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Shortly after the Department of Veteran Affairs announced that COVID-19 shots would be mandatory for all employees, the Department of Justice released an opinion that federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring Covid-19 vaccines — even if the vaccines have only emergency use authorization.
Privacy and autonomy have long been pillars of patient trust. Your medical conditions and treatments are private, and your decisions are your own. But that privacy and autonomy were dealt a severe blow this month after Justice Department lawyers have determined that federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring Covid-19 vaccines — even if the vaccines have only emergency use authorization.
Emergency Use Authorization
The opinion specifically relates to section 564 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and whether it prohibits employers from requiring a vaccine that’s under Emergency Use Authorization. Under U.S. law (21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3 – Authorization for medical products for use in emergencies), there are certain conditions that must be met for drugs under Emergency Use Authorization.
First, health care professionals administering the product must be informed:
- of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of the emergency use of the product, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown
- of the alternatives to the product that are available, and of their benefits and risks
Second, individuals to whom the product is administered must be informed:
- of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown
- of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks
Until recently, the assumption was that conditions regarding informed consent prohibited public or private entities from requiring the administration of any product under an EUA. But that has all changed.
In its vaccine mandate opinion, which was dated July 26, the department’s Office of Legal Counsel said that the law around so-called emergency use authorizations addresses the obligation that certain information be passed on to potential vaccine recipients. The law “does not prohibit public or private entities from imposing vaccination requirements for vaccines that are subject to EUAs,” the opinion said.
“In light of these developments, you have asked whether the ‘option to accept or refuse’ condition in section 564 prohibits entities from imposing such vaccination requirements while the only available vaccines for COVID-19 remain subject to EUAs,” said the memorandum opinion, which was issued for the deputy counsel to the president. “We conclude, consistent with FDA’s interpretation, that it does not. This language in section 564 specifies only that certain information be provided to potential vaccine recipients and does not prohibit entities from imposing vaccination requirements.”
Vaccine Mandates
In its vaccine mandate opinion, which was dated July 6, the department’s Office of Legal Counsel said that the law around so-called emergency use authorizations addresses the obligation that certain information be passed on to potential vaccine recipients. The law “does not prohibit public or private entities from imposing vaccination requirements for vaccines that are subject to EUAs,” the opinion said.
The Justice Department’s opinion comes as messaging from mainstream media outlets, some government officials, and world leaders around vaccines has become increasingly forceful in recent days. Amid reports of an increase in “Delta” variant cases, authorities in France and Italy have recently introduced vaccine passport-type systems for entering private businesses, including restaurants, gyms, theaters, and more, a move that triggered widespread demonstrations across Europe over the weekend.
Responding to the vaccine opinion, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio told MSNBC: “Public sector entities need to move as quickly as possible. This DOJ decision is important. I think that will be helpful. We have got to put pressure on this situation.”
In recent weeks, private businesses are shifting their opinions based on fear of the new Delta variant of the virus.
The Department of Veterans Affairs announced on Monday that it will require many of its front-line health care workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The VA is the first in the federal government to require shots among its workers.
Some colleges, both public and private, are requiring their students to get vaccinated before returning this fall. Governments — particularly the state of California and New York City — are also previewing plans to require vaccines for certain public workers.
Companies that recently said they will require workers to show proof of vaccination upon returning to the office include Facebook, Google, Adobe, MGM Resorts in Las Vegas, and the Washington Post.
Las Vegas employees of MGM Resorts who refuse to show proof of vaccination will be required to take periodic COVID-19 tests.
Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo are asking employees to report their vaccination status, while Morgan Stanley is requiring employees who want to return to work in its New York offices to get vaccinated.
The NFL requires players to disclose their vaccination status and requires more frequent testing and imposed heavy restrictions on activities. In an especially bizarre twist, the league recently announced that teams facing COVID-19 outbreaks may be forced to forfeit, but ONLY if the outbreak began with an unvaccinated player.
The Death of Liberty and Privacy
This new determination means that government and private entities can now require vaccination for employment, participation in events and programs, and a host of other activities. And while many entities aren’t technically forcing the jab, most are requiring a breach of your medical privacy and severe restrictions for those who opt out.
President Joe Biden on Thursday announced sweeping new pandemic requirements aimed at boosting vaccination rates for millions of federal workers and contractors as he lamented the “American tragedy” of “rising-yet-preventable” deaths among the unvaccinated.
Federal workers will be required to sign forms attesting they’ve been vaccinated against the coronavirus or else comply with new rules on mandatory masking, weekly testing, distancing, and more. The strict new guidelines are aimed at increasing sluggish vaccination rates among the huge number of Americans who draw federal paychecks — and to set an example for private employers around the country.
This is a blatant violation of patient confidentiality and the fundamental human right to privacy. Under no other circumstances could an employer require medical documents or impose different requirements based on medication history.
This is another power grab by the government and their puppet masters in tech and pharmaceuticals. It’s a breach of the contract between government and citizens. It’s a violation of our constitutional rights and a perversion of the law.
I have no doubt that this decision will be challenged in court and I pray that the sliver of integrity left in our judicial branch prevails. But for now, this is war. It is a direct assault on our freedom and autonomy.
We must resist it.
You DO NOT have to disclose your medical history to anyone, and you ABSOLUTELY can’t be forced to accept a dangerous, untested, experimental drug against your will. NOW is the time to take a stand for liberty. NOW is the time to disobey.
Now is the time for defiance.

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My company, UBS Financial, now requires the use of a mask if we’re unvaccinated, akin to wearing a red star in the office. While the vaccinated sloughing off spike proteins are more dangerous than us non vaxed, what can we do when they start to require the vaccine like many other companies are starting to. There is a cure yet they require this deadly vaccine! This is crazy!
Ignore their threats!!! Lean upon Jesus Christ, and He shall be your shield and protector! Jesus told us in His word to make your yes, and your no be said, and anything beyond that which you say is of the evil one.
Try it, say no. Then let your accusers be those whom speak evil, and the Lord will be with you!
There are other financial institutions than your UBC bank. Go there. We do not have a Spirit of fear! Go in the power of your Lord and let the Holy Spirit direct you.
And do not worry about what man can do, for our God is mighty to save, He is the way, the truth and the life; Fear God, ONLY, for He is in control of ALL things. Do not fear.
Denying Jesus Christ was once mandated, under penalty of death! “For the good of the kingdom.”
What has been before will be again, nothing new under the sun.
You can contact Leigh Dundas, a brave and courageous attorney dealing with these issues!!!!
Charlene and Ty Bollinger can also give you valuable guidelines
The Nüremberg Code is our legal protection
The Healthy American ( has information on what to do. It is teaching me the rights that I have and how to stand up for them. It’s worth checking out.
The website no longer exists.
the correct address is:
i just tried to look up and i am taken directly to the page where it says that domain is for sale. Im assuming this website has been taken down??
It’s thehealthyamerican.ORG
Pharma has become the despot that insisted on contracts with governments worldwide to use ONLY their jabs and no other ‘cure’….or deal with the consequences….do NOT be trampled upon; we are divine and part of God; just remember this is a very short blink on our journey – it really is!!
Easier said than done. My job in NYC is forcing us to show proof of vaccination, which I am against. But what are the choices??? If I refuse I will loose my job. The President himself gave the choice to be vaccinated or tested every week, but not in NY. We do not have this choice, which is absurd. What can I do?
Check this out for those needing to show proof of vax – opt out with these forms..
Trust in the lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Just like Ty and Charlene said, “Now, it’s your turn.” However, let us unify that statement saying, “Now, it’s OUR turn.” How? Write a mission statement from your clan, communities, villages, cities, and state-wide affiliates that address: 1) Your public autonomy that aligns with the US Constitution with detailed personal examples 2) Research the senate bills of concern that offers a strong favorable OR strong unfavorable outcome to each US Senator around the country (in other words, be informed of WHO your audience is in order to captivate their attention 3) Lobby’ your case – How? Find out which bills, agendas, and interests are supported by each Senator and advocate THE SPECIFIC REASONS FOR YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT OR DISCOURAGEMENT, SUPPORT OR NON-SUPPORT, and VOTE OR NON-VOTE.
They ARE violating every clause of the Nuremberg Code though and can be held criminally liable
Only in a Godless psychotic nation would fools take advise and lockdown experiential r-RNA therapy from “The leading cause of *Death/ medical industry! [Fact] *According to the Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study & Dr. Gary Null’s book, “Death by Medicine” Killing in a “normal” year between 250,000 & 900.000! Not counting their “Gain of Function” Coved 19 vaccines sails scam that brought Death to 4 million! It’s all to demonstrate, “Death is the wages of sin; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord.” Not Big Pharma’s money & power as our god!
While I await the medical for a green card I think they will force me to take that jab. I don’t feel like a have a choice at that point. It’s the green card or go back to my home country.
Ty and Charlene Bollinger can give you guidelines and also Leigh Dundas, a brave and courageous attorney dealing with these issues, but do something!!!
The Nüremberg Code is our legal protection
They’re doing what they want at this point; there’s nobody enforcing civil law or any law in favour of the human being. We’re the carbon they want neutralised. There’s no reasoning with the unreasonable. These lunatics have started off nice, then slight coercion and suggestion, now it’s violence. These things always end in one way – but they do end. Unfortunately for us, it’s the worst crime in history. And it seems the majority don’t even realise what is happenng, or collude with the madness in order to maintain a certain standard of living …clinging on for dear life (?)……it’s beyond belief that a group of people in the US could destroy the entire population of planet Earth; Any country that defies pharma is destroyed and president summarily despatched. That is not conducive to opposition but we still need to persist and NEVER GIVE UP!
Watch episode 2545B. It gives advice to employees whom their employers are requiring the covid vaccine. And yes, trust God.
This same trend is happening in Australia, a gradual reduction of human rights.
I seems as if no one can see the obvious.
The media is pounding / brainwashing incessantly , stating that only the vaccines will give back personal freedoms and save the health of citizens.
I feel that the people who are very concerned, the ones who want control over their own health choices, are remaining silent out of fear of being shouted down. They are silent and don’t know what to do.
The push for vaccine passports is extremely scary.
I am aware of the Nuremberg Code. etc , but the media ( various ) are controlling minds, presenting
ideas as facts.
Free speech is getting literally squashed. Articles are removed from various platforms.
I thought this was against the whole basis of democracy.
I think this whole article /link is about the USA.
What do we do in Australia ? For starters ; STOP THE VACCINE PASSPORTS !!!
We won’t be able to shop for food, get health assistance, use banks, go to work, …. and as for our beloved sport culture , …. deprived of entry.
Can anyone in USA , advise a course of action for Australian citizens. ??
Hi there,
I’m a long haul pilot flying for the major Hong Kong airline, a couple of moths ago they made the covid vaccine mandatory since then the vaccination rate when from 60 to 99 % vaccinated. Clearly there was at least 40% of us unsure of getting vaccinated, now we are only 1% unvaccinated. Today the company announced that it will be a requirement to be fully vaccinated to enter the premises of the airline. I think I will be terminated at the end of August as will not get vaccinated.
It’s extremely disappointing that they are doing that, Ive contacted few law firms here in Hong Kong and no one is willing to take my case.