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On January 5th, baseball legend “Hammerin’ Hank” Aaron received the first of what would have been two doses of Moderna’s DNA-altering COVID-19 vaccine, hoping to send a message to black Americans that the vaccines are safe.
After receiving the COVID jab, Aaron told the AP: “[This] makes me feel wonderful. I don’t have any qualms about it at all, you know. I feel quite proud of myself for doing something like this, you know. It’s just a small thing that can help zillions of people in this country.”
He died on January 21st, just 16 days later.
The MLB “Hall of Famer” will be remembered for one swing above all others, the one that made him baseball’s home-run king on April 8, 1974.
It was a title he would hold for more than 33 years, and Aaron finished his career with 755 home runs, a total surpassed by Barry Bonds in 2007 (though many still believe Aaron is the true “dinger king” due to allegations that Bonds used PEDs).
Bonds finished his tarnished career with 762 homers, though Hammerin’ Hank, being the class act that he was, never begrudged someone eclipsing his mark.
While “going yard” became his signature accomplishment, Aaron was a multi-dimensional star. He still has more extra-base hits (1,477), RBIs (2,297), and total bases (6,856) than anyone in baseball history. He was National League MVP in 1957, when the Milwaukee Braves beat the New York Yankees in seven games to give Aaron the only World Series title of his career. Aaron also was selected for the All-Star Game 21 consecutive years — every season but his first and his last.
Yet, when talking about the true measure of the man, there was far more to “Hammerin’ Hank” than his brilliance between the lines. By his example on and off the field, Aaron taught us to embrace our dreams, stay true to yourself, overcome adversity, demonstrate character, and encourage others.
Sadly, the last lesson we learned from this amazing man is that the COVID-19 vaccine is NOT safe, reminding us of the fact that the CDC and US Public Health Service (USPHS) are known liars.
Remember the Tuskegee Experiment
According to Ethan Huff and NaturalNews: “Many black people across the nation are choosing to forego Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination because they keenly recall the Tuskegee experiment of the 1930s and other eugenics programs that have been utilized throughout history to try to exterminate ‘people of color’.”
What happened in Tuskegee? Starting in 1932, over 600 black men from Macon County, Alabama (just a few hours north of Mobile, where Hammerin’ Hank Aaron was born) were enlisted to partake in a scientific “experiment” on syphilis. The “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male” was conducted by the USPHS and is a sickening stain on America’s history.
The researchers lied to the men, telling them they were conducting research on treatments for “bad blood” when, in reality, they allowed them to die of untreated syphilis. That’s right. They allowed them to die, even though penicillin had been discovered as a cure for syphilis, so that scientists could perform autopsies in order to learn more about how syphilis kills. In total, over 200 of these human “guinea pigs” were not treated and allowed to die. These “Nazi-esque” experiments were slated to go on for 6 months, but they lasted 40 years, according to the CDC.
Rightly so, most black Americans don’t trust the government when it comes to “health experiments” like the COVID vaccine. In fact, a Pew study published in December showed that only 42% of black Americans are willing to take the poisonous Wuhan needle. Hopefully after seeing Aaron die and connecting the dots, many more will say “NO” to this toxic cocktail.
Say “NO” to Mandatory COVID Jabs!
Hopefully, Aaron’s death will provide more “ammo” for Americans to reject any attempt at making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory in order to buy, sell and travel. Because we already have insane vaccine zealots like Ohio GOP Representative Steve Stivers who says he is on board with Biden’s $1,400 stimulus check, but only if the recipient gets a COVID vaccine.
As of January 15th, according to the federal “Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System” (VAERS) database, 181 people in the USA had died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on January 6th that severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines were happening at a rate of 11.1 per million vaccinations, compared to the rate of 1.3 per 1 million flu shots. In other words, there are 900% (nine times) more several reactions than the flu vaccine. Despite this statement, Messonier stated that “these are safe and effective vaccines. We have good data to show that.”
What are you talking about Nancy? Seriously! You just said that the COVID jab is producing NINE TIMES more severe reactions than the flu vaccine, but we’re supposed to believe it’s “safe”? Sorry, Nancy. We ain’t buying that load of horse dung!
Despite the fact that COVID vaccine manufacturers have skipped normal animal testing (thus transforming people into the “guinea pigs”) according to VP Mike Pence in December, “We’re cutting no corners. The American people can be very confident… that we’ll drive toward a safe and effective vaccine.” That is a flat out LIE. And similar to Tuskegee, where black men were the “syphilis guinea pigs,” we are now the “COVID vaccine guinea pigs.”
And get this! Dr Fauci was “knocked out for 24 hours” with chills, aches and fatigue after getting his second dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine! His side effects – aches, chills and fatigue – are common, affecting more than half of the participants in Moderna’s “human guinea pig” trial. About 55% of people who got Moderna’s shot in its trial reported side effects after the first dose, while 80% of participants had side effects after the second dose.
Sadly, Hammerin’ Hank did not live long enough to get his second dose. The first dose was all it took…
RIP Hank Aaron. You were a class act on the field, an awesome human being, and you will be missed.

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Thank you for such a thoughtful article about Hank and his accomplishments and humility. This was also a history lesson for me. I don’t believe Fauci got the real shot.
theres NO WAY on Gods green earth Fauci got the shot HE KNOWS WHATS IN IT!
He FEINED symptoms so no one else will be afraid of the symptons… Its just NORMAL. I cry
I agree!
I don’t either!
Those were my exact thoughts too Kim.. they know the truth I doubt they are putting this crap in their own bodies!
WAKE UP FOOLS!!! Turn off the Boob Tube, watch DRS. Andrew Kaufman, Andy Wakefield, Judy Mikovitz, and Del Bigtree, Rash
id Buttar, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr…on and on! Open your closed brainwashed minds to TRUTH!!!!!
Right on Dennis and Connie…! I’ve been following this for over 4 years, and I can’t believe how many people are SO closed to even listening to the information! I was at a party a couple of years ago, and I happened to say something about how vaccines can be dangerous. The 2 women I was talking to looked at me like I had 2 heads, and they very slowly got up, said “Nice meeting you.” And they gingerly slunk away. You would have thought I had a deadly contagious disease. And that’s a very common reaction. It’s almost like they think if they even LISTEN to the opposite opinion, it’s going to cause their head to explode. They’re brainwashed… Unbelievable!
Erin I want to warn family friends everybody really about this. But I worry sharing it to fb since they are obviously not on our side with the covid and cancer info.. Do you want us to share it on fb? I don’t want to a part of anyone coming after you. I’m afraid for you. I will send it in msg for now. Do you think it’s safer that way?. I imagine if they see all these shared post they might want to shut you up.whay do you think?
I appreciate the work you do! In this article the cause of Aaron’s death was not given, it was merely insinuated that the vaccine was the cause. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t trust the vaccine, but do you know FOR SURE that the vaccine was the cause of his death? I feel like I’ve been burned by “conspiracy theory” stories with the whole President Trump thing and just don’t know what what is really true.
Hank Aaron at 86 had some arthritis and a partial hip replacement. That does not kill people.
Well, now they say “he died peacefully in his sleep”. Some say he had “heart disease” someone else under anonymity said he had a “stroke”. Let’s just say if he was a baby, it would have been called SIDS…
Sadly we would never know whether the jab caused or not caused his death. But overall the public is served better knowing this, such that if more associations become evident in the future, we can reasonably assume, this injections may be causing this ?
Hi Cherie, I agree with you, but I also do not believe that all the deaths that are reported as covid being the cause are truly covid. Hank may have had an underlying condition that the vaccine affected. But that said, it is the vaccine that hurt him or we could say the lack of testing for safety of the vaccine that hurt him. I am keeping everyone in my prayers hoping we all make decisions that feel good to us not based on what others think we “should” do. Stay well and stay safe.
I agree, Cherie. We have been lied to for sp long. Read Plague of Corruption by Judy Mikovitz to get a glimpse at the lies. We will never know the true cause of Hank’s death, just like we will never know the truth about the 2020 election.
The only way to get proof would be on an autopsy. And you can BET if there were an autopsy (there may have been) that if the death was caused by vaccine they would NOT let it out. The fact is, he got the vaccine, and the other fact is, he DIED! If you flip that around, if he had NOT gotten the vaccine, we have no way of knowing if he would have still died or not. But he certainly did not die BEFORE he got the vaccine. Vaccine info is NOT conspiracy theory. It is people scientifically getting facts, and being ambushed by people who have no facts and no stats and no science. All their crap is made up and/or non existent. To me, that makes the vaccine companies the ”conspiracy theorists.” They have a conspiracy that vaccines are QUOTE ” safe and efficacious.” Both of which are lies, as regards many vaccines. As for being burned by the President Trump thing. What we have been burned by are our Legislative and Judicial parts of our government who advocate and applaud election fraud. As for the people telling you to watch the movie and eat your popcorn, they DEFINITELY may be ones that have burned us. I personally don’t feel like giving them 1 week, or 1 month, or 3 months, or 6 months, or 4 years, or however long they go up to on the next goround for how long it is going to take. Now THAT I can understand your burn with! We have all been burned by our country. But as for the vaccines, it’s different. They are trying to genocide us with them (just listen to Bill Gates snicker about it). And it appears they are starting with beloved people like Henry. This is sick. There is no way to know for sure, for the reasons I gave above. But what does your gut tell you? I know what mine tells me . . .
The fact that people are dying and it’s not being reported to the public like they’re reporting Covid cases and Covid deaths putting pressure on a rush to be a willing guinea pig says a lot to me. One way to stop being burned by conspiracy theories is to do your research. Using stimulus payments to entice people should be a crime. We should be free to choose what we want when it relates to our health.
Well Cherie what else do you think a fit man died of? Look at the deaths around the world after the vaccine. Did they ALL have co-morbidity? It will never ever be admitted FOR SURE that it was the vaccine. You would have to be in La La Land to believe that!
Thank you and your wife for all you do. The Truth About Vaccines webinar that opened my eyes to the truth. Amazing work! Keep pushing forward. ❤️
I am certain Mr. Aaron did not receive full disclosure on the potential side effects and dangers of this vaccine. It is NOT safe and effective. No vaccine is.
I agree. Need positive proof to back these statements up.
Both sides of this agenda seem to” stretch” information.
There is a link in the article to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Site. Go there and read all the reports and then decide for yourself if you want to risk this “vaccine”. BTW it is NOT a vaccine. It does not use an attenuated virus to elicit your immune response, but it IS experimental. You will be the phase three animal test for safety.
Thank you for educating , us keep up the good work i hope people wake up and see the truth you bring., may god continue to work on you , family staff, God bless you!!!
Often times when I read about all of the politicians who are receiving the covid19 shot I wonder how many of them are merely receiving a B-12 shot and calling it a covid shot. I just don’t believe anything that politicians say anymore.
I know there have been 23 elderly people who died right after the experimental vaccine for the Wuhan virus in Norway which has prompted Norway to rethink its recommendations for who gets this experimental vaccine.
Ty, thanks for the article. Never ceases to amaze me why some folks won’t believe what dedicated, knowledgeable researchers with no axe to grind share with others their wisdom, recommendations and proven research yet will swallow hook line and sinker any garbage the pharmaceutical industry and their pawns spew. And the first place they go to check facts is … yap…snipes. They say aspartame is a safe artificial sweeteners. How’s that fir fact checking? Anyway God Bless you and you wife for all you do to educate we the uneducated in the realms you roam!
Snipes was an intentional misprint as it relates to the old truck of taking someone snipe hunting… where they too were left holding an empty bag… lol
Same here Cherie!!!
Any of those people in government who said they got the shot, I don’t believe. This vaccine is an experimental drug, some of the side effects are bell’s palsy, stroke, anaphylaxis, multi-inflammatory syndrome, (mis) and death, that’s just the short list. As narcissistic as those people are, I can’t see that any of them would be willing to take the chance. If you want more info. on vaccines, watch, the highwire, online, bitchute.
Keep on,eeling on , with truth ! The world is watching , thank you for all you and your family do for all of us .
I normally don’t get vaccines because I got asthma and allergies from a tetanus shot however I did get the first shot scheduled to get the 2nd February 4 I only had a sore arm that the only side effect I’ve had normally im very sensitive to meds so was happy I didn’t have a reaction to the shot. I had to weigh the risk of death from covid 19 vaccines against the high risk i have if I got covid. I decided the risk from covid was higher.
I first discovered “The truth about Cancer” in 2011 when I had throat cancer that was caused by
a strain of the HPV virus called P16, the same one that causes cervical cancer in women.
I listened to your series and subsequently researched & read whatever I could get my hands on to try to find out as much as I could about my illness. I had surgery to remove one of the lymph nodes in my neck that contained squamous cell carcinoma cells and subsequently received therapy that included 3 chemos and 35 radiations. I have learned a lot about my illness, about the immune system and about the importance of nutrition in preventing & treating cancer and I am very grateful to Ty Bollinger for that.
I have adjusted my diet to include foods that build up the immune system and stopped eating foods that contain known carcinogens. I try to avoid certain food additives that are known to cause cancer
and lead to weight gain. Overall I am very pleased with my health now and tests confirm that I am cancer free.
I grew up in a time when vaccinations for certain deadly illnesses were regularly offered and everyone received them without question. The benefits of receiving them so far outweighed the
risks that it was a no-brainer. I admit that as more & more vaccines are introduced for more
& more illnesses the element of choice becomes more important in people’s lives. Now it seems
that an ongoing debate has emerged over which vaccines should be essential and which ones are more arbitrary.
“The Truth About Vaccines” now seems to have moved into the forefront for Ty Bollinger and his organization. The discussion now seems to have moved beyond a pros & cons debate into the realm of politics. When your organization takes a position against or downplays the importance of vaccines
in order to push alternatives that goes beyond your mandate of education, prevention and presenting alternatives. There are diseases out there that just cannot be efficiently, morally or realistically treated without vaccines. There is no room for politics in public health and your organization should be careful not to try to sway public opinion based on the political beliefs of anyone in it.
First of all: How does he and someone know that is sick with Covid-19 since the test is not a test, but The Polymerase Chain Reaction according to the creator of Kary Banks Mullis – Nobel Prize winner. This is the first and foremost scam. Secondly: To treat something that is not known what it is, with a specially prepared vaccine on top of it, is crazy. We all mostly have dormant retroviruses; as Dr. Judy Mikovits said … “The introduction of a vaccine could activate these retroviruses”…and this could turn out to be the biggest tragedy, even bigger than covid-19 !!!
Good evening,
Here on the Spanish owned Canary Islands it seems that they are planning to pass a law that states no one can (Fly or Travel of any kind without having A Passport that proves one has had BOTH vaccines) After reading your story and also the 23 who died in Norway within I think was 48 hours of the vaccine (Although I have always refused any vaccine due to the Chemical ingredients ) I feel very sad this gentleman died and STOP telling people they died due to underlying health conditions..Why oh why are the Over 80s the MOST vulnerable of our Society bring poisoned.
I am do grateful to know that our Creator will soon put an end to this system and to the First Liar and to every other liar around.
Promise of No more silent will say I am sick will soon be true.
Bible BooK of Revelation 21 v3,4 will finally be realized.
No more sickness death and sorrow, no.lore mourning nor outcry the former things have passed away. There will be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous..
So looking forward to this time soon.
In the meantime
If I cannot travel so be it. My 81 year old Mom also will NOT be having these chemicals put into her.
Even of it becomes Mandatory.
My immune system is great no Drs visits for 5/6 years.
High Dose Vitamin C and D&K .
Every day I take 83 minerals and vitamins and prebiotic and probiotic and fibre.
However here the government says if you get sick with Covid and refused the vaccine I will have to pay for any treatment given or they may refuse treatment.
Talk about holding a gun to ones head.
Take care all.
Better future to come. Paradise On Earth
Thanks for sharing . Thanks for all that you do . Many blessings to you 🙏🏻🇺🇸❤️😘🤗
Do you truly trust that people like Fauci and Biden shown receiving the vaccine jab are actually receiving the Corona vaccine and not a “pretend” vaccine? One news item aired in Australia showed some influential person supposedly receiving the vaccine to impress the world of their compliance and their “trust” in the vaccine, but there was no needle in the syringe. People could receive a saline jab which could be passed off as a vaccine shot. Pardon my cynicism, but these people who are desperately trying to vaccinate the world are not to be trusted at any level.
Thanks for the write-up about Hank Aaron, a true talent we don’t see everyday! May he RIP, bless his soul. I just thought I’d put my own views forward in the hope of finding solace somewhere because I feel quite desperate to be honest. The truth is I’m scared of being killed off! I’m prime candidate to be bumped off, I’m classed as old at 62 and I’m disabled having suffered the Polio epidemic which left my right limb and side affected, but I’ve managed independently all my life without help from anyone. I’ve had over 7 operations throughout my life time, some in the States and some in England so I’m one of the ‘lucky’ disabled individuals of this world! Even though I’m still strong and able to look after myself, I still think that I’m amongst the group of people the powers that be would love to kill off so naturally I’m worried about the vaccine which I have never trusted. Also, I have never trusted that Covid19 is a natural virus as it just doesn’t make sense to me that a virus would move around the globe as fast as it has IF it was a natural phenomenon! There are other factors about the whole ‘pandemic’ that just doesn’t make sense! I can guess who’s been at the forefront of this terrible crime against humanity which is not going to end well I fear! Yes, I’m scared! Thanks for letting me sound off, that’s all I’m doing, sounding off. I have nothing to sell and have no money to buy anything so please forgive me if that is your aim, I can’t buy anything, so sorry. Thanks again for an interesting read about Hank.
Keep up the good work you guys, we need you to keep us informed
I can only hope and pray that all people understand that these deaths are only the beginning , 12 months or five yrs from now, just how many will succumb to this vaccine , these mad globalists could care less how many die it will as Bill Gates says we need to de-populate , he is as evil as evil could be ; I’m 72 and Hank Arron was a role model for me ; I know our Living God will take his hand and lead him to the promise land !
All I know is that my son was given 7 vaccines in 3 💉 full at 18 months of age.
He was diagnosed with Autism at 3 years of age.
It was the swine flu vaccine during pregnancy (don’t ever do what we did) and the bombardment of shots 0-18 months.
Safe and effective huh?
It’s a shame there are people still doubting the magnitude of this genocide.
The American Medical Association shut down the cure for cancer back in the 40’s.
They are a profit for misery institution.
Chemotherapy is mustard gas that was banned after WW 1.
Wake up people!
Wake the f*** up!
I agree
Please let’s be fully transparent re the vaccine
We are all desperate for truth. What is listed as his cause of death?
Thank you so much I went to research the covid vaccine and got answers / done mass re and more research thank you for all the news heather
Was Hank sick before getting the shot? Did he have any pre-existing conditions?
When I posted my last question, this website said I already asked the question, which is not true! I have never written on this website!
God bless you all for all you are doing for your brothers and sisters.
I wish people will have “THE LIGHT TO SEE THE TRUTH.’ You are all God’s people and I really am for you. I have been following you for almost seven years probably. The Lord led me to your site on the DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE HISTORY OF CHEMOTHERAPY AND THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY because our Loving Father and Lord Jesus Christ wants me to be educated and help me with my health issues which was talking “The Antibiotics for years.”
God bless you all and protect you with the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Your sister in the Lord
So AARP is now censoring what is common knowledge about the “vaccine”. Don’t want to disconcert the masses. Goodbye AARP you will no longer be a part of my life.
Why are you afrsid of an imaginary magic virus? do realize that the genome has never been proven to exist?..even if covid did exist,it is not killing anyone healthy,but you prefer taking a bio-weapon depopulation jab which is a magnetic graphene oxide nano-particles MRNA dna modifying experimental medical procedure?…look at everyone else that has posted here,you are quite alone in your cognitive dissonance…WTFU!
Thank you so very much for having the courage to go against the tide to bring us the truth. Thank you a million times over! Please never stop revealing truth to anyone who’ll listen.
The vaccine is dangerous.
What did he die from? At age 86 it could be many things. Did his death certificate say the COVID shot? You need to put all facts, not just part of them.
Every article states he died of natural causes,but fail to state the natural cause that killed him?….think about it…
CNN said Hank Aaron died of “natural causes”–yeah, right. Of course the Pharma-funded media is going to say that. They don’t want more “vaccine hesitancy” than they already have, right? There is no proof at this time whether the shot caused his death, but there sure are a lot of “coincidental” post-vaccination deaths recently.
Fauci is such a deceitfulful person. He didn’t get the real COVID vaccine. It was totally staged to convince the public to accept it. A video clip showed him getting the shot in his left arm. Then, in a later interview, he was asked how he feels and he said he only had a sore arm. The problem was he rubbed his right arm, not his left one.
We are even more fearful of this vaccine in Africa. I certainly would not want to take this vaccine. The fear however, is, they may make this mandatory for travel and other necessities. How does one go around such an eventuality?
I support your report. There are to many uncertainties. They are not safe!!!
In your TTAC last yr., you showed the ingredients for vaccines. I had copied them but can’t find them. I’ve looked on the CDC site, but can find nothing there although I know it was there last yr. Can you, or anyone, tell me where I can find the ingredients of vaccines? I go the dr. in 11 hrs. & she wants me to have a TDaP or DTaP. I’ve got to know what the ingredients are so I can say no because of the specific ingredients. I know there were aborted fetal cells in some vaccines. Thanks for any help you can give!
According to the studies of Viera Scheibner PhD with a breathing monitor for babies she discovered day 16 after vaccination is a particularly critical moment.
In her studies dr. Viera Scheibner recognized the “non-specific stress syndrome” of Hans Selye: when a toxic substance is introduced into the body of a mammal, three phases of reactions will follow: (1) alarm, (2) resistance and (3) exhaustion.
It turned out that vaccination is an dangerous stressor in the lives of babies, and there is a clear link between vaccination and cot death/SIDS.
Dr. Scheibner found day 16 to be a pivotal point: vaccinated babies who had breathing difficulties would get better after that day, or not…