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by Ty & Charlene Bollinger
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, has been in place since 1990 as a way for healthcare providers to document adverse reactions to vaccines. While imperfect in many ways, VAERS provides an early warning for potential health risks of vaccines. In recent weeks, VAERS has reported over 1,600 deaths related to the COVID vaccines manufactured by Moderna and Pfizer.
VAERS and the True Cost of COVID Vaccines
It has been quite a year. At this point in 2020, we still had plans to watch the March Madness tournament, people around the world were gearing up to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, and millions of hardworking Americans were still employed. We were told that the lockdowns, mask mandates, and utter destruction of the world’s greatest economy were necessary.. And temporary.
Vaccines have been touted by virtually every health agency in the world as our only path back to normalcy. The vaccines were rolled out in record time, skipping important clinical trials and completely devoid of any comprehensive safety studies. Since the first dose was administered on December 14th, early data suggests that we have made a terrible mistake.
With about 98 million doses administered so far, VAERS data suggests that the death toll is somewhere around .003% of those vaccinated. But that number is likely much smaller than the reality.
First, it’s important to know that VAERS is a passive monitoring system, meaning doctors are not required to report adverse events. Several studies have suggested that as few as 5% of all adverse reactions are reported. Using that number to extrapolate the current data, the true number of deaths from the COVID vaccines may be as high as 32,740, or somewhere around .05%.
Current data tells us that about .03% of the global population have died from COVID-19. In the United States, that number jumps to about .16% of the population.
Virus vs Vaccines: Understanding the Numbers
Perhaps the most important question to ask ourselves is: Is the vaccine more likely to kill me than the virus? After all, the entire point of fast tracking these vaccines and using billions of tax dollars to deliver and administer them is to protect us from COVID-19.
And, at first glance, it would seem that the vaccine is still safer than the actual virus. A mortality rate of .05% is higher than the global COVID-19 mortality rate of .03%, but notably lower than the U.S. rate of .16%. But can we trust those numbers?
The most likely explanation for the high mortality rate in the U.S. is simple: false reporting. According to recent data from the CDC, only 6% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 can actually be attributed to the virus. The other 94% were accompanied by other co-morbidities, such as late-stage cancer, immune disease, and injuries.
If a person dies and tests positive for the virus, they’re added to the body count. However, that’s scientifically irresponsible at best and criminally negligent at the worst. If an elderly person comes in with health issues, passes away, and is diagnosed with the virus, they are added to the number of people killed by COVID-19 – EVEN IF THEY HAD OTHER SEVERE UNDERLYING CONDITIONS!
To put that into perspective, there have been reports of people around the country dying from car accidents, drowning, or premature birth who have been counted among the coronavirus victims. And while it’s unlikely that only 6% of reported deaths were primarily caused by the virus, it may be true that as few as 20% of reported fatalities were actually caused by COVID-19.
That would make the total death rate of COVID-19 in the United States approximately .03% – precisely the same mortality rate reported by the rest of the world. Based on all of this information, it looks as though the new vaccines are 67% MORE LIKELY to kill you than the virus itself.
And that should scare you. Because the reality is that this virus has essentially “made the rounds” already. According to HealthLine, the risk of becoming infected with the virus a second time is roughly one-fifth the risk of getting a first infection. And as infection rates plummet, so does the death toll.
But vaccines are headed in the opposite direction. We’re currently in the midst of a massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, with more than 2.2 million doses administered each day in the United States. Compare that with the roughly 45,000 new cases reported each day, and you can see that we are vaccinating almost 50 times more people than are actually contracting the virus.
If there truly is a .05% mortality rate for recipients of the vaccine and a .03% rate for those who contract the virus, we could be signing a death warrant for over 100,000 people a day… 81 times more than the projected mortality rate of the virus itself.
What About Other Side Effects?
These numbers fail to include other adverse reactions, which can be devastating for patients.
As of March 5th, 265 pregnant women had reported adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, including 56 reports of miscarriage or premature birth. None of the COVID vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) have been tested for safety or efficacy in pregnant women. Yet health officials are urging pregnant women to get the vaccine, and many are enthusiastically doing so.
The World Health Organization on January 27th issued guidance advising against pregnant women getting Moderna’s COVID vaccine — only to reverse that guidance two days later, as The New York Times reported. Pfizer announced last month that it was beginning COVID vaccine trials for pregnant women, but they don’t expect the trials to wrap up until January 2023.
This week’s VAERS data also included 1,414 reports of anaphylaxis, with 60% of cases attributed to the Pfizer-Bio-N-Tech vaccine and 40% to Moderna, and 298 reports of Bell’s Palsy.
As of February 26th, only the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines had been approved for emergency use in the U.S., but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration this week gave Johnson & Johnson’s COVID vaccine approval for emergency use. The one-shot vaccine started rolling out this week.
On March 3rd, The New York Times reported that some people are experiencing an “angry-looking skin condition” after their first dose of the COVID vaccine –– with arms turning red, sore, itchy and swollen a week or more after the shot. Doctors said they wanted to share the information to “help prevent the needless use of antibiotics and to ease patients’ worries and reassure them that they can safely get their second vaccine shot.”
Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, an accomplished surgeon and patient safety advocate, wrote a second letter to the FDA urging the agency to require pre-screening for SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins in order to reduce COVID vaccine injuries and deaths. Noorchasm argued that at least a fraction of the millions of already infected Americans — especially the elderly, frail and those with serious cardiovascular comorbidities — are at risk of being harmed by a dangerous exaggerated immune response triggered by the COVID vaccine.
But it’s important to remember that these are more than statistics and projections. The numbers we’ve discussed represent real people who may be at substantial risk if they receive the vaccine… and many who have already paid a heavy price.
Vaccine Safety is A Human Problem
According to News Channel 11, WHJL:
Dr. J Barton Williams, called a student of medicine and science, went from doctor to patient when he fell ill weeks ago. Dr. Stephen Threlkeld helped treat him at Baptist Hospital. Threlkeld says the disease quickly went from diagnosis to death. “It was a matter of days,” Threlkeld said. “Just a tragedy.” Williams, an Orthopedic Surgeon for OrthoSouth, died February 8 of multisystem inflammatory syndrome or MIS, a condition usually affecting children and attacking the immune system. “The immune system attacks the body in many ways and causes multi-organ system failure,” Threlkeld said. “It affects the heart, the gastrointestinal tract and other places.” Threlkeld says Williams tested positive for COVID antibodies, meaning he had COVID at one time, but he never knew it. And he had gotten his second COVID vaccine just weeks before his death. “It does seem to be in every case we have seen so far to be related to the virus itself,” Threlked said. “It’s a post-viral, sometimes a few weeks later, a post-viral effect. Not during the first part of it.”
According to Channel 2, KUTV:
Kassidi Kurill, by all accounts, was healthy, happy and “had more energy” than just about anyone else around her. Her family told reporters that she had no known health problems or pre-existing conditions. Four days after Kurill’s second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, she was gone — dead before most of her family could say their goodbyes. According to her father, Kassidi “got sick right away, soreness at the shot location, then started getting sick, then started complaining that she was drinking lots of fluids but couldn’t pee, and then felt a little better the next day.” A few days after her second shot, she knew something was wrong. She woke up early, got ready, and asked her dad to drive her to the local emergency room, where they arrived by 7 a.m. As soon as they walked in the door, Kurill was throwing up. Minutes later, questions were raised about what was making her so sick. 30 hours later, Kassidi was gone. Unfortunately doctors admit that the chances of attributing death to a vaccine are practically zero. Dr. Erik Christensen, Utah’s chief Medical Examiner, can think of only one instance where you would see a vaccine as the cause of death on an official autopsy report, and that would be in an immediate case of anaphylaxis — one where a person received the vaccine and died almost instantaneously, he said. “Short of that, it would be difficult for us to definitively say this is the vaccine.”
A more likely result would be a lack of answers or an “incomplete autopsy.”
And that’s our biggest problem. As long as doctors and health agencies refuse to acknowledge the risks of these untested vaccines, patients will be left in the dark. The gross under reporting of adverse reactions – combined with a falsely inflated death count for the virus – has allowed groups like the CDC to convince the masses that vaccination is safe and necessary.
But that is an impossible claim to make… and one that seems to be increasingly untrue.
We don’t trust these vaccines. We don’t trust the “authorities” who are working so hard to administer hundreds of millions of doses over the next 2 months. And we’re 100% willing to gamble that the vaccine is much more dangerous than the virus.
In fact, we’d bet our lives on it.

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Thank you so much for all the information you provide us! I will not get the vaccine! I believe in preventative measures, supplements, and diet. I am 72 years old and healthy! Keep sending us this truthful information!
I am sorry for taking the second Covid vaccine.Ten days later I had to go to the hospital. Diagnosis was a rare & extreme case of “Vertigo”. This was happening only when I lye down. Back home 3 days later & until now, I am not feeling well with fatigue & a sense of spinning/fainting. I am not sure it can be the effect of the vaccine but I have never felt like that in my life.
I have had the first dose because my husband was having it and my kids insisted as I have underlying issues. Can I refuse the second and what reasons do I give. I have my mother in India who is old and feel if I don’t take it won’t be able to go and meet her. 🥺 please advise
Hi Jen,
It is up to you, and you only to decide if you want to be vaccinated a second time.
You should not have it done just because your husband had it done.
Also you said your kids insisted due to underlying health issues?
You are the parent, stay firm and strong and do not let anyone coerce you
I feel safer not taking almost anything Pharma suggests for COVID.
With a 99% or so recovery rate, the virus is safer than the vaxx!
Check out this mind blowing sh*t about the vaccines from a former Pfizer vice president.
Just terrified to get the vaccine. What can I do? I am currently being treated for non-hodgkins lymphoma. I am on Rituxan monthly at the moment. My cancer doctor says I should not be afraid. I am afraid that they might stop my treatment if I don’t get it or try to force me in someway to take it. I am 70 years old.
I think there are not evidences enough for taking the covid vaccine safely in circumstances like yours.
Nellie – I feel compassion for your situation! Don’t ever let any doctor or any other sort of medical practitioner take away your autonomy. DO NOT get the vaccine and don’t be terrified. It’s counterproductive to your well being. The vaccine is not FDA approved and only has an EUA (emergency use authorization) meaning that it is still pretty much experimental. An FDA approved drug or vaccine really means nothing to me. My husband has been a medical provider for 40 years and many prescribed drugs carry devastating side effects, the worst being a black box warning. Please remind your cancer doctor who works for who. You’re the boss. I’m 64 this year and was diagnosed with a late stage liposarcoma 8 years ago. Subsequent to 2 surgeries, I followed an alternative (functional and holistic) medicine approach to healing my sick body. Doesn’t that make sense? Why would you want to poison a sick body?
On Monday, August 27, 2018,, published an article that states that, and I quote, ‘Researchers at Sloan Kettering Institute have found that changes in an information-carrying molecule called messenger RNA can inactivate tumor-suppressing proteins and thereby promote cancer. The findings pinpoint previously unknown drivers of the disease’. Next, in bold font the following, ‘It’s important to note that mRNAs are a normal component of all cells and the specific ones discussed here are not involved in mRNA-based vaccines, like the one developed against SARS-CoV-2’.
I find it to be confusing that prior to the pandemic, this article was published and references to a vaccine was made. Was it added after-the-fact? There is no mention made that a revision was made to the original article so my assumption is that the the font in bold letters was part of the original article that pre-dates that pandemic. Hmm. I’ll post a link to the article below. My BEST advice to you, I work for a Functional and Holistic medicine doctor in Los Angeles area, is to find, where you live, a doctor of osteopathic medicine. DOs ARE doctors. Same training, only better. Your best defense is a healthy and strong immune system and only a DO can do the necessary testing to see what your deficiencies are and treat with intravenous therapies, oral vitamins & supplements, diet (most of the time gluten free because gluten causes inflammation as well as SUGAR), and exercise.
I wish you the very best of health!
Just don’t! You have enough going on already, and your God-given instinct is telling you NO.
I’m sorry, it is none of my business and I’m nobody, it is just too risky.
Tell them you’ll get it next year (but DON’T, haha) after more data comes out.
I’ll pray for you!
What ever you do, don’t get the vaccine. It will not prevent you from anything. Neither will a regular flu shot. Eat healthy, clean food. Having to get a shot for treatment, that is called blackmail. Isn’t blackmail a criminal offense?
Hi Nellie, please check out the Orthomolecular Therapy, absolutely great for people with cancer.
It’s intravenous vitamin C.
If your doctor, who works for you and takes your money, threatens to stop your treatment because you are refusing the shot, find another doctor. It may be the best decision you ever made. You are the one who decides what to do to your body – no one else. I would never go to someone who disregarded my concerns or decisions, or especially who threatened me with punishment by withholding treatment -not that I agree with taking chemo – I don’t – but I do agree with you deciding on whatever treatment you want. That is a personal decision.
Cure your cancer on your own. Doctors want to make money from chemo which hurts all of your cells, not just the cancer…. They don’t want to cure you because there’s no money in that. I’ve heard a testimony from a Man, that cured his own cancer, with some thing called Chlorine Dioxide. As a beginning point, you should start by watching a documentary called “The Universal Antidote” . Then, get the Telegram App and join the channels called The Universal Antidote. There you’ll be able to see a TON of people who have cured themselves of an unending list of testimonials. There are two channels. One is strictly information, and the other one is “The Universal Antidote” CHAT Channel. You will be able to talk to many people who are doing this method with chlorine dioxide… Not to be confused with chlorine bleach. They are completely different in their molecules. All of this will be explained once you watch the documentary.
I also just listened to a doctor named LEE MERRIT. She says that cancer. It is caused by parasites within the cell. When I heard that, it all came together as to WHY the chlorine dioxide works… It is an anti-parasitic. There are other ways to treat it… I think ivermectin might be one of them. If I were you, I would look up Dr. Lee Merritt and do a search with her name, cancer, and parasites, and see what you come up with.
Also, juice juice juice! … with veggies, and no sugar. Regarding fruit , stick to the berries, and keep it to a minimum. Cancer thrives on sugar.
Next, watch the documentary called “Earthing” … grounding, which also heals..
I pray that this can help you. An “experimental cancer drug killed my sister before the cancer did. I wish I knew all about the stuff then .
Here’s another tally .. by a Brit doctor Vernon Coleman which may explain why so many frontline healthcare staff are ‘hesitant’ to say the least…… ‘skeptic’ is closer,
Thank you for this. It’s amazing but very sad information. I wish more people realised.
Check this one from VAERS
Thank you doesn’t say enough for all you do💜
Praying God peace and protection over you and your family.
Please keep speaking the TRUTH x
Your input is greatly appreciated.
will we be ostracized and blockaded in our homes if we refuse the shot? it seems like it is leaning in that direction or? even force being used to vaxx all in spite of co-morbidities? or any other factors leaning to ‘not vaxxing’?
Well, it’s headed that direction, unless we all stand up in this country and so NO to mandatory vaccine passports, or green cards like they’ve implemented in Israel. People have to let their congressional representatives know that they don’t want mandatory vaccines in order to work, play, or travel. Speak out before it’s too late.
Strange times that we live in. We know already that deaths of all causes have been over-reported as the cause of Covid but the actual vaccine deaths are underreported.It seems
Hi Ty,
I first want to say I’m sorry to hear you lost both parents to Cancer. I have really never been touched hard by it until I lost my Peaches to it last year. I also want to thank you for providing all the information and videos for our education as well. Although it’s bitter sweet as my Peaches is gone, I am trying to take some of that knowledge and apply it for myself. I am concerned about the Covid 19 vaccine as well. I had a flu vaccine years ago and ended up in the ER. Everyone said it was not because of the flu vaccine, but I haven’t had a flu vaccine since. Now my work is probably going to request us to get the Covid19 vaccine. My father got it, and he wants me, my brother, and mother to get it as well. I’m trying to find information or tests that can be done for adverse reactions and/or allergic reactions to the Covid19 vaccine, but haven’t really found anything substantial. Do you or your team have any suggestions? Thank you again, God Bless… Fess
There are videos on , brand new tube, rumbel, bitchute, If you look up Dr. Tenpenny, she is an outspoken doctor and explains why the vaccines are very bad., and actually why they aren’t really vaccines. Many of those videos will further have links to articles. The Defender, put out by Robert Kennedy, Jr., keeps track of the VAERS reporting every week. There are many articles about the dangers of this vaccine on his site as well.
This is my story, starting in the mid-1950’s,
At that time, I was about 12 years old, I think the
Flu shots were just beginning. My mother got the
Flu shot around 1955 and she developed Gillian Barrre
Syndrome which left her very ill with swollen glands
And she was bedfast for several months and then
Developed Bells Pausley where one side of her body
Including her face became paralyzed. As a result of
Her condidtion, my brother and myself were sent to
Live with an Aunt in Kentucky, for the entire summer,
To allow her recuperation time to heal. In time she
Did regain a lot of her functioning but she continued
To have swollen glands and facial paralysis. We returned
Home to continue schooling and by this time it was
1959 when the doctors decided they needed to do more
Testing to see if they could find the problem. So she
Was addmitted to Charlotte Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat
Hospital for the tests. She was 35 years old at this time.
I was 16 years old by then. I accompanyed her into the
Hospital to do bedside care for her. When they came in
To give her an injection of Radio Active Iodine as a prepI
For the X-rays they were about to do on her, I was in
The room and she immediately went into a Grand Mall
Seizure and was seizing at least a foot above the bed.
She died right then and there. I sensed her spirit in
The room and could imagine her looking down on the
Scene and observing it all.
After many years I researched our family genes and found
one named CTLA4 which is involved with our B-cell activities
to produce the body’s own mRNA and affect our immune system
to fight off virus effects. When defective, it causes the decrease
in the amount of mRNA available to do the job. Theory is if you have
a decrease in mRNA and you are given a Vaccine with large amounts
of mRNA it may clash with the body’s own mRNA and cause the
Anaphalactic shock. Why isn’t the medical community testing for this before
giving the vaccine?????
One doctor from Cleveland said ventilators harbor bacteria and cause pneumonia. A nurse friend agreed it does. I guess I understand why the doctors don’t speak up because they loose their jobs if they go against the CDC WHO Fauci and communists In America that want us dead.
What do I say when I don’t to get vaccinated? Some say it is mandatory.
It’s not mandatory.
Sometimes it seems like we (the US) have completely given up on our founding principles (the Constitution), but this document says that no MANDATE or ORDINANCE may override constitutional TRUTH! It’s ALL you need!
Interesting and helpful information for my wife and me. We are 70+ with pre-existing issues: CHF with A-Fib and pacemaker for me,Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritsis for my wife. I am only interested in the J&J vaccine and now have some doubts about that. What are my non-vaccination alternatives?
If you don’t want to get vaccinated, I would think you might just tell people that you’re not ready to go that route yet, that you’re still waiting to see what happens to everyone else who takes it before considering getting one yourself. No one’s going to argue with that. I’ve read somewhere that when 70% of the world gets the vaccine, we will reach herd immunity, which means you may NOT need to take a vaccine after all. Let’s hope that’s soon, AND true.
My mother 75, and hdr friend 85, both got covid after Christmas. Very mild for both of them. Praise by to Allah. Mum’s friend 67, got vaccinated and 3 days later had covid with very bad reactions. Everyone is different. This is in Czech Republic so I’m not sure which vaccine they use as I am now in the UK. Side point, I have learnt something from natural medication and taking it for arthritis. Cress seeds, turmeric and ginger. My friend’s arthritis was very bad and she started taking long term the above, in small doses but regularly. Changed diet to mainly vegetable and increased fruits. Her aches are gone. She still keeps taking cress, tumeric and ginger because if she stops, the problems return. I am adopting better lifestyle too and its helping. Although my friend is much younger than you, she had 8 children and was very depleted and ill. All the best.
Take Vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C and Quercetin. Look it up on
My heart cries out for the truth to be given to society and to those that can hear truth. But many people have been given a lie and that is painful. I have many of my family members taken the shot already. And it hurts because I have this information from you and others. And they do not want to hear it and they think you are crazy for having your point of view. I had been taking the flu shot for three years (2004.2005 & 2007). I did know I was allergic to something in it. The last shot in 2007 my throat was closing up and I could not breath. The shot is not one size fit all but the world is making it look that way. I appreciate you and your team for sharing this information. Thank you and God bless you!
I definitely share your views, hopes, and concerns. Yes, folks think we are crazy if we don’t want the vaccine.
Thank you for posting this. I have chronic fatigue also a MCAS mast cell activation I am really afraid of getting the vaccine. My doctor tells me I need to outweigh the risk. I don’t do well with any medicines very well some foods multiple chemical sensitivities I just want to be able to do everything I have to have my artillery here at the house if something happens to me and I contract Covid. Is there a source on your site where I can pull up the supplements Recommended that will help me survive and get over the virus if contracted. Thanks again for posting I’m going to forward this on to some other people that are concerned. Terri Heard
Check out Dr. Richard Fleming on You Tube and in an interview with Dr. Tenpenny on Rumble he spoke about other research of treatments on real patients he used and found effective in addition to HCQ. Also the Zelenko protocol is online and you could take that if you feel any symptoms of COVID coming on even before you get tested. You can also make sure you have a good Vitamin D level. I am a Nutritarian and I haven’t had a cold or flu since I changed my diet 3 years ago and I always used to get something. And I never take a flu shot and those I know who don’t do my diet get the flu even those who get flu shots, so I believe in the power of natural immunity. The book Super Immunity by Dr. Joel Fuhrman is very helpful on this end if you are interested.
Hi Terri… here is some general known knowledge for prevention: D3, Zinc, Vit C, Green Tea and Elderberry. Nature’s Sunshine is a good company source for these supplements
You can go to: and watch the video then sign up for a ‘script for Hydroxychloroquine plus it is highly recommended to take zinc along with it. It is impt to take hydroxy at the beginning of symptoms.
I am required to inform you that this info is for educational purposes only.
Most impt: read and pray Psalm 91 everyday and thank the Lord for His protection
I found this website that will help you thru any flu/cold–including this one. I would think that to use some of their ideas daily to PREVENT getting sick in the first place might be the best way to go. What President Trump was given is also a good treatment I’ve read. It has been used for years to treat Malaria and other ailments, because it really works.
Hi Ty and family,
The work you do is phenomenal getting the truth out there. I hope more and more people listen. our lives and freedoms are at risk.
Jeannie Chisholm Canada 🇨🇦
After listening to all the pros and cons of receiving the vaccine, it’s articles like yours that makes me even more apprehensive about getting one—It still makes me wonder how they were able to come up with a vaccine so quickly when there are so many other illnesses that require a vaccine and yet nothing—Do you suppose this is all a scam to scaring people into getting it not to mention all the media hype to help big pharma make billions of dollars on this farce? I still believe this is political and wondering if this isn’t just a big joke at the expense of all the vulnerable and ignorant people being manipulated like laboratory rats—When even my doctor tells me I should be vaccinated because of the severity of the many different strains out there, I’m wondering whether I should or not because of articles like yours—I’m for the most part a very healthy 82 year old who exercises social distancing and uses common sense in my daily routine—A friend tells me he’d rather see me die of natural causes versus dying from the unknown side effects of the vaccine—
Of course it’s a scam. Regular seasonal flu has “mysteriously” declined by the same amount Covid has increased, which means that flu is just being renamed as Covid to scare people to get vaccines.
It is indeed disturbing when most, if not all, of our doctors say to take the vaccine because they did not experience any side effects. You bring up dome valid points here, which should wake people up to think for themselves..
My view: medical staff from orderlies on up are forced into spewing the dialogue of the AMA; jobs are threatened if their protocol is not followed. MD’s are paid more if they limit their patients to COVID, and patients who don’t are forced to take a back seat or change docs, which is what I did.
Good morning, Ty,
I receive the email updates from you and Charlene and find them fascinating. My husband and I are Believers in the Lord Jesus, over 70 years of age with no serious health conditions and are in agreement that we are NOT taking the vaccine. I am a retired RN and have deep concerns about the components of the vaccines and their potential negative effects on our bodies, not to mention the horrendous things we are learning about them…their inception, who funds them and the things that are in them that we aren’t privy to.
Thank you again, for your research and for making the findings available to all of us!
May God continue to bless you both and give you greater access to the TRUTH!
Karen Hayden
I am leery about this vaccine. But California doesn’t allow religious exemptions. And it seems that there will be restrictions on ones not vaccinated.
My sister-in-law has multiple allergies, and on 1 st injection, rash on abdomen occurred, some tightness in throat. EMTS gave her own epinephrine, sent her via ambulance to hospital.
Because of this, and your thoughts, and trying to access America’s Frontline Doctors, I hesitate because of your reasoning, because of Swine Flu vaccines in 1976. Also, I take Phenelzine(Nardil), a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, and I think that epinephrine is contraindicated, in case of allergic response. I had an extreme reaction after eating aged country ham , as my heart became arrhythmic, dropped to 30’s beats/ minute, BP-very high, head pounding with extreme pain. Was sent to hospital. My coworker Drs. didn’t give any meds to me. My Dr. came to hospital, but it had worn off.
I asked assistant to ask my internal medicine Dr. He said okay to take.
Also, an aerobics teacher had Guillain Barre a few years back, was hospitalized on ventilator, eventually transferred to Shepherd Spinal Center. Her diagnosis for cause was flu injection. Another patient admitted there had the same diagnosis, caused by Tetanus or DPT or dT. I am a retired nurse, and know of warnings. Also, no liability for companies now?
What is your thought about my taking vaccine with description above? My thoughts are suspicious about this whole cause of virus, treatment of physicians who try to use Hydroxychloroquine, etc., the presentation of “science,” but yet questions of validity and honesty with some, and statistics not being reliable and consistent, the reasons behind WHO, Bill Gates and others, this administration and its total disregard of true science, seemingly on purpose with other than admirable, life-saving, patient-centered therapies which provide cures, alliance with countries who have Communism, coverups of data, causes, seemingly actions to disseminate disease, misinformation.
But freedoms will be affected by not taking vaccines possibly.
With my status of medication, what are your thoughts?
Thank you for your information,
Eleanor S. Dixon
Definitely do NOT take vaccine. According to Geert Vanden Bossche PhD DVM, (an internationally acclaimed immunologist working on vaccines for his career), the vaccine destroys your immune system so you cant fight any other variant or disease other than Covid. Scary!!!
Can hospitals force RN’s working there to agree to the vac. A friend’s relative has had kidney issues w/sepsis 2x, but feels she’ll eventually be forced to agree to the shot or lose her job.
Ty, the report i n the weekly digest red the covid 19 vaccine mRNA inactivates tumor- suppressing proteins – which can promote cancer. from the scientist @ Sloan Kettering. Went to their web site and there wasn’t any mention of this report. Were they told not to release that info? Keep up the good work Steve
I had no trouble finding the report at sloan-kettering. The paper clearly states conclusions counter to what has been reported in other reviews such as you mentioned. If a person can’t understand a technical paper they should not comment on it and look like a fool. That will discredit any honest attempts at advising proper caution by getting swept up in speculation.
Can you please send me the article on the ingredients in the covid 19 vaccine so I can share with family and friends so they don’t get the vaccine
This is an excellent short review from a doctor about what the problems with the shot are.
Thank you very much for the good work. Please keep it up. The Joy of the Lord is indeed your strength!
Thank you so much for your work and keeping us informed especially since our doctors, nurses insurances and hospital”s are twisting our arms to take the vaccine.
thankyou for your hard work in publishing the truth.
Big Pharma and MSN have put physicians on a “false” pedestal and the general masses are buying anything they say as “Gospel”. They blindly lead the people over the cliff as if they were a heard of Lemmings. People have lost the ability to think and reason for themselves and are therefore, allowing physicians to mame them with pharmaceuticals and as they get sicker and sicker, they just keep going back !!!
Wow!! It’s terrible, but I believe it is playing out to be true.
I believe it would be really smart to do a similar count – deaths in 28th days after having the Covid vaccine – as they are counting the deaths in 28 days following a positive Covid test. The parallel would be very revealing, I believe.
I agree. Also compare vaccinated against non vaccinated after lock down opens in each country..
THANK YOU for all your work bringing awareness to the madness of cancer and vaccines. I don’t know how to handle it when I tell people of the dangers and they STILL get the jab, like my 75 year old parents
I was reading the article about the unexplained deaths from the vaccine Covid-19. I am concerned as me and my wife, have had the virus about two months ago. The Va doctor has said wait for 3 months and then get the shots. But I am hearing thru the internet that we maybe at greater risk because we have had the virus and now reading your article too seems to point exactly in that direction. Death after vaccine comes quickly with no possible cure to individual who got the shot. It seems to be a time bomb that once it starts there is no turning back. You’re just dead.
Please add or keep me posted on any further developments. We are scheduled to take shot on April 7th.
Use wisdom and common sense. What is your common sense telling you?
I have been researching the vaccine for many months now. Please DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE.
I was reading the article about the unexplained deaths from the vaccine Covid-19. I am concerned as me and my wife, have had the virus about two months ago. The Va doctor has said wait for 3 months and then get the shots. But I am hearing thru the internet that we maybe at greater risk because we have had the virus and now reading your article too seems to point exactly in that direction. Death after vaccine comes quickly with no possible cure to individual who got the shot. It seems to be a time bomb that once it starts there is no turning back. You’re just dead.
Please add or keep me posted on any further developments. We are scheduled to take shot on April 7th.
You have B cell immunity. If you have had the virus, you won’t have antibodies after a period of time, but your B cells have the memory to produce antibodies if you are exposed again.
I have an auto immune disorder, Hashimotos.From what I read this vaccine may not know when to stop making all these proteins in our cells that will trigger our immune system and eventually throw our immune system into overdrive, thus increasing numerous people coming down with various auto immune diseases in the next several years. My concern is it makes my Hashimotos condition, currently under control, into a bigger problem for me.
Any feedback on that?
You guys already know that there is no safe or effective vaccine! and never has been! All a scam! Thank you for all you do!
Yes Fred. And what does it tell you about an organization that is encouraging pregnant women to take an unproven, untested for the long term or short term experimental vaccine?
Thank you as always Ty & Charlene for bringing us the TRUTH!
To date, I only know of one man personally, aged 75 and a little overweight who supposedly died of covid. Similarly I also know a man aged 77-80 who had a stroke 1 week after his first vaccine jab. He now seems to be recovering but I suspect he will never fully recover.
My family and I, and also my sister, will avoid the vaccine at all cost, it upset me that I couldn’t convince my two brothers as much as I tried, they went ahead and had the first jab.
It should be enough to be put off just by seeing the reaction of all governments forcing it onto us, you know something’s not right and yet people hypnotically follow them.
I do pray and I believe people will wake up. Bless you, Jacques
I became suspect when I learned Fauci & Co. had “control over doctors” to discontinue the distribution of Hydroxychloroquine. Made it unavailable. What gaul !!!
Well, I’m not from US but I follow you allready a long time sending you love &courrage. I hope you heard of the open letter to WHO and other world organisation from Geert Vander Bosche, MD . Based on science he is demanding in immediant stop of Vacc.. while continuing they are through variations forming a super virus. The same happens with antibiotic consuptions. Craizy.
You are fighting a battle for humanity! Thank you. Milanka
Great article. Keep the (albeit hard) truth coming, Ty & Charlene!
As a 76 year old US pensioner who went to a fasting clinic decades ago I am training myself now to do a 7 day water fast in case I have to take one of these vaccines. Consider it part of ‘Putting on the whole armor of God” Bible reader for over 50 years.
There has been a total of 2,663,070 deaths from COVID 19 worldwide since the pandemic began. However, so far in 2021, there has been 98,033 deaths from the seasonal flu bug, and 1,639,484 deaths in 2021 from CANCER. How come these figures dont get a mention from MSM.??!!
And these figures come from John Hopkins University. They have my wife listed as a chemo cure. My wife died eight years ago. chemo did not cure my wife. As a result John Hopkins University has no credibility with me
Thank you, Ty and Charlene for getting the truth out to the people.
Ty, you’re analysis is spot-on! I wish the media would report on the numbers that you’re speaking of. And to think that L.A. schools are likely mandating one of those Warp Speed concoctions to children in their school districts, is just very disturbing, even mind-numbing. They even want to do “weekly tests” on school children and staff! Heck, the studies on children below the age of 16 have not even been done yet! Johnson and Johnson wants to test a one-dose vaccine on children as young as six months of age! The ‘virus” is not even dangerous for most children as they account for less than 0.01 percent of total fatalities.
So why L.A. school districts may require “smart passes’ for kids/teens to attend schools AND (w/teachers and staff) all children must submit to weekly (super inaccurate) PCR tests or they can’t go to school.
Well, some life insurance companies will NOT pay claims linked to any Covid-19 vaccine. Why? because they’re “Experimental Medical Interventions,” NOT approved by the FDA!
You may have already seen this but I watch it and Del had it on his show.
Watch this NOW while still you can.
Thank you Ty and Charlene, we very much appreciate your commitment to Truth and Transparency. Keep up the good work and we will keep sharing the truth.
Mark & Maura Olson
This is the most comprehensive article I have run across on this subject. Thank you, Ty and Charlene for making it available.
I’ll stay on my organic plant based diet, vitamins , minerals and lots of vitamin C plus protein, probiotics & colostrum.
Recent death of woman from UTAH can likely be landmark case to show cause and effect of vaccine causing her death, if family gets autopsy tissue samples to the right scientist(s). I believe you featured case of Christina Tarsell’s death due to Garasil, which was likely proven in large part from work of Dr. Sin hang Lee, a pathologist who found HPV DNA in her blood and spleen. It is on website. If you can get Kassidi Kurill’s family/step father in contact with that pathologist or law firm, then I believe a causal link can be found between the vaccine and her death. I appreciate the brave work you are doing, and all your teams efforts. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless your efforts.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for your tireless work to bring the truth to the public
Thank you for your continued fight. The last couple of videos sent out over regular FB were stopped, cut off, unable to run, …. etc. I know that there are voices out there. Where I live in Medford OR, I am connected to The Elijah List with Steve Shultz. He has put out a platform called ZAPIT to take the place of FB. Have you investigated that platform to see if it would be strong enough to get your news through? And hey, if YOU ARE CONSERVATIVE, you can talk about God, politics, abortion, and other issues without fear of being banned or censored.
With XAPiT, all content, conservative and liberal, Christian or non-Christian is welcome. Again, you can rest easy that at XAPiT, the content you post won’t be removed or banned just because of your unique political beliefs!
Always looking up for HIS soon return,
Carol Ann … Gresham
Medford OR
“Perhaps the most important question to ask ourselves is: Is the vaccine more likely to kill me than the virus?”
I must humbly disagree with your statement. The most important question is what are the LONGER TERM effects of the mRNA clinical trials. There are a myriad of potential complications associated with this, the LEAST being death. How about the possibility of Prion /neurological damage requiring long term care? How about the possibility of becoming a asymptomatic super spreader “sharing a variant super virus with your friends and loved ones, young and old, or requiring permanent self isolation?
There are so many possible negative reactions to this vaccine it boggles the mind. From what I’ve read the biotech companies have had the “proof of concept” of this since at least 1990 with not one coming up with a tested successful product. I would think 30 years would be enough time to test and perfect this experimental but apparently they needed millions of live human guinea pigs. Love your friends and family while you can. I think we are in for a sh*t show in the next few years, even if they were to stop testing immediately.
I agree. The question in question is an interesting one, but it is not the most important one. As you point out, there is the likelihood and severity of longer term effects to consider, which I find to be more unsettling than the question of the odds of immediate death by vaccine!
Thank you for sharing this information. We believe the majority of our family has had covid, but only a handful were actually tested, and tested positive. The rest experienced the majority of the covid symptoms during the times earlier this year when numbers were rising. The majority of family is also not planning on getting the vaccine. A few have and fortunately so far are all okay with no adverse reactions.
I am concerned about those who have had covid and the potential adverse reactions if you get the vaccine. We are thankful for sites like yours that present us with the other side of the issue and not just the government push to vaccinate everyone.
Thank you for this post.
Have you heard about The German New Medicine. It explains the roles of virus in our body. They are actually important for us.
God bless both of you for your tireless effort in getting the truth out! People will die from lack of knowledge!
May God protect you always!
A devoted follower!
To your health,
Lots of good info on this website. Also on Dr. Joseph Mercola’s site. Also on Dr. David Brownstein’s site.
Funny thing about the flu shot. I took the flu shot for many years. Always got the flu anyway. Took my last flu shot in 2008. Haven’t had the flu since. Last flu shot left my arm sore for about five years. Can’t remember the last time I went to a doctor. Been many years. We take Zinc and Quercetin and other vitamins and minerals every day. Using the same glasses prescription for twenty two years. Always pass drivers test. 75 years old now. Feel 30. Never exercise. Work hard every day.
Agreed. It is wise to not trust these vaccines. One need not consider statistics at all to make a sound decision. Simply look at the character of the corrupt politicians and pharma “vaccine” mobsters. Follow the money. The unprecedented conflicts of interest alone make the vaccine a poor wager. Would you buy a used car from a dealer that’s known to rip off its customers? Would you trust the odometer reading or reported condition of the car? Would you even trust an unscrupulous dealer to not sell you a hot car? Of course not, but the vaccine mobsters are far worse. They are killing people!
The Highwire with Del Bigtree has more info if you’d like to learn more. (ALSO VAXXED videos on facebook). The covid vax will destroy your immune system, better to lose your job than your life!
The last two sentences say it all for me, “And we’re 100% willing to gamble that the vaccine is much more dangerous than the virus. In fact, we’d bet our lives on it.”
Exactly! I will NOT get vaxxed for covid-19 under ANY circumstances! This so-called vaccine is not a vaccine at all. It’s gene therapy! It incorporates advanced technology which modifies our DNA causing our bodies to actually manufacture this “virus”. This modus operandi sets us up to become sicker if and when we are “exposed” to whatever toxins are responsible for the reaction the medical industry calls covid-19.
This rabbit hole is deep indeed, and I won’t mince my words. I will defend myself against the vax with my life. We must stand against this evil, because the world won’t be worth living in if we yield to their agenda.
Thanks for you works during the years, and your good cancer book.
Since I back in the 60es was teenager, I have been against vaccination, by knowing the history of this not natural tretment.
Mai month last year there was an article in the Danish Ingineering News, and I then e-mailed a remark, and this then started an e-mail discussion, with all of the other being against me. They would not belive that the could be sideproblems by vaccination, or even killing persons. I told about books telling about report result, then they answered back that the reports don’t exist. I went to Google and found the mentioned reports, and e/mailing back where they could read them. Then they answered “Too old. Noy guilty”. I to them also stated that vaccination never have cured any diseases. Now in this year I spekulate about how these engineer now have it after now each day in the news, reading about vaccination problems, and dead persons.
According to AJ , Germany, France ,italy ,ireland, and holland ,have now banned covid vaccine ,time for Fouchi to be jailed for life , if he hasn’t been already . Blessings MG
“tested for the virus”? I had a relative admitted for complications of diabetes. The hospital never even tested him–or treated him–for C-19, but when he died, that’s what went on his death certificate!
And then there’s the motorcycle accident victim from Wausau–I heard there was a similar case in Florida–so I guess “crashing your motor vehicle” is a symptom of C-19!
I want to post some info here that I think will be facinating and helpful for most of us who are not wanting to take the vaccine. There is a 2 hour video by Dr Keesha Ewers regarding this issue – she works primarily with autoimmune patients, so, people who are very much at risk for potential vaccine damage. She personally lost her father recently, who died after receiving his covid “booster” shot. She is recommending an RX called Ivermectin to her patients, because it is anti-viral, as well as being anti-parasitic. Also vitamin D3 and K2. Here is the link to her video:
If you are interested in the Ivermectin, you can work with her and she will call in a prescription for you. This is all explained in the video.
I personally am taking an herbal tincture called Lomatium, which is highly anti-viral. I get it from Barlow Herbals, because theirs is much more potent than the usual tinctures sold in health food stores, in my experience. The last time I had a vaccination was over 30 years ago – I went into convulsions afterwards and have had Hypothyroidism ever since then. My husband & I are currently living in a “blue” state and are in the process of getting ready to sell our home and move to a “red” state, in the hopes that the conservative states would be much less likely to enforce any un-constitutional federal “edicts” regarding the vaccinations. I am pretty certain I already had covid, and for me it was no big deal, no worse than any other flu I’ve had. Hope some of this is helpful…
I would like to know how anyone could be mandated to get any vaccine with them ALL being Emergency Use only approved. They are not FDA approved which means technically their safety nor efficacy has been proven.
Bill Gates is in this for the money. He is making it hand over fist and has his hand in this at every turn (along with being the largest fake meat investor).
I, nor my family, will be getting any of these vaccines. They are plain and simple using the population as their long term trial subjects with absolutely no liability or responsibility.
Too many in the medical field are just as terrified as the rest of us of these vaccines which is a huge red flag.
This Administration along with the UN has other plans. However, with the Democrats already stating they refuse to work with Republicans and there will be no bipartisanship then WE have big problems that will affect the health and safety of each of us.
Thank you so much for all the information, its has made me look at things in a different way. I am not sure rather I should get the vaccine or not. I have wondered about all the deaths and what the normal number of daily deaths would be, but not one would tell us. I have many health issues and so does my husband, and we have the covid-19 virus, Which means we can wait 90 days before getting the shots. So I have a little time to research more.
Thank you again
Dee A, Armstrong COTA/L,PTA
Thank you for doing your interview with Owen. Do you have somewhere on your website, regular updates for VAERS stats.