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As you probably know, the FDA approved the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab on Monday. Here’s an article we wrote about the “approval.”
According to the EUA Fact Sheet on the FDA’s website, one of the ingredients in this jab is 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. See the screenshot below…
What exactly is this “mystery” ingredient in Pfizer’s “secret sauce”?
This is important to know, since this is a component of the lipid nanoparticles in every Pfizer/BioNTech shot.
So, let’s check out the Cayman Chemicals Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (hereafter referred to as 123-PC).
We’ve put red boxes around a few of the alarming things we noticed.
In Section 1.2, we discover that 123-PC is “for research use only, not for human or veterinary use.”
In Section 2.3, we discover that 123-PC “may be irritating to the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract” and it “may be harmful by … skin absorption” and that “the toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.”
In Section 4.1, we learn that if 123-PC is inhaled, contacts the skin or eyes, or is ingested, that the person should get medical attention.
In Section 6, we discover that if 123-PC is accidentally released, that persons should “wear a NIOSH self-contained breathing apparatus or respirator and appropriate personal protection” and should dispose of 123-PC by “transfer(ring) to a chemical waste container … in accordance with local regulations.”
Then, finally in Section 7, we learn that we should “avoid prolonged or repeated exposure” to 123-PC.
In summary, 123-PC is an ingredient contained in every Pfizer COVID jab, and according to the Safety Data Sheet:
- 123-PC is not for human use
- 123-PC might irritate the mucous membrane
- 123-PC might irritate the upper respiratory tract
- 123-PC might be harmful if absorbed by the skin
- If 123-PC is accidentally released, you should wear a breathing apparatus or respirator
- 123-PC should only be disposed of in a chemical waste container
- If 123-PC is inhaled or ingested, the person should get medical attention
Did we miss anything?
Oh yeah, according to the SDS, we have no idea how toxic 123-PC really is!
Is your mind blown yet? Seriously! What kind of CRACK was the FDA smoking to approve a jab that contains this KNOWN POISON in EVERY DOSE?
In the video below, Stew Peters interviews Dr. Jane Ruby about this stunning “secret sauce” (around the 13 minute mark)…

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Thank u for your work. Y’all have educated me. God bless and protect you and yours.
Prostate cancer screening and early detection does NOT save men’s lives. Let’s do the math. Per the USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force): “A small benefit and known harms from prostate cancer screening” and “Only one man in 1,000 could possibly have a life saving benefit from screening”. However about 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000 from prostate blind biopsies. Also 5 men in 1000 died and 20.4% had one or more complications within 30 days of a prostatectomy. This does not include deaths and injuries from other procedures, medical mistakes, increased suicide rate, ADT therapy complications, heart attracts, depression, low quality of life, etc, caused by prostate cancer screening and treatments. Detection and overtreatment for prostate cancer has killed or destroyed millions of men’s lives worldwide from understated and multiple undisclosed side effects. The doctor that invented the PSA test, Dr. Richard Ablin now calls it: “The Great Prostate Mistake”, “Hoax” and “A Profit Driven Public Health Disaster”.
My story:
Recommended books:
The Great Prostate Hoax by Richard Ablin MD (the inventor of the PSA test)
The Big Scare, The Business of Prostate Cancer by Anthony Horan MD.
Y’all should try posting on . They will not censor you.
I knew something was not right or adding up at the beginning of last year – I have not watched the news since March when I could not believe what I was hearing, and to this day I do not watch any of them.
My sister does suffer, as many do, from Covid anxiety – I, on the other hand do not – she watches TV, I do not.
Can you tell me if AZ’s jab has this or any other really bad ones in it – there will be no doubt that it will have – I have tried to find out (and even have asked AZ directly (still waiting for a reply on that!)
Thank you for your work and keep on doing what you are doing. I think it is finally starting to sink in. I have just watched a very interesting clip from Dr Martin regarding the law being broken – we are on our way to opening the eyes of others to at least not believe it all without debate.
AZ contains cells taken from an aborted fetus.
What would you think about that?
Thank you for your diligence on our behalf.
SDS Sheets, previously known as MSDS Sheets (Material Safety Data Sheets), had the LD50 listed. (LD50=Dosage amount at which 50% of the receiving lab rats died, calculated as a volume exposure to the weight of the animal.) Did they remove this data from the sheets when they changed from MSDS to SDS? If so, any ideas on why this was done? The change in name came at the request of “the rest of the world” wanting continuity in the naming of and reporting of data in said sheets.
LD50 is a “non PC” test. My guess is it’s mostly been phased out in favor of more animal-right-friendly measures. Limited usefulness, anyway–sort of like posting “relative humidity” because it’s an easier metric to get than “absolute humidity” or “dew point temperature,” which are far more useful in determining if the day’s going to be a sauna or not.
Thank you so so much for that information about the vaccine
i certainaly wont be going for that Vaccine too many side effects
Regards Pete
Thank you for all the information you have been sending me. The information you have been sending me has been very helpful.
The law doesn’t apply because those behind the injection also control the court system. Why not review who are the Federal Judges and Supreme court Judges who’d have the jurisdiction should somehow the results of this genocide ever come before any court system or jury.
Its unfortunate that all the outing has only spoken about the poison injection and those who supposedly are pushing it.
Those pushing it are the fall guys, should something go wrong, just like those who saw themselves prosecuted and punished at Nuremberg were those expendable. Those who planned it never saw any punishment. In fact those actually escaped under CIA protection into the United States Intelligence agencies, military or research labs or those without expertise went to Argentina.
But if you haven’t the faintest who is behind this how in the hell are you going to expose anything other then these blatant violations by FDA, CDC and some of the other soup agencies?
No one……….. absolutely NO ONE has the power to bring any of these bureaucrats into any jurisdiction and question them under oath with the threat of jail or execution to tell the truth or expose who’s put them up to this.
Greed……….. is good as they say! But greed isn’t enough to expose oneself to such an extraordinary danger as execution for what is presently being done and this is the only motive given for these injections.
Folks……. this is GLOBAL GENOCIDE!!!
It takes more then greed to attempt it. And those behind this know it. But the simple and uninformed give big pharma and the Faucis and Bill Gates 100% responsibility. These people certainly share blame, however, they wouldn’t budge except they know they’re protection is guaranteed by someone of someones very very very powerful Powerful enough to not only threaten Earth with genocide but to actually do it and guarantee participants SAFETY!
Lets wake up folks, we’re concentrating too much on the weapon.
There’s only ONE GROUP on earth that’s specialized on poisoning and has a 500 year history of doing it. Start there!
Truth never will be the honest fact of corruption & lies responsable evil ones….God bless all🙏💕
The super rich and international bankers have been behind most of his trouble in this world for a long time and putting the communist’s in power putting Hitler in power in creating the Communist and power in China and the list goes on. These people are behind all of the lies. Covid-19 is about power and control.
Group from England has filed charges including Gates, Fauci, and
Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca
Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson
Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister
Christopher Whitty, UK Chief Medical Adviser
Matthew Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Sajid Javid, current UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
June Raine, UK Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum
Let’s hope they pack their bags for the Hague soon.
Yes! you are right! Thanks for commenting so more people wake up!
Love your info. Thank you very much!!
Thank you for sharing the truth!! Public needs to know about the depopulating. Killing the people for money…for not knowing the truth
There are always nihilists who try to find fault with every important discovery, and lately for merely showing disdain for Democrats and identifying with Mr.Trump. They are silly(as Bill Maher said)and immature(and these silly, immature people get to vote!!) and selfish……wreaking havok in North American public health.
And mad people as you may also go for voting, this is a far more dangerous, and we must stand strong against peoples like you.
Ignorance is bliss and you are obviously happier than a pig in slop.
I don’t think you understand what a “nihilist” is. (Hint: it uses the same root as “annihilate”) “Finding fault”…”identifying with”…”silly”…”immature” have nothing to do with nihilism.
What have you learned about the monoclonal antibody? Every thing I’ve found makes it sound ok but I’m skeptical of the government. I’ve had covid for 4 days and this is the treatment my doctor is suggesting. He also is a vaccine proponent.
Thanks for your help. Joyce
I am looking for info on this also. I had that infusion and feel extra slow at recovery. I also got some ivermectin very late, and hoped that recovery would be faster.
Two things: is the substance in the vaccine delivered from Cayman’s store? They proclaim no use of this product in humans or animals as it is not clean or sterile but they may have other chemical companies who deliver for human use?
Other than that,it reminds me of the use of mercury in dental products and vitamin shots.. no problem,right? As always 😔
Very disturbing
In Israeli hospital 85-90% of covid patience are fully vaccinated. Israeli news channel 13 interview. Here is a link to that interview.
Thanks for this information.Unfortunately friends and relatives who have had a shot just don’ want to know.
The FDA has NOT approved the current Pfizer EUA vaccine, they have only extended the emergency use. The vaccine in question is one not currently in production. The Fake News Media however decided to run with it.
I could show this to one hundred brain deads ,including close friends , and the reaction would be…………..” conspiracy “. They do have a death wish I’m sure . Maybe that’s the way it is supposed to be !!!!!
Ty and Charlene: I met you both in San Diego several years ago at a TTAC convention and would like to thank you BOTH so much for all of your hard work and for your unwavering commitment to this work. You BOTH inspire me so much! Please don’t ever give up! You’re changing the planet!
Excelent job!!! Excelent interview, Ty and Charlene!!! Thanks a lot!!
You are looking at the wrong data sheet.
The correct data sheet is
My mother has been around all her v@xd friends. She is not v@xd.
She is 81. She is having a menstral cycle. My 94 year old aunt is bleeding also. My mother was alarmed, so she called an obgyn and made an appt. I wonder what they will say? This is way out of control.
I am 80, and had discharge and bleeding. Had cancer in uterus lining and had hysterectomy. Also have had burning mouth syndrome and digestion issues. Improving with natural product called Digestacure.
As a follow up to my previous message, the TGA in Australia does not even list this chemical in COMIRNATY.
Garry, under section 7. Product Details of the TGA, I can see Distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) listed, which I’m assuming is similar?
God bless you for the work in bringing out the truth.
The one answer I keep searching for is what does a mere mortal do if they are forced to take the jab or lose their job? More and more companies are requiring their workers to be vaccinated.
For those who have received the shot is there a way to get the ingredients out of the body.
So many have to get it for work and others because of fear.
FDA is of course a “captive agency”, bought and paid for, not at all surprised. Beware the government/pharmaceutical/medical/commercial food/ trade association/ lobbyist complex! (Reference Kevin Tradeau’s “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Knoe About” book)
I mispelled “knoe” should be “know”. Please correct if you can. Thank you.
First off great job in getting relevant information out. I was reading the article on Phizer secret sauce and noticed that the msds sheet that you have used to highlight the toxicity of this ingredient is not the correct one, if you check closely you will see that there is a d35 in the title that indicates it is a different chemical. The correct one is almost as bad and still appalling to be injecting into the body. Bringing this up as it is very important to have the correct info to fight this ridiculous vaccine travesty.
Thank you TTAV for sharing this valuable safety information Dr Ruby shares on the Stew Peter’s show.
It’s beyond words what they’re doing.
So what this in there for? It’s crazy that this would be allowed. No wonder people are injured and have died.
I thought the pfizer jab that had been approved was a different one which they are saying is not yet available?
God bless you abundantly and protect you and your family. He has given you the knowledge to look beyond and into and then the desire to share with others to help them. Thank you so very much. I am am a 72 year old Australian and at peace about not having a covid shot and have never had a flu shot. Today I have been up on my neighbours garage roof cleaning out the gutters and installing brushes to restrict leaves and blockage. It seems I must be mighty lucky or have some intelligence with what I do and don’t put in my body ?
The situation is a little depressing and I must admit I have been touched by it. I will press on and keep my eyes on the Lord. Bless and thank you for all you do. Much love Linda
Well done Linda! I too am at peace with not having the covid vaccine. However, seems I have many around me who are really not happy about it! I feel persecuted to be honest. In my heart I know it’s not for me to take and I will not go against my instincts which is God speaking to me. Ive found people can be really judgemental….and not always easy to steer clear of.
Anyway, I too keep my eyes on the Lord, knowing I’m doing the right thing, seems this thing is turning humanity against each other…..
Keep on keeping on, so glad to have found this site.
What’s the deal with the placebo ,naturally it costs next to nothing so much more profit
Lavender Essential Oil has nearly the same SDS statements. If you are concerned about this small of a dose of “123-PC”, you should avoid all essential oils.
This may be true, but it’s also not the same thing. Why? Because no one is trying to force inject millions of people with lavender oil as a requirement to keep their job or participate in society. They are however trying to mandate that 123-PC (contained within the Pfizer vx) be force infected into millions. 123-PC and lavender oil, according to the SDSs, are both not meant for ingestion. So, if a bunch of companies all of a sudden included this lavender oil in a vx, and started mandating it on people, then it would be similar.
Also, you said “this small of a dose”, but we all know it doesn’t take very much bee venom to cause full blown anaphylaxis in some people. It’s no different with toxic chemicals such as this 123-PC. A tiny amount could easily cause a lot of damage to some people. This is why the vx should be voluntary only, and absolutely not mandated.
It’s also a very different story whether something is injested or injected straight into your bloodstream as they explain in their documentaries.
Does this sounds familiar to you?
I am thankful for the information that I have learned from your video series. I would like more people to be willing to look at this information. For that reason, I would like to see you have the website look more professional. I do not feel comfortable sending people to this website even though the information is good because it looks hawkish. The Home page has ads and moving stars, too much color, places to join telegram, get your seat, buy the book, products in red letters.
It looks like a huge sales pitch and the scientific information can get lost. I do not mean to be critical, but helpful in reaching the pro-vaccine people who need the information and may be put off by this format. I research scientific websites that are much more low key. the access to the other areas can be accessed and not missed without this approach. Thank you for all of your good work.
Many people that I love have gotten or are thinking about getting the jab and are unaware of its dangers. I want to find resources that they will read and not blow off as soon as they open the link.
As an employee of the State Department (Foreign Service) and assigned overseas, I object to taking the vaccine. However, Biden mandated this for Domestic employees by Aug 17, and now will mandate this for overseas workers as well. Many may take the gamble with getting the vaccine, like myself. I write the letters to all my district leaders and do what I can but the option of resigning after 15 years, and returning to the states with kids to support isn’t the easiest of choices. The additional piece to this puzzle is when you confirm that you are not vaccinated, your supervisor – not State MED – gets to decide how to isolate you: masks, telework, social distance – regardless of caseload in the given country.
The most basic point to understand is that the dose makes the poison. Read that again. Every day we absorb an incredible variety of poisons, toxins and more. In tiny, tiny amounts. Nowhere in this fear mongering article do I see what the dose is that is harmful, nor, for that matter, what is fatal. Pathetic!
Dr. Sears developed a product called shield, protects and builds up are immune system against viruses, and toxins. We need all the help we can get. I got the Pfizer jab, but I will not get the booster
jab. Always know Jesus is with all of us. Use common sense. Love and health to all. Marilyn Hinds 78 a proud grandma of 6 grandchildren.
Thank you so much for that information on the vaccine. Now that make sense that most people who had the first jabs would have been given placebo. No one knows who received the real jab and who received the placebo. Definitely l will not be going for this.
Today is 1-4-22, I said when this first started about the shots back in 2020. That I would give it 2 and 1/2 years before I got my first shot. There is NO WAY I am going to get my first shot. Bill Gates and the Government want Population control, like Hitler did!!! Blonde hair, Blue eyes the perfect human he was NOT blonde and did NOT have Blue eyes. People we HAVE to STAND UP and NOT let the Government do this to this GREAT Country!!! I am now 64 and NEVER thought this would happen to this GREAT Country that I fought for!!!