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Word is spreading that pine needle tea may offer a solution against covid vaccine “shedding” or transmission, which appears to be a phenomenon where vaccinated people are spreading harmful particles or substances to others around them. See this article from a WordPress blog site called “Ambassador Love.”
That article states:
There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. It’s found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles.
Pine needle tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants there is and it’s known to treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory infections. Pine tea also kills parasites.
Below, find a full podcast and video that reveals two extraction methods, both of which are simple, low-tech, low-cost methods that can be used almost anywhere.
Fresh pine needles from appropriate trees have been used for centuries as sources of vitamin C and other phytochemicals that Native Americans used to treat respiratory infections and other ailments. Vitamin C is a known cure for scurvy, as scurvy is a disease of vitamin C deficiency. Pine needles contain many other substances that appear to reduce platelet aggregation in the blood, potentially preventing blood clots that lead to strokes, heart attacks and pulmonary embolism diagnoses. (See published science sources below.)
Pine needles have been used by indigenous populations around the world as both food and medicine for thousands of years. Many people now believe pine needles may be able to offer protection from covid spike proteins — which are engineered bioweapons found in covid vaccines — as well as covid vaccine “shedding” particles, which also appear to be biological weapons designed to achieve global depopulation.
Dr. Judy Mikovits asserts that globalists are well aware that pine needle tea is the answer to covid depopulation weapons, and they are secretly using pine needle tea to protect themselves from the very plague they have unleashed upon the world, Mikovitz explains.
Digging into the science behind pine needles and covid
As a published laboratory scientist, I decided to dig into this question with the help of my laboratory knowledge and experience. Boiling fresh pine needles in order to make a tea is an extraction method that’s commonly used in food science as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Water acts as a solvent, and through heat and time, some phytochemicals in the pine needles are extracted into the water, making a pine needle tea. (This is how all tea is made.)
As I poured over the published science research on this topic, I had two primary questions:
1) What molecules are found in pine needles, and what are their functions in relation to halting blood clots or protecting the unvaccinated from covid vaccine shedding?
2) What is the best extraction method to pull these molecules out of pine needles? Is there a low-tech extraction method that almost anyone can use, without needing a laboratory?
Through research, I found that pine needles not only contain suramin, a large molecule that’s touted for various medicinal effects, but also shikimic acid.
Shikimic acid is the basis for Tamiflu, and it’s the molecule found in Chinese Medicine herb Star Anise, that cures plagues
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that pine needles contain shikimic acid, the same molecule found in Star Anise herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat plagues and respiratory illness.
The Boston Herald published a story in 2010 that revealed researchers were studying extraction techniques to harvest shikimic acid from pine needles in order to provide this raw material to the pharmaceutical industry to manufacture anti-viral, anti-flu, anti-pandemic prescription medicines. From that story:
Researchers at the University of Maine at Orono say they’ve found a new and relatively easy way to extract shikimic acid — a key ingredient in the drug Tamiflu — from pine tree needles.
Shikimic acid can be removed from the needles of white pine, red pine and other conifer trees simply by boiling the needles in water, said chemistry professor Ray Fort Jr.
But the extracted acid could be valuable because Tamiflu is the world’s most widely used antiviral drug for treating swine flu, bird flu and seasonal influenza. The major source of shikimic acid now is the star anise, an unusual star-shaped fruit that grows on small trees native to China.
The research has been funded from a variety of sources, including the Maine Technology Institute, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Science Foundation and the university’s chemistry department.
One study published in ResearchGate confirms that shikimic acid offers antiplatelet-aggregating activity, meaning it helps halt blood clots: Content Analysis of Shikimic Acid in the Masson Pine Needles and Antiplatelet-aggregating Activity.
From the study:
Shikimic acid, when separated by HPLC, exhibited a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate and collagen in rabbits. Because of the relative high content and good antiplatelet-aggregating activity of shikimic acid, the Masson pine needles can be used as a potential source of shikimic acid.
…achieved about a 6% yield of shikimic acid from Masson pine needles, which is possibly the highest extracted yield from any pine species till now (Chen et al. 2014). Since pine needles are inexpensive and readily available in North Asia, North America, and Europe, there is a strong possibility to utilize them as a drug manufacturer against less available star anise species.
That study found that pine needles provide about two-thirds the shikimic acid of star anise herb:
Masson pine needles = 5.71% shikimic acid
Star anise = 8.95% shikimic acid
So we know that pine needles, which are extremely common across North America, China and Europe, provide shikimic acid, a kind of “miracle” molecule that may prove incredibly useful for halting blood clots and defending people from respiratory infections.
Further research led me to a study that used neural networking research to optimize the extraction conditions in order to carry out a highly efficient extract from pine needles: 17 Optimization of Extraction Conditions of Shikimic Acid in Pine Needles Based on Artificial Neural Network.
That study offers the following recipe for extraction optimization:
- Use roughly 75% alcohol (such as vodka) and 25% water
- Use an ultrasonic cleaning machine with a stainless steel vessel
- Set the temperature to 65 degrees C.
- Use 280 mL of extraction solution for every 10 grams of pine needles
- Use a duration of 25 minutes for the ultrasonic extraction
- This finished “tea” should be filtered through a coffee filter or other paper filter in order to remove large particles. The resulting liquid will contain shikimic acid, suramin, pigments and various terpenes, and will typically show some coloration and have a rather pungent taste.
Watch this video to see how I used an ultrasonic cleaning machine to create a water extract of rosemary herb:
How to extract shikimic acid using a common espresso machine
The most exciting finding in this research was discovering a published science paper that describes using a common espresso machine to carry out a highly efficient extraction of shikimic acid from star anise herb.
That paper is published in Science Direct: Total quantification and extraction of shikimic acid from star anise (llicium verum) using solid-state NMR and cellulose-dissolving aqueous hydroxide solutions.
The paper was published in Organic Letters in 2015, and also appears as a PDF at the University of Oregon website. (This link may be problematic in some browsers because it contains spaces in the URL.)
From the abstract of that study:
ABSTRACT: A new, practical, rapid, and high-yielding process for the pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) of multigram
quantities of shikimic acid from star anise (Illicium verum) using an unmodified household espresso machine has been developed.
This operationally simple and inexpensive method enables the efficient and straightforward isolation of shikimic acid and the facile
preparation of a range of its synthetic derivatives.
In other words, they are taking advantage of the pressurized chamber of an espresso machine to conduct a heat + pressure extraction of shikimic acid from star anise.
In my experience, the star anise herb can be replaced with ground fresh pine needles (green, not brown) to achieve a similar result, extracting shikimic acid from pine needles. To support efficient extraction, you would want to grind the pine needles first, using a low-cost herb grinder.
I intend to reproduce this result in my own lab, but thought that I should share this publicly as soon as possible due to the deadly threat currently posed to humanity from the weaponized covid vaccines.
The study authors further confirm that shikimic acid shows efficacy as an antiviral molecule that also inhibits viral replication in the body:
Shikimic acid derivatives have also been shown to exhibit useful biological activity. Most notably, the well-known antiviral drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu), which acts as a viral neuraminidase inhibitor, is used to treat seasonal influenza and has been deployed during H1N1 influenza outbreaks.
Furthermore, fluorinated shikimate analogues have been shown to inhibit P. falciparum and have been tested as antimalarial drugs. In addition, shikimic acidderived (?)-zeylenone (3) displays anticancer, antiviral and antibiotic behavior, and triacetylshikimic acid exhibits
anticoagulant and antithrombotic activity.
Notice the key term “anticoagulant” in the sentence above.
The study, which was carried out in Tasmania, Australia, deliberately sought a low-cost, low-tech method of extracting shikimic acid from common botanicals (pine needles):
[This method is a] low cost, rapid, pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE)… the first example of the laboratory use of a simple
espresso machine to facilitate the extraction of natural products (other than caffeine) from plant material.
We sought to specifically utilize relatively cheap, unsophisticated, and commercially available equipment to achieve the extraction of multigram quantities of star anise.21 Consequently, given that the pump in an espresso machine enables the continuous flow of water at temperatures up to 96 °C and at pressures of typically 9 bar, we believed that such a system would be suitable for our purposes.
Indeed, this idea is pure genius in its simplicity. And the study authors were able to extract and then purify shikimic acid crystals through a relatively simple process.
This may mean the “cure” for covid is freely available and grows across many continents
The upshot of all this is that a possible “cure” for covid — or at least a defense against covid shedding / transmission — appears to be already provided by Mother Nature and is readily available across multiple continents.
Without having to rely on patented, controlled pharmaceuticals and weaponized vaccines that are clearly designed to spread disease and achieve global depopulation through mass death, people who want to survive the covid vaccine holocaust can simply harvest and process pine needles using espresso machines, and they can potentially make their own anti-plague medicine.
Naturally, we would like to see more research on all this — and please heed the safety precautions below — but it’s clear the science & medicine establishment has lost all credibility or interest in protecting humanity and is now deliberately working to exterminate billions of human beings. Thus, waiting for that industry to study common medicinal plants is a fool’s errand. There will never be funding available for such research, as these findings don’t enhance Big Pharma’s vaccine and drug profits.
Yet for those who are able to access the correct types of pine needles — and who aren’t pregnant or expecting to be pregnant, see below — this simple, natural remedy may ultimately prove to be a “miracle” treatment that saves lives from both covid and covid vaccines.
For the record, we don’t sell pine needles or pine needle extracts, so regulators looking to ban this article will have to go harass someone else. We offer this information as-is, without warranty, in the interests of “emergency authorization publication” for the benefit of humanity and with the intention of saving lives from the deadly vaccine.
Listen to my full podcast here to learn even more about this exciting topic and possible remedy against covid vaccines:
Safety precautions when using pine needles
Before you consume any tea or extract made from plants, be sure you know what plants you’re using. Not all pine trees are suitable, and some conifers — such as yew trees — are toxic.
Cattle have been widely known to experience spontaneous abortions when consuming fresh pine needles as a food source, so anyone expecting to become pregnant (or already pregnant) should obviously avoid consuming pine needle tea, just as a precaution.
The entire “woke” science morons in America and around the world have forgotten that only women can get pregnant, so this particular precaution obviously does not apply to men. If you think men can get pregnant, you may have already suffered cognitive damage from covid vaccines and should seek immediate medical care.
Norfolk Island Pine and Ponderosa Pine trees are also believed to cause spontaneous abortions and should likely be avoided. We don’t know the full composition of various pine species, so we cannot in good conscience tell anyone to drink any tea made from pine needles. Should you choose to do so, exercise common sense and all necessary precaution, and work with a qualified naturopath to design an herbal strategy that’s compatible with your own biology and particular health goals.
Also be aware pine needle tea may interact in unexpected ways with prescription medications, most of which are toxic all by themselves.
We are going to confirm this extraction process using an espresso machine and a single quad mass spec instrument at CWC Labs
The good news in all this is that it appears everyday people can harvest shikimic acid from pine needles using a common espresso machine. Or, for a more thorough extraction of a broad spectrum of terpenes, people can use an ultrasonic clear to achieve such extractions (see my video above).
As a public service, I am now in the process of initiating a laboratory project in my private lab to reproduce this shikimic acid extraction method, but using pine needles instead of star anise herb:
- We are purchasing shikimic acid standards and researching an HPLC / Mass spec method for quantitation of shikimic acid.
- We are purchasing a simple herb grinder and a clean, new espresso machine to test the extraction.
- When completed, we plan to release a video from our lab, showing you the results of our extraction attempts.
We are likely going to be using loblobby pine needles, as that’s what’s common in the central Texas area. I do not know the shikimic acid content of loblobby pines.
Stay tuned to and my channel for more updates on this hugely important topic for humanity:
And thank you for all your support that allows us the funding necessary to pursue this research for humanity.
Editor’s Note: Fennel seeds have also been shown to be a source of shikimic acid, which can fight covid vaccine shedding. Check out the video below to learn more,
This article was originally published by Mike Adams on It has been reposted here with permission from the author.

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What about using a pine needle essential oil that has been extracted by steam distillation? Could this also have the same effect?
I was wondering the same thing about the pine oils – pinyon pine was a staple of the native Americans and the EO is wonderful!
I have White Fur & Douglas Fur as an essential oil.
Not those. Look for pine with long needles
I think that’s wrong – “You only use short pine needles, not any long needle pine. Loblolly is a long needle pine. You will get sick. Pine needle tea is extremely high in vitamin C. Although you can harvest pine needles anytime of the year, it is best in the early spring and late fall. I make pine needle lip balm, pine bark as well as tea.”
The NW natives used doug fir trees extensively for medicine. I switch between tree types for a variety of flavors.
I was just going to ask the same question. Lol
Excellent question! Hope you get a response from the author or someone who knows, so that the rest of us wondering about this might know also.
It would make sense on a vibrational level if not the physical, biochemical content level.
But if all is vibration on the most fundamental level, why not?
I have heard that the only downside of the oil is that it might contain chemicals used in the extraction process. Otherwise oil can be used just like the tea.
Use only steamed distilled organic oils.
If your essential oils are chemical extracted, they are no good. Get steam distilled essential oils.
I was wondering the same thing. It seems reasonable. I noticed my pine oil is from the bark, so I would think that would be an important distinction.
I did think of that and when I did my supplements/ herb order, decided to purchase pine needle essential oil but it was sold out.
I was just watching a video with Charlie Ward about this. It was said that you could put one drop in a large lot of boiling water and let it simmer for a bit then drink it. Not boil. Here’s the link.
We have Pine Needle oil at our Health Food store but it doesn’t have shimimic acid or Suramin so I didn’t buy any
Suramin and Shikimic are active constituents of pine needle, so you’re not going to see them printed on the label. Much like curcumin is the active constituent of Turmeric
Hi Nicky. I would love a link to a reputable source of white pine needle as well. Have you found one? I haven’t. Please text me at 408-646-9955 if you do. Thankyou!!
The oil won’t have it as the process doesn’t activate and extract the acid
this is my question too! Plus what can we do for the people who were vaxxed?? Is there anything to do for them to detox them??
Great question. They start having symptoms can’t you treat them then?
Mostly I’ve heard people have great success with Ivermectin. A YouTube video story from an army General spoke about being advised to cleanse his body after his first shot because going that route with not a good idea for his health
the Australian border force are seizing Ivermectin imports at the border Australian Government say it is dangerous and does not work, so border force scan packages and any Ivermectin they steal from online shoppers
Not sure, but I steam inhaled an organic essential oil combination of balsam and 2 kinds of pine when I had a horrible sinus infection at start of covid (I’ve never had a sinus infection before and now wonder if it was covid).
Eucalyptus, etc. didn’t touch it, but the pine oil helped a lot!
(Product is Divine Essence Nordika Forest blend essential oil, and no I don’t have any affiliation).
This is also what I was thinking. Young living and Doterra use state of the art distillation processes using the highest quality pines. There are so many different pine oils that they offer, can’t think of them all here. Plus u mentioned fennel in the article. There is also a fennel essential. These r definitely worth looking into so u don’t have to recreate the wheel saving time and money. Essential oils r Gods Healing gift to man to heal all ailments.🙏
I don’t know about young living but Doterra had star anise oil some time ago it’s not a regular item with them but I’m wondering if this could be used . Also I have read that taking Balsam Fir internally “ “may “ help cure cancer but Doterras bottle doesn’t say that I can take internally 🧐
I wondered the same thing about essential oils.
Also does this work on nano particles?
I was wondering the same thing.
Great question and I was wondering the same…
That’s what I’m wondering too! I have some pine essential oil in stock, and also several different kinds of fir oils, plus cypress & cedarwood.
My husband and I own a wellness company in Colorado and we use essentials oils as one of our tools to support people’s wellness. We have seen a couple of clients who have been affected by the shedding. Our research that we have been doing has indicated that the conifers of pine, spruce and cedar oils would be effective in providing protection. Obviously it is important and depends on how the oils are made and distilled for them to be effective. The company we use own their farms and are considered top distillers in the industry. We know they harvest in the winter when the oil constituents are at their highest and that they use the whole tree, including the needles. We feel confident and have been advising clients to get a bottle of Pine, Cedarwood or Northern Lights Black Spruce and apply them daily to their feet and pulse points daily. An important thing to also keep in mind is strengthening and supporting the immune system is a must. Essential oils also provide great support for that along with plenty of sleep, regular fitness, keeping an optimal weight, good food & water as well as managing stress levels in one’s life.
Would like some information on your company for pine oil.
What is the essential oil company please?
Hi Ruth! What is the essential oil company you use? Would love to purchase from one of the top distillers in the industry. Thank you for any feedback.
Email me as I can share information as all of the farms are owned by the company and we have those oils available.
Would be happy to share information with you.
Hi Ruth,
Where can I order your oils.
Email me as I can share information as all of the farms are owned by the company and we have those oils available.
Would be happy to share information with you.
Can I get information on how to purchase from you.
Would pine pollen work also?
I’m eating the pollen cones.
A couple of ounces a day along with saps,resin and naturally forming gums.
Thank you ! So appreciate your research and sharing how to use the oils!!
We have those oils and am pretty sure received them from the company you are referring to.
Were you able to help those already affected by the shedding? I hope! That may be of great concern in the near future …
hi ruth!
please let us know the name of your company so we can buy some EO’s there!
Ruth I would love more info, please provide your e mail address so I can inquire.
Hi Ruth, I was injected injured by my (ex) husband’s moderna injection. I am now in a research group for un-injected people injured by other’s injection. The worst thing for me is the blisters in my not canker sores..blisters. It was suggested that I do the pine needle tea. I ordered from a company in NC but they are back ordered. I live in Denver, and would be very interested in the essential oil. Thank you for any guidance. Dr. Pamella Corvelli
Pamella, Lets talk person to person. Im in Littleton!! Id LOVE to have a local like minded friend to organize with. There are a lot of us here . Just scattered around. Ive tried organizing on Highlands Ranch pages. NO LUCK. People are too afraid to respond and alot of people laugh at you. Please text me at 408-646-9955 so we can talk.
I had wierd lesions in my mouth.
I was flu-ish over Labor Day weekend.
I read the DetOx guidelines.
I picked pollen cones from the neighbors pine.
The next day I felt fabulous!
So I continued consuming pine.
I’m in my sixth week and am having miraculous healing!
COPD:I’m breathing deeply and clearly with renewed elasticity.
The Tree of Life
Supporting documents from NIH Med Pubs shows the amazing pharmacopeia of Pine compounds.
Paul I’m curious could you please let me know where to find more information about the pine pollen. My Mom has end stage COPD and I have many loved ones who have taken the vax.
I would also like this information about the essential oils but do not know how to email you!?!
Please send me an email to purchase oils
Hello do you have EO Or yes of WHITE PINE?
Can you please share the company that you use for the essential oils.
I asked my Homeopath that every question about Bach Pine Remedy or Essential Oils, which the EO cannot be ingested, and he said no. The brewing extracts Suramin, and terpenes needed.
Can you clarify your answer, please?
Im pretty sure she means that oils dont work. It has to be brewed for drinkable tea.
I bought the Young Living brand and add a drop or two of it into a pot of hot water. No need for it to be boiling – just hot.
Essential oils of any kind are NOT good for your guts and overall well being… they destroy the natural flora in your guts, as antibiotics do. They can be fatally poisonous if taken internally in quantity. They are also highly irritating to the mucus surfaces of the body (genitals, mouth, eyes, etc.) and may cause allergic skin reactions in some people. Be certain to keep all essential oils well out of the reach of children.So please, don’t use essential oils.
They are the pure plant oil, usually extracted by chemicals or hot steam. Hundreds of pounds of fresh plant material may produce only ounces of essential oil. That’s not very sustainable, now is it?!
Jonni asked an interesting question and I have another one: Does pine pollen contain the same molecules and is it just as beneficial?
Many thanks.
pine pollen is a testosterone booster. no suramin in it
That’s what I’m doing. Using essential oil in tea with lemon and honey.
Yes I am using essential oil also .1 drop in a glass of water . I had that from an interview with the lady who made the Cabal videos off Charlie ward.
I have a pine tree in my yard… do i know if it iis safe?
heard to stay away from the Ponderosa kind (brown/rust color bark with a puzzle look for the bark)
I am also interested in the answer to this question.
Please send me that info to my email address, below.
Thank you.
Young Living makes a essential pine oil made from Red Pine Neddles. Would this work, as well?
That’s exactly what I want to know as well. Have you find the answer? I just emailed the company I buy it from. Eating on response.
Here is what I found re Masson pine, w/Latin names with links to more to help us identify and find the plant. I will make a regular tincture using Vodka for the reasons in my other comments. However I may instead use Goldenseal root fluid extract for its antiviral and anti bacterial properties and the BF&C formula, Bone Flesh and Cartilage formula, for its abilities to reverse blood clotting.
Masson pine
Latin name:
Pinus massoniana
Since the espresso machine is pressurized, I wonder if you could use an InstaPot to make the tea?
I would love Mike to try that method. Pls let us know!
Great article!!
Good point!
My naturopath mentioned the water cannot boil. If you can experiment with temperatures and steep it like tea, I would think it could be used. Yogurt setting?
I was also wondering the same thing as you Jonni. Would diffusing some kind of pine needle essential oil be just as beneficial?
Yes, wondering about pine essential oil too.
Is Star Anise available from a Chinese medicine practitioner?
Grocery store in spice section
We have it in our local Indian Grocery store.
You only use short pine needles, not any long needle pine. Loblolly is a long needle pine. You will get sick.
Pine needle tea is extremely high in vitamin C. Although you can harvest pine needles anytime of the year, it is best in the early spring and late fall. I make pine needle lip balm, pine bark as well as tea.
Interesting that in the reality show, Alone, the people are suffering from scurvy when they have pine trees all around them. If only they knew.
What about blue spruce?
How do you store the pine needles harvested for tea to maintain safety and suramin content?
I just made and drank long needle pine tea over the last 2 weeks, and I feel great.
I have read from dr northrup using white pine(long needles) is effective.
White pine needles are best –
Identification, Foraging, Preparation:
• Wild Food Foraging – Pine Needle Tea:
• Wild Food Foraging – Pine / Spruce / Cedar / Fir- Evergreen Teas:
The 280 ml extraction solution… is that the alcohol and water combined? Do I put that combination in the cleaner? Or is that just water first and then add the vodka after straining like you did in the video? Thank you for sharing this information.
What about using a fennel essential oil that is digestible, would this also benefit in similar manner?
Hi Mike, Ty and Charlene
I just wanted to share this as well….I only have access to the abstract but it has an important mention..
They say that shikamic acid plus quercitin had an effect on innate immunity where shikimic acid alone did not
“According to these findings SK alone is not able to modulate innate immunity in antiviral terms. However, the data show that the SK + QT combination, even at low doses, may be effective for the modulation of innate immunity.”
Hope this helps people create a powerful antiviral.
My question precisely. Pine EO is also very cost effective. I use therapeutic-grade pinus sylvestris extensively for diffusion throughout my home.
can we use store bought fennel seeds? Or do they have to be freshly harvested to have shikimic acid?
A sufficient Expresso machine in your store would be convenient!
What about using an instant pot?
Where is there a comprehensive list of safe pine trees that can be used? Does one even exist? Is the Mondell (Afghan) tree safe?
pinus silvestris
abies siberica
pinus strobus
pinus massoniana
douglas fir
are all safe to use apparently.
is star anise seed or fennel seed ok for pregnancy?
gratitude for this information.
also… does the shedding occur via skin contact? saliva? is there somewhere I can read about this? thank you.
these are very reputable doctors but be forewarned; it is not easy to hear what they are saying! Very informative and put out by Ty and Charlene bollinger.
It’s my understanding that the shed particles can be absorbed via skin or inhalation.
Hi Brenda. Gene Decode has a lot to say about shedding. He has experienced becoming sick after just walking past various people. He’s talked about how we don’t end at our skin (we are energy beings) and that our energy field can extend ip to 30 feet. So he’s experienced becoming ill with Morgellans (which can feel like microscopic needles sticking one’s skin) just from walking pSt someone. He says to avoid the recently vaccinated. Our bodies try to detox the vax and the recently vaccinated are shedding a lot. If you want to read more search (not on google) Gene Decode, vax, shedding, morgellans . I walked a beach on New Years Day and had the sticking needles sensation by the evening. Must have been exposed to some recently vaxed individual.
I forgot to add Gene Decode says the shedding is via a person’s energy field and whatever it is that is released from the recently vaxed person exits their energy field and “rides” the next person’s field into their body. I know this may sound far fetched to some but this may be how the cabal planned to infect us all.
Hi thank you for everything you do I am a little confused How do people shed the spike protein through skin or shedding through mouth???
Oh please, Jonni, if you don’t want to follow the published instructions, fagetaboutit! There is absolutely no mention whatsoever concerning pine oil of any type. As Yoda would say: “Do or not do”.
Shikimic acid can be removed from the needles of white pine, red pine and they were the only two specifically mentioned by the Chemistry Professor. There is no way you would know what
cultivar was used to produce a bottle of essential oil.
How long do vaccinated people shed this spike protein?
As far as I can tell from what I have read, no one knows yet. These gene therapies are HIGHLY experimental and the current studies will not even be completed for another two years. I have read some speculation that the effect is permanent, but that is only speculation at ths point. No one knows at this point.
I think they would shed the spike protein forever. Their dna has been modified to make their body produce it.
Could you recommend an ultrasonic cleaning machine that I could get on Amazon that won’t break the bank. I looked and I see them for jewelry and tools. Thank you!
Most pine trees can be used for pine needle tea, but not all. There are some that are poisonous or toxic. Those you want to avoid include Lodgepole Pine, Monterey Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Norfolk Pine (Australian Pine), Loblolly Pine, Common Juniper, and although not a pine, Yew.
I’ve read that the green gumballs from the Sweet Gum tree in the south also contains shikimic acid. It’s good to know that those gumballs are not just a nuisance, but of some medicine value.
Thank you! I am off to a nearby pine grove with a bag. Then, off to a store for a cheap espresso gadget, assuming the regular coffeemaker will not work. Next, trying to explain my increasing weirdness to my recently V’d femme who considers both BillieG and his pet F’i as saints.
This may help hope you can find it …
Adobe Acrobat Fauci Indictment 4
The Fauci/Covid-19 Dossier
Prepared by Dr. Daniel E. Martin
What about pure gum spirits AKA turpentine.
From a reputable source, such as the one in Georgia.
Taken on a sugar cube.
my question exactly
For cattle, the potential for abortion is when the pine needles are consumed in the third trimester and it is for fresh or dried needles.
I did a wild edibles walk a couple of years ago, and the teacher told us about the green new growth on Grand Firs as a vitamin C source. They are tasty and she said when they no longer taste good to you, stop, because you have had enough.
Would dry/old pine needles work to make the tea?
I’m wondering the same thing. I wonder if dry pine needles contain enough Shikimic acid. In the article above does emphasize (“green” not “brown”). I think brown means dried. In Japan, people do drink pine needle tea using dried needles (they also drink fresh green pine needles, too). I wonder if we just have to simmer pine needles long enough to draw different elements out of them if we were to use dry needles…
We have loblolly pines and cedar trees at our tree farm and ive read that as long as you’re not pregnant or breastfeeding Loblolly needles should be fine to use for tea. I read if using cedar drink no more than 1 glass 3xs a week because excess can lead to toxicity…Does anyone know anything about loblolly?
Earlier comment stated that loblolly are toxic.
I immediately thought about pine oil. I use Northern Lights Black Spruce but only inhaled thus far. Am going to use a drop in tea. The marvellous Dr Axe agrees it is ok to use internally….
So pleased I came across this article and Mike Adams..
I don’t have the necessary equipment to make the tea, can you buy it somewhere?….please I’m VERY immune compromised, 76yrs old…DianMan’Yari.
If you don’t have pine tea or pine oils, how effective are vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc against spike proteins? It seems to me that if they are effective at warding off Covid, they would be against the proteins as well.
I am a Clinical Aromatherapist and I’ve been using essential oils for many years. There are only 2-3 compañía in the USA that sell unadulterated EO . Being the highest quality they are more expensive but 1 drop could make a tea for the whole family.
They also have Fennel, Rosemary and Anise oil.
Buying seeds or dry spices is not enough because the EO is evaporated and you need a large quantity.
EO should be extracted through low temperature & pressure to not destroy all the other hundreds chemical ingredients that actually intensify the benefits and work in unison.
How would one locate one of these companies? What do you look for to know it is unaldulterated? Assuming you do not want to give the company names…
Which EO’s would you use. Idaho balsam fir, Idaho blue spruce,?
Can you take the tea while breastfeeding?
I know that you aren’t suppose to drink it when pregnant so not sure about breastfeeding. You will have to research that.
Can you freeze dry needles and use them as, essentially, fresh? Once I find the right tree I thought I could stock up. How long does a batch of tea last? I think maybe drink an once 3x week?
Have a personal story.
My brother had RA for 20+ years. was almost pain free for 4-5 years for cutting gluten and got better by cutting tomatoes too.
He took the first shot about 3-4 weeks ago and RA came back with a vengeance in that short amount of time (without changing his diet). Was taping fingers together to be able to hold his golf clubs.
My sister picked up some pine branches and they did a tea last night. Today my brother told me he ordered pine needles powder to make some tea as the pain was already more tolerable then yesterday. So i’m a believer and thank Dr Mikovits (who has been my beacon in that stupid crisis since the beginning when she said it was lab made in January 2020). Thanks to her for sharing this antidote.
Hoping this info can help another one.
Glad you’re up the info and can help your brother, good for you
Can’t you just use the pine needles and soak them in water to make a tea? Or do you need to use the ultrasonic bath and an espresso maker/press? I thought you could just make a tea with the needles.
Yes you can just make tea. Search online for instructions how to make pine needle tea. I watch a tutorial video just the other day
where can we buy pine needle tea from a trusted source? I listed to the HRR episode. I definitely don’t trust myself to find it and make it .
Mostly I’ve heard people have great success with Ivermectin. A YouTube video story from an army General spoke about being advised to cleanse his body after his first shot because going that route with not a good idea for his health
Mostly I’ve heard people have great success with Ivermectin. A YouTube video story from an army General spoke about being advised to cleanse his body with Ivermectin after his first shott
Iam allergic to pine trees and spruce trees…if I touch them I get a rash and itchy…my question is can I ingest the pine needles in a tea or is this going to cause an allergic reaction in me…Iam afraid to try it.
I just listened to this interview with Judy Mikovitz where she specifically said Suramin does not come from pine needles and that she never said that and is being misquoted. She seems quite angry about how she and her cohorts are being misquoted. 19:35 minute mark. You said: “Dr. Judy Mikovits asserts that globalists are well aware that pine needle tea is the answer to covid depopulation weapons, and they are secretly using pine needle tea to protect themselves from the very plague they have unleashed upon the world, Mikovitz explains.” Yet you provide no source. Where did you get this information?
Interesting! Thank you for sharing this!! No wonder I couldn’t find any evidence that pine needles have suramin after searching for hours! But no doubt they still are incredible healers!
I have been making hydrosols and can do a dry needle one, but loblolly is my native tree around me.
Why couldn’t you just chew on the fennel seeds?
I don’t know if I missed something but: 280 ml liquid for 10 grams of pine needles. How much should we ingested daily? certainly not the entire liquid….we’ll end up with an alcohol problem 😉
I heard something that maybe dandelion tea could produce the same results. Anyone know if this is perhaps true? I’m having a hell of a time finding a place to purchase must pine needle tea.
Yes I am using essential oil also .1 drop in a glass of water . I had that from an interview with the lady who made the Cabal videos off Charlie ward.
Does anyone know if pine needle tea can work for people who have been vaccinated to reverse it ? tells you which ones not to use
Dear Mike, Thank you so very much for this valuable information. I understand you do not sell Pine needles and Star Anis, but I would be SO GRATEFUL if you could research and let me know where I can get Organic Fresh White Pine Needles and Organic Star Anis. I tried hard but can’t find a reliable source for organic Fresh white Pine. If you email me, I would provide my complete information to you as I desperately needs this for my son. Price is not an object. I am anxiously waiting your help.
Is there significant shikimic acid in cedar leaves?
Fresh needles are hard to find, and since the needles go dry very quickly, it’s hard to keep them fresh for a long time. I guess getting white pine tincture (alcohol based) is another way to consume Shikimic acid and many other components of the plant since most pine needle tinctures are made out of fresh needles. I avoid alcohol, so what I normally do is to pour a dropperful of tincture on a small, shallow plate and leave it till all the alcohol evaporates (takes several hours). I make a few plates of this to rotate so I always have the evaporated one available when I need to take it the next time. I simply pour lukewarm water or plain water and use my finger to mix dried up tincture and drink it.