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Comparisons of COVID restrictions to Nazi Germany have not been exaggerated, as nations impose harsh restrictions on the unvaccinated and move closer to national mandates. In Germany, unvaccinated people will be banned from accessing all but the most essential businesses, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel and her successor, Olaf Scholz, announced Thursday, following crisis talks with regional leaders.
Incoming Chancellor Scholz did not mince words, describing the new restrictions as “a lockdown of the unvaccinated.” Meeting with Scholz and Germany’s 16 state leaders for emergency talks on Thursday on tougher measures to stem rocketing Covid cases, the outgoing chancellor said an “act of national solidarity” was required.
“We have understood that the situation is very serious and that we want to take further measures in addition to those already taken,” she said. “To do this, the fourth wave must be broken, and this has not yet been achieved.”
Merkel said Germany’s ethics council would issue formal guidance on a vaccine mandate, and the Bundestag would vote on the legislation by the end of the year. If passed, the rule would come into force from February.
Under the measures agreed by Germany’s 16 states and federal leaders:
- Unvaccinated people will be limited to meetings with their own household and two other people
- The restrictions will be enforced at restaurants and cultural venues and non-essential shops
- Clubs will shut in areas where 350 cases have been recorded per 100,000 people in the past seven days (a 3.5% infection rate)
- Outdoor events, including Bundesliga football, will have limited crowds of 15,000 and will ban the unvaccinated
- Fireworks on New Year’s Eve will be banned
Merkel also announced a blanket ban on people who have not been vaccinated or recovered from Covid entering bars, restaurants, theatres, cinemas and other leisure venues, as well as non-essential shops and Christmas markets.
Austria Continues Segregation Laws
But Germany is not alone in their persecution of those who have made personal healthcare decisions that are divergent from State guidelines. Austria’s fourth national lockdown of the pandemic will end on Sunday, but lockdown restrictions will remain for unvaccinated people, the country’s new chancellor said Wednesday.
Chancellor Karl Nehammer said the end of the lockdown will be a “opening with a seatbelt,” meaning some measures — such as an obligation to wear masks on public transportation and inside stores and public spaces — will stay in place also for people who are vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19. There will also be an 11 p.m. curfew for restaurants and limits on the number of people attending cultural events.
Under the lockdown, which started on Nov. 22, people were allowed to leave their homes only for specific reasons, including buying groceries, going to the doctor or exercising. Stricter measures can be implemented independently by regions that are especially affected by the pandemic, Nehammer said.
Nehammer stressed that unvaccinated people could end their lockdowns immediately by getting the jab, but also acknowledged that “it still takes a lot of convincing to get those who haven’t even been vaccinated yet.”
“The lockdown for the unvaccinated continues. I also understand that the people who are affected by it feel aggrieved,” Nehammer told reporters in Vienna. “At the same time, there is the offer of science, that by getting vaccinated these troubles can be quickly put aside and that then common freedom can actually be lived together.”
But freedom cannot coexist with coercion. Austria’s health ministry says anyone who violates the lockdown for the unvaccinated could be fined €500 ($572), while a penalty of €1,450 could be incurred for refusing to participate in checks.
National Vaccine Mandates
Make no mistake… These nations aren’t satisfied with simply forcing the unvaccinated out of society; they want to force every man, woman, and child to get the jab.
“Given the situation, I think it is appropriate to adopt compulsory vaccination,” said Merkel, who will step aside for Scholz on Wednesday.
The move would follow the example of neighboring Austria, which is planning mandatory vaccinations from February. Greece also announced mandatory jabs for the over-60s, with unvaccinated people facing fines if they fail to comply.
Merkel’s outgoing government had previously ruled out mandatory vaccination, but the measure has since won broad political backing. “We don’t have enough vaccinated people,” Scholz said after the meeting. “We now know that this has consequences.”
Austria has also announced that vaccination would become compulsory as of Feb. 1, the first Western country to take that step, and one of only a handful around the world. With its latest move, Austria significantly moved ahead of other European countries that have inched up to, but not crossed, a threshold that once seemed unthinkable.
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Vienna on Saturday, the second weekend of mass protesting over the Austrian government’s decision to impose a tough new lockdown and plan a sweeping nationwide vaccine mandate in the fight against a sharp surge in coronavirus cases and rising deaths.
A vaccine mandate will mean inevitable job losses for those unwilling or unable to submit. Those who do lose their jobs won’t easily have access to unemployment aid. After all, they will be outlaws. In addition, they will be physically constrained, stopped from leading a normal life, and fined.
As people are barred from earning an honest living, many of the fines levied will go unpaid. Arrests, bankruptcies, and more incarcerations will follow. The Austrian state is set to create a new generation of martyrs.
Die Krone Zeitung, Austria’s largest newspaper, writes, “the outlook for the unvaccinated remains entirely bleak.” Being barred from Christmas is the least of it. In fact, any hope for potential loopholes is being dashed. Die Krone Zeitung continues: “Those who slavishly hope that they will be able to ‘exempt’ themselves from compulsory vaccination after 1 February by paying a one-time penalty have been deceived.” They will be made to “pay several times” over, the paper added.
A Familiar Path
We’ve seen before how creeping government overreach and escalating new restrictions begin… and where they lead.
On February 28th, 1933, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler issued emergency decrees that marked the end of all basic freedoms, including freedom of speech, press, assembly, and protection from arbitrary arrest. He used the Reichstag fire to justify the new government authority.
Less than a month later, parliament passed the Enabling Act, allowing Hitler to establish a dictatorship. By April 7th, the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Service was decreed, excluding Jews and political opponents from university and government positions. Similar laws enacted in the following weeks affect Jewish lawyers, judges, doctors, and teachers.
In 1935, the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour and the German Citizenship Law were passed. Known as the “Nuremberg Laws”, they prohibited marriage and sexual relationships between Germans and Jews and stated that only persons of “German or related blood” could be citizens.
In April of 1938, Jews (no longer considered German citizens) were forced to register their assets, a first step toward total exclusion from the German economy. By October, passports of German Jews were marked with “J” for Jude (Jew). Jews were required to surrender their old passports, which became valid only after the letter “J” had been stamped on them. In November, all Jewish children were expelled from public schools and the German Reich Ministry of Interior restricted the freedom of movement of all Jews.
By October of 1939, the first Jewish Ghetto was established in Poland. A month later, all Jews aged 10 and older were required to wear the infamous yellow star, making them immediately identifiable.
Six months later, Auschwitz opened.
History Repeated
But this kind of segregation has been repeated even in the “Land of the Free.” Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Presidential Proclamation No. 2525, declaring “all natives, citizens, or subjects of the Empire of Japan” living in the U.S. and not naturalized to be “liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured, and removed as alien enemies.”
By December 29th, 1941, all “enemy aliens” in California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada were ordered to surrender all “contraband,” including short-wave radios, cameras, binoculars, and weapons.
On January 29, 1942, Attorney General Francis Biddle issued orders to establish “prohibited zones” from which “enemy aliens” were excluded. German, Italian, and Japanese aliens were removed from these areas.
By February, the U.S. Army designated “restricted areas” in which enemy aliens had to observe curfews and were limited in their travel. German, Italian, and Japanese aliens were not allowed to travel more than five miles from their homes in these areas. In some places, Japanese Americans were given 48 hours to evacuate their homes and businesses.
Many would never return to claim their property. Further travel restrictions and exclusion orders were issued. By the spring of 1942, Japanese internment camps had been established. The last camp would not close until March 20th, 1946.
Never Again
Winston Churchill famously said that those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. The world is on a clear path of tyranny and oppression… a path we’ve seen before. It is not an exaggeration to say that resisting these tyrannical decrees and mandates is the greatest duty of our generation.
Maximilien Robespierre, one of the most important figures in the French Revolution, said that “the secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.
We cannot remain ignorant. We MUST share the truth. We must not comply. We must defend our freedom now so that our children may not have to.

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how dare you compare this to Nazi tactics! this is horrible, i totally agree with keeping unvaxed away from us! wish we did it here
New world order bought and paid for….you work in the CIA or one of the other 3 letter offices filled with weak sellout Luciferians? Take your worthless libtard opinions and stow them in a seabag. The plandemic is main stream media acting only…almost no truth about any of the poisonous vaccines….wake up before you get downsized like all the other lemmings.
This is a disgusting comment! You think you have a blanco check to be hateful and riving with people because of a mild cold? You are exactly what you are compared with! Good article. I am residing in Germany and it is spooky what comes to light these days.
Many of us would like those who have gotten the clot shots (poison death shots) to stay away from us. People can be harmed even without getting these shots, just from being near people who have. Hope you wake up soon.
Very interesting article. My mom’s last name was “Bettinger”. I was in a serious motorcycle accident about 16 years ago, in which two physicians thought I would die, and the head nurse thought that if I lived, I would be in a coma for life. I lived, but found that the “reality” is vastly different from how it was prior to my accident. I have been doing research into quantum physics and near death experiences for years now, just looking for answers. While I am not religious, I respect others who are.
All virusrules in Europe are illegal: they are violating not just the constitutions in European countries, but also the EU-legislation: Eu-legislation has the priority over national laws.
Ursula von der Leyen recently stated: ALL EU-countries have to abide by EU-LAWS.
So de facto she annihilated ALL virusrules!
Ursula’s husband is Heiko von der Leyen: he is the medical director of Orgenesis, a vaccine-producing firm.
Now we know why she got the job she has …………. A lethal conflict of interest that annihilates
her having this job.
Please notice, they have waited until almost all WWII veterans have died to start this over again.
Thanks for all you have done for cancer. My opinions,comments, and questions follow. My questions regarding Covid: are the tests being checked for accuracy (no more than 34 cycles or the test will show positive). Most important, how are people treated for Covid once in the hospital? Do they put a mask on the patient who can’t breathe as they enter the hospital, then send them right to ICU with a ventilator therefore crowding ICU instead of having the patient in a room? We just had a very good friend, age 85, in good health who managed/owned a vitamin store for many years and did not get vaccinated by choice. She, and 2 other older gals , my husband and I ( we are all 80+ years) had coffee at our home on November 1st at our Canadian home. We left for our Florida home on November 8. Kay was tested positive for Covid on November 9. They sent her home from the hospital. Our friends told us that she had trouble breathing on November 14 and back to the hospital by ambulance. The hospital notified her family and transferred her to a different hospital where she died a day or so later. What a shame. Is this a common treatment at hospitals for people who were not vaccinated? What do they do for people who have been vaccinated? How many people have died from Covid after receiving all Covid vaccinations and boosters? I never see any records of these deaths. How many people who have had the vaccines, boosters, still get Covid variants, get sick? Many years ago the polio vaccine, the mumps, measles, etc. vaccines were made to prevent the children from getting the illnesses. The Covid-19 vaccine was never meant to prevent a person from getting it, yet people believe that it is like previous vaccines. Instead people are getting sick from side effects from the Covid vaccine. I also read about that with each jab your white blood cells are reduced by 21%. After 2 or 3 jabs a person’s immune system is so challenged that the body can’t fight the problem. Please investigate. Thank you so much. God bless you all.
You are so right. When in medical history did a Medic tell a sick person to go home and when you have great difficulty breathing come back to hospital. Where is the early treatment. Every Doc knows that treating an illnes early is the best procedure. Many Docs all over the world have been and are still are using Ivermectin and Hydroxlchloraquine along with Quercitin with great results and have saved many peoples lives. For the FDH and Fauci to say they don’t work, is because they are paid by BiG Pharmas to ensure the “bio weapon jab” is put illegally in as many arms as possible.
I recently read a comment by a friend of Claus Schwab, (the CEO of the Word Economic Forum), who was a doctor – I don’t remember his full name…. who said that the plan was to reduce or drastically eliminate the world of it’s “useless eaters” and attempt to achieve a HUGE decrease in the world’s population. They were saying how pleased they were that the “jabs” or “clot-shots” were achieving the desired results so far…by getting the majority of the population (well, here in Australia, any way!) to submit to the inoculations. It is also said that with each ‘jab’ one’s life expectancy would be reduced by 20%…so by the time people had had the 2nd ‘jab’ and then took a booster shot, their life expectancy would be down to a matter of months. Scary!
Already the CDC has estimated that in the USA there would be at least 15000 deaths a week – just from the Covid shots. Those of us who remain “unvaxxed” wait with interest to see what the death rate will be in Australia….which generally speaking follows the United States in results after two or three months.
looking gorward to more info
looking forward to more info
You are doing great work; keep it up!😃
YouAre doing great work; keep it up !😃
This all could be stopped if we could get people to know of the lie of Germ Theory. Pasteur, on his death bed finally said that it was a lie. We have all been indoctrinated/lied to that bacteria and viruses are out to get us. We are made of bacteria and viruses and when needed to detoxify any specific tissue, they are our helpers in doing so!
Dear friends, I thank you so much for this article and speaking out the TRUTH!!! Everything sadly is true except the little error about the numbers of protesters at the three big marches on Nov.20th, Dec 4th and 11th: following internal reports of police and my own observation as participant there were 300-500.000 people on the streets of Vienna! the official states media are consequently lying about numbers (and I mean ALL numbers – also the COVID cases, hospitalized and C.deaths). Yes, we are on the brink of a genozide and Austria is the forerider, Germany will follow and then the whole European Union. I ask myself who could have a vital interest in depopulation of Europe – maybe the country’s name begins also with a C. But we won’t give up! Unlike the Jews we have already understood and will fight for our lives!
Who are the parents who will allow this bio-weapon to be used on their children???
God Bless the Bollinger gang. Everyone I meet I spread the word,leaving it all up to the sheeple to decide.
Australia Queensland is doing exactly the same thing as Germany and Austria
Not sure about the other states.
Hitler Returns to Germany!
Heil Adolph!
Germany needs to be liberated again!
Well. I am Jewish, and I agree that the restrictions being placed on the un-vaccinated .. and the slander that they are responsible for the Lockdowns etc are utterly those of Hitler’s Germany.
The Jews were unclean, a danger to the pure Aryan Germans in every way.
Here in the wonderful democracy of New Zealand where the Prime-minister I voted for says she is “the source of all truth” the restrictions are very similar. New Zealanders from Germany are horrified at the situation here, as I, of course, am. ..
genda 21 and Agenda 2030 is the New World Order
Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 is a plan to Depopulate 95% of the World Population by 2030 and it’s happening right now.
Another name for Agenda 21 is “Sustainable Development.” Most people have never heard of this. Start researching Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.
This post goes into detail on Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, the New World Order.
COVID-19 is being used as a political cover for the greatest financial collapse in the history of the world.
The lockdown of the population is done to keep people inside and away from each other. If people are away from each other, they can’t work together, now can they?
Luckily, many people are waking up to the lies of governments around the world.
Governments around the world have been planning a New World Order, one government, where depopulation is to take place with people living under locked-down conditions.