TTAV is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats. Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list. It’s free.
(PR Newswire) A new peer-reviewed study in the journal SAGE Open Medicine detailing the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children concludes that unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than their vaccinated peers within the conditions examined and suggests that further study is necessary to understand the full spectrum of health effects associated with vaccination.
The study was based on medical records of over 2000 children born between November 2005 and June 2015. The study followed children continuously for a minimum of 3 years from birth. Vaccination status was determined based on any vaccination received prior to one year of age which yielded 30.9% of the children in the unvaccinated group. Results show that vaccination before one year of age led to significantly increased odds of medical diagnoses of developmental delays, asthma and ear infections in children.
In a separate analysis, children receiving more vaccines by one year of age were more likely to be diagnosed with gastrointestinal disorders compared to those who received no vaccines within the same timeframe. In temporal analyses, children vaccinated prior to six months of age showed significant risks of each of the disorders studied as compared to unvaccinated children.
The study, coauthored by Dr. Brian Hooker and Mr. Neil Miller, is unique in that all diagnoses were verified using abstracted medical records from each of the participating pediatric practices. Lead author of the study, Dr. Hooker, stated, “The results definitely indicate better health outcomes among the conditions studied in children who did not receive vaccines within their first year of life. These findings are consistent with additional research that has identified vaccination as a risk factor for a variety of adverse health outcomes. Such findings merit additional large-scale study of vaccinated and unvaccinated children in order to provide optimal health as well as protection against infectious diseases.”
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has assembled nearly 60 studies that find vaccinated cohorts to be far sicker than their unvaccinated peers. CHD is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the recent epidemic of chronic health conditions affecting 54% of children. The organization recognizes a variety of harmful environmental exposures contributing to an overall decline in children’s health.
Editor’s comments – Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children. This study by Miller and Hooker corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children.
Of course, as we expected, children vaccinated prior to six months of age showed significant risks of each of the disorders studied (developmental delays, asthma and ear infections) as compared to unvaccinated children.
But don’t expect this study to go unnoticed. Get ready for censorship and slander, possibly even being removed from the internet. We’ll likely read the typical rhetoric like “this study was poorly designed” or “yet another anti-vaxx garbage study” despite having no evidence to support the allegations.
Remember, publishing research that contains information that conflicts with the mainstream narrative continues to prove to be a quick and easy way to find yourself blacklisted and censored by social media and Big Pharma.
Kudos to these two men for publishing this groundbreaking peer-reviewed study comparing groups of vaccinated children against unvaccinated children.

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Hi Ty,
My name is Sarah and my daughter Evelyn is going to be three here in just a few months. Being born in Germany she had a great start! No vx at birth and only oral k! They do not start stix (vx) until 3-6 months old. Anyways I had already followed my mother instincts to not have her vx. Anyone close to me knew my opinion well. A friend in 2017 said hey watch this documentary (ttav) maybe this can help you make a better decision. She had thought it was on her side (to vx) but instead she got a lesson and I just watched it like it was old news to me. Working in the vet world and see dogs diagnosed with cancer at 6 after being vx yearly was a huge red flag.
Anyways thank you for all you do! I know my child being vx free is the healthiest out of her 5 friends around her age. She has had 0 infection, 0 gut issues. Speaks clearly and understand what is being asked of her. Emotional stable for almost 3. We started flash cards for reading and she can already recite a few of her favorite books. I couldn’t be more proud of my decision.
Do you have any proof or literature on Dtap causing permanent diarrhea. My poor friends daughter about 2 and 1/2 has never had solid stool. She tested positive for (Polaris h) (spelling?) Im am curious if this was caused by the vx and what she could do. I have researched that some children have soft to liquid stool until around age five and it’s considered “normal”! What’s next we are just going to normalize any of the symptoms and say there is no relationship 😥! Any ways keep up the great work and thank you for letting me share my story.
I applaud you !! my first 2 were vaccinated since it was in the 70’s and I thought it was required..the girls were always sick thereafter..the next 2 didn’t get any shots,,never were they sick..the son had to take shots when he became an EMT..and has been sickly as an adult were smart not to do it !!
Hi sarah iam so happyto see your comment could i know any details regarding ur journey ftom being a parent to an unvaccinated child iam still struggling with wat to do my gut says dont vaccinate my elder two born 2004 and 2009 are vaccinated but 2009 onewas ver selective and not all of them .my son born in aug 2020 has just gotten the vitamin k iam holding off till now but just scared of the diseases they say vaccines prevent i dont go out much at all baby us home with us anywats becuse of co vid .i just dont see the need to vaccinate so much so fast .i would love to hear how you got put of the anxiety of if the catch the disease thanks 😊
The diseases are way safer to get than the vaccines. Vax industry works through fear ! Only polio cases in US are from vax. God gave us an immune system . chicken pox vax is causing outbreaks of shingles, by adults being exposed to chicken pox virus it protects us from getting shingles a very painful outcome of not getting herd immunity
I have four children, ages range from 7 – 14 (2005-2012) that have never been touched by a vaccine. I have three that were, some more than the others. Born 1994, 1997 and 2003 (I stopped vaccinating by 2005).
I’d be more than happy to have their health history go towards their research.
Does this study take into account whether children were in daycare or not? Children in group care situations outside the home are exposed to more childhood illnesses and may get sick more often, especially at first.They are likely to be required to have vaccinations to go to the childcare . But unless you are looking only at children who are not cared for outside the home and whose siblings are also only cared for in the home how would you know if vaccinations are the cause of increased illnesses or is it the environment and increased exposure to people outside the family that does it?
I guess getting sick from daycare is really not the problem here. What really matters are developmental delays, asthma, and many other chronic illnesses related to vaccination – daycare whatsoever…
Hi Cynthia, im just a fellow passerby from SEA whom always found weird how things dont add up rgding vaccinations in our country. I have no relation to the authors of this site but i hope they do reply you too so i can learn more too.
Referring to your concerns, i understand it feels very troubling to first come across ‘vaccines as the cause’ for these adverse events in children. But with these studies it is quite impossible that these adverse events are caused by just ‘wider’ exposures in daycares. these multitude of adverse events studied ranges from influenza infections to autoimmune issues like eczema, asthma, allergies to even neurodevelopmental disorders, autism and even deaths. We might argue putting your child in daycare can bring bigger risks of minor flu infection, but you can never possibly associate how all these multitude of adverse events can happen just because of being in daycares. For example, in Mogensen et al 2017’s study, the group of children vaccinated with DTP and Oral Polio Vaccine OPV had 5-10x higher mortality rates. In their study the children’s background factors could not explain the effect. It is not quite possible, that solely mingling around, wider exposures, or being put into daycare with other kids, could have caused them more likely to die by 5-10 times. Moreover, in the many studies, children of different ages were studied too. Infant care nor daycare would not be able to explain the difference in results. Then again, children put into daycare are also not more likely to be diagnosed with autism. because autism is not infectious and does not come easily like a minor flu. The same can be explained for the many of the different issues/diseases studied.
By the way, do worry less because i believe DTP (non acellular) is not easily found nowadays. Although OPV is stil available in SEA countries like Singapore. And though it doesnt mean the DTP Campaigns weren’t wrong.
On the other hand, administering today’s vaccines also mean injecting toxic bodies directly into our kids: disinfectants like mercury thimerosal, formaldehyde (which is cancerous), heavy metals like aluminium (also a neurotoxin), polysorbate 20&80 (linked to cancer, autoimmune issues and infertily), and various foreign dna cells (of animals, of even aborted human fetuses), may include live viruses and many more. Almost all of the vaccines administered to our kids have not been aedequately safety tested with double-blind placebo control groups, nor has the CDC made repeatable/reliable long term safety studies before licensing these vaccines. Yet many of the vaccine ingredients we inject into our kids (those stated above are not all of them) have been linked to adverse illnesses before. For example, studies by Dr Exley et al have linked aluminium to onset of alzhemiers, and also found ‘extraordinarily high level of aluminium’ in the brain tissue of the individuals diagnosed with Autism ASD in their study.
Given these it is quite impossible for exposures in daycares, rather than the vaccines administered to kids since infancy, to have been the reason for the surge in these multitude of adverse events.
Apologies for being terribly long-winded; I’m only trying to be sincere in answering your input and learning more at the same time. This is a subject that doctors i met brushed aside without a single doubt, without even a single minute of further research. I am trying my best to be sincere and learn from facts and well-backed studies well, as these concerns our kids and their health.
Allergies and developmental delays aren’t contagious. Did you read the article?
You know, It doesn’t matter if they went to daycare or just went to school. I heard of someone in my hometown that kept her son at home until first grade, especially so he won’t get sick. And when he went to school he had to skip the first year because he was always sick.
Does one size fit all no!
Your comment makes no sense, Yay my son/daughter went to Day Care and caught the Asthma, Autism, cancer, diabetes, MS, ADHD, Neuro Developmental Delayed, VIRUS.
Thank you, brother! Keep up the good work! In Christ, Pastor Paul, missionary in Chile
You keep exposing the TRUTH together with God and ‘NO weapon formed against you shall prosper!” Thank you for all that you do for all of our children, people of all colors 😉
After discovering your website and reading your personal testimonial of how you began all this, I have to say, my eyes have been opened from the moment I began reading the research. I only wish the information would have been readily available when my own children were infants back in late 80’s. Now I’m on a mission to make sure they are armed with this knowledge to make informed decisions for their children.
Thank you for all the wonderful information and research you and Charlene have made available to everyone who’s searching for answers about their health and children’s health!
God bless you,
-Brad Maty
Hi Ty
This study is a great start. I am also curious about how breastfeeding might fit into the picture. Whether breastfeeding through the early years might help offset the problems associated with vaccines.
We are currently trying to deal with a decision about vaccination for my daughter who is 12 this summer. We live in California and she now has to have the TDap before she can attend school in the Fall. I am wondering what we can do to protect her or boost her immune system to prepare her for this forced vaccination. We have homeschooled her for a couple of years and she is now at a Sudbury Valley-style school which she loves. She really wants to continue at this school in the Fall. However, she is petrified of needles, but said she’d be willing to face the vaccination so she can go. It feels so wrong. My son has just one more year of high school so we are not quite ready to move out of CA just yet, which would be a potential solution, I suppose, but definitely quite uprooting.
The decision is your responsibility as your daughter’s parents, but the consequences will be both yours and hers. She may be just fine or she may not. It’s like flipping a coin. If she is not fine, what will you do? How will your live? Uprooting your family is impossible for some, but if you have the means, even if it is a hardship, you should do it, in my opinion. Living in a state that forces vaccination is living under tyranny. If you have a choice, why not take it?
If your gut feeling is that it is wrong, it is because it is wrong to force vaccinations and especially if you are aware of the potential very bad side affects.
met with complications from vaccines. I have friends who became deaf from measles. I have a partially sighted friend who contracted rubella in the womb. My ex got pneumonia from chickenpox. A friend’s brother died from meningitis.
What did getting measles have to do with the vaccines? Did they get it even though vaccinated? How did rubella in the womb come from vaccination? Pneumonia from chickenpox? Meningitis? Without further explanation there is no meaning in what you wrote…just my opinion.
I just wanted to share my child’s vaccination story, hoping that might help other mother’s to have a better understanding . Being a first time mom, all we want to do is take great care of our babies and do what’s right while navigating the whole new motherhood thing. That includes protecting them against all the life threatening diseases and finding the perfect pediatrician. Which I did and I fully trusted….He seemed to have plenty experience, had a fancy degree and reputation, but then I realized medical community don’t have all the answers , in fact, the entire health care system that was all set up wrong. I learned a hard lesson right after my baby’s first vaccination, he was only 4 months old and given 5 different shots all at the same time, and the very same night he developed some kind a of skin rush that no doctor could ever explain that lasted till he was 12 years old. The vaccination schedule never made sense to me. In order to support children’s immune system that hasn’t even fully developed yet overwhelming it instead with multiple vaccines at once and
when I questioned I was explained that getting multiple vaccines proven to be safe and necessary. It turns out the insurance companies had a big role to play in this because they simply didn’t want to pay for alternative vaccinations schedule or multiple office visits. I was not convinced with their explanation and I had to literally fight with Doctor’s office and insurance companies now also with school requesting to space out the vaccination schedule for my child since then and not to mention I ended up paying it all out of pocket of course!!!
Ty, if you want the bare facts on the entire vaccine program beyond what was in The Truth About the Vaccines, look up the measles outbreak that CDC was concerned about, think it was circa early 2001 or 2. The first things that caught my eye in that report by authorities in Atlanta (CDC) was it said slightly more than 1/2 of these measles cases were among the vaccinated. OK, logic says slightly less than 1/2 of the new measles cases were in unvaccinated cases. Further logic says vaccines must damage the immune systems of the vaccinated – even if it is slightly damaged. I followed this case very closely because It troubled me that people making decisions about our health care were too stupid to see this and published the fact. That outbreak was traced back to a young woman at Disneyland or Disneyworld that was fully vaccinated except for the measles which she had before it was offered. Now the big logical question is what happened to her natural immunity from having the measles, which is known to last for at least 75 years? More logic comes up with the question something in the vaccines must damage the immune system by wiping out natural immunity.’
Research Drs. Bradstree and Nicholas Gonzales and a research study they were collaborating on with another yet unnamed doctor. is a good site for that, but if not just research nagalase and GcMaf and see what conclusion you come to. I came to the conclusion that these doctors were right about the nagalase disabling one part of the immune system the messenger GcMaf to trigger production of the large white blood cells called Killer Cells & also the pac men of the immune system because they travel the circulatory system gobbling up the invading pathogens. They were about to announce the results of their study and their theory the nagalase got into the blood via the vaccines
Hey all,
Dutchie here (actual name is Roelof). Since this world wide lock down took effect I’ve got a real kick in the balls. Like nearly 100% of the people around me are either unaware of whats going on or they don’t want to know. I always thought the Netherlands was an intelligent country and maybe that’s true but we are definitely not aware or (spiritually) conscious anymore. I have been investigating stuff since a long time now. My first wake up call being this “classic” documentary called Zeitgeist (the first one). Go figure, it’s a long time ago the first one came out. In contrary to the rest of the dutch people, and I really mean I’m like part of 0,001% here in the Netherlands, I actually watched that stuff and thought. This. Is. Exactly. Like. The. Matrix. But. This. Is. Real. Andddd- I’ve been investigating the rabbit hole ever since, just like Ty & Charlene been doing. I love you guys for all the great work! I think everyone has truth within, and we are waking up to the fact we are all connected by light and love and we don’t always have to agree as long as we keep informing ourselves and learn to get along!
Sorry I some how tend to write very long intros to what I actually just want to say. So here it is. I’m thinking about investigating unvxd children as opposed to vxd. Make a Dutch report on it and later translate it to english. I’m working on setting up a scientific page on my personal website which is solely related to my life mission: A Happy Planet. And I guess seeking for the truth (and or wisdom) is and should always be one of the first steps. Doesn’t that opens up the doors to everything else like love, honesty, democracy, fair policies and science etc.!? Well, that is my life mission.
Now I saw some parents reply with their own accounts of their own vxd v.s. unvxd children and I would love to be your pen pall from the Netherlands 😉 Maybe I could ask you some questions and you can provide me some valuable information on the actual differences you experience in your children. Because we tend to hide behind fraudulent science, and I’m always wondering why we don’t just ask the parents who have unvxd children directly and or ask them for some evidences that show no vx is better. That’s it. Sadly, here in Holland it’s very hard finding those parents! Send me an e-mail ( if you feel like it and no worries one love! Ralph
I wish my church would preach hard about boosting the immune system during this pandemic. They won’t. I’ve been told,”We only preach the Gospel, here and don’t wish to confuse.” All you tell me is found in the Gospel. So it must be the Gospel according to Big Pharma. Prayer meetings we only pray and no action taken to inform on what foods and natural medicine to use. It’s bad. I get harassed. Where can I go without the trouble. Who knows? Eighteen years of church and no talk of what food to eat and or explanation about what is meant by”and leaves of the tree shall be the healing of the nations.”
Hi Russell,
Keep up the good work! We read the books like Acts and Romans how Jesus’ disciples effected change and transformation in all areas of life, we’re sadden when we hear about Christians who aren’t interested in the truth. Jesus has told us that he is the Truth, and that by the Truth we are set free. When Christians like yourself stand up for and share the truth, you’re slowly changing the world.
Blessings, Brianna
Wow this is so true. Sadly most churches are afraid to speak the whole truth. God Bless You
Hi! Thanks for the information. Here in Germany they give, at least they do here in Bavaria, vaccines from the first week after birth. My husband and me said NO to this for our 5th son because our other kids had all negative side effects and struggles. We had to sign a paper for our NO and we did. When I asked the doctor if my child will stay healthy through the vaccines he said no and I replied “then why should I allow it then?” Fight for your rights 🙏🏻🍀
We need to take action and protect our freedom to refuse vaccines. We only have a short window of opportunity to do something before that right is taken away from us. Please watch and share this video with as many people as possible which describes a very good action plan to take back our freedom.
The New Normal: Citizens in Charge
I read the paper that you cited, and just want to point out that it is inherently flawed. First of all, the doctor credited with conducting the study, Dr. Brian Hooker, is a known anti-vaxxer and is famous for stating that vaccines cause autism, a preposterous claim that anyone with so much as a high school diploma knows is false. The paper itself also has issues, namely the study size of unvaccinated children compared to vaccinated children was severely unbalanced, and the injuries tested for could be attributed to other sources. One tested for was general head injury, which could be more easily linked to external factors such as the fact that parents of unvaccinated children might have a more protective nature, leading to less external injury to their child. If you want people to take your website seriously, you might want to try citing unbiased sources that weren’t conducted for the sole purpose of proving your point.
To any parents reading this, please vaccinate your children. This website is merely a compilation of pseudoscience and anecdotes that aren’t really proving anything. Yes it is possible that vaccines can cause injury, as with anything, but the truth is those cases are very few and far between. serious injury due to vaccination is very rare, with anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction) occurring in roughly 2 in a million vaccinations. I have cited MANY sources below debunking common myths about vaccines from credible, peer review sources if you are in doubt, or just want to view the other side of the vaccine debate from an unbiased perspective. I, and everyone I know has been vaccinated, and I don’t know a single one who has had a vaccine injury or even tends to get sick a lot! The one person I know who tends to get sick a lot (constant ear infections, nose bleeds, migraines, colds, strep, etc.) is the one person I know who avoids the yearly flu vaccine and eats all natural foods. If any of y’all want to argue back in the comments, I’d be happy to have a friendly debate about the effects of vaccines, I love discussing them with people from both sides.
(Also, y’all better not remove my comment, as y’all are the ones always nagging about how YOU are being censored.)
Risk of anaphylaxis after vaccination of children and adolescents.
[Pediatrics. 2003]
Analysis of anaphylaxis cases after vaccination: 10-year review from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
[Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2011]
Varicella vaccination in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
[Lancet. 2007]
Fatal varicella due to the vaccine-strain varicella-zoster virus.
[Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2014]
Measles pneumonitis following measles-mumps-rubella vaccination of a patient with HIV infection, 1993.
[MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1996]
Measles inclusion-body encephalitis caused by the vaccine strain of measles virus.
[Clin Infect Dis. 1999]
Trends in intussusception-associated deaths among US infants from 1979-2007.
[J Pediatr. 2012]
Suspension of rotavirus vaccine after reports of intussusception–United States, 1999.
[MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2004]
Intussusception among infants given an oral rotavirus vaccine.
[N Engl J Med. 2001]
Intussusception among recipients of rotavirus vaccine: reports to the vaccine adverse event reporting system.
[Pediatrics. 2001]
Risk of intussusception after monovalent rotavirus vaccination.
[N Engl J Med. 2014]
Intussusception risk after rotavirus vaccination in U.S. infants.
[N Engl J Med. 2014]
Potential intussusception risk versus benefits of rotavirus vaccination in the United States.
[Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013]
Intussusception after rotavirus vaccines reported to US VAERS, 2006-2012.
[Pediatrics. 2013]
Review Guillain-Barré syndrome and Fisher syndrome: case definitions and guidelines for collection, analysis, and presentation of immunization safety data.
[Vaccine. 2011]
Campylobacter jejuni infection and Guillain-Barré syndrome.
[N Engl J Med. 1995]
Review Guillain-Barre syndrome, influenza, and influenza vaccination: the epidemiologic evidence.
[Clin Infect Dis. 2014]
Association between Guillain-Barré syndrome and influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent inactivated vaccines in the USA: a meta-analysis.
[Lancet. 2013]
Cumulative risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic.
[Am J Public Health. 2014]
Guillain-Barré syndrome incidence in a large United States cohort (2000-2009).
[Neuroepidemiology. 2012]
Review Immunotherapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome: a systematic review.
[Brain. 2007]
Reported adverse events in young women following quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination.
[J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2012]
Fatal syncope-related fall after immunization.
[Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005]
Syncope after immunization.
[Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1997]
Wow, that is a comprehensive volley of scientific data backing up the vaccine companies. It must have taken you weeks, and weeks to research those 24 studies? Well done!
One question; Why is it, that with so much research backing up the pharmaceutical Companies vaccine products that they still have, and insisted upon injury liability protection for their products?
And thanks for all your research.
You all can argue the data, the statistics and manipulated studies run by the pharmaceutical companies until the world ends, if it pleases you.
However, my mother, born 1919, had the strongest immune system I ever saw; I asked her if she had ever been vaccinated, and she replied, “No, her father thought it was a terrible idea!” My own health crashed after my childhood vaccines, and I was left with years of bronchitis and a weakened immune system, circa 1966. My daughter, born 1995, had one set at 2 months, promptly developed horrible colic, (she had been perfectly healthy until that “Doctor” visit,) and then, when I was lied to by school employees in 1999, and told she had to have the rest of her “shots” to attend school, wound up in the hospital with severe, life -threatening pneumonia after the first set, and became profoundly ill after each subsequent set. Those “Doctors” almost killed my beautiful healthy child with the poisons and biologics they injected directly into her bloodstream. Just add up the toxins, and divide by the baby’s blood volume, and you will stare at the incontrovertible truth that this is a full scale war upon the human race.
I also bred German Shepard Dogs and Throughbred Horses, generationally, and witnessed the only vaccinated horse, out of 25, die of the very disease I had vaccinated her for, while all the others remained healthy! And, I watched the dogs life spans, and the quality of life in their advanced years, improve tremendously, once I stopped the absolute insanity of yearly vaccinations. Pull a titer, for goodness sake! Once acquired immunity normally lasts a lifetime, for rabies and distemper.
Our world is exactly like “The Emperor’s New Clothes” fairytale;
“Vaccines are safe and effective,” what a total, complete, obvious lie!
“Let those with ears hear, and those with eyes see. To the rest, it is hidden.”
Hello, I am a cocerned father of my 2 year old son. Unfortunately I didn’t know about of this information about Vaccines that I do know now but I was led to believe Vaccines and I am lucky to believe that he hasn’t been injured so far but I am now conerned. He has recieved Part A of the Hepatitis A Vaccine but now his doctor is pushing us for him to get Part B of the Vaccine. What are the dangers of the Hepatitus A Vaccine? right now I am trying to make sure that my son is n ot getting any more Vacccines.
Can someone explain the effects of the vitamin K shot it is the only thing my child has received so far. I told the pediatrician I was delaying the rest of their shots and was asked all sorts of questions on why. I also want to know how to work around being forced certain vaccines when it comes to enrolling your child into school or daycare.