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Despite thousands of deaths reported on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, the international guidelines specified in the Nuremberg Code, and the clear language in 21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3 outlining the terms of Emergency Use Authorization, many government and private entities are now requiring proof of COVID vaccination to work, shop, or attend class.
On July 26th, the Department of Veteran Affairs became the first federal entity to require the experimental jab. But with Department of Justice lawyers declaring that these mandates are legal and the FDA expediting the approval process for these shots, the heat has been turned up on those who remain wary of the safety and efficacy of these experimental drugs.
For those of you who are being forced by your school or employer to get a COVID-19 shot, we’re here to help with a list of invaluable resources to help you fight tyranny and protect your freedom.
1 | Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities Requiring Covid-19 Injections
6 | Vaccine Opt-Out Letter (Template)
7 | Vaccine Exemption Documents
Below, you can download and print a disclosure form for your school or employer to sign before insisting that you get the jab. These forms are 100% legally accurate, and will force your school or employer to acknowledge the ways in which they are breaking the law and their financial liability should you become sick or injured.
You can download the employee form here:
Employee Disclosure for Mandatory Vaccination Under Emergency Use Authorization.
You can download the student form here:
Student Disclosure for Mandatory Vaccination Under Emergency Use Authorization
Please share this information with friends, family, and coworkers. YOUR freedom is under attack… it’s time for everyone to fight back.
One of the ways you can fight back is to say “NO” to forced vaccines, say “NO” to masks, and say “NO” to unconstitutional mandates from political turncoats!
We’ll be getting together in Nashville from October 22-24 to say “NO” to tyranny and “YES” to freedom!

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The exemptions documents are for orthodox Christian and catholic. Would you have one doc for Jewish exemption?
Dr. Zelenko probably has one on his site.
Thank you.
Thank you both for all you do!
Thank you Ty and Charlene for all you are doing to protect our freedom and our health!
I will be attending the conference in October! Can hardly wait to get to meet so many of my heroes of health! May God continue to bless you !
FDA will soon be approving the Covid vaccines. Please have updated forms to still be able to exempt out of being forced to take the vaccines in the workplace.
Thank you much for these forms and information. Can you also provide a template doc for requesting religious exemption for vaccination? Our son’s college is allowing for a religious exemption if proved, so that he will not be charged for testing if there are religious motivations for not taking the vaccine. I can’t find anywhere such forms or arguments.
I believe you need to find a church that supports your view against any vaccine.
Has a religious form for religious exemption letter!
Go to by Peggy Hall. Click on “documents” at the top menu and go to “Documents and letters to defend your rights”. Scroll down to number 10 in the series and you’ll see one dealing with Religious Exemptions. God Bless!
The website has been updated and there is a document now.
Thankyou for the information. This is so important that more people have correct data so they can wake up and stand for our constitutional rights.
What do you have for people who live in public housing – Federal HUD ?
What about public transportation ?
What about someone who becomes hospitalized ?
Hi, I am in need of assistance. My son is currently serving the in the US Air Force and has been informed that all military members are required to receive the injection(s) by 9/15. He does not wish to. At this point his option is get it or be discharged dishonorably which would negatively impact him for the rest of his life. This is unfair and just not right. Is there any help/advice in this situation?
Take the dis-honorable discharge. If he stays in, he may be required to murder for uncle sam. God WILL hold him accountable for this on judgment day, and he will face his victims for the rest of eternity. Who wants to have Biden as their commander in chief. Best to get out now, and tell people why he got the dis honorable discharge. Most patriots will understand.
This link has a letter he can use.
Both of our son in-laws are also in the Air Force and neither want the vaxx. Both are career.
Gambling with your life or changing your career? It really is a no brainer.
He needs to use know what his rights are .. constitutional, and stand on them
Keep up your good work
Hi –
Hope all is well. Is their anything i will be able to do if FDA approves it and it’s demanded for city worker to take it
Dear Ty and Charlene, I am unable to download any of these documents. what is holding me back? Very distressing! Joan Moore
This site has forms also
It’s possible that your browser is out of date and the computer is no longer compatible as a similar problem occurred with our computer and it finally led to us buying a new one.
Thank you for you love knowledge support x
Thank You for sending all the information. I passed it on.
What about members of the military?
But these forms are only for those living in the USA? I Am living in singapore.
the template form will not download: if u click on it to open in another tab it will not load
Thank you for including’s opt out forms.
They are wonderful!
I’m from Canada , can I use this form to give to my employer ?
I think its important to realize and understand that these institutions and individuals, administrators and directors to implement compliance with vaccination is by powers most people are completely unaware of.
Why do I say that? Who in their right mind would implement something that is reasonably certain that will cause death or permanent health injury.
Now the pressure is enough, that these people fear less killing or harming you then no complying with these directives they’ve been given. Now unless you understand this simple piece of logic your not very perceptive.
Such lack of perception is going to cost you your life. Now if these people are adamant now on their own, but adamant by directives or such instructions, its a pretty powerful group or individual that has more power then any president, congress person, senator, governor, prime minister can or has ever wielded. Period.
So……. these same directors, administrators, CEOS, what have you apparently find it safer to run the risk of killing you then not complying. And lets be real, only the STUPID would imagine that BIDEN has that kind of authority. Lets just kind of ignore this alzheimers patient and quit muddying logical thinking by talking about this man as if he were in authority!
You dear fellow will be murdered sooner or later unless you discover WHO is behind this and if you think its Big Pharma, you’re that much closer to death then you think. Pharma as just like a hired gun who’s racket is to make a buck and perhaps take the rap.
And Soros, Gates , Rockafellers, and so called Billionaires may be players but they certainly don’t decide. They just earn their pound of flesh and as long as they think there’s no repercussions, why not, there’s billions to be made by expropriating billions of humans from every country. So………… there will always be psychopaths on earth ready and willing to profit from anyone’s misfortune. But just because they’re profiting, doesn’t mean they’ve drove the bus to where you’ll soon find yourself at!
Its only 1 (one) group…….it isn’t 2 or 4 or 10., all the others are just hashtags. Its like hyenas a huge lion kill. There’s enough for everybody!
People are expending alot of energy on politician incapable of delivering them from a mortal injection and the experts are wasting alot of time proving that the injection is lethal and quite capable of maiming or killing you. Sorta of the obvious.
Its best someone out there fingered the guilty!
Ahhhh………. its unfortunate so many must die and such talent and beauty and good must be killed before all this humanity can figure out who’s behind this. Anonymity is always sought by the nefarious especially killing on such a large scale because its mind boggling is what confuses the everyday Joe and Jane. Who could possible attempt to kill and murder 90% of the world’s population.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” — J. Edgar Hoover ~The Elks Magazine, August 1956
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
– Woodrow Wilson 28th President of the United States
What did these two men mean when they said these words in mid 20 century?
And all these meetings and gatherings and NO ONE has approached identifying WHO!
oh WOW. REAL sci-fi horror. oh wow.
Thank you for these documents. Most would not know where or how to obtain them, including me.
Please stay strong in your journey so that others can become enlightened in so many ways.
Thank you so much Ty and Charlene. You are the best.
This is helpful. Thank you
2021-08-10 in Lithuanian capital Vilnius was provided massive protest action of people, trying to defend their free choice of decision to take a shot Covid.
Lithuanian government is making attempts to force all people, even if against their free will , to take Covid shots.
To all people, who do not want to take those shots will be aplied sergregation (forbided to enter public transport, to get even medical servises, studying, working et ct.) Such acts acts of law are will be realized maybe soon. Seems like it’s question of time.
Do you think there is a document that we can use for traveling?
I live in San Antonio, Texas.
Do you have a form for philosophical belief?
Thank you so much for all you do.
My husband is trying to get new life insurance now. His old insurance policy is just about to lapse. We have been told because he hasn’t taken the shot, that they cant help us. Is there anything we can do?
Please see my request below about needing a Canadian Form.
These documents are a great help now. But what happens when the FDA “approves” these vaccines next month, then these documents are useless. Countless of healthcare workers are being forced into getting the vaccines or lose your job. What kind of country have we turned into. Are we that blind? What ever happened to our Declaration of Independence!?!?!
Perhaps the recourse would be to opt-out due to everything else about this vaccine and not because it is approved or not approved.
You still have the choice to use the religious vaccine exemption document (#7). If you’re not religious, then maybe you should consider becoming religious so you can use the exemption. I’m assuming you’re talking about the constitution and not the declaration of independence.
If you’re a Christian, what the government is allowing shouldn’t be as much of a concern as our faith in God. Even if they take away our freedoms and rights, they can’t take away our salvation. Mark 8:36 says, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” We are not a part of this “kingdom” but the Kingdom of God. Jesus said His kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36).
1Corinthians 6:9-11. “9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
There’s no need to fear when you have your faith rooted in God. Our circumstances might change but our mission is still the same!
There is a typo of labeled in the Mask one: labelled and labeled
Thought you might want to correct.
Thank you so much for putting this information together. I have shared with parents of children facing masks and forced vax.
Thank you for this forms, but for UK do you know laws or regulations that can help us to defend against this obligations of vaccine?
I’m confused by these forms I guess I thought they would be a form I filled out and had your doctor sign off kinda like I do for my kids. These forms have so much literature in them and questions for my employer to answer…? . I’m just new to all this and trying to understand which I need if my employer requires me to get this shot .
Now that the FDA approved the Pfizer shot, you only have two options, which are a medical or religious exemption. If you don’t have either you’ll have to find a new job if they give you an ultimatum. Most companies will allow working from home online but there are some that are forcing people to get vaxxed. That means that the only way to not take the shot is to have a medical or religious exemption. Check the link in #7 above, “7 | Vaccine Exemption Documents” for the religious exemption.
What about contract workers rights. I am a foreighn national, working in another foreighn country, under contract, for TOTAL. They have imposed full vaccination terms, or no return.
This effectively leaves me jobless. What are my rights? Or is there no international law to protect me because:
– I am from an outside country.
– I am a contractor, they will replace me with a more desperate soul to sacrifice?
Hi. Would you have templates for religions exemption for the Sikh or the Hindu religion? Thank you
Thank you for this information! My husband’s employer has now decided that everyone MUST be vaccinated or be fired. They say they will provide for exemptions based on medical or religious, but the way it is stated it is suspect that they will approve these exemptions. Those exempt must wear an N95 face mask when in the office as well as be tested for covid 2x per week! This is insane, especially for those people who work from home and have NO personal contact with others! There is no logic for their decision, only that they want to force every employee to receive the vaccine. We are frustrated, angry, and concerned. When did we end up in Nazi Germany?
Hi, I can’t open the vaccine opt out letter template. It says the page can’t be found. Thank you for providing these!