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On October 15, American Airlines Flight 2740 was traveling from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport to Fort Meyers when the unthinkable happened. As the plane began a gradual descent toward southwest Florida, the pilot in command began convulsing and had a cardiac arrest. Fortunately, the aircraft was still on autopilot, giving the co-pilot time to evaluate the situation, unharness himself, pull the pilot from his seat, and try to administer CPR. But his efforts were in vain.
The co-pilot returned to his seat and squawked 7700, the international transponder code for “I have an emergency.” The plane landed safely, but the co-pilot was put on administrative leave for having left his seat and endangering the aircraft, our source said.
“It was later determined that the pilot had a fatal heart attack caused by myocarditis, a known side effect of the Covid-19 vaccinations. He had received his second dose of the vaccine two weeks before that flight. His last full physical was three months prior, and his doctor had given him a clean bill of health,” a source told The Australian National Review.
Yet another pilot fatality took place a week later, and it, too was a departure from Dallas/Fort Worth. American Airlines Flight 971, an Airbus A321, departed DFW for LAX at 8:00 a.m. Midway through the flight, the co-pilot complained he had chest pains but chalked it up to having eaten a spicy meal before departure. He told the captain it was indigestion. As the plane flew at 32,000 feet over the New Mexico/Arizona state line, the co-pilot started convulsing and vomiting on the flight controls. At that point, the captain contacted Air Traffic Control, requesting permission to swing around and make an emergency landing in Albuquerque, NM, but the Controller, after consulting American Airlines, denied the request and compelled the captain to complete the flight to LAX.
The co-pilot died in his chair, also from acute myocarditis. He had gotten his second COVID shot (the Pfizer/BioNTech concoction) 21 days ahead of that fateful flight.
“The PIC [Pilot In Charge] was put under a gag order and told not to discuss the incident with anyone under threat of losing his job,” the source said. “There is a systematic effort going on right now to prevent the public from knowing about pilots getting very ill or very dead in the air. The airlines don’t want to lose money, and the administration doesn’t want the public to know the true dangers of the vaccine. I know for fact that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg ordered the airlines to classify incidents involving pilot deaths.”
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System has recorded 18,078 deaths following the COVID shots as of October 29th, about 67% of all vaccine-related deaths reported since 1990.
It’s estimated that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported.

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Didn’t jet blue have 6 pilots die ?
Thanks so much for your courage to inform us all!
Damn if you get the vaccination, and damn if you don’t. The drug companies say their vaccine is about 92% effective. I ask when? At what dose, first or the second or the third? However, I’ll accept the fact that it will prevent some from dying from the decease, but with many side effects, that are not reported. From the American Heart Association, Nov. 8, 2021, all mRNA jabs are damaging to hearts.
They mean – 92% effective at killing you – not what they lead people to think
Thank you for what you do. My husband had the pfizor vaccine . 2nd dose was April 1 2021. He is 85 years young and never been on any prescription meds. In July he was complaining of being very tired and no energy. Saw medical with possibility of thyroid and not sleeping well. Back in the last part of September and rushed to E.R. Because of heart. Was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Gained 15 # of fluid and was admitted to hospital with diuretics via I.V. We are currently dealing with this issue and having a stress test and an echocardiogram within the next week. Never needed a cardiologist and waited 5 weeks to get an appointment. I (as his wife for. 65 years) believe this is from the vaccine. I did not get the vaccine.
My husband died the same way after getting a flu shot ! Uu