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“This vaccine has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or
mutagenic potentials or impairment of fertility.“
This phrase or one similar can be found on just about every vaccine package insert and should be justification for any reasonable person to decline vaccination. However, doctors are not required to give full informed consent regarding vaccines and most people blindly trust their doctors.
Considering the recommended vaccine schedule has tripled in the United States over the last thirty years, parents have begun to question whether this is necessary or valuable to their children.
In 1983, children received up to 23 doses of eight vaccines before the age of eighteen. Today children receive as many as 69 doses of 16 different vaccines, all given by the age of eighteen.
Coinciding with the ever-increasing vaccine schedule are soaring rates of chronic illness in children, including cancer, which has skyrocketed and is now the leading cause of death by disease in children past infancy.
Government authorities refuse to acknowledge any link between cancer and vaccination, but could injecting toxic chemicals repeatedly into our children, especially at critical intervals in their development be causing cancer in so many?
Toxic Vaccine Ingredients You Need to Know About
Formaldehyde – There is sufficient evidence from cancer studies in humans proving the carcinogenetic effects of this ingredient. Both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer admit formaldehyde is a known carcinogen.
Millions of children receive injections annually containing this toxic ingredient.
Is it a coincidence that formaldehyde has been associated with leukemia and that the number one cancer in children is leukemia?
Mercury Is In Vaccines Too – Mercury is a known carcinogen and for many years children received up to 237 micrograms (mcg) from vaccines during the first two years of life. This far exceeds the EPA’s recommended safe (to ingest, not inject), level of 1/10th of 1 microgram per kilogram a day.
A rabbit will die if given 35 mcg of mercury.
Thimerosal, which is in many vaccines, is a mercury-containing compound that is 50 times more toxic than plain mercury! The CDC claims to have removed “most” thimerosal from common pediatric vaccines, leaving only “trace amounts.”
There are NO safe amounts of mercury established for humans and yet, children receive combined vaccines that can build up mercury in the body and cause potential problems.
Aluminum, Yep, It’s In There Too – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved aluminum for use as an adjuvant in human vaccines to boost immune response. Aluminum is harmful to all life forms.
The FDA limits the dosage to 0.85 milligrams per vaccine to minimize exposure; but children receive other vaccines at the same time that also contain aluminum.
The American Academy of Pediatrics admits that aluminum interferes with many cellular and metabolic processes in the body’s nervous system and tissues.
Repeated exposure to aluminum can have damaging effects and yet children receive repeated injections during the recommended vaccine schedule. Studies with mice have demonstrated a transient rise in aluminum levels in brain tissue. Aluminum is also widely associated with breast cancer.
What is Polysorbate 80? – Polysorbate 80 is a toxic substance that should never be ingested or placed on the skin, much less injected, and yet it is in vaccines. Studies with lab rats show Polysorbate 80 has both carcinogenic and infertility effects.
Yet, it’s ironic that this carcinogenic ingredient is found both in Merck’s cancer vaccine, Gardasil, and is also used in chemotherapy given to cancer patients.
Recombinant DNA – A Biohazard? – Speaking of Gardasil, genetically modified HPV DNA, which had firmly attached itself to aluminum, was found in blood samples of a 13 year old girl who became chronically ill following her third dose of the vaccine. Could Recombinant HPV DNA cause human cell mutations and cancer?
While searching for the reason why adolescent girls were suffering such severe side effects after receiving the Gardasil vaccine, Dr. Sin Hang Lee, of Sane Vax, Inc., found that the vaccine was contaminated with rDNA of the Human Papillomavirus. This rDNA from both strains of HPV in the vaccine were firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant. This now reaches the level of a “dangerous biohazard.” This rDNA is not natural and is genetically modified. Now the girls who received the contaminated vaccine, have human DNA as well as genetically engineered viral DNA in their bodies. When recombinant DNA is inserted into a human cell, it could stay forever and cause mutations; the results could be catastrophic.
SV40 (Simian Virus) Responsible for Cancer Cases – In the 1950s, Rhesus Monkey kidney cells containing SV40 were used to grow the polio virus. Dr. Maurice Hilleman, MD, a renowned scientist who developed Merck’s vaccine program and dozens of vaccines, made astounding revelations to the public that Merck had been injecting this dangerous virus into people worldwide.
Even after the US government knew about contamination, they allegedly continued to inject children with the contaminated vaccine until the 1990s.
SV40 is known to cause different types of cancers in laboratory animals including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and brain cancers.
A study in The New England Journal of Medicine, found that mothers who received the Salk polio vaccine had brain tumors at a rate “13 times greater” than mothers who received no vaccine!
How You Can Build Immunity And Possibly Reverse Vaccine Damage
Anyone who has been injected with vaccines, (which is most people) may have vaccine damage.
According to the vaccine package inserts, a list of side effects include seizures, asthma, diabetes, eczema, allergies, auto-immune disease, autism, and more. There are many studies linking vaccines to arthritis, chronic cognitive dysfunction, behavioral changes, learning disabilities, motor function impairment, autism, and cancer to name a few.
Many people claim to have reversed vaccine damage by using natural therapies like chelation, bentonite clay, homeopathy and fasting.
It is much better to support the body through nutrition and natural supplements than to inject harmful pathogens and toxins into it.
Eating a diet rich in organic fresh fruits and vegetables along with adequate rest, clean water, sunshine, exercise and minerals will go a long way in keeping the immune system strong and the body running well.
At the end of the day, a strong, healthy, pure, untouched immune system will fight most illnesses, including cancer.
Toxic chemicals have no place inside the human body and the sooner the medical establishment recognizes this, the faster we will see a health progression instead of a continual regression. We must stop adding fuel to the fire with more and more vaccines.
Unfortunately, allopathic medicine and many governing authorities have endorsed what seems to be an ever increasing, toxic vaccine schedule which has been a calamity to the immune system and has undermined the health of at least two generations, all for the sake of profit.
Do you think there is a vaccine cancer connection? Please share your thoughts below.

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The exponential expansion of vaccines for children are definitely having a negative impact & when you combine this with a food system delivering too many trace toxins and the infants are not being born whole, we have autism and a whole host of other problems including the lack of learning skills due to lack of brain nutrients. Protect or Children Now project by grassroots health is a key to reversing the problem. The challenge is to change the mind set of the medical community. My wife had Lymphoma and she had live polio vaccine with SV40.
Her immune system was weak and fighting it was a challenge for 10 years. How do we get the chemicals out of our food system and stop thinking the answer is with more chemicals in the form of Rx drugs? Thomas Braun RPh
Children cannot enter public school without having all of their vaccines what is a parent to do?
Find a homeopathic pediatrician who will sign forms w/o mentioning that the prophylaxis was an alternative that does no harm.Or forge/bribe…anything better than allow your most precious to be shot full of poisons! And if you can document anyone on either side of your family ever suffering stroke then you have legal right/precedent for a medical exemption EVEN IN CALIFORNIA
Your options, Marcia:
1. Move to a state, which allows exemptions for religious and philosophical reasons
2. Move to a country, which recognizes the right of parents to decide whether their child is going to be vaccinated
2. Homeschool
3. Allow your child to be injected with poison and keep your fingers crossed that he will not die, become disabled, or develop cancer years down
the road – so that he could attend a public school, where he will learn to cuss, to drink and do drugs, to disrespect the elders, touse birth control and
how to correctly “pleasure” himself. He will lose whatever the makings of the critical thinking skills he may possess now, but he will be able to recite The Pledge of Allegiance, when you wake him up at night.
Perhaps, he may become good at sports and win a full ride to college, and graduate from it, without learning much other than his sport. That
might be worth putting him through 69 shots of poison.
Oh, oh, here we have one who can see, and is also a destroyer of evil. Their worst enemy.
There gonna get you.
Cancer is the main danger from vaccinations, because viruses are too small to filter out of the pus used to make the vaccine. Depending on which vaccine, they use chick pus, pig pus, cow pus, monkey pus, even aborted baby pus. Inside are all sorts of viruses, some of which can cause cancer. Its a slow kill process of population control. They can’t kill us too fast or people will refuse to take their fine “medicine”.
No. 3 cause of death in USA is US Healthcare system due to “mistakes” and they themselves admit that.
No. 4 cause of death are side effects of properly used Big Pharma drugs. This doesn’t even include opioid abuse or any other abuse.
So, MDs are too risky to use regularly because of incompetence, and should only be used for emergency medicine, since they know nothing about health or care, and their medicines are too deadly to use.
This is not a “mistake” as they say, its a plan and agenda.
I agree with all of the above. Soon folks will be labeled: NOT VACCINATED
Then you will be required to keep them out of all public locations. Can you imagine……..
There will be special locations for NOT VACCINATED kids. Can you imagine……..
There will be separate playgrounds, swimming pools, tennis courts, ball game fields, zoos, museums, hospitals, airports, airplanes, busses, trains, pleasure parks, stores, churches…
…..I could go on. Can you imagine……….
No I choose NOT to imagine because THAT is how we create the world we live in. They would LOVE for us to imagine that kind of world so we ourselves can bring it into form.
I rather imagine a world FREE to choose how we want to live and treat our bodies, where people truly care with LOVING KINDNESS in everything we do, FREE to travel, to work at our passions, to be with the people we love, to worship or lead the spiritual life that truly benefits us, whatever that may be. If LOVING KINDNESS is behind every action and intention, then we all benefit. Can you imagine…
Parents need to put their kids first and not their careers or material wants. Public schools are nothing more than indoctrination camps where children are taught to obey instead of think for themselves. It is starting to become more exposed today but it’s past time for parents to start being parents and raising their own kids instead of letting the government, music, movies and video games teach them about life and morals or Lack there of.
48 states in usa have provision for exemptions . you submit a simple exemption letter to the scgools each year for each child . exemption letter forms are online
My older (4)did receive 2 doses of the polio vaccine ,since studying more about the rise of childhood cancer we started clesn eating for all my kids. Im worried those two doses could cause cancer in him. Is there a time frame they might develop and will the clean eating help get the toxins of the vaccine out of his body?
Our government and those who control it are intentionally poisoning us and our children in hopes of further control over what we do, think and live. My son has a regressive form of Autism and he cannot speak when he use to be able to talk, sing say numbers and letters. I truly believe that the vaccines poisoned him and left him unable to talk, he understands but also has a weak core and hypotonia in his hands and limbs. We cannot let this intentional poisoning go on any further. Please if you have a new born don’t let them give your children vaccines either at all or if you do make them seperate them out and give them one shot at a time over several months when they are older not 18 months. Boys are more susiptable to the vaccines poison due to their weaker genetic makeup they have the XY chromosomes while girls have two X’s which makes their immune system stronger in general due to higher estrogen levels. Hence also why women usually outlive men among other reasons. Currently 1in 54 boys are diagnosed with Autism and only 1in189 girls are diagnosed. That is only a measurement of 11 states according to the cdc. Be informed don’t just trust your pediatric doctors they are incentified to give the vaccines by the drug companies. #saveyourchildren #saveusall
I believe this whole heartedly… We are living in an age, where there are so many bad things for our children, and now they don’t get recess.. which adds to the food issue, and the vacinnes.
hi I am also a victim of vaccine. I got HPV last year and then I was diagnosed an auto immune disease….I am claiming a file for the Federal Vaccine Injury Program. Have you heard about it?
Ask for a religious exemption.
My children have never been vaccinated and we’re allowed in school. My grandchildren are NOT vaccinated, and they’re allowed in school. I’m from Canada so I’m not sure where your from… here in Canada they’ll tell you your kids have to be vaccinated, but vaccinations are not mandated… there for to be forced to vaccinate, would be against your Freedom of our Charter of Rights….
Some places in Canada will ban kids from school if their vaccinations are not up to date. I’m in Windsor On.
Our son was diagnosed with medulloblasta at age 3 in 2005. Thank God we still have him with us. But this is when we learned cancer is the number one killer of children and young adults. We also were told they don’t know how or why kids get this brain tumor. Could it be from vaccines??
My daughter was diagnosed with medulloblastoma as well at the age of 5. Email me please I have a ton of questions. @
My 2 yr old grand daughter was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma in 2015. She went thru the genomics testing and it was determined neither father nor mother’s family contributed to her cancer. It was not genetic. Therefore, it is environmental. No telling how long she had it before diagnosis, best guess is at least 6 months. CATHY, where was your son treated? Did he get the standard surgery, chemo, radiation? Had it matastasized?
Hi . i was diagnosed with ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia age 6. im 21 now and very interested to find out what may have caused or contributed towards this. i had all the childhood vaccines and wonder if there is a connection?
I don’t think anyone could give you an accurate time frame. Each individual child has different environmental factors, genetic makeup and various other thing that would make them susceptible or not to vaccine damage. Just keep eating clean, getting in the sun every day and avoid any toxins like vaccines in the future. Above all else, do not worry. Fear of the future will rob the joy from your present.
I’ve heard extremely convincing arguments from both sides of the vaccine debate, but I think the real question is about the diseases themselves. It’s of no denial that the diseases we are vaccinated from are horrible diseases that killed many people in the past. With urbanization increasing, and many people living close together, disease and illness spreading is not an illegitimate concern. Is giving up vaccines worth the increase in diseases? Those are the numbers I want to see. Can anyone who’s against vaccines give me an answer as to how we can have the best of both worlds? I’ve heard both sides of the argument over and over, but I’ve heard no real compromise proposed. I don’t want no cancer, but I don’t want no whooping cough either.
Measles, mumps, whooping cough, are all childhood illnesses. When I was growing up it was a right of passage to get these diseases. No big deal. I had measles, mumps, as a child, played with the neighbour kids when their big sister had whooping cough..(I didn’t get it) then when my kids were 6 to 12 they got chicken pox and gave it to me. Still no big deal. Big Pharma is making everyone afraid of things that aren’t really dangerous in order to make more money.
There are plenty of books and information supporting problems with vaccinations. The key is NOT a compromise when there is proof positive that vaccination, with the lone exception of the small pox vaccine, does not work since they do not provide life-long immunity as we have been led to believe. Only the disease itself gives life-long immunity. If you have trouble believing this, look at the immunization schedule– every few months, to several months at first, then older children and adults every few years(usually every 2-3 years) a booster injection is required because fully vaccinated people keep getting said diseases. That is verifiable proof that vaccines DO NOT provide life-long immunity. Furthermore, the majority of the diseases are childhood diseases, which smallpox is not, hence, if you allow the disease to be contracted in childhood, or if you survive it as a adult, the person will not get the disease again & will have life-long immunity. Smallpox is not a childhood disease and is so disfiguring and deadly it is required to vaccinate against, but even it can be combatted with a milder cowpox vaccine. Preferably, immune systems should be allowed to naturally work by getting childhood diseases(reason for the name) when people are children. This is logic all doctors used to follow–“Jane will build her immune system up when she gets chickenpox, or other childhood disease.” Do people really think something changed from a disease mounting an immune response years ago to how our bodies carry out that same response now? I prefer my body and children’s bodies not be a pin cushion and uncertain lab experiment careening out of control destined for a crash landing in no-mans land. I speak from experience. My 23 year old son is autistic while my daughter has some issues( I interrupted her vaccines). Their 24 year old paternal cousin died from a seizure stemming from 1 pertussis vaccine which provided a life-long struggle with seizures. Whooping cough, pertussis, would have been preferable to life-threatening and deadly seizures. Most people survive this and other diseases. The problem lies in babies too young in daycare. In Japan no children are vaccinated before 6 years of age, and they are not given near the vaccines American children are at such young ages. Let’s take a lesson from their playbook.
Just FYI: The smallpox vaccine was banned in the United States roughly forty-five years ago, because it is so dangerous. The tuberculosis vaccine has never been used here for the same reason. Also, doctors were seeing a link between vaccines and cancer as early as 1912.
Hi Beth, my son is 6 and just finished 3 years of treatment for ALL. I wonder the same thing! He did not get all his vaccines as I was worried about the harm they cause so I thought I would “be safe” and only give certain ones, like Dtap, and MMR. Now that he is done with treatment they want re-vaccinate since the treatment cleared out his immunities and I just can not allow it!!! Something in my gut tells me it isn’t right and they are linked!
Your gut is your mother’s instinct given you by nature to protect your offspring. Listen to it. Our healthcare system is crooked beyond repair.
My daughter just got diagnosed with ALL she is 3 and I really whole heartedly believe its from the vaccines. I was the same way not letting get everything under the sun and then this happened. I think when she is healthy again and treatments are over I don’t think I will allow her to get these vaccines again either. Im too scared!
Hi Beth,
We just finished started the induction phase for our almost 3 year old son and we have 3 years to go before he is considered ‘cured’ from ALL.
I am also considering not to repeat vaccination for him. Cause I feel that there is a possibility that could be the cause of the ALL in the first place.
On the other hand, I also worry what if he gets something else because I didn’t vaccinate him the second time. It’s horrible to think that something else can come up later.
Listen to youre gut. These diseases are not common or deadly in most cases. It is not worth the risk. I feel in my heart vaccines are responsible for the rise in childhood cancers.
Our little guy was 2 yrs and 10 months when he was diagnosed with ALL… 6 weeks after his tDap. I’m floored seeing similar posts in here… ?
Good luck with changing the mindset of a community of people, most of whom have chosen to pursue medicine, mainly because of the income it generates. They will continue killing people with their lies and actions, until the law is changed to make them criminally accountable for those lies and actions, as well as for ignorance resulting in the damage to their patients health. If medical providers face severe personal consequences, just like common criminals do, this abuse of patients’ trust will stop in a hurry.
Great article but I can’t share it because you do not note your sources when you mention studies or other facts. I don’t just believe every thing I read even if I naturally tend to agree with the viewpoint without fact checking. My intellectual friends won’t read an article unless the studies and claims are noted. In the future I will share your articles if you prove to me what you are saying is true.
Hi Sharmin,
At the bottom of our articles there is a tab for sources and references. Please refer to this for your fact checking!
We should be thankful that science has gone as far as it has.. Vaccines are necessary.. Maybe not all and should be spaced apart. But humans are living longer. Cancer has been around from the beginning of time. Clean eating and eating the rainbow is just not enough.
Natural med’s are a true source and first choice for me and my family but protecting yourself is too.
I believe that when its your time it’s your time no matter what age you are . The true power of faith and that all is going to be ok..
Maybe vaccines do cause some kind of damage but maybe it was already there.
Unfortunately Erica, You are dead wrong! It is not hard to find the statistical data that the diseases that everyone now has a fear of due to the pharma owned MSM lies were ALL on a rapid decline prior to the advent of vaccines for these normal childhood diseases.
What we have now is pseudoscience and all these vaccines have NOT been tested for safety and especially not together in the groups of 6 or 8 that many children are getting.
The numbers of children now suffering or dying is alarming and far surpassing the casualties of both world wars. There has been a steady decline in the age that especially Americans are now living due to the very poor health and corrupt medical system.
Do you know that an estimated 100,00 and 250,000 Americans die each year due to medical negligence and prescription drugs? It could in fact be much larger due to the fact doctors and nurses are told NOT to report vaccine reactions or deaths.
Cancer MAY have been around since the beginning of time but where is the evidence? We now have epidemic numbers of cancer in children as young as many mentioned here. This is by no means normal and should NOT be accepted.
Thankfully we were warned before we had our first child and so none of our 4 received any vaccines (except our first born against our written will was deceitfully given the Vit K by a stupid nurse) and the only one we had problems with, you guessed it our first born.
He had chronic colic, ear infections and screamed for three months. After that though none have required a doctor or hospital visit and have NO allergies or health problems and the oldest is now 13 years.
I was born in 1969 and received my childhood vaccines and found out in 2015 that I have aspergers and have had health problems all my life. I will NEVER let any of our family have a vaccine EVER again.
Hi. Our two year and 10 month old son was also diagnosed with ALL. There is no known causes of ALL but I suspect there might be some connection with vaccination. I am still awaiting for proof of connection. Anyway we have to go through 3 years on chemo treatments. More toxic in the body.
Suzie – check
Can you give me more info on the stroke history and exemptions in CA. We live in LA area, do you have referrals for MD that would sign forms for my kid that had Leukemia and now has seizures most likely due to immunizations.
My son was diagnosed with ALL at 4 years old 1 month after his check up and vaccines. The doctor convinced me to also get his 5 year shot since we were late for the 4 year visit and he’d have to come back for another shot in August. May 10 ,2015 Mothers Day he was diagnosed at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. It was against my better judgment to let him give an extra shot, I don’t even let the pediatrician talk me into flu shots for my three children . My son was hysterical crying about the shots that day and the doctor said ,Just get it today then you won’t have to put him through this again in August. On the way home from that office I felt like I made the wrong choice. Two weeks later nosebleeds started , week later I noticed what I thought was a rash soon appetite loss and bruising. I knew nothing about leukemia at the time .I put these symptoms into Google 1st thing to come up was leukemia and I knew . It was a Saturday night ,husband and family thought I was paranoid. Next day he got another nose bleed while we were on our way to diner. I insisted on taking my 10 and 13 year old daughters home so we could take my son to Children’s Hospital (CHOP) . ALWAYS TRUST YOUR GUT MOMS!!! ALWAYS! We are half way through treatment and the feeling those vaccines caused his leukemia has hunted me since. How can doctors be so sure and dismiss the fact that all drugs have side effects. I’m not claiming this would happen to all children but some are definitely susceptible, same as with all medicine. My son has had side effects from his treatments that are rarely seen .This is a reminder to me everyone is not going to respond the same .That day he received his MMR, DTap, Varicella and IPV.Stay strong moms and keep your eyes open .My son had sepsis ,involved his port ,we almost lost him January 4 last year . Unbelievable all this child has endured and I whole heartedly belive vaccines and a careless doctor are to blame.
Wow! I just replied to the tread then read your comment. Our son only had the MMR maybe a year before but got the tDap (because I was fine with the tetanus shot) on April 5 and 6 weeks later was diagnosed with ALL. Hope your little guy is trucking through. We just started maintenance a few weeks ago. Who’d a thought!!
My then almost 3-yr old received his 2nd ever vaccine, the tDap, on April 5, 2016 and was diagnosed with leukemia May 16, 2016. I’ve been curious if there’s a connection.
That is terrifying,just going by the comments it seems tdap is the common denominator. Just so praying for all your little ones
If you are supporting his system then his amazing body should be able to do the rest. I would imagine most of these kiddos that have developed cancer and such had many more than 2 doses of vaccines and possibly other insults to their systems. Don’t stress too much over past mistakes. Know better do better and allow his body the support it needs to heal. Best wishes mama!
Laura, was the tdap the only vaccine your son received?
He did have the MMR a few summers ago when the mumps breakout was hot. But those two are all he’s ever had.
“Mercury is a known carcinogen and for many years children received up to 237 micrograms (mcg) from vaccines during the first two years of life. This far exceeds the EPA’s recommended safe (to ingest, not inject), level of 1/10th of 1 microgram per kilogram a day.”
While 5 kg would be a heavy (but not unheard of ) birth weight, if we assume an average weight over the first 2 years of life then 5 kg (about 11 pounds) is definitely light. So five tenths of a microgram (i.e. half a microgram or 0.5 µg) per day should fall within the safe limit. Over a 2 year period this would amount to 365 µg in total, which is MORE than the “up to 237 µg” that the article states many children receive over the first two years.
[ says a 3-month old child weighs typically about 6 or 7 kg and a 2-year old would be about 10 or 11 kg].
Just received your message.The textbook Vaccines &Autoimmunity (wiley,blackwell) has more detail.Seacrh pdf , click on f , type in keywords….For his seizures, he requires MAGNESIUM ,AND LITHIUM (OTC FORMS ARE BEST —OROTATE/ASPARTATE).These two mineral salts are able to stabilize electrical output in the brain and heart !!!! Together they will work miracles in your most precious . After these, cbd oil, kava Kava , will also stabilize and allow relaxing. I’m not sure who in Cali would sign the forms .Check all the fb vax truth pages.Somebody will know more.
My daughter had her first Hpv shot a few months ago.Was always a healthy child and now diagnosed with leukemia. I absolutely believe this is from shot. Especiallywhere this is happening to other children and a scientist agreed to it
Having read the book of USA veterinarian dr. Donald Hamilton on treating house animals, I am convinced that there is a link between vaccination and the ever growing presence of cancer, not only in animals, but also in men. As a vet dr. Hamilton experienced after carefully evaluating a long period of vaccinating animals an obvious amount developed symptoms of cancer. But not only cancer, also other chronic illnesses. He finally concluded that with vaccination you try to stop acute diseases while creating chronic diseases. This same progress of chronic diseases, including cancer can be seen after the introduction of vaccination. Nowadays we have an overwhelming amount of childhood cancer, with can directly be linked to vaccination.
“This same progress of chronic diseases, including cancer can be seen after the introduction of vaccination.”
Surely there are too many factors at play to be able to accurately conclude such a link. Aside from the obvious change in diet and lifstyle of most people, there have been a whole host of environmental issues at play ranging from industrial polloution to nuclear testing from the 1950s onwards and Chernobyl.
The Amish don’t vaccine. Their children have almost zero Autism.
The rest of the Country Autism rate grows at an logrhymic scale or rate. Like a rocket!
Medically, that does not qualify as a control group. Common sense tells me otherwise.
Very much agreed. Vaccines carry full of toxics and are ineffective. It’s all about money, end of story. Im not surprised to hear how healthy Amish people are.
You are absolutely right Rick. All pollution and toxins plus that from vaccines add fuel to the fire. The only way to fight it all is to reduce the amount of toxins your are exposed to(including vaccines) and eat the cleanest diet possible including supplements and specific foods that help you detox heavy metals, pesticides, radiation, and kill bad bacteria and virus’. The Books by Anthony William describe how to do so.
I have never had any doubt that there is a connection – that’s why I have never been vaccinated nor have my children, grandchildren, great grand son or my animals. None of us have ever been ill beyond the occasional cold.
How do you do for school enrollment?Vaccines are required
Most states allow medical or religious exemptions.
Homeschool. It’s a better education for the child anyway, and keeps them away from bullying influences, while encouraging friends with other well- behaved kids (because they are under the supervision of their parents). When a child does not understand a foundational principle (like in math), the parent teaches it until it’s learnred – instead of moving forward to other concepts that build on it before the child understands it. No child is left behind. Also, homeschool curriculums teach in easy to understand methods – not like common core. If you can do homework with your child, you can homeschool.
Valiant homeschooling program is a great program for parents who would like to homeschool.. (909) 287-3487…Valiant offers 2 programs..1-Homeschooling with classes to choose from as well as doing independent studies. This option also allows childern to be in a classroom setting with other homeschooling children.
Option 2-Online studies…..
Your funds pays for- classes, materials, curriculum ,field trips Etc. You also get a credential teacher known as a EC to support you throughout the year..You can call, Skype, met in person, email anytime..
So much more…And BEST OF ALL YOU CAN BE Exempt from vaccinations!!!!
I hope this was helpful…
Judith-Peggy is correct. After my son was diagnosed with autism at age 3, I stopped his vaccinations in elementary school. He had vaccinations since a baby and I believe the MMR vaccination is what caused his autism. Anyway, someone told me about the exemption and it’s SO easy to obtain—I live in Texas and I wrote to the State agency that handles these requests. Just type out a short letter stating your child’s name, DOB, address, etc and ask for a waiver from vaccinations. In Texas it’s called :
“Affidavit-Exemption Form Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience”…
You do not even have to have it signed by a doctor! You will check callboxes of the vaccinations listed there. Your signature only needs to be notarized. Then you have your document. Walk to the nurse’s office at your child’s school and present the original to her with the notary seal. make sure you keep a few copies. The nurse will put it in your child’s records and there it will stay for all their school life and you will never be bothered about vaccinating your child. Please note: The affidavit must be updated every few years and expires. I had to get a new one about three times during my son’s schooling. remember that this is a State affidavit and no health professional can refuse it. I was never called or bothered about getting a vaccination for my son. I hope this helps you with vital information. Liz
Liz, take a look at the work of Dr Chris Exley re Autism. It may not have been the MMR vaccination, which caused your sons Autism, but rather all of the Aluminum containing vaccinations before your son received the MMR. The may even be a connection between pregnant moms receiving the Influenza vaccination and a baby being diagnosed with autism as a young child. Am so sorry to hear about your son and pleased to hear that you discontinued the vaccination schedule in your home.
Hi Jammie. If you suspect aluminum to city you can facilitate its removal by applying a compress with Epsom salts. To the forehead or front of the head. Homeopathic lycopodium can be usefullfacilitate
Thats the problem. Schools sebd letters home from tge health unit. The children must be vacinated or they are not allowed to attend school. Proof as in vacination paperwork has to be handed in before allowing to attend school.
Not true- unless you’re currently in California, all states have a nonmedical exemption option for public school (religious, philosophical or both). Look up the statutes they list in their posters claiming mandatory vaccinations- there’s an exemption statute in there telling you the requirements to allow exempted individuals.
Luekemia is in the shots. At a 1998 meeting of VRBPC called the Substrate Safety Meeting held at the National Institute of Health, Dr Arifa Khan of the FDA told of finding avian luekemia in the egg based substrate vaccines, measles, mumps, flu, and yellow fever. Dr Andrew Lewis added to her presentation that all egg based vaccines were contaminated and yes it could produce human luekemia- which is the most common form of childhood cancer. Dr Khan said that she also found out that this had been known for twenty years, meaning that it has now been known for 40 years that we are injecting our children with luekemia. How many children has this given luekemia to?
My 6 month old baby girl had a flu shot and was diagnosed with luekimia a week later
My 11 year old diagnosed with leukemia a few months after trap and meningitis vaccines.
Sibel, I can only imagine how horrible this must have been for you and your family.
Please reach out to
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
Here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
If you’re able, please try reaching out to the Hope4Cancer clinic – you could also do a phone call with them if you’d like to go over the best options available.
Wishing you and your boy the very best and many blessings and good health for you and your family!
I’m terribly sorry to hear this, Veronica!
Please do try reaching out to one of the doctors we’ve interviewed in our series. Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
Here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
If you’re able, please try reaching out to the Hope4Cancer clinic – you could also do a phone call with them if you’d like to go over the best steps to take.
Wishing you and your baby girl many blessings and love!
I don’t doubt what your saving at all. Do you have a link where this information is from? I tried googling but I’d like to read more about this
Hi Kate – the article was written by Landee Martin, but you can Google the studies mentioned in the article or look up the questions you have by keyword.
Hope this helps!
My daughter was diagnosed with leukemia just after her second birthday. 3wks prior she had received her 1st MMR vaccine. From just days after the vaccine, leading up to the leukemia dx, she had experienced high fevers and strange welted rashes that we were told had NOTHING to do with the vaccine.
I am a 53 yr old lady who had the atd vaccine after stepping on a nail. Same night I had heart pains , next day blood in stools then following this at night time and dawn horrific lumbar/spinal pain that I had to hold on to bedhead to turn over. Til now 4months later I still hav the lumbar/spinal pain mainly sets in at night though now not so paralysing and added to all this indigestion and pancreatic pain which eases and flares up again. Plus ringing in my ears at times. Am hoping it eventually taking pentavite and doing things naturally ..just a holistic approach to try to rid the damage to my system. I think side effects are not 3to7days but could be up to several months for some people and possibly permanent for some. I do realise.that vaccines have saved and eradicated deadly diseases but wish there was a no serious side affect guarantee. .
Try DMSO to help remove the pain and possibly issue. Read about it at It’s a natural lifesaver. There is a rose scented DMSO cream Amazon that is very useful and many other options. Read carefully about its application.
A thorough read of the extensive data collection and studies in Dr. Suzanne Humphries book, Dissolving Illusions, reveals only one possible conclusion: that NO vaccine has EVER eradicated any disease. In fact, no less a person than Jonas Salk has stated that the only reason there is still polio today is because of the vaccine.
Sounds like it triggered the EBV and internal shingles HHV-family viruses dormant in all our bodies. There are dozens of strains of each. ‘Sciatica’ and similar is one of them. If 80-100% of adult humans carry the HHV viruses, medical doctors are blind to them being the cause. These two viruses feed on certain foods and toxins, and infect the organs, thyroid, brain, and nerves.
Symptoms differ in everyone, with no two people having the same ones.
The book Medical Medium by Anthony William explains what is going on and how to fix it through a clean diet and a few anti-viral natural supplements, like Lemon Balm Tea and sea vegetables (iodide).
There is no ‘magic pill’ fix, and never will be, since ANY patented Western allopathic medicine is by definition a non-natural chemical, and therefore a toxin. The pills tend to mask the inflammation-related symptoms for awhile, then everything gets worse. This helps confirm an idiopathic or so-called ‘autoimmune’ chronic disease is viral based.
The worst thing doctors can do is give people immune suppressants, but they do it all the time. If the small print says it lowers your immune system, avoid the medicine except for acute short-term use.
Avoid vaccines that have adjuvants and thermisol.
I forgot to mention that for around 3months I also had along with the lumbar/spinal pain a weired pain coming from inside my thigh and hips as if it was coming from deep inside the bone..have never experienced anything like this and was painful sleeping on sides…the pain somehow occuring like a clock in the morning before waking. I am only starting to be free of this pain after 4months but still feel it from time to time with less pain now. Am wandering if anyone else has been through something similar to this. I really think the auto immune system gets shaken up and somehow goes chaotic with some people and I think with certain age groups there might be more reactions. Being middleaged without having vaccinations since childhood my immune system was set in its ways so to speak so that all of a sudden it gets a shock from a vaccination out of nowhere that it just got knocked about from its comfort zone so to speak. Too i remember my son had his menengitis shot when he was about 4 and he had for about 4 days big spots (sores) on his toungue which really freaked me out but thank god they cleared up. I hear so many stories here and other sites that its becoming obvious that there are connections with vaccines and problems, mainly auto immune. I think maybe singular vaccinations might be safer than combined as with the MMR. Years ago I remember there was mumps, measles vaccination and when girls were around 13/14 then they had the rubella at high school. that might be better than having it so young now, the rubella given to babies. Maybe vaccinations should be given at certain ages and more sparsely in between so that its not so overwhelming for the immune system. I dont know, its just common sense really. Anyhow hope things improve somehow so people dont have the great fear of vaccinations. I remember as the shot was going into my arm….I knew all that horrible grey liquid going in wasnt a good sign for me and sure enough I felt the wrath later on. goodluck to everyone and the children of the future be well and safe…hoping vaccines improve so that they are safe for all.
Some people are genetically disposed to have reactions. Scandanavian decent is one big one. I got Reiter’s Syndrome (Reactive arthritis) within two years of getting a Hep B shot. This was about 14 years ago. I have found CBD oil really helps the pain, as I can’t take any OTC or scripts for pain due to kidney transplant. But I’ve researched this and yes, it is some people are genetically more likely to have autoimmune issues. Also, if you have ONE autoimmune disorder, never have another vaccine. I’ve realized now the eczema I had at about 4 or 5 years old was the first autoimmune disorder I got from vaccinations (Started school at 4), then got asthma around the 6th or 7th grade (more shots for middle school), then the Hep B vaccine, now RA. I have warned my daughter to never vaccinate any kids she has (none yet), as she has psorisis…
Aw, this was a very good post. Taking a few minutes and actual effort to make a
really good article? but what can I say? I
hesitate a whole lot and never seem to get anything done.
The reality is certainly believable of vaccine injury in so many different diagnosis. The CDC has the proof and has admitted there is no such thing as a safe. Vaccine. There is irrefutable proof out there regarding the reasons for the choices of.certain adjuvants in various vaccines and why the increase and why at a young age. Do your research
Great information! Thank you for posting all this! They diagnosed my son with Autism soon after his 5 year old vaccinations. It has been a long & difficult road. But, at age 9 we got him a stem cell treatment and most of his Autism symptoms have now gone away. It took about 1 year of healing. We are so grateful for stem cells & this information. We will not give our children any more vacations.
Only wish I had know more when my children were little.
But, grateful to have the knowledge now.
I’d like to know more about stem cell thereapy for autism
Hi Shannon!
Unfortunately, we don’t have any information right now about that. Keep watching your emails. If we get any new information we’ll be sure to let you know.
Shannon, can you please let us know where you did stem cell therapy with your child and how many times? My son has severe autism with intractable epilepsy. We’ve tried everything with not much progress. THANK YOU!
I only have one vaccine in my whole life: small pox I think when I was already about 4/5 years old.
Years later when I was about 45/50 years old someone suggested at work we go for a flu vaccine. Five of us went to have the vaccine and all of us fall so sick for about 6 weeks ! We nearly had to close the business as we were all sick. Since then I will NEVER ever have another vaccine.
Needless to say that my all life I was very healthy and without any vaccine I survived very well.
I have proof in my mom who is a healthy mobile 99 year old living on her own who came over to Canada in 1947 from Scotland & only had one shot in her life, smallpox, before coming here! No shots since, especially not the flu shot! She has never been sick other than a having a cold every couple of years ( which built up her immune system) for 4-5 days but nothing to put her in bed for even a day !! She & my dad raised 11 healthy children. Oh, she did get a case of shingles last year which only lasted 3 weeks because since her great grandkids now get vaccinated to prevent chicken pox, she (we) don’t get a natural booster shot from them!!
Wow! God bless you and your mother, Moira! Thanks so much for sharing. xo
I highly recommend people watching The Truth About Vaccines. Neither of my kids are vaccinated (poisoned, lol), nor will they be ever. I’d dare to say they’re the healthiest kids on my block. Tons of kids live on our street and we are all friends. When the neighbors’ kids are sick, they’re out of school for like 4-5 days. On the rare occasion my daughter gets a flu like sickness, she’s sick for half a day, by evening she’s up playing. Could it be true that her immune system is stronger because she hasn’t been compromised by toxic vaccines?!! I can certainly believe it!!!
I think it may be a comforting idea to believe that vaccines have saved many lives, and have been responsible for the eradication of nearly all infectious and potentially deadly diseases. Unfortunately, history doesn’t seem to back this belief up. All historical and medical documents, graphs and other data show that mortality rates from every major infectious disease were virtually at zero BEFORE mass vaccination programs were introduced. This was achieved largely through improved sanitation, access to clean drinking water and better diets. The more research I do on vaccines, the more I am inclined to believe that the forced introduction of mass vaccination programmes on hitherto perfectly healthy babies and children, is the biggest scientific and medical fraud ever perpetrated on humanity. Vaccines are a perpetual, global multi-billion dollar revenue stream for the pharmaceutical industry, and this is the only reason for their existence.
There are studies showing non-vaccinated kids and adults to be healthier than when vaccinated. How come vaccins don´t have to pass through the same safety tests that all the other medicines have to go through? Why aren´t all those new vaccin-combinations tested for adverse affects? It all cannot be understood unless by considering the “forced” profite-rate for the vaccin producing companies …
What makes you think all other medicines are put through good safety tests? Many tests are done too quickly and often side effects are downplayed and benefits exaggerated. This is the norm with the FDA and their unholy relationship with Big Pharma. Read book by an ethicist called “White Coat, Black Hat – it’s an eye-opener.
I wish to compliment Landee Martin for a well written, clear, and concise article! There are a few books I would recommend for those who wish to learn more about the dangers of vaccines. First, “Plague”, by Dr. Judy Mikovits is quite excellent. Dr. Mikovits ran the virology lab at the NIH. She was tasked with identifying the virus that was found in a cancerous prostate tissue biopsy. What she found is described in her book, in great detail. It was a man-made virus, a cross between mouse leukemia and human leukemia. It was a live retrovirus in the HIV family of viruses. It is contagious, like HIV, and is spread by blood transfusions, sexual contact, and has been found in vaccines, and in people who were vaccinated with the contaminated vaccines. She named the virus XMRV. She also found it in kids with Autism, and people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And, it is contagious! And, man-made! Her book is excellent reading, especially for those who have studied medicine, microbiology, and contagious diseases. You can read my full book review of “Plague” on
Another really good book is called “The River” by Edward Hooper. He chased down the origin of HIV. The river is the Congo River, in Africa, where a US Public Health Service funded Polio vaccine maker named Kaproski used chimpanzee kidney’s to make a polio vaccine, in the 1950’s. The chimp kidney’s contained a virus, unknown at the time, called Simian Immunodefiency Virus, SIV. SIV is genetically identical to HIV. SIV is still found in the chimpanzee’s across the River where Jane Goodall studies chimp’s, Gombi, in Tanzania. SIV doesn’t make the chimps sick. But, when it jumps species into human’s, it causes AIDS. Kaproski tested the polio vaccine on the local population in the Congo. They injected over 2 million people with their polio vaccine. Two years later, the first cases of AIDS were found in the areas where the vaccination programs occurred.It spread from there. Hooper’s book chronicles, meticulously, how this all happened. Again, you can read my full book review on
“The Virus and the Vaccine” by Bookchin and Shumacher is also excellent! It documents the monkey virus SV40, which was found in the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines which used monkey kidney’s to make the early polio vaccines. SV40, the 40’th monkey virus to be found in monkey kidney’s, has been found to cause cancer. The cancer epidemic we have been seeing since the advent of the polio vaccine may well be caused by this virus. I personally had a friend die of a brain cancer, which is one of the cancers known to be caused by SV40. I read that monkey kidney ws still used up until 2000 to make polio vaccine. This book is a really good read, too. It is excellent research and writing. Again, find my review on
The book “Dissolving Illusions” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries is also excellent.
Addressing the mycoplasma contamination of vaccines I suggest reading “Lab 257” by Carrol. It documents how the US CIA ran a germ warfare lab on Plum Island, trying to create a tick bourne disease they could drop on the Russians. The ticks escaped the lab, got onto deer, who swam across the bay to the Connecticut shore and infected the first people in a town called “New LYME” Connecticut! It spread from there into the cattle, pigs, sheep, and deer. Now, it is even found in Europe! Mycoplasma is an intracellular parasite and is submicroscopic in size. It gets into the blood stream and infects the white blood cells and travels everywhere the blood goes, setting up slow growing infections in the joints, organs, brain, eyes, muscles, nerves, and causes all kinds of nasty disease symptoms. Mycoplasma was found in the Anthrax vaccine given to the first Gulf War troops. 350,000 came home sick, disabled, and contagious. Now mycoplasma is everywhere! Mycoplasma is epidemic in cattle feedlots and hog houses, as well as poultry raising operations, all over the world. Check out the CDC Current and Emerging Diseases website for information on mycoplasma. You’ll be shocked! Mycoplasma is so small, it can be carried on air, transmitted by a cough, or sneeze, on clothes, hands, and readily contaminates all kinds of biological laboratories making vaccines and other things. It’s a huge problem, now for bio labs. Labs are using antibiotics in culture medium for growing all kinds of viruses, to try to prevent the contamination by mycoplasma. But, it has been reportedly found in vaccines. Mycoplasma is a big problem in hospitals, as it is so readily transmitted. Fortunately, mycoplasma is still killed by the tetracycline class of antibiotics, but resistance is growing, as tetracycline is fed to livestock to stop mycoplasma infections from crippling and killing cows, pigs, and poultry. Mycoplasma is already resistant to the antibiotic Erythromycin in many parts of the world, especially China, but resistance is being found in the US and Europe.
So, the bottom line is, would I get a vaccine? Would I give it to children? Would I recommend it for adults? To do so would be gross, perhaps criminal, negligence, considering all the evidence of irreparable harm being done by vaccines.
It’s a logical conclusion when immature immune systems are severely overloaded …!
The Amish don’t vaccine. Their children have almost zero Autism.
The rest of the Country Autism rate grows at an logrhymic scale or rate. Like a rocket!
Medically, that does not qualify as a control group. Common sense tells me otherwise.
In 1980 I was advised by a doctor to get a series of vaccinations to help cut down on my cold sore outbreaks. (might have been small pox, ,but I don’t recall.) Soon after, I was diagnosed with mild rheumatoid arthritis. THEN in 2005, I had a number of vaccinations in a 30 day period for a trip to Africa. After I returned, the knuckles in my hands and feet all got very swollen and inflamed. Soon after that, the damage was permanent. I have never taken any RA drugs, due to the negative side effects and I no longer take any vaccinations!
About 13 years ago, my mom and I got our pneumonia shot at the same time. It takes approximately 10 years for a tumor to grow to the point it is easily diagnosed. 10 years after getting our shots we both came down with endometrial cancer. I definitely see a link between vaccines and cancer.
I grew up in India and we faithfully had our typhoid/cholera vaccinations every year. Also kept our small pox vaccinations up to date but I don’t think they were every year. The typhoid/cholera vaccinations always caused local inflammation – there was quite a swelling and redness. It was very painful, could hardly move our arms, and had to watch out that no one bumped or touched our arms We school children revelled in our misery! It lasted about three days. As we grew older we found out that if we rubbed and excercised the arm immediately after the shot the development of pain and swelling would be lessened considerably.
But one year our family had a different experience from our vaccinations. . We lived out in the country in a beautiful hilly and mountainous area. This certain year the army, mountain brigade was camped nearby. We were goood friends with the officers and they invited our family to have our vaccinations at their camp at the dispensary tent. The orderly gave us the shots. I was now 14 yrs old and although small for my age I think he gave me an adult dose or a soldier’s dose! We went home and it was a freezing cold winter evening. We immediately sat down at the table in the warm kitchen for a delicious supper of hot lentil soup and cinnamon rolls , freshly baked and I was so looking forward to eating my meal. While the blessing was being said I noticed that my hands were shaking and I wondered what ever was happening to me, had never had anything like that before. I tried to ignore it and was determined to eat my food. I grabbed the spoon tightly because the shaking was becoming worse, and put it in my bowl of soup and tried to have my first spoonful of soup but as the spoon was coming to my mouth my hand shook so badly that there was no soup left in it by the time it got to my mouth! I bust into tears and could not stop crying. I tried to stop but couldn’t.. the family was looking at me wondering what had happened. . Finally my mom said I’d better go to bed so I got up and trugged up the stairs and flopped on the bed and continued crying and I didn’t know why. Then I heard someone plodding noisily up the stairs and crying. It was my younger sister. She got onto her bed so now there were both of us crying and our hands shaking, uncontrollably. Gradually our crying lessened to sobbing and we dropped off to sleep. In the morning we were normal again. But I found out that my mother woke up in the night to find herself crying and and with the tremor in the hands. the rest of the family woke up at various times in the night all with the same experience. There were seven in our family. In later years we never bothered to have any of these vaccinations again and never got sick with cholera or typhoid or small pox.
What I forgot to say was that the army officer told us that they were new vaccines and he was told,, of extra good quality as they were from Russia. Years later one of my sisters got Lew Gehrig’s disease or motor neuron disease and died nine months after diagnosis. I don’t know if there was any connection to the vaccine but I do wonder.
Hi Everyone
Are the same vaccine’s used world wide using the same ingredients ?
Hi Ben!
It’s likely that vaccines could have highly or slightly varied ingredients in other countries.
You can search for stats and info relative to your country if you live outside of the US.
Hope this helps!
Vaccines were introduced by the Vatican Jesuits. Worth reading: “Vaccination – Vatican’s Medical Inquisition revealed at last”. Bill Gates TED talk – Depopulation is on record saying vaccinations are his favourite. Carved into the Georgia Guidestones is the desired world population of 500,000,000. Vaccinations should be discontinued immediately. They are intended to kill us slowly thereby allowing Big Pharma to suck up as much money as it can before its role in the ending of humanity finishes.
I am a Professor at one of the major Universities in EU and have a PhD in Biochemistry from the top school in USA. I strongly believe that there is a link between the current vaccination schedule and all sort of horrible human disorders (cancer, autism, neurodegenerative diseases, etc). I find it very disappointing that the government refuses to recognize the fact that the past 2 generations of kids are severally damaged because of it.
Also, these days there are hundreds of thousands of families that refuse to vaccinate their kids these days! Why not just run an honest clinical study and compare the rate of major diseases in vaccinated vs non-vaccinated kids? This would reveal a lot of truth about vaccinations ? But no government seem to be willing to allow such a study that I find really strange and dishonest.
Also, it is impossible to do any research that can put vaccinations in the negative light (one will never get any funding for these types of grants). Even if you use other funds to do this type of research, no credible scientific journal will agree to publish this work and you would labeled as “that terrible person who is against vaccination” (practically criminal). This almost reminds me of watching movies about mafia…
We know that there is a problem, but would never be able to fix it the way things are going now. In a few years we might see many common diseases coming back when it could be avoided. Perhaps switching back to the old vaccination schedule could be a solution as the current schedule is clearly super damaging. I made an educated decision not to vaccinate my kids for now.
There has to be a way as taxpayer to obligate the government to show what they do know about the diseases that vaccination provoke. We need to put all in reach of this generation that are totally smart about the internet so they could take this info and process what the next step could be.