TTAV is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats. Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list. It’s free.
We typically don’t “feed the trolls” by responding to fake news articles about us, but the recent editorial written by Michelle R. Smith with the Associated Press was so full of inaccuracies that we wanted to respond to a few of the false allegations and outright lies.
Before we get into the details, always remember that the mainstream media (MSM) is beholden to their funders to influence viewers, readers, and listeners. And outside election cycles, the #1 source of funding for the MSM is Big Pharma, which explains why much of the news has been weaponized against those exercising their Constitutionally protected health freedoms and attempting to protect their children.
This being so, it’s not surprising that the AP would publish a highly biased, opinionated editorial titled “Inside One Network Cashing in on Vaccine Disinformation” (disguised as an actual investigative journalism article) attacking us. When I attended Baylor University, I took a class on journalism, where it was pounded into our heads that “our opinions and perspectives” should never be introduced into a story, and back in those days, most newspapers honored that journalistic tradition. The only place in a newspaper that that opinion and personal perspectives were ever condoned was in the Editorial Pages. Sadly, that’s not the case any longer, as is evidenced by this denigrating “hit piece” attack.
The title of the AP article is highly biased as it contains a misleading term – “vaccine disinformation.” In this instance, we take issue with this term for two main reasons. First of all, with the title of the article allegedly discussing “vaccine disinformation,” one would think that there would be specific examples of the disinformation cited. But there are none. Just personal criticism and ad hominem attacks.
Secondly, we have written extensively on the adverse effects of vaccines, linking to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). We have produced documentaries that reveal “behind-closed-door” meetings of the WHO in which they openly admit that they do not have good vaccine safety monitoring systems and they aren’t sure whether vaccines are actually safe. We recently published an article on the adverse events reported from the COVID-19 vaccine, which has dozens of references to the VAERS database and other peer-reviewed studies. No speculation, just facts. So using the term “vaccine disinformation” in the title is actually, itself, disinformation.
So let’s get to the actual article itself. In the grey boxes are screenshots from the article, followed by our responses.
Smith doesn’t name any facts to support her (implicit) position that COVID vaccines are safe and should be trusted. She relies on an argument from authority (also called an appeal to authority) in which she insinuates that the “medical experts” are to be believed because they are “medical experts.”
After all, “medical experts” have never been wrong about anything in the past…
Smith cites the opinion of an ambiguous group of “medical experts” as “evidence” that we are somehow “stoking fear” when we share the facts about the dangers of the coronavirus vaccines. Again, here is an article that pretty much shreds this illogical fallacy and cites multiple studies that indicate COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous and untested. We invite Smith to actually read the article, although we’re not holding our breath.
No “investigation” was needed to obtain this information – it’s on our website. And the majority of online companies generate revenue via affiliate marketing, so that’s a “nothing burger.”
It’s interesting that Smith (who later in the article seems obsessed with “credentials”) attempts to support her editorial position by quoting Dorit Reiss, who apparently has never taken the bar exam or practiced law and doesn’t have a “juris doctor” degree. Nevertheless, Reiss has been held out by the vaccine industry as the “go to legal mind” on vaccines.
Reiss mistakenly asserts that our industry is full of “multi-level marketing” (MLM) businesses. This is false. We aren’t aware of any MLM businesses in the “anti-vaccination industry,” as she puts it. Perhaps she doesn’t understand what MLM is.
Also interesting is her position that “a strong immune system isn’t necessarily a good thing. It’s your immune system that leads to symptoms of infection and fever. There is no substitute to the flu vaccine to protect against influenza.” (Emphasis added.)
That’s not exactly what the package insert for FLULAVAL vaccine says… “there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza after vaccination with FLULAVAL.”
Despite the harm that has clearly been inflicted by vaccines, with over $4.5 billion in damages paid since 1986, Reiss believes that forced vaccination is constitutional. Mind you, not just coerced vaccination for school entry or employment, she is referencing door to door vaccination by police with guns.
Reiss is on the Parent Advisory Board of “Voices for Vaccines” — the Scientific Advisory Board which includes Alan R. Hinman, Paul A. Offit, Stanley A. Plotkin, and Deborah L. Wexler. The website states that Voices for Vaccines was re-launched in 2013 and is “an administrative project” of the Task Force for Global Health.
Interestingly, according to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website, in January 2013, $52,063,406 was committed to fund the Task Force for Global Health, whose current list of “donors and funding partners” includes Abbott Labs, Bayer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CDC, the CDC Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the WHO.
There’s no conflict of interest here… nothing to see … move along!
Isn’t it interesting that Smith doesn’t point out a single statement about vaccines that we’ve made that is “disinformation” or inaccurate. Not one. She just makes a blanket claim that we are in the “business of selling vaccine disinformation.” That would be the equivalent of us stating “the AP is in the business of peddling lies and slander” without delineating any lies. Of course, we are actually pointing out the lies and slander. Touché!
Finally! Smith makes a statement that is accurate! Well, at least the first part of the statement… We did establish the United Medical Freedom Super PAC and below is our mission statement.
And, yes, our mission is to maintain medical freedom, which apparently Smith believes is a bad thing. It certainly appears that her personal vendetta against us is aimed at “pushing” medical tyranny and silencing dissenters.
Concerning her absurd statement about us promoting “lies” like the assertion that the election was stolen from Trump … ummm …. yeah …. the election was clearly stolen.
There is absolute evidence there was foreign interference in our election, with vote switching through the machines in addition to unlawful ballots. This evidence has never been examined or even allowed to be presented in the state supreme courts or the federal Supreme Court. When the sellouts in the MSM say the courts have said there is no evidence to support the allegations of fraud, it’s because they refuse to review said evidence. Their rulings of lack of standing have nothing to do with the evidence.
How can someone actually believe that Biden got more Democratic voters than charismatic Barack Obama in his 2008 landslide? How can someone swallow the assertion that Joe Biden, a man whose largest pre-election “rally” had about 250 people, received more votes for a President than anyone in U.S. election history, while winning a record low 17% of counties (524 in total), as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008? Yet, Biden somehow outdid Obama in total votes? Seriously?
Everybody knows that the election was stolen. Those who still believe the “fairy tale” that Biden legitimately won the election are willfully ignoring too many paradoxes and strange but convenient coincidences, too many vote analyses, and too much sworn testimony.
When something seems fishy, that’s because it is. When something smells like B.S., that’s because it’s B.S.
Since Smith did mention NewsGuard and The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), here is some interesting information to help you “connect the dots.”
Public deception is now being carried out at a mass scale, and it appears to be organized by a major PR firm called the Publicis Groupe, self-described as “one of the world’s largest communications groups,” which has manipulated what people think about commercial products for nearly a century.
NewsGuard received a large chunk of its startup capital from Publicis (which represents most of the major pharmaceutical companies in the world) and since so much of its revenue comes from the drug industry, it’s not far-fetched to assume Publicis may influence NewsGuard’s “fairness” as they rate the websites of Pharma’s competitors, such as “anti-vaxx” websites.
NewsGuard’s health-related service called HealthGuard is also partnered with an organization calling itself the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a London-based center which says on its website that it seeks to “disrupt the architecture of online hate and misinformation.” The statement is quite ironic in light of the fact that they recently published a digital “hit list” which included us and several of our colleagues.
CCDH even managed to promote their defamatory propaganda about us to influence a recent Congressional hearing, with Senator Mike Doyle grilling “inquisition-style” all three CEOs of the world’s most powerful Big Tech companies to censor everyone on the list.
The CCDH is a small organization, with only a few employees and six board members. Aside from her role as Director of the Board of CCDH, Kirsty McNeill is a member of the European Council of Foreign Relations (ECFR). As a member of the ECFR, she represents an organization which is funded, not only by governments, but by the Atlantic Council (NATO), the Open Society Foundation (George Soros), the UN, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. CCDH Board Director, Lord Jonny Oats, is the former Chief of Staff to former UK deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. Clegg is currently the Head of Global Affairs for Facebook.
He’s a spin doctor.
This should be a wake up call to everyone, including those in the MSM who are attacking us. They aren’t just deplatforming health freedom advocates anymore; now they are singling us out, lining us up and digitally assassinating us with impunity. Who’s next? It could be you…
This is not true. I accepted the interview request, with the caveat that I would be able to ask Smith a question for every question she asked us. It was Smith that declined because apparently she didn’t want to have to answer any questions from me. Her exact words were, “I can’t agree to the terms you proposed about going back and forth, taking turns and asking each other questions.”
Again, this is not true. I didn’t decline to answer questions. Smith wouldn’t agree to my terms because she didn’t want to have to answer my questions.. And a “medical researcher” is defined as “someone who conducts medical research,” which I do every day.
Smith claims that “decades of research” have shown that vaccinated children are healthier than unvaccinated children. This is not true. Notice she doesn’t cite any of the studies performed during the “decades of research”… because there aren’t any!
Unvaccinated children are much healthier than vaccinated children, according to a recent study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The study (by James Lyons-Weiler, PhD and Paul Thomas, MD) was conducted among 3,300 patients at Dr. Thomas’ Oregon pediatrics practice, Integrative Pediatrics.
This study adds to a growing list of published peer-reviewed papers (Mawson, 2017; Hooker and Miller, 2020) that compare the health of vaccinated children to the health of unvaccinated children. These studies indicate that unvaccinated children are healthier than those who are vaccinated, suggesting we have long underestimated the scope of vaccine damage.
“No data to support that”? “Unsubstantiated claims”? Seriously?!?
Norwegian and British vaccine scientists have published unequivocal evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, is man-made. The authors state two conclusions: (1) The mutations that would normally be seen in the course of animal to human transmission have not occurred in SARS-CoV-2, indicating that it was fully “pre-adapted” for human infection and; (2) SARS-CoV-2 has insertions in its protein sequence that have never been detected in nature and contribute to its infectivity and pathogenicity.
If that’s not enough, here’s an interview with a Chinese virologist who says unequivocally that the virus was man-made. France’s Luc Montagnier, a Nobel winning scientist, says SARS-CoV-2 virus was made in a laboratory. He says Covid-19’s genetics reveal “manipulation” and that “someone added sequences … it’s the work of professionals, of molecular biologists…a very meticulous work.”
There are dozens of other experts who also have evidence that the coronavirus was cooked up in a lab. The assertion that “there’s no data to support” the claim that COVID-19 is “man-made” is false.
In the USA, adverse events are reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The adverse events reported in the table below, including 4,057 deaths, are through May 7, 2021.
The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” (which are actually gene therapy). Their report through May 8, 2021 lists 10,570 deaths and 405,259 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 vaccines.
Anyone who says the COVID-19 vaccines are not killing people is actually spreading disinformation.
Apparently, Smith isn’t aware of the fact that COVID-19 vaccines have only gone through preliminary clinical trials for 2 months. These vaccines have been granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status, but not FDA approval.
COVID-19 vaccine phase 3 clinical trials are currently “in progress.” This means that anyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine is participating in an experimental clinical trial without any liability from the vaccine manufacturers.
The completion date of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial is April 6, 2023! In other words, we are the guinea pigs! These vaccines are still being tested and have never been proven “safe” nor “effective at preventing severe disease and death.”
COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers define “effectiveness” as “reduction in risk of symptoms such as a fever, cough or sore throat.” On the CDC’s own website, they state “There is some evidence that vaccination may make illness less severe.” (emphasis added)
The term “effective” is not defined as preventing viral infection or spread of the (SARS-CoV-2) virus to others. This is the reason why vaccinated individuals are still recommended to wear facemasks, socially distance, and avoid large crowds.
None of the vaccine trials showed that the vaccine prevented people from getting COVID-19. The only difference between those that were vaccinated versus unvaccinated were their severity of symptoms.
Case in point: A New York Yankees player, Gleyber Torres, three coaches, and four staff members have tested positive for the coronavirus since Sunday, despite the fact that all eight had received the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.
Previous coronavirus vaccines were never approved because of serious safety concerns in animal studies. In the past, during animal testing, when animals were exposed to the virus after vaccination, many got extremely sick or died. Animals in these studies ended up getting what is now being defined as Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED).
VAED occurs when a vaccine primes the recipient’s immune system and then at some later time, when exposed to a similar virus, the immune system overreacts. This immune system amplification could potentially cause the body to attack itself, which could possibly lead to severe disease, organ damage and even death. This phenomenon has long been known from various studies with coronavirus vaccines in cats. All cats that initially tolerated the vaccine, later died after being exposed to and catching the SARS virus.
Just a few days ago, on May 13, The Defender reported that officials with the CDC acknowledged a “plausible causal association” between J&J’s COVID-19 vaccine and potentially life-threatening blood clot disorders after identifying 28 cases — including three deaths — among people who received the vaccine. Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC’s immunization safety office, identified 28 cases of rare blood clots in VAERS among people vaccinated with the J&J shot. Shimabukuro said four of the 28 people remained in the hospital as of May 7th, one of whom was in the ICU. According to Shimabukuro, current evidence “suggests a plausible causal association” with the J&J vaccine and cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome.
Also, a recent study titled: “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2” indicates that the spike proteins (created by the mRNA vaccines) are literally blowing up mitochondria, which are our energy power plants that produce ATP, and that’s why people have no energy! They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to the mitochondria causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.
An “advocate” is a person who publicly supports a particular cause. That’s exactly what we are. Advocates. An advocate can also refer to a professional in the field of law (i.e. attorney). Last time we checked, being an attorney is a pretty lucrative “for-profit business.”
“Super-spreaders of vaccine disinformation”….
Again: using pejoratives and calling names is all they can do.
Again: not a single iota of specific “vaccine disinformation” was mentioned in the entire article.
It is curious, however, that Smith again refers to the opinions of CCDH to support her editorial opinions. Comically, they claim they are a non governmental organization (NGO), while their network of links to government, globalist think tanks and private corporations is extensive.
Imran Ahmed, the CEO, would like to see people who disagree with him imprisoned under anti-terrorist legislation. In the summer of 2020, he stated: “I would go beyond calling anti-vaxxers conspiracy theorists to say they are an extremist group that pose a national security risk.” (emphasis added)
Were Ahmed’s desire to see “anti-vaxxers” incarcerated for disagreeing with him not so dangerous, the irony that the CEO of The Center for Countering Digital Hate is brimming with quite staggering levels of hate would be hilarious.
The truth is that tens of thousands of “anti-vaxxers” were formerly “pro-vaxxers” until their child was damaged from the vaccines. Using manipulative neuro-linguistic programming techniques to denigrate those who have suffered from vaccines, painting them as vile, hateful, and subhuman, while claiming that they are a “national security risk” is truly disgusting.
Clearly, the ultimate goal of the CCDH is to create the ludicrous, fake bogeyman of the “public health terrorist” while being careful not to mention any of the scientific or historical evidence which indicates that vaccines have never been proven to be “safe and effective.” Instead, they label all who do cite this evidence as “radical extremists.”
While the CCDH blithely claim all vaccines are “safe,” they are the only medical intervention where the manufacturers have blanket indemnification against any loss from injury claims. It is not an act of “hate” to ask why this needs to be the case if they are so “safe.”
The CCDH itself is actually one of the main purveyors of vaccine propaganda and disinformation. Like many propagandists before them, they deal in inaccurate, empty generalizations in an attempt to convince the masses that anyone who ever questions any vaccine must be an “anti-vaxx, tinfoil hat, looney, conspiracy theorist” who is driven by hate and is therefore an extremist who threatens public health.
It’s apparent why the CCDH itself has been identified as a “hate group” by a reporter from OffGuadian, who stated that CCDH “….meet(s) the Commission on Countering Extremism’s definition of so called hateful extremists.”
That’s patently absurd. We haven’t “targeted” any particular group. Based on our internal analytics, over 20% of our newsletter subscribers are “left-leaning” and certainly not MAGA supporters or “far right.” Ahmed is just making stuff up….
Yes, we do support Roger Stone. He is an American hero, a true patriot, and a good man.
More name-calling and pejoratives, but not a smidgeon of evidence to support the assertion that Plandemic is a “conspiracy movie.” Plandemic tells the story of expert virologist Dr. Judy Mikovits, who was jailed for not destroying evidence that vaccines had been universally contaminated with retroviruses. It discusses Dr. Anthony Fauci’s efforts to combat the AIDS epidemic during the 1980s as well as Bill Gates’ support of vaccination efforts around the world. No conspiracies, just facts.
Or perhaps the AP and other sellout MSM channels show the convergence of “left-wing ideology with vaccine-pushing, needle-wielding propaganda and health tyranny all in one.” Just proving the point that name-calling and pejorative phrases really mean nothing unless they are supported with facts.
FYI, according to the UCR website, Carpiano is a “medical sociologist and population health scientist who studies how social factors, such as socioeconomic status, race-ethnicity, social connections, and community conditions, contribute to the physical and mental health of adults and children.” We were unable to uncover any specific medical training, but he did receive a sociology degree from Baylor University, so … “Sic’em Bears!”
That’s amazing! A sociology professor from California, whom we have never met, knows our innermost motivation for doing what we do.
Not only is he dead wrong, it’s offensive that Carpiano unequivocally states that our motivation is “money-making.”
For us, it all started in 1996, six months after we were married, when we took my 52 year old father, Graham Bollinger, to the hospital with severe stomach pains. Over the course of less than a day, the prognosis morphed from “gallstones” to “advanced stomach cancer” and the doctors removed over 75% of his stomach.
The doctors told us that Dad would have about 2 years to live if we didn’t do chemotherapy.
He only lived another 25 days.
He died from the surgery.
He bled to death.
After Dad died, we embarked on a mission to discover all we could about cancer treatments and therapies that might have helped prolong his life. We were shocked to learn that there were multiple effective cancer treatments that may have helped him, but due to censorship, we didn’t have the freedom to access them in the USA.
Over the course of the next several years, we lost 6 other close family members to cancer (and its ineffective treatments), culminating with the loss of our precious mother, Jerry Bollinger, in 2004.
We’ve now been on our “mission” for over 2 decades. During that time, we’ve uncovered some shocking information – doctors are being persecuted, successful treatments are being “censored” and “banned,” and people are dying because they do not have the freedom to choose the best treatment protocol for their particular condition… and they have been coerced into taking dangerous vaccines without being given informed consent.
We firmly believe that if Mom, Dad, and all our other family members had access to “advanced” cancer treatments (many of which are not “allowed” in the USA), they might still be alive today. It’s now our mission to share the TRUTH about cancer and the TRUTH about vaccines with the world.
And the truth is that we should all have the freedom to choose!
… freedom to choose the best cancer treatment protocol
… freedom to say “yes” or “no” to chemotherapy
… freedom to “try” a treatment that hasn’t been “approved” by the FDA
… freedom to vaccinate
… freedom NOT to vaccinate
… freedom to travel without “showing your (vaccination) papers”
Without freedom, we are no different from any of the many totalitarian dictatorships across the globe. We will NEVER STOP fighting to protect our health freedom!
Here are a couple of brief videos which the MSM won’t show you, since they are bound and determined to lie, slander, and impugn our motives.
In conclusion, we are pro-choice, pro-parental rights, pro-informed consent, and pro-transparency when it comes to vaccines. Feel free to visit the TTAV website if you want to see for yourselves why they are labeling “disinformation” and attempting to deplatform us.
Calling us “anti-vaxxers” is a clever and manipulative method to both dehumanize and vilify us, all in order to distract from what we really are. It is hate speech, plain and simple. It is a bigoted epithet. Some bigoted smears are based on racism and some are based on choices that people have made. The “anti-vaxxer” term falls into the latter category… and the hateful rhetoric has gotten out of hand. For instance, a recent article in the Washington Post is titled, “Anti-vaxxers are dangerous. Make them face isolation, fines, arrests.”
Even more egregious, a 2017 Boston Herald op-ed suggested that anti-vaxxers should be hanged. Amazingly, they still haven’t taken their post down, even though it encourages hatred and violence against a minority group. Outlets like the Boston Globe continued onward with their violent rhetoric, including the more recent story headline: “Mounting a ground war against anti-vaxxers.”
Below is one of Smith’s many Tweets from last week, posted right after the attack article was published. Feel free to comment.
Ty and Charlene Bollinger run a business selling videos, books and other products that stoke distrust of COVID-19 vaccines. An investigation by @AP reveals how they work with others, including RFK Jr., to drive sales through affiliate marketing
— Michelle R. Smith (@MRSmithAP) May 13, 2021
Also, below is her publicly-available contact information published on the internet. We insist that if you choose to contact Smith, be polite. Unlike the mainstream media, we are not willing to launch personal attacks or threaten other human beings over philosophical differences. We do not have to stoop to such lows, as we have truth, justice and God on our side. 😉
Michelle R. Smith
Twitter: @MRSmithAP
Office phone: 401-447-9536
Associated Press (her employer):
Main number: (877) 836-9477
Be polite. No threats.

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It is not good to have my blood boil. That is why I don’t listen to/watch MSM. If anyone really take the time to listen and watch your whole doc u series will learn a lot about the poisons of the world. I did, thank you for the series.
Ty ‘N Charlene, May Gods Choicest Blessing’s Be Yours! You Know Who You Are!! We Know What You Are Doing For Us!!! Thank You For Serving Us!!!! 💞
In 2011 The US SUPREME COURT declared vaccines to be “UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE” (l learnt that from Ty & Charlene!!) so how can ANYONE person, group, Government, doctor, etc claim ANY vaccine is safe. The highest court in the land has declared/ruled the exact opposite!!
Hi guys,
Can we get a class action law suit and sue this AP reporter for defamation. It would be great to get all these lies recorded in a court of law, and also sue them. If you set up a funding page, I will donate for sure.
Bravo! I am forwarding your email to believers and non-believers. Thank you for what you do for the world. You are true heroes.
I see ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has just posted an invitation to tender ‘Vaccine effectiveness, burden and impact studies (VEBIS) of covid-18 and influenza Tender ref OJ/2021/DPR/ 12924 estimated total value 52900000.00 EUR time limit for receipt of tenders 18/05/2021 (European date) to 01/07/2021 (European date). Ref 2021/S 095-248743
I don’t know if this is the first of its kind but thought you might be interested. I reckon someone is listening to the ‘information dozen’ . You guys are rock stars.
Please keep doing what your doing, without all of you there would be NO HOPE at all! God Bless!
I believe ty and charlene anyday over the cdc and big pharma .Cdc and big pharma is not to be trusted.
Don’t be distressed Ty and Charlene, many of us have watched or learned from you for years. Know that your witness is as true and faithful servants, whose words can be trusted. We will suffer for our faith, know that God sees what you do and will be your Defender ultimately. We give an account to Him, not man.
Keep yor faith and continue your mission Rewards are crowns for truth, coming soon. jesus wins this spirituaal battle and reigns soon in new EARTH. PRAYER AND LOVE FOLLOWS CHRISTS CHILDREN
Hi Ty & Charlene, It seems that the competition is on for all that taxpayer money that is so freely and liberally given to those that fight really hard for it. This is a war and not even the Geneva convention can stop the half truths being told by the MSM, the government, and especially Bill Gates with big Pharma. Everyday their hearts are made stronger, (hardened), by the belief that a little more power, a little more money would make them happy. The more enemies they have, they can move forward closer to their goals. They are not listening to you or the rest of us that are proclaiming the truth, the whole truth as we know it now. Make sure that your heart is covered by the blood of Jesus and the angel of death will passover you. Soon ,I fear, there is going to be an accounting. Thanks for waking me up. Keep on keeping on for Him. God loves truth and he loves you! T.L.P.
Agree 100% God has a special place in HELL FOR the “gates” 👹
I am SO impressed with you two and your organization. It always stuns me when people are accused of making money. Is there another way to survive in our culture?
Thank you SO much for all that you do toward a better world. I do have one big suggestion. The smartest change I ever made in my life was going vegan in 2003. I thought at the time it was a bit crazy and maybe even going to be impossible, but that was not the case. I highly recommend it for MANY reasons including human health, but it’s repercussions are far more beautiful than just my health! Please read the very brilliant book, The World Peace Diet, by Dr. Will Tuttle.
I wish you all blessings. xoxo
thank you
I have personally seen how Doctors lie to patients now. My wife has cancer and the Doctors only want to give chemo and radiation and lied to my wife saying there is nothing else. But there is so much else!!! There is all kinds of supplements and alternative treatment one can do along with the American Medical treatment. People are dying due to lack of education in this. The normal medical doctors want to have nothing to do with it because they weren’t taught it, because the Pharmaceutical companies cannot patent those treatments. Well, to Hell with the Pharmaceutical companies and the big money makers, who are actually killing people for profit. We all need to spread the word about alternative treatments and start introducing it ourselves into the American treatment Culture. We want Freedom of Treatment Choice and informed consent about All treatments that are available, especially for Cancer!!
Beautifully stated, Richard….
When I was young I read a lot of fiction. But now I find non-fiction far more interesting which is why I pretty much ignore the MSM. I am neither a Christian or a Trump supporter. My politics are probably the opposite of yours. I seek a society that is primarily matriarchal as well as anarcho-socialist. However, I also appreciate honesty when I find it in this very corrupt world. I’ve read two of Ty’s books, own them and recommend them to others. As far as his not having the background to be a “medical researcher”, perhaps we need to remember that our #1 Highest and Bestest Authority on all things vaccine is none other than Bill Gates, with his background in computer science along with his high school diploma. I have a friend whose been a lifelong Socialist who voiced my own (confused) feelings when she said that it’s as though the world has turned upside down and the so-called “progressives” have become downright fascistic while we need to look to the right to find truth and reality. I will never be a Christian or a Trump supporter but I, sadly, believe the truth lies with Mark Twain when he said “If voting made a difference, they’d make it illegal”. When we have a government that has been systematically poisoning us at least since the 40’s with sodium fluoride forced on us in our water, that is not a government I would or could support to have the best interests of its citizens in mind when making their UNdemocratic choices for us. It feels like we’ve entered a new Dark Age. I believe the first one was also “medicine” related in that 80% of those murdered were women and we don’t know how many of them were healers. The first western university was founded in Italy in the 11th century. Ironically enough, it was located in Bologna. And only men could attend and only those who attended could practice medicine. I believe this was the backdrop to the 300 year Inquisition. Now once more medicine rears its ugly monopolistic head to control the dialogue – and the women. I do believe the current war against women -which is what I consider the “transgender” movement. Our society is completely controlled by a toxic and hyper-masculine predator class, mostly men but some women (such as Clinton). What we need is a balance, but that’s the last thing the predators who own it all want to see happen. I admire and respect what you have to say, and I certainly trust Ty’s credentials over those of the megalomaniacal rapacious nerd with a high school diploma who seems to occupy a great deal of this time corrupting any and all that he can. Keep up the fight! I am 82 and remember a somewhat better world from my youth. I wore a mask and “followed orders” for a week and a half when it came to me that the whole thing was a hoax and took off the mask, wear it in stores only and still get chastized by grocery clerks who can’t tell a turnip from a jicama, but somehow have suddenly become authorities on health care – for a woman 4X their age! I have even participated in large demonstrations sans mask. Hold on to railings, don’t use that immune destroying spray, scratch my face, rub my eyes, in other words, act “normal”. I have hbp and (mild) emphysema (used to smoke), but I also take supplements to protect myself. I recall I had the flu once in the 80’s, just the one time. And rarely get sick – and don’t want or expect young people to sacrifice their life and health for me. They’re supposedly wearing these stupid masks to protect frail old people, but the young people act like I’m endangering them. I can’t share what I don’t have – and that includes money and viruses. When I was a child, we saw a doctor only when we were really sick and knew how to take care of ourselves from a young age. Now we’ve been programmed to only trust someone with a medical degree to make our choices. I once had a cat who developed diabetes and I had to put her on insulin. $200.00/month for a 12-lb. cat! I changed her diet and healed her in 2 months! Discovered that vets really can’t be trusted anymore than most drs. The vet schools seem to be all owned and operated by Purina. Anyway,, this (radical left) old lady would listen to you before I’d give any credence to the MSM – or the dems – well, any politicians.
Ms. Rose,
I like what you wrote and how you wrote it. You should write more, if you don’t already. I will be 72 in June, five years cancer free, and agree with so much of your feelings. Thank you!
Fascinating reading your comment, Ms Rose! You are an asset to society… long may you live!
Well said Dubby Rose, much respect. I too love this husband and wife team they have done so much in the way of informing people around the world (I’m from Perth, Western Australia). I bought their cds years ago and have passed them onto people and friends when I heard they had the big “C” but have now passed away from their cancer after their chemo and radiation. Once you are diagnosed with cancer and an oncologist gets hold of you there seems to be no other way for people unless you do your own deep research which takes time but well worth it. I get angry that they jumped into the fire, as once you’re in there is no way out because chemo and radiation spreads the cancer which could be months or years, but eventually it will kill. All these medical establishments are profit motivated- they care not whether you live or die and if these companies are making trillions of dollars each year, then whatever is written or spoken about in the world of alternative medicine then you will be vilified beyond belief. Check out Dr R. Rife’s work who found a way to cure cancers through vibrations of differing sequences in the 1940s. So sad, and there has been many others as well. I will not be poisoned by any of these vaccines including the flu which they say is only 40-60% effective. The same with this Covid jab which you have to continually get each year. No thanks.
I’ll keep on taking my vitamins and hope that my immune system is up to keeping me healthy as I eat well and don’t drink tap water only pure filtered H2O.
Ty and Charlene,
Thank you so much for your work. I have learned so much. I have been accused of being an antivaxer. I think so much of this is just plain common sense but people fall for all of the hype. I have always been a free thinker. I am really afraid of the direction in which our country is headed. We can not allow our freedoms/rights to be taken from us. People need to stop thinking that our government knows what is best for us. I often wonder how many of the rich and famous have really gotten the vaccine.
I pray for you and your family. Keep the information coming.
God Bless you for who you are and what you do! You are both, along with the many others who speak out about the truth, an inspiration for those who do not have the courage or the faith in themselves to do so. I pray to be enlightened with an answer or a way to help with the movement to fight corruption and spread the truth.
Bravo! to you Ty and charlene you are the business……… The real deal as they say. I had cancer and conventional medicine was about to kill and I read your book ” step outside the box” and tod a y I am cleaned and I mean clean, thanks a million buddy and keep up the good work.God bless you and your family trying to free people from tyranny..I will be coming out with my own book “free from cancer and you and few others will feature in it. I will send financial contribution of you want to take legal action against this reprobate of a reporter who sets out to villif y and tarnish your good reputation, she is a real scumbag.,she feeds on garbage and she wants decent people to feed on her filth she is fishing out.
God bless you and your family
You have only given us truth. Great rebuttal and it’s sad you have to always do this. My sister and I stand with you and send you big love in these truly trying times.
Qwlooks like persecution in America has begun. Against all that is Godly, true, and righteous. It will take backbone to live in these days and stand up for what is right. Backbone and the grace and mercy of God. Thankyou for your guts and speaking the truth.
Thank you for all that you do and for standing up against the media monsters who are pushing their own agendas in their articles. Shame on them! I have been following the Truth About Cancer for over five years now and have learned so much that has helped me lead a happy and healthy life and to help my mother overcome heart disease. Bless you and your family!
Hi Ty & Charlene, I have shared your information along with many other medical experts around the world at my church. No one can explain WHY the seasonal flu deaths for 2020 have literally completely disappeared, while the “so-called” Covid deaths seem to match exactly the numbers for the seasonal flu, and are actually slightly less than the average seasonal flu deaths for the past 5 years. Dr. Scott Jenson is correct. “The public has absolutely been played.” COV-ID stands for Certificate of Vaccination ID. Is this a case where the CURE will be far worse than the disease?? Since the CDC has already admitted that they have never isolated or identified the Covid virus, what exactly are they vaccinating us for?? It’s a real mystery, or maybe not!! Perhaps we should allow the elite to answer that question themselves. Here is a quote from Michel Salomen, Special Advisor to the French President for 10 years taken from the book “Lavenir De La Vie” published in 1981, 40 years ago.
“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, then the weak, then the useless ones, who bring nothing to society because there will be more and more of them. And especially finally the stupid ones. Euthanasia targeting these groups, will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies in all cases.”
“We won’t be able to cast intelligence tests on millions and millions of people you can imagine. We will find something or cause it. A pandemic that targets certain people. A real economic crisis or not. A virus that will affect the old and the weak. It doesn’t matter. The weak will succumb to it. The fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment. A treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by itself. They will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.” End Quote
I’m so impressed, but not surprised by your well researched and informative rebuttal. That said, anything that AP publishes I take with a grain of salt, as they, along with Reuters, are owned by the Rothschild’s’. They have very strong connections (perhaps even familial) to the Rockefeller’s, who are the ones who supported the Flexner Report and abolished organic medicine.
Thanks for sharing Michel Salomen’s words. It’s terrifying that there are numerous people that share her /his thoughts. God is in control so we should continue to stand for what is the truth. Thanks to Ty and Charlene for their heroic stance against evil lies.
Keep up the good work!
Keeping healthy in today’s toxic world is a challenge
A doctors prescription for every ailment is not the answer
All these drugs are toxic to our bodies
Thankyou for showing us a healthier way to deal with illness!
Love you guys. This is an excellent rebuttal to the whiny deluded shills for Big Pharma (as your research fully reveals). I could say much more, but I remember a comment made some time ago that what a person most accuses you of is probably something they have an issue with. In this case the repeated charge and insinuation that you are all about “for-profit” and “money-making” in your tireless advocacy for health freedom! You know what they say, when you point a finger there are three pointing back – and they are Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna (which stands for “modify RNA” and is not a vaccine). As you said in your recent interview on InfoWars, this accusation pales to the billions and billions that Big Pharma extracts every year. After all, pharmacia literally means sorcery and witchcraft, and we know who is behind all evil (Rev. 18:23).
Thank you Ty & Charlene for letting people know the truth about cancer. I learned a lot because of your series and appreciate all you do to inform us. Much respect. We appreciate you.
Thank you for standing for truth in medicine and in life! I saw the post about how Covid came to be, and then it was gone. I totally agree with everything I’ve ever read or seen from you, Ty!! I can’t always convince others, but that is their loss!! I have your Monumental Myths book and bought one for one of my grandsons. It’s a great read!! I’ve followed many of your great online broadcasts and had bought some (that I sadly lost in the 2018 Campfire in Paradise, CA). Just keep doing what you do as it is surely needed!! God bless you and Charlene and your family!!
Want to say, thanks for all you do. I am a Doctor of Naturopathy. People like you and Charlene and the others helped me get to where I am today. Anyone who does what we do comes from a back story. I was in a horrible spot with my health 25 years ago. I learned there were options. I have to wonder where I’d be today if I wouldn’t have changed my path. Like I said earlier, I am a Doctor Of Naturopathy. I just want the freedom to help others and also feel people have a right to make their own decisions about their health without interference. I have followed you and Charlene for years now. I appreciate all that you do and the information you supply to all. May the truth come to light soon!
Dear Ty and Charlene,
I’m so impressed, but not surprised by your well researched and informative rebuttal. Bravo!
We are now living in an upside down U.S.A. Where do I start? There is so much going on: the border/illegal immigrant issue, cyber security, gas/coal pipeline, higher taxes, climate change, COVID-19, COVID/flu vaccine, stolen election (Ms. Sidney Powell, atty, is providing wonderful discoveries of truth), frail president (who’s really running the show?), etc., etc. Maybe we’ll be saved by UFO universal intelligence, if it’s not corrupt by politics. Maybe the UFOs are actually built by the U.S.A. Defense Dept. and the military want to scare us with a UFO invasion — something else to consider. I’m 71 and going on five years cancer free (defused large B-cell non-hodgkin lymphoma). I had chemo and the help of your Website and wonderful research. God has a plan and has given us free will. I am grateful to you both for opening my eyes and heart. Keep up the blessed good work. I would support suing Michelle Smith “scumbag” . God bless us all.
surely there’s grounds for legal action there
libelous comments and no justification
i’ve been following you for quite a few years now and have never witnessed you tell a half truth never mind a downright lie
all the best to you x
Thank you for continuing to speak out favorably for all humanity!!!
When you are over the target, that’s when you get the flack.
Thank You. Keep up the good work you are doing. If there are no information out there by you and others. They will control everything and everyone. If they keep experimenting on humans,we will become weak and die out. The human race will cease to exist.
I am a 77-year old American born woman who had measles in the 50s and now have immunity. There was no vaccine for it. My high school classmates all got it. I also had the oral and injected polio vaccine. Thank God, I had no adverse effects that I know of. My husband, a native-born Greek, has never had a flu vaccine although he says he had many vaccines required by the military when he was in his 20s. I have had one flu shot in my life as an employment mandate because I was a clerical supervisor in the AIDS Prevention Project for Seattle/King County and there was a clinic adjacent to our office. My husband and I have not had the flu in nearly 40 years, nor even a serious cold. We don’t get the flu vaccine. I am also personally very sensitive to medications and have not had antibiotics for many years because I’m allergic to several families. I had a serious reaction when Thimerosol was in contact solution and had chronic dry and red eyes until they took it out. I should have a right to decide what I put into my body. I am careful, wear a mask where required (grocery shopping, pharmacy, church). We also keep our distance to protect others. I think Robert Kennedy, Jr. is a very intelligent, highly credentialed professional. I think he is a man of conscience. I disagree on one issue and that is the election. I think Donald Trump was not only the worst president in the history of the United States but not a moral human being in any sense of the word. His reputation is well-known and I think he has a psychiatric disorder. Before retirement, I worked as a Records Management Analyst in Records, Elections and Licensing for King County (Seattle, WA). Our Elections department was admirable. I personally watched re-counts outside my cubicle when elections were close. They were overseen by armed King County Sheriff’s officers. I don’t know how legal other elections jurisdictions are or how they compare to ours in King Country. WE have been voting by mail for years now. We can verify online that our ballots have been received and I totally respect the process and the government officials there. I am a Democrat, consider myself a liberal and I am a person of conscience. I am also a Christian/Catholic. We have watched many of your documentaries and have purchased the proceedings. Thank you for the good work you do for mankind.
You’ve got this Ty & Charlene, remember as you believe, it is so. You have been amazing and continue to be a source of strength and truth for those of us awakened enough to realize, for that we are so very thankful.
Your work is not finished yet, the truth will prevail, stay strong, we believe in you.
Sending much love to you and your family.
That’s quite something going on about how much money you’re making, when it’s less than peanuts compared to Big Pharma – and their lapdogs at the AP, for that matter!
The slanderous ad hominem attacks simply betray lack of facts. Keep telling the truth, and the value of the information you provide for free has been great, and I’ve never seen anything slighly resembling coercion to buy anything from you, unlike Big Pharma – who profits from the “free vaccines we pay for with our taxes, though we regard them as a scam and fraud.
I avoid the corporate media, which has devolved to a great big advertisement for the worst profiteers. Bless you, Ty and Charlene, the truth IS outing, as evident from how afraid these giant bullies are of little ‘ol you!
T & C…. Just keep fighting the good fight. You have plenty of loyal people behind you….as well as God. You have nothing to fear. Blessings to you both.
Vaccine! Vaccine! Vaccine! Come and Get Your Vaccine Here Today!
Hiya, people. Would you like to know what I think is funny? Every day since March of last year, I’ve hundreds of emails have flooded my inbox from various health websites. Having read tons of health information and watched numerous health summits along the way, I can’t help but notice all these highly intelligent, university-educated health experts are backing each other against pill-popping and taking the vaccine. Why is that, I wonder? It’s like, c’mon, Big Pharma, where are you in all this discussion? Why aren’t you defending yourselves against all these big bad natural healthcare practitioners who are attacking you left, right, and center? Where are all your Big Pharma blog posts? Where are all your Big Pharma health email updates? Where are all your Big Pharma health summits that educate the public on all your latest and greatest cutting-edge vaccines and pharmaceuticals? I’m still waiting for all your lifesaving health news, yet crap all. C’mon, pal, there’s this deadly virus on the loose, and it’s out of control. Where are you in these most desperate times of need? What have you got to hide? What have you got to fear? I thought you were the dominant leaders in world healthcare, working side-by-side with our loving and caring government, and our most trusted, honest-to-God mainstream media, with the best interests of humanity at heart—yet, no word nor whisper from you on how great and effective your vaccines are, or how great and effective your drugs are. All you give me is the vaguest of information via my TV screen, and that makes me sad—so very, very sad indeed.
Lately, all I’ve been hearing on the worldwide breaking fearmongering news is nothing but vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. Hurry up and get our Big Pharma–sponsored vaccine here today. Don’t worry about that unpatentable health and nutrition nonsense. Don’t worry about using vitamin C or zinc to strengthen your immune system. Don’t worry about quality sleep, sunshine, or exercising during this extended lockdown. And, most importantly of all, don’t worry about empowering yourself that you may be able to help yourself; we’re with you every step of the way, okay? Haven’t you heard? Fear, panic, and pandemonium have always been our friends—and friends in need are our friends indeed. Sorry, but the cold hard truth is, we tell-lie-vision media infomercial, Big Pharma snake-oil salesmen don’t have a vested interest in arming you with natural solutions or positive outcomes. Why the hell would we fake-news pundits wanna talk about that? That doesn’t line our money-grubby deep pockets, now does it? So forget it! We’re not talking about it, okay?! That can’t help you, okay?! But over here—well, well, well! What have we got here for you today? Yep! You guessed it, we can sell, sell, sell you our finest rushed-to-market GMO Frankenstein lab creations instead. Symptoms include Bell’s Palsy, anaphylaxis, blood clot, coma, then death.
With Big pHARMa’s new CIA-certified synthetic, patented vaccine gene therapy of weaponized genetic mRNA mutations, eugenics never looked so good. But unfortunately, as of April 30, 2021, our hard-sell marketing pitch to the well-fluoridated, dumbed-down Ding-Dong generation of iPhone zombified covidiots has only killed 3,837 sheeple and seriously injured 16,014, which is a far cry from what our bought-and-paid-for psychopathic government had hoped for, I’m sure. And while the death rates continue to soar (mainly in nursing homes, where they’re forcibly injected with a Snake Gates magic bullet cocktail of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, polyethylene glycol, and mutated viruses with a bit of viral shedding on the side to help Alzheimer’s patients spread the love all around before laying them down to sleep)—but sorry, we’re not allowed to talk about that on our prime-time murder TV, when it’s illegal. And if you do happen to get seriously injured or made dead after we’ve rammed it into your head again and again, and time and again with our non-stop aggressive marketing campaign to get vacci-poisoned, it’s not only illegal to sue us, but it’s illegal to sue the quackcine manufacturer. That means if your child were to suddenly hatch from a palsy egg after being injected with God knows what, you’ll be unable to seek compensation to look after it for the rest of its newborn vegetable life. Oh well, no matter. You’d only be playing Russian Roulette with your life and the lives of your loved ones. It’s no biggie, really.
Now, over here, while we continue to dispense our Big Pharma friend’s tobacco science and use it to round up the cattle ready for herd immunity due to there being this deadly viral outbreak—a virus that’s so virulent and aggressive, that spreads like wildfire and drops people dead in the street left, right and center, come the Resident Evil Apocalypse—you’ll still need to take this fraudulent and inaccurate PCR test to see if you’ve got it. But don’t worry, it’s already been proven effective at testing positive for coronavirus in papaya, motor oil, and goats.
It’s most unfortunate that 99.95% of people survive a coronavirus infection, and because no hospital is overrun with people lining up outside on the street, and because we motormouthed main-sewer media foolishly and tooted our horn a bit too loud, and blew things out of proportion with our corona Kabuki theatre, making it obvious even to the village idiot that something wasn’t quite right, it left our cheesed-off, embarrassed governments no other choice but to dangle large wads of cash in front of these hospital CEOs if they can help falsify their records and exaggerate the death count.
In other words, if you have the flu, it’s the coronavirus.
If you die of a heart attack, it’s the coronavirus.
If you die in a car accident, sorry, but it was most definitely the coronavirus.
While the government is only too eager to call death by shotgun blast to the head a very bad case of the coronavirus blues, over here, whenever somebody drops dead within days or hours after receiving a vaccine, their leading team of forensic investigators (who obviously couldn’t find a whore in a whore house) take one good look at the coroner’s report, then say, “Nup, sorry, there’s no cause for investigation over here, they all died of natural causes. It wasn’t the vaccine that killed them. Oh no! It wasn’t the vaccine! It couldn’t have been the vaccine! The vaccine is never to blame! Now, please understand, there was nothing at all suspicious about the death of that fit and healthy 21-year-old Cincinnati university student, 24 hours after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. And there was absolutely nothing suspicious about that fit and healthy 39-year-old mother who died of multiple organ failure just four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna vaccine. And last but not least, there was certainly nothing at all suspicious about the sudden death and hospitalization of those nuns in that isolated Kentucky convent shortly after receiving their gov-mental blessing from God.
He-he-he-he. Shh. If we admit on our fear-porn hellevision that it was the vaccine that killed all them brainwashed sheeple, then crikey! There goes our cash cow up in smoke, and our eugenics program down the drain, hey? Now, let’s just hurry up and sweep this up under the carpet along with the many thousands of other unreported suspicious deaths, shall we? Then we can get straight back to reminding the public that the coronavirus has, and will always be, our Public Enemy Number 1. Don’t worry about death by vaccine. Don’t worry about death by 5G. Don’t worry about death by state-sponsored terrorism, when over here, we now bring you this deadly coronavirus boogeyman that’s to be forever feared until we say so, or until we move on to the next plannedemic chapter of your lives, got it?!
So, yeah, while we fearstream media mafia are in bed with our technofascist government and big business, and have made it our business to stick our noses into your business by censoring our anti-vaccine critics all over the internet via our Nazi virtual book-burning efforts—and obviously have nothing to hide while we continue to suppress lifesaving alternative therapies, and seek to erode your natural medicine and health freedoms before your very eyes in favor of Big Pharma wholesale—over here, we’ve enlisted the technocratic support of our friends from The Centre For Cancel Culture And Digital Hate to publicly name, shame, and defame all crackpot conspiracy theorists, beginning with the Bollingers and their Dark Knights. We have reason to believe this radical extremist fringe group are terrorists, and pose a serious threat to national security and our bottom dollar. Because these naughty freethinking political dissidents can see right through our fear projections, and can accurately predict all our hidden agendas, it’s imperative that we go to DEFCON 4, and that they be placed on the FBI’s 10 most-wanted hit-list as enemies of the state, when they are armed to the teeth with God’s honest truth, and dangerous to the max with their anti-vax disinformation.
Because these thought leaders refuse to bow down to our billion-dollar megalomaniac, control-freakish, psychopathic Luciferian globalist masters, and join up with Dr. Fauci Mengele’s Medical-Fascist-Covidian-Death-Cult-School-of-Experimental-Medicine along with the other well-fluoridated walking dead covidiot cult-pod people, and because they refuse to diaper up and wear our ritualistic Masonic slave mask, and receive our Frankenstein elixir, they’ll be tried for heresy and burnt at the stake.
Please raise the alarm if you ever come across these bad, bad people. You’ll know what they look like: they ride into town, clad in shiny breastplates of righteousness, wearing helmets of salvation, holding swords of the spirit and shields of faith, and have the fullest backing of our Lord Jesus Christ beside them.
Everyday, while we smoke-and-mirrors, sleight-of-hand, black-magician, psychological-warfare tacticians grow increasingly fearful and paranoid of more and more sheeple waking up to our lies and deceptions, and have no choice but upgrade the poison, fear, terrorism, Centrelink crackdowns, and serial killer TV, hoping to transform seven billion people into dumbed-down raving lunatics and fully-fledged psychopaths as a subtle way to snuff out their love and light, and get them hating and fighting among themselves in order to distract them, it also allows us puppet-polly-parrot narcissists to get our fugly, ugly faces plastered all over the front page news while we happily rake in more cash and get quality air time after they’ve committed high crimes we subconsciously helped them to commit. Shh. He-he-he-he.
In the meantime, while we eagerly await our next real or CIA-staged Mockingbird news story, our Ministry of Truth will continue to wage our silent spiritual war on consciousness, and in our battle to win over the hearts and minds of the couch potato sleeping masses by offering them one big fat juicy and delicious glyphosate-enriched Krispy Kreme Donut of irresistibly mouth-watering GMO goodness in our efforts to guide them over the cliff toward the Snake Gates of Hell, and into the vipers’ pit of needles, vaccine lovers everywhere will soon rejoice, spoilt for choice once we introduce them to our four most trusted quackcine manufacturer bed buddies in crime, beginning with Johnson & Johnson: recently caught with their pants down, dumping asbestos in baby talcum powder. Then we have Pfizer, which had to pay 2.3 billion dollars in criminal convictions. And if AstraZeneca’s co-developer has long-standing ties to the British eugenics movement, then so too does Moderna over here have a nice circle of known eugenicist friends.
So, yeah, with that in mind, we quietly continue supporting the poisoning of humanity, keeping quiet about our environmental terrorist government, which has taken it upon itself to forcibly mass-medicate the population by dumping industrialized fluoridated toxic sludge into the local water supply. And while we keep quiet about the billion-dollar Monsatanic GMO industry who line our deep pockets, and supermarket shelves chock-a-block full of nutrient-depleted, glyphosate-enriched, genetically mutated, cancer-causing fake food, we’re also in the habit of keeping super-duper quiet about the genotoxic Wi-Frying dangers of cell tower electromagnetic radiation while we continue raking in more big bickies from our glorious telco sponsors, and make an absolute freaking killing, marketing Telstra’s latest and greatest 5G technology as something we cannot live without, while they happily fill the air with the voltage of cancer at the cost of doing business, and at the expense of everybody’s pain and suffering, no doubt.
Whatever. With all that aside, you just make sure that you take our word for it that everything will be just fine and dandy, and blindly accept our experimental vaccines of death. Because we care about you. We only want what’s best for you. Trust us! Do you ever see us touch our many revolving narcissistic faces of Janus, or rub our Pinocchio noses on national TV to indicate we’re full of crap? Of course not! We’ve been well-trained to speak the truth. Now please, listen to our fake news, fake TV, fake everything—and buy, buy, buy into everything that we’re selling, come our next big worldwide breaking fearmongering news story or commercial break. We promise you, you’ll not regret it.
Or you won’t live long enough to regret it. Love your witty short history of brainwashing. thank you.
You both are amazing and truly inspirational. I’ve followed you since your first TTAC series and knew then that what you were presented was TRUTH! No matter what anyone says to smear or defame you, truth will always resonate on a different level. I’ve watched every FREE episode and interview you’ve put out, taken extensive notes and have still purchased the series anytime I can. Why? To support the cause. I feel it’s quite honestly the least I can do. I see the attempts to discredit you both pitiful and shameful. Please know how many of us are beyond grateful to you both for having the courage to expose the truth. God bless you both. We stand with you all the way.
Excellence! If you’re not living for the truth, you’re dying for the lie…
Why does Smith have two photos, one with, and another sans mask? Is she virtue signalling while exhibiting opportunist advertising by displaying her company logo on said mask?
Wouldn`t it be great if every individual having read Smith`s diatribe, then proceeded to read your rebuttal and check the information within your links, the many facts which have been deliberately withheld from AP`s readership by Smith?
I somewhat recently read a book called “Obstruction of Justice” by Luke Rosiak. The mastermind behind the scam was a man named Imran Awan. I can’t help but wonder if your antagonist is the same man. I think it must be. Sounds like his M. O. If so, he is someone to watch out for – a real scam artist with connections to some extremely influential and wealthy people.
I somewhat recently read a book called “Obstruction of Justice” by Luke Rosiak. The mastermind behind the scam was a man named Imran Awan. I can’t help but wonder if your antagonist is the same man. I think it must be. Sounds like his M. O. If so, he is someone to watch out for – a real scam artist with connections to some extremely influential and wealthy people, including many members of Congress.
I don’t have high regard for Dorit Reiss, but you are not correct in your criticism of her qualifications. The LLB, which she has, IS a law degree – a Bachelor of Laws – obtained outside of the USA. It is the university degree that lawyers obtain in countries (eg Britain, Australia) other than the USA. The JD is an American qualification, however I do note that it is lately gaining popularity in other countries, though I’m not sure why.
I used to work in the media. They have been suppressing truth since 1945 when Igor Gouzenko defected from the Russian Embassy. He went an Ottawa newspaper and they shooed him away. The truth is always in the back pages with newspapers like the NY Times and Washington Post. The lies go on the front pages. Who has or takes the time to read the whole paper? The newspapers are a vehicle for election fraud. I’ve seen it. Try writing a letter to one disagreeing witch their narrative. Such as radicalizing young children and employees by union management. Nope, they won’t take disagreement. Our churches are badly infiltrated with foreign agents who are human trafficking and doing home invasions. I’ve seen it.
Hoxsey (around the 1950’s) had a horse with cancer, who started eating plants THAT CURED HIM! Now His clinic is in MEXICO! Cannot be in the USA! Because of big pharma-JERKS!!!!! B17, Apricot seeds-NATURAL CURES THAT CURE CANCER!!!!! And the rich (who want 95% of us DEAD) know that!!!!! Another way of getting rid of the “excess population”!!!!!!!
Hoxsey had court battles, and an Investigator (investigating Hoxsey) HAD HIS RELATIVE TAKE HOXSEY’S CURE, NOT BIG JERKS, I MEAN PHARMA!!!!!
also, SOROS owns AP!!!!!!!!!!
everything we know in this world boils down to two things. in out, up down, hard soft, hot cold, light dark etc. one cannot exist with out the other. so what this means is you can’t have high without low. or hot without cold, etc. therefore no problem can exist without it’s solution. and the solution is shining just as bright as the problem itself. all problems are solvable or it wouldn’t be a problem in the first place. all diseases are curable.
i am always for the truth supported with facts. And for these reasons, i am against Covid-19 vaccines since our public health officials in the Philippines never presented and evidence of clinical studies that it is effective and safe.
I am not even surprised why these officials turned a blind eye of the several fact-verified studies as the adverse effects of face mask, lockdowns, community quarantine of health individuals.
in the community where I live, I have heard how lies are told to people just to make them submit to Covid vaccines. But I will never backledown from the health advocacy, an campaign for truth to expose the big lies of our public health officials.
I admire your guts, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, I support your advocacy to regain the health freedom of all people of the world who were victims of the BIG lies perpetrated by filthy-rich industrialist for their own vested interest.
Dear Ty and Charlene,
Thank you very much for all that you have done, including helping myself and my wife over the past 5-6 years. Joan and Henry Murray.
All. The very best.
Ty, I was sad to see that your alma mater, the Christian University Baylor U., on December 15 2021 received a one million dollar grant from Lilly Endowment, the philanthropic arm of enormous pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, the largest manufacturer of psychiatric medications in the world, and the main pharmaceutical company behind the polio vaccine in America (which molecular biologist Dr. Judy Mikovits says was contaminated back in the day with other viruses that brought on the epidemic of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis as well as the blood cancer multiple myeloma.)
I wonder if this endowment will influence the way the college presents information in pre-med classes, psychology classes, etc. regarding health, mental illness, the attitudes we should have towards pharmacologic substances, the influence of Big Pharma on society and the media, etc.
Look how Abraham Flexner manipulated congress and brought about (terrible) changes in medical education, opening the door for Big Pharma to get on the boards of medical schools, influencing medical education. Money and power were used to attain an agenda. Money is now being thrown to your alma mater by these unscrupulous power brokers. Sigh.