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I’m going to talk mainly about Gardasil today because like I said it’s like a template for what happened to all the other vaccines. I want to start by just saying a couple of words about SB-276. Thank you, and please excuse my voice. I had a very strong voice until I was 42 years old, and then I got struck with a disease called spasmodic dystonia, which makes my voice tremble. But usually either you get used to it after a couple minutes, or it actually might get better.
Anyway, let me go through these slides really quickly before I get too caught up. Okay, this is the HPV vaccine, which is one of the worst vaccines ever. It’s a hoax, and I’m going to show you why, and it’s killing a lot of people. Merck says, this is what they say: “The vaccine will eliminate cervical cancer and other HPV associated cancers.” The rate of cervical cancer death in this country is 2.3 people per 100,000, and the age of death, the average age of death, is 58 years old. I had an artist draw a deck of cards with—That’s 1 out of every 43,000 people will die of cervical cancer. So, to help you imagine this, I had this artist draw this deck of cards. There’s 40,000 cards in that deck, and one of them is a black card, and we all have to print one, but there’s 20 times as many people in this room. We all have to pick one. If you get the black one, you die of cervical cancer.
The question is if you’re forced to play this game, how much would you pay to have Merck remove that black card from the deck? The answer that Merck gives us $420 a piece. Well, that may be worth it. Some people may say, “that’s worth it to me.” Okay, so but here’s the math. To spare one case of cervical cancer, one death, you have to give 43,500 vaccines. The cost of that is $18 million dollars. So, to save one life costs $18 million. The question is if you want to save lives by spending $18 million, are there better places to spend it? $18 million dollars could be reasonable, but HHS in other context puts value on human life and most directly in the vaccine court, if you get killed by a vaccine, the maximum that you can get in the vaccine court, you’re capped at $250,000. Well, that’s the value that they put on a human life, except when Merck is making a profit.
That’s their profits there: $2.3 billion in America. Let me keep going. I don’t know how to back this thing up, so I’m only going one direction. Okay, I’m just going to remind you of this. I can’t see this when I look at it here. I think I’m supposed to have this there but anyway, the only reason I put this up is to remind you that this is medication that you’re giving to a healthy human being. In that case, you want to test that. You want to make sure it’s super safe. If you give medication to a sick person, they’re willing to take higher risks to get cured because there’s a risk maybe they’re going to die. But, if you’re giving it to a perfectly healthy person, particularly a nine-year-old girl who has zero chance of getting this disease, and on average it’s not going to kill her until half a century later, you really want to make it safe.
So, this is what everybody says, the World Health Organization, the CDC, NIH, the gold standard of testing is double-blind placebo testing, and you guys don’t know what that is. You take 20,000 people in the study. You give 10,000 of them the blue pill. You give 10,000 of them a pill that looks like the Lipitor, but it isn’t. It’s saline or sugar. And then, you watch them for five years because a lot of injuries have long diagnostic horizons or long incubation periods, and neither the subjects nor the researchers know who got what, so it’s double-blind, which means that there’s no opportunity for bias. I just picked these three out of a hat. Lipitor, you can see they got 4.9 years. They got a sugar pill. There were 20,000 people in the study, Zocor, 20,000 [inaudible 00:32:39], 5,000 people in the study. Now, I’m going to spend a little time on this slide, and if you know anybody, any girls who are thinking of getting this vaccine, or if you know a doctor who is telling people they ought to get this vaccine, pull up this slide.
The way you do it is you pull out your cell phone and you put in vaccine insert, Merck, Gardasil. There’s two tables here. I’m going to go down here because I can’t see what I’m doing. There is table one, and I’m going to show you what happens there, and then this is table nine, and this is the one you want to show your doctor, but I’m going to show you why it’s important first. I apologize to people on the other side of the room. This is table one. They looked at the things that nobody cares about. These are jab site reactions. You notice they have three categories here. They have the Gardasil category, which is what those girls, those 5000 girls got Gardasil. Then, they have a placebo, saline placebo.
So, what they did here is they had a real placebo, which they gave to 320 people, but they gave a spiked poisoned placebo, what we call a faux-cebo, to 3400 girls. They gave them pure neurotoxin. They didn’t tell the girls that was what’s happening. That wasn’t an option. They told them they were getting saline. They lied to them. Now, but you can even see here, if you compare this saline placebo to the aluminum in Gardasil, the aluminum in Gardasil had huge effects even at the jab site: redness, swelling, itching, bruising. It had double or quintuple what the saline was getting so already they knew there’s something wrong with this stuff. So, when it came time to look at the things people really care about, which are autoimmune diseases, this is table nine. It’s autoimmune diseases.
Look what they did. There’s only two columns, and we’ve sued and we know what happened to these placebo girls. No autoimmune disease and no death. It took those 320 girls, and they wrapped them in and they added 6000 girls who got the aluminum, so out of this 9400 girls, 320 got a placebo. The rest of them got aluminum and they wrapped them all into one so you won’t see it. Then, look what happened. This is the only thing you should have to show your doctor for him to say, “I’m never going to give one of these vaccines again.” 2.3% of the girls who got Gardasil got autoimmune disease within six months. These were healthy girls, super healthy girls. 2.3% of the aluminum group also got autoimmune disease within six months, so Merck and FDA said, “Well, you did the same as the placebo. Therefore, it’s safe.” That’s why this thing got approved, so that is one of the many frauds that went into this, but this is table nine. That’s one out of every 40 girls.
CDC says one in a million people are injured by vaccines. One in 40, this is one in 39, that’s less than one in a million. And, nobody in the world would take a vaccine of any kind if the chance of ending up in a wheelchair like my client was one in 39. Let’s see. So now, here’s the bargain. You now have 1000 blue cards, which are autoimmune disease, but the black card’s gone, so is that a good deal? Okay, extrapolating from Merck’s package insert, remember 2.3 out of 100,000 die of cervical cancer, but 2.3 out of 100 get autoimmune disease. The chances of getting autoimmune disease is 1000 times more likely than the chance of dying of cervical cancer. Nobody would take that deal.
Now, here’s what we found. That yeah, they used something that was less toxic than the aluminum. It wasn’t a saline placebo. It was histamine and borax, which is banned as a food additive in this country and all together in Europe, and a lot of other bad stuff, but at least there was no aluminum in it. But, look what they did to the vaccine group. The girls in the actual study group who got what they said was the vaccine, they cut the aluminum in the vaccine by half. So, they weren’t measuring Gardasil. They were measuring something else, Gardasil with half the aluminum in it. That’s the study that they based the license on, so they lied to FDA. They told them, “We’re giving these girls Gardasil,” but they didn’t give them Gardasil. They gave them something much less toxic than Gardasil.
That, by the way, if you want to show your doctor is table 210. Oh, here’s one of the things they did. I told you the girls were super healthy, the ones who started out. This is what they called exclusionary criteria, and by the way, you don’t have to take pictures of these slides. You can go to Children’s Health Defense website. I’m going to put this up here, so any of you who want to take this whole slide show, you can do it. Okay, so these are exclusionary criteria. Researchers who were doing these little studies with 200 kids in them were told, “Before you do this study, get rid of all of the kids who have ever had anything to do with alcohol or drug abuse, who’ve had more than four lifetime sexual partners, who have had any history in their family of autoimmune disease or nervous disorders.” Look at this. This is a list. Anybody with allergies, anybody with prior genital infections, lifetime sex partners, immune system or nervous system disorders, genetic vulnerabilities to cancer, chronic illnesses.
You ended up with a group that was like the Avengers at the end of this. They were like super humans. They probably couldn’t be killed with bullets. By the way, if you want to test safety, these are the people you should be testing it on, right? The people who might get sick. And, by the way, when you bring your daughter in to get this HPV vaccine, they’re not saying to her, “Have you ever had severe allergies? Have you had more than four lifetime sex partners? If you have, you shouldn’t go near this vaccine because it’s never been tested on people like you.” Nobody does that. No doctor is told to do that. They tested it on the Avengers, but they’re giving it to sick people. Then, this is the last thing they told the researchers, “Any condition, which in the opinion of the investigator might interfere with the evaluation of the study objectives.” The study objectives were to get this thing passed.
So, if they saw somebody who started to look like they were a little sick, they’d say, “Get out.” And, this let them do it. There’s a lot of bad stuff here, but I’m going to rush through it because—Okay, here’s another slide to show your doctor. Slide 303. If you have a placebo group, you can then say, “People who got the Gardasil, 50% of them got sick. Placebo group, only 5% got sick. There’s a problem.” But, if you don’t have a placebo group, if both of them are getting a fake placebo, they’re going to get sick at the same rate in both groups so then it’s completely up to the researcher to decide which of those injuries was caused by the vaccine and, which was just an unfortunate sad coincidence. Here’s what happened, look at these numbers. Within six months, after month seven, that means by month seven ,50% of the girls had come down with serious new illnesses. 50%. That’s one in every two.
Who would give this to their child?

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