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If you’ve had Covid and just haven’t been able to fully recover, you are one of millions of people who are suffering from a host of symptoms that hang on for weeks to months after the infection fades away. It has puzzled experts since the inception of the pandemic. According to the CDC and Scientific Reports, there are around 50 symptoms that range from neurological problems, digestive disorders to hair loss and vision loss that have lingered after the Covid infection. Fatigue, headache, joint pain, tinnitus, and night sweats have been reported as common. There is a lot you can do to facilitate your recovery. Interestingly, many of the remedies, and especially the juice and diet recommendations, also offer significant benefit to those who have been Covid vaccine injured.1
Rasmussen Reports wrote that “approximately 12 million people may have experienced ‘major side effects’ after getting the vaccine.” Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance states that “correlation between receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and the beginning or worsening of a patient’s clinical manifestations is sufficient to diagnose a COVID-19 vaccine-induced injury, when symptoms are otherwise unexplained by concurrent causes.”2
Although the mainstream media has failed to acknowledge the people who are suffering from vaccine injuries, the problem is very real and those suffering are desperate for help. The problem is that very little help is available. Either most mainstream doctors don’t know what to do for these patients, though they would like to help, or they just deny that their patients’ problems are connected to the vaccine. According to the WHO, a long list of physical ailments does exist— from abdominal pain to myocarditis to brain abscesses. However, interventions that actually produce healing are few and far between in conventional medicine.
This is where nutritional and holistic remedies can make a huge difference. I’ve seen it first hand. I want to share with you Esmi’ s story.
After her second Covid shot, and only in her twenties, Esmi developed gut issues and felt very weak. She experienced strange tingling sensations in her legs, rapid heart beat, temperature fluctuations, and was unable to keep food down. Later that month she started feeling as if she was having a heart attack. The emergency room told her it was anxiety. She worsened and had difficulty moving around and needed to use a walker. Her heart rate was very high and she still could not eat. Eventually, she was diagnosed with Guillain–Barré Syndrome (GBS) and peripheral neuropathy. Though she could not eat, she could drink juice. Her mother brought her a small piece of aloe along with celery juice, ginger/turmeric shots, and an anti-inflammatory juice combination or a smoothie. Her mother said, “I believe the juicing helped stave off the rapid deterioration of her body and the ivermectin and prednisone stopped the decline. Hyperbaric helped but it did not last long. Finally, the very costly IVIG (Intravenous immunoglobulin) helped, but the treatment was painful and Esmi would never go back to do that willingly. Bottom line— she started off with all the anti-inflammatory juices in your [juice] book. Once she could eat, we added fish, rice, asparagus, fruit, berries, walnuts and cheese.” Though she has some lingering gut issues, today Esmi is doing well. She attended our Juice and Raw Foods Retreat looking healthy and beautiful.
Eating a clean, nutrient-rich, healing, anti-inflammatory diet is one of the most important things anyone can do to heal the body. In fact, numerous doctors that are treating long haul Covid and Covid vaccine injuries say that it is imperative to eat a very nutritious diet and consume no unhealthy food if you are going to heal. Since this is a serious battle, there’s no room for cheating on junk food, fast food, sugar, alcohol or preserved foods. It’s important to have an overall diet plan and recipes. It’s also important to be very disciplined to give your body a chance to heal. No matter which nutritional and holistic remedies a person chooses, juicing and a highly nutritious organic diet must be part of the plan.
Including a variety of vegetable juices is a key to accelerated healing. Juices are broken down so well that the body can absorb them quickly and easily. This means that the nutrients will get right into your cells, helping you to fight free radical damage, detox heavy metals, remove other toxic material, and feed your cells so they can perform their functions more efficiently.
Juicing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to begin healing the body. It’s loaded with antioxidants to help you detox along with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients to feed your cells. It also offers biophotons that feed the mitochondria, the energy units of the cells that produce ATP—your energy fuel. Many people suffering from long haul Covid and those injured from a vaccine report being very tired. Fresh juice is so helpful because it is broken down very well—like a predigested food. It gets right into the system to help you heal and restore your vitality. Juice is especially healing if you suffer from gastrointestinal issues such as gastritis.
Why You Should Be Concerned with Inflammation
Numerous conditions associated with long haul Covid and vaccine injuries have “itis” as part of their name – arthritis, gastritis, myocarditis, and pericarditis. “Itis” means inflammation. Conditions like cancer and diabetes also produce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a good thing when you cut your finger. It may turn red and swell. That’s inflammation at work in the healing process. But when it’s internal and chronic it isn’t good. You want to bring it under control.
Include plenty of anti-inflammatory juices. Also, you want to juice mostly vegetables with just a little fruit to sweeten the recipe. Avoid things high in sugar, which is true of fruit juice. Choose low sugar fruit to flavor and sweeten, such as apple or berries, along with lemon and lime.
Juice Recipes
Ginger—Turmeric Shot
- 1 to 2-inch chunk ginger
- 1-2 inch chunk turmeric
Juice and stir. You can add a squeeze of lemon for flavor.
Inflammation Fighting Celery Juice
Juice up 1-2 bunches of celery and don’t forget the leaves! They are the richest in phytonutrients. Drink about 16 ounces first thing in the morning.
Anti-Inflammatory Tonic*
Fennel: anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, analgesic, and antioxidant
Apple: inhibits the development of allergies; rich in histamine-lowering quercetin
Cucumber: analgesic (pain killer); antioxidant that prevents the synthesis of the inflammatory compound prostaglandin
Broccoli: anti-carcinogenic, prevents gastric mucosal damage (suggesting potential histamine-lowering action)
Ginger: anti-inflammatory, rich in zinc
- 1 green apple
- 1 large fennel with fronds
- 1-inch-piece ginger root
- 1 large broccoli stem
- 3 leaves kale
- 1 cucumber, peeled if not organic
* From The Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Siloam)
Antioxidant Power Smoothie*
Berries help to prevent the damaging effects of free radicals and inflammation by turning off the inflammation signals triggered by cytokines and COX-2s, making them an ideal part of your diet.
- 1 cup unsweetened plant milk such as hemp, coconut, or almond milk
- 1 cup berries
- 1 pear
- 1 cup baby spinach
- 1 tsp. Indian gooseberry extract (optional)
- 1 Tbsp. flaxseed
- Ice cubes (optional, depending on how cold you like your smoothie)
Add all the ingredients to a blender and process until smooth.
*From The Anti-Inflammatory Diet (Siloam)
Fight Inflammation with Fruit and Vegetable Juices
Asparagus has phytonutrients that have repeatedly been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown it lowers blood pressure, helps regulate blood sugar, and assists in better control of blood fat. It is also a natural diuretic.
Beets are rich in phytonutrients called betalains., which have been shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification effects. Studies have also shown they lower blood pressure. Beets are also rich in nitric oxide, which helps reduce neuropathy pain.
Berries contain antioxidants that can help the body fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals. They contain anthocyanins, which are responsible for the berry colors of red, blue, and purple. Berries have been studied particularly for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Carrots have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that were significant even when compared to anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and Celebrex.
Celery offers antioxidants that have been shown to reduce inflammation. For those who are suffering from joint pain, lung infections, asthma, or acne, eating and juicing more celery will bring relief. It is also very calming and helps relieve stress. The minerals in celery, especially magnesium, are soothing for the nervous system. Drink celery juice in the evening and you may sleep better. A twenty-year animal study found that an extract in celery lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The daily dose studied to gain this benefit appeared to be about four stalks, which explains why one might want to juice it up.
Fennel is rich in the phytonutrient anethole, which has been shown to reduce inflammation and fight cancer.
Kale has more than 45 beneficial flavonoids. With kaempferol and quercetin at the top of the list, kale offers some powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.
Spinach has glycoglycerolipids, a nutrient that can help protect the lining of the digestive tract especially from damage related to inflammation.
Detox Your Body
This is one of the most important things you can do when combating vaccine injuries and long haul Covid. Toxins can make you very sick, especially metals such as mercury and quasi-metals such as graphene oxide. You can work on cleansing your liver with beet juice and detoxing metals with cilantro juice.
Beet-Cucumber Liver Cleanser
- 1 beet
- 3-4 carrots
- 1/2 cucumber, peeled
- 1/2 lemon, peeled
Sandra’s Story —The Healing Power of Liver Detox Juice
I am sharing Sandra’s story because many people have reported suffering from neuropathy with long haul Covid and after they got the vaccine for Covid.
Cherie, you sent me a wonderful Nama J2 juicer, which I am using all the time. I was diagnosed with neuropathy. I have been given infusions every month —2 days for 3 hours. And I am going to a spinal doctor because my back is “an S curve” due to a fall when I was 2 1/2 yrs old down two flights of stairs. I landed on my back on concrete. I was never taken to a doctor. I will be receiving shots on each side of my lower spine to take the pain away from 6 months to a year. This seems to be all modern medicine has for neuropathy. So far, nothing but the shots have done much to help with the back and neuropathy.
I saw your recipe for a liver detox juice on the internet. I decided to try it. To my utter shock my whole body had a change! The next day I had energy for the first time in almost a year. I have been depressed, weak, no energy, therefore taking naps. The day after the beet liver juicing, I got up on the treadmill. After a long time, I cleaned. I scrubbed and did things I haven’t had the strength or energy to do. My attitude was not depressed, but happy, so my brain was affected by the juice. My thoughts were clear and orderly. I have done it twice again with the same results. My question to you is: what ingredient or ingredients were so powerful to bring SUCH a change? It only lasts about a day. What is my body lacking that these ingredients provided? This is the first time in a long long time that I feel like I used to.
You can heal your body, cleanse it of toxins and turn your health around. Follow the very first rule for healing which is “Let food be your medicine.” To get more in-depth information on detoxing, get my 30-day Comprehensive Detox Program. It includes specific juices and diet recommendations to cleanse the body. This will help you detox the organs of elimination—colon, liver/gallbladder, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic, skin and blood. You should also do a heavy metal detox, which is included in the program. More in depth healing dietary recommendations are contained in The Juice Lady’s ebook Remedies for Long Haul Covid and Vaccine Injuries. And if you don’t have a juicer, take a look at the Nama J2. It practically juices for you. You put your produce in the upper chamber, turn it on and walk away. Use code Juicelady for a 10% discount.

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Wow, this is most informative. Thank you so very much!\
As a 13-yr Breast Cancer survivor suffering from Long Covid, and struggling through life with limitations as described I am elated to give these my best effort! And to SHARE!
I would love to interview you as part of my 2024 RESET SERIES. 10-15 minutes, Americans need every opportunity to improve our health.
Thank you,
Melinda Fargis
Creator, Author, Small business Owner, Caregiver, and Mom