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Over the last couple of years, vaccinations have been mandated in many states throughout the U.S. Where it was once possible to use a philosophical, personal or religious exemption to refuse vaccinations, many states have now made it far more difficult for parents to avoid having their children vaccinated.
Vaccination exemption laws vary from state to state, however, many states have made it very difficult for parents wishing to avoid vaccinations to find a loophole in the law to allow them the freedom of choice that they once had.
This is because the U.S. government and the medical establishment believe that, without childhood vaccinations, many children will become sick and die from diseases like measles and whooping cough and it appears that they could be correct.
That is, if we choose to believe the recent article published by WebMD, who reported that, in 2019, outbreaks of measles were the worst seen for many years, and that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there has been multiple outbreaks of measles in the states of New York, Washington, Texas, Illinois, and California.1
These apparent scare tactics appear to be working well, because, according to reports, more and more states are changing their exemption laws to enable them to force vaccinations upon every U.S. citizen, whether they like it or not.
For example, in June 2019, CBS News reported that New York had joined a handful of states that had decided to make the decision to no longer allow religious exemptions to refuse vaccinations. They reported that:
Amid the ongoing measles outbreak, New York lawmakers approved a bill Thursday that will require all children attending school or daycare to receive vaccinations. Gov. Andrew Cuomo quickly signed the bill into law, to take effect immediately.
The Senate voted 36-26 and the Assembly voted 77-53. The only exception to the new legislation is for children who cannot be safely vaccinated due to a medical condition. Religious exceptions will no longer be permitted.”2
New York lawmakers are not alone in their decision because they joined California, Mississippi, West Virginia, and Maine, whose lawmakers have also made the decision to decline religious exemptions.
This move has angered many parents because they believe that they have had their fundamental right to the freedom of choice taken away.
Family Forced to Remove Son from Special School Due to Religious Beliefs
One family who has been severely affected by these new laws, are the Walker family. In an interview, Ms. Heather Walker explained to me that her family had been severely affected by the removal of religious exemptions in New York, voted for, passed by the NY legislature and signed for by Governor Cuomo, all on the same day, June 13, 2019.
Ms. Walker told me that she had been forced to remove her special needs son from his school due to her decision to refuse to comply with NY legislation. She stated that:
On June 13, 2019, our sincerely held religious beliefs did not magically disappear, despite the vote cast by the NYS legislature and governor to oust unvaccinated children from the public school setting, which includes disabled children receiving a multitude of warranted therapeutic interventions. New York state’s gross bureaucratic overreach has now caused harm to thousands of New York children by segregating and denying them an education based upon their sincerely held religious beliefs, including the most vulnerable special needs children.”
Many believe that she has a valid point, why should parents be forced to turn their back on their religion, just because their government demands them to do so?
Ms. Walker says that her son is extremely upset that he has been segregated from his classmates and that his government has denied him access to free and appropriate education, which has been secured by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), for any child who has been classified disabled and has an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
It appears that while the U.S. government has denied education to any pupil who refuses to comply with their demands, members of the American Medical Association (AMA) can use both religious and philosophical exemptions to refuse vaccinations themselves.
American Medical Association Offers Philosophical and Religious Exemptions to Members
Interestingly, while many U.S. citizens are fighting the new laws that prevent them from using philosophical and religious exemptions to avoid vaccinations, it appears that the AMA code of ethics allows its members to use both philosophical and religious exemptions for themselves.
In a shocking article published in February 2019 by First Freedoms, author Kevin Barry explained that while the AMA was seeking to enforce ever more stringent state vaccination requirements on the citizens of America, the same rules do not apply to their own members, because it appears they are allowed to use both philosophical exemptions and religious exemptions to vaccination for THEMSELVES.3
According to Barry, the AMA’s Code of Ethics, Option 8.7, states that:
As professionals committed to promoting the welfare of individual patients and the health of the public and to safeguarding their own and their colleagues’ well-being, physicians have an ethical responsibility to take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of infectious disease in health care settings. Conscientious participation in routine infection control practices, such as hand washing and respiratory precautions, is a basic expectation of the profession. In some situations, however, routine infection control is not sufficient to protect the interests of patients, the public, and fellow health care workers.”
He continued:
In the context of a highly transmissible disease that poses significant medical risk for vulnerable patients or colleagues or threatens the availability of the health care workforce, particularly a disease that has potential to become epidemic or pandemic, and for which there is an available, safe, and effective vaccine, physicians should:
(a) Accept immunization absent a recognized medical, religious, or philosophic reason to not be immunized.
(b) Accept a decision of the medical staff leadership or health care institution, or other appropriate authority to adjust practice activities if not immunized (e.g., wear masks or refrain from direct patient care). It may be appropriate in some circumstances to inform patients about immunization status.”4 (own emphasis)
I researched Mr. Barry’s information for myself, and sure enough, his information was 100% correct, which I believe makes a complete mockery of the changing exemption laws throughout the U.S. Why should the members of the AMA, who are all medical professionals, have special treatment, especially if vaccinations are as safe and effective as they say they are?
Interestingly, First Freedoms were not the first to question the AMA’s blatant hypocrisy, because their actions were also questioned by the Nurses for Vaccine Safety Alliance (NFVSA) in 2015.
According to reports, several nurses were angry because their employment had been terminated for refusing the flu vaccine, while doctors who were employed by the same hospital, who were members of the AMA, were able to refuse the vaccine and keep their job.5,7
This was also highlighted in 2015 by Sallie O. Elkordy, who has been speaking out about the dangers of vaccinations for many years. Concerned about the fact that the U.S. government were pushing for mandatory flu vaccinations across America, she stated on film, that while the AMA was happy to recommend that all unions (which of course would include the National Union of Nurses), members of the AMA, which are also a union, were able to refuse the vaccination for themselves.6
I asked Ms. Elkordy if she had a final comment that she would like to add to this article. She stated that:
The AMA wants to protect its members from the very vaccine mandates it upholds for everyone else? That’s odd! Certainly not the first time they took this peculiar stance, but glaringly hypocritical. Let’s let the BABIES and CHILDREN absorb all those vaccine poisons so that our members have jobs when the unwitting parents turn to us to correct it.”
The message is clear: the AMA is free to protect its members from the dangers of vaccinations. And parents who live in U.S. states where the vaccine exemptions have been removed, do not have the same rights to protect their children.

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Did anyone else notice the fact that the states listed are the most liberal states?!!! Except for Texas maybe ( they have sent some strange signals lately)!! This is very curious?? Could it be these states are manipulating the numbers they claim? How many of you know anyone who has had the measles recently???
Nobody I know has had measles here in Sonoma County, CA.
What”s the fuss – I had measles four times (German Measles three times) back in the late thirties and forties, I also had chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough, and am currently in excellent health, as my immune system had plenty of formative practice. At 85, I don’t get sick., nor take shots, nor take any pharmaceuticals, either. I stopped receiving the annual flu shot and haven’t been sick since (2002 or 2003 – when I drove a school bus for k-6 kids).
Big Pharma is buying our enslavement with support for compliant politicians – keeping us in the sickness loop, for profit, and eventual death (There IS an agenda to reduce the earth’s population by 95%, you know).
Hi BusdriverBill, I thought having the measles confers lifetime immunity, but you said you had it 4 times?
There were certainly measles cases in New York, but No Deaths and Albany was treated to an influx of cash, jobs and development fro Merk immediately after the law was passed….
Vaccines are untested.Because vaccines are untested and they are forcing them on people,it means the people are the test subjects.That puts governments who force vaccines on people in violation of the Nuremberg Code.The CDC,AMA,big pharma,vaccine makers and governments,local,state and federal need to be held accountable.They know that vaccines are preserved with toxins that cause biological harm,neurological harm,cancer and death for some.There are 326 million people in the U.S.We must stand a one people and call out these criminals and their illegal actions.
Excellent article! Thank you!
like i mentioned befor billy meir 2 more civil wars
At least in 1980, the package insert for DTP vaccine stated that it was not to be given to children with a family or personal history of neurological disease. Several years later when I was in enrolling my severely vaccine-injured child in the public school for brain-injured kids, some of the school administrators questioned my refusal to allow my child to be further vaccinated. I restated my position then said, “For that matter, NONE of the kids in this school should be given any more DTP vaccines based on what the package insert states.” From their reaction they believed my opinion was preposterous and yet it was absolutely accurate.
My special needs Daughter just passed this January . She NEVER had her Vaccinations. I disliked them anyway .So when she was a baby at Children’s Hospital I asked why they are not saying anything about her vaccinations? Now I cant say a name but He was Chief of Staff for Child Development. Now i can say it he is Deceased now, He Stated do you want her more Retarded than she already is….ABSOLUTLY NOT! So what do you get from that! Good for her because none of my kids got shots!! They are all Healthy No colds flu .. nothing! My oldest is 42. Stop Poisoning those Children!!
Hi Annette –
We’re so so sorry to hear about your daughter. Sending you prayers of love, comfort, blessings, and support.
Sounds like you have a wonderful family. God bless each of you! ❤️
Annette – So sorry for your loss. Sending you light and love.
This is what happens when the religion of corporate science gets corrupted by profit and ignorance.
If this is true … it is an absolute outrage and need to go viral. My thought are this was ok before the laws passed but now is no longer the case.
When I was a child we all got measles, I never heard of anyone dying. It is all about the dollar.
You ate right, Joe. I’m from NY, with a 7 y.o., and I don’t know anyone infected wit measles.
I live in New York. My children and the children of many of my relatives and friends were forced out of school due to no vaccinations. It is heartbreaking that in a ”FREE” country, in the great state of New York, children are being denied an education.
What I don’t understand is: the AMA may “offer exemptions” but they don’t supersede the laws of the states. So even though the AMA says this, aren’t the state laws what the AMA members have to go by?
The AMA code literally says doctors should “Accept immunization absent a recognized medical, religious, or philosophic reason to not be immunized.” In case you couldn’t read it yourself, “absent” means “without.” Doctors, and all people, should be vaccinated regardless of “religious beliefs”
ummm… WRONG! Have you heard of the Consistution? Freedom of Religion …. NO ONE has the right to demand or force anyone to go against their Religious beliefs.
Conheço algumas pessoas que tem lesoes vscinais. Meu bisneto tornou-sr autista depois da vscina.