 125, 105 NE.102 1914 (J. Cardoza) (overruled on other grounds) Bing. V. Thunig 2 NYS 656, 143 NE2d 3, (1957) (New York citizens have a privacy right to control their own bodies); Schneider v Revici 817 F.2d 987 (2nd Cir. 1987). (Acknowledging a patient’s right to receive unconventional medical treatment). Dr. Stoller will demonstrate that the alternative vaccine standard of care which he uses (and again which had been endorsed by Senator Pan in SB 277) is safer and creates less of a risk of serious harm and permanent injury for children than the CDC guideline based standard of care, which further justifies the Court recognizing the patients’ right to obtain medical exemptions under this alternative standard of care, notwithstanding any current or future law to the contrary. Plaintiff also seeks a declaratory judgment that based on the existing scientific research, and evidence of wrongdoing, including the suppression of vaccine injury findings, and the intimidation of physicians and researchers, the alternative standard of care for vaccine exemption is safer for children than the CDC guidelines.” (Emphasis added)
With all of the evidence that vaccines can cause harm, and very little ability to accurately predict who is most vulnerable, you have to ask if every parent shouldn’t be granted an exemption simply on the basis that their children could die.
Mr. Jaffe seemed to know the answer:
No court has ever recognized a citizen’s right to a personal belief exemption. My view is that, as long as the current paradigm is in place, no court ever will.”
We reached out to State Senator Pan’s Communications Director and Senior Aide, Shannan Velayas, but did not receive a response to our request for comment. This didn’t come as a surprise, since Mr. Pan is extremely adept at avoiding anyone who disagrees with him (just ask our good friend, Vaxxed producer Del Bigtree).
But we don’t have to let liars who are securely in the pocket of Big Pharma shape our legislation and strip away our freedom. We are NOT a minority. We are a powerful voice for truth and freedom, and each of us can make a difference RIGHT NOW.
You’ve asked us time and again… “How do I get involved?” “How do I fight back?” We’ve got a number of ways for you to get involved below!
- Call CA State Assembly Members here.
- Send letters to Assembly Members & the Governor. Here is a template you can use for inspiration.
- GoFundMe shut down Dr. Stoller’s legal defense fundraiser (GoFigure!). Go here to donate to his new campaign to raise these necessary funds.
- Please SHARE this information with your friends and family!

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Polling case proved that AUTISM can be caused by vaccine if the child has an underlying mitochondrial disorder. Well guess what?? Mitochondrial disorders are NOT rare. Primary mitochondrial disorders, children born with this are 1 in 5,000. Secondary mitochondrial disorders are caused by environmental factors. “The latter ( secondary mitochondrial disorders) can result in mtDNA alterations as seen in a variety of other processes adversely impacting mitochondria such as aging, inflammatory response, mitotoxic drugs, etc. [Orrenius et al., 2007; Circu et al., 2009; Rachek et al., 2009].” In the Polling case, they conceded early on, after dx of mitochondrial disorder. I asked myself WHY?? Could it be that vaccines cause secondary mitochondrial disorder, via excessive inflammation,or as a mitotoxic drug and then when more vaccines are administrated, the system is entirely overwhelmed and causes brain damage? And Big Pharma knows this?, which means in other words, VACCINES have the potential to cause AUTISM in ANY child via first causing secondary mitochondrial disorder and then causing AUTISM. HMMM.
Mitochondrial disease – Wikipedia
Search domain
Mitochondrial disorders may be caused by mutations (acquired or inherited), in mitochondrial DNA , or in nuclear genes that code for mitochondrial components. They may also be the result of acquired mitochondrial dysfunction due to adverse effects of drugs, infections, or other environmental causes.
What has happened to our freedoms and right to choose? It is obvious that we are in a police state where the “people in charge” are not looking out to help us, but instead continue to push us over the cliff like lemmings, under the guise of doing us a favor. If I was not witnessing the “big brother” interference in our own rights concerning our health, I would never have believed that the United States citizens are allowing the “experts” to dictate how our health choices are being adjudicated by the government and big pharma. How well has that been working?
Immunity from the wild type measles virus is much longer lasting than the immunity from the vaccine.
Yep! A lifetime…
Thank you for this informative article. I’m curious about the .07% medical exemption number you reference. In looking at the Kindergarten assessment report the numbers are .7% for last year and .9% for this year. I still agree with the argument that we have less medical exemptions in California than we have vaccine injuries but .07 and .7 are significantly different numbers.
Hi KC, great question! You can find the information on the court filing ( page 8, paragraph 20. Additionally, you can find the most recent K-12 enrollment data for California here: It looks like you’re looking at the 2018-2019 school year assessment of kindergartners only – not all school-aged children. When it comes to school-aged children in California, the medical exemption rate is below 0.1 percent. Hope this helps!
I wish with all my heart I could help, but I am in Australia, and I am fighting a very corrupted political- legal system here over my murdered son, My lawyer lied in a very conveniently empty court, ( no witnesses present ), He said about a very important witness that was viciously assaulted and threatened by the murderer, as she was about to give her damning evidence, “She was in the witness box and gave evidence under oath.” that is a blatant lie, I was shocked to hear this from my paid lawyer working for me. the the coroner closes on that lie even after I objected to him and my lawyer, ” This witness has not given any evidence yet.” The killer told this witness” If you say anything you will get it.” this witness heard this killer bragging and taunting, ” I Killed him.” and ” It was my rope around his neck.”that closed my sons case down for the day, we never came back until exactly one year later, No witnesses. I smelt a dead stinking rat, then my lawyer gets up and says about this witness. This is just the tip of this evil corrupted system. The Queensland State government put the terrorist police on me as a threat to there corrupted system.this is just the tip of this rotten systems iceberg. …This same killer was seen killing an 18 month old baby, and lo and behold she walks free from the court again. To my knowledge this same killer has murdered 4 people, last I knew she still walks the streets of Brisbane. Regards Ray. if I could get a lawyer to take this evil lot on they could have 100% of compensation that should be due to me., even though it has cost me an arm and a leg up to now.
Kudos on a well researched and clear article.
At my age I’ve seen far more corporate malfeasance
loosed on innocent people in the name of profit.
I appreciate your hard work and want to wish you
all the best.
Many of us don’t have resource or platform to address
many of these kinds of threats to simple human dignity.
Thank you
God bless you, Derrek!
Thank you so much for your appreciation. There is, indeed, a myriad of people who can not find a solution without platforms exactly like these. And this is the reason for our mission.
We try to bring the facts and truth to as many people as possible, so they can be informed to make better decisions for their health and that of their families. We do our best to contribute to making the world a healthier place. And this wouldn’t be possible without the love and support of people just like you.
So we thank you, truly, from the bottom of our hearts.
Wishing you endless blessings always!
Please post your sources so we can read them. Post the information like the name of the study, journal, volume, page, ect
Hi Dr. Z –
Great question!
Please know that you can find all of the sources for our article info if you scroll down to the end of the article. Right under the article summary, you will see a link that says “Sources and References.” Please click on this and you will see the sources populate below.
Blessings and love!
What happens now adays in the food industry, chemical industry, farming and big pharma, is a disgrace, to say the least. Congress and the FDA are not innocent standbyers either. They all cover up each others misconduct, one hand washes the other… Legislation is a mocquery when it erases the basic human right to take to court any drug company that its drug caused serious health damage to an individual, physical or mental or psychological…Drug companies don’t really test new drugs, and when they do, the results are being altered to suit the ”requierments”, the FDA turns a blind eye to… The cure of cancer and of other deadly diseases is deliberately withheld !
Only symptoms are being treated not the root causes. The interest is not to prevent diseases but to keep us chronically ill, not to die and not to live, but just consume expensive drugs for decades… We are told to get Mercury out of our teath, but mercury is in the babies vaccines… and so the mary goes round and round, no one stops it, no one can get off it. We the Guini pigs of the Bilinaires who run the world with endless greed. No morals, no consciousness, no feelings, no compassion. no humanism what so ever.
With all that said, please do not mix in a terminology that doesn’t belong here !
Gestapo, is associated with the Holocaust and it belongs only to that context !
Germany was not into it for greed but for the ideology of racism, one race (Nation) was considered nferior than the other, and that justified the murder, the slauter, wiping them out by the ones considered themselves the superior race.
No Jew could have bought his life from the Nazis for money ! It was motivated by a Satanic deep rooted hatred…
What happens in the USA is terribble ! un believable ! Hard to grasp ! But –
Please find the apropriate terminology of your choice to describe it, but leave the Holocaust terminology to the Holocaust. Do not mess with the Holocaust, do not make it look as something different than it really was. Don’t change its essnce buy using its terminology mixed in other wrong doings.Leave that wound of the Holocaust alone … Please !!! Don’t make these comparisons, because the Holocaust is uncomparable with anything humanuty has known in the 19th – 20th century…. Please respect those who perished and those who survived the hell … Thank you
Thank you for the amazing work you do in attempting to get the truth out!
I am currently collecting signatures in Maine, because without a vote, they passed legislation removing our religious & philosophical exemptions from our vaccine law. Hopefully we can gather enough to get it on the ballot so that ‘we the people’ can vote on this.
Let me tell you how hard it is to talk to people about this. They are so brainwashed!!! I collect signatures, because my adult son was vaccine injured. His VA doc didn’t know you don’t give brain injured patients vaccines, because the blood-brain barrier has been broken and the heavy metals go directly to the brain. He was entirely disabled for 3 years as a result. Many docs are not doing their due diligence so that they can provide informed consent.
Anyway, when I approached a woman from our church, who knew my son’s story, & asked for her signature on the petition, she looked at me right in the face and said, “They all need to be forced to be vaccinated!” I cried for days after that. There are no words. I had to stop approaching people for signatures after that. “Forgive them, Father, because they know not what they do.” I am still collecting, but only from people that have been sent to me because they want to sign. I cannot handle being told that my son losing 3 years of his life & me losing 3 years of mine to be his caregiver was for the greater good. Oh, and by the way, he was a fully vaccinated child & then got them all again in boot camp.
Thank you for stepping up and posting this information. This goes to show how far we’ve gone with our freedom or lack of it! Dr. Stoller was my son’s pediatrician and I was so grateful to have him as a trusted educated source. I had no support system at the time and went on to raise 3 unvaccinated children who are healthy adults now. I am blessed to have found this site in today’s times of confusion and I pray we can continue to educate our next generation on our health system and equip them to make healthy choices with food, natural remedies, and educated options when it comes to vaccinating their children. As believers, I believe we have to take a stand and look at the sources and pray about everything before we act.
Eva, we couldn’t agree more! Thank you so much for your support and for taking a stand with us