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Vaccine passports are officially a reality, as the European Union became the first group of nations to roll out a digital record of a person’s vaccination status. The launch signals a terrifying new era of government control that could change the very face of international travel.
The EU’s first-of-a-kind digital health certificate permits people who have been vaccinated to travel freely within the bloc without the need to quarantine or test negative for Covid-19 upon arrival at their destination. Currently, travelers will either be subjected to the unreliable PCR tests or required to quarantine for up to 14 days.
As of June 8, there were nine EU member states signed up: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Poland and Spain (although the European Union Digital COVID Certificates (EUDCC) have now been issued to citizens in 17 countries).
About 200 million certificates have been generated among a population of about 450 million. The documents contain data on whether a passenger has received a vaccination, or has had a recent negative Covid-19 test, or proof of antibodies. The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, has told governments they must grant quarantine-free entry to EU travelers carrying the documents.
The certificate, which includes a QR code and digital signature, can either be displayed on a digital device or printed out. European citizens and noncitizens legally living in the EU can access the document, which contains a scannable QR code, online. Depending on the national system in place, the document can be downloaded to a mobile app or printed. States are required to provide scanning devices to verify the documentation.
While travel will still be possible without the document, those who decline to participate may find their ability to travel significantly restricted. Additionally, there are fears that the passports will usher in a new age of government surveillance and globalist data tracking.
And these fears aren’t totally unfounded.
Civil rights campaigners have warned that “mission creep” could result in the UK using a vaccine passport as a pseudo national ID card after an American IT company contracted by the British government to develop a “COVID Certification” pass suggested that the health passes could become part of the “new normal”.
Entrust, which describes itself as a “global leader in identities, payments, and data protection”, was given £250,000 by the UK in May to develop cloud software for the government’s COVID-status certification scheme run by NHSX — the digital arm of the nation’s socialized healthcare system.
In a February blog post, the product marketing director for the firm, Jenn Markey said that “vaccine credentials can become part of the infrastructure of the new normal”.
“With the infrastructure and investment necessary to ensure a viable vaccine passport, why not redeploy this effort into a national citizen ID program that can be used for multiple purposes, including the secure delivery of government services, secure cross-border travel, and documentation of vaccination,” she suggested.
Former Brexit Secretary and civil rights advocate David Davis told the paper that the implementation of vaccine passports domestically is an “intrusive” and “very bad idea” which he noted is “completely out of the tradition of Britain”.
Davis noted that there were 9,000 data leaks of government records last year alone, saying: “There are very serious civil liberties issues, serious issues of practicality, and serious issues of discrimination.”
This is a terrifying thought, and a major initiative of the Great Reset. Creating a national database that can track movement, medical records, and other data flies in the face of our fundamental freedoms and privacy.
Comparisons could be made to China’s social credit system, which has been used by the regime in Beijing to discriminate against people who fail to uphold the values of the Communist Party. The score, which measures seemingly mundane activities, awarding positive points for buying things like diapers and subtractions for buying alcohol, has seen tens of millions of citizens barred from travelling because their score was too low.
How long before we’re required to show our papers in order to send our children to school or travel freely throughout the nation? Remember that just a few short months ago, even states in the U.S. banned interstate travel based on faulty and misreported COVID data.
- Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming required out-of-state travelers to quarantine for 14 days.
- Arkansas issued a 14-day quarantine requirement for out-of-state travelers who have been in an international location or New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or New Orleans
- The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health issued an order requiring anyone entering the county from outside the Southern California Region to quarantine for 10 days upon arrival.
- Connecticut issued an order requiring all travelers from all states except New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island to self-quarantine for 10 days upon entering Connecticut.
- Delaware enacted an automatic two-week quarantine for anyone traveling to Delaware.
- Florida ordered travelers flying into Florida from New York, New Jersey, Louisiana, Connecticut or an area with a widespread outbreak to self-quarantine for two weeks.
- Hawaii issued an automatic two-week quarantine for people traveling to Hawaii, with an exemption for anyone who can provide proof of vaccination.
- Idaho issued a travel restriction that required out-of-state visitors to self-quarantine for 14 days.
- Chicago Department of Public Health Commissioner Allison Arwady issued an order requiring travelers entering the city of Chicago from states experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases to self-quarantine for 14 days. The order applied to travelers from Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.
- Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds urged Iowans returning from out-of-state to self-quarantine for 14-days.
- Maryland Governor Larry Hogan issued an order requiring out-of-state travelers and returning residents to obtain a negative COVID-19 test result or quarantine for 10 days.
- Montana Governor Steve Bullock issued an executive order requiring residents and non-residents traveling to Montana, except those traveling for work, to self-quarantine for two weeks. The order also instructed the Montana National Guard to conduct temperature checks and exposure risks inquiries at airports and rail stations in the state.
- New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham signed an executive order requiring all travelers who entered New Mexico through an airport to self-quarantine for 14 days. The order directed the New Mexico Department of Health to work with other state agencies to ensure visitors who enter through an airport self-quarantine.
- North Dakota issued an order directing people traveling to North Dakota from another country or from a state classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as having widespread COVID-19 outbreak to self-quarantine for two weeks
- Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt issued an amendment to Executive Order 2020-07 requiring people entering Oklahoma from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, Louisiana, and Washington to self-quarantine for two weeks
- South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster issued an executive order requiring people traveling to South Carolina from Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and New Orleans to self-quarantine for two weeks. Failure to do so resulted in $1,000 in fines and up to one month in jail.
- Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order requiring people flying to Texas from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Orleans, California, Louisiana, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, and Miami self-quarantine for two weeks. Those who qualified for quarantine were required to fill out a form provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Failure to comply resulted in a $1,000 fine and or jail time up to 180 days.
- Utah Governor Gary Herbert issued an order requiring all visitors over the age 18 who entered Utah through airports or roadways to complete a travel declaration within three hours of entering the state. Drivers entering Utah would receive a text message with a link to the form, whereas travelers in the airport would receive a card from an airport employee with instructions to fill out a COVID form requesting personal medical information online.
- D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered non-essential travelers from “high-risk” states to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in the city.
- West Virginia issued an executive order requiring all non-residents traveling to West Virginia from a COVID-19 hotspot self-quarantine for two weeks. The order instructed West Virginia State Police to monitor roadways for such possible travelers. Failure to comply with the order resulted in fines up to $500 and jail time up to one year.
With the exception of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wyoming, Arkansas, and Utah, every governor in the U.S. also issued lockdown or “stay at home” orders that restricted residents from traveling within or outside their respective states.
As new mandates and tracking technology are introduced, it’s imperative that we not forget the absolute tyranny that ravaged our nation just a year ago. Freedom of movement within and between states is constitutionally protected. The right of Americans to travel interstate in the U.S. has never been substantially judicially questioned or limited.
A 1941 U.S. Supreme Court case struck down California’s restriction upon the migration of the “Okies”— famously documented in “The Grapes of Wrath”— under the Commerce Clause. Another layer of protection comes from the Privileges and Immunities Clause sheltering U.S. citizens, who are each also the citizens of a state, against discriminatory treatment under the law of a different state.
Make no mistake: tyrants across the globe WILL continue to extend their authority and restrict the fundamental liberties on which our republic was founded. We need to stand up and speak out loudly against this incursion.
I believe that many patriots have opened their eyes since the oppression of the last year. We will not stand for more of this statist imposition.
Former Obama administration Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday on CNN’s “OutFront” that Americans who have not received a coronavirus vaccine should not be allowed to work or have access to children and be limited on where they are allowed to go.
Sebelius said, “We’re in a situation where we have a wildly effective vaccine, multiple choices, lots available, free of charge, and we have folks who are just saying I won’t do it. I think that it’s time to say to those folks, it’s fine if you don’t choose to get vaccinated. You may not come to work. You may not have access to a situation where you’re going to put my grandchildren in jeopardy. Where you might kill them, or you might put them in a situation where they’re going to carry the virus to someone in a high-risk position.”
They are coming for your family.
And these digital vaccine cards are only the beginning.

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this sounds terrifing. Is this actuall ? think Florida do not have a lockdown order in place.
How is the quarantine in those states enforced ? is more a formal thing noone follows i assume.
It is frightening. I seen online about governor DiSantis making it a policy to forcibly vaccinate people.
My Mom lives in Germany and said they do not do the vaccine pass anymore as it is discrimination. No one can ask you if you had it or not and can not refuse you entry base on it either.
Thanks for the info.
Wow. This could truly be the outskirts of the MARK.
Than you and your husband for all your wonderful information truth and honesty
Since you are a ‘Christian’ where does God come into the situation? Yes, the enemy has a lot of evil plans for us – however that does not mean that all of them will come to pass. First and foremost our trust needs to be in our God. If we cannot physically do anything about the situation, we sure can do through prayer according to His will. None of us would be here if He would not constantly intervene. His angels are waiting for us to speak His Word so they can go to work. It is biblical. I understand that it is vitally important to be informed, however we need to find a balance so people will not be overcome by fear, we had enough of that for the past 18 months.
I absolutely agree with your statement . We tend to forget Who’s ultimately in complete control. When God created the earth he set boundaries even as to how far the water could come and so in these crazy times He is still fully in control and is setting boundaries . we need to be informed but that shouldn’t trump our faith in Christ and His sovereignty.
thank you Charlene and Ty for your continued passion and dedication to bring us this vital and cutting edge information. i really appreciate you both!
Thank you Jaya! We appreciate your support.
So I may never be able to travel back to my family’s country of Greece, not unless my husband and I have antibodies as we have had covid. Not to minimize death, but so few have in reality died and mostly older. This is nothing like the Spanish Influenza! 50 million died then in a world of 1.5 billion. People have been complaining of overpopulation for a while now, so why freak out over maybe 4 million. Also to the fool saying that if we don’t accept a medical procedure, we shouldn’t be allowed to work: since when do we assign blame to someone who infects another? I know people who have died from the flu. It is dangerous to blame a person as the source of infection when you simply do not know for sure and your immune system is so poor it does not protect you from death. That is more likely due to lifestyle choices! My immune system is everything to me and has protected me well over 40 years including from covid!
Yes, the human body is remarkable in the fact our innate immune system has the ability to fight off infections. I will be so glad, when the pandemic finally ends and our world isn’t afflicted with COVID-19. Things are coming to light: the fact the virus originated from a lab is evident. I think good will come as the evil doers are exposed. The light will shine, as it represents truth. God will heal our nation.
Well, we understand the facts and all the restrictions but how are we supposed to live? Is there a possibility to revolt against the government.
Is there a way to bypass this sanitary pass?
I am French living in the US. I have children and grandchildren living in France. The law is going to pass that a vaccine is mandatory to do anything go to the supermarket to school and every where.
Is there any way to bypass such tyranny ?
I am so concerned.
Thank you for everything you do
Yes, it is only the beginning. The government has always been working to destroy and separate the family. These draconian laws will only serve to isolate and ban people from each other to eliminate people gathering together and discussing any form of approach or decision to act. It’s totalitarianism, control, and dictatorship. And we thought what Hitler did was bad, well we haven’t seen the underlying action that will progress from these laws. Sadly, it will only get worse. The time bomb has been set to go off for the destruction, of the majority of mankind. Maranatha!
You Rock Charlene!
Ah…the fuhrer would be proud! And state issuing “orders” (not laws)!that were meaningless: unenforceable, unconstitutional, and just stupid!
I wonder if this new Reich 2.0 thinks it will last 1000 years as that “other one” did.
Thank you so much for all the work that you are doing. I pray that the message will be passed on and the public will start questioning what the media is putting out there. God bless you and your familty and the brave people that work with you.
Thank you for your support, Norma!
May our Almighty Get help us and make a way for His children to survive this holocaust. He said “I am with you always”, so we should not fear.