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According to the Alzheimer’s Association of America, “…few experts believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.”
Not according to Chris Exley, PhD, of Keele University in England who is an expert on aluminum toxicity. Professor Exley has been studying the impact of aluminum on the human body since 1984 and states that:
There has been a strong link between human exposure to aluminum and the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease for half a century or more.
Dr. Exley is not alone in his thinking. He is part of a growing number of experts making the link between aluminum toxicity and conditions like autism, diabetes, neuropathy, and cancer, as well as Alzheimer’s.
You are an intelligent health consumer (or else you wouldn’t be reading this blog!). As such, it is up to you to be aware of what aluminum does in the body and where it comes from, but more importantly how to minimize your risk of aluminum toxicity.
Here are four easy things you can do NOW to make that happen…
#1. Avoid Products that Contain Aluminum.
The first step in any detoxification program is to always stop more toxins from entering your body. Here are some of the most common sources of aluminum toxicity and some suggestions on alternatives:
- Commercial deodorant: Switch to a natural deodorant. Be sure that it clearly says “aluminum free” on the package. This includes so-called “natural crystal” deodorants, which may contain lurking aluminum.
- Commercial baking powder: Again, switch to a brand that says “aluminum free.” It will cost a few dollars more, but it will be worth it!
- Aluminum foil and aluminum cookware: Replace all aluminum-based and Teflon cookware with glass, iron, or safe ceramic. Lightly roast veggies and fish in a glass container instead of putting them on the grill wrapped in aluminum foil. Store leftovers in glass containers as well. Make the switch to aluminum foil alternatives as soon as possible.
- Vaccines: Almost every single vaccine on the market has some amount of aluminum in it, and some more than others. The choice to vaccinate yourself and your family is a personal one. Just be sure you know the facts, however, before you get any shots.
- Chemtrails: Chemtrails are “geo-engineered aerosols” that wind up in the air we breathe. They are also a little-known source of aluminum (and other dangerous chemicals), and one that is of growing concern. Know the difference between chemtrails and contrails which come from regular aircraft and how to identify them in the skies above your region. During times of heavy “spraying,” take precautions to wear protection or stay inside. Drink lots of water and be sure to get in some natural heavy metal chelators, such as spirulina (see below). Cover the vegetables in your kitchen garden during heavy sprays.
Taking these actions against aluminum will help reduce your exposure greatly. But, during this modern “Age of Aluminum,” it is safe to say that just about everyone has some amount of aluminum in their system.
Here are three other major actions you can take to detox aluminum from your system directly:
#2. Consume Foods That Contain Silica
Silica is needed for many functions in the body. It can have anti-aging effects as it helps to reinforce collagen elasticity in body tissues, and prevents arterial plaque from clogging up blood flow. Silica is also an important component for building bone, helps process key nutrients like magnesium and vitamin K2, and is vital for maintaining a strong cardiovascular system. Silica is also an antioxidant. As such, it can be a blood detoxifier.
Most importantly, silica has been found to reduce aluminum levels drastically in the body. It does this by binding with its molecules and extracting them out of brain cells and ultimately out of the body through urine and other means.
Ground-breaking research done by Dr. Exley found that water high in silicic acid (oxygenated silica) had a positive effect on autistic children. Exley has found that aluminum levels were lower in the children by 50 to 70 percent who drank this kind of water.
He then did the same study with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) patients. After 13 weeks of drinking high-silica water, the same results were achieved. In the AD patients, eight out of fifteen no longer showed neurological deterioration and three showed “substantial cognitive increase.”
Dr. Exley used Spritzer (a Malaysian bottled water) for the study, but other waters that contain high amounts of silica include Volvic and Fiji (Fiji comes in a BPA-free bottle). His suggested protocol for helping to remove aluminum from the brain is to consume 1.5 liters of high-silicic water for at least 5 days. He suggests drinking the entire 1.5 liters within an hour for the best results. Higher aluminum toxicity levels may require higher amount of water.
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is another great source of silica since it is made up mostly of the substance. Diatomaceous earth is actually millions of tiny, fossilized aquatic microorganism called “diatoms” that are ground up into a fine, white powder. Besides aluminum detoxification, DE also chelates other heavy metals, helps with GI health, and can give you more energy.
In addition to high-silicic acid waters and DE, cucumbers, bananas, bentonite clay, and horsetail herb also contain high amounts of silica.
#3. Consume Foods That Detoxify the Body From Heavy Metals
Add at least one of the following nutritional substances to your diet every day. All of these not only have the ability to detox the body from heavy metals, but are also neuroprotectants and immune system boosters:
- cold pressed unrefined organic coconut oil
- chia and flaxseed
- milk thistle
- vitamin C (and foods rich in this vitamin)
- spirulina and chlorella
- foods such as garlic, cilantro, and parsley that can help eliminate heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury from your body
- fresh, filtered water (and plenty of it!)
#4. Use Other Heavy Metal Detoxification Modalities
Finally, there are a lot of modalities other than foods and supplements that can help you flush out aluminum and other heavy metals. In research studies, high infrared saunas have been shown to not only trim body fat but also detox xenobiotics, i.e. foreign chemicals. These include heavy metals.
In addition, full-mat Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has also been shown to help with detoxification through boosting natural antioxidants and immune responses in the body. Heliotherapy, mineral baths, and regular exercise also help to flush toxins from the body.
With a little knowledge and the right foods, supplements, and healthy behaviors, you CAN reduce your toxic aluminum load before its proven health effects happen to you. In addition, by keeping your immune system as vital as possible through the right diet and managing stress, you can go a long way in helping your body to detoxify the heavy metals we are exposed to every day, and do so naturally.
Please help bring more awareness to the link between aluminum toxicity and serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s by sharing this article with your friends and family.

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You suggest avoiding geo-engineering (“chemtrails”), but how??? Can you put together a chemtrail health protocol?
Thanks for this suggestion Heather! I will pass it on to the team.
Actually there is a way to Fight chemtrails. I do it almost daily, not very cheap alone, but if more people would dp it, would be cents for each.
Basically, everytime I see planes spreading chemtrails, I go out make a fire and boil vinegar and let it evaporate. 1/2 liters depending on how much they sprayed for a.pretty big area. Once the vapors rise the acetic acid disolves the nano particles of heavy metal and clears the sky.
Thanks I’m def going to try that !
uuuhhh, what do you think happens to the heavy metals that get oxidized by the ascetic acid?
Where do you think that lands ??
There is really no way to avoid breathing IN the chemtrail heavy metals as they are tiny nano particles – unless you want to wear a mask every single time you are outside. Do you want to see the stuff you are breathing in everyday? Go outside in the darkest part of your yard and shine a strong LED flashlight up or sideways and look at the light. You will see thousands of tiny particles not just floating in the air , but swirling about like in a snowstorm. THIS is what we breathe in. Normally we can’t see it so we must use the flashlight. How insidious to poison the very air that we breathe! Other than wearing a mask all the time i suggest taking in Silica to remove the heavy metals.
Do you have any other suggestions to remove this stuff. If it is an endocrine can taking any hormones help?
use ozone generator in your house and car to dissolve the nanoparticles that are harmful in chemtrails
love love love
There is a product called Advanced TRS by Coseva which is a solution containing a manufactured zeolite called clinoptilolite. Zeolites are cage like structures that trap positively charged chemicals (basically anything that the body cannot convert into a salt for biological use) inside and transport them out of the body safely. Detoxification is passive; there is no chance that the toxins can get redistributed while they are being expelled. The size of the zeolite also allows it to bypass the blood brain barrier and remove metals and other toxins from the brain. High dose vitamin C to bowel tolerance is also effective for pretty much any toxin you are exposed to.
the best way to remove all those chemicals would be getting rid of the tyrants that poison us …
Agree! We need to stop them… We should not have to breathe it!
I Order blood tests or hair analysis for metals. Ive read exley findings on certain water to drink for aluminum. Chlorella, cilantro, seaweed, and oral iodine for my thyroid daily, my air cleaners in my home. Good restful sleep look up blue lights, supplements. Keep healthy. Stsy off colas, alcohol, processed foods. Filter halides from water. I even use near infrared lights for health. Celtic salt drinks for loss of nutrients. If those trails are full of metals and bacteria…upper resp will be the first target. Then kidneys, liver. Saunas. Massages, dry brush to move lymph. I do all of this. Hope it helps
I have shut off all my lights in the house and looked with the flashlight and i see these nano particles IN my house too!! I didn’t use a fan in the window in the summer. I used the A.C. and still i see them in the house. I see them in my car too at nite with the flashlite. What kind of air filter will get rid of this stuff?
When I was a small child I would watch dust motes sparkling in the sunlight through the window slowly drifting down in the air, we lived in mountain area Tasmania never saw a jet overhead, I was born 1950, no electricity, phones or much of anything else so it was not aluminium particles from chemtrails,so you could be seeing something completely different and harmless! My advice, eliminate all sources of aluminium from your life, take Bentonite Clay, large doses of vit C for awhile and stop worrying about it, the worry will kill you quicker than anything else.
I agree with Dawn…I go outside at night with my headlight and the air is full of micro particle…it could be just about anything like chiggers or others…harmless I dare say…I use Orgono for silica I get it at Amazon and buy the one made out of plant….I used Spirulina fermented tablet everyday, because it is high in nitric acid which augment the oxygen in your cells…and chlorella the same for detox of heavy metals with cilantro I make a drink in my blender with coconut water…it taste pretty good that way. (Use Vitamix if you have one) Another product that is wonderful is C60 with coconut oil. This is great for the immune system as well as Alzeimer.
Dawn, I agree completely! As a child I thought it was magical to see the particles in the air, now I know I’m going to have to dust…. Agree too – take care of yourself and have gratitude instead of worrying.
I agree when you day we need to stop worrying too much because it will kill us 1st.
Stress is so heavy and so low vibration energy, it literally can kill us.
As well as cause many health issues.
I liked all of your message, but that stood out strongly, because being a health professional I see what happens and endured it myself.
I try to let stuff roll of my back so to speak, it’s just not worth it.
Peace and love ❤️
What about aluminum cans for food or especially beverages? Do we absorb much aluminum that way? Should we avoid drinks in aluminum cans?
Absorption from food is quite little (0.5% – maximum 1%) but the problem is the body cannot eliminate easily the aluminium (a test on rabbits said only 6% of the intake of aluminium throu injection was eliminated during a month) so better to avoid cans for all my life.
Again, the aluminium transfer from cans to food is little, raised for acid foods (and drinks). The producers did some test, no one even tested what happens when we consume many products together, after 1-2 years storages in shops..
P.S. I am allergic to aluminium so no cans for me, only drinks in glass bottles (once per year a French wine, for example 😀 ).
I got in touch with the Diet Coke people, and was assured that they put a lining in the can to insure that aluminum wasn’t absorbed. After I hung up, I thought about my lips and tongue touching the outside of the can. But, I didn’t call back. All you would need to do, if concerned, is pour the drink into a glass.
Yuck diet coke and all those drinks (sugar free or otherwise) are so nasty for you and toxic. Your wasting $$ on non food stuff with 0 nutritional value. I stopped drinking that crap in collage as I drank diet coke to work help keep me going (studying and working, etc) and had vision issues and headaches and dizziness. I stopped drinking it and all my symptoms cleared within a day!
In independent studies the aspartame/nutra-sweet/equal used in those drinks has been shown to cause seizures. Why would anyone want to drink that stuff?
Does not matter what is in diet coke alone will kill you. Read up on what you are drinking.
Diet soda contains aspartame which used to be outlawed but with deep pockets you can get anything approved in the U.S. Aspartame is GMO feces and changes to formaldehyde I hear preserves you from the inside out.
Diet drinks contain artificial sweetener that are neurotoxins known to cause cognitive problems and Alzheimer s disease.
The aspartame in Diet Coke does more harm to your brain than your mouth touching the can. Aspartame is toxic to the brain. Read Dr. Russell Blaylock’s book – Excitotoxins, A Taste That Kills.
I have read yes we get the aluminum from soda cans and beer cans too. Just take more Silica.
I would avoid all aluminum as much as possible. Goes straight to brain! Lined cans, once in awhile, if needed. I try to buy prepared soups in lined cardboard, and i do buy amy’s brand canned stuff, it is lined (refried beans).
Lining in the cans – especially in cans that somehow damaged or dented -is also poisonous according to independent scientists .
Diatomaceous earth is a major source of aluminum, at 3% if I recall correctly. It occurs naturally and is unavoidable. That’s why I don’t consume Diatomaceous earth.
As for chemtrails, they are pure hype with not one pilot or whistle blower having gone on the record about them; Absolute paranoia and hype. Garbage.
Lol. I guess you never look up at the sky then. Cloud seeding with silver oxide is used all over the world and has been since the 50s in my home state.
Do your research. Your statement is incorrect. Pilots, fire captain, neurosurgeon, and government officials have all come forward with the truth. There are also photos floating around of the equipment inside planes, labeling on the canisters, video of a pilot admitting and explaining as he turns on the Chem trail equipment in the cockpit, etc. Unfortunately, it’s all true.
So all these pilots are exposing themselves to poisons and their own families. And the people in power are also willfully exposing themselves to their own poisons. They have to breath the same air as the rest of us so why would they poison themselves with this “secret agenda”. If this were true every one would be exposed. I’ve never seen one politician were a mask when outside or any scientists or any doctors etc. If you believe people in power would wilfully poison the environment that they also have to live in . Then I would believe your gullible. Also I strongly believe that manmade environmental pollution like chemical pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals etc. can cause sickness and create illness like Parkinson’s disease etc. But the governments that allow such uses of chemicals are themselves ignorant or wilfully ignorant about the real harm these man made chemicals cause. To think that people in power are intentionally poisoning people with chemtrails, something that they themselves cannot protect themselves from, is highly unlikely.
That’s because they use Teslatrone. A powerful electromagnetic device stoled from Nikola Tesla that literally pulls out all poison and diseases including cancer. 0 risk for them. You really think that if they made this thing they did not though about how to protect themselves?
your argument is contradictory comparing pesticide use, product sold by giant chemical companies, and encouragement by the FDA etc with chemtrails… I really would like to know how they are different in your book. It is all ignorance and greed. Both apples fall from the same tree.
Have you considered that there is another entity giving directions. The elected people may just be puppets that the real hidden people are actually pulling their strings. How is this possible you ask? This is easily answered through the use of blackmail, paying off, and, or lethal persuasion. Go back to past American presidents like president Eisenhower and Kennedy that warned us about the political and population influence of the military industrial complex. These people wouldn’t do this kind of thing unless the had an antidote to keep them safe. Think about this.
Watch on YouTube ” What in the world are they spraying-the truth about Chemtrails”.
No, nobody ever gone on record about chemtrails except for the ex head of the Los Angeles branch of the FBI Ted Gunderson.
Not true.
Several whistle blowers out in the open. Pilots as well.
All you really need to do is look up for proof.
diatomaceous earth is 85% silica
Check this site:
You are SO wrong about the Chemtrails. Go to All kinds of evidence. I have seen tons of pictures of the equipment inside planes etc.
I read the high fructose syrup that is used in many, many processed drinks/foods and all that contain something sinister…mercury? fluoride?
I decided a long time ago not to consume anything from a bag or can. BPA lining free cans seem good. I also do the magnet test…if it sticks, I am HOPING the container isn’t made of aluminum.
High fructose corn syrup is a which the body does not know what to do with so causes cancer to develop also.
Your body can only process fruit sugar in small amounts. it cannot be converted to glucose, the body’s fuel. What it cannot use, gets stored in the liver, what cannot be stored, turns to fat. That is bad enough.
As diatomaceous earth contains aluminium do you know if it’s safe for long term use?
From what I can ascertain, Diatomaceous earth contains silica that actually removes heavy metals from your system. Many people use it for that. Some diatomaceous earth list all the properties and minerals found in their DE and do not contain any aluminum whatsoever.
Please add to your article that WHITE DENTAL COMPOSITES…. you know… the ones that aren’t supposed to have metal…. HAVE ALUMINUM!! A LOT from what I can tell!
They do not put it on the MSDS sheets and they don'[t have to tell you when you ask.
There has to be a metal in these fillings or they wouldn’t show up on Xray!!
THIS is our main source of aluminum.
I have Lyme and 2 months ago they put this white filling in my teeth and NOW I have neurological Lyme which I didn’t have before this. I have migraines and neck aches so severe that I can’t turn my head. As well as severe pain and stiffness in my spine!
I tried to have it removed but its still in there!
Thanks for sharing this Mary! We will add this to our list of things to look into.
Great …………. I did not realize that….
Make sure to get ceramic fillings instead of “white”. These do no contain any metal.
I have neurological problems caused by my dental work. I broke my left front tooth on the playground when I was in fifth grade. They repaired it using composite filling material. In 11th grade I got a crown on it. In college I started having trouble with headaches.
When I was 27 I had my first child and he had trouble learning to nurse. We followed the recommended vaccine schedule and he was diagnosed with autism. We didn’t vaccinate our second child until he was 5, but he was still diagnosed with PDD-NOS at age two. I had hair testing done on myself and my older son before I got pregnant with my second child and we both had elevated aluminum levels, though my son’s levels were ten times higher than mine. After I had my second son and weaned him I tried taking magnesium malate because it’s supposed to reduce aluminum levels. My tooth with the crown started hurting so I stopped the supplement realizing that there must be aluminum in the tooth. The pains kept coming back and a couple months later my tooth died which was horribly painful; the aluminum that had come out of my crown killed the nerve in the tooth. Then I got a root canal. In root canals they use gutta percha then fill it with a composite filling. A year and a half later I came down with terrible dizziness, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, and a twitching nerve in my left ear. I was diagnosed with vestibular neuritis. I believe my neurological problems are due to the aluminum in the tooth inflaming the nerves in my ear, causing the dizziness and ear drum twitching, and in my brain causing the brain fog, headaches and fatigue.
Children with autism show signs of brain inflammation. I read in an article recently that aluminum inflames nerves even more than mercury does (7/24/2018 on World Mercury Project site). They need to get aluminum out of the dental work and vaccines (I still wouldn’t recommend vaccines if they took out the aluminum, though. They have many other problems.) It is extremely toxic to nerves.
Have you tried the Nemcheck protocol for autism?
Thank you so much for sharing this. You touched me with that story
Wow, such difficulties! You’ve really been through a lot. I would like to recommend learning more about CranioSacral Therapy [CST]. This is a course I recently took as a continuing education credit for my MaSaJ license: Personally, I think everyone ought to be taught about this healing modality. It is for everyone. According to the Upledger Institute, CST is a contributing factor in chelating heavy metals out of the system. Specifically by how it encourages skull, spinal & sacral health by a gentle form of healing touch. We ought to be learning about this in school, it should be as standard as learning maths. It’s really amazing work.
OMG. I had the same thing happen, only in third grade. Migraines started about age 18. A dentist removed all my metal fillings when I was about 45. I don’t know what they used in place of it though. I’m blown away.
All fields marked were filled out probably better than required
Halotherapy is Salt Therapy. Heliotherapy is light therapy.
Is it safe to eat diatomaceous earth, there is conflicting info regarding and I’m trying to do my due diligence before adding this to my protocol. If it is safe, I’ve heard that it, itself contains three percent aluminum, what “”brand “” should I take and how, with food, supplements mixed with anything on empty stomach, thank you so very very much sincerely Edel
Curious if you have any answers to this? I have also read about high radiation in D-earth, also heavy metals so it is crucial to know the source and make sure it has a Certificate of Authenticity that covers the batch you have. It is common for unscrupulous companies to cherry pick a safe good test and use that for other batches, of course it is a lie.
My mother of 90 has been using pots and pans of aluminum her whole life and a lot of aluminum foil too. Yet she doesn’t suffer of any of the mentioned diseases. You can clearly see that the pans have lost a lot of aluminum because the surfaces have become very rough. She must have been taking in a lot of it. It might be a risk factor but it isn’t a clear cut case that it will inevitably lead to the mentioned diseases. She never suffered from cancer either.
For many years she has been taking a multivitamin but that is all. No special supplements. For dinner always potatoes, different meats and vegetables.
I write this because some people maybe got freaked-out about the aluminum they have been swallowing. The example of my mother shows you still can get old without getting those diseases despite a high aluminum load. There could be many reasons for this, genetics maybe. I don’t say there is no need to avoid aluminum but the fear of it might be a bit tempered.
At 90 yrs old she came from a very different generation. When she was young the food was much better and less contaminated. There was less chemicals on the planet when she was growing up. And does she have Type O blood? Type O blood people live into their 90’s according to research. They live longer than the other blood types for some unknown reason.
and almost sure that she was never vaccinated !
I know that for heavy metals like mercury and lead, there is a “genetic polymorphism” (a gene variation) that affects about 20% of the population, making us unable to detox heavy metals as effectively as the other 80% of the population. I do not know for sure whether this affects aluminum detox.capabilities. But this is why heavy metals affect some people more than others, and this is also why people saying “well I have had more fillings than you and I didnt get sick”, is irrelevant, because they are prob ably in the 80% and I am in the 20%. So your grandmother was probably in the 80%. And people who have posted above who have ALL their children having high levels, are probably in the 20% and passed the gene on to their kids, unfortunately.
Well, she is only 90. My friend did the same with aluminium cooking and baking, aluminium foil on everything she also kept drinking tap water. I warned her when we met 15 years ago. She didn’t listen. she was 91 when dementia kicked in. She is now 93 wants to live to be 100 and is driving all away and crazy, She doesn’t know she is afflicted. She continues to drink aspartame. but doesn’t bake any longer. Her husband has 2 brain tumors. Not sure how this couple will end up.
I was thinking about buying an Apple Watch (non-cellular). The watch is made of aluminum, the band is rubber. Could I get aluminum absorbed in my body from that? I have atrial fibrillation and there is an apt that is coming out for this watch that will alert me if I am having AF, that is the only reason I am thinking of buying it. But am concerned about the aluminum.
It sounds like you really need the watch. I would definately get it and not worry. I would be more worried about ingesting aluminum than wearing the band. I would be more concerned about breathing IN the aluminum from the trails. Get the watch and don’t worry. I think it’s not a big concern.
These watches emit EMFs just like a cellphone, I would not be wearing this on my skin especially over your main artery point on your wrist.
I have read that those watches attract 5 times the amount of EMF’s than your cellular phone (which is another thing against us). Would never own one. Tracking device
You people with your chemtrails. Cars polute, factories polute and you need to find a conspiracy for polution. What a waste of energy.
Please people. Change your ways and quit finding somewhere magical to point your finger!
Stop using cars everyday at least, stop using throw away plastic and grow up!
Look up
Obviously you don’t get out much. Next time you do you might want to check out the sky, unless you are blind you can’t miss them! Their not exactly trying to hide it !! Gotta love people who have never looked into something but act as if they know all about it.
Antti, really…. I don’t want to give up all of my own polluting ways! I want to blame it on something I have no control over. Much easier to live with. 😆
That being said, although I’m VERY skeptical of chemtrails, I’m not dismissing it completely either. And…. I try not to pollute too much either. 🙂
Chemtrails are not only dropping aluminium on us. Cadmium, arsenic, thimerasol, barium, strontium. all cause a whole plethora of illnesses. How the evil ones get away with it this lifetime.
You might escape any of the sickness and disease, Mindset has a lot to do with the circumstances we create for ourselves and karma too.
Thanks for the information on the dental fillings. I guess you have to use gold even though it looks weird, maybe white gold. The chemtrails are real. Some days the air is sparkling clear and other days I can look up and see these white stripes all over the sky. In California I’ve heard they use it to keep the drought going–probably want to drive out farmers or some other sinister plot. The chemtrails soak up the water in the atmosphere and this somehow deflects the storms from coming in. Evil dust…
Yes it is true the chemtrails cause drought. Big time. The aluminum in the trails once they travel to the ground can IGNITE and cause forest fires!!
Thank you for the info! So is Diatomaceous Earth good to consume daily? I take it daily and so does my dog.
Dr Veronique , let me tell you, it is an excellent Scientific information. By the way, I’ve heard naturopaths talk about the qualities of Colostrum as products capable of chelating heavy metals and thus detoxifying the human body.
What is your opinion
Taking devote Atlanta, Georgia, Entrepreneur Days draws people from all of around the country.
There is always something that is hot back then and may alllow for interesting reading from you.
Mr Ford still was required to pay factory costs, material costs, wages costs,
etc, yet he still made mega bucks.
Can i , please, ask , how railway with trains passing by every 10 minutes, can affect health of nursery children, if they are playing on outside play area just 10 m from railway!thank you!
Wear protection when one sees chemtrails? Like what, the micro aluminum particles produced in the combustion of the additives in Jet fuel are more than likely too small to be filtered out by a common paint or solvent respirator bought at Home Depot. But, I am not sure! Suggestions?
I am considering purchasing a iontopherisis machine for hyperhidrosis but the machine uses aluminum plates which I’m concerned may give me aluminum toxicity as the treatments are required regularly long-term. I’ve tried to research this but of course the manufacturers wouldn’t be willing to say their machines can be dangerous. Any insight you may have would be helpful. Thank you!
Cancer cannot and will not live in a body with a ph of 7.0 7.4. Ph plain and simple oxygenate your blood ALCALINE your body get ozone water or get a ozone generator and do it your self . if it isnt completly natural from the earth dont put it in your body its posion eggwhites and avacados when you must eat juice natural organic no gmo fruits and veggies 3 times a day use Himalayan salt really good your body needs salt drink true distilled water with the salt in it detox and flush everything your whole body eat superfood make sure its 3rd party confirmed on all your organic medacine if you want 100% trusted sight from my own experiance ask me we need top be healthy we need eacholer right now ! I send my Love and respect
We worry about breathing in chem trail particles, but there’s a whole heap of other bad things and pollutants and toxins we breathe in daily also.
Plus our food contains microplastics that are carcinogenic.
It’s very difficult to avoid everything.
I’m enjoying reading ppls comments though. I’m just adding a bit extra info.
Peace, love and light ✨️
Hi Revis I would love to know a bit more of your experience with ph levels and cancer my sister has myeloid myeloma, and is no longer in remission. It’s a form of blood cancer.
She’s very much a healthy eater grows her own fruit and vegetables, she’s actually a science teacher and one subject she teaches is Earth and Evironmental studies for high school students and especially the HSC students.
She’s been a hippy and a environmentalist her whole life, she hates having to take medications.
I wondered if you could share some more about the ph levels and cancer not surviving at those levels. For me to understand and some evidence based theories or practice or information you could direct me into researching more on it 🙏
All good advice. There is also a homeopathic called NAT PHOS 6X that keeps your body alkaline. Three tiny tabs under the tongue 3X a day.
For you skeptics regarding Chemtrails and the thought that our governments wouldn’t do
anything like that, watch the youtube video by Jonxarmy, when he intervirews Dane Wigington.
The name of the video is called The truth is finally revealed.
Heliotherapy is sun therapy not salt therapy.
Yes, good catch, Jay! We’ll correct this right away.
Thank you!
Is there a test you can take , a genetic test I think to see if you can clear Aluminum from vaccinations properly? Thanks
Hi Jim –
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
You could reach out to one of these doctors near you to find out where and what kind of testing is available close to you.
Blessings and love!
I have makeup that I’ve been using everyday for the past 3 years and it contains aluminum hydroxide. Will this have the same affect as aluminum itself? I’ve been having numerous brain issues over the past few years (brain fog, headaches, etc.) and my brain feels physically different (front center of my head feels heavy) if that makes any sense. Since makeup is used for the face including on the forehead, I’m wondering if my makeup has been contributing to these symptoms?? Thanks in advance
Still looking for insights on Diatomaceous Earth. As I understand it the silica in DE binds and helps eliminate aluminum but I’m not sure how much silica the body actually extracts since diatoms only dissolve in a high alkaline environment. So, to dissolve the DE, and release the silica, I place the DE in a high alkaline solution (must be above pH 9.2) made out of water, boron (borax powder) and a pinch of calcium hydroxide (pickling lime) and heat at 180 degrees for 2 hours. This creates a paste. I then take 1/4 tsp of that paste and dissolve it in water. I believe this high-silica paste may be a powerful way to remove aluminum. … and a year’s supply may cost under a dollar.
The only reason I started doing this was because I took a hair test and found very high levels of aluminum. I gotta a mouthful of white composite fillings .
The article shows some burning questions and issues that should be discussed and clarified.
In addition, it’s essential to comprehend within the detail.
In the post, one can easily find something fundamental, remarkably for him/her, something that may be exceedingly helpful.
I am delighted with all the information I have just
obtained. Thanks a lot!
My husband was a type 2 diabetic for years. We detoxed using organic chlorella, vitamin C, Livercare, D3, Magnesium, Certified organic triphala (detox), certified organic zinc, certified organic flaxsee oil, organic wheatgrass (from Organicburst), organic super tumeric, organic baoba, organic ashwagandha, organic spirulina (detox), organic Match. We removed all chemicals from all foods in our home and we only buy 100% organic with no added dangerous chemicals, aluminum or additives. He use to have BS 300-400 and on 60 unit of tresiba daily and 24 units of novalog before each meal. He now takes NO INSULIN and his blood sugars are normal. Someone told us if you detox it cures alot of things like diabeties, MS, alzierimers, everything. They were right, we are proof of it. We changed all our shampoo to organic, toilet paper, soap, everything. Read the labels and you will be shocked as to what is in it. We found a few organic products that had some bad stuff in it. Just learn to education yourself and then it will get easier to detect safe foods. Everything MUST BE ORGANIC or you will be detoxing with aluminum and chemicals that won’t help you. God Bless American and a merciful, loving Father……