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Over the past several days, the UK has been rocked by revelations that former Health Secretary Matt Hancock was actively using scare tactics to wage psychological warfare on the people of the United Kingdom. According to “The Lockdown Files,” a series of stories published by The Daily Telegraph based on over 100,000 WhatsApp messages to and from Hancock, the former health official was not only using fear to manipulate the public but was even discussing the deployment of new COVID variants as a means of frightening people into compliance.
Let’s unpack these files, shall we? Because if you thought that the government had your best interests at heart during the pandemic, you might want to think again. Matt Hancock, the man who was supposed to be leading the charge against COVID-19, was apparently more interested in waging a psychological terror campaign against the people of the UK than he was in actually doing his job.
What are the Lockdown Files?
So, what are the Lockdown Files exactly? Well, they’re a series of WhatsApp messages between Matt Hancock and various other government officials, MPs, and advisors. They were leaked to The Daily Telegraph and they paint a pretty damning picture of Hancock and his approach to dealing with the pandemic.
From what we can gather from these messages, Hancock was more interested in manipulating the public than he was in actually keeping them safe. He wanted to use fear to keep people in line and to make them more compliant with lockdown measures.
Hancock’s Plan to Weaponize Fear
One of the most shocking revelations to come out of the Lockdown Files is that Hancock apparently wanted to use a new variant of COVID-19 to frighten people into complying with lockdown measures. In one message, he wrote, “The new variant is a potential game-changer, but we need to make sure everyone is scared enough to do what we say.”
In a WhatsApp conversation on Dec 13, obtained by The Telegraph, Damon Poole—one of Hancock’s media advisers—informed his boss that Tory MPs were “furious already about the prospect” of stricter Covid measures and suggested “we can roll pitch with the new strain”.
Hancock then replied: “We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain.”
Poole agreed, saying: “Yep that’s what will get proper bahviour [sic] change.”
This is incredibly concerning. Instead of providing the public with accurate information and advice, Hancock wanted to scare them into submission. It’s difficult to see how this is an ethical or responsible approach to managing a public health crisis.
The messages yet again remind us of the mindset, at this stage in the pandemic, of the small group of men who had given themselves complete power during lockdown.
The tone of these messages matters. The idea of giving ‘marching orders’ to police, to arrest members of the public for going about normal life, did not seem to make them at all uncomfortable. We see Simon Case, the Cabinet Secretary, laughing at how they will lock up people who come off flights and saying he wishes he could see the faces of those about to be incarcerated. We see them talking about fear as a legitimate government tool, to be dialed up or down – and discussing how useful it is to the government that people should be scared.
Threat to Withhold Funding for the Disabled
But it’s not just the public that Hancock was trying to manipulate. He was also apparently using his position of power to pressure Tory MPs into supporting his lockdown measures. In one message, he threatened to block funding for disabled people unless they backed his plan.
This is a gross abuse of power. Disabled people should not be used as bargaining chips in political games. It’s a disgraceful example of how politicians will use any means necessary to get what they want.
Hancock’s Affair and Subsequent Resignation
And let’s not forget about Hancock’s affair with Gina Coladangelo, which was also revealed in the Lockdown Files. This was a clear breach of COVID regulations, given that Coladangelo was a non-executive director at the Department of Health and Social Care.
Hancock resigned from his position as Health Secretary in the wake of the scandal, but the damage had already been done. It’s hard to take someone seriously as a public health official when they can’t even follow their own rules.
The Impact on COVID Policy
So, what impact did Hancock’s behavior have on COVID policy in the UK? It’s difficult to say for sure, but it’s clear that his focus on manipulating the public and playing political games didn’t help matters.
The UK’s response to the pandemic was already beset with problems, but Hancock’s behavior only made things worse. If people don’t trust the person who’s supposed to be leading the charge against the virus, then it’s difficult to get them to comply with lockdown measures.
Repercussions on Trust in Government
It’s hard to understate the damage that these revelations have caused to the public’s trust in government. At a time when people are already feeling anxious and uncertain, the fact that the UK’s former Health Secretary was actively using fear to manipulate them is deeply troubling.
One of the key takeaways from “The Lockdown Files” is that the government was more concerned with maintaining its grip on power than with the welfare of the people it was supposed to serve. This kind of behavior only reinforces the public’s worst suspicions about politicians and government officials. It also undermines confidence in the government’s handling of the pandemic, which could make it more difficult for officials to implement public health measures in the future.
Mika Adams summed it up well when he said:
“…what they are admitting to is exactly what the alternative media told you was happening from the very beginning. All our so-called “conspiracy theories” turn out to be facts, again and again.
What Hancock and his staffers did is an admission that the entire covid plandemic was, in fact, contrived from the very start. From its inception, the plandemic has always been a weaponized conspiracy against the people. (Yes, yet another actual conspiracy fact, not merely a theory.) And these government tyrants are such woke idiot morons, they actually left an electronic trail of their crimes against humanity.”
Over the past several days, “The Lockdown Files” have revealed the extent to which former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock was willing to wage psychological warfare on the people of the United Kingdom. His tactics included using fear to manipulate the public, leveraging financial and political power to keep representatives in line, and even threatening to block funding for disabled people to pressure Tory MPs.
The impact of these revelations cannot be overstated. They have undermined the public’s trust in government and reinforced the worst suspicions about politicians and officials. They have also raised serious ethical, moral, and legal questions about the use of fear as a tool of government.
At a time when people are already feeling anxious and uncertain, the last thing they need is a government that is willing to use psychological warfare to maintain its grip on power. As citizens, it is our duty to hold our leaders accountable and demand that they put the welfare of the people above their own interests. Only then can we hope to build a government that is truly worthy of our trust and respect.

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As a nurse in the USA, I have read so many articles about the cure for so many diseases, such as cancer and diabetes, for just two of the most prevalent killers in the world. I also have learned how big ” Pharma” has controlled our doctors with payment to prescribe symptom treatment and not the curable drugs that could create a large decrease in numbers of people dying from just these two illnesses.
I`ve been telling people this was going to happen sincerely since I was a three-year-old child, I`m now over fifty years old, and Don`t trust any government to tell the truth, they are run by devils and demons. The next war is WW3, China, and the once great USA and its friends. I`m living in Australia. Australia will be invaded by China, China will commit GENOCIDE on the people of Australia because the Australian government has taken weapons from the people.
Dan Andrews is in bed with the Chinese communist party state of Victoria had the longest lockdowns in the world Australian people went through a lot now pushing digital slavery for humanity the insane left at it again