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Video Transcript: Dictator Doctors, Adult Kidnapping, and Other Examples of Medical Tyranny
Ty Bollinger: Imagine taking your sick child to the doctor and then becoming a medical hostage all because you refused to have a shot. Or cutting your thumb to clean your kitchen and then being held down by hospital security because you refused an unnecessary tetanus shot.
Charlene Bollinger: These are not isolated incidences. These situations happen every day. The underhanded tactics of these health “professionals” to force unneeded vaccinations on us is disturbing. This is not about being “anti-vaxx”. This about your medical freedom.
Barbara Loe Fisher: Medical tyranny is perhaps nowhere more visible in the U.S. than in the enforcement of state-mandatory vaccination laws that exclude children from attending daycare or school if they have not received dozens of doses of federally-recommended vaccines.
Many pediatricians are refusing to treat children if parents decline even one of the 69 doses of 16 federally-recommended vaccines. No delays, no exceptions, and no questions asked. This applies to children who are sick, have had previous vaccine reactions, have severe allergies or autoimmunity, and those already suffering with brain and immune system damage from vaccination.
Here’s how one mother described her experience on NVIC’s “Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall” on
I took my three year-old daughter to the pediatrician for strep throat. The doctor asked if I wanted to get her up-to-date on her shots. I said, ‘Not today.’ She was sick. The doctor swabs her throat and leaves.”
Some time later, she returned with a full needle, ready to inject. She closes the door and stands in front of it with one arm crossed across her chest and the other in the air displaying the needle. She said, ‘She’s not leaving until she’s up-to-date.’ I said, ‘Not today.’ She repeated ‘She’s not leaving until she’s up-to-date.’ Trying not to panic or alarm my child was very hard. My child was being physically threatened. Thank the Lord my brain was working, and I grabbed my phone from my purse and said, ‘If you don’t let us pass, I’m calling the police.’ She stormed out. I scooped up my daughter and we left, untreated. The very next day I received a letter that we’d been kicked out of the practice.”
Today, everybody knows somebody who was healthy, got vaccinated, and was never healthy again. Because CDC officials and medical trade associations have narrowed vaccine contraindications so that 99.99% of children do not qualify for a medical vaccine exemption. The only legal recourse for parents trying to protect children from vaccine reactions or further vaccine injury is the religious vaccine exemption in 47 states, or the conscientious belief exemption existing in 16 states.
But those personal belief exemptions are being targeted by pharma and medical trade lobbyists for elimination. In 2015, California lost both the religious and the personal belief exemption, joining West Virginia and Mississippi as the three states with the strictest forced vaccination laws in the country.
Adults are being pulled into the dragnet as well. A woman who cut her thumb and went to a hospital emergency room for stitches because the cut would not stop bleeding, posted her experience on She described how the intake nurse and treating physician told her she needed another tetanus shot, even though it was less than 10 years since she’d gotten her last shot.
She said,
Without even looking at the cut, he told me I would need a tetanus shot. I told him I was not going to be getting it today. He told me the same old lies about how tetanus lives on rust – it’s anaerobic, so no – and how my jaw would lock shut. I looked him in the eye and told him I keep my kitchen immaculately clean, and since tetanus comes from animal feces, I was pretty sure I didn’t have any of that in my kitchen. I told him that under no circumstances would I get another tetanus shot, and if he didn’t stop arguing and stitch my thumb up, I’d bleed to death.
He sighed, sat down and mumbled, ‘Enjoy your funeral.’ I yanked my hand away and told him that he was out of line, unprofessional, and he would need to send in another doctor. He argued with me but left. Another doctor came in and started stitching me up with no argument. What happened next defies all logic. The nurse came back in carrying a vaccine while trying to hide it in her hand behind her back. I asked what she had and she told me that the first doctor told her I had consented after he talked some sense into me.
I told her that I did not consent and to not come near me with that shot. She attempted to guilt me by using a condescending tone, saying ‘Now I’m sure your husband doesn’t want you to die.’ My husband, who was sitting in the chair outside the room, heard her and came walking in, replying with ‘She refused the vaccine. What is so hard about that concept? Knock it off.’ He told her that if she or the first doctor touched me again, we would sue them both and the emergency center.”
The second doctor had just finished wrapping my thumb when the nurse grabbed my other arm and held it down, trying to put the syringe in. My husband grabbed her and shoved her across the room while I stood up and screamed for security. Security came running in. We told them our side. The doctor told them we had refused the shot twice. Security told us we had no right to refuse, no right to refuse the doctor’s orders, and to sit still while I got the shot. One asked me like I was a child if I was afraid of needles.
We told them we were calling the real police, as well as our elected representatives and the media if they did not let us leave right then and there. My husband wrote down all their names and explained we would be reporting them to the actual authorities for attempted kidnapping should they not allow us to leave. Security escorted us out.
When we got home, we called our insurance company to tell them not to pay for any shots, since I refused. They told me that I really should consider getting a tetanus shot because ‘You never know.’ Do you want to know why people avoid so-called medical professionals? This is why. I, a fully competent adult, was medically held hostage for the profit of a million-dollar drug company, not my own well-being, not my right to refuse or rights over my own body. Nothing mattered. All that mattered to these ingrates was money, power, and control.”
I have learned a lot about medical tyranny during the past 37 years. Since my healthy, bright, 2 ½ year old son suffered a convulsion, collapsed shock and brain inflammation within four hours of his fourth DPT shot in 1980 and was left with multiple learning disabilities so severe he had to be confined to a special education classroom throughout the public school education experience.
In 1982, I joined with other parents of vaccine-injured children and founded the nonprofit charity known today as “The National Vaccine Information Center,” with a mission of preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defending the informed consent ethic. We take the position that the informed consent principle applies equally to vaccination and cannot be abandoned to justify discriminating against and punishing people who refuse vaccinations for themselves or their minor children.
This pro-education, pro-informed consent position is reflected in the referenced information on our website at and in our work through, to secure and protect flexible medical, religious, and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions in U.S. vaccine policies and laws.
My son was injured by a toxic vaccine I assumed was safe because I trusted that doctors would never recommend a product that could brain-injure or kill my child. I learned the hard way that the right and responsibility for making an informed decision about medical risk-taking rightly belongs to the individual taking the risk, or the parent taking the risk on behalf of a minor child. It does not belong to the doctor recommending the risk be taken.
When you become informed and think rationally about a risk that you or your child are asked to take, and then follow your conscience, you own that decision. And when you own it, you can defend it. And once you can defend it, you will be ready to do whatever it takes to fight for your freedom to make it, no matter who tries to prevent you from doing that.
Albert Einstein, who risked arrest in Germany in the 1930s, when he spoke out against censorship and persecution of minorities, said “Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.” There is no liberty more fundamentally and natural, an inalienable right, than the freedom to think independently and follow our conscience when choosing what we are willing to risk our life or our child’s life for.
Because the journey we take on this earth is defined by the choices we make. If we are not free to make choices, the journey is not our own. The choices we make that involve risk of harm to our physical body, which houses our mind and spirit, those are among the most profound choices we make in this life.
So, vaccination must remain a choice. Because it’s a medical intervention performed on the body of a healthy person that carries a risk of injury or death. And while we are all born equal, with equal rights under the law, we are not born all the same.
Each one of us is born with different genes and a unique microbiome influenced by epigenetics that affects how we respond to the environments we live in.
We do not all respond the same way to infectious diseases or to pharmaceutical products like vaccines. And while doctors admit that some people are more susceptible to vaccine reactions, they cannot predict who will be harmed.
Therefore, vaccine risks are not being born equally by everyone in society. Discriminating against individuals who are biologically vulnerable to vaccine complications by demanding that all children play vaccine roulette or suffer societal sanctions is a violation of basic human rights and civil rights.
What is moral about a utilitarian government health policy that demands the sacrifice of some children for the rest? And why should all people not be free to choose to stay healthy in ways that pose far fewer risks?
In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act to shield vaccine manufacturers and doctors from vaccine injury lawsuits. Since then, four billion dollars has been paid to children and adults when the risks of vaccination turn out to be 100% for them. But two out of three claims are rejected by government officials, trying to cover up just how many vaccine casualties there really are.
In 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court effectively declared that federally-licensed vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” and removed all remaining product liability from pharmaceutical companies selling vaccines.
The marketing strategy that industry, government, and medical trade is counting on to protect the 60 billion dollar global vaccine empire is to persuade legislatures in every country to pass laws forcing everyone to buy the liability-free vaccines they create and sell, vaccines that force the human body to mount hyper-inflammatory responses to repeated injections of lab-altered viruses and bacteria, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, phenol, sodium borate, polysorbate 80, Triton-X 100, sorbitol, hydrocortisone, yeast, milk and egg protein, virus-like protein particles, MSG, gelatin, squalene, calf serum, pig viruses, and human, animal, and insect DNA.
No shots? No education.
No shots? No employment.
No shots? No medical care.
No shots? No health insurance.
No shots? No Visa.
How long will it be before it’s no shots? No driver’s license. No shots? No passport. No shots? No plane ticket. No shots? No life.
Prejudice and discrimination against groups of people, whether because of the color of their skin, their gender, how they dress, what they eat, where they live, their religious beliefs, their cultural values, and political opinions, or simply because they choose to stay healthy in a different way, is always a slippery slope once it is allowed to gain a foothold in society.
This is why the debate about vaccination transcends vaccination. It is the tip of the sphere in a much larger war that is being waged on cultural values and beliefs in America, which is why I call it the Vaccine Culture War.
60 Top Vaccine Experts Unite To Inform Parents And Ensure Your Child’s Health and Safety
There are hundreds of genetically-engineered vaccines in the research pipeline that will be fast-tracked through the FDA. These new vaccines don’t just target microbes associated with infectious disease, but also chronic diseases like tooth decay, obesity, addiction, high blood pressure, depression, and cancer, so everyone will become a lifelong consumer of vaccines.
A super vaccine containing 30-40 antigens given at the moment of birth and time-released into the cells of infants’ bodies will profoundly alter how children’s immune systems and brains develop. It will change who we are. It is nothing more than an uncontrolled scientific experiment on humanity. No corporation, no government, and no doctor has the moral authority or should have the legal authority to compel all humans to participate in that kind of involuntary scientific experiment that will alter our DNA and compromise the biological integrity of the human race.
This vaccine culture war is not about health. It is about power and money. It is about whether mothers who are endowed with a primal instinct that God gave women to protect their babies from harm and whether fathers who are responsible for protecting their families from harm will have the power in the 21st century to make healthcare decisions for the children they love and know better than anyone else, or whether medical doctors following orders of the state will have that power.
In 1996, when I was in the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, attending a conference on the role of physicians and scientists implementing public health policy during the Third Reich, I looked up and saw an inscription that took my breath away. It said
The first to perish were the children. From these, a new dawn might have risen.”
At the doctor’s trial at Nuremberg after World War II, when medical doctors and scientists were charged with crimes against humanity for experimenting on captive human beings, the medical and scientific communities were confronted with what leaders in their professions had done in the name of the advancement of scientific knowledge and what they claimed was the greater good of humanity.
The doctors facing judgement at Nuremberg pointed to U.S. eugenics laws passed in the 1920s that were based on a utilitarian ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1905 giving authority to state governments to force smallpox vaccinations on citizens in the name of the greater good.
At the end of the day, many of the doctors at Nuremberg protested from the witness stand that they were only following orders, simply implementing government policy. But the truth is, they did what they did because they chose to do it, and nobody stopped them.
The doctor’s trial at Nuremberg gave birth to the informed consent ethic, articulated in the 1947 Nuremberg Code that Yale physician and law professor J. Katz said,
If not explicitly then at least implicitly commanded that the principle of the advancement of science bow to a higher principle: protection of individual inviolability. The right of individuals to thorough growing self-determination and autonomy must come first.”
The first principle of the Nuremberg Code is “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential,” and that principle stands today, as it did then, as an uncompromising affirmation of the value of every human life, a timeless guide to humane scientific research, and the ethical practice of medicine.
When doctors use the heel of the boot of the state to crush dissent and take away freedom from the people, they become tyrants. And when governments pass laws forcing parents to sacrifice their children in the name of the greater good, it is evil. Because if the state can tag, track down and force individuals against their will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.
Who will stop the slaughter of the innocents this time? You will. We will. We the people are rising up to tell the world what we know to be true, that we are all born free and equal and we have the natural right given to us by God to protect the health and biological integrity of our own bodies and the bodies of our children.
We are calling for an end to medical tyranny so that people are free to choose how they want to stay healthy. Our physical body, which houses our mind and soul, is not the property of the state. There is no greater calling for Americans in the 21st century than to defend those cultural values and human rights that protect against tyranny.
We will not be silent. We will have courage and faith, and witness in the public square. We will work to secure informed consent protections in medical practice and public health laws. We will hold our elected officials accountable at the polls if they do not protect our freedom. We will not surrender. We are the daughters and sons of liberty, and our mission continues. No forced vaccination, not in America.
Ty Bollinger: Vaccine freedom is under attack. We must stand up for our rights or they will vanish. We hope you were inspired by this video.
Charlene Bollinger: And if you were inspired, please share this on your social media and let your friends and family know about The Truth About Cancer. Thank you and God Bless!
60 Top Vaccine Experts Unite To Inform Parents And Ensure Your Child’s Health and Safety

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This just happened in Maine. We moved here only 2 1/2 years ago and thought we had become residents in a state where citizens more or less enjoyed freedom of choice in these matters. Things have changed so quickly.
This is a heartbreaking truth, Karen.
We’re sorry to hear this.
My children are 22 and 13 but things like this are getting worse daily seems like. I haven’t heard of this before only because my kids are older but I must say that my 13 year old was about to get her jobs shot and my wife wrote to the school and said there is no way my daughter will fall under this law since then they relaxed would rather not disclose our names. So I guess we almost fell in that trap. But Barbera I must say your a true crusader thank you for the work you and Ty and Charlene you guys have definitely got my attention thank you and keep up the great for all humanity!
I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this woman! Barbara your passion and sane reasoning and delivery is astounding! Keep up the good fight, I’m with you 100%
A very good expose of the truth about vaccines and the harm they can inflict on our communities of people. Especially our infants. Thank you Ty and Charlene for your tireless efforts on informing the public about the evil workings of these giants who will fall.
I would like to forward this information to my family and others, but don’t know how. I am 90 years old and not very computer savvy, but can forward when I see some way. Is there a way to forward this?
Hi Ellen –
Thanks for your comment.
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Hope this helps.
Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there’s anything else we can help with.
Blessings and love!
It’s becoming harder and harder to expose the truth. Facebook blocks any posts having anything to do with vaccines, good or bad. I wrote my state legislator, Tim Kaine, about this censorship of free speech and wrote back saying, ” well, we have to stop all this misinformation”. Really? So now the state and federal governments get to decide what is true or not true and censor information according to their (usually uninformed) view point. So state and federal legislatures really have to time to read, research, talk to people that have actually been injured to level that those of us affected by this “misinformation” have done to figure out what has happened to our friends and loved ones. I feel like we are becoming more and more like China as more and more freedoms slip away. We are all just disposable cogs in an industrial complex wheel that must be fed no matter what.
Pinterest has blocked this link because they say it’s suspicious! 😣🙄🤔😣😡😡
So infuriating!
Please be aware there are states who are speaking up for informed choices. I live in PA. where HB286 is proposed by one legislator and 13 others to allow residents informed choices and options. The state of Texas has 3 lawmakers proposing three separate bills supporting informed choices. Call your legislators and speak up in whatever way you can to inform. There is so much fraud and corruption surrounding the entire vaccine issue, eventually the SHTF and it will be revealed in some light-filled way. So many people are becoming aware of the hidden truths. I believe many elected officials have been bribed and/or threatened with losing their jobs or bodily harm to comply with the tyranny. namaste’, rachel
Powerful truthful information, thank you. Focus and intend the world you choose to live in on a daily basis. Their goal is to frighten and overwhelm us as if we have no power. That is the way to dominate the 330 million people in this country even though there are maybe a few thousand of ‘them’. We DO have the power of our thoughts and intentions. Share the truth about vaccines with every person you know and let them reach more people. Contact your legislators and share the truth with them; most believe the lies they have heard about vaccines saving lives. Mine is for a nation that embraces democracy and health freedom for all, freedom to choose God-given non-toxic healing methods, healthy food and water, consciousness, light and spirituality. love, rachel
Thank you for your post! But you really should go read the Constitution and see if you can find that word DEMOCRACY its not there! Mam We give you a Republican form of gov. if you can keep it,,,
If I may suggest, with all the censorship coming down these days, perhaps double post your videos on BitChute. A lot of whistle blowers and truthers are starting to do this. it would be a shame if access to your information, conversations and lectures were taken from the people that need to hear this.
Another good place to post is Brighteon.
Time to stand up everyone.
This is population reduction and we are the target.
Get active today or be eliminated tomorrow.
This woman’s story is so sad, and so scary! When my husband was unconscious in a hospital ER, being diagnosed with a brain tumor and preparing for surgery, they asked if he had had flu and pneumonia shots. I answered that they were NOT to give him any immunizations at that time. They rolled him away for tests, and later we were billed for a pneumonia shot that they had sneaked in at a time when he was so vulnerable. Our insurance covered the shot, but four years later I am still angry at what they did. I don’t know how to be sure that such a thing never happens again.
Hi Anne, thank you for sharing your story. We are so sorry you and your husband went through this. It’s atrocious. Sadly, this happens more often than not. Our only suggestion is to speak with the doctor directly, share your story, and tell him that you would like his word that no immunizations will be administered without consent. Blessings and love.
Vaccines aren’t the only thing that they give without permission. When my husband needed emergency surgery, I wrote on the admission form “all treatments are to be discussed with me in advance.” They not only didn’t discuss the DRUGS they gave him (FOURTEEN of them), but they actively hid this information, put derogatory comments about me in the hospital record, and sent Adult Protective Services after me! And the consequences of the drugs were horrendous. He had acute respiratory failure; they insisted on doing a tracheostomy, and because of that, installing a PEG tube, where they administered food (they never told me this part when getting consent) that included maltodextrin (destroys intestinal flora), soy protein (almost certainly GMO), and high fructose corn syrup! (almost certainly GMO, and causes sugar spikes; they ROUTINELY gave non-diabetic patients insulin shots to deal with it!. I finally had to buy decent tube food at my own expense, which cost $1500, and we were supposed to be reimbursed by Medicare, but it never happened. And then when he passed the test to get the trach cannula removed, they refused to do it and used terror tactics to get him to keep it for another week. It took me several months to get him weaned off all the medications, and when I sought to discontinue the final one, they held a conference with them all ganging up on me and told me that if he didn’t accept one medication, the doctors would refuse to treat him and they would have to kick him out (illegal). They quietly reversed themselves three days later, and when he finally came home, he was drug-free. Please keep in mind that he was having between 11 and 31 side effects from each medication, and when we would discontinue one, the side effects would go away, so it was really clear what was happening.
I NEVER even give more than one new herb at a time, even though nearly all herbs are safe, until I see how the herb is tolerated, before starting another one. And he had not used any pharmaceutical drugs his entire adult life.
The whole affair prolonged his recovery and ability to go home by weeks, and then he developed bullous pemphigoid, a nasty auto-immune disease that causes arms and legs to be covered with blisters. In fact, he never did recover from all of this. But that is a story for another time.
And i bet my ears they will/would never lie about it! Nooo. Noooo we dibn’t do that,,, lol
Thank You for this important information!
Theser bully tactics by medical proffessionals need to stop!
Vaccines, prescription meds as well.
There doesnt seem to be an icon to send this transcript to Yahoo mail, could you please send this to my email.
This is a hyperlink from another article and Ive been doing much research these days, I may not be able to retrieve it again. No computer or laptop, just my phone.
Kind Regards,
Hi Kathy!
Thank you so much for your support!
Here’s the link for this transcript: You’ll be able to email this at your convenience.
I have a story to tell. This took place somewhere between 20 and 30 years ago. My youngest son and I went to a conference. After the meetings, we were standing outside talking to another attendee, and she let her dog out of the car. My son was petting him when she brought out his food. The dog turned around and bit my son. She admitted she KNEW he was likely to do that if she brought out the food, but she did it anyway. She said she would pay for the emergency room visit, but she never did.
We went to the emergency room to get stitches, and they asked me if he had had a tetanus shot. I said no. He was the only one who didn’t get all the vaccines (I was finally wising up). So they wanted to give him a tetanus shot and gamma globulin. I refused. I told them gamma globulin is a blood product, and I didn’t want to run the risk of him getting HIV from it. One of the interns in the emergency room said he reported me to Child Protective Services. So I yelled at the top of my lungs at him that he had violated medical ethics, and treaties the United States had signed. I never heard from CPS. But that was sufficiently scary.
Have the 1905 and 1920 rulings been overturned since that time?