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Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the March 2016 edition of TTAC’s Insiders member newsletter.
If you’ve been following the news over the past several years, you’re probably aware of all the controversy surrounding vaccines and whether or not people should be forced to get them.
One side of this discussion insists that vaccines have a successful track record of eradicating infectious diseases like polio, and should thus be mandated for the greater good. The other side points to improved sanitation and better nutrition as being among the many non-vaccine-related reasons why public health has improved significantly during the early 20th century.

Forced vaccinations are becoming increasingly common in the U.S., particularly with healthcare workers
In my view, the issue really isn’t one of trying to establish whether or not vaccines work as a prerequisite for mandating them. Rather, it’s about the perceived moral justification behind forcing any individual against their will to receive a controversial medical treatment that comes with known health risks.
Every human being should have the freedom to reject vaccination or any other invasive medical procedure for any reason they choose, whether it be safety concerns, conscientious objection, or even just a fear of needles – your body is your own, after all.
And yet, forced vaccination policies are becoming increasingly common in the U.S. This is especially true within the medical industry where workers are now being told that they must get a flu shot, for instance, or else face termination. Perhaps you or someone you know is also currently in this position, raising the question of the best approach to take to avoid persecution while also preserving the right to make one’s own choices.
Having to choose between your livelihood and possibly your life – vaccines are known to cause permanent damage and even death, in many cases – isn’t what America’s founders could have envisioned for a free people. However, it’s a dire reality that many Americans (and citizens in other countries) now face. It’s an issue that we as natural health advocates must acknowledge, and more importantly address, as we move forward as a community that embraces freedom of choice in health.

States require children to be vaccinated in order to attend school, but there are still ways to opt-out of mandatory vaccination
If you’re a medical worker facing possible termination for refusing a flu shot; a parent of a school-age child facing expulsion if he or she isn’t vaccinated in accordance with the CDC schedule; or someone who has already complied with a compulsory vaccination mandate and is now looking for ways to optimize your immune system to mitigate possible vaccine damage… the information I’ve gathered here for you could be life-saving.
Exemptions, Petitions, and Litigation: Approaches to Opting Out of Compulsory Vaccination
For most Americans, opting out of compulsory vaccination is still a fairly simple process – if you’ve been educated in how to do it. For students, each state has exemption laws on the books that allow for vaccine refusal on the basis of personal or philosophical objection, religious belief, and/or medical need.
It’s important to note that although some of these laws are being actively eroded by corrupt special interests, all 50 states still recognize at least one or more of these standard opt-out remedies.
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is an excellent resource for learning more about how your state handles vaccine exemptions. I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the laws in your state and learn how to protect your family from vaccine coercion.
For healthcare workers, things can be a little trickier. Private employers are legally entitled to enforce whatever policies they choose for their employees as long as these policies don’t violate employment discrimination laws. At the current time, these laws don’t specifically prohibit discrimination based on medical compliance – which means that a private hospital can technically get away with forcing nurses to get flu shots under threat of termination. However, the same exemption templates that students can use to reject vaccinations at school are also applicable to healthcare workers in many cases.
For instance, nurses and doctors can opt to file religious exemptions notifying their employers that a required vaccine violates their religious beliefs.
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has created a helpful template for healthcare workers to use that asserts religious exemption from a Christian perspective (or you can tailor it to your own religious beliefs).
Another nurse crafted her own objection letter citing compulsory vaccination as contrary to science and in violation of the Nuremberg Code, an international law that prohibits coercion, force, or duress in the administration of vaccines.
Unionized healthcare workers also have an advantage in the exemption department because they can band together and unilaterally oppose compulsory vaccination policies under a unified

Unionized healthcare workers may have an advantage in opposing mandatory workplace vaccination
Even non-unionized healthcare workers can create and circulate a petition opposing forced vaccination; another approach that’s been successful on numerous occasions.
When all else fails, there’s also the litigation approach. In consultation with their attorneys, some medical workers have been successful at gaining exemptions from mandatory vaccination by citing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data showing that no vaccine is 100% safe and effective, which means vaccine mandates are akin to medical experimentation. Medical experimentation is also in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
By and large, the most effective way to combat any mandatory vaccination agenda you might be facing is to stand up and speak out in whatever capacity you have at your disposal. Science is on the skeptic’s side, but it’s important to both understand it and to present it clearly and concisely before your superiors, covering major points such as:
- Influenza vaccines aren’t nearly as effective as we’ve all been led to believe, according to a systematic review of the available science published in the British Medical Journal.
- Two separate studies published in the Cochrane Database suggest that flu vaccines don’t work at all, or at least aren’t substantiated as having tangible efficacy in children or adults. The researchers involved were clear in pointing out that only industry-funded studies show flu vaccine effectiveness. Publicly-funded studies were “significantly less likely to report conclusions favorable to the vaccines.”
- Vaccines in general contain carcinogenic toxins such as aluminum, formaldehyde, and mercury that could pose serious and potentially permanent health risks.
- Mandatory vaccination is nothing more than obligatory medical experimentation, which violates the moral and ethical principles outlined in the Nuremberg Code.
What to Do if You’ve Already Been Vaccinated
If you’ve already received a vaccine – especially if against your wishes – you’re probably wondering what you can do to minimize any potential damage caused by the injection.
Unfortunately, many of the most common ingredients used in vaccines aren’t easily removed from the body through the normal detoxification pathways. This is primarily because they’re injected directly into the bloodstream or muscle tissue (rather than consumed or inhaled like most other environmental or dietary toxins), so additional measures need to be taken to help remove them.
One of the biggest concerns with vaccines is their heavy metal content. Heavy metals can accumulate inside the body and even cross the protective blood-brain barrier, leading to neurological disorders and other health problems.
Though not technically a “heavy” metal, aluminum is also a highly toxic additive used in many vaccines. If aluminum is not effectively removed from the body, it can damage brain chemistry and interfere with a host of metabolic and cellular processes that regulate the nervous system.
Chelation Therapy Helps Reverse Damage Caused by Vaccines

Chelating agents act like magnets to pull heavy metals from cells and flush them from the body
One of the most effective ways to rid your body of mercury, aluminum, and various other toxic metals found in vaccines is to undergo comprehensive chelation therapy. Chelating agents act as magnets for toxic metals, pulling them from their hiding places in cellular tissue and delivering them to flushing pathways so they can be removed from the body.
Intravenous chelation therapy is probably the most effective way to remove these metals, but you can also perform oral chelation therapy at home.
Dr. Yoshiaki Omura, MD, a New York-based general practitioner and cardiologist with more than 50 years of experience in his field, accidentally discovered (while treating his patients for eye infections) that cilantro (aka Chinese parsley), is a powerful natural chelator of metals and other neurotoxins.
Cilantro: Nature’s Remedy for Toxic Metal Accumulation
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, from the University of Geneva in Switzerland developed a special chelation protocol that involves consuming a minimum of five grams of cilantro, or about one teaspoon, per day. He found that this protocol effectively removes mercury and other toxic metals from the brain and other bodily tissue in much the same way as intravenous chelation therapy.
Many of the key components of Dr. Klinghardt’s protocol are things you should be doing anyway to keep your body toxin-free. His high-protein, mineral-rich, fatty acid-dense, high-fluid program includes doing the following:
- Supplementing with clean whey protein from cows or goats, since whey contains the nutrient precursors to detoxification agents such as ceruloplasmin, metallothionein, and glutathione.
- Supplementing with bioavailable nutrient compounds like selenium, zinc, manganese, germanium, and molybdenum that help block toxins from attaching themselves to binding sites meant for minerals.
- Consuming plenty of electrolytes in the form of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. All of these help draw toxins out of cellular tissue and push them towards the lymphatic and venous systems, from where they can then be eliminated.

Fish oil from clean sources helps protect the central nervous system from fat-soluble metals
- Consuming plenty of healthy lipids such as EPA- and DHA-rich fish oil, which helps protect the central nervous system from being targeted by fat-soluble metals.
- Drinking plenty of clean water daily, which helps flush metals and other toxins from the body so they don’t accumulate in the kidneys and other vital organs.
Chlorella and Chlorella Growth Factor
Another key component to any effective metal detoxification protocol is chlorella. Though harder for some people to digest than cilantro, this fresh water alga has an incredible metal-absorbing capacity due to its mucopolysaccharide membrane, which draws nearly all types of environmental toxins.
Chlorella also helps repair and restore the body’s own natural detoxification systems so they can perform better when faced with the onslaught of toxins found in vaccines, our diet, and our environment.
In addition, chlorella contains a variety of lipids, proteins, amino acids, and other nutrients like porphyrins that each serve their own unique purpose in the detoxification process. These nutrients make chlorella an effective immunity booster as well as a digestion enhancer. Both of which are critical in the overall detoxification process.
Dr. Klinghardt recommends starting off with one gram of chlorella three or four times daily for maintenance detoxification as part of your everyday detoxification routine. For more aggressive detoxification following vaccination, he advises taking three grams of chlorella three or four times daily for an entire week, then backing down to the maintenance regimen for two to four weeks.
The best way to do this is in cycles. For example, one week of aggressive detoxification along with cilantro, followed by up to a month of maintenance detoxification before going back to the week-long aggressive detoxification, and so on.
If you wish, you can also take cilantro regularly rather than cycling it for a stronger detoxification effect. Just remember to time your chlorella doses 30 minutes before meals and just before bedtime for optimum results.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt from the University of Geneva recommends an intensive regime of chlorella following a vaccination
If taking dozens of chlorella tablets or many spoonfuls of chlorella every day sounds like too much of a chore, there’s also chlorella growth factor (CGF), which is basically a concentrated form of chlorella. This heat-extracted concentrate contains high levels of chlorella peptides, proteins, and other nutrients that make it a faster and more effective way to detoxify. One tablet of CGF is equivalent to about 20 tablets of chlorella!
National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA) has also developed a comprehensive Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol that builds upon the concepts put forth by Dr. Klinghardt in his chelation protocol. I highly recommend considering this advanced regimen as well if you’re looking to deep-clean your body following a mandatory vaccine injection.
Other Nutrients for Powerful Detoxification
Many people don’t know this, but detoxification works best when an array of complimentary detoxifying agents are used in conjunction with one another. Chlorella, cilantro, trace minerals, and vitamins are an excellent way to start your detoxification process. There are also a variety of other foods and nutrients that can help accelerate the process and ensure the thorough and safe removal of vaccine toxins from your body.
- Apple pectin (and other pectin) is a type of soluble fiber found in the cell walls of various plants and fruits that helps regulate bowel movements. It reacts with stomach acid to produce substances that bind to toxins and help flush them from the colon.
- Activated charcoal has been used in nearly every corner of the world for thousands of years as a remedy for food poisoning. The adsorption and ionic properties of activated charcoal cause it to attract and bind to toxins for rapid elimination from the body.

Eating raw elderberries is not advised, but the fruit and flowers can be turned into a variety of formats including syrup, tea, and other beverages, or purchased in supplement form
- Elderberry is an amazing detoxifying food that’s both powerful and gentle on the body, which is why many people give it to their children. An immune-boosting panacea, elderberry helps protect cells against viral and pathogenic invaders. It also boosts the body’s production of toxin-fighting T-lymphocytes.
- Organic sulfur is an all-in-one elixir for enhanced nutrition and detoxification. Sulfur is a critical co-factor for the other detoxifiers I’ve covered due to its ability to capture and eliminate nearly every known toxic substance from the body.
- Omega-3 fish oil is rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which help the body manufacture more peroxisomes, which are necessary for proper metabolism. Peroxisomes are also the most important detoxifying cell organelles in the body. Without them the bloodstream would become overloaded with toxins.
- Garlic contains a unique class of compounds that contain sulfhydryl groups, which capture and remove mercury and other heavy metals from vital organs and cell tissue.
- Vitamin C works in tandem with magnesium to speed up the detoxification process in the bowels, which helps prevent mercury and other toxins from being reabsorbed back into the body through the intestines. Just be careful to dose vitamin C as far away from chlorella as possible, though. Preferably right after you eat a meal.

Royal jelly is produced by worker bees to feed bee larvae and is rich in amino acids
- Royal jelly is particularly beneficial if you or someone you know has recently been vaccinated with an attenuated vaccine containing live virus. Examples of live virus vaccines include MMR, influenza, and DtaP. Royal jelly has been shown to have incredible efficacy in fighting more than 130 different infectious agents. Royal jelly is also packed with all eight essential amino acids, and exerts unparalleled immune protection.
- Silica has been scientifically shown to help prevent aluminum from being absorbed through the intestinal tract.
Many people consume silica-rich mineral water as a way to ensure that any lingering aluminum is properly flushed from the body.
- Dandelion root is a potent lipotropic herb that helps flush fat deposits from the liver to prevent chronic liver congestion. Dandelion root also helps improve the function of the pancreas, stomach, spleen, and kidneys due to its diuretic properties.
- Wheatgrass has an amazing ability to both neutralize toxins and pull them from cell tissue and organs.
- Spirulina is an alga much like chlorella that’s packed with detoxifying vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. Like chlorella, spirulina attracts metals and other toxins for removal from the body.
- Homeopathic antidotes exist for a wide variety of vaccines including influenza, MMR, and chickenpox. Consulting with a homeopath or naturopathic doctor will give you a clearer understanding of how these work.
- Massage is an important part of the detoxification process because it helps get your body’s lymphatic system moving. Your lymph nodes act as traps for cell waste, viruses, bacteria, and other toxins – so making sure that they work properly is crucial for staying healthy.
- Detoxification baths are another option for drawing toxins out of your body. You can add magnetic clay and essential oils to your bathwater to help draw out toxicants such as mercury, cadmium, aluminum, arsenic, and more. There are also detoxification bath recipes that utilize Epsom salts, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar.

Green clay, which is commonly used as a spa treatment to remove impurities from the skin, can be applied to the vaccine injection site
- French green clay has been used for thousands of years (mostly in Europe) as an internal detoxification supplement due to its ability to remove toxins and stimulate the immune system. This popular healing clay can also be applied topically to a vaccine injection site to draw toxins out of the skin.
- Toxaway microcurrent foot baths are part of the Klinghardt Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol, and for good reason. When combined with oral cilantro supplementation, these foot baths help excrete toxins via the lymphatic system and the plantar skin (soles of the feet). They also stimulate both the liver and kidneys to release toxins.
- Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is a widely recognized buffering agent for toxins. Many cancer patients are given baking soda during chemotherapy treatments because it helps balance the pH levels of their blood and renders any circulating toxic compounds less harmful.
Fixing Gut Issues Caused by Vaccines
A closing note about vaccine damage. A commonly reported side effect of vaccination is gastrointestinal damage. This often results from the body’s immune system hyper-reacting to the injection and triggering an inflammatory response that causes the destruction of gut microflora.
As part of any detoxification protocol, it’s important that you keep your gut health in check, because this is where the bulk of your body’s immune system lives. I recommend looking into high-quality fermented foods or a probiotic supplement that you can take to replenish your microbiome. This will increase the absorption of nutrients by your gut during the repair process. It will also help ensure that the toxins being released during detoxification aren’t reabsorbed back through your intestinal lining into your body.
My recommendation is to combine probiotic supplementation with daily consumption of fresh, raw juices from vegetables like broccoli, garlic, celery, and carrots, which will deliver rapid and easily-digestible nutrition to your body. This regimen alone will help put you on the fast track to restoring your body back to what it was before vaccination.

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Thanks for the work that you do. Just FYI, Pinterest has you blocked as a potential source of spam.
Don’t know if it was just this article or your site. Trying to figure out how to file a complaint with them but thought I’d let you know. Apparently there are people out there who are threatened by the truth.
Thanks for letting us know. Our team is looking into this. If you can provide us more information regarding the error message you receive it may help us solve the issue.
Just tried to save to Pinterest as well. Won’t let me save it either. It says this site is blocked because it could lead to spam. Another way of freedom of choice is being snatched away and trying to keep the truth hidden.
Pinterest has censored most all connected to vaccine or any natural health websites….I even tried to download a RECIPE from one of the websites for ” natural health” and Pinterest would not let me
Hello Ty, I am wondering if you have done any research or have any findings on the Gardisal vaccination. From information I have, I do not want to have my daughter get this vaccine. Of course, the pediatrician strongly suggests it. I have a close friend who used to work in the pharmaceutical field and says “no way” and I also have a close friend who is being treated for throat cancer caused by the HPV virus. I would appreciate any information you may have or links to info that is not written by traditional doctors.
Signed a concerned and conflicted mother
Hi Genevieve,
We do have a few articles about it! Here are some links for you:
great advices!!! Hate, hate, hate having to force vaccinate my kids!!! A health guru had adviced people that had been vaccinated to apply compresses with clay( water+clay=just enough to obtain a playdough like texture) on the skin where the vaccine had been administrated, and change the compress every couple of hours, but if dries faster, then change it sooner). It is very important to do it ASAP after the vaccine had been administrated for at least 24 hrs. Combining this with some clay baths really improves the absorption of heavy metals/toxins.To me, this country sounds more like a dictatorship …I would be very curious to find out how many politicians/big names have been vaccinated!!!
Being an imaginative person, here’s what came to mind and heart: Take a real good friend with you and after the injection, have them suck out the “venom,” same as we do with snake bites…or take a snake bite kit with you. Show the zombie programmed medical madness a lesson.
Have your readers look into “personal exemption” or “religious exemptions”. My sons are 49 and 45. I took personal exemptions on each of them when they started school. I also refused floride treatments the school so generously offered our children. They have no cavities or fillings to this day. My oldest son did have some shots his first year, but My youngest went on to have perfect attendance K – 12.
My sons have also taken personal exemptions on their children. We have to start somewhere.
I wonder what would happen if everyone refused the vaccines. We just might have a healthier nation.
Hi, great information. Thank you for sharing. For my chihuahua, most doggie daycares require the Bordatella vaccine and distemper and rabies. How do you recommend I approach owner about not wanting my dog to have to be required to get the Bordatella vaccine and still get to go to their daycare? When my dog is due for the other vaccines listed above, can I just show titer results? I want my dog to be able to go to doggie day care at some point and I may also need to have her border sometime in the future.
As far as canine vax is concerned, I’d say don’t do it no matter what, especially with Chihuahuas. I used to rent a room from a lady who kept them & got me into it as well. Out of 7 dogs amoherself & her relatives 3 had strong adverse reactions to home administered vaccines & required Benadryl to bring down facial swelling & restore free breathing. Adding to the problem was the roughly oval shape of a chihuahua’s trachea which compounds the problem if you run into an allergic reaction with one. I also had an issue with one of my dogs because of vaxxing. She was pregnant, & I had her mother and a sibling of hers vaxxed against Parvo, as we were all moving interstate to an area that had experienced an outbreak. I didn’t have her vaxxed on account of the puppies. They were born on schedule, but 3 of the 4 placentas had blackened areas, of about half to about 2/3 of the surface area, looked like the ink you find in a walnut husk & it stained my fingers like India ink. I lost all 4 pups within 72hours. I’ve never lost a pup before or since. It was devastating. Do whatever you must to avoid vaxxing. bring a pet sitter into your home – anything – Just. Don’t. Vax.
***AMONG HERSELF & her relatives***
A great article. I wish an article like this could be provided for dogs. It has been shown that dogs who eat meat alone rather than any old junk in the store, will be less likely to get cancer. Dogs are relatives of wolfs and wolfs only eat meat. That is only one example.
Thanks Ty and Team for your love and support to fight for us. I love to stay connected to you and share all you have to offer.
Please add infrared saunas to your list to help detoxify from heavy metals. Sweat is another way to detoxify all this. I have a heavy toxic load and have started to use a far-infrared sauna to help. I couldn’t even sweat at first but, now am sweating better. Thanks for all your great information!
Thanks for the suggestion Kate!
Thank you for advice on how to avoid vaccination. The Andy Cutler Chelation group has helped many to chelate heavy metals successfully. There are many success stories.
Your advice regarding chlorella and cilantro is documented to be very dangerous in individuals with heavy metals and is on the forbidden list in that group. Many people there had worsening brain function after using cilantro or chlorella. There are many dangers in chelating improperly. Please, please research this further and do not give this dangerous advice.
Dr Klinghardt is a genius, whether it comes to Lyme or Cancer. His research has brought us some practical, down to earth, and very effective methods to help us keep a healthy body. I thank him for all he has done for us!
My state of Rhode Island has mandatory rabies vaccinations.
I am concerned because the SAME dosage size that is administered to a Great Dane, is given to toy size dogs.
How can I get around this….
I was told that a blood titer test is in admissable.
Thank you” that’s really great you talk about the vaccines,
The igrowing ncrease in cases of measles and mumps in the US is directly connected to
anti-vaccine families. The defeat of polio and whooping cough is due to vaccines.
How many unvaccinated children come from families that follow your food protocol?
Thank you Ty for the great info! The only important remark I’d add is, that the toxic metals in vaccinations, in addition to other cancerous chemicals, are not the only major concern. The other important issue is the genetic material injected in a way, which has not much to do with normal ways of infection (i.e. through epithelial layers of our organs) into our bodies, the whole purpose of getting the vaccines. The principle alone should be questioned, since so many infectious agents the vaccine industry is generating (including genetically modified organic matter!), most probably do not even exist in normal environment at one point of time and space…
My rescue cat had a growth develop at a vaccination injection site. Her other Her body didn’t allow it to be absorbed as it recognized it as a foreign object and properly encapsulated the site. Unfortunately, She kept licking the site raw. I finally paid $$ to get the growth removed. My kitty was a lucky one.
I feed her a very clean diet. She was on store bought before.
I am a cancer survivor. Uterine cancer stage 4b. Thank you for all you do and for your fight against cancer in pets.
I am a grandmother of 6 and none of my children believe in vaccinations. When they voice this choice, however, they are accused of being responsible for the outbreak of many diseases and the cause of it escalating. When there is an outbreak of something, my grandchildren are kept home. We all agree there are times when vaccinations could save your life in extreme cases but people, for the love of God, do your research on what is actually IN these vaccinations and the dangers they could cause. There is proof being uncovered every day that link vaccinations with many illnesses, which only show up years down the road. I believe, like most things, this is a money racket. When will the medical community put our health ahead of the almighty dollar??? Good luck to all parents who do not believe in vaccinations but are being persecuted for it . Do what you can to protect your children…especially small BABIES. MY GOD, this is not right on so many levels..I follow Ty Bolliinger in everything he does. About time somebody spoke up on the many subjects that are being ignored. God bless you Ty….JUNE SCHIAVONI
Atta Girl June, I am 100% with you on this subject. Thanks for being bold and respectful of the health of those to young to make their own decisions. May GOD bless you in all that you do.
Carol Case PhD (Nutrition)
I have 5-Children, 14- Grandchildren, 14- Great Grandchildren and 1-Great Great Grandchild.
I have been truly blessed with all my family. I choose to continually help keep them, informed to the best of my ability in Faith in Jesus and good foods to eat. I am technically retired, but the fight goes on till my dying day to help my loved ones know Jesus, and what He did for us, and the differences between GODs food and empty so called food stuffs that are man made. Blessing, Carol
Thank you.
Lets just say I’m kinda dumb and there was a vaccine against zombies, you and your family
got vaccinated and I didn’t. Now when the zombies came and ate a couple of your kids
how is that my fault. Shouldn’t the zombies have eaten me first if the vaccine worked.
How come so many vaccinated people blame the unvaccinated when they get sick.
We live in the St Louis area, and my daughter does not vaccinate her 4 children. She is unable to find a pediatrician who will accept her children as patients. All the pediatricians here are part of 2 networks, either SSM or Mercy Healthcare. They say it is their policy to not accept unvaccinated children. So my daughter uses the urgent care facilities who don’t ask. So she is never able to just have well visits. Is it legal for doctors to refuse to accept her kids as patients? They used to live in Chicago suburbs and were able to find doctors there who would take them.
The body is meant to exist in a high chlorophyll environment. Viruses, whether flu or otherwise, simply cannot survive in a high chlorophyll environment. The best way to create this environment is to eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables. The best way to do this by far is to get yourself a Vitamixer. It does not extract the juice, but rather juices the whole leaf, stem and all. It will be the best health investment you’ve ever made! Then fill the container up with kale, turnip greens, spinach, collard greens, half a bunch of parsley, broccoli, cabbage, swiss chard, 3 mini carrots. carrot tops, goji berries, 1 whole lemon cut up, one small tomato, 1/3 ripe banana, and chlorella and spirulina to taste, plus 8 ounces of water and drink Substitute this concoction for one meal every day..I have never had the flu since and that was 10 years ago.! Plus I lost 17 pounds in the first two weeks! So much for the pharmaceutical industry!!!
I live in Australia. I am wondering if anyone has been successful in sueing for forced vaccinations for children who are old enough to decide for themselves. In my case, 12 years of age and totally against vaccinations. She was forced by her school despite informing them she didn’t want it and was very distressed (other parent signed form of consent). She did have a reaction where she required antihistamines a few days after vaccination. My daughter is due for further vaccinations in few weeks. I had previously informed father and the school that she has legal right to refuse. Any information would be much appreciated. Wether legal or other info to pass on.
Good article thanks!
I know Arkansas allows their people to.think exemptions are good, but has had forced vaxx law since the civil war. Its not all consangunuity with them. That was just part of it. It is the critical malnutrtion of the depression damaging their dna, damage that is passed down, the vaxxing and the toxins that account for that “look”.
I am living in Ireland and here the vaccinations are not mandatory, but still there is that “witch hunt”. Everyone is trying to convince me that I should vaccinate my twins – they are currently 10 months old. One time I even was forced to have an argument with the doctor as she was trying to scare me and force the vaccinations. And after I told her about my research and all she told me that I am wrong and that I have done wrong research etc.
Plus in some kindergarten they will not take my babies as they are not vaccinated. I think this is sick, but I will do anything to protect them.
Ty thank you for your research and very hard work. Thanks to you I am not afraid to stand up to those people!!!
Always grateful,
Unfortunately governments the world over are convinced by the medical system under heavy sponsorship of the drug companies that vaccination is a must – there is a huge money factor involved here
I tried to save this on Pinterest also and it didn’t save the article, It saved the featured video on the side of the article.
Thanks for letting us know Darlene!
I live in Australia where forced vaccines are also imposed and prevalent, especially with health care workers and schoolchildren.
I can’t believe the number of people who remain ignorant about the dangers of vaccines.
Two of my 6 grandchildren were homeschooled to avoid mandatory vaccination until the youngest (who did suffer from epilepsy but was healed through prayer) was in Grade 2.
Yes, this is a dangerous road and it is only through education that people will stand up against
what has become a dictatorship on these and other issues. What happened to Democracy?
Excellent information. I honestly think the next thing we will see is forced vaccination on the elderly. Can see the day coming that they can no longer collect the Social Security or medicare/medicaid unless fully vaccinated. The veterinarians are also now forcing vaccinations on pets. Most in the city I live will not even see your pet unless it is fully vaccinated including the dog flu.
I live in Riverside County California. You cannot have a dog unless you get your dog vaccinated spayed/neutered and chipped. if you don’t you have a hefty fine ours was 875.00. If you don’t pay they attached income tax rebates and no car registrations. It also can have jail time up to 6 months. The bill will keep increasing with interest until you pay. What the people don’t know is if they suspect you have a dog they can, without a warrant, go to your home with the sheriff go on your property and into your home to find the dog. You can go to the animal control website for Riverside County California and read the 22 page document yourself. I was shocked. You will be too. I wonder how long it will take for Humans to have forced vaccinations in California. It is very communistic here.
Here in France 11 vaccines are now compulsory for all babies born after January 2018 before the age of 2. There is no opt out.
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for sharing what is going on in your country with us!
really good article Ty ! Although , I haven’t heard of anyone being physically restrained & forcibly injected . (not yet anyway) .
Thanks for your comment Jeff! We hope you found this post helpful.
Excellent! Thank you. In this day and age, seas are polluted. It is beast to stay plant based. Charcoal, garlic, dark green, water water wster exercise, massage, clean thoughts… Prayer. .. Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. God bless…
Thanks for the information. Seems like censorship has moved to Pinterest as I cannot pin this article…
Hello, Brian!
Thank you for your feedback in regards to the sharing problem!
We apologize for the inconvenience and will make sure to pass it along.
I had the same problem. We really are back in times of “book burnings”.
My children have not been vaccinated and have been healthy and thriving w/ no ill effects…ever.
My daughter 18 who will be entering her first year of college in Calif. is being bombarded with fear tactics to get the menengitis vaccine and h pap. I stand firm…but she needs to feel confident in making her decision. I would so appreciate some words of wisdom coming from someone else.
I will admit the fear of contracting meningitis is scary and we’ve been hearing that dorm living is a breeding ground. Insight is welcomed;-)
Hi! I just wanted to say that I have 5 children who are non~vaccinated ~ Apart from my eldest who is 19 ~ Who had the first part of the set of 3 jabs due to me being vulnerable as a first time mother and being scaremongered as I was going to Thailand… I can’t forgive myself for falling for it as all my other 4 children are perfectly healthy whereas my eldest has eczema, asthma and hay fever. I’ve always sworn that it was due to his vaccinations and worry about any underlying health issues connected with it… My other children are 17, 16, 7 and 6. It helps to know others are in a similar situation. I believe that living a healthy lifestyle is key but doubt often creeps in which is why it’s reassuring to read your message. We stand strong together! Kind regards, Marissa~x x
Jena, my daughter too but we aren’t bombarded with fear tactics. I wish it were just that. They are simply saying she cannot enter the university without them. How did you get exempt? We are forced.
The UC system requires a medical exemption. They require TDAP MMR and meningococcal. Cal State requires MMR and Hep B. This all might change with Senator Pan’s new bill that was passed not allowing medical exemptions for elementary and middle school aged kids. They could require a CDC exemption.
If your trying to inform your student of the hazards of vaccines for what they can opt out of then maybe have her watch the movie “VAXED”.
I hate that military personnel are forced vaccinations. We will definitely try some of these detox treatments!
Another approach to obtaining an exemption, or, getting them off your back…
If you encounter an impasse, someone demands you submit to a vaccine, you might draft a form of your own. Address and date your “letter” to the party demanding your compliance and cite the case information provided by Ty and his team which lists the Nuremberg code offenses associated with the use of “experimental” drugs on non-consenting parties. Specifically name the vaccine/drug which you are required to consent to. Clearly state you do NOT consent and you feel threatened by the experimental nature of the drug… Better yet, obtain a copy of the “Contraindications” (side effects) insert which accompanies the vaccine. Enclose a copy of the insert with or type the text from the insert into your letter.
Note: if you “submit” to the administration of the vaccine…you can no longer claim to be non-consenting. You may, however, still have a claim, albeit difficult to prove, with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
Medical personnel often give “verbal” assurances of how safe vaccines are…but they won’t put it in writing.
At the bottom of the form, provide a paragraph which requires the signature of the person administering the vaccine as well as the signature of the person mandating your compliance under threat of termination/being expelled (your boss or the school administrator). The paragraph could provide a statement similar to the following:
“I/we/this organization take full responsibility/liability (including financial costs without limitation) for any side-effects, personal damages/pain/suffering of both the recipient and his/her immediate family, possible death, caused by the administration of this drug/vaccine. Said costs would include, but not be limited, to the following: 1. conventional and/or non-conventional therapies/treatments, whether provided domestically or internationally, 2. travel costs associated with acquiring therapies/treatments, 3. any additional cost of care for assisted living whether at “home’ or elsewhere, 4. equipment or structures necessary for therapies/treatment, 5. wages for care-giver(s) commensurate with professional rates in the market and adjustable to market increases over time (payable to a professional provider and/or to family members who provide such care), 6. funeral expenses. I/we/this organization (& parent company, if applicable, find the “deep pockets”) shall be liable for death benefits to myself/my child in the amount of $??????? (whatever you believe your life is worth to your dependents) should I/my child reasonably be shown to die as a result of receiving this drug/vaccine. I/we/this company hereby willingly waive any right to limitation of liability that might otherwise be provided by state or federal law. I assume this liability freely. Further, I/we/this organization shall pay for a full medical exam including blood tests and neuropsyche exams to determine my/my child’s current health condition prior to the administration of this drug/vaccine. Signed____________ Date_________
They won’t sign it. So you are now at an impasse, or, they will back down. They don’t have the time or the interest in messing with an informed objector. If they simply leave you alone, isn’t that an acceptable option?
Keep a journal of dates, names and discussions. Communicate in writing, emails or texts.
Demand (courteously and in writing) an exemption stating that since they (the administering party) cannot guarantee your well-being and since they will not be held liable for complications, you are refusing their requirement. Mail your Exemption Demand by Certified/Return Receipt to the party who is demanding your compliance.
This process may cost you some time and some social discomfort. What is the cost to you or your child if you sustain complications from a vaccine? Complications can be permanent and they often lie dormant until enough toxins accumulate to produce the observable injury.
Assert your Rights!
You are being Blocked from posting to Pinterest today….thought that you should know.
Hi Steven,
Thanks for letting us know! We have been looking into this.
There is a time for everything. Vaccines were the best at their time. Machetes were the best at their time, and so were type writers, and horse and barges, etc. There is no need to be paralyzed with fear and be forced to do the what some body else wants us to do.
I took care of children with autism, and that always made me sad. Numerous peoples are suffering needlessly from cancer. Human beings needs the subclinical doses of these infections for us to be able to fight the big cancers. Education on sanitation, nutrition, hydration, rest, sleep, etc. is what we need to deal with these diseases. We do not need vaccines.
My daughter is 4yrs old & we moved to California since last year of April. She has NOT been vaccinated & she will be starting school next year, she had her first doctor visit & asked if she was updated to shots & I said NO! I refuse giving her shots & that I’m against it. I lived in Arizona & I use to work at a daycare they asked for shot records & told them that my daughter is not updated to her vaccinations & told them that I’m against it. They respect that & they said they have other parents that didn’t want to there kids to have vaccine shots. I don’t know what to do since I moved to California it’s MANDATORY tk get vaccinated. There is no waiver & they don’t care if it’s against your religion. Please I need help to get more information of how to avoid vaccinations.
Can you homeschool your child because that may be your best option or try for a private school best of luck
It is appalling and despicable that a country such as ours can force us to poison ourselves and worse yet, our children who are the most important people in our lives. Vaccines can and DO KILL. How can they force us to give our children something that has the potential to kill them?! It’s the scariest and most unconstitutional thing ever! To think we may have to bury the people we love the most because our government MADE us give them something we didn’t want to and were totally against is inconceivable!
Inconceivable and unforgivable!
Thank you for the information. I am in France too, au we have no options. s can I give the cilantro spoon to a 2 year old and for how long, like one who or two weeks? should it be saw or can I cook it? thanks again
Hi Mia –
Great questions! For in depth questions like this it would be best if consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series as we are unable to give medical advice.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Most of these doctors are in the US but you could also do a phone consultation with some of them.
Hope this is helpful. Wishing you and your family endless love and blessings!
We are adopting a 10 month old child out of Foster care. As a ward of the state, he has been given all recommended vaccinations including Influenza. We are hoping that the state will listen to us and let us at least delay his vaccinations. Our little guy already has cognitive and motor skill delays, so we really don’t want to tax his body any further! This article is very helpful, however I am not sure which of these detoxification methods are safe for a 10 month old. Could you please give us some advice or direct us to a safe and credible resource for vaccine detox in infants?
Thank you so, so much!!!
I’m confused by the protocol. Is CGF a replacement for chlorella or are they to be taken together?
I had a family member, my cousin, who had almost died from a vaccine. She was already a significant risk due to being born premature and only 1 pound and a couple of ounces. A doctor had given her a vaccine and she was born only less than 10 hours ago. Immediately a allergic reaction happened and a seizure shortly after. She stayed in the NICU for 8 months.
The doctor was fired as this was done against the rest of the hospitals orders.
During her stay feeding her was an extreme complication as it was found out she was anaphylactic to all animal products and ingredients derived from it such as milk/dairy, eggs, meat, fish, shellfish, and gelatin. Foods such as peanuts, tree-nuts, lupine, avocado, oils, soy, wheat, corn, and seeds such as sesame, flax, hemp, chia, sunflower, poppy, and pumpkin seeds also needed to be avoided. We were told due to the seizures she had after the vaccine that she would have some level of damage and be “r-word”.
At 15 months she was diagnosed with Autism and by the age of five was diagnosed with Mild Intellectual Disability and then Celiac disease confirmed at seven along with Eosinophilic esophagitis, Eosinophilic colitis, and Eosinophilic gastritis.
She’s 12 now and nobody could guess/assume she had these issues. Intellectually shes about a 7 year old. She’s verbal. She’s one of the sweetest, kindest, well behaved, and one of the most amazing person.
I can’t speak for all but vaccines have had caused issues for her, and I know that they have caused issues for others- I could never think otherwise.
I suggest she follow on a blue zone, Okinawa Diet which mainly of plant tuber like sweet potato ginger, turmeric (alkaline forming food) , avoid grains and nuts, more Polyphenol riched food and matcha tea.
I need help. I’m dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression for quite some time now due to my knowledge of vaccines. I have epilepsy and i received the standard vaccines in my home country which i think caused epilepsy. Now with the so called coronavirus which has existed for years and has never done this damage but due to themaunching 5G peoples immune systems are compromised and hence we see all of this tragedy, the fact that they have employed this as a means for social distancing and securing everyone within their homes instead of executing a formal marshall law order which most people would be against so they can implement mandatory vaccines which just so coincidentally they passed a law in my county stating that there are now mandatory vaccinations for adults is worrying me. Next i know that FEMA among others will start going door to door to execute these vaccinations and i am so troubled as to what damage my body will go through. Is there anyone out there who can advise me? I greatly need your help. Also i came here legally but my work permit recently expired.
Hi, I am also very concerned about forced vaccinations. I already have have CFS, autoimmune disease and reverse sleeping pattern. But I have little pain. I am afraid that next vaccination could make things much worse for me. The only thing I can think of, is doing some kind of chelate detox, ideally in the blood stream, after the shot, as soon as possible. All the detox methods I have seen, are GI tract binders, right? So not in the blood stream, where the vaccin is injected, or will be arriving soon after injection. Is there any known substance that binds (strongly) to a vaccin particle, and make it less damaging? Maybe the next coronavirus vaccin will contain an Aluminum adjuvant, probably nano (tiny) size which makes them more damaging as can hide in white blood cells for long time, and give immune system problems. Also they may be looking at changing the DNA or something with the virus, do not know exactly, but it sounds complicated especially when trying to think how you could bind to it, or chelate is, to minimise damage and hopefully prevent nanoparticles entering the brain. I hope someone has an idea about this, good luck to you all, in these “with hunt times” (incredible how so many intelligent, loving people are brainwashed to be pro vax), well I can only hope that more and more are waking up, just as I did years ago.
Thank you for helping humanity.
I am based in Sydney , Australia and my 15 year old son has brought a consent home for Meningococcal ACWY Vaccination, An attached information sheet states that NSW Health is offering Vaccination against four types of meningococcal disease (given as one injection) through the school vaccination program. Signed parental/guardian consent must be provided.
I have tried to research widely but find nothing devastating with this type of vaccine. I refused the Gardasil HPV vaccine for my school age daughter last year based on major side effects I read about. Can you shed some light on Meningococcal ACWY Vaccination as information seems to have been supressed.
I know the dangers of Thimesoral and Aluminium preservatives but some risk I am willing to accept as Meningococcal is life threatening and moves quickly but not sure If I truly have been informed of all the risks to make an informed decision for my son. Some more information please
TY for this article!! Would you please provide the links to the studies about the toxicity of the flu shot? I’m currently researching information on the flu shot as my sons school, (BIOLA) has mandated for students to get the flu shot!! I need to provide a lot of data & research to get a medical/religious Exemption as I’m hearing students tried to get the exemption & were denied! So terrible a Christian School would mandate the flu shot! The waiver is due in one week so I’m researching & praying hard this week. Please help me!🙏
Please look at page 67. Note references to inhalation and skin contact. You don’t have to be jabbed to get it. They KNEW!