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On Wednesday, February 15, 2017, I traveled to Washington D.C. (along with my son Bryce) to attend the press conference at the National Press Club where Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK), Del Bigtree, Robert De Niro, Nico LaHood, and Minister Tony Muhammad spoke.
L-R: RFK, Del Bigtree, Robert De Niro, Nico LaHood & Tony Muhammad
At the press conference, RFK (Chairman of the World Mercury Project) offered $100,000 to anyone who can find a reliable scientific study proving thimerosal (49.5% ethyl mercury) is safe to inject into children.
After the press conference, along with RFK, Del Bigtree, Brian Hooker, Nico LaHood, and several others, Bryce and I were able to attend meetings with several members of the U.S. House of Representatives, including Bobby Rush (D-IL), Bill Posey (R-FL), and Michael Burgess (R-TX).
Above: with U.S. Congressman Bobby Rush (D-IL)
Below: with U.S. Congressman Bill Posey (R-FL)
In addition, RFK, Nico LaHood, and Tony Muhammad met with Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Trey Gowdy (R-SC) at private meetings. We were particularly encouraged by the support of Congressman Rush, Congressman Posey, and Congressman Gowdy.
Meeting with Congressman Posey
As we were in the Capitol, after being told that we couldn’t attend the meeting with Nancy Pelosi, we ran into Sean Hannity from Fox News and got a quick picture.
Bryce & Ty with Sean Hannity of FOX News
It was an amazing trip and we were able to witness history in the making. I’m very encouraged about the support of key leaders in the vaccine truth and awareness movement.
This following article about the press conference is re-printed with permission from The American Conservative. It was originally published on Feb 15, 2017 at:
Why the Kennedy-De Niro Vaccine Challenge Matters
By: Pratik Chougle
Robert Kennedy Jr. and Robert De Niro convened a news conference on Wednesday at the National Press Club to announce a $100,000 cash reward for anyone who identifies a peer-reviewed scientific study demonstrating that the mercury in vaccines is safe. Though the challenge was perhaps something of a stunt, the significance of the appearance was underscored by Kennedy’s confirming that President Trump may ask him to lead a commission on autism. The consequences of such a commission could extend beyond the narrow vaccine/autism debate.
More significantly, the commission could expose the incentives driving vaccination policy, which, in the current political climate, could move mainstream opinion against vaccines and also bolster doubts about the integrity of the health-care system.
Since at least 2007, Trump has suggested that the recent “epidemic” of autism might be related to current immunization practices. He is not categorically against immunization—in fact, he is “totally in favor of vaccines,” as he says—but he suggests that the rate and quantity of injections given to infants, per the recommended immunization schedule, may contribute to incidents of autism. In Trump’s words, “massive combined inoculations” and “simultaneous vaccinations” may be producing a wave of “doctor-inflicted autism.”
Trump’s central point that diagnoses of autism have skyrocketed alongside an increase in childhood vaccination is not in dispute. The term “early infantile autism” was first introduced in 1943 based on clinical observations of eleven children. When Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger published a groundbreaking paper on autism a year later, it drew little attention, and, indeed, was only translated and annotated into English in 1991.
Possible links between immunization and autism did not draw much comment in subsequent years because mass vaccination itself was not yet a common practice.
It wasn’t until 1949 that the combined diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) vaccine was licensed in the United States for pediatric use, and it was only around this time that large-scale vaccine production for public health became feasible.
The more salient question is whether vaccines are contributing to the wave of autism diagnoses since the 1980s, when major policy changes related to immunization were enacted. By 1981, under the Childhood Immunization Initiative, all 50 states instituted laws linking school eligibility to immunization—an effective mandate far more stringent than what is instituted in Canada and most European countries. A surge of lawsuits followed and, in a series of high-profile settlements, manufacturers of the whooping cough and polio vaccines were held liable for injuries in children.
In response to warnings from pharmaceutical companies that they would cease producing vaccines amid such a precarious legal environment, President Reagan, in 1986, signed into law the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. The mandatory no-fault compensation system established under the new legal regime shields vaccine makers from civil product liability, as it forces victims to file initial claims under a federal vaccine compensation program in which awarded damages are paid by taxpayers.
The law was a boon to vaccine manufacturers. The vaccine business, as the Wall Street Journal reports, was “transformed from a risky, low-profit venture in the 1970s, to one of the pharmaceutical industry’s most attractive product lines.” From $500 million in 1990, vaccine-industry revenues have grown to $24 billion today, expanding the pharmaceutical industry’s ability to enter into public-private partnerships, lobby for lower licensing standards for vaccines, and advocate against vaccine exemption laws.
Both the rate of vaccination and the rate of autism have spiked over the past three decades. From 23 doses of seven vaccines in 1983, the recommended immunization schedule has tripled to 69 doses of 16 vaccines, and Americans are now “required by law to use more vaccines than any other nation in the world.” What fuels vaccine hesitancy is the fact that, for several decades through the 1970s, childhood autism remained at a steady rate of about four in ten thousand children. After three decades of steady increases since the 1980s, however, the childhood autism rate, according to the CDC, has climbed to 1 in 68 or 1.5 percent.
Although the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a rebuttal to Trump’s critique, Trump has said that he “couldn’t care less” about the “shills” of conventional medical wisdom, the pharmaceutical companies, and their “fudged reports.” In typical fashion, he declares that “the doctors lied” and that he is “being proven right about massive vaccinations.”
More influential to Trump than the medical establishment, it seems, is a dissident group of health practitioners, experts, and advocates. Trump has praised the efforts of Bob Wright, the founder and former chairman of Autism Speaks. And as a candidate, he met with a group of vaccine skeptics including:
- Mark Blaxill, editor-at-large of the web newspaper Age of Autism and author of three books on the subject as well as numerous articles in academic journals;
- Gary Kompothecras, a chiropractor who served on the Florida governor’s Autism Task Force;
- Jennifer Larson, CEO of the Holland Autism Center and Clinic and a board member on numerous autism and vaccine safety organizations; and
- Andrew Wakefield, an academic gastroenterologist whose controversial research on the MMR vaccine sparked a worldwide debate on possible links between immunization and autism.
All of these experts either have children with autism or were drawn to the field after personal encounters with parents who are certain that their children suffered from vaccine damage. This, as Kennedy remarked today, has made an impact on Trump.
Asked to explain his persistence on the issue, Trump has consistently cited the testimony of parents who attribute the onset of autism in their children to vaccines—parents, he suspects, who “know far better” than the experts who assert instead that autism is genetic or starts in utero. If Trump ultimately establishes a commission led by Kennedy, and the commission provides a platform for vaccine skeptics, millions of Americans would be exposed for the first time to counter-narratives in the vaccine/autism debate.
They would see that the very term “anti-vaxxer” is misleading. The voluminous writings of the “anti-vaxxers” in fact reveal little in the way of unified opposition to vaccines. Their views, to the contrary, are quite diverse in terms of which vaccines they endorse, the schedules they recommend, and their assessments of vaccine risk in relation to more natural alternatives. Kennedy himself is explicitly “pro vaccine,” had all six of his children vaccinated, and believes that “vaccines save millions of lives.’’
But he questions the safety of neurotoxins in vaccines, particularly the mercury-based preservative thimerosal, given its causative link to brain disorders.
The American people would also learn that the activists with whom Trump has associated are not all that different from vaccine skeptics generally. Numerous investigations suggest that “anti-vaxxers” hardly conform to the caricature of fringe, anti-science zealots. They are, for the most part, highly-educated, wealthy, and, in the assessment of pediatric infectious disease specialist Mark Sawyer, “mainstream upper class people who don’t reject modern medicine.” Steve Silberman observes in his award-winning NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, that they are “generally better acquainted with the state of autism research than the outsiders presuming to judge them.”
Why then are vaccine skeptics treated with such contempt in establishment institutions? There are, it is true, growing numbers of writers such as the science journalist Maggie Koerth-Baker, who, after advancing the conventional narrative on vaccines, decided to study media reporting on the issue. She ultimately criticized her colleagues in Aeon for their failure to acknowledge that vaccine rejection can be a “rational choice.” Yet standard accounts, insofar as they even mention the genuine debate among experts on vaccine safety, often ignore the science informing these objections.
Nor do they grapple with personalized approaches to vaccine decisions that, as Prof. Maya Goldenberg argues, are not ignorant per se but can produce cost-benefit analyses that depart, in individual cases, from public health orthodoxy.
In addressing this question, it’s important to consider what vaccine skeptics, including those in Trump’s orbit, do have in common. Rather than a doctrinaire view on vaccines, what unites vaccine skeptics is a suspicion that a corrupt regulatory system, driven by the “seamless marriage” between the health establishment and government agencies, is succumbing to the temptations of “bureaucratic preservation.” The consequence, they fear, is routine data manipulation and stifling of dissent. A legal paradigm—upheld by the Supreme Court’s 2011 decision in Breusewitz v. Wyeth—that does not permit class-action lawsuits or the checks and balances that prevail in almost every other industry, they argue, only exacerbates the risk.
Herein lies the problem. In a recent paper in the journal Science and Engineering Ethics, Prof. Brian Martin found evidence not of a conspiracy, but rather of a pattern of “suppression of vaccination dissent”—one that made Andrew Wakefield “subject to a degradation ceremony, a ritualistic denunciation casting him out of the company of honest researchers.”
Martin argues that challenges to free inquiry, while prevalent throughout mainstream science, are particularly serious in the case of immunization. Because “vaccination is a signifier for the benefits of modern medicine,” questions about vaccination are treated as “a potential threat to the public perception that credentialed experts unanimously endorse vaccination.”
While Trump can be faulted for his simplistic rhetoric on the issue, his objections appear to stem from legitimate questions. At a moment when doubts about vaccine are growing and when the federal government, the big pharmaceutical combine, and health-care industries are the three least trusted institutions in America, a presidential commission would seem sensible.

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I’m ashamed to admit that as a “man of science” since the 80’s, it never even occurred to me to look into vaccine safety and efficacy, even though a vaccine had given my brother brain swelling and almost killed him. Only when on a lark I listened to Alex Jones on the suggestion of a colleague did it seem like something to look into, even if only to debunk him. I was shocked at what I found when I read the documents the vaccine manufacturers and the FDA themselves posted. It got worse when reading through the independent outcome studies. I stopped our family’s vaccinations immediately, switched us to natural medicine and organic food, and we’ve been so much healthier and happier ever since. Even if the vaccines weren’t chock full of substances that should never go into humans, injected vaccines dangerously short circuit past much of the immune system’s safeguards. Inoculation must happen via the natural route – that is, absorbtion through the epithelial mucosa of the eating/drinking/breathing apparatus.
A balanced article. I am so relieved to see that Mr. Kennedy and his group are leading this Commission, and that the President is backing it. It may very well be the single most important action That President Trump will take in his Presidency…
I absolutely second that emotion! If things go on as they have in the past several generations we will have future generations so physically & mentally incapacitated it will have untold consequences to a degree that the average person has no understanding of!
I am so greatfull that President Trump is taking this seriously! & NOT willing to be bullied by Big Pharma, the CDC, or the FDA. I hope he will lead the way for Dr. Thompson to be deposed & expose the illegal cover-up! It’s insane w/ what is already known, that this has not happened already!
Thank you Rona
I was shocked when I read this article. My son has Aspergers, He had the usual infantial inoculations in the 1980’s
I am so sorry. My son is 25 years old. He had all the usual infant vaccinations in the early 90’s. I remember asking my pediatrician why he was not speaking/talking as he grew; she blamed it on the fact that he had older siblings that “talked for him.” He was eventually diagnosed with mental retardation, has severe learning disabilities and speech and motor coordination delays. I have since found out that in the early 90’s the infant vaccines contained mercury and all his symptoms (speech delay, chronic infant ear infections, baby acne, neurological mental retardation) are all symptoms of mercury poisoning. His life might have been so different had I known and not had him vaccinated!
Merci pour cet article nuancé et éclairant. Je vais le faire circuler.
My mother believed that the multi vaccines that my sister and I took as children caused us to have mental problems because I suffer from Asperger’s syndrome and my sister has bipolar depression. Do you guys agree with what my mother might had said? Give your opinion!
Yes, see my reply to Patricia above. My son’s mental retardation is likely due to infant vaccines containing mercury.
I have known so much of this for more than 11 years, but never to the extent that I learned from Vaxxed, and Vaccines Revealed. Thannk God for the Truth moving over the world and these fine brave men speaking out against the Evil and Corruption of the Maniacal, Greedy, “people” and sorry excuses for human beings.
I think what President Trump needs to do is undo National Childhood Vaccine Act which puts the burden on tax payers instead of Big Pharma! Big Pharma can put whatever they want in vaccine without consequences….
DeNiro and Trump agreeing on something… LOL I wonder if Robert knew that before he said he wanted to punch him. Just for that Trump gets a golden star. tweet tweet
The link posted by Rona Alexander is to the White House to investigate the CDC and repeal the 1986 law exempting Pharma from legal liability for vaccine injuries. Less than 2000 signatures of 100000 required for action; it will die on Feb 23 if not more sign it.
I believe that the issue and debate and quest for knowledge about the dangers of excessive and mass vaccination is one that is long overdue. Those of us who have witnessed the suffering or experienced the damage caused in a personal capacity must be encouraged by the information in the article. While careful vaccination programs may save lives, the choice should remain where it belongs….with the people who receive the vaccines or are charged with the responsibility of making the decision for their children. The notion of mandatory vaccination flies in the face of constitutional rights and democracy. As with the many cases of children being taken from their parents who have refused the ravages of typical cancer treatments where the children have suffered emotional, physical and health trauma as a result, we need to be aware collectively of the tremendous negative impact of forcing people to accept what may be considered as medical dictatorship. We need to uphold the right to choose and to be properly educated with the truthful facts so as to make a knowledgeable decision. I look forward to more positive outcomes as a result of this drive by Mr. Kennedy, Mr. De Niro and the many others involved.
This is so amazing and so wonderful. When I heard Trump’s comments previous to his election and then RFK being appointed to chair this commission, I was so happy. Finally we, as parents and grandparents, are getting some answers. Our 7 year old granddaughter who lives with us has been free of any vaccinations as she is on the ASD. I have done lots of research into the side effects of shots since the day she was born. I have talked to other mothers whose child had autism start right after a shot so we figured we would wait to do only the necessary ones. Her mother has Aspergers and sometimes I wonder if the shots in the 1980’s contributed. My belief is a child may have the heredity to get ASD but the shot or shots may trip it into effect – so how are we to know if this child has it or not? Anyway, we love the Trump and so appreciate his willingness to do this for American kids!
This is very encouraging! Gowdy is a justice fighter! Thank you Ty!
My son started having seizures as an infant, right after his immunizations.@ 9 weeks old) When we went to our pediatrician, after being concerned about a possible side effect, I was told that It might have been the pertussis portion of the DTP vaccine. He also said that he could not be 100% sure, but he would not give the other 2 courses of that vaccine. My son now has to be on anti seizure medication for the rest of his life. Now I carry concern for what THAT may be doing to his body.
My grandkids school require flu vaccine, otherwise they can’t go to school. How can their mother get past this? She doesn’t want them getting all these mandatory shots for them to attend school?
Most states have philosophical or religious exemptions, and when families are told they need the shots for school they are not told about the exemptions. Go to and look up exemptions. Unless they live in CA, vaccines are not required and parents can sign an exemption form. Exemptions may even be listed on the “vaccines form”. The forms are different in each state.
Keep in mind it is not just mercury, there are many other ingredients even in non mercury containing vaccinations. For example, the MMR has no mercury, but the measles component has long been considered an issue with kids on the spectrum. I had to have my special needs son chelated for aluminum. Besides the ones given to children, I fear forced inoculation and tracking of adults. It must stop. We should have a choice.
We do have a choice. You made the wrong one at the time for not being educated. Now you are. Live with it.
The whole notion of injecting foreign animal proteins into the body is wrong. It is impossible to tell what else may be piggy-backed into a single shot. It’s not just the neurological damage that is happening to our children, but also the rise of auto-immune diseases in epidemic proportions like asthma, type I diabetes, IBD, and cancer (for example, the SV-40 virus), etc. Some even suggest a connection between AIDS, infertility, and immunization programs administered by the WHO.
I don’t believe in this level of coincidence of autism and increased vaccinations! Our children and grandchildren deserve better. There is definitely a conspiracy between big pharmacy, FDA, and our supposed ‘health experts’ . It’s not rocket science. First do no harm.
You should have left my comment in. Wussies.
I meant my other comment, that was removed.
Home schooling has nothing to do with I.Q. Your child is either smart or they’re not. Your CHOICE to homeschool doesn’t affect your children’s I.Q.
Please sign and get your friends to sign the petition posted by Rona Alexander above
if they do not live in California, they legally do not have to get any shots for attending school,,they just put fear in you to do it
Perhaps this is finally what is needed to get the truth out to an ignorant general public. When you read the studies and independent research, the connection between extreme over vaccination and autism and other neurological disorders is fairly obvious. Personally, at 73, I just stay away from the flu vaccine because of the toxic adjuvants, and prefer to contract the flu so my body can create its own defenses….and when and if I do get sick – it’s a minor event anyway! It pays to keep healthy!!!
You are wise for doing so! If you eat healthy & take the proper supplements like a good multi-vitamin, Vit-D, Vit-C & zinc & selenium, your ahead of the game. Also, I’ve been using for years, Sovereign Silver Hydrosol, & Nature’s Way: Sambuccus Immune Formula (formulated by an Israeli Virologist). Keeps the system in tip-top shape!!!!!
Because of the enormous implications of NOT moving forward with a FULL COMMISSION, President Trump MUST TAKE IT ON! Tremendous pressure on government agencies associated with the vaccine “industry” has muzzled them, so that only a few whisleblowers and a few CDC scientists have dared to make comment. Not only in the USA, but in many other countries, persons who threaten the “status quo” of vaccination schedules are targeted. I mention one such person, whose 2015 piece on internet reads,”M.D. SLADJANA VELKOV ATTACKED BY PHARMA MAFIA ! – VIDEO”, subtitled, “Sladjana Velkov’s M.D. appeal regarding the recent organized series of lies and unfounded media attacks”. Dr. Velkov wrote that she and her family had been threatened by a “lynch mob”. Her pleas to authorities for help had gone unanswered. The USA CAN AFFECT CHANGE, and it MUST DO SO. Let us pray that God might continue to bless this effort.