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Our colleague and fellow freedom-fighter, Russell Brand, never one to shy away from controversy, has launched a scathing attack on mainstream media for their blatant effort to normalize the surge in heart attacks among young, healthy people. His sharp critique centers on the media’s disturbing trend of glossing over these alarming health issues while conveniently ignoring any potential connections to COVID-19 vaccines.
“On legacy media, it’s quite possible to watch a kind of bright, breezy, cheerful news item about heart attacks as if it’s some new trend, like Pogs or Pokemon Go,” Brand sneered on his “Stay Free” podcast. “It’s a new sensation, heart disease in young people.” Brand’s biting humor and razor-sharp observations cut straight to the heart of a matter that is being woefully underreported and misrepresented.
Brand specifically called out a May 30 segment on NBC’s “Today” show titled “A new way of thinking about heart attacks,” which calmly reported an “alarming number” of seemingly healthy young patients suffering from heart attacks. “Doctors say they’re seeing an alarming number of seemingly healthy patients having heart attacks and those patients are getting younger and younger,” the segment noted, as if it were discussing the latest TikTok dance craze.
Brand was not impressed.
“We’ve got to get to the bottom of this without ever indicting a major pharmaceutical company,” Brand said with his trademark blend of sarcasm and frustration. He mocked the efforts by public health authorities and the media to sidestep any mention of the COVID-19 vaccines, implying a significant blind spot (or perhaps a deliberate oversight) in their coverage.
Brand’s tirade didn’t stop there. He accused the media of using their “innocuous soft power” to introduce and normalize ideas that should be both “galling and terrifying.” The legacy media, according to Brand, is effectively downplaying serious health crises and conditioning the public to accept these alarming trends without question.
The comedian’s outburst has struck a chord with many who feel similarly disillusioned by the media’s handling of pandemic-related health issues. By framing heart disease in young people as just another quirky news story, Brand argues, the media are complicit.
We agree with Russell.
Russell Brand’s sharp critique serves as a stark reminder of the power of the media to shape public perception and the importance of questioning narratives that seem too conveniently aligned with corporate interests. As more and more people start to see through the polished veneer of mainstream news and their multitude of prevarications, voices like Brand’s are becoming increasingly significant in the fight for transparency and accountability in health reporting.
Remember the famous quote from Mark Twain – “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

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No Jabs for me. I knew this Plandemic was a massive lie as soon as they said they had a vaccine for an RNA virus because there will never be any effective vaccine for something that by its nature changes almost continuously. Then when they violated basic scientific principles, silenced doctors, rejected long standing safe medical protocols and bullied and coerced people into taking an experiment medical procedure without informed consent in violation of the Nuremburg protocols and the US Constitution. I knew it was a global power grab which it continues to be. How could any sapient being ever trust any government again knowing that they are all for sale to the for profit only corporations? Where are the processions of angry mobs dragging these corporate monsters, and their media and government lackies like Fauci to the Guillotines? Corporations, and the media and governments they own can never be trusted.