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As COVID cases continue to decline and lockdown measures fade into memory, the pharmaceutical industry is continuing its mission to inject every man, woman, and child on earth with their experimental (but lucrative) products. In just a few weeks, that could include infants as young as 6 months old.
An FDA committee will meet on June 15 to review new data from Pfizer and Moderna on their COVID shots for infants and toddlers. It’s expected that an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) will be awarded for both shots, meaning a mass vaccination campaign for infants could begin as early as June of this year.
Pfizer says that the dose for infants and toddlers is only 1/10th of the dose for adults, although they’ve already announced that the youngest among us will need 3 rounds of the “medicine” in order to receive “the best protection.”
“We know parents are anxious for us to determine if these vaccines are safe & effective,” the FDA said in a post Monday on Twitter. “We are working as quickly as possible to carefully review all the data.”
The FDA’s committee of independent experts will review the safety and efficacy data of the vaccines in an open public meeting and make a recommendation on whether the agency should authorize the shots. The FDA is not obligated to follow the committee’s recommendation, though it usually does.
But even these “independent” committees are hard to trust.
When a new therapy is up for FDA approval, advisory committees are formed to review the new drug and vote on whether or not it should be approved. The FDA always follows these recommendations.
But a look into the finances of these committee members paints a more sinister picture. Physicians who sit on these advisory boards nearly always end up taking money from the companies relying on their votes. These bribes are not well-masked, showing up as consulting fees, travel compensation, or research grants.
According to,
“An analysis of pharma payments to 107 physicians who advised FDA on 28 drugs approved from 2008 to 2014 found that a majority later got money for travel or consulting or received research subsidies from the makers of the drugs on which they voted or from competing firms.”
The FDA announced the June date hours after Pfizer and BioNTech said their three-dose vaccine for children ages 6 months to 5 years old was 80% effective at preventing illness from the omicron Covid variant based on preliminary data from a clinical trial.
The FDA and Pfizer had originally sought to fast-track authorization of the first two doses in February during the winter omicron wave. However, Pfizer decided to delay its application to wait on data from the third shot after the first two doses only had 30% to 40% effectiveness against omicron.
Kids from ages 5 to 11 have been eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine since last November. For hints about when younger kids might be able to receive the vaccines, here’s a look at how that earlier process played out:
October 7: Pfizer formally asked the FDA for Emergency Use Authorization of its vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, after saying it was found to be safe and effective
October 22: The FDA released the companies’ briefing documents, as well as its own analysis
October 26: FDA advisory panel recommended Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11
November 2: The CDC recommended Pfizer’s vaccine for the age group; it became widely available within one week afterward
Based on the timeline for the last EUA, we can expect the U.S. to begin injecting babies before Independence Day. Nevermind that children in this age group have virtually no risk of severe illness or death. Conveniently, the CDC only tracks COVID data for ages 0-17, but Worldometers has determined that the chance of death in children aged 0-9 is virtually zero.
On top of that, a study published in The BMJ found that health officials in the United States have exaggerated the number of deaths among children. According to the study:
“The US’s health protection agency has reduced the number of deaths it is attributing to covid-19 by more than 70,000 after what it referred to as ‘coding logic errors’ were highlighted on social media.
On 15 March the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) removed 72,277 deaths, including those of 416 children, from its Covid-19 Data Tracker, which has been posting real time data collected from more than two dozen state health departments since April 2020.”
You can also forget about the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which has already identified 28,312 deaths associated with the COVID shots (accompanied by an astounding 1,277,978 injuries).
This isn’t about safety or protection; it never was. This is about control and money. Soon, we can expect daycare centers and preschools to require the COVID jab for admission. And companies like Pfizer will continue to generate billions of dollars by selling these dangerous, unnecessary, ineffective injections to the U.S. government.
Our children will continue to be injured and killed, and it’ll all be paid for with your own tax dollars. The FDA needs a massive overhaul. That starts with elected officials and business owners who will stand up and say no to this lunacy.

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I will get this when I have some money. These Bastards need to go to Jail..FOREVER. And give them a shot everday for lilfe..
I love your videos…You are not Lieing..
Infant COVID shots are beyond child abuse! Closer to simple murder.
We already purchased your products, What else can we do to help? Up against a huge enemy but feel something can be done.
I’m glad my kids are all adults ….I wouldn’t trust these “jabs” on my cat!……I know too many people that had issues from it- coincidentally a few months after my husband’s 2nd jab- he had to have a quadruple by-pass!!!!! His stress test was just in time to catch the clogged arteries!. He always had perfect stress tests results & no symptoms that a needed quadruple by-pass would give- until he got the 2nd jab!!!!! That jab has mirco-clots in it!!!!! I also know personally 2 people that passed! ( after the jab). AND YOU WANT TO JAB BABIES?
Hi I crew, wondering when tickets for Tac 2023 are on sale? Do not forget me thx
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!! You guys are fabulous!
So . . . what are we supposed to do? We have two adult children, one of whom got the “jab” about a year ago “to avoid having to wear a mask at work”. He seems to be ok. The other son has not gotten any, but has been encouraged to get a tetanus shot. Is that ok??? My primary concern is for our toddler granddaughter. She has gotten pretty much all the “standard” shots, but not the COVID jab so far. My husband and I are pretty committed Not to get the COVID shot. She’s in daycare three days a week; our daughter-in-law works from home, and I help out one afternoon a week. (Fun! but exhausting.) My husband and I chose to retire here– in CALIFORNIA. Our kids moved here after we did, starting in 2018. We knew the politics were crazy, but really wanted the great Mediterranean climate here. We were tired of the cold and snow in our Denver suburb. The first two years were fine– before COVID! Anyway, do you have any advice to keep our granddaughter unjabbed? THANK YOU for any suggestions!
Plain and simple, this is CHILD ABUSE, and they just do not give a sh*t. It means big money for Big Pharma and that is their bottom line. We cannot allow the scumbags another way to ruin the lives of our children.
These needle happy oppressive compulsive jabbers should be prosecuted and sentenced to life imprisonment for attempted murder!
Lord, I pray that You will take down the FDA, CDC and the pharmaceutical industry. Their responsibility is to protect the American people. However, their greed and evil intentions do NOT!!! We know that the pharmaceutical industry is of witchcraft. Destroy the enemy of Your people! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!