TTAV is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats. Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list. It’s free.
When it comes to the Australian COVID detention centers, mainstream media is working hard to discredit comparisons to Nazi Germany. A quick Google search of the Australian COVID camps will return results ranging from “fact-checks” to pictures of bikini-clad women basking in the sun.
But the truth of these camps is far more sinister, as many of its visitors (read: prisoners) will tell you. There has been harsh criticism of those comparing these detention centers to the Jewish ghettos established under the Nazi regime.
But these comparisons are not unwarranted.
“Imagine that phrase: a woman in a camp in Australia is being detained. That, in itself, tells you where you are,” says investigative journalist Lee Smith, commenting on the alleged detention of a woman in Darwin, Australia in a so-called quarantine facility, without a positive COVID-19 result.
Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus.
“You feel like you’re in prison. You feel like you’ve done something wrong, it’s inhumane what they’re doing. You are so small, they just overpower you. And you’re literally nothing. It’s like ‘you do what we say, or you’re in trouble, we’ll lock you up for longer’. Yeah, they were even threatening me that if I was to do this again, ‘we will extend your time in here,'” she said.
“You literally get put on the back of a golf buggy with your bags. And these people are in hazmat suits and everything. They don’t want to come near you because they think you’re infectious. And they literally drop you to your room. And they leave you. They don’t come and say anything, they don’t check up, they don’t do anything. You get delivered your meals once a day. And you are just left.”
Hodgson goes on to describe her experience, including videos of Darwin police officers threatening her with a $5,000 fine if she steps off her 6’X3’ patio without a mask. Claims that the camps are only for residents returning from abroad are a lie; Hodgson was simply identified as a “close contact” of someone who tested positive. Within hours, she was put on a bus and taken to the camp.
Earlier this month, three teenagers (aged 15, 16, and 17) escaped from the facility by scaling the fences bordering the compound. The escape came days after a 27-year-old man – who had tested negative for COVID – also escaped.
All four of the escapees were quickly captured by the police and taken into custody. All three of the most recent escapees tested negative for COVID-19. But that doesn’t seem to matter to Australian authorities, who have forced hundreds to spend an involuntary 14-day quarantine in the COVID camps.
Prisoners are restricted to a small room and a deck measuring approximately 6’X3”. Lines are painted throughout the facility and crossing the literal line can result in thousands of dollars in fines. The camp is surrounded by chain-link fencing and monitored by police officers and camera surveillance. Even each cluster of buildings is separated from the others by fencing.
The harshness of the country’s importation policies is in keeping with the other authoritarian laws and regulations that often surprise foreigners familiar with Australia’s reputation for carefree “throw another shrimp on the barbie” gaiety.
Watch Hayley’s interview with UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers, where she describes the circumstances of her detention and the cruel treatment she received during her 14-day detention at the COVID camp, despite never once testing positive for the virus.
Australia will not be the last nation to use Nazi tactics to isolate and detain the unvaccinated and infected. We’ve already seen draconian lockdowns in countries like Germany and Austria that are exclusive to the unvaccinated.
Many nations are planning to require vaccination for all citizens early next year.
The looming question that should be in everyone’s minds is: Or what?
What will they do to those who refuse to comply with vaccine mandates? Crippling fines? Segregation? Arrest?
Sadly, Hayley Hodgson lost her job while detained at the Howard Springs internment camp. Governments around the world have fostered fear from the beginning of the pandemic in order to expand their control. Efforts to treat patients at home to avoid hospitalization are virtually nonexistent. Promising and widely available treatments and prophylactic measures have been restricted or banned.
Yes, this is about forced vaccination. But it won’t stop there. Governments, unchecked, will continue to amass and abuse their power. The only way to stop them is to challenge them. In a free society, the government derives its power from the will of the governed.
It’s time.
It’s time to disobey. It’s time to make our voices heard. It’s time to let our government – and governments around the world – know that we will not go quietly. We will not go peacefully into a “new normal” that strips us of our freedoms, forces dangerous, untested drugs into our children’s veins, and turns free thinkers into second class citizens.
For now, the camps are limited to places like Australia. For now, lockdowns of the unvaccinated are limited to places like Germany. For now, nationwide compulsory vaccination is limited to places like:
- Indonesia
- Austria
- Germany
- Micronesia
- Tajikistan
- Turkmenistan
The United States is one of over 20 nations to mandate vaccination for both public and private sector workers. What’s the next step? We need to fight back. And we need to fight back now.
The time is RIGHT NOW to take a stand for freedom… so that our children won’t have to.

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I’m with you. We need to defeat the Globalists plan for ‘US’. Klaus Schwab and his 4th Industrial Revolution crowd of Davos elite want to DEPOPULATE ‘US’.
very interesting
What is rearly going on , it is obvious it’s not about covid , people should stand together and not comply with any of there rules .the only hope we have is if all over the world we stand for our freedoms .
I am 78 years old I have been eating organic, distilling my own water and 80% Vegan no animal product for more years than I can remember. I monitor closely everything that is put in an on my body. I also take precautions to the 5G around me.My body is the only one I get in this life so I plan to take care of it as best as I can. To have anyone tell me what I can and can not do with my own personal body is criminal.I have no intentions of injecting an unknown chemical into my body when the end result is not known or even 100% effective. I keep my body healthy my immune system as strong as possible. As a result both my husband and I both got the covid 19 last May. Yes we were sick but with rest and continued proper nourishment we both got over it at home with no medical attention. Was we lucky or properly prepared? Now I have had my antibodies tested late into October they showed we were still carrying the antibody for covid 19. Now as an R.N. I know those antibodies are just as strong if not stronger than the antibodies generated by the vaccine. What i do not understand is why would we not be considered as if we were vaccinated. This leaves me to believe it is all political or there is an agenda by the powers to be. Either way I have no intentions of getting vaccinated. It may cause me to miss my first Granddaughter’s wedding in May as we will have to fly. I hope by then our voices will be heard enough to change the direction this is going. Thanks for letting me vent. Hope it helps
Very interesting
Hitler would have been a house painter his entire life without the support of the people!
Thank you for a very, very interesting article. I am a resident of Ireland with it’s constant lockdowns and I shudder to think that they will force vaccines on everyone. It’s bad enough to have to sit outside in cold weather just to have a cup of coffee.
We are bombarded with the media, even Christian media, that the vaccines are important and necessary. Where are the voices to let people know the dangers of the vaccines? We need to hear the truth but are you the only ones speaking out on this? If no one knows or hears the other side, they will follow what they hear. Can you widen your platform to let more people know the truth? Very few are hearing the small voice of truth against the overwhelming screaming voice of false messages. When people are only hearing one thing (which is the falsehood), they really don’t know any better than to choose the only thing they are hearing. We the common workers are reliant on those whose job is to research because we do not have the same opportunity to do all the research that they can. Thank you for all you are doing and may there be some way to get the word out and be heard above the shouting of the false media.
It looks like you have just done a new series for the Covid vaccines? Where or how can I order it?
Well, this is proof that Australia has gone off the rails of reason. They have turned into a Communist/Totalitarian state where people have no rights against the ever powerful “”Government”. Common sense and reason is out the window and it’s all about “Control” and no rights to object.
Check out Dr David Martin’s ideas about what we can do, and should do.
i am in australia over 500 babys are still born thruh the vaccin we are trying to fiting back
I have been following you for years now.
Just curious.
What are your qualifications? What did you study at University?
People are critical and asking me why they should believe you, so I want to set the record straight.
I guess that is you don’t reply to my email, they may be justified.
What you are doing is making an ‘ad hominum’ attack: attacking the individual to cast doubt on the facts, instead of attacking the facts directly. Their ‘qualifications’ are irrelevant. They provide links to all of the information they give. If that information is incorrect, explain how it is incorrect.
The thing that makes the similarity to Nazi Germany so frightening is the “burning of books.” Any differing thoughts from the government position are censored or deleted. Followed by threats of various kinds, including incarceration, fines, and/or termination of a means of earning a living.
Ty and Charlene,
My husband and I agree totally to your article. So where do we go from here? How do we fight back? We will never get the jab. We have lost friends who feel we are wrong. Please keep us informed on just what to do. We’re all in.
Thanks for all the work you do to provide us with the TRUTH.
You’re in our prayers.
Ron and Sue
That has been one of the most devastating things about this- the loss of relationships. When you try to tell the “sheep” the truth they think you’re crazy and it’s so isolating. Reading these posts helps me to know I’m not alone in my beliefs!
“We need to fight back. And we need to fight back now.” How do we do that, what tools do we need, what resources do we have against a tyrannical government who would invoke martial law if we even talked about exercising our constitutional rights. You see what they did when we peacefully protested in DC against a stolen election. Patriots are rotting in prison with no due process. I’m 72 years old, but I would be happy to fight if I knew I would not be standing alone. Sixty years of communist indoctrination in our public education system has destroyed this country from within, just like Kruschev said it would.
Most people quarantine in Australia are in hotels in the city Darwin is the only place this happens so please do not go down the track like health ranger and stick to all the facts I did point this out to Mercola but where censored this make you just like them of which you complane I have followed you and mercola for many years and agree with most of your comments so please do not do what they do and censor a comment which is pointing out a fact
Graham Hewitt
Does it matter whether people are being forced into a hotel against their will or into a fenced camp? The treatment is likely similar in both places. There are ‘quarantine hotels’ in Canada that are just as terrible for the treatment of the prisoners. Yes, prisoners. When you are forcibly imprisoned, regardless of the location, that is imprisonment.
This is great but how do we fight back? I have written to my senators and representative, but what else can we do. I do not have the vax and do not want it. I work in the healthcare industry and may loose my job if the mandate comes through. I want to fight back.
Thanks for all you do.
I’m from Australia and I was fined $1,800.00 by Daniel Andrews government for being in Melbourne as I come from Ballarat east Vic.
I won’t pay it’s a joke.
I’m a good Christian and I am not allowed to go to church because I haven’t been vaccinated, my husband bent to the peer pressure from his mates, it’s so sad 😞.
It’s all threats and lies , he should be locked up and put with all his evil politicians and evil police officers.
I am 72 years of age and my son and his wife and their 2 children live in Melbourne
I’m an Australian – American presently living in the USA and we keep Covid numbers down. Shame on the USA with over 700.000 people dead from covid and now covid cases being extremely high with the unvaccinated. You can go on about this all you want but the Australian gov. is protesting their population. I use to hold you and your work in high esteem but more and more you are politicizing health issues. I suggest you stay with the health issues and keep politics out of this. I bet you also as children had polio and small pox vaccinations. I was alive during that pandemic and saw and experienced the results of that. If you travel you have had to have a small pox vaccination to enter certain countries. I’m not sure how religion enters into this either. Whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim or even atheist Covid is non denominational. Lets stick to science and the facts.
I have agreed with a lot of things you’ve had to say but I think this article is stretching the truth by a bit and I’m sorry to hear it because now i have to wonder about some other truths. I feel a little disappointed to be honest. Australia has low covid numbers, albeit now they are increasing with opened borders, but it has been because of the draconian laws that they have remained low. I don’t agree with mandates and a lot of other issues, but a lot of people don’t mind the drastatic measures undertaken if it means keeping Australia healthy. It is only a minority of quarantined people who are complaining about these ‘camps’. Most are happy to be able to have open air rooms rather than enclosed hotel rooms. Vicki
So you are happy giving up your freedom and that of your neighbours so long as you are able to ‘feel safe’ in return? Forcibly imprisoning people who are not ill keeps your country ‘healthy’? And everyone should be grateful to have an open-air prison instead of a hotel prison.
I hope you will be happy living under the dictatorship you are supporting, since it will likely persist for the rest of your life. But hey, at least the dictators offer nice prisons.
I live in South Australia. Each State has it’s own rules and border controls. Being vaccine-free, if I leave SA, I cannot get back in. This isn’t a problem, as I can’t get into most other States or Territories. I can get into NSW, but then I am not allowed to travel outside of my local government area. In other words, I can get to Sydney airport, but that’s it! And I can’t drive, because no-one is allowed to provide me with accommodation. So I’m stuck in SA. But at least I’m home. If I had been travelling around the country in an RV, I would have been locked out.
This is no longer the lucky country we have always told ourselves it is. I would leave, but I’m not sure there’s really anywhere else in the world I could go.
So I guess I’ll stay and fight.
America has betrayed us by taking away our freedom of speech and rights to our own health care decisions. The censorship is Nazi Germany like, Many in our family have lost their jobs for refusing the harmful Covid gene therapy jabs. I won’t call it a vaccine because it is not. I am 71 and I am a 45 year RN – if you look at nothing else look at the VAERS data open to the public. Even this under reported data is alarming. From the Covid jab my sister developed temporal arteritis which left her with a severe unretractable headache and the loss of vision and threat of blindness. For treatment she had to take Prednisone 60 mg for 6 months and is still on it at a lesser dose. This has caused osteoporosis and she she broke her foot when she went on a walk the other day! Was never sick before !- Our neighbor had a massive stroke after his Covid jabs. Resist Resist speak up any chance you can March and let you legislators know. Read RFK Jrs book “The REAL Anthony Fauci” . Easily obtainable on Amazon or book stores or through his web site.
That book is amazing! I wish everyone would read it.
Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.
– Voltaire
Ty and Charlene,
Just want to say thanks for opening up my eyes a few years ago with TTAV and TTAC. If it weren’t for you I might be triple Covid Vaxxed and be thinking about giving it to my kids. I shudder to think.