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For the fourth time in less than a week, Japan has discovered foreign contamination of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Kanagawa prefecture has suspended an entire lot of the product after finding several black particles in a Moderna vaccine vial.
This is a worrying trend that began last week, when Japan suspended at least 1.6 million doses of the Moderna shot after initial reports of contamination. Moderna acknowledged the cases of “particulate matter being seen in drug product vials of its COVID-19 vaccine,” but said that the suspension was “just a precaution.”
But many of these contaminated vaccines have already been administered.
The Japanese defense ministry operates a mass vaccination site in Osaka, and said it had been using doses from the contaminated lot for over 2 weeks (although they did not disclose the full number of doses administered).
Japanese airline ANA said that they had administered about 4,700 doses from the contaminated lot and stopped all vaccinations last Thursday. Other companies had also suspended vaccination events pending further investigation.
Moderna’s problems worsened 4 days later when two more contaminations were reported. The fresh reports, from Gunma prefecture near Tokyo and the southern prefecture of Okinawa, prompted two new Moderna lots to be suspended.
Japanese officials confirmed that at least two people had died on Saturday after receiving doses that were later suspended due to contamination. So far, Kanagawa prefecture estimates that roughly 4,000 people have already received shots from today’s contaminated lot.
In Gunma, a Moderna vial was contaminated with a tiny black substance, while in Okinawa, black particulate was found in vials and syringes. Pink substances were also reported in Okinawa.
Today’s contamination solidifies concerns about Moderna’s manufacturing process and brings cause for apprehension involving Moderna’s international distribution. Moderna has contracts with the European Union (and its 27 member nations) to provide 460 million doses. So far, the company has delivered about 70 million.
Moderna had already been facing production issues. At the end of July, the company announced that production delays would cause disruption to the supply chain for all markets outside of the U.S.
Moderna and Spanish pharma company Rovi, which bottles Moderna vaccines for markets other than the United States, said the contamination could be due to a manufacturing issue in one of Rovi’s production lines.
Rovi had initially said that the batch in question was only meant for distribution in Japan, but the European Medicines Agency (essentially the EU’s FDA), says it is investigating the contaminations to determine if there has been an impact on supplies in the EU.
Forget all the other issues for a moment. In the past week, millions of doses have been suspended for visible contamination. The Times reported that the contaminants were tiny metal flakes. People are having metal shavings injected into their bodies, and we still trust Moderna? We still trust the regulatory bodies in charge of protecting us?
In the EU, the administration of the shot is on the rise. This morning, France began a campaign to administer booster shots for the elderly, meaning even more doses of Moderna’s killer cocktail will be administered.
People are dying. And all Moderna cares about is their bottom line.
Moderna has long been known for their secrecy and lack of published scientific research to support their technology. Despite successfully launching the largest IPO in biotech history, many investigative journalists have compared them to the fraudulent biotech company Theranos (whose founder is currently facing criminal charges for fraud).
One former Moderna scientist said:
It’s a case of the emperor’s new clothes. They’re running an investment firm, and then hopefully it also develops a drug that’s successful.”
We’re in the wild west of medical oversight, where anything goes and the rules are made up as we go along. When the FDA “approved” the Pfizer jab, Moderna should have immediately lost its EUA status, right? After all, the EUA can only be granted if there is no other treatment approved by the FDA.
But the rules seemed to change for Moderna, with the FDA extending the EUA despite the Pfizer approval.
“…if the approved vaccine is only available in limited quantities, that vaccine may not be considered adequate to address the public health emergency,” said an FDA spokesperson in an email. “Another example would be if the vaccine is approved for use only in a limited population, then that vaccine may not be considered adequate to address the public health emergency for other populations.”
The FDA and EMA are not looking out for us. Moderna is certainly not looking out for us. It’s up to us to look out for ourselves. These shots are not adequately tested. These shots have led to 13,627 reported deaths. These shots do not stop infection or transmission. As a matter of fact, these shots lead to higher viral loads. In some cases, these shots are literally filled with metal shavings.
But according to the CDC, the FDA, the MSM presstitutes, and the turncoats in government…
Don’t question vaccines!
Don’t ask if they are safe!
Line up like sheep and take the jab!
Line up like lemmings and jump over the cliff!

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Education and awareness in today’s society labels you a “conspiracy theorist”, and the Agenda 21 was rolled out long before people woke up to factual information..
The was a show on television called, “The Whistleblower”. Those individuals experienced death threats, and had to basically take on new identities to be protected.
I don’t have that privilege
I met a lady who is a volunteer at an hospital. She is livid as she sees people dying and the doctors are afraid to write the cause of death corona vaccine due to the fact that if they dare to do so they would loose their jobs ! I thought that only people are controlled through fear of death by the corona virus, that is why they jump to vaccinate, i was not aware that doctors fears are different; they can loose their jobs that provides for their families.
What a travesty of justice !
Thanks for your research!
Greetings …
Just wondering … Will there ever be a “Truth About Vaccines” Conference like the one coming up in October for cancer? We REALLY need that!
I like to watch it again too as it was full of information that I wanted to share to friends who believe not the deadly side effects of this vaccine.
Ty and Charlene, thank you for all the incredible work that you and others do in spreading the word and educating us about what’s really going on. I will become a financial contributor to the cause. May God bless and protect you!
I don’t understand how so many laws can be broken and still standing? Now everyone forcing shots or no job and for some no food really. The truth is there but the blind cannot see! It doesn’t seem they want to see either. Because if they do then they have to admit they where wrong so sad. I will not get the shot because I know for sure it will kill me!
Patricia the Globalists R controlling us they have enormous power & wealth . & can influence / corrupt / threaten Govs. Industry & just any person they choose . It’s all about greed & control . With less people in the world they can control us better . They want 2 bring in ” The Great Reset ” where our lives will B controlled . They tell us we won’t own anything but we’ll B very happy .
@Ty & Charlene,
and do you think that would be a coincidence that it happens? Honestly? That is a planned mass murder and Moderna might be a victim like others as well. They are all used as far as I see it. The real ones that you would need to mention are the ones you don’t. They started the ww’s and all other catastrophes as far as I see it.
Right on! Don’t forget the Flexnor Report, “The Creature from Jeckyll Island – A Second Look at the Federal Reserve” – G. Edward Griffin, “World Without Cancer – The Story of Laitrile” – G. Edward Griffin, “The Matrix”, etc. The only difference between a “Crazy right-wing Conspiracy” and Reality, is about two months. Keep up the fight.
So true, Carolyn!!! Truth About Vaccines conference needed!!! Ty & Charlene—you are SO appreciated!!!
Hi, I’m a nurse in nursing home UK. I had a meeting with the manager about mandatory vaccination. I refusing to having done, I was threatened that I will loose my job if I not having done until 16th of September. Then will give me the termination letter of my contract as a nurse. Last year we’ve been heroes and this year we are facing dismissal. We live in this world today. Any suggestions what I can do to defend myself against this tyranny and against our freedom of choice and conciseness? Adrian
If you want your job sadly there is not much you can do. All part of the plan. Here in the US it is perfectly legal and President backing to threaten your employees with dismissal and ill-treatment no matter how long they have worked for you or their value & job position if you are being a “threat” and “nuisance” to society and the business. Many businesses (especially federally funded) are receiving “incentives” to be 100% fully vaccinated staffing. I have been hararassed in a number of ways (mostly quite at first) but now it has elevated because I was a hold-out. They are no longer nice about it at all, the mandatory testing etc. Separating the vac’d from the none. I take more precautions & always have in my daily life to be healthy and not sick than anyone else & they treat me now as if I am a threat, like I carry diseases and spread them around. I keep to myself and always have. I’m too busy with my work. They set a deadline that was almost impossible to meet (you have to wait between vaccinations) for the rest of “us” to be vac’ d or terminated by the 15th. I am one of the longest employees there. I wanted to quit but without a backup plan & nowhere to go immediately what was I to do? I have family to take care of. To my great distress I had the first vaccine the other week & I have felt poorly ever since. I get hararassed still because I am not fully vac’d and it will not end until I have met their deadline. They are angry it is not already completed. Then they will start in on the boosters I’m sure. I am not at all looking forward to the 2nd shot but I keep doing all the things I have been to keep myself & my immune system healthy. I do not deserve this kind of treatment after the years of work I have put in & what I have tolerated from them over the years. Best of luck to you. I hope you can make peace with your decisions and things go well either way.
No job is worth dying for. Sorry, but you need to find your backbone and stand up to this tyranny. You’re right to be concerned about booster shots. Pfizer CEO said the other day the vaccines are needed, PLUS, twice daily Pfizer pills in perpetuity.
Contact American Frontline Doctors as they are WORLD WIDE… Cut all extra expneses out of your life. FILE for unemployement IF Your country offers that. File Human Rights Commission claim if your country has a division like that…
Please stand your ground and don’t give in. I know the thought of losing everything is very scary and very real. It may not feel like it now, but you will be ok, you are braver, stronger, smarter than you realise. Unfortunately If they going to do this to good people they will leave those good people no choice but to protect and fend for themselves at any cost.
Do what you gotta do, but dont inject their poison. If enough people say NO they will not be able to sack everyone. Decisions based on fear are never made correctly.
Sending you strength and love.
It’s all so very sad….I spoke with my son (in a different state than mine) last week on the phone, and his business is not doing well….he can’t get materials he needs and very vociferously blamed it all on the unvaccinated (of which I am one) because he claims they’re all spreading the virus sickening the workers who manufacture the parts he needs but cannot work now due to the virus. I just suggested we end the conversation before it got any worse. How many other families are similarly being split apart because some will not accept the truths that are being reported about the dangers of the “vaccines”?
I find that people are willingly ignorant. Those people who have done their research on the vaccinations and done their due diligence are the ones who are refusing the vax.
The ones who have gone ahead and had the vax willingly have been duped into believing it will help bring ‘normality’ back to their life. The long term effects of the Corona vax is yet to be felt. It seems the Governments are hiding the true effects the vax are having on the general populations.
Yet people still go and ‘get tested’ even when they are well!! Even the so called PCR tests are under scrutiny for not being reliable.
Time will tell as to whether the jabs are effective or not. Those who are wise will wait for long term results.
MAINSTREAM MEDIA keep pushing the vaccine in Australia telling us lies about getting back to normal that’s not normal it’s madness a vaccine that’s been tested on people for two month only
it takes longer testing on big pharma drugs 7 to10 years before being available to the public.
I’ve had covid myself it had no effect on me my natural immune kicked in and did it’s job nothing more than a normal flu you get every year the stupid media has made it way more driving fear into people I had a killer flu in 1997 that I couldn’t get rid off it lasted 6 month on and off 1000 times worse than covid sars 11 I have a very strong immune system because of that.
now a vaccine passport what next destroy humanity all together