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This article was originally published by Mike Adams on It has been reposted here with permission from the author.
Thanks to the efforts of a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, we now have smoking gun confidential documents that show Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that pfizer’s mRNA vaccines were killing thousands of people and causing spontaneous abortions while damaging three times more women than men.
One confidential document in particular was part of a court-ordered release of FDA files that the FDA fought by claiming the agency should have 55 years to release this information. A court judge disagreed and ordered the release of 500 documents per month, and the very first batch of documents contained this bombshell entitled, “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports.”
Get it here:
Or here, mirrored on NN servers:
The document reveals that within just 90 days after the EUA release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the company was already aware of voluntary adverse reaction reports that revealed 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports describing a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. The reports originated from numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain and other nations.
Aside from “general disorders,” the No. 1 most frequently reported category of mRNA vaccine adverse reactions was Nervous system disorders, clocking in at 25,957 reports.
Pfizer has withheld the total number of doses released across the world, citing corporate trade secrets. This is indicated by “(b) (4)” in the document, where specific numbers and facts are redacted.
Even these numbers — already quite shocking, given the FDA’s insistence that mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective” — barely scratch the surface of the damage and deaths caused by these vaccines. “Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown,” says Pfizer on page 5.
Three times as many women damaged, compared to men
Shockingly, the document reveals that more than three times as many women were damaged by the Pfizer vaccine, compared to men. There were 29,914 adverse events recorded in women, with just 9,182 recorded in men. It is not known whether the same number of men and women took the vaccine, but this number exposes the very real possibility of a gender-specific vaccine damage risk that the FDA went to great lengths to cover up.
Anecdotally, most of the neurological damage we’ve seen in people who have been damaged by the vaccine — convulsions, numbness, pain, etc. — has been depicted in women, not men. It looks like the FDA knows the mRNA vaccine exhibits a disproportionate, gender-specific damage profile that also affects women in terms of spontaneous abortions (also covered in the report).
Pfizer told the FDA its mRNA covid vaccines can cause “enhanced disease” by making covid worse
Also to the shock of many observers who are just now digging into this smoking gun document, Pfizer told the FDA under “Safety concerns” (section 3.1.2) that its mRNA injection could cause, “Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD).”
This means the FDA knew the vaccine could sicken and kill patients who were later infected with covid.
Under the label of “missing information,” Pfizer also told the FDA that it has no information about “Use in Pregnancy and lactation” nor covering “Use in Paediatric Individuals < 12 Years of Age.”
“Vaccine Effectiveness” was also listead as “Missing information” by Pfizer.
In other words, Pfizer told the FDA its vaccines could kill people and that it had no information about vaccine effectiveness, yet the FDA fraudulently pushed the vaccine as “safe and effective” anyway. Pfizer even told the FDA that it had no safety information about use in pregnant women, yet the FDA (and Fauci, the CDC, etc.) all pushed the vaccine for pregnant women, despite the utter lack of safety information.
Based on this document, it appears that the FDA itself has been neck-deep in a criminal conspiracy to hide the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths while granting usage approvals to the very same corporations that openly told the FDA its products were killing people.
Note, too, that the entire corporate media complex has lied from day one, falsely claiming the vaccine has killed no one. They are, of course, complicit in this vaccine holocaust.
Spontaneous abortions, neonatal death and other effects on pregnant women
In the section labeled, “Use in Pregnancy and lactation,” the report discusses reports of the mRNA vaccine being linked to:
spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each).
Notice that “spontaneous abortion” represents by far the highest number in these reports. In other words, the FDA knew this vaccine would kill unborn babies, but they pushed it on pregnant women anyway.
All mRNA vaccines must be immediately halted, and FDA bureaucrats must be indicted and arrested
This confidential document — just the first of thousands yet to be released — reveals two critical things:
1) The FDA committed criminal fraud and misrepresentation in approving mRNA vaccines as “safe and effective.” This means top FDA decision makers must now face arrest and criminal prosecution.
2) The mRNA vaccine was known by Pfizer to be deadly even in its first three months of emergency use. This means Pfizer is also complicit in the continued deaths of innocent victims, as Pfizer itself should have pulled its deadly vaccine and halted all sales and distribution.
Find even more details in today’s Situation Update podcast which also covers Alex Baldwin’s magic gun, left-wing abortion pill gobblers protesting SCOTUS, Dr. Oz. running for the US Senate, Australia’s covid death camps and much more:

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If you read Robert Kennedy Jr’s book, the REAL DR FAUCI, you would realize that the Bill Gates Foundation, WHO, CDC, FDA, & Fauci have all been involved in killing, maiming & sterilizing the black & brown people in poor countries—Africa, India, Philippines for DECADES. Without ANY legal or financial consequences at all. Well, now, for the last two years, the white people in America & Europe are the poor, black “useless eaters” to be killed, maimed & sterilized so that the 1% can own everything.
The bad guys targeted Black communities by putting abortion clinics in those communities. White people have been screaming this for aeons, but finally, Black people started speaking up.
All people have been left out of the information about the atrocities committed in Africa.
These facts have had to spread via underground word of mouth.
News takes a while to get around that way.
The msm news will not report it.
People are being censored when trying to get the news out.
People have been called crazy conspiracists and labeled.
The oligarchies really like making people fight with each other.
NO, your wrong, INDIA blacklisted Gates from the Country, and from memory there is a Court Case in India about the girls affected by his Vaccine – sorry, cannot readily recall which one it was, but this is a few years ago.
Blacklisting means nothing. They can’t get him and he is not allowed in the country. He should
be in jail.
Glad I did not trust Farma and took none of their toxins.
whats it going to take for people to wake up
Yes, one truly wonders how far child like faith in Authorities and Government can go with people.
I realise that Mainstream Media, Doctors, humanity have been “dumbed down” badly, for the last 20 years and well before that had it been in place, and the Politicians being puppets for the same and longer time.
And the trouble is with these Jabs that people think Öh, I am tired, irritable, my body feels that too, I am forgetting things, and so many more behavioural Signs & vague physical Symptoms, they do not realise that this is only the intermittent beginnings of their body reacting and the illnesses shall follow over the years and DRs & Big Pharma make $$$$. BUT the person falls further and further into never ending Chronic health and rare diseases.
The pattern is already established since 1980s – read Fauci History and about the chronic illnesses since he has been in the job. I have not read it, but believe its a very factual informative book: Robert F Kennedys book about Fauci which gives insights into BIg Pharma, CDC and so much related information.
I am one of innocent people who was affected due to the 2 monkey cells mutating in a Fauci Lab, forced to self diagnose and recover. FREE Download – Dr Judy Mikovits book “Plague of CORRUPTION” where I learnt the reason for the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other illnesses since Fauci “reign”1980 & one son badly affected – his International Career gone, the other with Asperger’s disorder, during this PLANdemic, when the CDC finally admitted that it is the MMR Vaccine causing Autism – which I worked out a very long time ago when his behaviour changed at 5 months and only a few years ago did I read that illnesses he had as a tiny baby were exactly the same as other Autistic children. for Example – 6 months old an EAR Abscess in one ear only and no problems since, chest rattles – Prescription tinned milk given. Do not need an official word from paid twits to tell me what is logic and observation with Research confirms.
Excellent article and real eye-opener Mike, to what has really been going on with this plandemic.
Now, we can all hope the courts will stand up for the law, stop this madness, arrest and prosecute the guilty, and reinstate All of our Constitutional rights.
Thanks again for your hard & effective work!
WRITE to and get Petitions going to ensure your COURTs and Attorney Generals do something.
Many Courts and their legal reps, have been compromised by the EPSTEIN approach of blackmail and so much more and of course, the ALMIGHTY $$$$ , and legal people are not known for being on the ground/grass roots knowledge, also many accept the dictates of Government Bodies e.g. your CDC, FDA CIA and the plethora of these types of organisations – USA abounds in them, and many are not and have for years producing mediocre results.
Yes, I am a 72 year old woman, and had a severe reaction to the 2nd vaccine. Trying to report it on VAERS is impossible to figure out. I ended up with severe inflammation of the lungs and bronchial tubes, had pain behind my left shoulder blade, arm went numb, convulsions, thought I was having a heart attack. Ended up in the ER for 6 hours, multiple tests and CT scans. Luckily it had not progressed to myocarditis. Antibiotics and prednisone cleared it up.
Lucky you were vaccinated or the hospital would have killed you with Remdesivir and ventilation.
absolutely the truth.. the hospital protocol killed my daddy within exactly 2 weeks from when he walked in a healthy but weak man. The doctors and staff must be held accountable is crimes against humanity! hang them all!
Thank you for speaking out by telling your story. No more silence, no more censorship.
Be well and take care!
Yes, Cheri.
I lived in Malawi Africa witnessing the fallout atrocities years after Fauci and Gates’s minions jabbed their ‘goodwill’ HIV drugs into the pulse of that nation whereby their dominate trade trade today is traced throughout Malawi’s villages handcrafting wooden coffins . . . . Now Fauci and Gates’s dastardly deeds have come to haunt the US and global populations whose mainstream ties massage and cradle humans to their graves unawares through entertainment and conveniences via instant gratification without character values nor the sweat of chopping ones own wood for an honest days wage.
Agreed. Africa is now being further plundered by China in other ways than the Gates/Fauci methods. India has told Gates where he can go/Court case too.
But its way up the ladder where their Orders come from – the Committee who are pulling it together. Read “The Committee of 300” by Dr John Coleman former UK & USA Intelligence officer.
C’tte has been around for centuries under different names/titles.
There is no way I can find to send your site by email or text message most people I know will not go to facebook,twitter etc. So hard to promote your site or broadcasts without an easy to find path to email or text your site
Hi Bret!
If you copy this link in your browser, it should be shareable with your friends from there. Thank you so much for supporting us and spreading the truth!
TTAV team
Have you tried accessing your “private groups” on the left of your FB page?
If that’s the case if they knew from the start that the so called vaccine would and did kill people yes they need to be tried by the courts if found guilty should be put to death no mercy just like they showed people no mercy GOD help us all if people think like this
Thank You for your vigilance, the world would be far darker without Mike Adams efforts!!
Thanks for that.
We are in a war as surely as if rifles were being fired and bombs being dropped. The effect of the toxic injections is the same as that of bullets and bombs: injuries and deaths.
We may have to consider other creative means of communicating what is happening as the powers succeed in strangling public free speech more and more though..
Great report! Please run for President in 2024 and save our country!
Do it! Whoever is left standing will be those who know something about maintaining their health and avoiding sham treatments. You’ll be a shoo-in!
We need people like you to open the eyes and ears of people to the reality of our world and the ones who are running it. There is no government on earth that has told the truth in the past nor today. They are married with agencies such as the FDA. and powerful wealthy people that call the shots. The ones that suffer and end up at the bottom are the poor trusting citizens of their countries. There is only one government that can change the world. This government will stand forever and ever. There will be no pain, no poverty, no disease, no war, no evil. When Jesus comes to judge the unrighteous and rules in the name of his Father all this will be overturned and people will live in harmony to his will and it won’t be soon enough.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for sharing this. Thank you also Mike Adams (Health Ranger) for allowing this to get out. These vaccine are poison and need to be stopped.
Writing from Australia. How do I find out about Australia’s Covid death camps?
Good to have credible information with scientific backing. Keep up the good work
Always have not trusted these vaccines!
Not surprised on outcome. Very sad that people did not research more. Received information at first about possible damage
Then it stopped!!!
I am so glad I did not take the vaccine! Something or God above kept me from taking it. That just shows Fauci is a murderer!
What can be done to bring these people to justice and start the process of shutting down this criminal situation and returning the profits made to the people for whom they were stolen in terms of lives, “conditions”, lower quality of life issues, etc.?
This is important stuff. I follow Jon Rappoport who directed his readers to Celia Farber who had a link to this article. I don’t subscribe to germ theory, so I have to carefully extract information from what I consider to be nonsense talk about Sars CoV 2 and covid 19, neither of which exists. But criminals sure do exist and Pfizer’s a big one.
And yammering about leftwingers is not helpful either. They exist only here and there and not in any organized fashion. Those who rail at the Democrats and those who support them, for example, are railing at the Left side of the Right. Obama was fascist through and through. And fascism isn’t good. The Right, which is the road to fascism, isn’t good. Those who go on about communists (similarly virtually non existent) and socialists are, in fact, promoting fascism. Fascism is not good. Pfizer is fascist. Wake the hell up!
800,000 American dead by year end. Of the reports of possibly related adverse effects, I want to see the tests, research etc. that beyond a reasonable doubt were caused by vaccines ( or anything else.
Just a while back we were told the virus was never identified or isolated. Then we were told only 10,000 died of the Covid-19 and the rest of the deaths were not caused by Covid-19 but from other diseases. Now all deaths or maybe some of the minuscule number shown were caused by the vaccines.
Worldwide the various vaccines were administered to millions and millions of people. So what is the percentage of alleged adverse side effects of the total vaccinations??
No doubt Gates, and the new megarich (including trump) don’t give a rats ass about You.
You wrote, “One confidential document in particular was part of a court-ordered release of FDA files that the FDA fought by claiming the agency should have 55 years to release this information. A court judge disagreed and ordered the release of 500 documents per month, and the very first batch of documents contained this bombshell entitled, “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports.”” This is incorrect. The judge agreed with the FDA and granted their wish of 55 years. Yes, they have to release 500 pages a month, but there are well over 300,000 pages. This will take that long to release. However, I think the ruling was overturned so this may be a moot point. Thanks
She only developed these dangerous reactions BECAUSE she was vaccinated!!
There might be some misunderstanding of the LONG list of Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) in section 5.3.6 of the post-market report:
I think the list of AESIs is not actual occurrences, but events the drug manufacturer will be looking for.
I’m reading where some people say “OMG a thousand ways the shoe will make you sick”. Alarming, but maybe not accurate.
Agreed: The list of actual adverse events is PLENTY SCARY.
Scott Gottlieb.
Headed FDA 2017/19.
Now at Pfizer.
Follow the money.
Pass this factual and accurate information forward to every human you encounter.
Scott Gottlieb (born June 11, 1972) is an American physician and investor who served as the 23rd commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from 2017 until April 2019. He is presently a senior fellow at the conservative think tank the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a partner at the venture capital firm New Enterprise Associates (NEA),[1][2] a member of the board of directors of drug maker Pfizer, Inc,[3] a member of the board of directors of Illumina, Inc.,[4] a contributor to the cable financial news network CNBC, and a frequent guest on the CBS News program Face the Nation.
So, no conflict of interest there…
I am 68, awake, for over 40 years have not consulted our health care in Israel. Why should I? I was clear even then that nothing good can come out of them, studying chemistry instead of human beings. The only one thing that they truly excel is emergency medicine and parts’ replacements.
I feel sad for the many people believers that put their health decisions in the hands of the pseudo experts that put on a while gown and a MD title to receive authority of frightened people.
Continue to build your immune system dear, Zeev Shilor! You are indeed awake and succeeded by moving out of the snake’s pit!