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Yet another celebrity was caught in the crosshairs of the “woke mob” this week as reigning NFL MVP and future first-ballot hall of famer Aaron Rodgers revealed his decision to decline the COVID jab. Rodgers shared that he wanted to tell his side of the story before the “final nail gets put in my cancel culture casket.”
Watch Aaron’s interview to learn how a healthy lifestyle, vitamins, and homeopathic treatment helped him recover from COVID almost immediately… and why the the superstar quarterback believes that the league’s treatment of unvaccinated players is simply not based in science.
Aaron Rodgers:
I realize I’m in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now. So before my final nail gets put in my cancel culture casket, I think I’d like to set the record straight on so many of the blatant lies that are out there about myself right now. And I appreciate the opportunity to tell my side of the story on here. First of all, I didn’t lie in the initial press conference. During that time, it was a very witch hunt that was going on across the league, where everybody in the media was so concerned about who was vaccinated and who wasn’t and what that meant and who was being selfish and who would talk about it and what it meant if they said it’s a personal decision, they shouldn’t have to disclose their own medical information and whatnot.
And at the time, my plan was to say that I’ve been immunized. It wasn’t some sort of ruse or lie. It was the truth. And I’ll get into whole immunization in a second. Had there been a follow up to my statement that I’ve been immunized, I would’ve responded with this. I would’ve said, “Look, I’m not some sort of anti-vax flat Earther. I am somebody who’s a critical thinker.” You guys know me. I march to the beat of my own drum. I believe strongly in bodily autonomy and the ability to make choices for your body, not to have to acquiesce to some woke culture or crazed group of individuals who say you have to do something. Health is not a one size fits all for everybody. And for me, it involved a lot of study in the off season, much like the study I put into hosting Jeopardy or the weekly study I put into plan in the game.
I put a lot of time and energy and research and met with a lot of different people in the medical field to get the most information about the vaccines before making a decision. And in actuality, it was pretty easy in the beginning to eliminate two of them, and it didn’t involve going into the questionable history of some of their criminal activities and fraud cases or any of that stuff. It was simply the fact that I have an allergy to an ingredient that’s in the mRNA vaccines. So on the CDC’s own website, it says, “Should you have an allergy to any of the ingredients, you should not get one of the mRNA vaccines.” So those two are already. So my only option was Johnson & Johnson. At this time in the early spring, I had heard of multiple people who had adverse events around getting the J&J.
No deaths or anything, but just some really difficult times and physical abnormalities around the J&J shot. And then in mid-April, the J&J shot got pulled for clotting issues, if you remember that. So the J&J shot was not even an option at that point. So then my options became, “Okay, what can I do to protect myself and my teammates if there’s not one of the big three options for me in my own body?” And so I looked into and talked, again, to a lot of medical individuals and professionals and found that there was an immunization protocol that I could go to, to best protect myself and my teammates. And it was a long term protocol that involved multiple months. I’m very proud of the research that went into that and the individuals that I met with and we felt like it was what was best for me.
It was not, again, something that the league didn’t know about. The league was fully aware of it upon my return to the Packers. And it was at that point that I petitioned them to accept my immunization status as under their vaccination protocol. Now, at the time, they had only had the big three was what they’re going to do. And if you weren’t in the vaccinated category, you were in a different category, which involved some draconian measures and protocols that you would have to adhere to, which, in my opinion, were not based on science, were more based in a shame-based environment to try and get as many guys to get vaccinated as possible so that the league looks better to the rest of the world. That was the focus of these protocols, which I’ll get into when I finish this diatribe here.

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I commend Aaron R. for his stance and hope he continues to stand firm.
I love how Aaron talks about natural immunity and how health is not a one sided and is personal. It is great how he speaks up and empowers us to make an educated decision.🙌👌
Think…..What is the difference between Roger’s Yellow Wristband and the Yellow Star of David that the Jews had to wear in Nazi Germany…..THINK about it…
In the 50’s 60’s 70’s little pharma ran ads for test subjects for a new drug and they would get paid, now BIG PHARMA says we are paying government officials, so we will have them call for a pandemic and we can test our drugs that way….
Aaron Rodgers is a hero for those of us that have researched the “vaccine” as he has and have decided to give it a pass. 💕Hero!
I understand that Packer fans cheered Aaron Rodgers, as he played quarterback, In Seattle, and won for the team.
Stick strong to your decision. These vaccines they are pushing are nothing but experimental medicines. The drug companies take no responsibility for them. If something happens to you or any of us to bad so sad. No lawsuits – why should they care what happens to you or any of us. Natural immunity is a no brainer.
Rodgers is correct. Natural methods do work. He is living proof. Iwas tested for COV antibodies.
SarsCov2 igg and Cov2igm antibodies. Positive for both. I like Rodgers used natural methods. P.S. I never was sick , not one day.