TTAV is experiencing heavy censorship on many social media channels since we’ve been targeted by the mainstream media sellouts, social media bullies, and political turncoats. Be sure to get the TRUTH by subscribing to our email list. It’s free.
Back in February, CNN did a “hatchet job” on us. It was nothing but utter lies and nonsense and personal attacks. Then in March, the “Center for Countering Digital Hate” (CCDH) posted their ‘Top 10’ list of Anti-Vaxxers that need to be removed from Facebook and Instagram.
Yes, you read that correctly! The Center for Countering Digital Hate published a digital “hit list.” Oh, the irony!
Then, the CCCH published their “disinformation dozen“ and released an “executive summary” (ooh, that sounds really official) which calls for us to be deplatformed from social media.
The CCDH has published multiple reports about the dangers of “anti-vaxxers” but it’s interesting that if you actually read the reports, you’ll be struck by the irony that none of the so-called “anti-vaxx arguments” are actually met by solid pro-vaccine counter arguments or data.
As a matter of fact, CCDH does not negate or even debate the accuracy of any of them. It just brushes them aside as “misinformation and lies” without providing any proof whatsoever, then goes on to slander and lie about the “anti-vaxxers” and call for all of us to be silenced.
I’m sorry… did we stumble into Communist China?
I’m happy to report that the communistic techniques of the CCDH actually backfired and one of the “good guys” actually turned this esteemed group of vaccine freedom fighters into the “INFORMATION DOZEN” and created a cartoon with the “superheroes” who are “fighting the war against disinformation.” 😉
Over the past few weeks, the medical mafia and their cronies at the ‘Center for Public Integrity’ have begun targeting our family members to try to dig up dirt to smear us! What an oxymoronic name! The Center for Public “Integrity” exhibits zero integrity while trolling for dirt. If you haven’t read it already, our good friend, Mike Adams, wrote an article about this disgusting display of journo-terrorism.
At the end of April, Texas Monthly published a propaganda piece titled “Why a Former Anti-Vax Influencer Got Her COVID-19 Shot” which focuses on Heather Simpson. In the article, Simpson states that she watched a “nine-hour self-described documentary on the ‘truth’ about vaccines produced by Ty and Charlene Bollinger, a hugely influential couple in the world of alternative medicine and anti-vaccine activism.”
According to the article, I (Ty) is a “former bodybuilder with no medical background.”
Hmmm…. That’s an interesting perspective. If we changed the name and description, we could just as easily say “Bill Gates is a former software thief with no medical background” couldn’t we? Then the author goes on to say that we “profit from books and videos promoting fake cancer cures (and) disinformation about vaccines.”
This is a bizarre accusation from a clearly delusional, oblivious, hack “journalist.” Quick question… if a treatment cures a cancer patient, is it “fake”? Because we have interviews with HUNDREDS of cancer patients who were cured, so I guess all of them were cured with “fake” cures that somehow worked? Regarding the asinine comment about us promoting “disinformation about vaccines” well… ummm… just keep reading….
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we also have other so-called “journalists” who are in the process of trying to malign our work and slander our character, even trying to dig up dirt from the early 1990s to try to destroy our reputation. They are concerned that we operate a successful business that actually generates revenues, which I guess is a crime in their delusional reality. Here is our response to one of the pathetic personal attacks by a hack journalist.
Meanwhile, thousands across the globe are dropping dead like flies within days of taking the COVID-19 vaccine, but apparently the sellouts in the lamestream media are more concerned about harming the Bollinger family than helping save lives.
There’s no doubt that more slanderous, hateful “hit piece” articles are on the way …
Then we have insane doctors like Peter Hotez, who equates vaccine skeptics with “cyber criminals” and calls for an armed “counteroffensive” run by law enforcement to target and attack all who oppose vaccines, including vaccine-damaged whistleblowers, apparently.
According to Mike Adams, “Much like an increasing number of hostile doctors and medical researchers who have become dangerous vaccine zealots, Hotez has abandoned any remaining pretense of informed consent and now believes all of humanity should be forced at gunpoint to not merely take all government-mandated vaccines, but to be threatened into silence at gunpoint if they disagree with pro-vaccine propaganda.”
Of course, none of these “journo-terrorists” or hostile vaxx-pushing doctors will answer any questions themselves. They’d rather sit in their ivory towers and launch personal attacks and pejoratives rather than debating the issue at hand… and that issue is VACCINE SAFETY!!
That’s why I had to write this article. The haters of humanity don’t want you to know this information. So here it is…. No speculation… just FACTS.
The wife of a Florida doctor who died 15 days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine told reporters at USA Today and the Daily Mail that her husband was “perfectly healthy” before he got the vaccine. Heidi Neckelmann said her husband, 56-year-old Dr. Gregory Michael, “sought emergency care three days after the shot because he had dots on his skin that indicated internal bleeding.”
Michael received the vaccine on December 18th at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, where he’d worked for 12 years as an OB-GYN. He died on Jan. 3rd after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke related to a lack of platelets, a condition called thrombocytopenia.
In response to Dr. Michael’s death, a study published in February in the Journal of Hematology examined thrombocytopenia (following Pfizer and Moderna vaccination) and researchers could not exclude the possibility that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines had the potential to trigger immune thrombocytopenia.
In a story that reveals the boundless levels of surrealism when it comes to these experimental vaccines and related mainstream media narratives, a 48-year-old plastic surgeon is dead after receiving both doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Thomas Flanigan received the first dose on January 6th and he received the second dose on February 3rd. On his Facebook page, apparently mocking anyone who was concerned with vaccine safety, he posted “Second dose. The microchip is working just fine. My mind is slowly being taken over by the hive mind. We are just fine. Resistance is futile.”
Dr. Flanigan died April 27th. Sadly, he leaves behind a wife and three children ages 10 to 14.
The 4 images below (from social media) are shocking!
The images represent live blood analysis of a person vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine. Photo #1 is of completely healthy blood and blood cells before the vaccine. The blood cells changed drastically over the next few days (photo #2). The third picture shows countless, foreign nano particles (white specks) that show up in the blood shortly after the injection. Photo #4 shows this person’s blood cells no longer being smooth and symmetrical. The cells are now covered with lumps and protrusions.
Across the globe, people are dropping dead like flies after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.
In the USA, adverse events are reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Check out the VAERS data from the CDC below.
The adverse events reported in the table above are through April 23, 2021.
• 3,544 Deaths (24% reported within 24 hours of injection) ** Editor’s Note: As of the publish date of this article, deaths now exceed 4,100
• 1, 595 Permanent Disability
• 8,165 Hospitalizations
• 16,521 Emergency Room
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
But I’m sure all these deaths were just COVID vaccine “coincidences,” right?
I’m sure it’s just another “coincidence” but the VAERS system is very difficult to navigate. So, I figured I’d show you how in 7 easy steps…
1. Visit the CDC “Wonder” website and accept the disclaimer at bottom of page.
2. Click on VAERS data search
3. In Section 1, click on Group Results By “VAERS ID” and by “Vaccine Type” and by “Event Category”
4. Under Optional Measures (still in Section 1) check the box for “Adverse Event Description”
5. Scroll down to Section 3 and under Vaccine Products select “COVID19 VACCINE” (Make sure it is the only option selected.
6. Scroll down to Section 5 and under event category select “Death.” (Make sure it is the only option selected.)
7. Scroll to the very bottom and click Send.
NOTE: Because there are so many adverse events reported, you may have to segregate between male and female in Section 4 because the system is only capable of producing reports with 10,000 or less rows. Below is the message I received when I tried to update the VAERS results as of April 30th.
Wow! So the CDC’s own reporting system isn’t equipped to handle the number of adverse events being reported!
Recent VAERS data includes two more deaths of infants, a 1-year-old and a 2-year-old.
A 1-year-old baby boy from Florida (VAERS ID 1261766) took the Moderna shot and died two days later after suffering convulsions and seizures.
A 2-year old little girl from Virginia (VAERS ID 1255745) took the Pfizer shot and died five days later.
One of the infants who died was apparently in a Pfizer trial, while the other one was apparently in a Moderna trial.
Sadly, the CDC’s VAERS database showed a total of 152 fetal deaths reported after receiving COVID-19 vaccines through April 23, 2021.
But I’m sure these deaths were just COVID vaccine “coincidences,” right?
Teenagers are dying too!
- A 15-year-old female in New Hampshire (VAERS ID 1187918) died from cardiac arrest on April 6, 2021 — approximately 3-4 days after the second dose of the Moderna vaccine.
- A 17-year-old female in Wisconsin (VAERS ID 1218081) received the Pfizer vaccine on April 2nd, 2021. Patient reported difficulty breathing and chest pain, then suffered cardiac arrest and died 8 days later on April 10th.
- A 15-year-old male in Colorado (VAERS ID 1242573) received the Pfizer vaccine on April 18th and suffered heart failure and died two days later on April 20th.
- A 16-year-old female in Wisconsin (VAERS ID 1225942) received Pfizer vaccine on March 19th. Patient suffered cardiac arrest at home on March 28th and died March 30th.
But I’m sure these deaths were just COVID vaccine “coincidences,” right?
See for yourself!
Below are several more of the 3,500+ deaths reported to VAERS. I’ve ‘hot linked’ them so you can see for yourself.
- VAERS ID 930910 AGE 52. FEMALE. Vaccinated 1/8/2021 with Moderna vaccine. Died 90 minutes later 1/8/2021.
- VAERS ID 938118 AGE 51. FEMALE. Vaccinated 1/5/2021 with Pfizer vaccine. On 1/8/2021 patient taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysm. Died 2 days later 1/10/2021.
- VAERS ID 915682 AGE 85. FEMALE. Vaccinated 12/30/20 @ 5pm with Pfizer vaccine. Died 3 hours later 12/30/2020.
- VAERS ID 946293 AGE 51. MALE. Vaccinated 1/7/2021 with Moderna vaccine. Became increasingly hypoxic later that day. Transported to ER for acute on chronic hypoxia respiratory failure. Died 1/12/2021.
- VAERS ID 921768 AGE 58. FEMALE. Vaccinated 1/4/2021 with Pfizer vaccine. Died same day 1/4/2021.
- VAERS ID 929764 AGE 45. MALE. Vaccinated 12/28/2020 with Moderna vaccine. The patient was found deceased at home about 24 hours after immunization. Died next day 12/29/2020.
- VAERS ID 933739 AGE 54. FEMALE. Vaccinated 1/8/2021 with Pfizer vaccine. Died 2 days later 1/10/2021.
- VAERS ID 943397 AGE 28. MALE. Vaccinated 12/23/2020 with Pfizer vaccine. Patient was found unresponsive at work in the hospital. Patient pupils were fixed and dilated. Died 1/14/2021.
- VAERS ID 941743 AGE 60. FEMALE. Vaccinated 1/12/2021 with Moderna vaccine. Died next day 1/13/2021.
- VAERS ID 934968 AGE 54. MALE. Vaccinated 1/4/2021 with Pfizer vaccine. Later that day, patient started to vomit and had trouble in breathing. Died 2 days later 1/6/2021.
- VAERS ID 918518 AGE 50. FEMALE. Vaccinated 12/31/2020 with Moderna vaccine. Died same day 12/31/2020.
- VAERS ID 923219 AGE 41. FEMALE. Vaccinated 12/30/2020 with Pfizer vaccine. Died 2 days later 1/1/2021.
- VAERS ID 935511 AGE 56. FEMALE. Vaccinated 1/8/2021 with Moderna vaccine. Died next day 1/9/2021.
- VAERS ID 942106 AGE 54. MALE. Vaccinated 1/8/2021 with Pfizer vaccine. Died next day 1/9/2021.
- VAERS ID 914961 AGE 88. FEMALE. Vaccinated 12/30/2020 with Pfizer vaccine. Died 90 minutes later 12/30/2020.
I could go on and on, but you get the point right? Oh, I forgot… according to the vaccine-pushing maniacs and mainstream media sellouts, these deaths were just COVID vaccine “coincidences” …
The FACT is that during the first 4 months of 2021, the US government VAERS database has more reported deaths after receiving COVID-19 vaccines than deaths after all other vaccines COMBINED over the past two decades. Let that sink in!
The chart below shows a HUGE uptick in vaccine reported deaths to the VAERS database since the COVID-19 vaccines were released in December 2020.
Nevertheless, despite the thousands of deaths and the clear explosion on the graph, the CDC states on their website: “Other than rare reports of severe allergic reactions, analysis of VAERS reports has not detected any patterns that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.”
You’ve got to be kidding me! No patterns that indicate safety issues? Look at the freakin’ graph!
Below is a graph of what has been heralded as the “EXPLOSION” of Dogecoin cryptocurrency, which recently went from about 4 cents to over 70 cents.
Do you notice any similarities in the graphs? Of course you do! Even the boneheads at the CDC can see that the price of Dogecoin has EXPLODED!
But when it comes to the VAERS Vaccine Death graph, which is almost identical to the graph of Dogecoin, their official statement is that there is no pattern of increased adverse events.
Give me a break! It reminds me of the quote from Jonathan Swift: “There is none so blind as he who will not see.”
Of course, I’m sure it has nothing to do with the blatant corruption at the CDC…
Corruption at the CDC
The CDC receives millions from vaccine makers and is also involved with vaccine patents among many other financial benefits.
Members of the CDC’s ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) committee actually decide which vaccines are recommended to be added to the CDC vaccine schedules, are often financially involved with vaccine manufacturers.
ACIP members may own stock in Big Pharma companies that are responsible for producing the vaccines that the ACIP committee recommends! In fact, the law firm Weltchek Mallahan & Weltchek found over 50 patents connected to vaccines owned or shared by one or more members of ACIP or other committees within the CDC.
Since 1995, the CDC Foundation has received over $1.2 billion in donations. Among their list of “partners” (donors) are GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer, and Sanofi Pasteur. CDC Foundation partners also include tech giants Google, Facebook, and Amazon.
Hmmmmm … could that be one of the reasons for the censorship of vaccine safety advocates?
Facebook and Google have large investments and major partnerships with vaccine makers. These pharmaceutical companies also advertise on their platforms, spending billions each year.
Interestingly, endowments to the Foundation are unrestricted, which means they can be spent to support the giver’s vested interests. In other words, Big Pharma can “donate” money to the CDC Foundation, get a tax deduction for the donation, then the funds can be spent to support Big Pharma’s vaccine program. It’s a “win win” for Pharma and the CDC!
Meanwhile, people are dying and getting sick from these toxic vaccines…
Human Lab Rats
But not everybody dies from the untested COVID-19 vaccines. Many of the unfortunate “human lab rats” are just injured. For example, a Utah teen remains hospitalized with three blood clots in and near his brain that developed after he received the first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
Everest Romney, 17, received the vaccine April 21st and began experiencing neck pain, fever and severe headaches one day later. After more than a week of symptoms and being unable to freely move his neck, the family got this diagnosis: two blood clots inside his brain, and one on the outside.
His mother, Cherie Romney, said “The hardest thing was I let him get that shot. And he was healthy and well before. But you question it, you can’t help but question it when it all goes wrong.”
But I’m sure this was just another COVID vaccine “coincidence,” right?
Thank the Lord, Everest was released from the ICU May 5th, but has a long way to go. Please PRAY for Everest to make a full recovery from the blood clots in his brain!
Australia’s main drug regulatory body reported its first death from blood clotting that is likely linked to AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine. This was announced by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) on Friday, April 16th, after it met to investigate the link between the vaccine and the patient’s death. According to the TGA, the person who died was Genene Norris, a 48-year-old woman from New South Wales. Norris received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine on April 9th. She was rushed to the hospital the following day after developing blood clots. She was then placed on dialysis and in an intensive care unit. She never recovered, and she died on April 14th, just five days after receiving the jab.
DID YOU KNOW that not a single COVID-19 vaccine is FDA approved? COVID-19 vaccines have only gone through preliminary clinical trials for 2 months. Moderna was 9 weeks and J&J was 8 weeks. These vaccines have been granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status, but not FDA approval.
COVID-19 vaccine phase 3 clinical trials are currently “in progress.” Huh? What exactly does that mean? It means that anyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine is participating in an experimental clinical trial without any liability from the vaccine manufacturer.
Sadly this is the largest “human experiment” in the history of the world! Check out the completion date of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial. Yep, you read that correctly — April 6, 2023! In other words, we ARE the guinea pigs!
DID YOU KNOW that COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers define “effectiveness” as “reduction in risk of symptoms such as a fever, cough or sore throat?” Heck, on the CDC’s own website, they state “There is some evidence that vaccination may make illness less severe.”
Also, the term “effective” was not defined as preventing viral infection or spread of the (SARS-CoV-2) virus to others. This is the reason why vaccinated individuals are still recommended to wear facemasks, socially distance and avoid large crowds.
None of the vaccine trials showed that the vaccine prevented people from getting COVID-19. The only difference between those that were vaccinated versus unvaccinated were their severity of symptoms.
The trials were also not designed to detect a reduction in severe COVID-19 illness. In other words, COVID-19 vaccine trial results do NOT show that COVID-19 vaccines save lives!
DID YOU KNOW that previous coronavirus vaccines were never approved because of serious safety concerns in animal studies?
In the past, during animal testing, when animals were exposed to the virus after vaccination, many got extremely sick or died. Animals in these studies ended up getting what is now being defined as Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED).
VAED occurs when a vaccine primes the recipient’s immune system and then at some later time, when exposed to a similar virus, the immune system overreacts. This immune system amplification could potentially cause the body to attack itself, which could possibly lead to severe disease, organ damage and even death.
For example, this phenomenon has long been known from various studies with coronavirus vaccines in cats. All cats that initially tolerated the vaccine, later died after being exposed to and catching the SARS virus.
This is why coronavirus vaccines have never been approved for use in humans! In previous animal testing, after vaccination, the second exposure to the virus resulted in death.
DID YOU KNOW that the CDC recommends that pregnant women get the COVID-19 vaccine based upon … well … their “gut instinct” for lack of a better term. Seriously … I’m not making this stuff up!
On the CDC website, it states: “Based on how these vaccines work in the body, experts believe they are unlikely to pose a risk for people who are pregnant.”
Pregnant women are usually warned to avoid many things, such as high mercury fish or deli meats. Yet, a vaccine with limited data about its effect on a pregnant woman or her fetus is being recommended because the “experts” at the CDC “believe” it’s “unlikely” to harm them.
This statement is quite telling, isn’t it? It shows that “vaccinology” is like a religion, as it requires “belief” in efficacy, despite lack of data. That’s not science. That’s dogma.
Thanks to for some of the above information.
Ignoring “Inconvenient” Data
Not surprisingly, the lamestream media sellouts totally ignored Yale Professor of Epidemiology Harvey Risch who revealed that the majority of people now coming down with COVID-19 have been vaccinated and they also conveniently failed to mention that fear of side-effects was the leading reason for vaccine refusal, cited by 45% of those in a March poll conducted by the Delphi Group at Carnegie Mellon University.
The elephant in the room is that people are more scared of the vaccine than the virus itself, which as of March 19, 2021 (according to the CDC) has an overall 99.4% survival rate for those aged 50 to 65.
According to Celeste McGovern: “For those under 18, the coronavirus fatality rate estimated by the CDC is 0.00002, which translates into a 99.98% COVID survival rate. In fact, for those under 18, the lifetime odds of being struck by lightning are higher than the odds of dying of the virus.”
Earlier this month, an Israeli organization made up of health experts published a report outlining how the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine causes damage to nearly every system in the human body. According to the Israeli People Committee (IPC): “there has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people” as the Pfizer vaccine has. The IPC also reported that the “the risk of mortality after the second vaccine is higher than the risk of mortality after the first vaccine.”
It reminds me of a quote from George R.R. Martin: “When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
Propaganda Pushers Playbook Revealed
Have you ever heard of the “Vaccine Demand Observatory” (VDO)? Probably not… but you’ve definitely heard their propaganda. There’s no doubt about that.
On their website, this group states that they are “advancing the world’s ability to decrease the impact of misinformation and increase vaccine demand.” One of their goals is to “mitigate…mistrust on all vaccines.”
The VDO was established primarily by three groups:
- The Public Good Projects (PGP) – which “designs and implements large-scale behavior change programs for the public good.”
- UNICEF – which has received over $86 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation since 2020
- And the Gates-subsidized Yale Institute for Global Health.
You likely already know about Gates and UNICEF, but what is PGP? According to Celeste McGovern: “PGP was founded by Joe Smyser, a public health academic who trained at the CDC and has partnered with Google and Facebook. Its board members include executives from Merck pharmaceuticals, Pepsi, Levi-Strauss, the Advertising Council, Sesame Street, Campbell’s, and TikTok.”
PGP’s website says that through “media monitoring and bots, grassroots social media organizing, or thought leadership, we deploy our considerable resources and connections to communication for change.”
UNICEF and PGP’s Vaccine Misinformation Management Field Guide advises vaccine promoters to “consider putting vaccination in a ‘gain frame’. Show happy, healthy, productive people in graphics, and if you must show the act of vaccination try to avoid needles and tears.”
One of its tactics is to badger people to accept vaccination as a “social norm.” Explain that “the majority of people adopt certain behavior and that is what others expect you to do to achieve a common good.”
DID YOU KNOW that in 2020, the World Health Organization created a new public health field called “infodemiology”? (Definition: the “science of managing infodemics”)
One of the key functions of the VDO is to create and coordinate the “Field Infodemiologist Training Program” (FITP) with the stated goal to train “field infodemic managers” to conduct “public health surveillance for misinformation” and provide “community support in misinformation outbreaks.” According to the VDO website, “UNICEF, Yale, and PGP will provide in-house and external trainers from a global pool of experts.”
On October 15, 2020, the World Health Organization issued a “technical advisory” called Behavioral Considerations for Acceptance and Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccines (2 months before a vaccine was even available). Some of the “strategies” are sounding very familiar now:
- “Creating an enabling environment.” In other words, “making vaccination easy, quick and affordable, in all relevant respects.”
- “Building timely trust in vaccines.” According to the advisory, it is “important to focus on building trust in COVID-19 vaccines before people form an opinion against them. This should involve using trusted messengers.”
- “Leveraging anticipated regret in communications.” For example, by “asking people how they would feel if they do not get vaccinated and end up contracting COVID-19 or transmitting it to loved ones.”
- “Harnessing social influences” … “especially from people who are particularly trusted by and identified with members of relevant communities.”
- “Emphasizing the social benefits of vaccination.” Be sure to tell people that “vaccination not only benefits individuals who receive the vaccine, but also protects others in the community.”
- Emphasize the danger of COVID-19. “If people perceive that they are at low risk of contracting COVID-19, or that the consequences of becoming infected will not be severe, they will be less willing to get vaccinated.”
- Downplay the vaccine risks. Adverse events are “often inevitable when large numbers of people get vaccinated in a short period of time.” Neutralize the blow by “communicating proactively about uncertainty” and the risk of vaccine-associated disability and death.
From Brian Shilhavy at Health Impact News:
In an effort to combat Big Pharma Corporate Media and Big Tech censorship, doctors around the world are frantically trying to warn the masses of the devastating effects of the experimental COVID vaccines about to be mass injected into the unsuspecting public assisted by military forces around the world.
What could possibly motivate these doctors, nurses, scientists, and other health professionals to make such an impassioned plea? What do they have to gain by taking the time to educate the public on the hidden dangers of a new class of vaccine about to be inflicted upon the citizens of countries around the world?
They have NOTHING TO GAIN, and much to lose, including their careers, and possibly even their lives.
So why are they doing this? Why are these doctors and professionals being censored so much if the new COVID vaccines are in fact “safe and effective”? What is it that the media and the government are hiding that they don’t want the public to know?
They are doing this because they are doctors and scientists who actually understand the REAL science here, and who know the devastating potential consequences of those who choose to get this very toxic and dangerous vaccine, and they are trying to save as many people as possible from the carnage this vaccine is going to cause, which will include DEATH, brain injuries, life-long autoimmune disease, infertility, and more.
Please watch this video and their urgent pleas, and then share it with as many people as you can, because time is short!”
By the way, did you realize that the term “anti-vaxxer” is a bigoted epithet? Some bigoted smears are based on racism and some are based on choices that people have made. The “anti-vaxxer” term falls into the latter category…
I have 2 questions for the vaccine pushing maniacs, journo-terrorists, and mainstream media sellouts:
- How does it feel to participate in the perpetration of what will eventually be seen as a vaccine holocaust?
- Are you concerned that eventually you will be prosecuted under the Nuremberg Code for committing crimes against humanity?
In this article by Dr. Mercola, discover how the typical unprecedented vaccine takes 12 years to develop, and of all the unprecedented vaccines in development, only 2% are projected to ever make it through all Phase 2 and 3 clinical phases of testing. Discover how the COVID-19 vaccine was developed with Operation Warp Speed in less than one year, which makes it virtually impossible to assess safety and efficacy, as the vaccine has not been adequately tested. Learn how statistics are frighteningly different 5 months into the vaccination campaign. Discover how in the next 10 to 15 years, we are likely to see spikes in prion diseases, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases at younger ages, and blood disorders such as blood clots, hemorrhaging, stroke and heart failure.
These COVID-19 vaccines are KILLING PEOPLE every day! In the words of Brian Shilhavy, “This is genocide: death by injection. It’s time to STOP sanitizing this. We need to start using the correct terms.”
I agree 100% with Brian. The line in the sand is being drawn. Which side are you on?

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Thank you, thank you for being a freedom warrior. I’ve shared this article with friends and family. There are still people who falsely believe that the injections are 100% safe. Oh my! Keep up the good work and stay strong. We can’t let them take away our right for medical sovereignty.
Greetings Ty and Charlene, thanks for the excellent article with an abundance of important information. I will be forwarding this to many people in the coming days, weeks and months. I am so sorry to hear of all the hassles that you and all the other truth tellers are experiencing right now andi pray for blessings and strength for you and all the others from the Most High. You will be mightly rewarded for all you are doing.
You all do a good job to reveal the truth! Thank you for doing this!
Thanks for your courage, faith, and perseverance. You are an example of leadership in a world lost in self-love, misinformation, hatred and vitriol.
I fear for America: Her constitution was generated by faithful believers in God as their creator who endowed them with the capacity to choose (free will). This belief led them to enshrine in that document a form of government that would be limited so that personal freedom would be protected.; but only so long as the people could “keep it” ( Re Ben Franklin). It seems as though we no longer are able to keep these principles sacred; we prefer to choose selfishness, power, wealth, and to satiate our desires. May we turn away from that path.
Hello Everyone,
This is an incredible article! I wish I had the time to read it all.
I am happy to say that at almost 77 years of age, I have NOT taken the Covid-19 shot, while I still work part-time at a salon where I in close contact with people four days per week.
I am also a stage four bonemarrow cancer survivor now 11 years in remission.
Recently, I asked my oncologist if he would fire me as his patient, and he did because he felt
confident about my health! I still have no need for any medication because I keep healthy
by consuming healthy food, and I do my beloved “Coffee Meditations” one per week.
Wishing you all of God’s blessings in the work you do,
Adam van Drimmlen
WOW!! I thought I coined the term “Coffee Meditation” to describe my weekly experience! It has been part of my health and wellness routine for 30 plus years.
Thank you.
Hi Everyone,
One more item I want to share.
There are several natural things I use to avoid getting Covid-19 flu, or any other kind of unfriendly bug. If this is of interest to you, I will be delighted to share that information!
Adam van Drimmelen
Adam – please share your knowledge, I am interested. In addition, in your previous comment you mentioned ‘coffee meditations’, what are these?
Here’s one.
Yes please share what you do to avoid getting it, if it is natural and free information. If not don’t bother as I will be deleting and will block you!!!
hi Adam, I just want to share that my 20 year old unvaccinated daughter had covid recently. She had neck pain, congestion, body aches and headache. Since i didn’t have Ivermectin, I gave her oregano oil (gel cap) with NAC, quercetin and zinc. She felt better after a few hours and her symptoms all but disappeared the next day. I believe that the oregano oil did the trick because it’s an anti-parasitic just like Ivermectin.
Thank you so much for sharing that information Isabella.
Thank you for sharing this information! Those who do not agree with the current government are being targeted by many, including social media. They want to silence opposing views. We USED to live in a country that welcomed differing opinions and people could have civil discussions. Not any more. We should all have the CHOICE about vaccines. I am not anti-vax, but I do my research and decide which ones our family chooses to get, and which ones we choose to avoid. I pray that our government does not start forcing citizens to take any vaccine, but I fear it may be coming.
I do too. I agree. I will stand my guard.
Hi Ty,
My 20 yrs son have got his first dose of MRNA on April/22/2021 and his second dose suppose to be on 5/20/21. Can he not go for the second dose and are there any problem associated with not going for the second dose? Thank you for your attention. Appreciate very much.
Im not Ty but I am pretty sure he is better off not getting second dose!! It will make things worse!
Exactly, I won’t risk having the second dose!
Ty can not answer that. Neither can any of TTAC crew, as they are not your son’s doctor. Please, go back and re-read all the links, charts & graphs included in this fine article……
Free will. Personal choice. If your son doesn’t want to go for the second experimental injection” then…
I agree. Its his choice!
I’m not Ty either, but I can tell you that I would never get the second dose. Time is short, so research all you can on this and any other site before you commit to something as dangerous as this. Once there, you cannot go back. Good luck to you and your family.
Knowing the risks of vaccination, in my opinion, he should not get the second shot.
I agree I certainly wont!
Thank you! for all your hard work! May God continue to keep you and bless you! I sent this to our superintendent, who thinks it is great to offer the “gene ther,apy experimental shot” to the students in the high school over age 16, just to get a count to go back to “normal”. Normal? at the expense of our children. Please pray for God to open the eyes of those who are blind to what is going on.
When we seek the ways of man rather than trusting in YHWH we run into problems. These injections are evil poisons and people need to look at the facts and reject them completely. Start eating properly, take vitamins and minerals, exercise, throw away the masks, and think positive and loving thoughts. This is all a plan to destroy our world.
I pray all this info about taking the vaccine are true! There is so much propaganda, and everything changes every day, Very frustrating! Pray for God to reveal the truth to my mind and spirit!
Did hear Tucker Carlson give some of these same numbers . Somebody just give us the truth!!
If I was in any doubt I would pray that it’s not true! But God gave us eyes and ears and all the evidence is here, fully documented. Trust your eyes and ears, and pray “deliver us from the evil one” ie Satan
We have to organize the masses to act in their own interest instead of against there own interest .
We need to break the spiral of fear that manipulates and paralyses the people.
We should create a visible symbol behind which people can unite. It will give people courage to see they are not alone but to the contrary there are thousands like them.
I suggest a sticker with (for example) the following visual message.
🧬 + 💉 = ☠️ Or. 💉 + 🧬 = ⚰️ Or 💉 + 🧬 = 🧨 Or 🧬 + 💉 = 💣
Very difficult to censure. You can’t get fined or imprisoned for it. It will embolden the people.
They could be worn on the obliged mask. Very appropriate. Also on the car window or your bag etc.
After a smal donation to the cause they could be supplied,ten a time,. I t would not take long for 1000ends of these stickers to appear encouraging the people’s resistance.
Appropiate website on it too (this one?) with lots of easy to understand information and the possibility to subscripe to newsletters.
This is a winning tactic. Who will take it up? Writing polite letters /emails is not enough.
We need to organize the resistance of the masses. It will start like a little snowball getting bigger rolling downhill gathering speed and momentum. Until it becomes an irresistible power.
Professionels and the masses (10%?) working together are invincible.
Together we will win!
Good article but as an older person this article and more and more articles are being set in a type/font/color/intensity that makes them much more difficult to read than the same article in a true black font. Just typing this and looking at the paragraph above with Ty’s picture in it, the lace of ease reading this verses the the ease of reading the paragraph above with Ty’s picture is pretty major, at least on my setup. I am on the largest iMac and I cannot imagine trying to read this on a tablet or my phone. Please get your folks responsible for this problem to use bolder fonts and darker print. The info was great and I have forwarded to my “list”. Thank you.
I appreciate your dedication and hard work on everything you do! Can you please expand on what one doctor said about covid-19 having not ever been isolated and that the pandemic is false? Why did so many people get sick?
Thank you!
Is the flu a pandemic? Do people get sick fron the flu? Do they die from the flu? Yes, there is a virus out there, but it is and always has been treatable with medicines such as ivermectin, chloroquine to total recovery. The “pandemic” is about fear and the vast amount of $ to be made through experimental tx, masks, etc. To say that this current situation is a pandemic is false.
As Ljw said….the flu comes around every year. People get sick and some even die – every year – from the flu. Most people who went to hospitals died because they were hooked up to respirators which weaken the lungs and the entire system. In addition they were given potent “cocktails” of intravenous drugs to “keep them comfortable”. That combination killed them. NOT a virus. Also, Covid-19 has never been isolated. That means, it’s never been proven that it even EXISTS.
Thanks so much for this helpful info, Cheryl and Ty. It has confirmed my own opinions about the Covid vaccine.
I’d like to thank you both for all the excellent work you’ve done. I for one followed all the info I got from you in the first series about cancer and I’m still in “remission” after 13 years!! I declined chemotherapy despite having invasive cancer stage 2-3 of the breast. I did have radiotherapy though, but would probably not have it again as I still have swelling and pain and lymphedema in that general area.
instead of deodorant under your arm pits put Australian tea tree oil under your arm pits. it will help with the pain. tea tree oil is an anti fungal, anti viral and anti bacteirial. I believe cancer is fungal and should not be in living human but one that has died and the fungus turns the body into dirt or dust.
Hey Ty,
Outstanding article I’ve read Brian’s work like you and Charlene he’s totally on point. My family and I had covid back in December 2020. We’re all doing great and we will not take the so called “vaccine” AKA gene tampering spike protein generating experiment. In truth we never took yearly flu vaccines. Everyone I know who took them felt lousy or was sick afterwards. Your nine part Truth About Cancer was excellent and should be condensed and released in theaters across the country. I recall a book written back in the 1970’s called “A World Without Cancer: The Truth About Vitamin B-17” the author escapes me. I never was able to read it as it disappeared quickly. From what I understand the books thesis maintains that cancer is caused by vitamin deficiency. Have you ever heard of this book? Keep up the great work. Life’s not easy for any of us these days and I think it will get worse before it gets better. I too have had attempted hatchet jobs done on me. I understand how you and Charlene feel and what you’re going through. I’ve added my author’s page on amazon. I think you’ll find my writings interesting. We’ve traveled similar highways just got off at different exits. All the best and blessings of health, happiness and stay strong.
The author of the book “World Without Cancer is G. Edward Griffin. I have met Ed on three different occasions and he is a genuine researcher and excellent author as well as public speaker. In fact, he was nominate for either Pulitzer or Nobel prize (I don’t recall) for his work.
His other books include “The Creature from Jeckyll Island, a Second Look at the Reserve”. This too will give you a well-researched idea of how this all ties together. Once you start connecting the dots, you’ll begin to see how this entire plan was formulated.
Remember, once they start calling you a “Conspiracy Theorist”, you’ll know you are on the right track.
Good luck and keep up the fight.
Thank for the info! I try to find that book as I have a papillary thyroid carcinoma cysts and am trying to get that healed and not cut my thryoid just like my surgeon wants to do.
Ty , This is the icing on the cake. An invaluable asset for the world! How I wish the majority would wise up!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have followed TTAC and so much more. You deserve to win the Pulitzer Prize for your humanitarian efforts. God Bless!
I agree, Ty and Charlene are true pioneers in Truth. I, too, have been a beneficiary of following their work. Having survived stage four colon cancer due to stopping the poison being injected into my weakend body, I will forever be grateful.
Thanks, Ty and Charlene, Dr. Burzinsky, and all the others who have joined you quest.
I am a life-long advocate and will continue to be.
Thank you so much — this again confirms my decision NOT to have the ‘vaccine’ despite coercive attempts from others or being told it’s ‘my duty to do so!
I have spent very MANY hours researching Covid 19 and the so called ‘vaccines’ and am totally convinced that it is the biggest scam the world has ever seen. The sale of ‘vaccines’, masks (useless though they are), sanitiser etc., is making many rich people even richer (we all know who they are) – they must be laughing all the way to the bank! The ‘control’ and ‘compliance’ aspects are mere side issues of an attempt to bring about a ”New World Order’ under the influence and pressure of China and all those caught up in China’s pockets!
I’m very grateful to all the brave professional people who readily speak out sometimes at the risk of jeopardising their work and positions. Vaccines are a ‘wild’ experiment, not fully tested, not approved and no liability – why should we trust!
Let us all pray and promote ‘Truth over Fear’ in God’s name.
It’s very sad that so many people are having negative reactions(including death) to these inadequately tested vaccines.I’ve tried to warn friends,relatives,neighbours to this problem.Few listen,some are even quite hostile calling me an anti vax nutter or worse.So those who can’t learn the easy way must learn the hard way.I get no satisfaction from this.The fact that so many doctors,here in the U.k. are willing to inflict this intervention on people gives a falce credibility to the Covid vaccines.Thanks to you for your eforts to combat this lunacy.
I have faced the “wrath” from friends and family who I’ve tried to share information with. They have tried to make me feel horrible about my choice not to get the shot but I’m standing my ground. I’m most terrified for my grandchildren because I think my daughters are going to listen to their pediatricians who don’t seem to have a clue.
Truth will win in the end but at what cost?
This information is fantastic – I just wish that every one in the world could see this. I personally had covid last year and spent 3 months in the hospital. I survived!!! No way will my family or myself go near any jabs!!! You guys are doing a fabulous job, keep up the good work!!! Kathy
Hi, I am very concerned in what is happening in this world today.. What are ALL u people, & the ones above here in that video, r going to do to help the people… I am tied of u all talking about what’s going on, How about what is to b done to these evil bastards that r going to KILL the 7+Billion people here on the planet…. WHAT the hell is going to stop them…WHO is the hell going to stop them… WHAT the hell r we to do…. I would like some answers… COS u know, if use all know the problem & what they r doing to us, then u all sit by & let them do it to the Planet, KILL us all off, what does that make u all…..That makes use WORSE than them, in just letting them do it.. WHAT, r u all going to do, what r, is your game plans… WHAT r u people all scared of hay, or have u all been paid off like the rest…. WHO the hell do we believe now, WE r all on our own, HOW the hell do we fight them off from KILLING US… WHAT is the WORLDS END GAME.. WHERE IS THE SOLUTION… WHO HAS THE SOLUTION …. LETS start helping the people & PUT these evil bastards in jail where they belong…
Great article, Ty! Thorough and well researched. See you and Char in Sioux Falls at the Advanced Medical Conference again!
Please keep spreading this vitally important information!
Thank you so much for this truly wonderful post. It is really sad that people are so lacking in doing their own research, There is so much out there, if only they would look. I refuse to take part in this ‘scam’. There are many like me, but it is so sad that my family do not believe me, and this is true of many, many families. Regrettably they have all had the ‘vaccine’ so only time will tell. My husband and I am in my 70s and fit and well, thanks to staying away from pharmaceutical ‘medications’. My husband is an 11 year ‘survivor’ from stage 4 colon cancer thanks to my research, as I am from breast cancer 30 years ago. People are so ignorant. Maybe it is in their ‘destiny’ to not know these things? We pray for them.
Excuse typos
My ex went through throat cancer a few years ago. He has been cancer free for 3 years. He’s 65. He decided to get the Moderna shot. He received the 1st one, then within a week or so he had to be rushed to ER, he had small cell lung cancer, and 2 other cancers that mysteriously appeared when he had no signs from check ups bloodwork prior to the shot. They called it an “allergic reaction”, but said they had never seen anything develop and spread so fast. So now hes getting heavy chemo-3 different ones over a 3 day period for a few months now. My Inlaws received their 1st Moderna shot, within 3 days tested covid positive and are now in a battle. I’m concerned for all who have gotten this and worry about those of us who work with people getting it, family members, our PCP’s, dentists, etc.
I was quite hesitant to get the covid shot prior to now. I thank you for providing the information. It helps me and others to see how dangerous this non-approved vaccine is for humanity. I will not be taking the vaccine and I will inform others (family first) of the risk to yourself.
I agree with the words of Brian Shilhavy. Thank you.
God blesses you and your family Ty, and all the other Warriors of Light that are spreading the Truth at the risk of personal harm from the dark forces of Greed and Evil at this pivotal time in human history.
Thank you and I pray for your continued success as you do God’s will.
Thank you for bringing the truth to the public. It’s getting harder to keep from being shamed for wanting to refrain from these killer vaccines.
Daaaaaaaaaaaammmmnnnnn!!! 💥 BOOM 🤯
Thank you Ty for putting this together. I shared it on my FB page, which will probably get me placed in FB jail once again, but so be it.
Ty and Charlene,
Your “Colossal Coverup” article hit the nail on the head! No surprise to me as I have been following your articles and documentaries for several years. I have a great deal of respect for your devotion for truth, individual freedoms and rights.
Educated people such as ourselves know what is going on and it’s extremely frustrating when the sheeple just don’t “get it”. But big pharma, politicians, tech (which I refer to as the dark side) are now on the defensive, which means our numbers are growing. Your message is having a huge impact!
I am located in Arizona and heard on the news recently that the state vaccination rate is at 27%. Love Arizona! You are making a difference. Thank you so very much. We will win this.
Thankyou you for telling the truth,God Bless you and Charlene ,for all you do ! I feel God brought you to us,my husband is Cancer free,over Three years,”Brain Cancer”Thanyou for TTAC,as well,live you guys🥰
Suppose say Love you guys!
After suffering for 19 years as a TI,a ka Guinea Pig, I have been subjected to the worst abuses imaginable including getting hit by 5g that left me unable to breathe properly for 17 hours and throwing up clear bubbles for 11 hours and 2 bouts of cancer. This is a demon ic agenda against me and now we see the same thing happening on a global scale. Keep up the good work. Information is energy. The demonic end agenda is to do away with ALL humanity.
Thank you and your wife so much for all that you have been doing to help educate people. I will continue to pray and send love and light to the situation. May the angels surround you and keep you safe.!
Good on you Ty and Charlene,
Even without covid-19 the world is overdosed on drugs.
For 25 years I have believed this and now with stage 4 cancer I still believe it.
Keep up the good work.
You are SO right.
Kindest regards from New Zealand.
We can only hope the truth warriors will prevail and the corruption and money ruled people will fall
Keep up the good work
Thank you for telling us how severe side effects can be.
Your presentation is so well presented! All the information and especially the references is most valuable to help educate individuals in their journey as they navigate what should be a personal quest, not a public mandate . Thank you for your sacrifice and willingness to pass on tools to help us become beacons of truth.
Thank you for this excellent article. I will pass it on. I wish more had seen this before they lined up to get the jab. Blessings to you you for producing this.
I’ve already vaccinated with phyzer and I did not feel anything after the two dosses.
The Bible says seek the truth don’t just follow ,the so-called vaccines should be checked out what in the make up before shooting it in your body, , kind of reminds me of Jewish people loading themselves into boxcars headed for the gas chambers with no fight
Thank you, Ty and Charlene, for sharing all this information and investing so much research and time into the work and writing that you do. I’ve been following you for years and believe in what you share. I do not plan to get the vax, but unfortunately my husband, some family members and many of my Christian friends have gotten it. So far I’ve not seen adverse effects but I do expect to in the near or long-term future. We’re living in the craziest of times, but we do have an all-knowing God and He is in control.
Hi Ty and Charlene and anyone reading this. I found this article about a potential Anti-dote to the mRNA spike protein damage. Looks legit, but I have not fully researched it. I want to make others aware by sharing this information. Here is the link:
The real truth has been dug out and revealed.Many thanks for it
Vaccine! Vaccine! Vaccine! Come and Get Your Vaccine Here Today!
Hiya, people. Would you like to know what I think is funny? Every day since March of last year, I’ve hundreds of emails have flooded my inbox from various health websites. Having read tons of health information and watched numerous health summits along the way, I can’t help but notice all these highly intelligent, university-educated health experts are backing each other against pill-popping and taking the vaccine. Why is that, I wonder? It’s like, c’mon, Big Pharma, where are you in all this discussion? Why aren’t you defending yourselves against all these big bad natural healthcare practitioners who are attacking you left, right, and center? Where are all your Big Pharma blog posts? Where are all your Big Pharma health email updates? Where are all your Big Pharma health summits that educate the public on all your latest and greatest cutting-edge vaccines and pharmaceuticals? I’m still waiting for all your lifesaving health news, yet crap all. C’mon, pal, there’s this deadly virus on the loose, and it’s out of control. Where are you in these most desperate times of need? What have you got to hide? What have you got to fear? I thought you were the dominant leaders in world healthcare, working side-by-side with our loving and caring government, and our most trusted, honest-to-God mainstream media, with the best interests of humanity at heart—yet, no word nor whisper from you on how great and effective your vaccines are, or how great and effective your drugs are. All you give me is the vaguest of information via my TV screen, and that makes me sad—so very, very sad indeed.
Lately, all I’ve been hearing on the worldwide breaking fearmongering news is nothing but vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. Hurry up and get our Big Pharma–sponsored vaccine here today. Don’t worry about that unpatentable health and nutrition nonsense. Don’t worry about using vitamin C or zinc to strengthen your immune system. Don’t worry about quality sleep, sunshine, or exercising during this extended lockdown. And, most importantly of all, don’t worry about empowering yourself that you may be able to help yourself; we’re with you every step of the way, okay? Haven’t you heard? Fear, panic, and pandemonium have always been our friends—and friends in need are our friends indeed. Sorry, but the cold hard truth is, we tell-lie-vision media infomercial, Big Pharma snake-oil salesmen don’t have a vested interest in arming you with natural solutions or positive outcomes. Why the hell would we fake-news pundits wanna talk about that? That doesn’t line our money-grubby deep pockets, now does it? So forget it! We’re not talking about it, okay?! That can’t help you, okay?! But over here—well, well, well! What have we got here for you today? Yep! You guessed it, we can sell, sell, sell you our finest rushed-to-market GMO Frankenstein lab creations instead. Symptoms include Bell’s Palsy, anaphylaxis, blood clot, coma, then death.
With Big pHARMa’s new CIA-certified synthetic, patented vaccine gene therapy of weaponized genetic mRNA mutations, eugenics never looked so good. But unfortunately, as of April 30, 2021, our hard-sell marketing pitch to the well-fluoridated, dumbed-down Ding-Dong generation of iPhone zombified covidiots has only killed 3,837 sheeple and seriously injured 16,014, which is a far cry from what our bought-and-paid-for psychopathic government had hoped for, I’m sure. And while the death rates continue to soar (mainly in nursing homes, where they’re forcibly injected with a Snake Gates magic bullet cocktail of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, polyethylene glycol, and mutated viruses with a bit of viral shedding on the side to help Alzheimer’s patients spread the love all around before laying them down to sleep)—but sorry, we’re not allowed to talk about that on our prime-time murder TV, when it’s illegal. And if you do happen to get seriously injured or made dead after we’ve rammed it into your head again and again, and time and again with our non-stop aggressive marketing campaign to get vacci-poisoned, it’s not only illegal to sue us, but it’s illegal to sue the quackcine manufacturer. That means if your child were to suddenly hatch from a palsy egg after being injected with God knows what, you’ll be unable to seek compensation to look after it for the rest of its newborn vegetable life. Oh well, no matter. You’d only be playing Russian Roulette with your life and the lives of your loved ones. It’s no biggie, really.
Now, over here, while we continue to dispense our Big Pharma friend’s tobacco science and use it to round up the cattle ready for herd immunity due to there being this deadly viral outbreak—a virus that’s so virulent and aggressive, that spreads like wildfire and drops people dead in the street left, right and center, come the Resident Evil Apocalypse—you’ll still need to take this fraudulent and inaccurate PCR test to see if you’ve got it. But don’t worry, it’s already been proven effective at testing positive for coronavirus in papaya, motor oil, and goats.
It’s most unfortunate that 99.95% of people survive a coronavirus infection, and because no hospital is overrun with people lining up outside on the street, and because we motormouthed main-sewer media foolishly and tooted our horn a bit too loud, and blew things out of proportion with our corona Kabuki theatre, making it obvious even to the village idiot that something wasn’t quite right, it left our cheesed-off, embarrassed governments no other choice but to dangle large wads of cash in front of these hospital CEOs if they can help falsify their records and exaggerate the death count.
In other words, if you have the flu, it’s the coronavirus.
If you die of a heart attack, it’s the coronavirus.
If you die in a car accident, sorry, but it was most definitely the coronavirus.
While the government is only too eager to call death by shotgun blast to the head a very bad case of the coronavirus blues, over here, whenever somebody drops dead within days or hours after receiving a vaccine, their leading team of forensic investigators (who obviously couldn’t find a whore in a whore house) take one good look at the coroner’s report, then say, “Nup, sorry, there’s no cause for investigation over here, they all died of natural causes. It wasn’t the vaccine that killed them. Oh no! It wasn’t the vaccine! It couldn’t have been the vaccine! The vaccine is never to blame! Now, please understand, there was nothing at all suspicious about the death of that fit and healthy 21-year-old Cincinnati university student, 24 hours after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. And there was absolutely nothing suspicious about that fit and healthy 39-year-old mother who died of multiple organ failure just four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna vaccine. And last but not least, there was certainly nothing at all suspicious about the sudden death and hospitalization of those nuns in that isolated Kentucky convent shortly after receiving their gov-mental blessing from God.
He-he-he-he. Shh. If we admit on our fear-porn hellevision that it was the vaccine that killed all them brainwashed sheeple, then crikey! There goes our cash cow up in smoke, and our eugenics program down the drain, hey? Now, let’s just hurry up and sweep this up under the carpet along with the many thousands of other unreported suspicious deaths, shall we? Then we can get straight back to reminding the public that the coronavirus has, and will always be, our Public Enemy Number 1. Don’t worry about death by vaccine. Don’t worry about death by 5G. Don’t worry about death by state-sponsored terrorism, when over here, we now bring you this deadly coronavirus boogeyman that’s to be forever feared until we say so, or until we move on to the next plannedemic chapter of your lives, got it?!
So, yeah, while we fearstream media mafia are in bed with our technofascist government and big business, and have made it our business to stick our noses into your business by censoring our anti-vaccine critics all over the internet via our Nazi virtual book-burning efforts—and obviously have nothing to hide while we continue to suppress lifesaving alternative therapies, and seek to erode your natural medicine and health freedoms before your very eyes in favor of Big Pharma wholesale—over here, we’ve enlisted the technocratic support of our friends from The Centre For Cancel Culture And Digital Hate to publicly name, shame, and defame all crackpot conspiracy theorists, beginning with the Bollingers and their Dark Knights. We have reason to believe this radical extremist fringe group are terrorists, and pose a serious threat to national security and our bottom dollar. Because these naughty freethinking political dissidents can see right through our fear projections, and can accurately predict all our hidden agendas, it’s imperative that we go to DEFCON 4, and that they be placed on the FBI’s 10 most-wanted hit-list as enemies of the state, when they are armed to the teeth with God’s honest truth, and dangerous to the max with their anti-vax disinformation.
Because these thought leaders refuse to bow down to our billion-dollar megalomaniac, control-freakish, psychopathic Luciferian globalist masters, and join up with Dr. Fauci Mengele’s Medical-Fascist-Covidian-Death-Cult-School-of-Experimental-Medicine along with the other well-fluoridated walking dead covidiot cult-pod people, and because they refuse to diaper up and wear our ritualistic Masonic slave mask, and receive our Frankenstein elixir, they’ll be tried for heresy and burnt at the stake.
Please raise the alarm if you ever come across these bad, bad people. You’ll know what they look like: they ride into town, clad in shiny breastplates of righteousness, wearing helmets of salvation, holding swords of the spirit and shields of faith, and have the fullest backing of our Lord Jesus Christ beside them.
Everyday, while we smoke-and-mirrors, sleight-of-hand, black-magician, psychological-warfare tacticians grow increasingly fearful and paranoid of more and more sheeple waking up to our lies and deceptions, and have no choice but upgrade the poison, fear, terrorism, Centrelink crackdowns, and serial killer TV, hoping to transform seven billion people into dumbed-down raving lunatics and fully-fledged psychopaths as a subtle way to snuff out their love and light, and get them hating and fighting among themselves in order to distract them, it also allows us puppet-polly-parrot narcissists to get our fugly, ugly faces plastered all over the front page news while we happily rake in more cash and get quality air time after they’ve committed high crimes we subconsciously helped them to commit. Shh. He-he-he-he.
In the meantime, while we eagerly await our next real or CIA-staged Mockingbird news story, our Ministry of Truth will continue to wage our silent spiritual war on consciousness, and in our battle to win over the hearts and minds of the couch potato sleeping masses by offering them one big fat juicy and delicious glyphosate-enriched Krispy Kreme Donut of irresistibly mouth-watering GMO goodness in our efforts to guide them over the cliff toward the Snake Gates of Hell, and into the vipers’ pit of needles, vaccine lovers everywhere will soon rejoice, spoilt for choice once we introduce them to our four most trusted quackcine manufacturer bed buddies in crime, beginning with Johnson & Johnson: recently caught with their pants down, dumping asbestos in baby talcum powder. Then we have Pfizer, which had to pay 2.3 billion dollars in criminal convictions. And if AstraZeneca’s co-developer has long-standing ties to the British eugenics movement, then so too does Moderna over here have a nice circle of known eugenicist friends.
So, yeah, with that in mind, we quietly continue supporting the poisoning of humanity, keeping quiet about our environmental terrorist government, which has taken it upon itself to forcibly mass-medicate the population by dumping industrialized fluoridated toxic sludge into the local water supply. And while we keep quiet about the billion-dollar Monsatanic GMO industry who line our deep pockets, and supermarket shelves chock-a-block full of nutrient-depleted, glyphosate-enriched, genetically mutated, cancer-causing fake food, we’re also in the habit of keeping super-duper quiet about the genotoxic Wi-Frying dangers of cell tower electromagnetic radiation while we continue raking in more big bickies from our glorious telco sponsors, and make an absolute freaking killing, marketing Telstra’s latest and greatest 5G technology as something we cannot live without, while they happily fill the air with the voltage of cancer at the cost of doing business, and at the expense of everybody’s pain and suffering, no doubt.
Whatever. With all that aside, you just make sure that you take our word for it that everything will be just fine and dandy, and blindly accept our experimental vaccines of death. Because we care about you. We only want what’s best for you. Trust us! Do you ever see us touch our many revolving narcissistic faces of Janus, or rub our Pinocchio noses on national TV to indicate we’re full of crap? Of course not! We’ve been well-trained to speak the truth. Now please, listen to our fake news, fake TV, fake everything—and buy, buy, buy into everything that we’re selling, come our next big worldwide breaking fearmongering news story or commercial break. We promise you, you’ll not regret it.
Thank you for keeping us informed. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated.
Am I the only one leaving a comment? Unbelievable. A lot more people will die in order for the brain-whipped masses to start opening their wide shut eyes. Unfortunately over 4,000 deaths is not enough to wake up for most and I think they don’t even know about the deaths. Media has done a great job for many years now to make sure majority stays in such a state of mind. Keep doing a great job waking people Ty, and hopefully more will wake up sooner than later. That will save a lot of lives.
I thank God for your willingness to ” weather the storm” on behalf. Of humanity. So many people are not awake yet to the truth about this horrible plandemic no matter how we try to show evidence of it. Thank you, stay safe!
Thanks a million dear Ty for making the truth known—your efforts are yielding a lot of fruits in terms of awareness about these vaccines. People are no longer easily deceived by marketing gimmicks. Please persevere in your efforts of making The truths about vaccines known..
Thank you. I just found these, please share:
God bless you with more strength and wisdom!
Thank you.
Thank you so much for all your efforts to bring us the truth.
I do have a question. Does the Chinese Covid -19 vaccination have RNA in it?
Nowhere can anyone really find the truth about this one. People are very confused and taking this one “knowing” that this one is beter because it is believed it has no RNA.
Please, can someone give me the truth so I can save my children and grandchildren.
Thank you, Irene
Thank you very much, Ty & Charlene… God Bless You…
Thank you! Thank you! So thankful for you guys! The Lord used you to help literally change my life and health.
Thank’s Tye for your work here. But now it’s time for action. I believe we need to contact our rep’s in gov. none stop if they do nothing then we vote them out. except for small pox because of traveling to other countries Iv’e never been vaccinated. Sometimes I get the yearly flu, but my immune system takes good care of me
Excellent article. What is happening, is beyond reason…Satanic.
Hi everyone here is some information that you may already have knowledge of but just in case you don’t. You are right this is all a depopulation schem by the globleist and the CCP who is in control of it all. They control the W.H.O, NIH, CDC, and most all of the key people to control this take over and depopulation agenda. Read the Special Speech of the Minister of Defense General Chi Haotain in their Round Table event in 1995 with over 500 of the elite present which included George Soros, Bill Gates and George W. Bush (before he was president) as the key people there. It is a quite interesting speech an I believe it is just what is taking place today. Please Read The Secret Special Speech that was written by J. R. Nyqist of the Epoch Times and published in 2019. So you can see that this has been planned for a long time and President Trump put a snag in the 16 year plan of Oboma then Hillery. That is why they had to steel this election by Hook or Crook.
Here is the article from Epoch Times about the CCP planning to kill over 200 million Americans , then invade and kill off the rest by their 75,000 military combatants in Canada and 175,000 of then in Mexico on taking over America and the World
Here are a few other links that also connects to his speech, you may also want to read:
I believe that China now is waiting on the Gates Eugenics Covid-19 shot and the second most dangerous bio-weapon virus not released yet to take it’s toll to kill over 200 million Americans and as many people of the World it can for Depopulation and then the CCP will invade the USA with China’s Military. It has been known that the CCP has military in Canada (75.000) and Mexico (175,000) ready to launch the invasion. The people who take the shot/jab/vaccine are to experience server reactions from this that in the end will cause another corona-virus to shed and infect others close to them and from these people then take their life. Their whole plan was to also cripple the US Military with these Gates Vaxx-Trap jabs.
You can get a list of the vaccine inserts at Dr. Tenpenny’s website and her blog or
In my life I would have done thousands of post Mortem examinations on animals and pretty much seen it all (pathology wise ) but in the last few years become fascinated by the fraternity of dim witted politicians and so called representatives of state authorities spruking the fear campaign and sales pitch for these bizarre lineup of vaccines to a gullible public and I ask anyone with brains why would anyone want chimpanzee adenovirus with a sars Covid spike protein pumped into their bodies not to mention this bizarre mRNA shit I’m lost for words to see media peddling this stooge and with associated deaths and injuries where’s all our legal firm’s why are they not taking these morons to task
Covid —19 (Vaccine) NO, IVERMECTIN YES to prevent contracting Covid.
Hey Bollingers!
You KNOW you’re doing something right when MSM talking head hacks come for you. The pseudo-science “experts” in public Health and white coat Mengele wannabes are struggling to keep their nefarious agenda from the masses…. As we inch toward a tipping point of knowledge about the ills of vaccines… including the COVID Franken Vax…. I just want to say: Ty and Charlene you led me out of the darkness and into this battle for my health and the health of humanity. Thank you… keep spreading the knowledge.
The Truth Will Out…
I have never trusted the quick roll out of the vaccines. Now I am armed with even more information that backs up my intuitive self. Thank you for the info and now for sure I will not get myself vaccinated. Too dangerous and not needed.
I back these professionals up %100 percent. Never had any trust in the quick roll out and now, My intuition is correct.
Thank you everybody for the information and clarity you have all provided.
Many thanks for this important information.I will relay it to those prepared to listen.Unfortunately many of my friends and relatives prefer to spend their time deliberating which merry tune they will be whistling as they march into the gas chamber.
since they use the term “anti-vaxxer” as a perjorative adhominum attack, I prefer to use the term
“vax-lover” for the ignorant people who mouth [All] vaccines are safe and effective [for Everyone, All the Time] without really knowing anything about the issues with certain vaccines.
I was flagged on Quora for “Hate Speech” for posting a comment that gave a link to an article about the Pfizer whistleblower and a quote from an editor of the NEJM about the corruption in medicine. I dont know if it was just one of their algorithms or how it happened.
Wow! My mind is blown with all this. I am grateful for the truths that you are sharing. I have shared this with others, and pray that they too will be informed. Thank you. The info on these so called Nano bots are scary. Why are they doing this, what do they hope to gain by all the book of revelation it stated” the Kings of the earth deceived the nation with sorcery” this is all satanic/ demonic. God help us
Because governments who facilitated this lethal bio weapon have never cared about the Human race