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Video Transcript:
Hi, my name’s Leigh-Allyn Baker and I’m a California refugee. I gave up everything there. A really successful Hollywood career, television shows. Gave it all up for freedom and to come to this friendly place of Tennessee and be greeted with open arms. And I love it here. I wanted to tell you that I have two vaccine-injured children and they have medical exemptions because after the seizures and the hospitalizations after all of their immunizations, I was granted, obviously, a medical exemption. So, my children are those rare children that will just not be able to get the vaccine. And still, I would never put them in a mask because their brain needs oxygen to grow, which the neurologist can confirm.
Anyway, the real part of the clown show is that you all think that you actually have the authority to mandate this. Because there are these books that I have, and I have them as a gift for you, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers, and also the Bible, and these guarantee my freedom and yours and our children’s to breathe oxygen.
Yes. The infamous video. The viral 59 seconds that changed my life forever. I used to go out and everyone was like, “Oh my gosh, you’re the mom from Good Luck Charlie.” Now they’re like, “Oh my gosh, you’re the mom at the school board meeting.” I’m going to tell you something, I was not going to go to that school board meeting that day. My children are homeschooled and with good reason.
So here is the inconvenient truth. And it’s not just my truth, okay? It is the truth. It’s not some feeling that I identify with and it’s not just my interpretation of what occurred. It’s what happened. Children get injured by vaccines. This is a fact. That’s why the Act of 1986 was passed to protect doctors and pharmaceutical manufacturers from any liability for death or injury. Too many kids getting injured. They were going to go belly up. Needed a law. Needed protection.
Now, I believe in a free society where people get to make decisions for their own health. I do. And I always hear, “Look, the odds are so small that you would get injured by a vaccine.” I don’t know why that voice is always like a valley girl, but it is to me. It just is. But let me tell you something about odds. When it’s your number, it doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. There’s a big, long list of injuries, both physical and neurological, that are listed as adverse events on the inserts. Now I know why they call them adverse, I don’t know why they call them events, but my kids were injured. We didn’t send out invitations and pitch a tent and have it catered. I guess events sound nicer than injury.
But I’m not here to warn you of the risk of vaccines. I’m not here to sway your opinion on them one way or another. I am here to warn you that if you give the government the right to forcibly inject or medicate a free society, that society will forever be enslaved. Once you give the government authority over your body, you will never get it back.
Your right to freedom is simply yours because you exist. It does not come from Joe Biden or Grouchy Fauci or Donald Trump. It comes from God. In the United States, our God-given freedoms are strongly protected by legal founding documents. Our government does not have the right to give back your freedom because they never had the right to take it in the first place.
We the people employ politicians to do our will. They work for us. We the people are the boss. Act like it.
And should they arrest me for using my words, or throw me in one of their camps for standing up for my bodily autonomy, well, let’s go, Brandon.

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I noticed that in the TAC email , they quoted Ronald Reagan: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
Remember, politics is the science of fraud and politicians are the professors. Reagan was, in his own words a “B” actor. Whether or not he believed the script he was handed throughout his term as president, do not forget that the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act enacted by then-President Ronald Reagan, granted immunity to vaccine makers so that they couldn’t be sued for illness, injury, or death caused by their products. Something to think about. Have a nice day!
Absolutely agree with this post and about Ronald Reagan…he too had many bad policies.
I always pictured him (Reagan) signing the act with a gun to his head. …
It’s called a license to marry issued by the state and makes them a party to the fruits of that union. The state has a vested interest in the children. They dictate regarding tye childrens welfare.
Look at the lawful definition of a contract. Licensing is a contract.
Marriage at common law doesn’t have the state involved in marriage.