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Sept. 23, 2021
On Wednesday, 9/22/21, Project Veritas released the second video of its COVID vaccine investigative series today exposing U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] economist, Taylor Lee, who was recorded calling for forced COVID vaccinations and a registry for all unvaccinated Americans. Lee said that U.S. Government policy could emulate Nazi Germany when it comes to the COVID vaccine.
“Census goes door-to-door if you don’t respond. So, we have the infrastructure to do it [forced COVID vaccinations]. I mean, it’ll cost a ton of money. But I think, at that point, I think there needs to be a registry of people who aren’t vaccinated. Although that’s sounding very [much like Nazi] Germany,” Lee said.
“Nazi Germany…I mean, think about it like the Jewish Star [for unvaccinated Americans],” he said.
“So, if you put every anti-vaxxer, like sheep, into like Texas and you closed off Texas from the rest of the world, and you go, ‘Okay, you be you in Texas until we deal with this [pandemic].’”
Lee said that due to a large portion of the African American community being hesitant to take the COVID vaccine, the solution would be to “blow dart” them.
Lee affirmed that “wealthy white people” are more likely to get the COVID vaccine because they are “educated,” and added that he would be willing to force COVID vaccines upon Americans himself if needed.
“I’m gonna go door-to-door and stab everyone [with the COVID vaccine], ‘Oh, it’s just your booster shot! There you go!’”
Lee also said that FDA officials can often be political appointees rather than actual scientific experts.
“There are political appointees [at the FDA] that are generally scientific advisors or are appointed by the president or the commission…They’re being paid based on if the other people are staying in power,” he said.
“Unfortunately, everyone ends up playing politics, but I don’t think that the career scientists are — I think that it’s the people that they’re unfortunately having to report to because these political appointees are being put in place and that’s part of like — the Senate confirms the people to then just pick their people.”
Read the full article at Project Veritas.

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I have been following Thank you for a very long time and am grateful for all i have learned. I am Canadian and want to find a doctor that will give me an exemption.
I would think a functional or integrative doctor would do so.
If this is the calibre of people the FDA is hiring, America (and maybe the world) is in trouble. Wow – a level of ignorance that surpasses most of what I’ve seen in recent times. I’m speechless.
Yes, it is rather shocking the total disregard that economist shows for human life, and to push people to get the vaccine. He is clearly brainwashed, and I am sure money is a factor, so he supports provaccine mandates. He doesn’t consider side effects, adverse vaccine reactions. He holds an extreme that leaves no freedom of choice. I think he is clearly concealing what he does know, such as about vaccine injuries.