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Video Transcript – Be Brave! – Part 3: Vaccine Safety Negligence (video)
If you missed part 1, watch it here!
If you missed part 2, watch it here!
You are all a part of a giant human experiment like every child in our vaccine program, which brings me to the Nuremberg Code. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. Remember, after Nazi Germany, we said we are never going to inject innocent people with products they are not aware of. We are never going to perform a medical, what? Experiment on any person in a democratic, free nation or republic. Every nation signed on. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent. Should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion. What do you call it when they say you can’t put your child in a public or private school if they don’t have all their vaccinations? Coercion. The United States government is currently breaking the Nuremberg Code as we speak. They’re putting you in line of fire of a vaccine that will probably cause heart attacks. But don’t worry, we also have a pregnancy registry. We’re going to be giving this vaccine to pregnant women and see how their fetuses deal with it because you are just property of the United States government. Did you know that? You don’t have a choice. You don’t seem to want a choice.
When we hear vaccine injury is one in a million, how many people have heard that? How many people remember Sanjay Gupta? All your doctors, you have pediatricians. Don’t worry. It’s so rare. Vaccine injury is one in a million. Really? Well, when we took liability away from the industry, we created VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, because we knew it’d be a problem. Let’s at least monitor post-marketing surveillance. That’s what they keep saying in that CDC meeting, right? Well, when’s the post-marketing surveillance going to happen? Don’t worry, we’ll be counting heart attacks about 2020, 2022. Pregnancy registry will come along, we’ll figure it out then.
Here’s the numbers from 2018, last year. VAERS. So if you’re injured by a vaccine, your doctor’s supposed to report it. If your child has seizures the night after, the day after, frankly, if they have it two weeks after getting the vaccine, the manufacturer says, “Report everything.” By the way, it’s not up to the doctor to decide whether they think it’s an injury because science doesn’t work that way. You’re supposed to be blind. Just report it. We will let the people that study/do epidemiology start seeing if there’s any influence. Maybe something takes 30 days to hurt you, or maybe the combination of certain vaccines or foods or Tylenol, all of this is how science is supposed to be done.
In this system, here are the numbers from 2018. 62,803 reported vaccine injuries in the United States alone in 2018 alone. 533 reported deaths. 1400 permanent disabilities. 5000 hospitalizations and 5000 emergency room visits. When I ask doctors and scientists, you know that some people are going to have an allergic reaction to a vaccine. That’s nature. There’s not a single drug we make where someone doesn’t have an allergic reaction. In fact, we can’t find a piece of food I can give everyone in this room where someone’s not going to drop to the floor and start having seizures. So to say that no vaccine has ever injured anybody is insane.
So I’ll say to them, “How do you accept the fact that we were going to kill children this year with this vaccine program? How do you accept that?” They go, “Well, if I have to be honest, it’s a bummer. But it’s the accepted casualty to achieve herd immunity.” Ask them one more question, “How many children are we projecting we’re going to kill next year? How many future potential presidents or scientists that maybe could come up with a better vaccine or program, how many of them will be dead this year? How many are we guessing? What’s the number?” You know what they say, the same thing the lady at the CDC said, “We don’t have any data on that.” That’s what they say every time. Wait a minute. As a scientist, you just said it’s an accepted casualty, an accepted casualty, meaning you’re supposed to know the number. You’re accepting a casualty you don’t know. Are you telling me you have no limits? I mean, I get it, maybe one in a million is fine with you. But what if it’s one in 100,000? What if it’s one in 10,000? What if it’s one in 1000? At some point, I assure you, you’re going to get uncomfortable, which is why we need science so we know.
And how good is this science? Harvard Medical School has paid $1 million to look into the VAERS system to see how efficient it was, and this is what they reported: “VAERS appears to be capturing fewer than 1% of the adverse events that are taken place.” Another study done by an ex-commissioner of the FDA found the same thing. So does that mean this is what’s going on? Is it possible that up to six million people are being injured by vaccines every year? 533 deaths. If we’re going to take Harvard Medical School’s word for it, paid for by the CDC, then that could be 53,000 being murdered every year by our vaccine program. 143,000 permanent disabilities. Half a million emergency room visits. This is no way to do science. This is 1%. Why haven’t they made it better? My God. We’re the home of Microsoft. We’re the home of Apple. Why can’t we collect better data than 1%? This program was put in place in 1986. Folks, it’s 2019. Why aren’t they fixing this?
Do you know that Harvard Medical School, as a part of a job, was supposed to try and automate this system to see if they can make it better? And they did. But you know what they discovered, 1 in 10 people was reporting an adverse reaction to vaccines. And in their own report, they said, “We reached out to the CDC to see if they wanted us to upgrade and bring the entire national system into an automated system that we had created. And the CDC stopped returning our phone calls. They stopped returning our emails. They never spoke to us again.” That’s how your science is working in America, and that’s why we are suing.
This is my nonprofit, The Informed Consent Action Network. We’ve won three lawsuits now against government agencies, National Institute of Health, the FDA, and the NIH. We’re winning lawsuits proving that they aren’t doing the appropriate science as I have laid out to you. When you read that “Del Bigtree is spreading misinformation,” and when I hear reporters say that to me, I say, “Huh. You should really try winning a lawsuit against the Department of Justice in your own government using misinformation and winning. Tell me how you do that.”
I won’t get into details, but if you go to our website, you can see what these lawsuits prove. But essentially think about this, we took liability away in 1986 from all vaccines, any manufacturer, any doctor, any Walgreens, any hospital. Anything that touches you with a vaccine, they can’t be sued. Ronald Reagan said, “This is a terrible idea. This is a stupid idea. We are taking away the greatest market force for a product to evolve.” Why were they taking liability away? Because as the industry described it, they were losing so much money from lawsuits, they could not make a profit on vaccines. Their own words. We cannot make a profit. We are losing so much money from death and injury lawsuits.
You’ve never heard of a product that did that bad. Remember. I mean, we’ve got Jeffrey Smith, Monsanto does pretty good. We’ll see how many billions we have to win before we can actually hurt them. We’re talking about a product that was so bad it was hurting them. So when our government took on all responsibility for liability, they put HHS and the National Institute of Health in place. They said HHS since we know the manufacturers aren’t going to do safety studies anymore, we’re taking away all of these incentives to do that. You’re now going to be responsible. In fact, when you sue for a vaccine injury, you are suing the Secretary of Health and Human Services. You are suing your own government agency. And they’re using the Department of Justice lawyers against you. Let me just have you wrap your head around this.
The Department of Justice usually defends the citizen and fights the corporations that are injuring them. In this one case, it’s turned on its head, and the citizen is the enemy, and the manufacturer is the one being protected. There’s no discovery. There are no judges. There are no juries. There is no media allowed in. In the middle of that, they said, “We know we’re creating a really messed up system, so here’s what’s going to happen. Health and Human Services, you’re going to meet with us every two years at the Congress and tell us how you fixed this defective product. Tell us how you are evolving the vaccine program so that we’re limiting adverse events. Additionally, National Institute of Health, hey, you guys. You’re going to head a task force on vaccine safety. It will include you, the head of the CDC, and the head of the FDA. You’re going to design programs and science to fix this failed product that is obviously killing and injuring more children than its saving or certainly costing us much more than we can make money off of. Let’s fix the problem.”
Our lawsuits used Freedom of Information Act requests. We reached out and said, “We would like to see the meeting minutes of those congressional meetings that are supposed to be happening every two years. We’d like to hear how we’ve made vaccines safer.” Additionally, we use FOIA requests and said to the National Institute of Health, “We would like to see all the recommendations made by your task force to Health and Human Services for their meetings at the Congress.” They didn’t answer. It’s illegal, by the way. They have to answer. We use sort of an executive action, pressured them. They didn’t answer. We took them to court. You know what we discovered in court, Health and Human Services never had a single meeting with Congress. Not one. It’s supposed to happen every two years, not one meeting. The task force that was supposed to be reporting. The Brain Trust to the CDC, National Institute of Health, FDA, all working together like a crack team to get to the bottom of this and fix the problem. Never even formed. Never happened.
The two parts of the law that took all liability away that were supposed to fix this product never happened. All that happened is your children are now being injected not with 11 vaccines that were being sued in court. Now by 54 vaccines that you can’t sue for. And the sickest children we’ve ever seen.

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Dear Del, A BIG THANK YOU for all.the hard work you put into your research to bring the truth about vaccines to us the people!!! I started having a feeling that the Coronavirus and 5G were related/connected in some way and that there was DEFINITELY and agenda somewhere!!!the very day I wrote many people about my hunch, CNN came out with news that there was NO CONNECTION AT ALL between the Coronavirus and 5G!!! Then I KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that there was!!! Then I heard that BILL GATES OWNS THE CDC!!! IS THIS TRUE??? IF this is true WE ARE IN TROUBLE because he believes in DEPOPULATATION OF OUR PLANET!!! Then I heard that his parent were into Planned Parenthood..IS THIS TRUE???
Is there any way to repeal the law to again make drug manufacturers liability. Sad to say many, many parents of younger children are unaware of the harmful effects of vaccines. Now it’s more imperative than ever to have an informed public in lieu of the fact that Gates wants to vaccinate the entire world population. I pray to God this NEVER, NEVER happens.
It is bill gates
He also funded the lab that created this virus
He s bought people in USA and Uk
And worldwide to take his poison vacs that are made in China ! Robert Kennedy junior said India is taking him to court we all need to help
And take him
For mass murder and disfigurement of millions
First of all – I thought the Truth About Cancer was a masterpiece, this current series is even more of a masterpiece. You are all brave, brilliant people. I feel gratitude to every one of you.
What I am most concerned about is whether people are watching. I hope so. How do we get this out to more than just the converted, like me? It’s crucial information – not that it doesn’t make sense for the converted to get better educated. But I’m feeling that my voice is muffled because most people I know who are not already among the converted react to me as though I’m a fanatic, including my own son, with whom I have a good relationship. How is it that intelligent people trust a system that has thrown them to the wolves…???
I want to help – and I have some ideas about how – but it is becoming a steep battle.
We could just stand outside pediatricians’ offices and hand out leaflets. Or did they cancel the First Amendment already?
There are some alternative platforms….
just replace the “-” with “.”
I tried to reply with proper urls, but I think it wasn’t accepted.
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Human body need good food and love to stay
healthy . Nothing else.
I watched the entire nine part series and Roundtables on “The Truth About Vaccines” and am so glad I dedicated that time. .also made good notes. I am indignant that the CDC and NIH have gotten away with what they have and for so many years and my heart is saddened for the victims who have suffered and whose lives are irreversibly changed and for those who lost their lives due to the bad ‘science’ of vaccines. I am prepared to be a part in fighting these large, powerful governmental agencies and the wealthy idealogues who plan to strip us collectively of our Freedom to determine our own health. I AM INDIGNANT THAT DR. FAUCI DEVELOPED A VIRUS THAT WAS DECLARED BY 200 SCIENTISTS TO BE TOO DANGEROUS TO DEVELOP AND in 2014, WAS TOLD TO DESIST. INSTEAD, HE TRANSFERRED THAT VIRUS ALONG WITH A $3.7 MILLION DOLLAR GRANT (TAXPAYER DOLLARS!), TO WUHAN, CHINA. That virus could very possibly be the same dangerous virus he started in the U.S.! This is not only a dangerous virus, this is a dangerous man! In the early days, Fauci let us and the media mull over where this virus originated…bats?! NO! It was a designed virus…the same or similar virus he transferred to Wuhan. Fauci has patents on Vaccines…the best I can say about Fauci is that he has a SEVERE CONFLICT OF INTEREST and should not be advising on any medications to treat Covid 19, nor any vaccines to treat same. Fauci has shown disregard for human well-being and he violated the decision by the U.S, govt., that his virus experiment should not be carried on. HE MUST BE REMOVED FROM ANY ADVISORY POSITION WITHIN THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION! We cannot believe he will not push his own vaccine over others. Covid 19 is an RNA Virus, as was SARS-1 and Aids/HIV. There has never been a successful vaccine developed to an RNA Virus. There was a vaccine developed for SARS-1 but instead of protecting the recipient, it potentiated the wild virus and approximately 1/3 of the recipients suffered major damage and frequent death from that reaction. (That might fit into population control, Bill Gates /Fauci mold, but for those of us who value our good health, THE RISKS FAR OUTWEIGH THE BENEFIT.) OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS CAN DEAL WITH THIS VIRUS BETTER THAN TOXINS HE WOULD PUSH US TO HAVE. FAUCI IS THE FOX MANAGING THE HEN HOUSE! Final word re mandatory vaccinations…I really like the quote from Abe Lincoln…”No man is good enough to govern another man without the other’s consent”. I am ready to stand up for our Freedoms!
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Be Brave! – Part 3: Vaccine Safety Negligence
I’ve been ready to go out and stand up for out freedom but so many people are so brain washed they don’t understand this when ever I try to talk about it they look at me as if I’m crazy what can i do to get these people to open their third eye I even put up signs but some one keeps taking them down I get frustrated because I don’t see anyone else doing anything about it all I see are more and more people walking around wearing face mask it really makes me angry how these people are I want to stand up for my freedom but I’m afraid I’m all alone I keep spreading the words 11:11 2020 the day humanity days NO! Find Unity NOW, today or you’ll face the imminent consequences is one of my signs I put up what should I do? Does anyone have any suggestion?
Thank-you for your true investigative journalism. These videos are enlightening. I was a medical scientist who always accepted what I was taught — that you can’t kill viruses with drugs. Now I know that is not true. There has been suppression of scientific research data for decades. Lee Merritt , MD Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons vol 25 no 3 Fall 2020 This article is mind blowing. There are many drugs like Hydroxychloroquin ,Ivermectin, antibiotics and others when used in combination with zinc supplements and vitamins that have been shown in many studies to stop viruses in their tracks. Vaccines won’t even be necessary and, as you have explained so well , they are potentially dangerous. Many leaders , via the media , are doing a great job scaring everyone into compliance with all these crazy restrictions . I praise good people like yourself and all the brave doctors from the and the team from the Truth about Vaccines for standing up against this terrible oppression of liberties. Thank-you
Investigate…very promising: