TTAV is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats. Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list. It’s free.
With the current irrational push to vaccinate the planet against COVID-19, a virus that has a 99.9% recovery rate, we feel it is important to discuss practical ways to “detox” and “neutralize” damage that is being done by these untested mRNA vaccines.
Interestingly, here in our home state of Tennessee, the COVID “mortality rate” has tripled, even though we lead the USA in vaccination rate. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Logical thinkers would deduce that the vaccine is responsible, sort of like when we see obesity rise in populations that eat lots of ice cream. But the irrational and illogical ‘mainstream media’ and ‘medical mafia’ will undoubtedly blame “anti-vaxxers” for the increase in deaths, which makes as much sense as blaming vegans for the increase in heart disease in people who eat hot dogs every day…
But let’s not get distracted by the facts or by logic!!
Despite the $4.5 billion in damages awarded by the Vaccine Court since 1986 …
Even though the Supreme Court described vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe” in 2011 …
Despite package inserts which prove that most vaccines contain known carcinogens and chemicals that cause neurological damage.
Those who dare to question vaccines are EVIL.
They must be BLAMED for the deaths of those who are vaccinated.
They must be CENSORED at all costs! (OK, OK, enough sarcasm)
In all seriousness, this information might save someone’s life, so we wanted to share with you. It was provided by a physician who wishes to remain anonymous. The goal of this research is to help the body recover from damage and detoxify, stabilize, and cleanse the toxic ingredients from the body including hydrogels, luciferase, and nanobots as well as silence the messenger RNA (mRNA) contained in the COVID vaccine.
What is mRNA?
Messenger RNA (mRNA) mediates the transfer of genetic information from the cell nucleus to ribosomes in the cytoplasm, where it serves as a template for protein synthesis.
I know, this sounds like a bunch of scientific ‘gobbly-gook’ so let me translate for you.
We are made of cells. Each cell contains millions of proteins. The instructions for making proteins are “written” in a cell’s DNA in the form of genes, which build proteins via transcription (“rewriting” the DNA sequence in the form of mRNA) and translation (“decoding” the mRNA and building the protein).
So, if the COVID vaccine uses mRNA to change your genetic code, then the key to preventing damage would logically be to interfere with the translation of the message, right?
The RNA Interference system (RNAi) is a mechanism by which cells control gene expression by shutting off translation of mRNA. RNAi can also be used to shut down translation of viral proteins when a cell is infected by a virus. The RNAi system also has the potential to be exploited therapeutically1 and can prevent the viral RNA from replicating.
Below are the TOP FIVE recommended substances to mitigate damage from mRNA vaccines (in no particular order).
An essential mineral, iodine is used by the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones that control many functions in the body including growth and development, repairing damaged cells and supporting a healthy metabolism.
Because your body does not produce iodine, it needs to be supplied in the diet. Iodine can also be used to detoxify toxic compounds and strongly increases the mRNA decay rate.2,3 Dietary iodine also controls its own absorption through regulation of the sodium/iodide (NIS) symporter,4,5 which protects the functions of the thyroid gland.6
2 | ZINC
Zinc enables the body to make proteins and DNA, contributes to wound healing, and plays a role in childhood growth and development. It also has antioxidant properties and plays an important role in cell-mediated immune function and modulates mRNA levels of cytokines.7
Zinc has been shown to regulate gene transcription in cancer cells, plus zinc globally down-regulates microRNA expression and key enzymes and proteins necessary for microRNA maturation and stability.8 Lastly, zinc-finger protein serrate is among the plant compounds that may silence mRNA.9
Quercetin, a flavonoid with multiple proven health benefits to both man and animals, displays a plethora of biological activities.
Quercetin-treated neutrophils exhibited a remarkable suppression in mRNA expression of various proinflammatory genes.10
One of the lesser-known and recently discovered roles of quercetin, is modulation of microRNA (miRNA) expression, which plays a vital role in health and disease.11
(Nano-Carbon Activated Charcoal)
Carbon 60 (C60) is a naturally occurring molecule comprised of 60 carbon atoms forming something that looks like a hollow soccer ball. The scientific name for C60 is “Buckminsterfullerene” and it is the only molecule of a single element to form a spherical cage, and it may be the most powerful antioxidant yet known, performing the antioxidant action of Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione, Catalase, and COQ10.
Over the past 13 years, the “Supercharged” C60 fullerene molecule has been examined, tested and characterized by no less than 15 universities and 5 federally certified research laboratories, resulting in more than “600 evaluations.”
There has also been considerable positive research conducted regarding Supercharged C60 potential uses in electromagnetic field (EMF) absorption. The Supercharged C60 molecule is a nanocarbon material that exhibits incredibly potent antioxidant properties that may augment the body’s ability to manage oxidative stress in both healthy and diseased states.
Studies indicate that carbon nanocarriers can deliver small interfering RNA (siRNA) and enable a myriad of plant biotechnology mRNA applications,12 internalize into cells and subsequent gene silencing efficiency,13 and are critical for efficient gene knockdown.14
5 | PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinine)
Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a powerful antioxidant and cellular energy booster that works to support the health of your energy-producing mitochondria, protecting them from oxidative damage, even helping you grow new mitochondria.15 PQQ is actually the only nutrient on earth known to be capable of generating new mitochondria.
PQQ is contained in fruits and vegetables and in human breast milk and is a plant growth factor and bacterial cofactor. Studies have shown that PQQ disodium salt (BioPQQ™) has positive effects on cognitive function and may have a protective effect on UVA irradiation-induced aging.16,17
As pressure to be vaccinated for COVID mounts, it will be vital to discover methods to mitigate damage, especially for those who are required to be vaccinated due to employer requirements or other reasons.
In summary, the five substances discussed above are as follows, along with links to recommended sources:
Also, water only fasting (for 1 week) has been shown to repair DNA damage and silence foreign mRNA. And taking full spectrum hemp extract is another excellent suggestion due to the positive effects on our endocannabinoid system, which regulate almost every internal function. We take this organic hemp extract every day!
Interestingly, Merck abandoned development of two COVID vaccines, saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus itself and developing natural antibodies. On January 25th, they announced that the vaccines generated an ‘inferior’ immune system response in comparison with natural infection.18
Recently a CNA nursing home whistleblower went public and shared his experience that seniors are “dying like flies” after taking their COVID-19 jabs.19 Sadly, these seniors are being required to take vaccines for a “virus” that updated CDC analysis shows is actually less dangerous… than living!20

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Thank you so much for all you do to teach us!
If you get rid of the old the government does not have to pay pensions!
You NAILED it! All by purpose! But, in Ghana, West Africa, they roll that poison out March 21! In their Radio and TV add, they say its “safe and tested” Everyone, from the age of 18 should have it now! Genocide!
Help! They are censoring the truth on Facebook
Did you just figure that out?
Quieres ayuda para salir de Facebook?
Nancy, try to be nice. Not everyone has been on FB since the stone age. Maybe he joined more recently and just learned about this. Chill out. No sarcasm needed. Aren’t we here to support one another and the truth?
Genocide is the only word for what is happening on a global scale. I am vaccine injured already and take a low dose chemo to keep my out control immune system from inflaming organs to the point of tumor growth. There is zero data supporting efficacy of someone with existing autoimmune disease to take an immune system manipulator, so I should have the right to decline rolling the dice in my life. I survived COVID and do not have bloodtype A, so what benefit would it have besides a high probability for mortality in my current state. I will die when it is my time, not as a scheduled quota for a toxic jab if experimental voodoo.
What does blood type A have to do with this?
I am A positive as is my autistic son. We don’t vaccinate and never will. Curious to know why and how A blood type is involved. Any information on that please share. Thank you!
MIT article on Blood Type and C19 Risk:
For sure
You must listen to this…the truth about the manufactured bioweapon! Most important part between the 5-50 minute marks.
The intro Dr Martin giving his credentials then Reiner Fuellmich repeats in German because there are Germans in the audience. Dr Martin gives all you need to know in English about this intentionally poisoned injection!
Look up Jim Humble and follow his protocol.
WELL SAID, INDISPUTABLE TRUTH! Share, share, share! I CANNOT UNDERSTAND how so called medical professionals, can administer this POISON to ANYONE, especially to the immune compromised and OUR CHILDREN!!! SHAME on all who have this knowledge and have put PROFIT OVER PEOPLE since this professions inception!
Hi Adrian,
Have you tried the pine needle tea method of restoring the immune system?
I have it quite regularly nowadays. It is delicious and makes me have restored energy.
We use Pinus radiata needles, cut with scissors not a cup of hot water.
Cover it with a small plate for a few minutes to infuse, then drink.
You can add a small bit of honey if you need sweetening but NO SUGAR!
Honey builds up immunity, but sugar destroys it.
May God bless you with healing.
From Esther.
In Ghana, are desperately looking for the vaccine fr any source possible. All my colleagues at work took but three took the vax.
They are disregarding the science but claim they are following same.
How I wish they never get anymore of these experimental drugs.
I bet I will rather lose my job than to take this poison.
“SHAME on all who have this knowledge and have put PROFIT OVER PEOPLE since this professions inception!”
Profit for Big Pharma ( in many ways) but the real criminals are those who have conceived this genocidal agenda for humanity and bribed/coerced/blackmailed etc our scientific community into aiding them in their goals.
AMEN – Jonathan … I’ve been retired many years but I would leave my job before taking any JAB for sure!!
If you know you are going to be got rid of you can do some getting rid of yourself!!
Yes I think you right, if your over the pension age, and you have a health problem and you go to hospital, ( UK) you may not come out, I lost my husband 5 years ago who went in because of a choking incident and I thought it was x-rays etc., and although he was fine, he suddenly died on the 4th day in the evening. I believed it for a while, till his sister the age of 74 went in for chest issue, but also Died in the night. Apparently from choking on her own vomit! I knew she had been put to sleep, same as my husband. I would never go near a hospital and be kept in now.
That’s incredible
That is just so shocking….A head nurse in England, posted a video on FB, she was admitting that this whole covid was a scam, AND that the t hey were forcing the deadly vaccines onto people, she knew ev erything about the contents of the covid vaccine, warning evryone not to get it, and she said, that Boris Johnsons goverment had bought the whole stock if a deadly serum from France, which is used at end of life..she said the why d o we the NHS want t his…She said nurses are afraid to speak out as they are threatened with job loss, and will never work again, she said you must not have this deadly vaccine…
Midazolam is the one that has been killing ppl.
So sorry.
I am in Australia. It is best here if you are aged that you not enter a hospital. Your family will be told that it is best to “let you go.” Even the private “for profit” hospitals you can run into a doctor foolish enough to say to a nurse- she is just an old woman, just leave her to die. It was one of the ladies I looked after. Luckily for her, one of her son’s heard what the doctor said and raised the alarm. And all the woman was was constupated and had not moved her bowels in 5 days. They ended up taking out her gall bladder, sending her to a (private) recuperating hospital for physio as they would not let her get out of bed as she only had partial vision. The rehabilitation hospital did not try very hard and kept her for over a month and they maxxed out her private health insurance and then told the family to find her a public hospital rehab bed.
Another client I had was in his 60s with early dementia, got a urinary tract infection and was hospitalized (private) and they would not let him get out of bed and after a week he forgot how to walk- off to private rehab where they recommended that he go into a nursing home. Kid you not.
My father went into a rehabilitation facility in Connecticut last year after falling. He walked in but is now is in a wheelchair after being immobile, trapped in a small room, and now losing mental acumen. Four days ago he was re-labeled “hospice.” My siblings suggest from their personal experiences that the money has run out, thus the switch in “care.” Three years ago, I urged him and his wife to assess the damages from the medications he has been taking for “high blood pressure” and “high cholesterol.” Like ataxia, loss of balance, brain fog. I practice functional genomics and am deeply familiar with cellular biochemistry, versed in the harm from these drugs and other xeno toxins. I asked them to *do some of their own research.* He replied, “you know she can’t do that.” I knew/know that, but neither could, nor would, he. He has degrees from Exeter Academy, Yale University (engineering) and Harvard Law. “You tell me these things, but when I go to the doctors at Yale Med, I don’t know what they are saying.” He couldn’t make sense of his own medical care, or the drugs, to direct his own care; more accurately, he chose not to. His wife wrote publicly on FB to me: ‘stay away from our family; we want nothing to do with you; you’re not a doctor’ Subsequently, as the COVID lies erupted, his wife used COVID as an excuse to keep him away from home, in the facility. His life will end soon, like this. My disdain for the medical establishment doling out destructive drugs, as well as governments and media perpetuating destructive lies … more mostly my shock at people too ignorant too blind too vested in the mainstream narrative … is deep. I will do my healing when he is gone. For now, it’s like I’m holding my breath.
No one should be left to die. Anyone who thinks someone should be left to die us a deathist There is a huge life extension movement that is in experimental stages and the results so far are promising Search Bill Faloon, Gennady Stolyarov, Ray Kurzweil and Dr. Janni Lloyd.
That one of reason when patients are going to have a procedure as when they will be use anesthesia, started before midnight the night before the procedure, they must be on “NPO” which mean nothing by mouth.
That is so sad for you Sheryl but I admire your strength and self belief. I agree with you concerning the medicines doctors prescribe while “practising”
The death panels are spreading to the whole globe, because the elites want the population downsized to no more than 500,000,000. Research the Georgia Guidestones.
Sorry for your loss. And angered by what hospitals will now do, all over the world.
I still have family in Canada, Norway, other controlled countries & other parts of the world.
All sharing similar information.
After facts coming out from people I personally know over the last 10+ years, I will not go to a hospital either. Last time my husband had to go I stayed with him the whole time. Questioed everything they gave him.
Yes, you have to do that always!! I don’t trust Hospitals, period!! Or anyone in the medical field…
I believe it.
Yes I agree with you that the government does not want to pay pensions and CPP payments to their elder citizens. Maybe there is no CPP money left, maybe they used it for themselves.
Their plan is to get rid of up to 99% of ‘Useless Eaters’ as research nmbillionaire psychopaths call people..
A pivotal article. Please do more like this–on how we might help people neutralize the effects of the current vaccines. I have– as of yet– not see this issue addressed ANYWHERE else. And it is a vital issue. This article brings hope. Many who are opting out have loved ones who are not. it is a tearing and difficult time. Again your article brought HOPE. Again please continue to research this topic and share here.
How to limit potential damage from mRNA vaccines:
The link is this Webpage we’re on currently!
So very true, i have two sisters, one in England,and one in Canada, their husbands had it,so they did, the kne in canada had a stroke before xmas, but was fine, but not 100%, on medication, i told her.NO, you must not have the MRNA jab, it causes blood clots, people are dying from it,AND it is was dangerous for her, blood clots to the brain, I was horrified when I phoned last week, her husband said she’s in hospital she went in after the jab, in psychiatric ward, I was angry and DEVESTATED, he told her she would not be able to return to England, without the covid jab passport, after 60 years away living in Canada, no children, it’s what she desperately wants to do, so now I am desperately trying to find something to stop them from dying from this terrible death jab…Doctors are advising that people who have been next to a person who has been vaccinated with it, can actually become infected with the Headline proteins, which are deadly, they shed them and breath them out, women h a ring MISCARRAIGES from being near a vaxed person, many having non stop bleeding, clotting, AND INFERTILITY, men also, clots,BRUISING, not well,infertility…The d oictors say to help us non covid vaxers keep well from this to drink pine needle tea….three times a day, so I’ve ordered some for us and my sister’s…I am also going to steam over a hot bowl of the water with drops of essential pine oil. In it……like you do with vicks…We now know that the masks made in China are full of a powder that’s like asbestos, AND NANO WORMS, AND can cause lung serious lung problems…so steaming with t his oil makes sense, I also take bit C, D,AND zinc…and since this is whole thing started we have been having a spoonful of COLLOIDAL silver every day,it kills viruses, is very good……It IS so shocking that we are are all so wore i ed he about this, AND heartbroken for loved ones and all others that have been killed or injured by this…..I hope this helps…
I saw Dr. Judy Mikovits yesterday.
She did NOT say to have pine needle tea. She said she thinks rumors of the pine needle tea were intentional misinformation to discredit her. She had been talking about Suramin which is not approved in the USA and it’s been around for 100 years to treat for African sleeping sickness.
Dr. Judi said don’t get any more shots or boosters that they are going to come up with. A few things to do: Try to increase your immune system health. Eat as clean as possible without GMO‘s she also said no masks because they are decreasing your oxygen intake..
That is true; she did not say anything about pine needle tea. However, the HealthRanger did experiments on pine needle tea and did find that it contains quite a bit of suramin and lesser amounts of shimick (?) acid. He also found that the latter is actually the active ingredient and that you can get the same benefit from fennel tea (fennel seed steeped in hot water).
He did quite a bit of research. It probably was a campaign to smear her, but thanks to the HealthRanger, pine needle tea does turn out to be a good thing to take if you have taken the jab or if you are around someone who has. In fact, he recommends it for the latter case.
Health Tanger on Pine needle tea,etc
Jennifer’s message didn’t name a Doctor re the pine needle tea..??
She just referred to ‘doctors’..which I took as..some doctors she’s heard have recommended this tea..NOT referring just to the Doctor Judy Mikovits you mentioned.
I’ve been told by a friend that had the jab (in order to keep her job in the hospital) to eat boiled egg yolks from pastured raised chickens. She said she did eat the egg yolks and had such a bad diarrhea with a horrible smell something she never felt in her life. She thinks that might helped her eliminate what was put in her body. Hope that helps and yes the white pine needles tea here is a link for it, just scroll down

And here is another link that might help people Wishing you all the best!!!
My concern is that if I’m forced to get this jab, and take all of these supplements to lessen the damage, will I still be able to have kids when I’m older? I’m 18, and I don’t believe the msm when they say this jab won’t cause infertility.
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My concern is that if I’m forced to get this jab, and take all of these supplements to lessen the damage, will I still be able to have kids when I’m older? I’m 18, and I don’t believe the msm when they say this jab won’t cause infertility.
They have done tests on placentas from the spontaneous abortions after the Vax and its full of mRNA ! There is some places in the body that can’t cope with cells like these. I believe the scientist that say you will be sterile. Its actually a side effect in the UK. Its genocide but if you do survive they think you will be dead in 5 to 10 years ! At 18 years old you have a 99.97% chance of surviving FLU. RESEARCH xx c
No you will not…it sterilizes you..under no circumstance x must youtake the death jab…It is not a vaccine, it is deadly…if you are lucky enough not bto be b a dly injured from it or killed by it straight away, you will be facing dead from it within 5 to 7 years, that’s for healthy young people cwith strong immune system systems, for those around 70 or above, it is a two the most, as this thing waits for a virus,like a co l d oorflu virus to come along, it attacks it, but does not switch off,but CONTINUES to attacking your body, your oirgans,,and kills you…The evil swines who made this , keep telling you, you need more injections, ,while knowin g they are injecting you with the covid virus ,which will trigger the MRNA GENE THERAPY response which will kill you…Mass GENOCIDE…A nurse from a hospital in America posted a video, telling us the covid floor in her hospital is full of patients who have had both injections…..Every single one of them…DO NOT HAVE THE DEATH JAB…..
I need help. The schools have brainwashed the teenagers saying the vaccine is great to take and they dont need to wear mask if they are vaccinated. My question-Is there any medication that the teenagers can take so that when they do take the vaccine, the vaccine can be null and the spike protein and the dna and rna will not be altered.
IVERMECTON. Many doctors & specialists have saved thousands of lives by using it, as a preventative, if you contract covid & if you have already had the jab. It destroys the spiked protein.
It is not being recognised by the medical authorities (tyrants) in USA or Australia. It can be prescribed in USA but in Australia the prescribing Dr will be “red flagged’. It is a cheap remedy. It’s been around for 40 odd years. Do yourself a favour & do some research yourself.
There are so many reports by doctors that this experimental genetic modification materials (also known as the COVID-19 vaccine) can cause sterility, why would anyone take that risk, especially when you’re in the age group that if you do get Covid, you have a 99.96% chance of survival. Taking the Covid shot is like taking chemotherapy in case you get cancer in the future. It’s really NOT about protecting you from covid: it’s about getting this experimental genetic modification material into you. Do you want to risk the possible serious side effects and possibly infertility?? There’s already over 6,000 vaccine deaths in the USA.
NO, this is an experiment, it has NEVER before been injected into humans before, nobody knows of a cure. There are only things you can do to reduce the damage but there is nothing you can do about these spike proteins! They are toxic and should not be in the human body, the body starts replicating straight away. They are apparently finding graphene oxide in the jabs, masks and swabs. You can take NAC to help with that problem, dandelion tea is supposed to help reduce the damage from the spike proteins and they are also recommending vit D and C plus zinc that needs a zinc ionophore such as hydroxycloroquine, ivermectin or quercetin(preferably with bromelaine as quercetin is not as bioavalable as the other 2). BUT PLEASE AVOID the jab at all costs. it is causing infertility and myocarditis in the younger generation ALSO DEATH!!!!!!!!!! These jabs are only at phase 3 trial stage and the official results are still unknown therefore NOBODY CAN GIVE INFORMED CONSENT!!!!!!!!!
Don’t take it. You can sue your employer if they try to make you take it and you will win a lawsuit.
I think it is clear that you won’t be able to have kids and you will probably be dead within 2 to 3 years. Start your education here:
probably not – before you take the jab, have some of your eggs stored for future
Where can I find supercharged 60 and PQQ? I already take iodine, zinc, and quercetin. I WILL NOT be taking the vaccine. Should I take supercharge 60 and pqq also?
C60 I heard is good but I know from experience Megahydrate by Dr. Patrick Flanagan(RIP) is excellent at neutralizing poisons and creating a unfriendly biological terrain to enemies. I was bit by a brown recluse and it neutralized the poison immediately. Never had necrosis and the ER wanted to report it to authorities and claim it as a medicine and have it removed so I never told them the full details. Months later Flanagan was dead from old age. Yeah right. Go investigate him and his inventions. We use Megahydrate when we go up in the alps… It allows us more oxygen in our body so we dont use the oxygen tanks as much. Hard to explain but you will see. Play around with it. Add it to your water and drink up or drink the pills straight. And also if you feel like flu like stuff starting… Use cloves, sage, mint, thyme, garlic and mullein and steam it and breath it for 5 mintues towel over head. If you Dont have all ingredients… Anything hot is better than nothing to help you breath. Good luck and may God save us Humans /\
Dios mío yo no quería vacunarme, escuche un Dr. Internista y ademas pastor, recomendo la vacuna que no era inofensiva aconsejo a vacunarse..Lo hice y ahora leo este documental.. – best price. Primary manufacturers. Good rep.
This is EXACTLY the article that I have been waiting to post! Thank You so much for all of your diligent work on reporting what health conscience (free thinking) people need to know. Please do not ever stop.
Thanks for all that you both do. This info is much appreciated.
Hi Ty, to my this plandemic is to destroy our mental stability and become controllable by:
Bill Gates and his company of bandits to put it mildly.
That bunch of carraters are EVIL. They want to control us, make Sumbees of us .
Please Stop this Killer vaccine
Right on!
That’s pretty much it I believe Ty.
It’s all very well talking about what’s bad about injections etc..but we got to look at the why.
It’s so much bigger than we realize & it is all part of a global take over. The Bible has the answers to the why’s, the who’s & the what fors..AND the One who can save eternally..this world is crumbling..catastrophes worse are coming as per Revelation..we need be prepared now.
Jesus Christ is our Ark.
Thank you so much to you both, and everyone involved in the incredible work you do… The information that you put out and share is so vital and priceless…! I’m so grateful… with much love to you all… x
Thank you for your article. .My husband maybe facing vaccinate or terminate in the near future. Of course the first letter to employees is written with wording to protect the company in my opinion.
Do you have amounts for example zinc etc above to take? Is this starting now or immediately after vaccine?
I have the same questions
me too!
To help us (non-doctors/non-scientific /naive types) it would be insightful see actual studies
that have proven what you are saying. Doses, treatment length and even specific products would be appreciated. Otherwise it’s too general (like eat a healthy diet) to help most of the public.
Ivermectin may reduce viral load so may be worth a test dose. Side effects seem to be minimal to none.
In tests, IVERMECTIN killed the MRNA, but where do you get it from….I’ve seen it on line for pets and horses,but not humans…
Sue, I would say there will be no actual studies and doses, as that would classify the simple food supplements as something they are not…drugs.
In my common sense approach, which humanity practiced for thousands of years prior to our current science that has 70% of Americans obese, and drug dependent – look up the basic daily requirements and start there. Get a simple blood test to check levels of Vitamin D.
Those who a physician I follow have levels of 70 or more., had zero covid, zero flu, zero common colds all last year. Daily dose is a good start, and if you do a specific test for zinc, by taste, you can find that test online, cost will be about $ 30. Zinc deficiency was found in all those very sick, and dying from the covid flu.
The recommended dose of Vitamin D3 for someone who is deficient and to help ward off COVID-19 is 5000mg per day. Zinc is 30-50mg per day. Ivermectin once a week will ward it off if taken with D and Zinc. All this advice comes from two of my doctors who will not take the vaccine either.
D3/K2 can be bought together since D must be balanced with K. Also, it is not taken in mg as mentioned by another post. D3 should be taken in IUs. People with cancer tend to have D levels lower than 32. You really want to try for 65+ even up to 90 if you have cancer. The test to track D levels is 25-hydroxy D test. In USA, it costs about $30 and is a blood test.
I successfully treated Covid with D3/K2, vitamin C, zinc, Astragalus, Oscillo, Umcka, and Sambucol. Hope this helps someone
American front line doctors can prescribe ivermectin for you. Or get a script from your doc (good luck )
Ivermectin is Ivermectin. If you can get it for animals you can take the same for humans. It is the same product. They don’t want you to know. I know humans who took it and they are fine.
We take the dose recommended on the label!
And..we all have a choice who to believe..the ones who are mass injecting & even forcing THE WORLDS POPULATION to take by hook or by crook, or one’s like Ty and other doctors & scientists who say BEWARE..who are raising the alarm of people dying after having these shots.! No one dies from natural products if taken according to recommendations..of course everything can be abused.
Please contact and or look at this doctor’s website who has been cencored from You Tube. videos due to warning /pleading people not to take the dangerous Vaccine and gives you reasons why you should not take it.
Dr. Stella Immanuel uses hydroxychloroquine to cure Covid-19, She opened this medical clinic and have partnered w/many doctors in many states throughout the country.
Rehoboth Medical Center
6728 Highway, 6South
Houston, TX 77083
phone # 281-530-1230
Robbie, here is an other video lecture explaining the entire PLANdemic and supplements to take.
Its been removed, we’re definitely up against evil..
Video has been removed because it violated FB’s community guidelines! wow imagine that…
That one has been taken down because it is against YouTubes guidelines.
Zinc is highly recommended, Check out Natural News. They have a lot of info.
As I have studied the lists of herbs and Vitamins, one not mentioned is to put three Drops of Hydrogen Peroxide on the toothbrush daily with the toothpaste. This product not swallowed, can assist the body to melt away any of the Graphene particles in your blood. ( graphene oxide is the basis of the viral jabs, and are often referred to nanotechnology.) All this was shared to me from a homeopath.
I don’t think anyone should be relying on these excellent suggestions as some people, unfortunately, can collapse and die long before they can take advantage of, or try, any of the above.
The Covid virus is still less danger than the Covid injection. The major problem is the fear being generated by the media, Govt and others who, you might have noticed, have a vested interest in pushing these ‘vaccines’ on us.
You are so right. Plandemic is the word for it, the evil in these people is astounding.
I just wish along with the strategies to heal, the amounts to be taken and for what length of time?? Were covered
Like me Still sick from 1 shot 7 months ago and gettinng worse
please dont jab the children there is no after care for hiv or heart condition
lm proof )
Hi. I’m worried about a forced vaccination as well working in the medical field. However, make sure your husband understands his rights at this point: An employer cannot mandate a vaccination distributed under EUA (i.e. Emergency Use Authorization). Until the vaccination is licensed by the FDA (typically takes years), federal law prohibits ANYONE from requiring this vaccine. Our prayer is that by then the truth will come out and everyone (the mass public) will see how ridiculous it is to mandate a vaccine for the 99.7%+ of us who have no risk from COVID ( the ugly truth about the problems from the vaccine and the beautiful truth of just how safe the majority are from COVID).
Penn Health System is mandating this vaccine to all their employees and many of the RN’s who know better are beside themselves. ‘No Jab No Job is the policy’, The employer does have the right to demand that the employees take the jab. These nurses are fighting like hell. If they get sick or die after taking this shot, there is no recourse. It would have been their CHOICE. That’s the sad reality. What Penn fails to realize is that they will have very few employees of any ilk in the coming months. Myopic.
They do Not have the right to have a No Jab, No Job policy. That policy is AGAINST THE LAW!!!
The media is brainwashing everyone into thinking that private companies can break the law simply because they are private companies. THIS IS A LIE!
Companies MUST provide religious and/or medical exemptions for those who want them. It is federal law.
For more info go to
I am taking Vit C, Vit D, Magnesium and Zinc to help build and support my immune system – I will not be a guinea pig, I will not get a jab.
glad to hear that please could you advise me on the product youre buying thank you
It will be on the Zinc product you buy, it can be capsule or liquid
Omg, do not think that just because he gives this advice that it’s okay to take the shot. But suit yourself. Job threat or not.
I would start zinc now. Along with vitamin A, D3, quercetin, vitamin E (not the synthetic kind), and PQQ, regularly. My family has been taking most of these since the C stuff started. It’s good to keep them in your system, to be prepared.
How much of each?
Dr Livingood has a protocol of how much to take. Also look up Dr Zelenko (ZStack)
info on treating long haul – can get scripts from America’s frontline doctors
and from here as well:
My sister is a long hauler and she has called them, they have not given her a script for anything. She has tried a few times. They told her to go to her primary care and request the meds. If primary care would not prescribe meds, then they would. Her primary care obviously wanted to run more tests and would not prescribe. Doctors can prescribe all they want, but the pharmacies are not filling the prescriptions. Luckily she was able to get her hands on some HCQ and her daily fevers have gone away. She has been dealing with long haul symptoms since December 2020 and is on the severe side of the spectrum. I know the docs say they will prescribe, but they do not, or it is hard as shit to get them to. She has also been on long hauler social media pages and getting tips from there. She has been on a keto diet for a few months now and when she comes off it, she gets sick again. They are labeling long haulers as having a disability. It’s very scary!! My mother and I had the covid flu, and we both did the vitamin boosters with the typical vitamins that have been listed in previous posts above, we were not sick long and we are not long haulers; full quick recovery. My sister did not listen to me, and now she is a long hauler. I fully believe vitamins, having a healthy immune system, will combat this bs virus. No need for experimental gene therapy. It is a death sentence!! When the hell did people stop listening to real doctors and start listening to paid tv docs that have no experience treating covid patients?? People have legit lost their minds!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you are doing to help us safely navigate these challenging times of deception! I have family who are determined and excited to be vaccinated, no matter what I say, and this gives me hope that there are ways to mitigate the consequences, should they arise. You two are amazing! Keep up the most important work that you are doing! Have been following you for years, and have copies of all your informational programs! Love you guys!
Hi Ty,
I am a medical student and a long time subscriber.
I read your article and while I agree that the push to vaccinate everyone may be over-zealous, given the relatively mild disease that COVID is in most cases, I nevertheless have a few issues with what you have published here.
One is that you implied that, “ the COVID vaccine uses mRNA to change your genetic code”. I don’t believe this is the case. I believe that the fragment of mRNA in the COVID vaccine would be translated by ribosomes into polypeptides or protein fragments, which would henceforth be visible to immune cells. These immune cells, now encountering these protein fragments, would then be able to create antibodies against these protein fragments. Since the mRNA in the vaccine codes for proteins that comprise important parts of the COVID virus, the person receiving the vaccine would therefore develop antibodies effective against the virus, without ever having had the virus. I don’t see any reason to believe that the mRNA become at any stage become reverse-transcribed into DNA and then incorporated into our own genome. What are your thoughts on this?
You also claim the COVID vaccines are “untested”, yet in the same article you link to the Merk website where they describe how they discontinued further tests of some of their vaccine candidates – whilst continuing testing on others. Doesn’t this link alone refute your claim that the vaccines are untested? Many vaccines are in development, and all are being tested at various levels along the way. Where I could agree with you is that the long term effects have not been tested, as there simply hasn’t been enough time yet to appreciate any long term effects. But, given the mechanism of action of the vaccine, I don’t see any reason to think that there would be distant, long term effects. Do you? And if so why?
Also, I think that all 5 of your top suggestions for decreasing the efficacy of the mRNA COVID vaccines are ineffective because, just logically, how will those interventions down-regulate the transcription of COVID vaccine mRNA, without impacting the transcription of mRNA for the many wonderful proteins in our body that we are so grateful for? Is there any evidence that these top 5 suggestions can target the transcription of COVID mRNA fragments specifically without affecting the transcription of other mRNA fragments that you would find desirable?
Finally, in addition to the top 5 suggestions you also spoke of a hemp product as an “excellent suggestion” based on the fact that the endocannabinoid system has far reaching effects in our physiology. But is there any reason to believe that the endocannabinoid system, activated by the product that you linked to, would stop the transcription of COVID vaccine mRNA? More to the point, has your theory that this is an “excellent suggestion” been tested or is it itself “untested” against the COVID vaccine?
As a subscriber to your emails, I have become concerned that the information I am reading here is misleading. I am also concerned that you may be making money unethically from this misleading information. So, excuse me for asking, but do you stand to make any marketing/affiliation/advertising money from the hemp product that you linked to?
I understand that people make mistakes. There is misleading information from practically every source, including reputable medical journals. I take everything with a grain of salt, and also give people the benefit of the doubt if I think they have made a mistake. I am not saying I am right and you are wrong. But I am looking forward to hearing from you on these issues.
All the best,
Michael, I love and respect the objectiveness and the respectful tone of your text. I would love to see Ty or someone answer each specific concern.
I have been missing THIS kind of exchange of arguments.
I am personally convinced of the value of natural living and of staying away from pharma by everything I have read over almost 50 years of personal research and my own experience of raising nine very healthy, strong and intelligent children without vaccins or hardly any contact with doctors of any kind (except in the case of some accidents and a few instances in which I was very thankful for their expertise).
But I would like to see a serious patient academic debate between respectful objectives parties representing each side of the fence, which would give me the facts and arguments to better help doctor friends and relatives who are trapped in the pharma paradigm that they were trained into.
Excellent reply and agree with you
Before the argument or “exchange ” begins , someone needs to come up with the proof that there is such a thing as Covid 19 …….to date , science has not been able to isolate it !!!!!!
Since you are a medical student. Please could you enlighten me on those two points:
What is the vaccination risk of reverse transcriptase with ERVs ?
What is the risk of virus natural recombination in a host’s body if we consider that 1 person only can infect millions?
Hi Lyll,
Just because I am a medical student does not let that I have all the answers. It means I have a lot of questions, and more of an educational background with which to be able to understand the answers on a deeper level.
Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are different than mRNA based COVID vaccines. ERVs would have to be full viruses, with a full genome, including genes that code for the whole process of integration into human DNA. The COVID mRNA vaccines do not contain these genes. They only contain genes for certain proteins (almost always the so called “spike protein) of the COVID virus. Therefore the only thing that these mRNA COVID vaccines can produce are these small elements of the spike protein. These small elements of the spike protein, on their own, cannot then embed themselves within our DNA. That is at least my understanding of it, which may not be right, and as always I stand to be corrected.
As to your second question, I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what you are asking. Can you clarify?
Thanks very much,
Hello Micheal,
I understand you might not have all the answers as a student, but you are a researcher so I trust you can find them. My worry was based on Ervs and their retroviral integration. If a body has integrated a retroviral sequence and is taught by a vaccine to attack a virus that contains that same sequence, Is there any possibility this body will attack itself?
As for my second question, I’ll let you study this link:
Check out dr Carrie madej and sr sherry tenpenny. Yes your body can attack itself. That’s where all the autoimmune diseases come from. Vaccines
Dear future medical worker, Ever heard of dr Maurice Hillman?He is considered father of vaccines, but that’s a lie he is a very bad man. I urge you to search for the documentary I posted on Bitchute: In lies we trust, he is in it and his reaction injecting poison in vaccines that encourage cancers and his laughing about it. Also Stanley Plotkin deposition full I think it’s on youtube 9 hour long about how this also evil vile poor excuse of human being literally has no respect for life or human empathy in him. Those people and many claim vaccines save lives they don’t, they are based on lies. Also a good book to read: Murder by injection written by Eustace Mullins, a must read is by Peter Goetzsche a Danish doctor researcher who worked for big pharma: Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare,John Virapen: side effect: death, John Virapen was an insider and ceo of Eli Lilly a big pharmaceutical in Sweden, you can find all the mentioned books on
He’s a med student, not a science student. Doctors don’t study to become scientists, they study some of the science that scientists study and publish. However, a little science sometimes goes to a doctor’s head. I hope that doesn’t happen for Michael. We need more good doctors who continue to research everything, on both sides, throughout their entire career. I’ve only met a few doctors who actually do that. Learning never stops.
Big pharma is also the ones controlling what med students learn in medical school. So they only learn what big pharma wants them to learn like “vaccines are safe and effective.”
I can’t answer most of your questions, but today (in Australia) we had a scientist (along with our Health Minister and Prime Minister) describe how the vaccines are tested ‘for safety’ on human cells in the laboratory. So when they speak about human trials, I want to know if this is actually with living breathing people, people with all sorts of other ailments, or is it only in a laboratory on human cells?
I note there are ZERO contra-indications mentioned for the Covid injection. The earlier warning regarding not being advised for pregnant women, or men & women wishing to become pregnant (note – men were also included) … this warning seems to have now vanished. You might find some interesting information at regarding those who suffered adverse reactions… might be a few clues there? Maybe? Just keep asking questions….
The trials on real humans is happening world wide right now with the roll out of these experimental shots. This phase of the trials runs until January 31, 2023.
According to the CDC no trials were done on humans before release of this vaccine (which is actually not a vaccine but a gene therapy, as it contains to attenuated virus but mRNA). Studies were done only on animals, and ALL animals in the trials DIED. But you don’t see that being published and shouted to the masses by the controlled media machine. In the meantime, every person who blindly accepts the jab is part of the real human experiment. Those who were involved in the trials admitted that they haven idea what is going to happen to people long-term who receive the jab. If that doesn’t scare someone, I’m not sure what will.
The questions you raise are legitimate. Unfortunately, there is no one but you who can provide the answers you seek. You must do the hard work–which involves reading articles in medical journals, watching the necessary science videos to clarify issues, etc.–in order to gain any understanding. Unfortunately, a lot of people are intellectually lazy. Maybe you are not one of those people?
One thing to keep in mind as you read and study is that science, and reality itself, is complex.
For starters, I would recommend this article by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler:
PLEASE LISTEN TO the interviews of PROFFESOR SUCHARIT BHAKDI ON THIS SPAMDEMIC, he is the best, he tells you, on no account must bayou have this deadly vaccine, which is not a VACVINE.. also doctor Tenpenny…and Dr Cahill….scientists, who are the best and are telling bus exactly what it this is….
I think asking questions is really great, the problem is that a lot of people are asking questions and information is being censored. Remember, there are experts on both sides and CDC has been wrong several times but yet, when you ask the right questions, you’re being labeled negatively.
There are many people who seek the truth because of their own experiences with medical mishaps, including my daughter who suffered from an extreme form of atopic dermatitis that the medical industry just kept prescribing meds instead of listening to my concerns that I believed it was internal. And I believe she got it from a vaccine because she was diagnosed as an infant. How can a brand new life already have issues like that when all she had was breast milk and vaccines? I turned to a holistic doctor and the medical pediatrician told me it was all a gimmick. Well the medical doctor only made it worse for my daughter for 9 years. I went to a holistic doctor, no medications, changed food, air and water, 2 years later my daughter’s skin healed. Btw, the holistic doctor diagnosed her with leaky gut syndrome, a term that the medical industry does not recognized.
But reading up on all this about the Covid vaccine, my concerns:
1) vaccine deaths will be covered up as “natural causes” or that it’s expected like if the person has heart disease—650k people die annually with heart disease. So if a person had a heart disease and died sometime after the vaccine, they will label it as an expected heart disease death. Point is that they will never relate it to the vaccine.
2) the vaccine is acting like the real virus, because the adverse reactions are actually the same symptoms as the Covid-19, and they are already implanting the idea that we may have to take the vaccine yearly. To say that you are having adverse reactions means the vaccine is working—really? Because there has been many printed articles about how many that contract the disease is asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. How can having adverse reactions be proof that it’s working when a lot of people don’t get them from the actual virus?
3) we don’t know the long term affects and these experts are claiming they don’t see any concerns over it, did we all forget that this technology is the first time to be used on humans? That they have been studying corona viruses on animals for years and trying to come up with vaccines but have failed—there was a study done on ferrets where they were given a vaccine and all looked well until the ferrets were exposed to the virus and the elder population died. So with all our elders taking the vaccine now, there was a prediction that we will have many from that group die next year when they are exposed to the real virus.
4) Continuing on long term effects, from what reading about the vaccine, I have great concerns more for our children, that we may see an even more increase of autoimmune diseases. Not to mention, our kids today have more allergies, if the vaccine has caused major allergic reactions on the adult population who have less allergies than our kids, are you willing to risk your kid with that, when the kids actually have the least problems with the virus itself? I mean, doctors literally have epi pens ready—that doesn’t scare you?
5) Scientists and experts and more have admitted they just don’t know—they don’t know how long the vaccine will last, they don’t if the virus is still transmissible if vaccinated persons catch the virus, they don’t know long term effects, they just don’t know a lot of things and they are using the world as one large science experiment. They are saying they don’t know but stating they believe and we are buying it.
6) love science, I am curious, so yeah science is so appealing. And I do follow the science BUT not if it’s not the right motivation. If the motivation behind the science is money and power or some greedy reason, then science can be manipulated. And if you followed the data from 2020, there is a lot of flawed and inaccurate data. Keep in mind, Fauci is a bureaucrat—he’s called an expert but when is the last time he actually practiced? Actual hands on experts are being censored, why?
7) Also, there was an article about how 4 persons caught Covid after being vaccinated but had mild symptoms and the “experts” are claiming the vaccine decreases the severity of the virus—this cannot be stated as a true statement because as we’ve read in the past year, many people who have gotten the virus had mild or no symptoms, so how it be claimed that vaccine lessens it??
Lastly, definition of slavery: (masks and lockdowns and possible vaccine mandates)
– Merriam-Webster: “a submission to a dominating influence”
The Free dictionary: “civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty, fortune”
Cambridge English dictionary: “the activity of legally owning other people who are forced to work for or obey you”
Oh you’re so right…none of it makes any sense and people just lap it all up even though their own eyes and ears tell them something different that something is just not right with all this. From the very beginning this entire “Covid” thing has been very suspect with practice drills right before it all occurred, prophetic predictions by the face of Covid himself Dr Fauci in 2017, and tests reading 100% positive in over 300 labs in Florida. Not to mention all the data we have which is being censored and like you stated anyone who asks the “wrong” questions such as why has so many diseases increased since vaccinations began etc etc. The answers are and or were all right there but history has been and is being rewritten to fit the narritive of the agenda the bigger question is why and is where anyone will find the true answer if they’re looking to. The Bible is truth and this is just one more large step in the direction of Revelations and or the end game. The conditioning and corruption of the world is about complete to accept just about anything fed to them by it because the people have fallen away from their Creator.
Amen, David!! I never suffered anxiety before a year ago. Without my faith I would be a wreck. God is in control and it really does appear that we are rapidly approaching the End. Lies and truth are being transposed. Blessings to you and yours!
“I never suffered anxiety before a year ago. Without my faith I would be a wreck. God is in control and it really does appear that we are rapidly approaching the End. Lies and truth are being transposed. Blessings to you and yours!”
Amen, Karen! Same here. My anxiety has gone through the roof since last year, and I thank the Lord for keeping me sane and giving me peace when it gets bad. He is the ark. Anyone who has not placed their faith in Him as the One who died for their sins, in their place, will not be rescued from this earth before the worst time in human history as described in the Book of Revelation.
John 3:16
Hi Maya! My daughter also suffers from eczema. She is seeing a functional health nutritionist and a chiropractor/acupuncturist. She isn’t showing any signs of improvement yet. Do you recall what helped your daughter get better? Any information would be helpful and appreciated. Thank you.
Private message me. I will put you in touch with MD or researcher.
My brothers daughter had asthma and he got her a Chihuahua. She never needed to go to the er again. My daughter had eczema and I got her a Chihuahua and her eczema cleared up. Some think eczema is a type of asthma.
Is it the specific breed, or could it be any dog?
Get box of white cotton gloves, every night out this mixture on. 1. Aloe from plant and let dry, then mix manuka honey the expensive kind with unrefined organic coconut oil, and s a drop of silver cream from health store and or miracle oil mixture. Put on gloves overnight. When real bad do during the day too. Worked better than any steroid ointment or the even worse oral steroids that would clear it up only to return a few weeks later. The manuka honey is key! I also healed a boil with just manuka and silver!!!! No joke!!
Hi, I don’t know if this will help you, but I had eczema from about 9 into my 30s. When I stopped eating gluten, dairy and rice, it went away. Detoxing and helping the gut heal is great, but it is worth finding out food allergies to stop inflammation.
I know this is a little off-topic. My dad has stage four cancer and his lung has a tumor surrounding his heart, his bile duck, his guts, his liver, and lymph nodes. Do you know if anything that could help suppress this cancer from spreading and killing him within weeks? The doctor says chemo really will not help at this point. I know there is a cure for cancer, but of course they suppress this from us. Most of the doctors that know the cures are now mysteriously missing or deceased from mysterious deaths.
Find the posts from my cancer story rocks. He took some type of medication for dogs, I can’t remember but I think it was for worms. Hope this helps.
Something like Fenbendazole. Has cured many forms of cancer according to the guy on the video.
Hi Sherry,
I’m sorry to hear about your dad’s illness.
I listened to most of Ty and Char’s series The Truth About Cancer that you can buy on this website for $200.
Some things I recall and added some of my own thoughts here:
– Go get tumeric – or curcumin – every time I cook, I am using tumeric – supposed to be able to impact cancer (also see GreenMedInfo). You could also take as supplement and I’ve seen it as an oil too.
– This special tea they talked about in the series, but unfortunately I can’t recall name — if I find it in my notes I will post. I think it was discussed later in the series – but just not sure.
– When I have pains around my rib cage, I’ve been using a homemade CBD oil. Just the flower buds, decarbed, then seeped into coconut oil in a crock pot (going for full-spectrum)- must cook long enough but cannot overheat it and I watch the thermometer closely. This is much cheaper than buying it. This is a terrific local pain ointment – rubbed over the rib cage. So maybe first buy a small bottle, but then make your own.
– Alternatively, I’ve rubbed castor oil on my rib cage area and seemed to have a similar effect as the CBD/hemp oil.
– I’ve also used Kratom and red wine as alternative pain killers. Redwine only in mornings and watered down with citrus added. Not everyone will agree with the use of Kratom, but it is an excellent pain killer. You really don’t need to take a lot of it – and if you do you could get sick and it can be habit forming. But at low doses it also acts like caffeine which is great.
Sorry this is the wrong link – I mean the cancer series!
I have heard about miracles from the dog dewormer, fenbendazole. You can find several articles in it if you use duckduckgo as your browser. Here is one:
Urine therapy and/or distilled water. Look up Andrew Norton Webber.
Chlorine Dioxide. Heals cancer, AIDS, HIV, Hepatitis, Flu, Covid 19, Eczema and lots more. Don’t believe all of the negative press you see. As soon as a clinical trial in Ecuador healed all participants for cov 19 in the clinical trial, the government aggressively went after the creators of the product and shut them down. Big Pharma can’t have anyone or anything threaten their profits and many have lost their lives as a result. My uncle had stage 4 prostate cancer and was given 6 weeks to live. He told the doctors to shove their diagnosis and he stripped refined sugars from his diet and drank vegetable juices. He’s still alive 26 years later. My friends sister had bowel cancer and was given 4 months to live. The doctors were going to remove part of her bowel and do chemo to buy her a few more months but it had spread to her kidneys and beyond so it was too late. They told her to get her affairs in order. Her sister put her on the ketogenic diet. No carbs or refined sugars, drank kombucha, took high dose vitamin C and did fasting. 4 months later she went back to the doctors and the cancer had gone. It no longer showed up in her scans so they did it again just to make sure they didn’t miss something and they also did 2 lots of blood tests and all of her blood markers were normal. This wasn’t even using the Chlorine Dioxide. There are many different solutions out there that work and when you’ve exhausted your options, why not try alternative remedies.
Chlorine Dioxide is called ‘miracle mineral supplement’ for a reason: successful remedy for loads of illnesses/great to hear more success stories
. We’ve self-medicated for 15+ years, I’m 64 and husband is nearly 66. We have a 23-year old son, who’s been encouraged to research everything: he’s a hive of info, and questions everything! We’re the only people ‘we know’ who haven’t been to a doctor or taken allopathic meds for many years. No-one, apart from 2 friends/2 family members, have researched life-changing information we’ve shared; trying to help waken them up: we believe TRUTH is AUTHORITY! It’s our duty to share that: if one person is saved as a result, it’s a great success. We’ve cured/helped so many people, plus a dog with a cancerous ear tumour! The proof is there: there are many healthier, safer, natural medical options – chance of a happier, healthier and fuller life. Pity close ones to us believe in authority rather than truth! They’ve ALL had the Covid jab X 2; we’re devastated, praying that grandchildren/young ones won’t be next – three of us NOT jabbed !!! We offered help, alternative natural remedies, showed success testimonials, shared information Sadly, they believe their doctors, and choose to put chemicals/dangerous toxins, which they have become dependent on, into their bodies. We knew about Agenda 21/31; population reduction 18+ years ago, and didn’t trust/believe politicians, Mainstream Media, health-care. NOW (Aug 2021) it’s the dawning of the age of Aquarius, we’ve got hope for a better, fairer, SAFER and happier life for the CHILDREN, and their future generations. It’s a great pity that folk are playing Russian roulette with their lives! It’s FREEWILL. Now it’s a battle between GOOD AND EVIL and the BEST is yet to come! Stay healthy and do your own research 
. PS: sorry if I went a bit off-topic!!
Black seed oil lots and lots ,Vitamin D 3, Melatonin , aloe and immunotherapy. My brother had stage 4 pancreatic cancer/ tumors had spread everywhere. He did 3 rounds of chemo when he said I will just die he was so sick. That made him eligible for the immunotherapy insurance wise, He started the immunotherapy with the above supplements His CA 125 range went from 900’s to 19 normal range. His tumors are all empty shells they hope the body will absorb including the 13 cm tumor on the tail of his pancreas. He did have MSI-H pancreatic cancer which does respond well to immunotherapy. His Doctors have him in studies now and call him a WM (walking miracle) Prayers sent for your dad!
High dose Vitamin C 40 Gramm i.v. At least 2 x a week! Is worth tying
Sherrie, for what it’s worth, 10 years ago a friend was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. A charismatic Christian prayed over her and one of the medications her doctor prescribed is Hydroxycloroquine which she has been taking faithfully all these years. She is still alive today.
My daughter also has atopic dermatitis, asthma, and anaphylaxis. She’s now 18 and deferred university because she was not allowed to live on campus without being vaccinated. She’s also been seeing a naturopath but hasn’t healed yet. Can you please give me some more information as to what you and your daughter have done. My daughter isolated herself because her eczema has been at its worst. She refuses to socialize and stays in her room most of the time.
Michael I don’t mean to be disrespectful but you are still learning. Perhaps you are in the first year. You have a lot to learn it is clear if you do not understand what Ty is writing about. He is very experienced and very passionate about treating people and getting them better. He is very successful in easing people’s pain.
He has written much about the poisonous affects of chemotherapy and now the abomination
against humanity – this vaccine. If you don’t accept Ty’s and many other’s truth then just don’t get involved in all this as you will probably never relate to it. There is no need to be so rude to such a good man disagreeing on every point, Why bother to read it, if its so distasteful to you.
People who have this approach to medicine not only see the science they see the affects before their eyes – its called empirical – it comes with many years of working with people. – Good luck with your training.
Layina, I thought the same. And I am praying that Michael will find another line of work with this cold approach to human beings. Good for his patients if he does.
American medicine is behind the times. There are medications that are on the formularies in many other countries that have not made it on our formulary, and if Pfizer doesn’t make it it will never be on our formulary. Brazil has the most open minded medical schools in the world, in that, in order to graduate, the have to become familiar with folk medicine,naturalpathic medicine and the encorporate all of their knowledge in the practice of medicine. I had atrial fun accompanied with Congestive Heart failure. On the medical formulary of Brazil, China, Germany and four other countries, there was a natural remedy that worked specifically for atrial arrhythmias and moderate hypertension. It is cheap, and I can buy it at Walmart for less than six dollars per bottle. I work in the medical field of anesthesia, but medical professionals in America will lose their medical license if they go face to face against any of the big pharm companies.
It cured my atrial fib, as long as I continue to take it, and there are no side effects or contraindications. This particular potion was tincture of Hawthorne Berry. Pills worked just as well. I am 73 years old, still working, healthy, and take no FDA approved medications. We have to venture out and educate ourselves after getting out of school.
Read the book “The Poisoned Needle” online, free PDF.
Thank you!
It all seems academic to me when we have 6 treatments and counting for this virus and I suspect, some of these treatments will also be effective against other viruses. If this is found to be true, the pharmaceuticals would be in real trouble! Apart from the treatments available, giving the population a way of keeping their innate immune system healthy with known vitamins and minerals that many of us are deficient in, would be a better idea and cheaper!
Vaccinating the total population with a treatment of which we do not know the long term health consequences, is a cavalier approach at best, and a deadly outcome for many at worst. Rather a feeble excuse for this vaccine is that a very low percentage of the population will succumb to Covid-19 and again, their lives could be improved by ingesting healthier food and necessary nutrients.
Better to protect them and let the rest of the healthy population get on with their lives and keep the world turning! Also, this method would give us the herd immunity we need, with most attaining immunity for life:
Dear Michael,
One thing I have learned in life, being a perpetual student of research – common sense and intuition (= gut feeling for men) override current ” science” in many instances.
Why am I bringing this up? Current science has lab workers I know work towarll finding an outcome they want to find. Throw out all contrary results. That is not the original science.
Practical application here is that those same nutrients helped people resist what we call Covid19 illness. So having them help out with the over-inflammatory response some have after getting ‘the jab’ makes full sense.
After having 4 years of formal training in accessing the inner knowledge that helped best scientists in history make their findings, I see this article by Ty a much appreciated professional resource.
Hey Michael,
Would love to connect and get your perspective on this. Very insightful – thanks!
– Jerry
Having been vaccinated 2 months ago, I don’t knowingly suffer from after effects. I’m 82. What disturbs me is cabash put on news that US funded research in China Wuhan lab. China approves of germ warfare. Does US? Heard interesting podcast by Sharyl Attkisson entitled “Covid-19 Origin Investigation: Did It Come From a Chinese Lab.” She found that US taxpayer money supported vaccine research with Chinese scientists through US NIH (National Institute of Health and USAID (US Agency for International Development. Some money came and is still coming from NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), led by Dt. Anthony Fauci. Is US cooperating with China?
To Micheal Kugel, You are no friend to Ty , you are
an activist likely being paid by the Bill/Melinda Gates foundation . The question shd be how much
are u being paid . This is so typical of activists ploys of friendship and followers (not)
questions “ The devil in Sheep’s clothing”
Follow the money on the people “elite” banning “Freedom of Speech, Freedom to travel, Freedom to
roam freely, Freedom to travel , people /Pharma who own patents on vaccines, drugs , who gift
medical universities , who are on the board or have ties to all the financial institutions and Media now using emergency measures to force non FDA approved vaccine which don’t even prevent COVID when survival rate over 99% . Now more fear mongering sayings healthy minerals which support
immune are questionable. Is that because big Pharma can’t patent them and put poison in them and turn around and sell a patented synthetic drug
for billions ?
Go back to the Soros, and Gates, Rothchilds, Rockefeller money who buy off the medical university boards so that Pharma drugs can be pushed
and kill people rather than natural cures being
buried as no money can be made by them.
You are not a follower You are a Disruptor
Oh yes paid disinformation agents. When I tried warning other about the vaccine they kept showing me all the information I sent was “debunked.” I asked just WHO was doing the alleged “debunking” and it always turned out to be the devils promoting this.
Michael, the biggest question to ask yourself, which everyone should be asking and thinking about, is: Why is there such a push for a vaccine for a disease with a 99.7% survival rate? Boosting the immune system its most optimal functioning and strength is better any day against any disease, ether it’s a disease from a virus, a bacteria, or fighting off cancer cells. Also, there are no vaccines that grant permanent immunity, which can only come from having the actual disease. Herd immunity cannot be achieved through vaccinations. It can only be achieved through natural, life-long immunity, as shown in the Baby Boomer generation, most of which had measles, mumps, etc. and most survived and are still the largest generation and population that our nation has ever seen. In the meantime, vaccines continue to exist, pushed by fear and misinformation, to make money for the pharmaceutical industry. If you want to see what the adjuvants are in vaccines, please search on CDC Vaccine Excipient List. This may help in the understanding of why so many don’t want this stuff injected into their bodies. I hope you will consider this info. Have a good day.
Please excuse my keyboard. Some of my keys don’t always respond when I type them. So, some letters are missing from some words, above.
Does not meet the Gold Standard!
This ‘vaccine’ is based off of CRISPR gene editing technology, so yes it does alter genetic code. As a medical student you should know that. I learned about it in my biology class 3 semesters ago. Do not be fooled, just because I am a college student right now does not mean I am some 20 something. I am retired military, been around the world, and just know some things from older age, wisdom, and experience. Plus, I can read and conduct research probably better than most. Not to be rude, but you need to study more there homie, get in those publications!
Thank you both. God Bless and keep you safe.
Where can i get PQQ ??
You can get PQQ at most vitamin stores.*All%20Products&gclsrc=ds
These treatments may work when dealing with natural RNA, but the whole point of this jab is that they incorporate synthetic mRNA which genetically modifies the cells with the CRISPR technique. So how does a person get that synthetic part removed especially when it will be multiplying? Basically, you can’t. I urge everyone. Do not get the jab no matter what. Trust in God.
What is the CRISPR technique? This is way over my head but I would like someone to break it down so I will be able to tell someone else why this is a disastrous vaccine.
Check out J. D. Farag. He’s a pastor, yet his “Prophecy Update” (relating current events to what is in the Bible) covers vaccine dangers in a more profound, yet easily understandable way than almost anywhere else you can find. Go to his website to watch videos, especially some several weeks back for more specifics on the vaccine. He’s been on YouTube since roughly 2008, but has been blocked be YouTube for recent broadcasts, but I think there are still links from former broadcasts to his website where you can watch and learn.
George, I watch Pastor Farag’s prophesy updates every week too. His research on the subject and application are nothing short of inspired by God.
I agree with you and wish everyone would watch him and listen to Dr Sherri Tenpenny who has incredible insight on these vaccines (gene therapy).
Do a search on crspr or crispr on YT.
CRISPR is a company specializing in gene editing. Look it up.
I totally agree with you!
I spend hour each day pulling research.
Everyone must take time to read!
It’s all right there in front of our own eyes.
Follow the Money!
Anyone know the optimal dosage of each one?
I think I just follow the dosage on each product
Get on the net and look up COVID-19 Protocols. The one I have says:
VIT C -250mg 2 x daily
VIT D 3 – 1000-4000 Units a day
QUERCETIN -250 mg daily
VIT B Complex
Zinc – 30-50 mg daily
Melatonin – slow release – Begin with 0.3mg as increase to 2 mg as tolerated at night.
I AM NOT A DOCTOR AND NOT PRESCRIBING THIS PROTOCOL FOR ANYONE. I’M PERSONALLY TAKING EVERYTHING BUT THE MELATONIN. MY VIT. D IS RX’D BY A DOCTOR. Please check with your Doctor or healthcare provider as this is ONLY INFORMATIONAL that I found and decided to use as opposed to a vaccine.
A modern day hero, without the slightest question.
Extremely courageous, intelligent, humble, industrious, friendly, just plain:
What more could I say. Except:
Thank YOU!!
Thank you for all you both do , I appreciate everything that is emailed to me , for the safety of my family . Claire from New Zealand
Thank you so much for your very important information!
Thank you thank you thank you for everything you do.
For the non medics the relative merits (of TTAV & Michael Kugel dialogue) aren’t obvious. Good to see that alternative views can be expressed unlike the de platforming (silencing, and sometimes destroying the lives of those involved in telling the truth about vaccines) not just Ty and others in TTAV but Dr Judy Mikovic, etc,, etc.
I heard that in Norway 29 seniors died after taking their jab of the coronavirus vaccines.
Revelation 18:23 (King James Version only)
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
The word Sorcery translated back into Greek is Pharmakia, where we get the words pharmaceutical and pharmacy and pharmaceutical.
The bride is Christs’ church and The Bridegroom is Christ.
So, by Pharmakia the great men of the earth deceived all the nations and as a result the voice of the church (the true church) and of christ ( not the false christs) shall no longer be heard in thee (Babylon)
Keeps one wondering whether Dr.Fauci, Bill Gates, and their cronies did themselves get injected with that poisonous substance called “vaccine”?
DITTO! I have also thought that they probably didn’t actually take this injection…..after all the survival rate on the virus is 99.9%
If they “did get it”, you KNOW they wouldn’t get what they are promoting!!! They would merely get something like a simple saline injection, and merely to promote their deception.
How do we know if it is what we all being forced to get . They all got a vaccine who is today it was not the flu vaccine ….
Ty why have you not responded to Michaels text?
Hi Helena!
Ty is currently working 18-19 hour days, all week, on important work which can’t be delayed. He has no time to read the comment section of this page or issue detailed responses to those who would like to discuss certain points in detail.
God Bless!
Thank you for this information. At least after how long should one start to detoxifying?
that’s why they say for people who may be force to take it as the employer will demand you the vaccine and other companies may follow what the bidden administration is trying to do.
a lot of people is scare to die and just follow like a sheep, they are accepting the vaccine and don’t know the consequences. This suggestion is better than nothing don’t you think.
What about people that had the virus? How do we take these and how much of the products. How long ?
Hi my name is Beth I am Canadian thank you so very much for all your info. I recently heard that the CDC has some connection to a pharmaceutical company would you trust what they are saying?
70% of total CDC funding comes from fees and royalties on vaccines that the CDC promotes.
The CDC is also a privately own 501c3 corporation that owns patents on at least eleven vaccines, definitely a conflict of interest.(some day that they may own as many as fifty vaccine patents..
Robert Kennedy, Jr. has researched vaccines and the CDC. He’s stated the CDC is a vaccine company and holds the patents to numerous vaccines. He also states it is a privately held company and is listed on the stock exchange. All can be verified by researching online. We’ve been lied to and deceived about everything by the evil NWO satanic cabal. Pharma is 1 of their most successful ways they’ve been “culling the herd” and destroying humanity and the animal kingdom.
Interesting dialogues!
To Michael, the medical student. Thank you so much for sharing your in-depth thoughts and observations of this entire issue as well as suggested treatments. I appreciate that you took the time to provide your objective understanding of science as is available by research and studies at this time, explaining it in the more understandable away. Yes, it’s all about educating ourselves, and looking forward to what science will discover next the guide us in our decisions
I , too have a difficult time trusting “Big Pharma”, the government and the media; however, what are the alternatives to protecting oneself against this deadly virus. We have had family members and close friends die from contracting COVID-19. I have read people’s comments about contracting COVID-19 is safer than getting the vaccination. Not everyone survives COVID-19, so that claim is not 100% true either. Again, what alternative is really being proposed to safeguard ourselves from this deadly virus. The things mentioned in this article have no specific prescription of use/dosage etc.. I know we can’t just go taking mentioned substances and think we are protected from this deadly virus. More information needs to explained other than links to purchase said substances.
Take ivermevton as prophylactic (I think 2 doses then once every 2? Weeks for maintenance). Take 5 days after symptoms if you get it. Get it from Simone Gold’s group Frontlinedoctors. They will telecom a prescription for you but there is a fee (no big deal if your paying for solutions out of this nightmare).
Pls check budasonide for covid cure.
I also point out that true risks and uncertainties of mRNA vaccines cannot be determined due to (1) interfering effects of a large number of other factors, (2) the massive organ reserve functions in most people, and (3) lack of long term studies. My preliminary findings are posted on (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18576.33283) and Open Science Foundation (DOI: 10.31219/ My reasons of concern are supported by my study finding flaws in clinical trials. Without addressing this problem, medicine cannot improve its accuracy. Past researches have failed to predict long-term side effects for each of hundreds to thousands of chemical compounds, prescription drugs, and other things.
I recently read that the vaccinated pose a threat to the un-vaccinated. Is this a possibility?
Yes, and I read a case where an injected man came home to his injected wife, and both she and her baby were dead 3 days later in Israel. My guess is that the spike proteins are transmitted via breathing, pores, and saliva, but not the mRNA. If true, then one has a better chance of beating the biological attack, as once all the spike proteins are vanquished, the disease is gone. But you must act quickly: the woman above died in only 3 days. My favorite medicine is the universal medicine before the criminal Rockefellers monopolized medicine, namely Lugol’s iodine. It wipes out any pathogen, and can be taken internally, unlike poisoned drugstore iodine with isopropyl alcohol. It can also be applied externally, as surgeons use it before operations. I had a website called Out of the Box Remedies, and both the FDA and FTC were furious that I was offering articles on iodine and selling it. Even PayPal shut down my account forever. I must have been on to something powerful! I gargle with Lugol’s iodine, put some in my nostrils, and it wipes out pathogens within minutes. I can now get rid of a flu virus within hours instead of weeks, as in the past.
Check out the I-mask protocol. It lists suggested doses of vitamins and ivermectin.
I am a massage therapist and have heard that we should be careful and not massage clients that have been vaccinated because of viral shedding. Is there truth to this?
Yes. In the package inserts it says to stay away from vaccinated people because they continuously shed the virus. Yet that never happens.
I am wondering how all of this information relates to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. A loved one insisted on taking it and I am wondering if the five suggestions to possibly mitigate the harmful effects of mRNA vaccines would also apply and possibly help with this.
Me too!
THANK YOU for what you’re doing and helping the public!! May God bless you and keep you, and that no weapon ever formed against you and your family shall ever prosper!!
Thank you so much!

Now i can help family members who manage to survive the vaccine.
We will beat this!
You all may find this interesting from a well qualified Doctor, Pathologist, Biologist.
I admire the good
Work you do ! Another helpful article!
I use CDS as profelactic and it also clears the body of strange pathogens so it would take care of most that should not belong in my body by oxidizing it.
It’s literally a miracle solution – don’t believe me but research
fi on
People in the Netherlands I can help !
If you haven’t seen this documentary, I would highly recommend checking it out. The cabal has tried to demonize and censor this from most platforms.
Andreas Kalcker I follow very closely. I learned how to make CDS from one of his videos. And have been using it for about two years. His book is also quite excellent.
THE UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE: Chlorine Dioxide – Medicine of the Future (2021)=109 min.
You may want to read The-FauciCOVID-19-Dossier. It contains a lot of link to the patents.
Wow! that’s encouraging!
Hi, I also heard you may get nanobots out of your body by doing a hot bath soak with 1 cup of borax, 1 cup baking soda, one cup epsom salt, and one cup Himalayan salt. Soak as long as you can.
This is a great detox bath. I have done it twice this week. The water was really murky the first bath, and much better the second time.
Thank you for this Ty.
Much discussion here about a medical field that is incompletely explored and poorly understood by research scientists. The mRNA “vaccines” are not approved except for an emergency use. It is not known what the long term effects will be. On the other hand Ivermectin has been used to treat and prevent Covid-19 infections on millions of people worldwide with astoundingly positive results. Taken at the onset of the disease, its efficaciousness is near 100%. It is off patent and very inexpensive to make. In some parts of the world it is a couple of cents per dose. Here in its formulation for injection in livestock as an anti parasite medication, it can be had for about 35 cents for a dose of 200 mcg/kg for a 180 pound man. At 1% Ivermectin, 40% glycerol, and the balance propylene glycol, an ORAL dose is achieved at the rate of 1/10 ml per 11 pounds of body weight. All those ingredients are approved for human consumption and regulations of the veterinary medicine producers assure me of their purity. For humans, it should be taken ORALLY with a meal containing fats for best absorption. Medincell, a French pharmaceutical company is developing a time release injection of Ivermectin and has tested the safety of Ivermectin taken daily. They found absolutely no harm to test subjects at all levels tested. See
I have witnessed elderly friends and acquaintances recover in 24 to 48 hours from full blown Covid-19 after a single dose of Ivermectin taken in the first stages of the disease before the cytokine storm damages their organs. Friends who have been exposed to Covid-19 sufferers and who took a prophylactic dose never became ill. I take a biweekly ORAL dose of 200 mcg/kg and remain well. A side effect is that after the first dose my long standing seborrhea vanished. Friends and family who take prophylactic doses have not experienced a single cold. A friend with a nasty outbreak of shingles improved following her first dose. I cannot verify that Ivermectin accomplished all the extra-Covid benefits but am convinced that legitimate studies of its benefits should be undertaken. Meanwhile, I have an abundant supply of Agrimectin for myself and family. Agrimectin, Noromectin, Ivomec, and perhaps others are available from stores that sell animal medications or online. is my supplier and seems to have the best prices. I am not associated with any manufacturer or vendor of these products in any way except as a customer.
You may want to do an update on this article, as it’s my understanding from all the legal proceedings that the Informed Consent Action Network, Del and Rfk Jr. continue to take, that legally, NO vaccine, can be mandated in this country, neither the experimental CV Vax, nor any of the unsafety tested vaccines on the CDC Vaccine Schedules. Keep up all the great work, the Quest is the best of the best, God Bless.
Do we need to take all of these or just one? Haven’t taken the jab but want to protect myself from those who do.
I just saw a small clip where Dr. Sherri Tenpenny speaks about taking high dose vitamin C ascorbate powder and 200-400mg of Coq10 daily if you got the shot and regret it. Anybody else hear of this? Many in my family got this shot. I was unable to get through to them. I am heartbroken.
I have a question concern info from episode #1. The gentleman was talking about Bayer and pharmaceuticals being processed during WWII in the concentration camps of Nazis. Where could I find more research on this topic. So appreciate all you do. Wish more people would listen.
That is disinfo anyway, look up EUROPA – The Last Battle instead. Germans in those times were the good guys. They researched natural remedies such as homeopathy, ozone therapy and herbals.
Just search for IG Farben, human trials + concentration camps… many experiments with injections, lack of oxygen…. all effects of covid measures have been known for a long time incl lockdown / isolation.
BTW holder of PCR test patent is Roche Pharma, not as much involved in concentration camps in ww2 but delivered vit C to the German army in ww2, they later found more profitable things to sell.
Thanks Ty for very helpful information to help navigate us through these uncertain times. In Australia, doctors will not prescribe Ivermechtin or HCQ as a treatment for COVID-19 – so I was told by my local pharmacist. She told me that both products are unapproved in Australia. We have very few cases of COVID-19 here and have lock-downs when there are a few positive cases from the PCR tests. I read a few months ago that a factory in Taiwan manufacturing 50% of the world’s HCQ was bombed – losing all production of the drug. I thought the timing was interesting seeing there was a demand for a cheap but effective treatment. I was wondering does anyone know if there are any similar products to Ivermechtin and HCQ? I could check their availability here in Australia. Thank you.
No, not for ivermectin. order in India.
My personal guess for the other is other chloride solutions.
I would also say lugol’s iodine is maybe an alternative.
You might get your ivermectin at a ranch store ie cal ranch or IFA in the US. Dose is .2mg/kg. Google FLCCC I-mask protocol for more details. I could be wrong but I believe quinine is the active ingredient in HCQ, or has a similar effect anyway.
What do you thing about using SURAMINE as a reverse transcriptase inhibitor?
If I took the shot I would be taking zeolite 100%. I would include it with everything else. It is said to be the best for aluminum and Mercury to pull from the brain.
Episode 47: Why Zeolite is the Most Effective Detox with Detoxification Expert
Zeolite powder also cleanses the body of heavy metals and toxins in general better than activated charcoal which is used in hospitals for toxic poisonings of various kinds. C60 is non activated charcoal “Non heat treated” charcoal just to let you know.
Judy Mikovits talks about suramin. This article explains further:
Love Dr. Mikovits . All that she went thru, 5 yrs of hell in prison for her ethical beliefs. I thank her from the bottom of my heart. Bless you always Dr. Judy zmikovits!
I had my Covid vaccine in December, is there anything I should take to remove this vaccine from my system.
I don’t think you are correct about C60. It has a strong positive charge as does the hydrogel used in these injections. I’m finding clays are a better binder in this situation, although we recommend C60 in many other situations
Tony Pascaratello says not to take C60 as it makes nanotechnology grow. I’m trying to figure out how to detox my system of that.
Thank you I didn’t know why Tony said that. Why does he say not to use Zeolite? Do you know?
It doesn’t say how much to take and which time?
Is there any issues taking them with other vitamins?
Thank you for the great information and spreading the truth.
Hello hello hello. I never comment on things but am experiencing strangest of phenomenas and my Papa had told me stories many months back about women – both who’ve been covid vaccinated and just *been around* the c-vaccinated – getting strange and severe periods. I don’t have and will never allow myself to be covaids vaccinated, but unfortunately live with my mama (she works in hospital) and her bf who both have been!!
Last month I had severe period pain, like never before. I couldn’t sleep for 3 nights straight as was in continuous pain that brought me to tears, and I even threw up a couple times. I’m used to bad cramps as had the copper coil, but not like this. I then had coil removed, as was overdue, and figured it would’ve been that. Then last night my period started and again, severe pain. Not quite as intense (yet, hopefully) but the pain trickled into the top of my thigh, and it started to cramp as I was trying to sleep. I’ve never experienced that before. I woke up in the middle of the night in hot sweats. And am still in severe pain upon waking. It’s bizarre and I am glued to my hot water bottle having sent my mam’s bf out for codeine as do not know what else to do. Anyone else experienced this?
How long should one take the list of recommended ingredient for in order to kill the spike protein?
I’ve read so much about c60 snd have wanted to try it for awhile. I’m concerned however about things I have read such as this study:
Anyone done more research on c60 to offer another perspective?
I recommend everybody to watch or listen gene decode about morgellons. He uses MMS among other things, MMS is the predecessor of CDS.
The video which was orginally on you tube can be found on bitchute with this title
Cabal’s Trojan Horse. Gene Decode. AI Counter Invasion! B2T Show May 26, 2020 (IS)
Because of the nano particles this will be helpful as well for covid or for the vaccine (full of nano particles)
Thanks so much. Heard you at Clay Clark’s/General Flynn’s venue in Anaheim. I plan to take at least 1 or 2 of the 5 recommended supplements. Is there an advantage to taking as many as possible?
You forgot one important one, NAC. VERY important one.
As for CBD, you used to promote HempMeds brand. Do you not use that anymore, and instead use this other brand you promote in your article mRNA neutralization?
What are the dosages for your top 5? How long do you take these supplements ? When do you start?
How much of each of these should we take daily, and for how long?
Why no pycnogenol and/or French maritime pine bark extract on the list?
Hi! I’m an Italian naturopath and I’m looking for an healing protocol for vaccinated people.
Could you kindly suggest us the doses of these substances and how long they should be taken? Thanks a lot!
Thanks! But prevention is better than cure. Damage control is better prevented.
I thought one way to restore ones health if one has been JABBED. Would be to go into a extended “water fast” as I currently understand it, Since Adam & Eve the DNA makes RNA that makes protein. These JABS gets the RNA to write to the DNA that screws up the body.
When you go something like 48 hours water fast, the body pulls out DNA out of the bone and replaces the other DNA that has been changed by the RNA from this evil plot.
I have not been in the “Fasting” summit yet to verify my theory I purchased in the late January 2019.
By the way I love been a “fat” burner now and not a sugar burner I never feel hungry anymore.
Thank – You Ty ,
It would be nice to know , how much one should take like mg per 10 pounds or Kg .
How many days before to start and how long .
Here in Europe they want to make the injections mandatory , even for small kids …
I am type A. My husband is O. We both did not get vaccinated. I had a bad flu in 2019 while visiting family close to the Canadian border. It was long, lengthy, ended with pneumonia that would have taken me down if I did not intervene. (Remember the war games in Canada w China/revealed they brought COVID to Canada). Recently we both got COVID Omnicron. It was similar to the other but I was taking Zinc, D, C. I never got full blown pneumonia but I was ill for about a month off and on. My husband had one day of not feeling good. We continue to not get vaccinated as I have lost an adult nephew age 40 to a blood clot to the brain, a niece who miscarried, A family friend’s daughter stroke at age 45. Heard about two other stroke victims near here. My daughter lives in Arkansas and says the amount of young people up to age 60s are dying at an extreme rate. I believe this is a method being used to reduce population.