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A new preprint study in medRxiv is making waves after the researchers found that the risk of myocarditis caused by the COVID vaccine is much higher in teenage boys than previously thought. In fact, the study concluded that the risk of hospitalization for cardiac adverse events following vaccination is higher than the risk of being hospitalized with COVID for healthy teenage boys.
Analysis of medical data suggests that boys aged 12 to 15, with no underlying medical conditions, are four to six times more likely to be diagnosed with vaccine-related myocarditis than ending up in hospital with Covid over a four-month period.
Most children who experienced the rare side-effect had symptoms within days of the second shot of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, though a similar side-effect is seen with the Moderna jab. About 86% of the boys affected required some hospital care, the authors said.
The report by Tracy Høeg, MD, PhD, of the University of California Davis, and colleagues found that rates of “cardiac adverse events” after the second dose were higher than previous CDC estimates, at 162 per million among boys ages 12 – 15 and 94 per million among boys ages 16 – 17.
At current US infection rates, the risk of a healthy adolescent being taken to hospital with Covid in the next 120 days is about 44 per million, they said. This means that healthy boys are between 214% and 369% MORE LIKELY to be hospitalized because of the vaccine than from the virus.
The study relied heavily on data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS. As of September 10th, there were 14,925 reported deaths associated with the COVID vaccines (63% of all vaccine-related deaths reported since 1990). There were 60,741 hospitalizations associated with the COVID jab (44% of all vaccine-related hospitalizations since 1990). There were 701,559 adverse events associated with the COVID shot (46% of all vaccine-related adverse events since 1990).
The study has caused an uproar on social media, with many physicians, politicians, and pundits citing the VAERS data as unreliable source due to its limitations. And they’re right… sort of.
The Lazarus Report estimates that only 1% of vaccine-related adverse events are reported.
This means that the actual number of hospitalizations and deaths related to the vaccines may be closer to 6 million and 1.5 million, respectively. But the study has not slowed efforts to vaccinate children as young as 5 years old.
On Monday, Pfizer announced that it’s new lower dose COVID vaccine was “safe and effective” for children ages 5 – 11, a demographic that has not been eligible for the vaccine (or associated mandates) so far.
But that might soon change.
“These trial results provide a strong foundation for seeking authorization of our vaccine for children 5 to 11 years old, and we plan to submit them to the FDA and other regulators with urgency,” said Albert Bourla, the chairman and CEO for Pfizer.
The long-term health effects of the mRNA vaccines on teenage boys (or any demographic, for that matter) are unknown. VAERS is limited because it relies on voluntary reporting. It was designed as a sort of early warning system to track potential problems with vaccines.
By any metric, the significant increase in reported events associated with the COVID shots is alarming. Remember, there have been more reported deaths associated with the COVID shots over the past 9 months than from all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years!
Some so-called “experts” have complained that Høeg et al. misinterpreted the data and should trust the CDC’s own research, which shows a much lower incidence of heart problems associated with the jab.
Høeg said the group used the same definition of myocarditis that the CDC did for its previous estimates using VAERS data, and that cardiologist and co-author John Mandrola, MD was key in vetting reports. She also pointed to the established fact that VAERS often provides an underestimate of the true prevalence of an adverse event.
Several physicians, however, have asked why this group would bother repeating the CDC’s own analysis, especially if they are using the same definition of myocarditis — and working without CDC’s adjudicated data.
“We repeated the project because we were concerned about the symptom search criteria the CDC used being too narrow,” Høeg told reporters. “We found around 40% of our cases simply using expanded symptom search criteria from theirs but requiring the same objective evidence they did of myocarditis (which we called in our paper ‘cardiac adverse event’).”
She said they also wanted to stratify risk by age groups 12-15 and 16-17, which CDC hadn’t done:
“As a mom of 10- and 13-year-old boys, this was important information for me to see and I know many other parents feel the same way. The benefit of using the VAERS first was this is a rare event, which we were just beginning to track in the U.S., and VAERS gave us quick access to the largest number of reported cases,” Høeg said. “We could also easily identify instances of post-vaccination cardiac injury in terms of troponin levels, along with case descriptions (which we have made publicly available) and directly compare our rates with those that the CDC found, demonstrating that there may be a significant amount of missed post-vaccination cardiac damage in this age group, specifically in the youngest group, compared to what the CDC had initially reported.”
Unfortunately, this kind of bad science is par for the course when it comes to the CDC. And if you’re wondering why the CDC would be motivated to spin the narrative, you don’t need to look much further than their bank accounts.
Members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), who actually decide which vaccines are recommended to be added to the CDC vaccine schedules, are often financially involved with vaccine manufacturers.
ACIP members may own stock in Big Pharma companies that are responsible for producing the vaccines that the ACIP committee recommends! In fact, the law firm Weltchek Mallahan & Weltchek found over 50 patents connected to vaccines owned or shared by one or more members of ACIP or other committees within the CDC.
Willingly placing children in harm’s way is arguably the most despicable sin of all. The available data tells us that these “vaccines” are putting our kids in even more danger than the disease it’s supposed to treat.
With billions in annual vaccine revenue, it seems our children are just another way for Pfizer’s cronies to make money… no matter the cost.

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Thank you 💖💯👌
What is the life expectancy with myocarditis?
Long-term prognosis was usually good with a 3–5-year survival ranging from 56 to 83%, respectively. Patients with acute fulminant myocarditis, once they survive the acute illness, had an excellent long-term prognosis of 93% at 11 years, compared with 45% of the patients presenting with acute non-fulminant myocarditis
Can you die suddenly from myocarditis?
Myocarditis has been reported to be a major cause of sudden and unexpected death in infants, adolescents, and young adults.Aug 19, 2019
After treatment, many patients live long, full lives free from the effects of myocarditis. For others, however, ongoing cardiovascular medication or even a heart transplant may be needed.
Understanding Myocarditis – Myocarditis Foundation
Lastly, myocarditis has about a 66% risk of death, within 5 years…according to a Navy Surgeon . She also reports that in the services, leukemia incidence went from 48 to 229 and myocarditis from 317 to 1113 post jab.
As a mother of eleven boys (and 3 girls), I care deeply about having access to ACCURATE data that has not been perverted to fit a political narrative. We do not believe the evidence shows the Covid gene therapy injections to be safe FOR ANYONE especially children. It is persecution, propaganda, and actual abuse for those in “authority” to coerce people to get this injection under threat of job loss, alienation from society, fear, etc. As the Nazi war crimes were brought to light at Nuremberg and many, many of those evil perpetrators were brought to an earthly form of justice, I pray that ALL those complicit in forcing misinformation, propaganda, and dangerous lab-created viruses as well as their supposed “antidotes” on the public will receive justice in this life and that we who have lived through their abuse will live to see that justice. I can leave the next life to the Almighty Judge who will do as He sees fit.
Well said Lena 😊🙏
Yes..well said indeed Lena. This whole thing is a wicked agenda planned for a long long time. (Look at the truth about the Spanish’s horrifying, but not surprising ).
May God bring the truth to light to those who love truth.
There will be a time that every eye will see & every knee will bow to the Lord.. AND then the BOOK will be opened! Some will face a Bema Judgment seat for rewards & inheritance..some will face the Great White throne Judgment seat & face their doom!
Revenge is the Lords & He will have His way., in His time..which we may not see now. Jesus Christ is coming for a Bride/His true believers/The Church..before the Wrath of God, spoken of in Revelation, is poured out on the world.
There is coming a New World Order (& is at the door), with one known as the anti-Christ in the Bible who will come forth with stealth & many sign & wonders & the whole world will follow Him..(called the Beast in Revelation) ; supported by the False prophet..which is the coming (ready now), One World Religion headed by the Pope & made up of a group of many different religions who will not declare the Lord Jesus Christ as God..but their god will be the god of whatever you believe. Oh how sad..they want rid of the One & true Living eternal God..who Was & IS & IS TO COME
Meanwhile..through all the shaking..if we dont know Him, choose Him now & live each day for Jesus Christ who died for the sin of the world to make us cleansed & Righteous in the eyes of the Father..for Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life. Put trust & hope in Him..time is short. He’s coming soon..& then the Judgement.
Oops! I have EIGHT boys…11 kids total! lol
Forgive me…I am exhausted!
Hehe…you must be.
I can tell from what you’ve written above you’d be an amazing mum.
God bless you all.
This data is true, but let from the public. Thank you for sharing.
You ever wonder why these mRNA concoctions were rushed into existence with very little testing and trials? Well, know you know one of several reasons. They are killer substances that the body does not require in any way, shape or form. They will NEVER improve or replace your innate immune system.
This is why normal vaccines take an average of 10 years of trials and studies before they are approved. The vast majority of intended vaccines fail testing over time, thank God. Throw in the fact that all previous testing with mRNA injections on animals failed miserably. Go ahead and still trust big pharma for vaccines and mRNA injections…you will deeply regret it!
I don’t care which vaccine you talk about, they are ALL dangerous! No one should get the jab!
Thank you for this very important information.
God bless you as you endeavor to help people know the truth about natural healing and prevention of disease. Thanks for informing people the risks of the jab. I think anything they push to this extent has to have other purposes then to protect people and keep people safe. Follow the money trail, and the total control they are seeking to have over the world.
Thanks again, keep up the great work.
I pray this article saves many lives of our nation’s generation of children.
Please support Rebel news from Canadian ..they are fighting for freedom..and no vaccine passports..
We should apply for our own land and self government
Thanks for keeping us up to date with the scene!
Our resident scientist who has entertained and educated us on TV and radio for decades has declared “these vaccines have had all the testing that other vaccines have had, and they are safe.”
This is Australia. !!!!!! Nurses being sacked today who do not want to participate in this insane experiment. My name on a register for not accepting the vax. Doctors here recieve directives from the Government as to what they can say or not. My GP says there are no exemptions – despite me having had an anaphylaxis to previous flu vaccine. !!!!!!! Love and God bless to all who have integrity and try to keep their sovereignty over their God given body.
It is astonishing how gullible people are!!! to believe that by taking the vaccine is safe I am not a Dr but inoculation is not the same as a vaccine? As a baby we received inoculations for several dangerous illnesses. Inoculations that were trial and tested for years. We also did not receive this onoculations over and over again because it is effective. Hmm