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Vaccine manufacturers are continually adding new ingredients to their vaccines in a bid to make them more effective. E coli was recently added to the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Meningitis B vaccine, Bexsero. An ingredient that, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), can cause a range of serious illnesses.1
The CDC stated that:
Escherichia coli (abbreviated as E. coli) are bacteria found in the environment, foods, and intestines of people and animals. E. coli are a large and diverse group of bacteria. Although most strains of E. coli are harmless, others can make you sick. Some kinds of E. coli can cause diarrhea, while others cause urinary tract infections, respiratory illness and pneumonia, and other illnesses.”2
Due to the fact that E. coli can cause serious illness and the fact that many of the illnesses listed by the CDC can, in fact, be found listed as side effects, I decided to investigate exactly which ingredients are being added to our vaccinations and why.
It is worth noting that, while the CDC has listed E. coli as an ingredient of the vaccine, Bexsero, in their literature on vaccine ingredients, the manufacturer, GSK, failed to include it as an ingredient in their information leaflet.3
The reason why GSK decided to leave this particular ingredient out of their information leaflet remains a mystery.
The CDC State that Vaccine Ingredients Are Completely Safe
The CDC are continually informing us that vaccinations are “safe and effective.” And they make no exception when it comes to informing us just how “safe and effective” ingredients that are being used in our vaccinations truly are. They stated that:
Vaccines contain ingredients, called antigens, which cause the body to develop immunity. Vaccines also contain very small amounts of other ingredients. All ingredients either help make the vaccine, or ensure the vaccine is safe and effective …” 4
A similar statement has also been issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on their website. They stated that:
Each ingredient in a vaccine serves a specific purpose. For example, vaccine ingredients may:
Help provide immunity (protection) against a specific disease
Help keep the vaccine safe and long lasting
Be used during the production of the vaccine” 5
Their statement also clearly indicates their claim that all of the ingredients used vaccinations are completely safe. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) went one step further. They stated that:
The vast majority of the over one billion doses of vaccines manufactured worldwide each year are given to healthy babies, children and adults. Thus, it is critical that vaccines be demonstrated to be safe and effective.
FDA requires that vaccines undergo a rigorous and extensive development program in the laboratory, as well as in animal studies and human clinical trials, to determine their safety and effectiveness. Highly trained FDA scientists and clinicians carefully evaluate all of the information in a marketing application and make a determination whether to license (approve) a vaccine before it can be used in the United States.
Prior to licensure, as part of FDA’s evaluation, FDA takes all of the ingredients of a vaccine into account, including the active ingredients as well as other substances. After FDA approves a vaccine, FDA continuously monitors its safety.” 6
These claims, outlined by three of the world’s leading organizations, would lead us to believe that the ingredients used in vaccinations are safe and effective.
However, just how safe are they?
Are Vaccine Ingredients Really as Safe as We Have Been Led to Believe?
Many parents and professionals are completely unaware of exactly which ingredients are in our vaccines.
In 2012, the late Dr. Harold Buttram wrote an article titled The Ultimate Gamble: Do Childhood Vaccines Result in Genetic Hybridization from Alien Human and Animal DNA Contents?7
As the title suggests, his article contains powerful evidence suggesting that vaccine manufacturers may be intentionally tampering with human DNA, in an effort to develop hybrids. (Hybridization is the mating between unrelated individuals. In plant systems, the term is most commonly used to mean mating between different species.)8
In an effort to explain his theory in more detail, Buttram explained that:
According to an article in World Medicine, 1971, scientists at the University of Geneva made the startling discovery that biological substances entering directly into the blood stream may truly become a part of us and even a part of our genetic material. The article stated in part:
“When Japanese bacteriologists discovered that bacteria of one species transferred their own highly specific antibiotic resistance to bacteria of an entirely different species, they seemed to hit on a unique if not startling phenomenon. Dr. Maurice Stroun and Dr. Philippe Anker, with colleagues in the Department of Plant Physiology at the University of Geneva, have now accumulated a wealth of evidence that the transfer of genetic information is not confined to bacteria but also can occur between bacteria and higher plants and animals.”
Buttram continued:
The Geneva scientists are convinced that normal animal and plant cells also shed DNA and that this DNA is also taken up by other cells in the organism. If they are right, the consequences to virtually every aspect of a cell’s metabolism would be considerable. The growth and development, diseases, and even the evolution of an organism would be affected.”
He stated that:
As purely genetic material, it would be expected that viruses are more prone to the process of “jumping genes” than other microorganisms. The following publication tends to support this hypothesis: In a study of 24 passages of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus through cell cultures, there were both insertions and deletions in the virus, appearing to suggest that the virus both donated genetic material to and received genetic material from the cells in which it was cultured, therefore suggesting that similar viral exchanges take place in the human system.”
Buttram supported his theory, that the vaccine manufacturers could be deliberately contaminating childhood vaccinations with foreign DNA, in a bid to interfere with our human DNA, by compiling a list of vaccine ingredients.
Underneath his list of vaccine ingredients, he wrote the following information:
Aluminum, a neurotoxin, is associated with Alzheimer’s disease and seizures.
Formaldehyde is a known cancer-causing agent commonly used to embalm corpses.
Glycerin, a tri-atomic alcohol extracted from natural fats which are putrified [sic] and decomposed, has known toxic effects including kidney, liver, and lung damage, dieresis, pronounced local tissue damage, gastrointestinal damage, death.
Phenol (carbolic acid is a deadly poison, a common disinfectant and dye.)
Phenyethanol [sic] is known to depress the central nervous system and may cause vomiting and diarrhea. (FDA)
Thimerosal (a mercury derivative) is a toxic heavy metal that is not easily eliminated from the body. Metal toxicity can result in brain injury and autoimmune disease.
Oil adjuvants are known to cause hypersensitivity reactions, cysts, and adjuvant arthritis.”
He concluded that:
Of all the benefits provided by God and nature for the human species, human genetics must be considered the greatest and most indispensable. Are we a nation of people incapable of recognizing imminent danger signs in the health, welfare, and genetics of our children, and in recognizing these dangers to take corrective actions in their behalf? I think we are capable of taking such actions, but time may be running out. At some unknown future time this process will reach a point-of-no-return in terms of vaccine-induced genetic hybridization that will become incompatible with human reproduction. Mass extinctions are already taking place in plant and animal species, largely due to human encroachments and interventions. Are we soon to follow suit?”
To many people, Buttram’s theory may appear to be extremely unlikely; however, there is mounting evidence to suggest that he may have been spot-on.
Why is Animal and Human DNA Being Added to Our Vaccinations?
According to Buttram and the CDC’s list of vaccine ingredients, many childhood vaccines include the following substances:
- Animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain,
- African Green Monkey kidney (Vero) cell (CDC list of ingredients)
- Dog kidney, monkey kidney,
- Chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg
- Calf (bovine) serum
- Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (CDC list of ingredients)
- Fetal bovine serum
- Human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)
- Porcine (pig) pancreas
- VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells
- Washed sheep red blood cells
The question is, why?
The CDC does not appear to address the inclusion of animal and human DNA in childhood vaccinations anywhere in their information on vaccination ingredients. They stated that:
Chemicals commonly used in the production of vaccines include a suspending fluid (sterile water, saline, or fluids containing protein); preservatives and stabilizers (for example, albumin, phenols, and glycine); and adjuvants or enhancers that help improve the vaccine’s effectiveness. Vaccines also may contain very small amounts of the culture material used to grow the virus or bacteria used in the vaccine, such as chicken egg protein.”9
As you can see, other than outlining the use of chicken egg protein, the CDC appeared to offer no real explanation as to why the DNA from animals and humans should be used in the manufacturing of childhood vaccinations.
However, the website The History of Vaccines did. They stated that:
Animals have been used in the industrialized production of human vaccines since vaccine farms were established to harvest cowpox virus from calves in the late 1800s. From that point, and through the first half of the 20th century, most vaccines would continue to be developed with the use of animals, either by growing pathogens in live animals or by using animal cells.”10
They explained that the use of animal products to develop vaccinations does have its limitations. They stated that:
Although many vaccines and anti-toxin products were successfully developed this way, using animals in vaccine development – particularly live animals – is not ideal. Research animals are costly and require extensive monitoring, both to maintain their health and to ensure the continued viability of the research. They may be carrying other bacteria or viruses that could contaminate the eventual vaccine, as with polio vaccines from the mid-20th century that were made with monkey cells and eventually found to contain a monkey virus called SV40, or Simian Virus 40. (Fortunately, the virus was not found to be harmful to humans.) Moreover, some pathogens, such as the chickenpox virus, simply do not grow well in animal cells.”
They continued that:
Even when vaccine development is done using animal products and not live animals – such as growing influenza vaccine viruses in chicken eggs – development can be hindered or even halted if the availability of the animal products drops. If an illness were to strike the egg-producing chickens, for example, they might produce too few eggs to be used in the development of seasonal flu vaccine, leading to a serious vaccine shortage.”
Sadly, there was no mention of ethics regarding the use of animal DNA in the development of vaccinations. However, the website did cover the ethical issues of the use of human DNA in vaccinations. They stated that:
Groups that object to abortion have raised ethical questions about Plotkin’s rubella vaccine (and other vaccines developed with similar human cell strains) over the years.”
They continued:
Because of its position on abortion, some members of the Catholic Church asked for its moral guidance on the use of vaccines developed using cell strains started with human fetal cells. This includes the vaccine against rubella as well as those against chickenpox and hepatitis A, and some other vaccines. The official position according to the National Catholic Bioethics Center is that individuals should, when possible, use vaccines not developed with the use of these human cell strains.”
While it appears that the vaccine manufacturers do not have any ethical or moral concerns using foreign DNA in their vaccines, other organizations do.
One Church Made Their Feelings on the Subject Abundantly Clear
In a letter addressed to President Nelson, President Oaks, and President Eyring in 2019, author Brett Wilcox, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wrote:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is well known for its emphasis on protecting the sanctity of the family. The Church is also known for its support of vaccination programs, as evidenced by public statements encouraging vaccination, vaccine requirements for prospective missionaries, and its participation in and funding of international vaccination initiatives.
By linking arms with the vaccine industry, the Church has literally linked arms with the arm of flesh. Nearly all modern vaccines are contaminated with DNA fragments from various animals and from aborted male and female foetuses.” 11
Wilcox continued:
It seems highly unlikely that a loving God would intend to have fetuses harvested, processed, and injected back into the bodies of pregnant women, infants, toddlers, and children. And surely, God did not intend to have His children place their faith in a one-size-fits-all medical intervention based on a (secret) combination of human sacrifice and cannibalism.”
These are strong words from Wilcox, however, he did not stop there. He wrote:
Contrary to commonly accepted dogma, vaccines are dangerous. Vaccine researchers—fully aware of this fact—design “safety” studies to hide vaccine injury and death. Rather than compare new vaccines to an inert placebo, researchers compare them to another vaccine, vaccines, or toxic vaccine ingredients, such as aluminum, which scientists routinely use to induce autoimmunity in laboratory rats. The result of these experiments is known beforehand: at least 2% of vaccine recipients in both the test group and the “placebo” group will experience serious adverse events. Researchers write off the injuries as “New Medical Events” unrelated to the test vaccine or to the toxic “placebo.” I repeat for emphasis: Researchers intentionally injure, and sometimes kill, healthy children who would not have been injured or killed, had they been given a legitimate placebo. The FDA licenses new vaccines fully aware that industry “safety” tests are nothing more than scientific treachery.”
Amazingly, Wilcox’s next paragraph contained similar connotations to those used by Dr. Buttram, because he stated that:
The ritual of vaccination is an assault on decency, individual health, families, and on the human race. The DNA in vaccines of both fetal and animal origin has the capacity to insert itself into the DNA of vaccine recipients. Vaccines currently in development will intentionally and permanently alter human DNA and the human genome. Consequently, we may be among the last of our species who are fully male, female, or even human.”
If he is correct, then surely this is something that should be questioned further by our governments.
UK Nurse Refuses to Vaccinate her Patients with Gardasil
One sexual health nurse, working in the UK, who wishes to stay anonymous, has told me that she is extremely concerned about the number of ingredients that are being included in our vaccinations and their potential side effects.
In a shock interview, she told me that she has become so concerned about the vaccination Gardasil that she is now refusing to vaccinate her patients with the vaccine.
She told me that, over the years, she has become concerned about the number of adverse reactions that were being reported. She stated that:
In our clinic, we are being encouraged to offer patients, the hepatitis A vaccine, the hepatitis B vaccine and the HPV vaccine, all at the same time. After reading the list of ingredients that each of these vaccines contained, in the information leaflets, I became concerned about the potential effects that these ingredients could have on my patients.”
She told me that when she mentioned her concerns to her managers, they told her that the vaccine had been authorized by the local health authority, and therefore it must be safe.
She said that she was told to continue to give the vaccination to her patients, until she was told otherwise.
However, due to her concerns, she told me that she no longer gives the vaccination and is currently looking for alternative employment.
A Toxic Substance Used in Roundup Can also be Found in Vaccines
Glyphosate is another toxic substance that has been found in vaccinations. According to the National Pesticide Information Centre:
Glyphosate is an herbicide. It is applied to the leaves of plants to kill both broadleaf plants and grasses. The sodium salt form of glyphosate is used to regulate plant growth and ripen specific crops.
Glyphosate was first registered for use in the U.S. in 1974. Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States. People apply it in agriculture and forestry, on lawns and gardens, and for weeds in industrial areas. Some products containing glyphosate control aquatic plants.”12
Given the fact that glyphosate is highly toxic and is commonly used in weed killers such as Roundup, it is difficult to understand why it has been found in childhood vaccines.
To find out more, I asked, senior research scientist and expert on glyphosate, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, to explain to me why glyphosate has been found in vaccines.
She explained that although glyphosate can often be found in vaccinations, it is an accidental contaminant. In other words, it has not been added to the vaccines intentionally by the pharmaceutical companies. Confused, I asked her to explain how vaccinations can become contaminated with such a dangerous substance. She told me that:
It is pretty consistently the live virus vaccines that are showing up with glyphosate contamination, in the range of 1 to 4 ppb. This is hypothesized to be due to the fact that the live virus is typically cultured on cells from chick embryos, and nutrients that are supplied include gelatin and fetal bovine serum, both of which are likely to be contaminated. Gelatin is derived from the bones and ligaments of pigs and cows fed heavy doses of glyphosate in their feed. Monsanto studies have shown that glyphosate accumulates in the bones.”
Given this information, I asked Dr. Seneff, what vaccinations included glyphosate as a CONTAMINANT? She told me that the:
Contaminated vaccines include MMR, varicella, flu vaccine and shingles vaccine, with the highest levels found in MMR.”
Shocked by her response, I asked her what the known dangers of glyphosate were. She responded that:
Glyphosate is linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in exposed agricultural workers. It is known to cause liver damage and kidney damage in rats exposed to small chronic doses. It has been shown to disturb neurodevelopment in amphibians. It has been proposed as a major causal factor in chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu) affecting sugarcane workers in Central America. It has been shown to act as an antibiotic and preferentially kills beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus in the gut microbiome. Its usage on core crops has increased dramatically in step with the dramatic rise in autism in the U.S., as well as many other diseases.”
I asked if there were any other products that were contaminated with glyphosate and she stated that:
It is a contaminant in many different products including major foods such as oats, wheat, barley, chickpeas, garbanzo beans, soy, corn, etc. It has been found in tampons and disposable baby diapers. (Cotton is a GMO Roundup-Ready crop.)”
I found Seneff’s information to be extremely worrying, especially in the wake of so many vaccine mandates. If we continue to accept vaccination mandates in the future, then this acceptance potentially gives the green light for the pharmaceutical industry to add any ingredients they want, to our vaccinations.
Once vaccinations are made mandatory by law, we will have absolutely no say in what is and isn’t added to our vaccinations in the future. This could have devastating consequences on our children’s health.

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Vaccines contain e coli—on purpose! The same nasty bacteria that’s responsible for major food recalls is in vaccines!
So, more accurately, you’re enjoying ‘turd immunity’, not herd immunity—which can only be acquired naturally, not through vaccination.
Escherichia Coli-derived Virus-like Particles Are Used in Vaccine Development (Google it.)
Perfect Walter, I’ll use that one for sure… Turd immunity. Perfect.
You have a way with words. I love turd immunity. When I use the phrase, I’ll try to give you credit if I remember.
Thank you for all your efforts in researching and publishing this information. I was born before vaccinations were available therefore I have had whooping cough aged 4 Measles (6) Mumps (7) Rubella. Cow pox from living next to a small pox vaccine station! I am now 75 and am very healthy not even colds. I have refused to have influenza vaccination as I know and trust my immune system which is very strong. I have been a strict vegetarian since 1973 (45 years). I am horrified to see from your Table that there are so many animal and fowl products added to the vaccines. I am sure that there must be Homeopathic remedies which can be prescribed instead of the Big Pharm vaccines. I can understand the needs of “herd immunity” as I personally knew a person who had suffered measles and thence measles encephalitis and thence permanent severe brain damage. Smallpox has been eradicated through vaccination as has polio (mostly) The Boers, when they were trekking from the Cape to the north, kept vests which had been worn by infected children so that every season they introduced the disease and then natural remedies must have been given along with careful healthy nursing care.
You didn’t watch the Truth About Vaccines documentary series did you. The smallpox vaccine actually caused the smallpox epidemic. Same thing with polio.
Exactly, you are right!
Wonderful article. It is incredible how people listen to the media instead of educating themselves before making a decision about vaccinating their children? Why do we leave our health in the hands of governments and corporations who earn fortunes by ruling the masses by fear?
Is it to difficult to spend some time reading articles like this and THEN we could make our OWN decisions about vaccine?
Thank you Ty for taking the time and effort to reach and educate people.
Well said, I agree !
Thank you Ty and family for your commitment to bringing awareness to the people of the dangers of vaccines.
Keep the work we cannot allow government to decide for parentd
Very scary! What we don’t know…..
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you in the name of the many children, women and men, young and old used as a laboratory rats by Big-Pharma. I’m wondering when the physicians and legislators will wake up to the reality that we are our worst enemies.
Francisco Valenzuela PhD.
After receiving the Meningitis B vaccination, my son was hospitalized for a massive urinary track infection. The emergency room doctors didn’t know what was happening with him. He went through MRI, urinalysis, and ultrasounds to come to the conclusion of urinary track infection. He was given IV antibiotics, kept over night in the hospital, and sent home with more oral antibiotics. When I found out that the vaccine was conjugated with an “inert” lab created ecoli bacteria, it all started to make sense. I spoke with the doctors and nurses in the ER about the vaccine being given only 3 days before, when he was perfectly healthy. They denied any connection. I want my children to be vaccinated. I feel it’s important for the greater good. However, why can’t we find more natural alternatives to chemicals and substances that are clearly contradictory to health? It is a conundrum that we need to address. No one wants their loved one to die from a preventable disease. The measles outbreak is a travesty. Where are the scientists developing safer alternatives?
Vaccination is not important for anything! The greater good is the bigger bank accounts of the vaccine manufacturers.
Vegetarian diet, no sugar, lots of fruits and your children will be heathy always.
Once you do your research you will never say that you want your children vaccinated ever again!
Hello, The safer alternatives you will find in Homeopathy
There is NO measles outbreak! Measles deaths are at all time low! It’s all made up by the media! Read up on it!
I had never seen the poster, Common Ingredients Found in Vaccines before. It is so good and is something that should be plastered any where possible for the public to see it. Perhaps, then people will understand what the debate is all about and stand up and demand safety.
Our Creator did not make vaccines. Manufacturers who are into money made them. Big Pharma has made billions selling them without any responsibility for the damage they have done. In 1986 there was a Childhood Vaccine Injury Law, which took all the liability off of the manufacturers…and the American Taxpayer had to pay for the children injured by vaccines. The vaccine manufacturers had been losing money, because of all the lawsuits they faced…and threatened to stop making vaccines.
My 4 siblings and I never had a vaccine. We had all the childhood illnesses without a problem. I never heard of any child that had permanent damage or died in our community. The Modus Operandi of the AMA and Big Pharma is to scare people…into doing vaccines. Natural immunity is created through eating right and having a healthy life style. Injecting toxic matter directly into the bloodstream produces illness; not health.
Yes, you are correct – it is how I think!
It’s unbelievable how the government and big pharma are allowed to do whatever they want to human beings with no conscience or concern all in the name of “money”. Human beings have to be very vigilant about their own health and research and learn about the dangers to themselves imposed by these organizations. They have to read about possible harm that is being inflicted upon them by the so called health organizations. Regards Barbara
there allowed to do only what we let them to do. the media and C.D.C. & F.D.A all work in concert to bring the public to a high level of fear and break down common sense and faith, and replace it with fear. when that happens you’ll do anything. by the way Phama means witchcraft in the Greek.
You said, “It is worth noting that, while the CDC has listed E. coli as an ingredient of the vaccine, Bexsero, in their literature on vaccine ingredients, the manufacturer, GSK, failed to include it as an ingredient in their information leaflet.”
I think it would be helpful to post the entire product insert for Bexsero.
If you read the description section, it does mention E. coli. It says that E. coli were used to make the antigens present in the vaccine. They were purified from E. coli, but that doesn’t mean E. coli are present in the vaccine. When you purify proteins from E. coli, the E. coli themselves are killed. I suspect the CDC made a mistake in their ingredient list, which is not good. I suspect someone at the CDC compiling the list just saw the words “e. coli” and added to the list without reading carefully.
I hope that helps.
I might have to agree to disagree. Nothing “cleaned” is ever truly 100% cleaned. Meaning those “inert” ingredients are likely not 100% inert. Its akin to saying that the alcohol hand sanitizing gels people use actually kill 100% of the germs. Not even close! What it does do, however, is cause the remaining germs to change – become stronger and open space for colonizing, as well as spread between contact surfaces just the same, but more powerful! All a person has done is killed off the healthy germs that were keeping the opportunistic germs in check. So, the CDC didn’t make a mistake. The manufacturer was simply being ‘unethical’ in reporting its ingredients. Down-playing the list if you like because of the watchdogs reporting the lists.
I’ve never seen a hand sanitizer that claims it kills 100% of germs.
But I still think the CDC made a mistake, because although there might be a few bacteria that survive the purification process (which is very unlikely), it still shouldn’t be listed as an ingredient because it wasn’t ADDED to the vaccine. Just like a bug eating an orange might be accidentally be processed into your orange juice, but you wouldn’t list “insects” on you orange juice package.
That is why the E. coli ingredient is considerd an excipient. These are ingredients that are used in manufacturing and that cannot be removed fully.
Holden, what Kyrie said, we can confirm. Please research that topic in microbiology. As you can tell, the FDA diminishes anything which might make a bad light.
Vaccines are very important. They have saved lives & now we are facing a huge measles epidemic b/c people are not vaccinating their children & selfishly exposing others to what could be a death sentence. I luckily lived thru all the childhood illnesses as there were no vaccines then but I have had them all since. I hope people are not rejecting the polio vaccine. We have this wonderful medicine now & ignorance seems to be taking over. YES, if you have a compromised immune system or other problem be very careful but the majority of population needs to be protected against sicknesses that used to kill!
oh, so 1 of 100,000 might die from an illness, so all 100,000 need to get shots, despite the fact that at least 4 of the 100,000 will die from the shot. I don’t think so!
I am in agreement!
Pro-vaxxers have no intelligence or common sense whatsoever. There is nothing in any vaccine that can protect anyone from any disease. Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits is what protects you from infections by strengthening your immune system and killing off pathogens and keeping your liver healthy. Put people on a low fat whole food plant based diet and supplement with anti-viral nutrients such as Zinc, Vitamin C, L-Lysine, Iodine and anti-viral and anti-bacterial herbs such as Cat’s Claw and Lemon Balm.
Ty Schlackman: We know now that a low fat diet is not natural or healthy. Even the brain needs fat. But we need HEALTHY fats, not the processed or genetically-engineered ones.
Judy, I was in the same place you are a lifetime ago; and was handed books by a friend who told me that I was listening to the wrong people…and start reading. I would be dead today, if I had not started to read. When vaccine manufacturers are raking in billions, and can buy off the media…it would pay you not to accept info coming from an industry that does not seem to care about anything, except the Bottom Line. Hosea 4:6 is most interesting. I ask for guidance in everything I do…and I’m healthier at 85 than I was at 25. It does not cost anything to turn to the Great Physician for answers
I had all vaccines , my booklet shows 17 registered. First ones I had in first years of life , but I remember that nurses would come to primary school ( 80-es , communist country in Europe ) and give us several vaccines , also some bitter liquid on a cube of sugar to melt in mouth. 2 on my arm , inside above pulse , later a big circle where needle was swelled and had the puss lasting for months. . I also had the measles , mumps and rubella, chicken pox.. I survived that , staying home as my parents believed that those are childhood regular diseases. Now I have autoimmune , struggling with heavy metals in my system, bad gut and digestion , damaged thyroid, and new autoimmune diseases popping up as psoriasis , hypo-glucose, chronic fatigue ..
Never connected my health issues to vaccines and recently vaccinated my kids adding Bexero privately, when just it started , it was from Italian manufacturer. My older boy had first dose of MMR one yr old and had a bad reaction . I feel he was badly affected by them, and stopped every vaccine since. No more boosters or anything, especially no Gardasil for my boys , that especially outrages me that new vaccines are added endlessly even when kids grow up.
No more for us. Bio resonance test shows vaccines injury for my son that I checked related to MMR reaction, being upset and restless with headache and skin rash.
Now trying to reverse or do anything to undo that damage if possible, as I am worried that it will be more severe as he grows up.
He has very healthy diet , loads of fruit and veg, no sweets , sugary juices or soda ..
I truly believe that the rise in autism is linked to the rise in vaccines and their ingredients. My 3 boys growing up in the 80’s did not have HALF the vaccines as my grandchildren have received—and 2 of 5 grandchildren have been diagnosed with autism. One severe, starting after 2 rounds of shots at age 18 months!
Hi Janet –
We’re so sorry to hear this! Please know we’ll be sure to keep your grandchildren in our prayers!
Wishing you and your family endless good health, blessings, and love!
Thank you, Judy. A voice of reason. I am really worried about the comeback of polio.
TTAC thank you so much for all of your truthful information about this and cancer. You are helping educate so many people who need to have informed choices that SUPPORT their health, not destroy it.
From what I have heard and read over many years vaccines do not create health any more than chemotherapy does. None of us are “deficient” in any of the vaccine ingredients, or, in the chemotherapy drugs. These are un-godly and unnatural poisons. It makes no sense at all to infect our body with foreign substances that depress our immune system and cause havoc in our body. We are only deficient in nutrition, sunlight, exercise, love and emotional support. Those boost our immune system. The Vaclib charts below clearly show when diseases like polio were on the steep decline they THEN they started to vaccinate people. namaste’, rachel
Hello, lest we forget….we have this most remarkably intelligent body, it knows exactly what to do, innately when we become ill. We carry The most wonderful mechanism within us, it’s called the immune system. When our body is invaded it goes into battle for us. Before western medicine came along which is very recently I might add, people healed themselves naturally in accordance with the nature around us that we are all a part of. People used Homeopathy to immunise, it is both safe and sure. Before money was thrust upon the study of becoming a western medicine doctor, they too studied Homeopathy, nutrition and herbal law. The whole western medical system is corrupted by the foulness of the pharmaceuticals that are being forced upon mankind and not one part of this is alright.
Yes ignorance has TAKEN OVER YOU! If I had time, I would educate you. You have accepted Indoctrination and dogma . Come back.
Big Pharma thanks you for your undying faith in the vaccine dogma. Should you ever decide to look behind the dogma on Polio etc, please watch Forrest Maready’s video’s about Polio on YouTube. or read “Dissolving Illusions” by Dr Suzanne Humphries. After all, if vaccines are so great, they should be able to withstand a little scrutiny shouldn’t they?
PS; Good luck on your search about the truth about vaccines.
Very interesting! Such a long list of nasty things they add to vaccines such as E. coli and monkey brains. Perhaps this sheds a little light on the infestation in out House of CONgress?
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Hope this helps. Please do let us know if we can do anything else to assist you!
Blessings and love!
We need to connect the dots. I think it is all part of a big plan New World Order. I had the Hong Kong flu as a young child I have never had the flu since. Child hood diseases our Mothers got us exposed. I grew up in England everything we ate was home grown organic. I have not been to a Dr in over 20 Years I eat organic no vaccines or western medicines. My Grandson had a holistic Doctor only a few vaccines he has never been on antibiotics does not get sick. So many kids with allergy’s learning problems between all the vaccines chem trails fracking poisoned wells chemicals sprayed on everything. People are just brainwashed my Dr says it’s safe so there is no risk.
We’re so happy to hear that you and your family have been educated on the dangers and truth about conventional healthcare and medicine from the start, Christine.
We hope that we can all learn from your example and that of your family.
Thanks for sharing!
Blessings and love!
To Judy, if you believe vaccines are very important and save lives, then that’s what you believe. I recently read “Dissolving Illusions” by Suzanne Humphries. This is a fabulous book, going back and looking at the history of vaccines and what else was going on in the world that caused a dramatic decrease in infection diseases just prior to the advent of vaccines. I think it’s a must read for anyone concerned about these issues. Recently, I had to have a tetanus shot, as I had an infected cut on my hand from gardening. I knew that I would have to take the vaccination to prevent lockjaw and asked to see the written in closure. The nurse said that this would be an education for both of us. He had no idea/I knew there would probably be crap that I didn’t want in my body. There was and it was mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde. Fortunate for me I didn’t have a reaction. But that’s not so for so many others. The bottom line is that you’re free to believe as you want and to choose to be vaccinated. What about those that don’t have that freedom and are being mandated?
Oh no! Are you saying you were given the tetanus shot? Or the Td? or the TDaP? Or DTaP? If you’re not sure you might want to find out which one, for your records.
I found out through Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ videos and writings that sodium ascorbate kills tetanus toxin. Because of her advice, I’d brought along some of it on a trip, when I fell and sustained a gash on my hand from a broken glass. I knew if I went to the ER I’d wait forever, be strongly urged to have a tetanus shot, and be given stitches, none of which I wanted. So, I let it bleed for a bit, rinsed it out, then started soaking it in sodium ascorbate (not ascorbic acid) powder dissolved in warm water, applied some liposomal vitamin C as well, and used steri-strips to help the wound to close. It healed really well, with no antibiotic ointments or anything, and it didn’t bruise or get very swollen.
Because of the ingredients (including aluminum and mercury) in that vaccine you got, you probably now have metals in your brain, unfortunately. Don’t get any more vaccines/shots!
Never, ever take a tetanus shot! It is totally unnecessary and very harmful. You say you didn’t have a reaction but you are wrong. You just didn’t have something obviously severe enough to attribute to that mass of toxins you sent into your bloodstream. Think about how much sense it makes to get a tetanus shot when you have a wound, afraid you are going to get tetanus in? Not to mention it is pointless and extremely harmful. Sometimes it’s amazing how many people will be against one or two or many vaccines but then there are those one or two or many that they, for some reason, believe are safe and effective. Makes no sense whatsoever.
SV40 used in polio vaccine in the late 50s and early 60s is responsible for probably a third of all cancers and autoimmune disease, now seen in people who received those vaccines during 1957-1963….not harmless to humans.
?????? Simian Virus 40. (Fortunately, the virus was not found to be harmful to humans.) ??????
The discovery of SV40 revealed that between 1955 and 1963 around 90% of children and 60% of adults in the U.S. were inoculated with SV40-contaminated polio vaccines.
The hypothesis that SV40 might cause cancer in humans has been a particularly controversial area of research. Several methods have detected SV40 in a variety of human cancers, although how reliable these detection methods are, and whether SV40 has any role in causing these tumors, remains unclear. As a result of these uncertainties, academic opinion remains divided, with some arguing that this hypothesis is not supported by the data and others arguing that some cancers may involve SV40. The US National Cancer Institute announced in 2004 that although SV40 does cause cancer in some animal models, “substantial epidemiological evidence has accumulated to indicate that SV40 likely does not cause cancer in humans”. This announcement was based on two studies. This 2004 announcement is in contrast to a 2002 study performed by The National Academy of Sciences Immunization Safety Review committee that stated, “The committee concludes that the biological evidence is moderate that SV40 exposure could lead to cancer in humans under natural conditions.”
Dr Mary Sherman back in the ’50s and ‘6o’s with her research, discovered that SV40 in the polio vaccine was going to cause an epidemic of cancer in the future.
Thank you Ty & Charlene for a very impressive article. I am forwarding it on to my email list.
For 57 years I’ve been doing nutrition and health research. Got into it, when I woke up to the fact that vaccines had harmed my small son. Every time he was given a round of vaccines,….he had a 106 temperature…and screamed for 16 hours. I held him in my arms , walked him all night and prayed. He survived, but I am sure it affected his nerves and mental state. My brother got vaccines, when he went into service and nearly died. from a 109 temp. My friend’s son got hepatitis from a shot and became seriously ill. It is a total sin that Big Pharma would force vaccines on anyone…when there are extreme side effects that have occurred in children and adults.
The response I get a lot is, “the government would never allow pharmceuticals include these things in a vaccine they give to their citizens..” My response is, “the government has legally allowed approximately 70 million abortions in this country. If they don’t care about babies, do you really think they’re going to care about you?” Lord, help us.
If people choose not to vaccinate and they all get measles that’s their choice and I don’t see how we can honestly accuse them of endangering other people, adults, children, and babies – they’ve all been vaccinated so supposedly should be safe from getting these diseases. Otherwise (put your thinking caps on) why were they vaccinated? What , for heaven’s sake, are vaccinations for? If you’ve been vaccinated you should not be in danger from coming in contact with someone who does have measles, for example. Think, think think……..where is all the common sense in this?
Please offer the vaccine ingredients lists for sale in poster form, maybe 11×17, so the shocking info can be displayed far and wide. Those of us who are rightfully concerned about what goes into our bodies have been called every vile name in the book and our questions dismissed as irrational fear-mongering. Yes, I’m fearful – fearful that Big Pharma, the highest- spending lobbying group in politics, will convince enough legislators to make all vaccinations mandatory. Personal choices in life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness will be gone. But then, so will humanity.
Hi there –
Thank you for sharing this with us.
We will definitely share this idea with our team.
Indeed, we as natural health advocates are called many names other than the truth seekers that we are.
With awareness, we can all come together and bring light to the issue of our personal health choices being superceded and we can hope for change to be implemented.
Your message was well written; we appreciate it and you!
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
We are to keep the blood pure: There are 446 references to “the blood” in the Bible. Throughout the Bible, God refers to the sanctity of the blood and the importance of keeping it pure. Would God consider presence of live and dead viruses, foreign human and animal DNA, mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde in our blood—keeping it pure?
We are not to mix our blood with the blood of animals . (Luke 13: 1-5) states that those who mix human blood with the blood of sacrificed animals are ‘sinners.’ A conflict arises to using vaccines if you accept God’s warning not to mix the blood of man with the blood of animals. This is precisely what pharmaceutical industries do by producing the vaccines in animal tissues.
Since schools require children be vaccinated here in the US. Is there something we can do/give them before and after the vaccines are given to protect our children?
Hi Antoinette –
This is a great question!
We have a fantastic article on this topic (which I’ve linked for you below). The information gathered in it could be life-saving for your children.
It’s up to us as parents, and natural health advocates, to bring light to issues like this to as we boost freedom of choice in health.
Thanks again for reaching out.
Blessings and love!
Despite all this, Love and Truth are in charge and inconquerable. Most people carrying out these heinous acts would rather not be doing these things, including the Pharma shills and even the bosses. We are so powerful and so loved by Eternal Intelligence that It will show us ways out of the dilemma. Faith.
Thanks for your great work and research which helps people with their choice. You are all wonderful. Great visual graphic on Common Ingredients which I will circulate.
SV40 is showing up in cancers in the generation that received contaminated Polio vaccines now when they look. There is a link which some have tried to hide and it is likely that there are retro viruses from animals in vaccines today that will show up in the future.
It would be a terrible act of Government to take away the freedom to choose whether to put poison into our bodies and those of our children, or not. Sadly it looks like the media propaganda is stirring up fear and hatred towards those who want to have the freedom to choose (where have we seen this before?).
They is a great article. Wish there was a way to tell everyone. Especially the young parent’s starting a family.
I live in the UK. I heard today that our Health Minister is considering making vaccines compulsory.
He has derided people who speak out against vaccines as “ having blood on their hands”.
I am deeply disturbed by this threat.
Thank you for all this information you freely provide.
May you keep on educating us all with truth and honesty.
I noticed that Thimerosol is not listed as an ingredient in any of the ingredient lists provided above. Does anyone know if it is no longer being used in the flu vaccine?
Hi Lori –
Thanks for your comment.
Thimersol is still on the ingredient list here:
Hope this helps with your research.
Blessings and love!
Three years ago my daughter became very sick after her series of 3 HPV vaccines. And still is!
(Please don’t judge. I’m just sickened that I believed all the vaccine hype and this has happened to her. Now, I know!) I’ve looked at the Gardasil ingredient list, but now I’m left wondering what else is in it that isn’t listed? So frustrating!
My son’s arm swelled up and he was deathly ill after the same vaccine…he then has had anxiety and panic attacks constantly for the last 7 years
Thank God for the Bollinger family. It is only through your investigative work that lay people are becoming aware. With awareness comes critical thought which leads to each of us making up our own minds. I have many friends who are pro vaccination, because they believe it is important for the greater good. Also here in Australia Children are not allowed into kindy without being vaccinated and the Govt refuse to pay child support to non vaccinated children. It’s very difficult for families. Also there is a belief that the men/ women in white coats are there for our greater good.
Thankfully factual information as presented here will find disbursement into the wider community and in time those in the medical sphere who unwittingly administer these cocktails will start to question their involvement and the tide will turn. Unfortunately though our gene pool will be irreparably damaged and many lives will have been needlessly lost and many families left looking after damaged children as a result of adverse reactions. Homeopathy, good diet etc are really good actions for those looking at how to survive in the world today.
It would be nice to put an asterisk next to human diploid cells and MRC-5 to explain the source is aborted fetal cells when the chart is made otherwise people would not know.
Do flu and Tdap vaccines safe for use in pregnant mothers? My wife is eight weeks pregnant and I would like Information over which vaccines are safe for Her and my two babies.
According to this well-researched article, virtually no vaccine is safe, especially not for babies!! Some of the comments give me pause.
Dear Danilo
Thank you for your comment. I feel that this article may help you
Christina England
There is no such thing as a safe vaccine for a pregnant woman. When I trained as a Certified Nurse-Midwife we were taught NEVER to vaccinate a pregnant woman unless it was a matter of life and death.
Vaccines contain e coli bacteria—on purpose! Herd immunity can only be acquired by getting childhood diseases naturally, not through toxic vaccines, containing mutant viruses.
Escherichia Coli-derived Virus-like Particles in Vaccine Development
Je trouve que votre site est super. J’aime énormément votre site
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Hi Jollean –
Thanks for sharing.
We’ve added your name and email address to receive our newsletters.
Please feel free to let us know if we can help with anything else.
Blessings and love!
I look forward to viewing the 7 part docu-series.
Having a better understanding is extremely important.
Thank you
What’s good pediatrician in area you can reccomend? Just had infant had already the Hb vaccine.
Maryland Rockville area is where I live.
At what point did they start using aborted fetal cells in vaccines? Can’t they go back to the vaccines that didn’t use these ingredients?
What a fun read – I’ll be sharing with my wife. This is appreciated!