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This article was originally published by Mike Adams on It has been reposted here with permission from the author.
When the covid plandemic first began in early 2020, I remember thinking (at first) there’s no way this could be fake because hospital administrators and doctors wouldn’t fake covid death numbers or falsely try to scare people through deception.
Boy was I wrong.
Since the early days of the plandemic, we’ve learned that hospitals routinely “fake” covid numbers and very often claim to be overrun with covid patients, even when their beds are nearly empty. Many hospital administrators, doctors and nurses are in on the scam and seem to be ready and willing to deceive the public by fabricating covid numbers and literally killing patients to pump up the covid “death” numbers.
Now, we have proof of all this caught on a zoom video.
In a shocking video clip (included in the Situation Update podcast below), with an accompanying transcript courtesy of, we see hospital marketing and administration personnel admitting they plan to deceptively count all patients in the hospital as “covid” patients. They openly discuss finding a way to make covid more “scary to the public” as a tactic to terrorize the public into taking more vaccines (which will, of course, increase the business for the hospital due to vaccine-induced blood clots).
SHOCK VIDEO: Senior doctors and a marketing director at in North Carolina discussed inflating COVID-19 numbers by counting recovered patients as active COVID patients.
“We need to be… more scary to the public… If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die.”
— National File (@NationalFile) September 10, 2021
This stunning video is an open exhibit revealing that hospitals have become psychological terrorism organizations that deliberately use psy-op tactics to terrorize the public. Is this the proper role of hospitals and doctors in society? When did hospital administrators decide that the ends justify the means, even if it requires terrorizing the public to gin up more business so they can bill Medicare for even more profits?
More importantly, why would any sane person ever trust any hospital ever again after watching this video? If hospitals are scheming against the public, wouldn’t they also likely be willing to harm or even kill their own patients in order to increase their profits?
Have no illusions: This is exactly what’s happening in America and around the world right now, where hospitals have become murder factories and doctors are now serial killers. It’s no longer even a secret. They openly discuss this in their “marketing” meetings.
Hospital administrators and marketers have become death cultists, pushing their covid death cult agenda with utter disregard for medical ethics or honesty of any kind. Now, they openly admit they don’t care if it takes an endless stream of lies to terrorize the public. Because that’s what the plandemic is based on, after all, and these health care lunatics are apparently 100% on board with the genocidal deception. (It should make you wonder how your own doctor is being paid off to achieve a certain milestone of vaccination rates among patients…)
95% of scientists who authored The Lancet article dismissing lab leak theory have ties to the CCP-run Wuhan Institute of Virology
At the same time, an investigation conducted by The Telegraph looked into the backgrounds of all 27 of the virologists / scientists who co-authored the February, 2020 letter published in The Lancet which claimed that SARS-CoV-2 couldn’t have been created in a lab, and that any such talk was merely a “conspiracy theory.” Astonishingly, The Telegraph found that 26 out of 27 co-authors had ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In other words, The Lancet was just a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), covering up the crime of the century by lying to the world through the voices of compromised, corrupt scientists who all worked for the interests of China.
Put another way, it seems as if the entire institution of “science” is now controlled and operated by communist China, and all the major science journals, World Health Organization, CDC, FDA, Biden regime, etc., all work for China.

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Did this happen in a particular hospital? Can you divulge it’s name?
John, if you click on the InfoWars link, it gives you the hospital name.
It’s 2021sep18 14:39 CST as I’m typing this, and the InforWars link is giving me a 404 error.
Novant Health
I’d like to know the name of this hospital too. While I believe this to be true there is always possibility that this is staged.
@John y: This article regards the US, but believe me, it’s all over the globe. I live in Italy where there had been great alarm about truck loads of covid corpses being carted off to the cemeteries. It all turned out to be a scam to prepare the public for later mandatory vaccinations. There is a conspiracy between big pharma, local governments worldwide and medical institutions, fomented by the news media. I also know for a fact that medical institutions turn ALL deaths into covid caused demises as it had happened to my family. I leave all further thoughts on this to you.
of course this is criminal at it’s most nasty level… the entire country has been compromised in many ways.. not just the medical way but in the economic way, the personal way of how we have changed the way we interact with our fellow citizens and how we now know that we have been scammed in half a dozen different ways by the Medical field , but this make believe President and the Chinese who started this thing in the very beginning .. the dishonesty of these people is beyond comprehension and I would hope that they will understand that they have been revealed and it’s time to clean up their collectives messes…..
President Biden didn’t “start this thing” and every President that comes into office (Rep or Dem) just carries out the AGENDA that is set before they get into office. None of them can be trusted & once ppl understand that then we can move forward. All of them are in on what is going on including Trump & Biden.
Holy sh*t this is not surprising at all but most definitely disgusting. I’m so glad these terrorists are being exposed.
Its all about the Benjamins. DOLLARS, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. The higher the numbers the more money they receive.
This information is shocking to most who are by nature, caring people who DON’T spend their time thinking and planning the many ways they can harm and kill others for their own selfish and evil purposes.
I am not shocked as they (the hospital) killed my own dear mother. Worse, they lied about the details and covered it up-while making $100,000’s more with BS procedures like plugging her body into a ventilator for several days etc. It’s become a massive $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$ scamdemic industry. It’s time to wake up and take back your God given authority to “live free” for real.
I think the names of those individuals should also be found & published.