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A dean at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, is essentially calling for United Nations shock troops to hunt down and silence all anti-vaxxers as a way to stop what he calls “anti-vax aggression.”
Echoing the fascism of genocidal maniacs like Hitler and Stalin, Peter Hotez displays his own brand of insanity by equating vaccine skeptics with cyber criminals and nuclear terrorism, calling for an armed “counteroffensive” run by law enforcement to target and attack all who oppose vaccines, including vaccine-damaged whistleblowers, apparently.
Somehow, NATURE thinks this is a scientifically-worthy rant to publish, since NATURE is of course part of the very same vaccine mafia that’s currently targeting humanity for genocidal extermination.
Much like an increasing number of hostile doctors and medical researchers who have become dangerous vaccine zealots, Hotez has abandoned any remaining pretense of informed consent and now believes all of humanity should be forced at gunpoint to not merely take all government-mandated vaccines, but to be threatened into silence at gunpoint if they disagree with pro-vaccine propaganda.
He writes about all this in a seemingly deranged rant published by NATURE, which states:
Halting the spread of the coronavirus will require a high-level counteroffensive against new destructive forces.
Efforts must expand into the realm of cyber security, law enforcement, public education and international relations. A high-level inter-agency task force reporting to the UN secretary-general could assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression, and propose tough, balanced measures. The task force should include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril. It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counteroffensive.
Hotez apparently supports vaccine violence against children, then calls those who oppose him “aggressors”
In his bizarre rant, Hotez claims there are “targeted attacks on scientists” but doesn’t name a single scientist who has been physically attacked, harmed or killed by any so-called “anti-vaxxer.” To halt this fictitious “aggression,” he then calls for, quite literally, targeted (armed) attacks on anti-vaxxers, essentially explaining government forces must be weaponized and aggressively deployed against vaccine skeptics in order to stop “anti-vax aggression” by using a “counteroffensive” of law enforcement (who are obviously armed).
Meanwhile, the very thing he continues to push — unsafe, experimental vaccines — are inflicting medical violence against millions of innocent people around the world right now, spiking the VAERS-reported vaccine deaths by 16,000% in the first quarter of 2021 vs. the first quarter of 2020.
Vaccine violence against innocent men, women and children appears to be perfectly okay with Peter Hotez. It is the whistleblowers trying to stop all this vaccine violence who must be threatened at gunpoint and terminated from existence, he implies.
The real threat to humanity, says Hotez, is a vast “anti-vaccine empire,” which smacks of Hillary Clinton’s claim of a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”
And then, as you might suspect, he invokes “the Russians.”
Once again, it’s all “The Russians”
Hotez says “Russian intelligence organizations” are behind much of the vaccine “disinformation” that’s currently published on the ‘net. He then claims, without evidence, that such Russian disinformation campaigns are intended to “destabilize the United States.” Does he mean the same United States that’s being deliberately destabilized by Joe Biden’s lawless regime through wide open borders, mad money printing, rigged elections and tyrannical medicine?
Hotez claims anti-vaccine groups “target Black communities,” but deliberately lies and misleads NATURE readers, since the vaccine skeptics are actually warning Black Americans about Tuskegee-like medical experiments that have long been known to deliberately harm Blacks in the name of “scientific progress.” (Is Hotez a Tuskegee denier? A Holocaust denier?)
He laments the fact that “tens of thousands of vaccine doses are going unused” and claims anyone who expresses any concern over a covid vaccine — despite their shocking level of causing injuries and deaths — is falling prey to “exaggerated fears” and doesn’t want to be treated like guinea pigs, for some reason.
Worst of all, Hotez yells “fire!” in a crowded theater and uses the powerful platform of NATURE to call for governments to be weaponized against vaccine skeptics, merely because he himself believes that he is right and they are wrong. Rather than picking up an AR-15 himself and hunting down and trying to kill vaccine whistleblowers, he begs government to commit the violence for him.
Sounds like a coward, not a scientist.
In my podcast, I’m calling for readers and fans to pray for this sad monster of a man, to pray that he might set himself free from the evil demons who obviously possess his tired body, from what I can tell. Pray that he may return to God and seek forgiveness for the crimes against humanity being committed by whatever twisted, dark soul currently occupies his once-human body.
Here’s how to contact him using publicly-available contact information published on the Baylor website. I insist that if you choose to contact Hotez, be polite and do not engage in the kind of threats of violence that he levels against others. We do not have to stoop to such lows, as we have truth, justice and God on our side.
I’m also officially inviting Peter Hotez to an interview to allow him to answer questions, should he choose to do so. But I’m not holding my breath…
Peter Hotez:
Twitter: @PeterHotez
Office phone: 713-798-1199
Baylor College of Medicine (his employer):
Main number: (713) 798-4951
Be polite. No threats.
This article was originally published on May 6th by Mike Adams on It has been shared here with permission from the author. Click here for the original article.

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This Man is insain in the membrain. I would like to say how I really feal but it would not be polite.
Well he did study a Cornell. Rockefeller and Yale…Probably why he is a faccist!
Peter Hotez is one crazy man!
Ya did he take all the Covid vaccines poison.
I don’t think so, he knows better than that.
My goodness, this demented, ignorant little tyrant is insane. How does someone this violent & crazy end up DEAN of a MEDICAL SCHOOL???! He needs a nice quiet room with padded walls, regular antipsychotic meds & a 24 hour lockdown.
He’s as bad as Richard Pan.
He needs to be stoped.
the more I read, the more I feel insecure with Mainstream government in USA!
They are so keen for us all to be vaccinated against Covid- 19.
The US election ahs not presented a new President, Pres Biden is a frauded President!
The USA needs to clean it all up, immediately!
The felonies involved here are very serious! They have completely deprived all Americans from having a clean and clearly definitive voter outcome!! The waters are very muddied!
Alongside of all of this, the globalists, Democrats and Deep State have all teamed up to carry out the greatest worldwide Genocide ever!!
It amazes me the stupidity of some well educated people. Obviously this person has no grip on history. What is even more surprising is that Baylor University would have such a miss guided person on their’ staff. Regardless, what is the threat of people who do not get a jab to those people who have been vaccinated? Is not the vaccine supposed to stop this common cold called COVID-19? Rather than emailing this misguided souls we should be emailing the board of regents at Baylor University. Obviously any comments to Mr. Hotez will go unanswered.
I agree with your assessment of Peter Hotez . He is a coward and a direct contributor to this crime against humanity. As Mike Adams points out, that after the masses start dying and they finally realize that these experimental jabs are the source, they will come looking for him. Public executions will be demanded for all of the coconspirators after Nuremburg type tribunals.
If 70% of the population is vaccinated and the other 30% are antivax. , then we have reached heard immunity and if all the antivaxers get Covid. They will either die or get very sick and get better and may very well be immuned.This is definitely their choice and in a non communist country they should be left alone.If those who are immunized are not safe then this whole thing is very questionable!
What an iodiot! He may have a big name but he is so “woke” by the Drug Companies. I’ll bet he is getting rich off saying these things, even tho kids are dying or are less than they can be because of all the vaccinations so many, so close together. He needs to get a lesson from the “Truth for Vaccinations” by Ty and Charlene Bollinger. That would be a start. Doctors from all over the world is telling people not to vaccinate as they CDC is promoting.!
Dr. Hotez is clearly a scary person, pushing outlandish ideas—murder is over-the-top!! I wanted to email him very politely—non-engaging sort of way. HOWEVER, my fear is he and his cronies will be able to track me down somehow. Is there a way to not have this happen?
Yes there all out there, those who are trying to deceive. OH what a web they weave. And know this:- God’s WORD, let NO-ONE deceive you, as I have given you protection in my WORD. (Psalm 18v 35-36.
Having read about serious side effects and even deaths after getting vaccinated, I have decided not to be vaccinated for my own safety. And I have the right to choose.
Thank you so very much for the scrifices you are making to inform anti vaxxers especially and to enlighten those about the dangers of the “vaccines”.. I pray the Lord constantly surround you and your loved ones with total protection along with others fighting the violence against Americans and putting us under Govt controls of all kinds.
By the way I havent been seeing chemtrails. Could it be that the satanistics have stopped that knowing that the vaccines are going to accomplish the 90% death rate Bill Gates wants?
The end of this article rocks! Kill em with kindness. Way to go.
What this jackass speaks of is already going on to an alarming degree. The fact that there is a publication willing to print this intellectual vomit is even more concerning. The aggression he is referring to is merely a matter of people daring to question the popular narrative, those bold enough to ask them to show us why they are right and on the side of science. They have nothing to defend themselves with but to threaten coercion and in this case even violence against those who are merely asking why. There is nothing even offensive about being called an anti-vaxxer, unless you are deluded enough to think that there is something wrong with people being medically harmed by these things. We need to stand proudly against medical harm, whether by vaccines or any other form of abuse the medical mafia uses to injure people. We need to send the men in white coats for Dr. Hotez who has demonstrated beyond any doubt that he is not sane, although someone needs to tell him because the insane often do not realize it. This is the most shameful and asinine article of all time and a low water mark for how stupid our species may become. He needs to be fired immediately.
As most sane people know. The coronavirus issue could have been safely and effectively dealt with last year. The globalists will win every time and in every situation, as people continue to allow themselves to be fear-mongered and hoodwinked by them. I don’t know where people were when Vioxx, Merk’s arthritis drug was blamed for at least 50K deaths and 100K heart attacks. And that’s just one story about the pathetic condition of most medical treatments. I heard the statin drugs which were supposed to lower cholesterol levels caused heart attacks among other health threats too.
And people have the audacity to accuse others of being anti-vaxxers and anti-medicine when the so called cures are worse than the original diseases. No medicine or medical treatments at all would reap a better outcome, than suffering from an additional load of medically induced viruses and diseases.
Vaccine! Vaccine! Vaccine! Come and Get Your Vaccine Here Today!
Hiya, people. Would you like to know what I think is funny? Every day since March of last year, I’ve hundreds of emails have flooded my inbox from various health websites. Having read tons of health information and watched numerous health summits along the way, I can’t help but notice all these highly intelligent, university-educated health experts are backing each other against pill-popping and taking the vaccine. Why is that, I wonder? It’s like, c’mon, Big Pharma, where are you in all this discussion? Why aren’t you defending yourselves against all these big bad natural healthcare practitioners who are attacking you left, right, and center? Where are all your Big Pharma blog posts? Where are all your Big Pharma health email updates? Where are all your Big Pharma health summits that educate the public on all your latest and greatest cutting-edge vaccines and pharmaceuticals? I’m still waiting for all your lifesaving health news, yet crap all. C’mon, pal, there’s this deadly virus on the loose, and it’s out of control. Where are you in these most desperate times of need? What have you got to hide? What have you got to fear? I thought you were the dominant leaders in world healthcare, working side-by-side with our loving and caring government, and our most trusted, honest-to-God mainstream media, with the best interests of humanity at heart—yet, no word nor whisper from you on how great and effective your vaccines are, or how great and effective your drugs are. All you give me is the vaguest of information via my TV screen, and that makes me sad—so very, very sad indeed.
Lately, all I’ve been hearing on the worldwide breaking fearmongering news is nothing but vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. Hurry up and get our Big Pharma–sponsored vaccine here today. Don’t worry about that unpatentable health and nutrition nonsense. Don’t worry about using vitamin C or zinc to strengthen your immune system. Don’t worry about quality sleep, sunshine, or exercising during this extended lockdown. And, most importantly of all, don’t worry about empowering yourself that you may be able to help yourself; we’re with you every step of the way, okay? Haven’t you heard? Fear, panic, and pandemonium have always been our friends—and friends in need are our friends indeed. Sorry, but the cold hard truth is, we tell-lie-vision media infomercial, Big Pharma snake-oil salesmen don’t have a vested interest in arming you with natural solutions or positive outcomes. Why the hell would we fake-news pundits wanna talk about that? That doesn’t line our money-grubby deep pockets, now does it? So forget it! We’re not talking about it, okay?! That can’t help you, okay?! But over here—well, well, well! What have we got here for you today? Yep! You guessed it, we can sell, sell, sell you our finest rushed-to-market GMO Frankenstein lab creations instead. Symptoms include Bell’s Palsy, anaphylaxis, blood clot, coma, then death.
With Big pHARMa’s new CIA-certified synthetic, patented vaccine gene therapy of weaponized genetic mRNA mutations, eugenics never looked so good. But unfortunately, as of April 30, 2021, our hard-sell marketing pitch to the well-fluoridated, dumbed-down Ding-Dong generation of iPhone zombified covidiots has only killed 3,837 sheeple and seriously injured 16,014, which is a far cry from what our bought-and-paid-for psychopathic government had hoped for, I’m sure. And while the death rates continue to soar (mainly in nursing homes, where they’re forcibly injected with a Snake Gates magic bullet cocktail of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, polyethylene glycol, and mutated viruses with a bit of viral shedding on the side to help Alzheimer’s patients spread the love all around before laying them down to sleep)—but sorry, we’re not allowed to talk about that on our prime-time murder TV, when it’s illegal. And if you do happen to get seriously injured or made dead after we’ve rammed it into your head again and again, and time and again with our non-stop aggressive marketing campaign to get vacci-poisoned, it’s not only illegal to sue us, but it’s illegal to sue the quackcine manufacturer. That means if your child were to suddenly hatch from a palsy egg after being injected with God knows what, you’ll be unable to seek compensation to look after it for the rest of its newborn vegetable life. Oh well, no matter. You’d only be playing Russian Roulette with your life and the lives of your loved ones. It’s no biggie, really.
Now, over here, while we continue to dispense our Big Pharma friend’s tobacco science and use it to round up the cattle ready for herd immunity due to there being this deadly viral outbreak—a virus that’s so virulent and aggressive, that spreads like wildfire and drops people dead in the street left, right and center, come the Resident Evil Apocalypse—you’ll still need to take this fraudulent and inaccurate PCR test to see if you’ve got it. But don’t worry, it’s already been proven effective at testing positive for coronavirus in papaya, motor oil, and goats.
It’s most unfortunate that 99.95% of people survive a coronavirus infection, and because no hospital is overrun with people lining up outside on the street, and because we motormouthed main-sewer media foolishly and tooted our horn a bit too loud, and blew things out of proportion with our corona Kabuki theatre, making it obvious even to the village idiot that something wasn’t quite right, it left our cheesed-off, embarrassed governments no other choice but to dangle large wads of cash in front of these hospital CEOs if they can help falsify their records and exaggerate the death count.
In other words, if you have the flu, it’s the coronavirus.
If you die of a heart attack, it’s the coronavirus.
If you die in a car accident, sorry, but it was most definitely the coronavirus.
While the government is only too eager to call death by shotgun blast to the head a very bad case of the coronavirus blues, over here, whenever somebody drops dead within days or hours after receiving a vaccine, their leading team of forensic investigators (who obviously couldn’t find a whore in a whore house) take one good look at the coroner’s report, then say, “Nup, sorry, there’s no cause for investigation over here, they all died of natural causes. It wasn’t the vaccine that killed them. Oh no! It wasn’t the vaccine! It couldn’t have been the vaccine! The vaccine is never to blame! Now, please understand, there was nothing at all suspicious about the death of that fit and healthy 21-year-old Cincinnati university student, 24 hours after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. And there was absolutely nothing suspicious about that fit and healthy 39-year-old mother who died of multiple organ failure just four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna vaccine. And last but not least, there was certainly nothing at all suspicious about the sudden death and hospitalization of those nuns in that isolated Kentucky convent shortly after receiving their gov-mental blessing from God.”
He-he-he-he. Shh. If we admit on our fear-porn hellevision that it was the vaccine that killed all them brainwashed sheeple, then crikey! There goes our cash cow up in smoke, and our eugenics program down the drain, hey? Now, let’s just hurry up and sweep this up under the carpet along with the many thousands of other unreported suspicious deaths, shall we? Then we can get straight back to reminding the public that the coronavirus has, and will always be, our Public Enemy Number 1. Don’t worry about death by vaccine. Don’t worry about death by 5G. Don’t worry about death by state-sponsored terrorism, when over here, we now bring you this deadly coronavirus boogeyman that’s to be forever feared until we say so, or until we move on to the next plannedemic chapter of your lives, got it?!
So, yeah, while we fearstream media mafia are in bed with our technofascist government and big business, and have made it our business to stick our noses into your business by censoring our anti-vaccine critics all over the internet via our Nazi virtual book-burning efforts—and obviously have nothing to hide while we continue to suppress lifesaving alternative therapies, and seek to erode your natural medicine and health freedoms before your very eyes in favor of Big Pharma wholesale—over here, we’ve enlisted the technocratic support of our friends from The Centre For Cancel Culture And Digital Hate to publicly name, shame, and defame all crackpot conspiracy theorists, beginning with Ty and Charlene Bollinger and their Dark Knights. We have reason to believe this radical extremist fringe group are terrorists, and pose a serious threat to national security and our bottom dollar. Because these naughty freethinking political dissidents can see right through our fear projections, and can accurately predict all our hidden agendas, it’s imperative that we go to DEFCON 4, and that they be placed on the FBI’s 10 most-wanted hit-list as enemies of the state, when they are armed to the teeth with God’s honest truth, and dangerous to the max with their anti-vax disinformation.
Because these thought leaders refuse to bow down to our billion-dollar megalomaniac, control-freakish, psychopathic Luciferian globalist masters, and join up with Dr. Fauci Mengele’s Medical-Fascist-Covidian-Death-Cult-School-of-Experimental-Medicine along with the other well-fluoridated walking dead covidiot cult-pod people, and because they refuse to diaper up and wear our ritualistic Masonic slave mask, and receive our Frankenstein elixir, they’ll be tried for heresy and burnt at the stake.
Please raise the alarm if you ever come across these bad, bad people. You’ll know what they look like: they ride into town, clad in shiny breastplates of righteousness, wearing helmets of salvation, holding swords of the spirit and shields of faith, and have the fullest backing of our Lord Jesus Christ beside them.
Everyday, while we smoke-and-mirrors, sleight-of-hand, black-magician, psychological-warfare tacticians grow increasingly fearful and paranoid of more and more sheeple waking up to our lies and deceptions, and have no choice but upgrade the poison, fear, terrorism, Centrelink crackdowns, and serial killer TV, hoping to transform seven billion people into dumbed-down raving lunatics and fully-fledged psychopaths as a subtle way to snuff out their love and light, and get them hating and fighting among themselves in order to distract them, it also allows us puppet-polly-parrot narcissists to get our fugly, ugly faces plastered all over the front page news while we happily rake in more cash and get quality air time after they’ve committed high crimes we subconsciously helped them to commit. Shh. He-he-he-he.
In the meantime, while we eagerly await our next real or CIA-staged Mockingbird news story, our Ministry of Truth will continue to wage our silent spiritual war on consciousness, and in our battle to win over the hearts and minds of the couch potato sleeping masses by offering them one big fat juicy and delicious glyphosate-enriched Krispy Kreme Donut of irresistibly mouth-watering GMO goodness in our efforts to guide them over the cliff toward the Snake Gates of Hell, and into the vipers’ pit of needles, vaccine lovers everywhere will soon rejoice, spoilt for choice once we introduce them to our four most trusted quackcine manufacturer bed buddies in crime, beginning with Johnson & Johnson: recently caught with their pants down, dumping asbestos in baby talcum powder. Then we have Pfizer, which had to pay 2.3 billion dollars in criminal convictions. And if AstraZeneca’s co-developer has long-standing ties to the British eugenics movement, then so too does Moderna over here have a nice circle of known eugenicist friends.
So, yeah, with that in mind, we quietly continue supporting the poisoning of humanity, keeping quiet about our environmental terrorist government, which has taken it upon itself to forcibly mass-medicate the population by dumping industrialized fluoridated toxic sludge into the local water supply. And while we keep quiet about the billion-dollar Monsatanic GMO industry who line our deep pockets, and supermarket shelves chock-a-block full of nutrient-depleted, glyphosate-enriched, genetically mutated, cancer-causing fake food, we’re also in the habit of keeping super-duper quiet about the genotoxic Wi-Frying dangers of cell tower electromagnetic radiation while we continue raking in more big bickies from our glorious telco sponsors, and make an absolute freaking killing, marketing Telstra’s latest and greatest 5G technology as something we cannot live without, while they happily fill the air with the voltage of cancer at the cost of doing business, and at the expense of everybody’s pain and suffering, no doubt.
Whatever. With all that aside, you just make sure that you take our word for it that everything will be just fine and dandy, and blindly accept our experimental vaccines of death. Because we care about you. We only want what’s best for you. Trust us! Do you ever see us touch our many revolving narcissistic faces of Janus, or rub our Pinocchio noses on national TV to indicate we’re full of crap? Of course not! We’ve been well-trained to speak the truth. Now please, listen to our fake news, fake TV, fake everything—and buy, buy, buy into everything that we’re selling, come our next big worldwide breaking fearmongering news story or commercial break. We promise you, you’ll not regret it.
Well said Lokio
Ironically, Dr. Hotez initially expressed concern about coronavirus vaccines (and about lockdowns too) on Dr. Peter Attia’s podcast in March 2020. He pointed out the dangerous history of coronavirus vaccines. He stated that historically, when lab animals inoculated with a coronavirus vaccine have been subsequently challenged with (exposed to) the actual virus, nearly all animals died of an immune hyper-reaction euphemistically called “immune enhancement”. Immune enhancement can be fatal because the immune system overshoots and attacks the virus host in an inflammatory cascade (the cytokine storm) that can lead to multi-organ failure. What changed Dr. Hotez’s mind over the past year is anyone’s guess.
And just how many shares of Big Parma stocks does he have???
Thank you for posting contact info for this lunatic. I already posted on his Twitter, sent an email, and tomorrow I call.
there are at least 50 cell towers in line of sight from my large windows
the electric by-product in this environment is always high per meter
and not able to even measure it all
I got c19 or something similar at the start of this in mar 2020
and it has never gone away
like these towers
which keep increasing
after stabilizing, in May 2020 lost sense of smell
I leave for some months – get better
come back – get c19 again
over and over
depending on the day
and how much radiation I’ve taken in
solar storms
more c19
after using my phone for mom’s day
my nose bled fresh bright drops
my head bruised
pain coming in and out – not constant
painful to touch for about 24 hrs
adhd kicked in again for first time
since I installed my dirty electricity filters
three weeks back
Baylor needs to put this joker on the curb.