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If you thought you’d never see a time come in America where people wouldn’t be allowed to travel unless they were vaccinated against a virus that may not even be around in a year, think again.
That day has come.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with authoritarians in mostly Democrat-run states, are now essentially putting the vaccine industry in control over who will get to fly in the very near future and who will get denied, the U.S. Constitution’s ‘right to travel’ guarantee be damned.
A whiny Washington Post story published Dec. 28 that plays up the fear porn aspect of COVID-19 (because the goal of the statists including the mainstream media is ultimate control over the masses) nevertheless details how the CDC is informing airlines who can and cannot fly based on whether they’ve tested positive for the virus.
The paper notes:
The CDC says in no uncertain terms not to travel while sick or after testing positive for the coronavirus. This year, the agency has added more than 400 people to a “Do Not Board” list for covid-19; those on the list will not be issued a boarding pass for any commercial flight in, to or from the United States.
But it’s not just federal agencies. The leaders of one-party-rule states like Maryland, California, Hawaii and other Democrat strongholds are also doing their best imitations of King George when it comes to imposing restrictions regarding the virus — up to and including imprisonment.
“As recent high-profile instances show, having symptoms or even a diagnosis is not enough to keep sick people on the ground. A Hawaii couple who tested positive for the virus was told to isolate in San Francisco; instead, they boarded a plane to Kauai, where they were arrested for reckless endangerment,” the Post reported.
Struggling airlines trying to entice more people to fly have adopted a host of rules including mandatory masking in order to fill planes. But the industry is already trending towards mandating that passengers have so-called “vaccine passports” before they’ll be allowed on board a flight. (Related: Dr. Scott Atlas says America may not survive the corruption, incompetence and FRAUD unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic.)
That’s because, as the Post reported, more and more people are beginning to complain that the “honor system” — that is, relying on passengers to be honest about whether or not they’ve tested positive or have symptoms of COVID-19 — isn’t reliable.
But it’s also true that a large plurality of people who have contracted the disease have no idea they have it because they’re not symptomatic.
“Individuals can be pre-symptomatic or entirely asymptomatic,” Joshua Barocas, an epidemiologist at the Boston University School of Medicine, told the Post. “In both cases those individuals are still infectious, and the symptom screening tools are completely ineffective.”
He also said that in other instances, travelers simply refuse to be honest because they’ve got places to go and people to see.
“In some cases, this is related to business, and in others it is simply because they have taken a calculated risk and the need to see friends and family outweighs the covid risk,” Barocas added. “In all of these cases, it is clear that [their] self-reporting may not be effective.”
But so what? The CDC, according to the Post, has yet to confirm that anyone who was positive with the virus and flew on a play transmitted it to anyone else.
So — what’s the solution? Well, mandated vaccines, of course, and then proof of vaccination.
“Now that coronavirus vaccines are starting to roll out in the US and abroad, many people may be dreaming of the day when they can travel, shop and go to the movies again. But in order to do those activities, you may eventually need something in addition to the vaccine: a vaccine passport application,” CNN reported this week.
Welcome to George Orwell’s America.
This article was originally published on January 4th by JD Heyes on It has been shared here with permission from the author. Click here for the original article.

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The reason that many people in lots of nations do not want to take the COVID-19 vaccines is maybe because those vaccines were rushed too quickly less than a year and people are worried about serious adverse effects.
The passengers refuse to be honest? The CDC, WHO, MSM, and others have been lying to the people for decades!
The vaccines were not tested by any other source (ie. rats, pigs ) but instead the human public are the test. The results are kept secret by news media, government and pharmacy companies to name a few. Have you heard of some of the side effects? Have you heard how many people have died after their covid flu shot? Wake up America a new king has been enthroned and it looks like we won’t be able to travel, buy or leave the country without a mandatory covid flu vaccine document. Government control is taking large strides to immobilize Americans. Just listen to the questions that are allowed by Government by the press. Not any pertaining to the harmful effects of the virus and how some countries beat the covid virus.
Fly on chartered planes with a group of people to get a decent rate. Forget the major airlines. Not one passenger of any chartered plane to this day is subjected to the lunacy of being “radiated” to fly or allowing a TSA agent to grope them. The same will be true for chartered planes now because the elite will never allow themselves to be subjected to what they have been allowed to subject the serfs to.
Besides that, they have yet to isolate this so-called “virus”. So “what” are they even testing for? Much less, “what” are they putting in these vaccines when they have zero scientific proof they have scientifically isolated and identified this “virus.”
Bottom line is they can try to pass whatever mandates they want and they still need your consent. Don’t sign anything that will allow them to pass on the liability of these damages to you. The drug companies may get a free pass (for now) but these corporations who think they will get to play doctor without a license and walk away from massive lawsuits are in for a rude awakening.
It’s really sad for the airline industry that they are being pressured to make flying difficult. They have the right to reject government interference and run their own industry as they see fit.
If vaccines are required for flying, probably a lot of people will spend their vacation dollars some other way.
After receiving the vaccine can you still transmit and spread Covid to someone else?
It’s not even a vaccine, it’s experimental gene therapy