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Video Transcript – Be Brave! – Is Vaccine Science Really Settled? (Part 1)
So let’s start here. Here are the slogans that we always hear. “Vaccines are safe and effective.” “Vaccine injury is rare.” And my favorite, “the science is settled.” The least scientific statement is known to man. Anyone that says this should lose any license that they currently have as far as I’m concerned. So let’s deal with that. When I think about the science is settled, I think that they have set the bar so low. You’re essentially saying that this science is the most immaculate science on the planet because we’re the only ones arrogant enough, we’re the only scientific body arrogant enough to even make this claim. No one else in science would ever even dare to say the science is settled and cannot be questioned. So if you’ve reached this level that you are so perfect, then I should only have to add a little bit of doubt.
If there’s even the potential for reasonable doubt, let’s look at it like that. Let’s look at it like a court case. Can I put reasonable doubt into your mind that maybe this is not true? I have. Let’s do it again. Here’s how it started last time. Bobby Kennedy was asked to go to the National Institute of Health by Donald Trump to talk to all the luminaries of our immunology and infectious disease departments. We put together this PowerPoint that always starts like this. I was sitting there. Bobby was brilliant. There were about eight of us on our side of the table and 12 of them including Tony Fauci, Head of Infectious Disease, Francis Collins, Head of The National Institute of Health. And this is how we started it.
In 2017, Dr. Peter Aaby who was involved in designing the vaccine programs for the third world decided to do the study we’ve all been asking for. How about you compare vaccinated children to totally unvaccinated children. Don’t keep telling us it makes us healthier, prove it. Prove it. Use the scientific method. Go ahead. We’re all open for it. So he did. He looked at a DTP vaccine program that took place 30 years ago in Guinea Africa, and what he recognized was the way we laid out the program, we were so specific about the ages of the children, and the difficulties it was to get to every village that by the end of that year, we had only vaccinated almost exactly half of the children. And the other half we had not. Totally randomized study, perfect. I can compare both groups, and this is what he discovered. DTP was associated with a fivefold higher mortality than being unvaccinated.
Look what he has to say. All currently available evidence suggests the DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus, or pertussis. Now let’s get this straight, they weren’t dying of diphtheria, tetanus, or pertussis. They’re dying of dysentery and malaria and all these other illnesses like rotavirus. And what he concluded was it looks like the vaccine, duh, we’ve— By the way, we’ve only looked at “does it protect you from the disease?” We never tested it for mortality. So what it looks like is it weakened their immune system so they couldn’t protect themselves against anything else.
But as I promise you today, and it gets even worse, it was 10 times the rate of death if you only got the DTP vaccine. If you got oral polio at the same time for some reason, only fivefold higher. But what I was going to say, what I promised you today, is don’t take my word for it. The last time I was here, you had to. Except that Peter Aaby continued to do these studies, and more and more scientists are. So let’s listen to Peter Aaby. This just came out this year. If he’s wrong, why is he talking to the world? If we’re not winning, why does he feel so bold? Listen to the truth from the man that designed a vaccine program.
This is about vaccines, and I think it’s important to recognize that no routine vaccine was tested for all effect on mortality in randomized trials before being introduced. I guess most of you think that we know what our vaccines are doing. We don’t. The program we are talking about at this time, the vaccine program, was introduced sort of in the late ’70s after the successful eradication of smallpox, the WSO makes sort of the first immunization program for the low-income countries. What comes out here, you had 2.3 times higher mortality if you were DTP vaccinated. And that is the most commonly used vaccine in the world. And note again that this is clearly worse for girls than for boys. It’s not good for boys, but it’s— the girls do worse. When you introduce DTP booster, mortality goes up. When we introduce hepatitis B was the source to inactivate vaccine, the same thing happened. So for now, we have shown negative effect for girls for six inactivated vaccinates. DTP1 is 20% higher mortality but then when you come to DTP3, it’s 70% higher mortality for the girls, for the boys. The whooping cough vaccine or pertussis vaccine was associated with twofold higher mortality. And please note that the tendency is that this seems to be slightly worse for girls.
You can have a vaccine which is fully protected against a specific disease but associated with higher mortality. How is that possible?
Killing children around the world. In fact, one of the scientists that works with him stood at a TED Talk and said, “We are killing over a million children every year with this vaccine program. If we just got rid of these vaccines, we would save a million lives a year.” We actually have letters out to UNICEF, my nonprofit has been notifying every third world nation and consulate in the world to stop this vaccine right away.
But just so you don’t think this is happening only in the third world, look what we’ve discovered since I was last here at The Truth About Cancer. Resurgence of whooping cough may be owed to vaccines inability to prevent infections. Say what? Have you noticed that all the breakouts of whooping cough now are fully vaccinated children is called failure, I guess is the easiest way to put that. It’s a complete failure. But why? What they’ve discovered is the vaccine actually doesn’t protect against transmission. It only keeps you from having a cough. It does not stop you from being a carrier of whooping cough. So now think about the commercial where the grandma and grandpa are the big bad wolf if they don’t get their vaccine to go visit the brand new baby in the family. We’re actually working on a lawsuit to sue for false advertising because that is the opposite of what is actually true. Think about it.
If all this thing does is stop your cough, then it’s taking away the only alarm you know that you have whooping cough. That’s all it’s achieving. Now grandma and grandpa how would’ve said, “You know what, I’m not going to come and visit baby because we have a cough right now. Something’s going around in the house. We’re just going to leave you alone.” No, instead get this stupid vaccine so now you’re going to come over and potentially spread pertussis all over that infant putting them at risk. It’s not something you want to do. So now we’ve turned grandma and grandpa into potentially a silent assassin.
This is what they had to say about it. Remember, the science is settled. Look at how the science works. This is them admitting it. This comes out of Boston University. “The disease is back because we didn’t really understand how our immune defenses against whooping cough worked and did not understand how the vaccines needed to work to prevent it,” said Christopher J. Gill, Associate Professor of Global Health and Lead Author of the article. “Instead we layered assumptions upon assumptions and now found ourselves in the uncomfortable position of admitting that we have made some crucial errors. This is definitely not where we thought we’d be in 2017.” That’s a scientist. Does that sound like science? Did you know that the science of vaccines is assumptions upon assumptions that now actually whelp, our dumb luck. Looks like it’s not working out.
But it gets worse. This came out this year. Remember, I don’t talk about anything I don’t find in a published journal. Everything’s peer reviewed. How is it they’re saying I’m spreading misinformation? Look at this. The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines-Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future. You can read the whole thing but look at this line I pulled out. “Because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who are primed by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes. And there is no easy way to decrease this increase lifetime susceptibility.” We only trained your child’s body to observe four of the antigens in pertussis. There’s another 100 your body doesn’t recognize. Therefore, you are going to always make an error because we taught your body to look at the wrong part of the disease. Unlike the child that actually gets wild pertussis that will go on to have herd immunity, true immunity for decades if not their entire life. But this vaccine achieves none of that. Yet we have this on every one of our schedules. Every one of you kids is getting about five of these by the time they’re 18, and they know that we’re causing them to have more whooping cough the rest of their lives.

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Hello…Has there been any research done that links vaccines to dementia in older adults? It’s something I’ve been wondering, especially since doctors push the flu shot and the pneumonia shot. I have had neither and don’t intend to get them. Allergic to thimerosol, the preservative used in multi-dose vials of vaccine. Boosting the immune system is the key.
I have never had the flue vaccine and don’t intend to. Building our God given immune system is the only way.
Check the side effects of the meds if your parents are taking anything. Some of the meds I learned are what causing my mom to have joint pain, muscle pain and body aches.
I haven’t looked for vaccine relation to dementia – but they do contain mercury (thimerosol) which I believe has been linked to Alzheimers…
Its formaldehyde that causes dementia and most other similar conditions in all age groups. I’m allergic to it. There are two groups of chemicals that do the same thing, they all cause frontal lobe brain damage:
Formaldehyde in any form
Formaldehyde donors, i.e. anything that metabolizes into formaldehyde in the human body.
When I was diagnosed with an allergy to formaldehyde over 25 years ago I wanted to know more about it. I did an internet search and landed on the CDC website. There I found a page that stated that 26,000 pharmaceutical drugs that are formaldehyde donors and metabolize into formaldehyde in the human body.
I went to my doctor because my hair was falling out and I had a weeping wound the size of my hand on the top of my head. My doctors creams failed to help and I was referred to a consultant. The consultant couldn’t find out what was causing it either, he as a last resort did some allergy tests and found the allergy. He gave me a list of chemicals to avoid in shampoo and bath and body products. He also told me Formaldehyde is a Class 1 Carcinogenic, i.e. it causes cancer and is one of the most dangerous carcinogenic substances being in Class 1.
I went home with the list of chemicals and went through my bathroom cabinet and found every single product contained multiple chemicals on the list. Everything in my bathroom, all shampoo, baby bath, baby shampoo (Johnson’s brand), bubble bath, body wash, everything had to go in the bin. I was left the a single bar of soap (imperial leather brand) and later I found out that too contained ingredients that metabolized into formaldehyde.
Please note that my consultant told me that Formaldehyde is a Class 1 cancer causing chemical, and multiple forms of this cancer causing chemical were found in all my bathroom products, even my young daughters baby bath and shampoo. So why do our government not ban carcinogenic chemicals from these products?
When you bath and shower you absorb water, the water that is loaded with these products that are loaded with cancer causing chemicals. Surely these additive are unnecessary? How does this failure to regulate and permit these dangerous chemical effect out health and our risk of cancer?
Formaldehyde donors are hidden in our food and drinks. This is the story of how I found out about formaldehyde been hidden in foods – I was anemic and my doctor prescribed an iron supplement, but it gave me a bad stomach, I checked the ingredients and notices that it had artificial sweeteners in it. I talked to a local chemist who was very helpful and told me that all artificial sweeteners are formaldehyde donors. He also said the all flavor enhancers such as MSG are formaldehyde donors too. He told me to check the labels of all processed foods and drinks. We had a conversation about the fact that formaldehyde is a class 1 carcinogenic and should not be allowed in anything, food, water, drinks, medicines, vaccines, soap powders and cleaning products should all be formaldehyde free to protect the public from this dangerous chemical.
Formaldehyde is one of the most dangerous substances know to man and should be banned outright.
What this means is that 25 years ago there were 26,000 drugs used by the medical systems around the world that do 2 things:
Cause Cancer
Cause Brain damage
I really want to share more with you about formaldehyde, but I don’t have time right now. I will end with this, all psychotropic drugs are formaldehyde donors. That means all psychiatric drugs including all anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drugs. According to an article published in the BMJ anti-depressants cause the symptoms of depression. These drugs cause brain damage fast, from 6 weeks of taking the drug and the frontal lobe brain damage is permanent by 12 weeks, again this was from the BMJ. The BMJ didn’t make the link to formaldehyde, I made that link though an experience I had with memory loss while taking anti-depressants, while my doctors knew I was allergic to formaldehyde!
This is a message for Paula;
Do you happen to have the list of chemicals so that I can cleanse my bathroom products please?
I’d like to know that list of donors to formaldehyde found in all home products and food. Could you do a followup article on that? Thank you for doing the research. It boggles the mind how negligent FDA is on this.
WOW!!! amazing information!! So many on Maintenance drugs…and all these people that have dementia are the ones with excellent health disease care…
Aspartame is even in all the gum people chew…even the non sugar free gum like juicy fruit and all wriggleys gums…..posinoning the youth early and in the womb…and they have their hand out for all the children getting cancer…
Such a toxic corrupt wicked world all for the greed and gain of the demonic industry!!
God is allowing all this to take place in the world, man’s heart is failing them!!
Its so awful trying to help the blind to see…God’s wrath is here since people decide to trust in socery/pharmakia and science instead of fearing him.
Read Proverbs for Strength and Wisdom
Detox constantly & build the immune system with C, lots of D, Zinc…Try to get liquids some companies have so many fillers beware!!! Powdered Vit c buffered.
God Bless you all!!!
Don’t get the mark…the vax weakens the mind so when they bring out the real mark they won’t resist…
I’d sure like to be able to chat with the lady (Paula) above , as I’ve been with a terrific company for over 29 years & have used their natural products which are all natural, with NO chemicals, and NO kid-proof-caps, even our toilet-bowl-cleaner (!) They are VERY consentrated, VERY cost-effective, and work BETTER than anything I used to purchase from a grocery-store!
Plus, I’ve taken their natural vitamins faithfully, am in my “golden years”, haven’t had a cold, flu, upper-resportory-infection, or even a sore-throath that materialized in the 29 years and don’t have an ache or pain anywhere!
So, PTL and thank you to a terrific company and our wonderful, natural products!!
You mat give her my email address, if that’s permissiable. Thanks for all the info ya’ll give us!
I would love to know what company you get all of the natural stuff from. They sound like great products. I hope you get this message. I’d really like to start using all natural products. Thanks. Sandi Crawford
we are poisoned by our oil fired friendly cooker over 15 years….2000ppm in the kitchen . An industrial chemist identified numerous deadly chemicals in the CO produced . I worry about the formaldehyde content ? The kitchen had been painted with spray paint which did not polymerise as there was no oxygen in the room So we were breathing the fumes in until total collapse . How do we avoid formaldehyde in the future . My husband collapsed unconscious after the only flu vaccine he was advised to have— we are wiser now! Lets get the truth why should this be so hard????
So the senate,congress and president trump all know this with the evidence being presented in round tables with these vaccine makers and medical staff like Fauci? Yet nothing has been done and Fauci still represents this fake science and agenda as government official? Great presentation of facts with a push of movement with very influential people like Bobby Kennedy yet What is being accomplished here ? How are these programs still in existence,being funded and protected by criminal installed laws by tax dollars?
Every year my MD asks me if I want a flu shot, and I Always say “no thanks”. This year I am going to say “HELL, NO!”
Every year my MD asks me if I want a flu shot, and I Always say “no thanks”. This year I am going to say “HELL, NO!”
Can you delete the shorter version of my comment? I thought the first one didn’t go through so then I wrote the longer one thank you Beth
Every year when I go to my doc he asks me if I want a flu shot and I always politely answer no thanks. When I go this year I am going to say, HELL, NO!!! Thank you for all tremendous work you are doing. I have 2 new grandsons and I am so worried for them. Years ago I read about the safety issues with vaccines In Mothering magazine (anyone remember it?) and chose to not have my daughters vaccinated. One daughter is Leary of vaccines but the other is All in. I am hoping she will be open to reading and listening to some of your materials, which are fantastic. It kills me that people just assume vaccines Are safe and believe our doctors who tell us they are, When most of the doctors Haven’t even looked into it. I remember reading years ago That Bill Gates Wanted to reduce the world population by half or something like that. Now I know how he plans to be involved in it. Such evil is beyond most people’s ability to comprehend.
In this day of cencership, my daughter is trying to do a research project on the small pox vaccine and the history of vaccines. It is so difficult to find info that is not biased towards one side and does give all the facts. Can anyone point me in a direction to get info.
In this day of censorship, my daughter is trying to do a research project on the small pox vaccine and the history of vaccines. It is so difficult to find info that is not biased towards one side and does give all the facts. Can anyone point me in a direction to get info.
So here it is, September 23, 2021, and already this video is unavailable. Hmmmm.