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There’s been much debate over the past two year when it comes to government responses to the SARS-CoV2 virus. Several nations went so far as to detain people who tested positive, while in America we’re still grappling with mask and vaccination requirements that have kept children out of school, forced business into bankruptcy, and even cost people their jobs.
A new working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) may finally help us determine – scientifically – if these harsh measures were worthwhile. By far the most comprehensive study of its kind, the researchers analyzed a myriad of data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia to determine empirically whether things like shutting down schools and businesses and forcing people to wear masks all day were effective.
University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan and Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity compare Covid outcomes based on three variables: the economy, education and mortality. Each state received an overall grade based on the effectiveness of their response.
The results stand in stark contrast to the messaging pushed by politicians, the mainstream media, and medical “experts” like Tony Fauci. As you can see in the table below, states who were condemned for ending lockdowns quickly or eliminating mask mandates fared far better than states like California and New York, whose residents are still dealing with government restrictions.
Utah ranks first by a considerable margin over Nebraska and Vermont. The Beehive State scored well across all three categories: fourth on the economy, fifth in education (as measured by lost days in school), and eighth in Covid mortality adjusted for a state population’s age and the prevalence of obesity and diabetes (leading co-morbidities for Covid deaths). [Note: The authors used a regression analysis for the economy that adjusted for state industry composition.]
The study ranks Florida 28th in mortality, in the middle off the pack and about the same as California, which ranks 27th despite its far more stringent lockdowns and school closures. But Florida ranks third for the least education loss and 13th in economic performance. California ranks 47th overall because its shutdowns crushed the economy (40th) and in-person school (50th).
In other words, Florida did about average on mortality as other states, but it did far better in protecting its citizens from severe economic harm and its children from lost schooling. “The correlation between health and economy scores is essentially zero,” say the authors, “which suggests that states that withdrew the most from economic activity did not significantly improve health by doing so.”
The severe lockdown states suffered much more on overall social well-being in return for relatively little comparative benefit on health.
The most extreme example of this tradeoff is Hawaii, an isolated island state with an economy heavily dependent on tourism. The state came closest of any to imposing a version of China’s zero-Covid policy as it shut down travel to the islands. The result was a stellar performance on mortality—first by a big margin. But it finished last in economic performance and 46th in education.
The bottom 10 are dominated by states and D.C. that had the most stringent lockdowns and were among the last to reopen schools. Their economies are for the most part still behind most others in recovering from the pandemic.
New York (whose former Governor Andrew Cuomo was celebrated as a Covid hero before being forced to resign amidst covid scandals and allegations of sexual misconduct) ranks 49th. Albany’s severe and overlong economic shutdown (48th) had no payoff in mortality (47th). New Jersey ranks last with a miserable performance across the board. Gov. Phil Murphy didn’t save lives, but he did savage the economy and punish students as he followed the teachers union demands on school closures to rank 41st on education.
This new research shows what many doctors and researchers have been attacked for saying since the beginning: mask mandates and lockdowns simply don’t work. The government recently voted to extend mask requirements on airplanes while Philadelphia recently announced that it will be reinstituting mask requirements for indoor spaces.
Washington, D.C. ranked second-to-last for their stringent COVID policies. Pennsylvania ranked in the bottom 20%, earning a D grading from the authors.
And yet we’re STILL being force fed the lie that masks and lockdowns work and may become necessary again if there’s a spike in positive tests. NPR estimates that thousands of children around the world have died each month as a direct result of the financial calamity resulting from shutdowns. Our government has spent trillions or YOUR tax dollars in an attempt to ease the financial burden, yet inflation has been skyrocketing as our economy struggles to bounce back.
Children have been forced to miss tons of school, “returning” only to find that impersonal and ineffective virtual classrooms led by teachers who are often unfamiliar with the technology is their new normal.
The American people – and those around the world – have suffered enough under these useless and unconstitutional mandates. It is imperative that we never allow this kind of unwarranted government overreach to happen again. We must never again allow fear and misinformation to cost people their jobs, their businesses, and their relationships.
We must never again allow a corrupt government to muzzle our children for years on end, depriving them of the social interaction they so desperately need for healthy development and conditioning them to be afraid of others.
The science is in. Everything we’ve been told: by Fauci, by the White House, by the CDC and NIH, by the media and tech industries – All of it was wrong. Never mind that the pharmaceutical companies (and their investors in the Capitol) have made billions of dollars peddling untested injections as healthy people continue to drop dead. Never mind that the wealthiest among us have seen a massive increase in their fortunes as the rest of the nation struggles to find affordable food and housing.
And never mind that those of us who stood boldly and said in a loud voice “I WILL NOT COMPLY” were demonized as morally bankrupt contrarians who were at the root of all our nation’s problems.
Never again can we allow this to happen. The American people are owed a massive apology and a stack of resignations for the absolutely disastrous way our elected leaders handled themselves in the wake of the virus…
…but I wouldn’t hold your breath.

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Here in Canada we are watching our country turn in to a dictatorship. Beware US. It’s a big border we share it is becoming illegal to report the news unless you are granted a liscense by the Trudeau government itself. Illegal to protest as well. No longer do I hear talk of our rights , in our charter of rights and freedoms… the tribulation is coming my friends.
hi my 19 yr old daughter took the 2 pfizer shots since october 2021 and she recently been going 2x to the emergency with heart issues and tingling on her foot and stomach pains when she eats
we as parents try to convince her not to take it and we show her videos etc nothing
its there any cure for this?
her troponin levels were high over the range level and 2nd time she went it went normal . doctor said it takes time to go away. only prescribe motrin pain medicine take 3 of each 200mil
please let me know thanks
worry mom
*Dr.Mercola* is an expert Cardiologist who’s helping those injured. You’re not alone; many parents WARNED their LOVE-ONES but only to realized that their warnings were not heeded- Am one such parent and spouse.