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Charlene Bollinger:
Hello, everyone. This is Charlene Bollinger with The Truth About Cancer, The Truth About Vaccines coming to you again with a special interview with my dear friend, Dr. Judy Mikovits. Many of you have seen our prior conversations, you may have seen her at The Truth About Cancer live events, which, she’s one of our superstars. She’s been blowing the whistle, telling the truth. She’s been persecuted, maligned, lied about. We are coming to you today with a blockbuster piece of information that really just brings Judy’s message, which we say really is God’s message. Jesus is the truth, we’re here to tell you the truth, and it’s the truth that sets you free.
So, Judy, thank you for joining me. Welcome, once again, to another conversation.
Judy Mikovits:
Thanks so much for doing this, Charlene. It’s delightful to see you again, it’s been a while for us.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yeah, it has been. I know you’ve been all over the place. Ty and I love seeing where you are, what you’re doing, and it’s always a pleasure to come together to discuss.
Just to begin, I would love to unpack the new information we’re getting from, he’s a brilliant scientist and I may mispronounce his name, so I’ll let you say his name. What is his name?
Judy Mikovits:
Professor Luc Montagnier.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yeah, he’s won awards, right?
Judy Mikovits:
He’s a Nobel laureate, he won the Nobel prize for the isolation of HIV retrovirus in 2008. He also sponsored, essentially, I was the technician working on those projects, confirming the isolation from one of the same patients with the disease, and with the virus.
He actually, when our book, Plague of Corruption, our now New York Times bestselling book, Plague of Corruption came out last year, he used this quote, saying, “this rampant corruption hides from the public scientific truths which might go against corporate economic interests”. So you know what I’ve been doing is, since you’ve known me, and really since I realized the truth and learned the truth in 2011, is really the single message to speak the truth in love. Everything about this a game of fear, false evidence appearing real. We know it’s a war of principalities, it’s pure good and evil, and has been.
We’re wonderfully and fearfully made by God, and we don’t fear anyone but God, and we don’t obey anyone but God. This is what Luc Montagnier was actually misquoted the other day, and I’ve been misquoted within recent weeks, so we’re heavily censored. Our books are censored, our movie Plandemic which showed this was planned for many, many years, not simply for a year or two, and you can find that movie, the first part that I did, May 4th 2020. You lose track of time, and in fact, Mikki Willis is just directly from God and the person that we know, our common friend that introduced me to him, and then the other Godly man, Dr. David Martin, he did Plandemic Indoctrination, the movie which came out August 18th of 2020.
All of this elucidates the truth.
We’re very, very, very heavily censored, and it’s down within 24 hours. Then Sunday afternoon, after I left a meeting at Glad Tidings Church in, Glad Tidings, I believe it’s a church in Yuba City, California. That church actually has, you had all of us there, you had a The Free & The Brave conference, The Free & The Brave 2. Last weekend, me and Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Henry Ely, what a fabulous day and weekend this was, and others.
So that you can find those events and find what we’re saying, but the reason I wanted to talk with you today is because after Dr. Tenpenny left that meeting, she texted me and she showed me a film, a picture of Professor Luc Montagnier and it was in French. She text me the explanation of the text, so what was said to have been translated from Luc Montagnier. I simply said, “that doesn’t sound like Luc, so what was it translated as?” It was translated, “Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there’s no chance of survival for people who have received any form of vaccine. In that shocking interview, the world’s leading virologist said bluntly, ‘there is no hope and no cure for those who have already been vaccinated. We must be prepared to cremate the bodies’. The scientific genius supported the claims of other prominent virologists after studying components of the vaccine”. Note, nowhere in that text does anybody say which vaccines. Anyway, “…they will all die from antibody dependent reinforcement”, which is actually correctly translated, antibody dependent enhancement, and we’ll unpack that in a minute.
Then they said, quoted him as saying, “nothing more can be said”.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yeah, Judy, let me just jump in here because I got the quote and the video at the same time, and I know that the video has been looked at by people that can speak French and English, so it’s been translated correctly. Personally, when I got that, I typed down each word, looked at it to understand exactly what he was saying. So you’re right in that, that scary quote, I also got that at the same time, “100% of the people that get the vaccine will die, there is no hope”. That little part that you just mentioned was misconstrued, it was not what he said, the percentage as well as the other part.
At first, I looked at that, and that was a shock. I looked at it with Ty and we both were like, “oh, my goodness, wow”, because we’ve had so many conversations with you. We’ve had so many conversations with Sherri Tenpenny and others. So, we understand that the people that have been vaccinated in the last 30 or so years, the people that have these retroviruses or corona viruses, when they’re getting the coronavirus vaccine, on top of that, they’re, I just hate to even think of it because some of my loved ones have gotten the vaccine, they are more likely to die because of this combination of the perfect storm of poison that leads to death, but it’s not 100%.
I mean, what scientist says anything is 100%? So logically, you have to look at that and think, that just doesn’t add up.
Judy Mikovits:
So there’s so much of that, that didn’t add up. I immediately said back to Sherri, “I never say no hope, and I know Luc Montagnier, we’ve talked…”
Charlene Bollinger:
Judy Mikovits:
He’s going to be featured prominently, so all I did was simply send the email to ask Luc Montagnier directly from the, let’s get it right here. I got this back from his assistant, a long time partner, so Susanne and I won’t say her last name. She wrote back, and I wrote her and said, “what’s up?” She said, “he didn’t say that”. She sent it to a bunch of undisclosed recipients, but she said, “help us”. So the next day, she said, “this video of Professor”, and I’m quoting exactly what she emailed, “this video of Professor Montagnier, made in September of 2020…” We did the same thing first, we translated it and said, “yep, that’s how it translated”, but it was taken from a video made September 2020, was censored off of YouTube within 24 hours of the original airing.
Charlene Bollinger:
Of course. Yes.
Judy Mikovits:
Luckily, a friend in China sent us last night, sent us last night, this small segment with the exact words of Professor Montagnier, from the original video. The video that we put together was not, was dubbed in to say that thing, and he never said it. Only a small segment could she find from friends in China, because everything is now, everything is now the corrupted video. She said, “which are not”, in all capitals, “what the fake news going around say”. So in French, at the video, and I will forward you, I’ll put in this exact link. It says, the French video, at seven minutes and 22 seconds, says in English, “if someone who has or had COVID-19 is vaccinated with a flu vaccine, that person risks”, in all capitals, “to die in the following days or weeks”.
The reason for that, scientifically, is of course what you and Ty thought immediately. Yes, antibody dependent enhancement. So it’s not only the people who’ve got the COVID shot, but what we were saying last year, people who were getting the flu shot and wearing the mask. Of course, in our long interview, we discussed that in great detail. The literature, the paper, all the way back in March and April, it was clear that the masks would drive the disease, by crippling the immune system.
What Luc Montagnier knows like we know, is that we cured AIDS, we cured Ebola, infectious, contagious Ebola. I’m using the royal we, scientists, good doctors, people thinking. In 2014, contagious Ebola released by Tony Fauci from the Fort Detrick lab, to cover up William Thompson’s confession about the risk to Blacks and Hispanics, to people of color, Native Americans, if they got the MMR vaccine before they were the age of three, three NRA viruses, so they have genetic susceptibilities, genetic susceptibilities meaning they can’t degrade those viruses. Their immune systems are turned to parasites because the regions of the world where they live, endemic, their environment, they have to have a very strong anti-parasitic response. This is a type two immune response.
We learned this, and it’s a functional T cell that really wasn’t even described until the mid ’90s, there were just T cells and B cells. Now we know there are subsets of T cells that are very specific of your adaptive immune response, that go after certain types of pathogens, by delivering, by the communication molecules, our cytokines and chemokines. We know the disease is a cytokine storm, and that if you protect yourself from that cytokine storm, your immune system, by healthy foods, by no GMOs, by no other shots that drive a cytokine storm.
So what we know is in AIDS, all the way back, remember Luc Montagnier isolated first the HIV virus and associated it with the people with the disease. We know, in fact, that SARS COV-2 has never been isolated from anything but monkey cells, the monkey cell line, Vero, that we’re shipping between the labs across the world, that we grow our polio vaccines in, that we know have been contaminated. So the big problem with vaccines in the blood supply that we learned in AIDS, is that these shots, the blood supply, our environment is contaminated with glyphosate, with toxins, with heavy metals.
These shots are, they’re poisoned. I should say coronavirus, virus means poison, corona means radiation. So really this is a radiation poisoning, and at all levels of the things, the tests, the PCR tests where we’re putting contaminated nanoparticles, this is the work of Carrie Madej at that conference, that’s why I mentioned that conference because we can unpack this in great detail, that we don’t want to do here. See, what we know, and what we’re revealing as we go out and speak the truth in love, is that the masks, the flu shots, they’re driving what’s being called COVID, that never had anything to do with SARS-COV-2.
We scared, we created fear, we created anger. The most powerfully immune suppressive things in the world are fear and anger. What does a Godly person never do? Like Luc Montagnier, like me, like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, what do we do? We don’t spread fear. We cured contagious Ebola with hydroxychloroquine and saline, prayed over Dr. Kent Brantley, that is what is in the slides I showed on Saturday, that I made on Friday night after I learned, I met for the first time Dr. David Martin. If that’s not a Godly man, I mean, just blew all of our minds. How God works for us, to bring us together, Mikki Willis, Sherri Tenpenny, none of us would have ever met if not this opportunity. We know there are no coincidences and God brought us together for this time.
We have solutions. We don’t have to go into any of the ifs, ands, or buts, and all the bad things that are there. What we need to do and why I believe this was censored and made into something else, censored when he said it because September 2020 is when they were mandating the flu vaccines. So when they were mandating the masks, to go to school, to any school, even if you’re zooming, you’ve got to get a flu shot. You’ve got to get a flu shot to go to college, we never had to do that. The flu shots contained coronavirus, we know this, this is the work of Sherri, Sherri Tenpenny.
I believe it was actually last summer, last August, that Sherri and I did a show on John Chambers. On that show with John Chambers, we showed all of the poisons in all of the vaccines. So, what is true about what Luc’s saying, and the warning signs that we are trying to give you from a heavily molecular area is because Tony Fauci and the Satan in this picture, the Bill Gates, the eugenics that’s been going on for hundreds of years in our country, removing our country as one nation under God, our constitutionally protected God-given rights, nobody can take away the right to breathe air. All our laws constitutionally protect us from this, so I believe these fear statements, no hope, you mentioned at the beginning of this show how that made you and Ty feel.
It’s how, remember Maya Angelou and I believe Dave Martin gave this quote, reminded us that, “it’s how a person makes you feel”. It’s how that movie showed us, how that movie showed us the original Plandemic. When Mikki Willis with those beautiful hazel blue eyes, my grandmother, her name is Hazel Willis, I knew I was talking to God and I better not mess up with it, I better not mess up with grandma. How they make you feel, it’s not what somebody says, it’s how they make you feel. So they showed Luc Montagnier, who those of us know to be a good man of integrity, who’s taken all kinds of abuse, even though he took that Nobel laureate. Much like Dr. Kary Mullis, the late Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize. They’re members of the community, and he said, “no, the PCR is never used diagnostically”. He died in 2019.
When the good people’s voices are removed, that’s when the fear takes over and the evil wins. That’s why we’re here, speaking the truth and love. He did not say that, we are not without hope, we have God, we cured AIDS with simple, normal things. Hydroxychloroquine and saline. Kent Brantly, contagious, contagious cancer, we have it in our book and there’s a picture of it in that slideshow, if we want to bring that into it. It’s slides five and six, showing…
Charlene Bollinger:
We’ll put that right here.
Judy Mikovits:
Show you Satan vs God. When you see God, the book is called Called for Life, in the biblical sense, these were the Christian missionaries who went to Sierra Leone, to Liberia, in 2014, in 2014 and stopped the contagious Ebola. It killed 21,000 honest, innocent people, but no more because of a quick-thinking Dr. John Fankhauser who used hydroxychloroquine and… Because what he said was if malaria is endemic in our world in where they were, in that part of Africa, he’s going to use the anti-malarial drug in order to keep the immune system away from a TH2 response, away from making antibodies, and to an anti-viral, frontline, type one interferon, alpha beta, which we all have multiple type one interferons that patrol all of our mucosal surfaces.
All of those are destroyed by the masks, with the shots, as we cripple our innate immune system, and then do an injection to bypass that strong, God given immune system. That injection goes straight to making antibodies. So what we now appreciate is the only thing that ever mattered for efficacy of a vaccine, is do you make antibodies? Now we know, that’s the pathogen. When you’re making antibodies and you bypass, you’re attacking yourself. Autoimmunity, that’s the explosion of the diseases. We’re now making antibodies that are for something that’s not even there, something that’s not of God, and we’ve skewed our God given immune response.
Again, it was important for us to see, and thank God for Susanne that I thought quickly enough to just write her because similar things are happening in our network, where things that are cheap, effective antidotes which have been around for a hundred years. The WHO, the World Health essential medicine called suramin, it’s another anti, it’s an anti-sleeping sickness, but it was made against another parasite. It took advantage of the knowledge that it was called a trypanosome. Well, trypan blue is a dye we use in the lab. It’s fun stuff, this is why I love being a chemist, but because trypan blue stains membranes. A synthetic drug was made to keep things away from membranes, so it’s actually a fabulous drug for a lot of different things, but it’s particularly good against mouse, against simple gamma retroviruses.
Keep your endogenous virome silent and not expressed, when you’re injecting another animal, remember the J&J vaccines, the flu vaccines, all have gamma retroviruses, all have the polio vaccine we know is contaminated with SIV, Simian immune deficiency virus. We know the spike protein is the causative agent of the disease, and that it’s injected in a fake viral particle, protected from God given natural breakdown, that synthetic lipid nanoparticle would have broken down at body temperature, so they added polyethylene glycol, a major ingredient in antifreeze and make ups and things that protect degradation of our natural immunity.
I think we can see with all of it, the words, cremated, no, we would never cremate. Oh, no, no, no. That’s not of God, and we wouldn’t cremate for one reason, because it would destroy down to the individual molecule and you’d never understand that the blueprints of these viruses were injected, for years. So, yes we have a problem that we’ve created, we as theoretically God fearing people. We name this book Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science. Our faith is not in science, our faith is in the lord, God, and only.
So the promise of science is that with our God given gifts and nature, that we could heal anything. In fact, remember Jesus when the blind man, he put the mud on his eyes, spit on it, a little fulvic and humic, and so there he is. He could see again, with the infusion of love. This is just the message that I just thank you for letting me bring out to the people, because it’s so important that people don’t fear the voices. This is why they let a man like, they fabricated that a man like Luc Montagnier said this, because he is the Nobel laureate and he would never say that. That’s not the man, and that’s not the science as we know it.
Charlene Bollinger:
Well, Judy, you have such an important voice right now. Not only do you understand the corruption, you’ve endured so much to get to where you are today to help humanity to understand, you’ve sacrificed and you’ve stood in righteousness, in the power of God, that he’s infused inside of you. That quote was so disturbing, and that’s the way our enemy works.
We’re talking about hope here.
Ty and I tell people all the time, specifically about cancer, that, “cancer is not a death sentence; as long as there’s breath, there’s hope”. Now, we lost seven family members because we didn’t have the information. God says in Josiah 4:12, I think, somewhere around there, that my people perished for lack of knowledge. We lost our family members because we didn’t have access to the knowledge because it was being censored. It was being hidden, systematically, this last century plus, especially in the American medical realm, it’s been co opted by the pharmaceutical companies, the vaccine companies and so forth, you know this.
When we did the research and learned why our family was dying, and it was really medical mistakes and procedures that should never have happened, and there were better ways, we started as educators. First, with Cancer Step Outside the Box, the book, and then our films. Of course, we’ve been so blessed, Judy, to be able to feature you in our films, and also, because we cover the vaccine issue a lot, and then in our live events, so it’s the truth.
In John chapter 8, verse 32, God says, Jesus said to the people, “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. So that’s basically what we’re doing, and what you’re doing, what Sherri Tenpenny is doing. Coming together and telling the truth. What are they doing? The biggest weapon the enemy, the devil himself, has against us is fear. John 10:10 says, these are the words of Jesus, he tells us that, “the devil came to steal, to kill, and to destroy”. He also calls him the father of all lies, he’s a liar and a thief. Jesus came to give us life and to give it to us abundantly. He’s given us everything we need in creation, and for generations, we had solutions. From the herbalist and the chiropractor and so forth, brilliant minds coming together to heal people. It comes through knowing the truth and how to heal, but that’s been robbed from us.
So we’re here telling the truth and what’s the reward? We get censored, we get lied about, there’s fake quotes out there and shocking quotes. They’re infusing fear, if you don’t wear the mask, you’re going to die. It’s so bad, Judy. I think we talked about this in a former interview we’ve done together, but there was a little boy in the beginning of this plandemic that was with his daddy, they were in a grocery store and he’s coming out. I think, if I remember correctly, he was seven, seven years old. As he’s leaving the grocery store, his mask falls off and he falls to the ground, on his knees, crying. The dad was like, “what’s wrong?” The little boy said, “I’m going to die, my mask fell off”.
This is the indoctrination that we’re infusing our children, they’re going to die without a mask, without social distancing. I’ve seen videos of high school kids who are six feet apart following each other. The beauty of fellowship, of comradery, of hugs and kisses, and handholding and skipping together, and all the things that children have enjoyed since the beginning of time, today it’s been robbed from them. If they’re connected to the mainstream media, CNN, Fox News, whatever it is, there’s a constant infusion of fear. They’re pushing people into this vaccine.
We see in Ohio, there’s a lottery, okay, “we’re going to give five one million dollar tickets for people that are taking vaccine”. That’s how desperate they are. You get free lap dances out in Nevada, and you’re getting free donuts. I mean, we see de Blasio on that video, remember, Judy? Remember, “oh, when you eat a french fry, think vaccine. Mm, these are so good, and the burger, too”. It’s just like, so cringey and embarrassing, but they’re so desperate.
Judy, I love you because you always bring to us the truth, the real science, not fake science and fake news. You’re bringing us biology 101, and you’ve worked in the middle of it. Before we end the conversation, I would really like to talk about Fauci. Now, back in 2019, you were on our stage, and you were telling the truth about Fauci, what you endured for humanity. They were accusing you of lying, as if you just came up with this stuff, and you were like, “okay, wait a minute. Put on the brakes. Let’s get back to the slides that I used in my lecture in 2019”, so it proved, it was more vindication. What Luc Montagnier just said, the correct things that he said, another vindication.
God himself will vindicate us as we tell the truth. There are liars and thieves out there, and for whatever reason, they’re controlling. You mentioned eugenics, Planned Parenthood, we know that Bill Gates’ father was a eugenicist, but into Fauci. Right now, this is pretty hot, and Rand Paul confronted Fauci. There’s a lot of things going on, so I’d love to hear from you specifically about the temperature on Fauci, and what’s going on today.
Judy Mikovits:
That’s actually, that’s the great news, that’s the really good news. I should say that, as far as what I’ve endured, this is what the bible says, “take up your cross and follow him, and you’ll be all right”. I’m better than all right, I worked really hard, and yeah, I lost a lot of idols and names I didn’t really need anyway. At the same time, I’ve got a name given to me by God himself, and it’s a new name, and I can go back and restore and teach people. I’m getting so much love, I’m like a billionaire right now from all the love I’m getting, so alternatively, it’s kind of fun because Tony Fauci’s getting an awful lot of hate bombs thrown at him right now, by the people that realized.
It’s interesting because people don’t realize, I never worked for Fauci. That’s not Judy Mikovits, so when they say that and the fact checkers say, she worked with him. No, read our books. I either quit, got fired, or was arrested any time somebody’s corrupt in medicine. I walked away from the Upjohn Company, I threw a notebook at my boss. It’s all in our books. I have to learn Daniel a little bit better and say, “yes, my lord”, instead of what I usually think about the alliteration I use when I use Fauci’s name. It doesn’t, the point of all of it is that he’s now getting caught. He lied to Rand Paul, I made slide five in that talk, so slide four was about Ebola. We solved Ebola because of Christians, and slide five was all about Fauci just last week. It just shows you again God wins, because there’s no escape for him. He’s lied for 40 years, he’s lied for my entire career. The first interaction I ever had with that man was 1983, and him trying to play God. It’s like, that doesn’t really work very well with me but I don’t care who you are, I don’t do anything unethical, illegal, or immoral, knowingly. I do everything I can to live biblically, and I’ve been rewarded by God for that every step of the way.
Yes, sometimes it’s not comfortable but to him, who much has been given, much is expected. We have all our path, we all have our goal. So Fauci’s just gotten caught, and this is the beautiful thing because victim after victim, the tens of millions of people, innocent people, he killed. Unfortunately, the Christians who helped him, the Christians whose idols, I mean, this is the hard lesson we have to tell everybody right now. The hard lesson is, is your faith in God, knowing you’re wonderfully and fearfully made, or is your faith in a corrupt organization at every level, the CDC? Our health doesn’t come from a needle, our health, it comes from healthy food as we’ve been discussing.
So, yes, I mean, that’s all going to come around in a way that we could have never imagined. They’re so desperate, they tried the censorship, but every step of the way, God gives us a Sherri Tenpenny, a Carry Madej, a Mikki Willis, a David Martin, and we’re having the parties. We’re having fun. We can heal the victims, but everyone needs to wake up and start obeying the one and only God.
Charlene Bollinger:
Wow. You are just a gift for such a time as this. Judy, your integrity is just brilliant, it’s beautiful, it’s inspiring to me. Every time we talk I’m inspired, I learn more about what’s really going on and the science behind this COVID shot. It’s not really a vaccine, scientifically, by definition, it’s more like gene therapy and I was just talking to someone today about the ingredient luciferase in there.
I know that you mentioned Carrie and she’s so sweet, she’s spoken on our stage in DC, when we had a health event there. We’ve collaborated a little bit, but she talks a lot about that, the nanoparticles and the operating system. They literally have that on their website, this is an operating system. Can you help our audience understand that the luciferase aspect, your thoughts around that, and this operating system, and nanotech?
Judy Mikovits:
Oh, sure. This is, so luciferase is a gene that makes fireflies glow in the dark. So we’ve used luciferase since its discovery, the gene that makes fireflies glow in the dark, God-given, we’ve used that as a tag, as a molecular signature of which cells are getting infected because they’ll light up.
Part of the gene therapy is always to make sure we’re delivering the vaccine or the gene therapy to the cells we want it delivered to, so there’re tags that tell us the address of where to go, this is why that spike protein is HIV GP120, your own syncytin gene from your endogenous virome that is critical to the embryo planting in the uterus, it’s like Velcro. So everything about these shots have been engineered in order to take out, to sterilize, to eugenics, to kill, and luciferase is just another way. It can be used for good or it can be used for evil, that knowledge, and that’s what’s so important to know.
Charlene Bollinger:
So, the operating system, and the nanotech, and again, Carrie talks a lot about this, and right now we’re seeing evidence that there’s magnetism, that this shot is literally… I’ve seen so many videos of people putting magnets on their arms, I’ve talked to a doctor that’s looking into this and I’m going to interview him soon, but before he’s interviewed, he wants to do some more research on this, and bring the science to the table and the evidence. What have you seen about that? The nanotech, the operating system, the magnetism? Then we’ve got the 5G factor in there.
Judy Mikovits:
Correct. So, interestingly, I did a little research on my own when I knew was going to be with Carrie this weekend, because that’s what we do, we do the experiments. So there is a magnet component, I found a paper that’s in that slide deck and it shows you, it’s a 2019 paper. For years, we’ve been trying… That’s we, the royal we is always scientists in science because this is all I do, just by passion from the time I was a little kids, that’s why my identical twin, God knows that I was never going to take that road, I have to get there.
At any rate, the magnets, so ferritin, ferritin is iron. We know the gene to express, it’s ferritin 2+ and Stephanie Seneff talks about how glyphosate messes up ferritin as well. 5G is the energy, the frequency that separates our oxygen carrying capacity, hemoglobin, the protein, from iron. The ferritin, the iron, holds the oxygen and delivers it to the tissue. So how do you get a delivery system to deliver to the tissues? Well, that’s cytokines, that’s chemokines. Chemokines are signaling, they’re trafficking molecules. “They take the firetrucks to the fire”, as my friend Rashid Buttar says. They take the firetrucks to the fire, but because we’ve messed with our endo-cannabinoid system, our God given endogenous cannabis system that is what I call the dimmer switch on the inflammation, the middle of the word flame, is that cytokine and chemokine storm. It’s too much of a good thing, it takes your God given immune system and makes you think there’s a bigger problem, and it’s like, “nah, that’s the common cold, I know that one”, and God’s got them all, at any rate.
So, the trafficking molecule, so what they did was they cloned it to another protein in this paper of nano-letters, and feel free to send this to anyone you want, this slideshow, but they literally clone it together, ferritin, along with this other protein, and again, we don’t know the composition, what sequences are in those shots. We’re not allowed to independently look at it, we’re told. You clone it to this other protein, and the problem was always that you didn’t have a big enough magnet, as my sweet brother texted me while we were at the meeting. He’s like, “Judy, is there any reality to this?” He said, “I have a lot of trouble getting two pieces of paper to stick to a refrigerator magnet”. That was always… I said, I wrote him back and just wrote, “no, honey”, because I was going to show him that, but that was always the problem, that you couldn’t engineer it with enough strength.
So when you took this other protein and cloned it in with ferritin, and you’ve got a package in a delivery that’s 9000 times stronger, so now that’s like a chemokine. So you can take a magnet and apply energy, like 5G, where you’re going to see more ferritin and you’re going to have that turn on in the brain, literally zap you in the brain because we’ve infected those lipid nanoparticles, they go in every cell of the body, and now your cell is producing the deadly HIV envelope, XMRV envelope, and SARS envelope, the spike protein. Everybody’s just like, “it’s a spike protein”. No, it’s three of the deadliest epidemics they engineered in our world. That’s right, it’s three of the deadliest epidemics in our world that are associated with, 15% of the people of our country have diseases associated with those contaminants of past vaccines and weaponizing, bio weaponizing protein. Now we can deliver, now we can mimic a chemokine. That molecular signal that takes the firetrucks to the fire will be ferritin attached to this other program, we’ve just literally programmed the cells to drive it there.
So, yes, it’s possible, yes, it happens. I had to correct it to my brother, I haven’t had time to write him yet, but this is the thing. So they show us again, what are they showing? Oh, that’s ridiculous, because I said that to Johnny right away. Sorry, I won’t use his name. I said it to my brother right away, I said, “no, that’s silly. You’re right, you can’t hold…” I remember the technology, that they’ve been trying it for years as a delivery system, because it’s good to be able to deliver drugs good. So now we’re made to appear ridiculous, and, “oh, that can’t happen, turn away from this hand, look at this hand, believe what we tell you, not what they’re telling you”. They make us look ridiculous.
So, like we started the conversations with the quotes that supposedly I said, which make me look like a know nothing chemist, not that pine needles don’t have value because terpenes and turpentine does have value in detoxing things. No, it’s just like they did to President Trump, always drinking bleach. No, we have to understand oxygen and molecular biology, nature at every level and that’s really the gift God’s given us because now we’re all talking to each other. Now we have more and more and more simple therapies, so just like we cured those things, we can cure this now. Yes, those things are all there, but we have to wake up and say, “no more, not again”. We will help detox it with God-given energy, therapies, and all kinds of things.
There’re so many solutions, so many reasons that if we really trust God and just say, “yeah, we’ve got this”. God’s got us, but we have to turn away from fear and turn back to faith.
Charlene Bollinger:
Amen, well, that’s the thing. This is spiritual warfare, people are being lied to, people like us are being lied about. Right now, Ty and I have so many hit pieces filled with lies, there’s no truth at all in them and they’re hitting us on CNN and other news networks. More to come, my head is spinning. We’re all in this together. You, me, and the rest of us. We’ve been doing these for long enough, we’re not going to stop, they’re not going to intimidate us. So as they hit us, and like you said, when they censor us, they’re just enlarging our territory because our people aren’t going anywhere. Our followers are the people that understand and want more of the truth, they want more interviews with Judy Mikovits. They’re going to hear this. When they start talking about us, people, they’re preaching to the choir, but people are waking up.
So when they say, they’re anti-vaxxers. Wait a minute, wait are they saying? So more and more people are coming over to the light and learning, so the whole goal is to save lives. We started this simply to save lives, and we’ve been blessed to connected to you and others like you. Like you mentioned, Mikki Willis, he’s amazing, and others, we’ve got so many good friends that are filled with integrity, filled with answers, there are solutions. As long as there’s breath, there’s hope. There are ways to pull out, I know a lot of people in the beginning were saying, “once you get the shot, there’s no hope”, but we do have an article on the truth about vaccines, I’ll share it with you, Judy, it’s a solution on how to pull this out of your body.
I’ve been contacted by people, some celebrities, and they’ve been pushed and bulled into getting the shot, even though they knew better, then they have these reactions, and their face, half of it’s not working. They’re embarrassed because their whole world is about the way they look, and so they can’t talk and they’re crying. We have a connection to a doctor that’s treating them, so we’ll talk offline about that, but we’ve got the solution, the protocol on or, and so we’re going to keep talking about solutions.
Just to wrap this up, I would love to hear what your recommended solutions are, and then I want to hear, I want our audience to know where they can find you directly, and your book, Plague of Corruption, and what you’ve got coming.
Judy Mikovits:
My recommended solutions are what we were doing from the beginning, everything that I just mentioned and you’re right. So, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, those are on the shelves of preventative medicine around the world and have been for decades. We put ivermectin in a cannabis mushroom, in a cannabis mushroom camel hump fat balm that you can now take the ivermectin, put it on your skin. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, as we know from our friends Dr. Brownstein and many others, sorry, the names just escape me. It’s all right, it’s not about our names but it’s just that we are serving each other, as you said, but at any rate.
I went last week with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, or two weeks ago, to Dallas for AAOT.US, that’s American Academy of Ozone Therapy. So you can ozonate balms, simple solutions, put them on your skin, if we can break down that lipid nanoparticles. Sunshine breaks up the virus, the hairdryer, the type one interferons, all of these things. Go to a website, Well, Dr. X and I have been talking, for years, so we’re good, and we’ve got natural solutions. Think of all the natural solutions of the people. Everything that’s been said in Truth About Cancer is a solution and a way to support your immune system, keep yourself strong.
Our books are Plague, Plague of Corruption, and our latest book, Ending Plague. Ending Plague is a Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption. It’s featuring Luc Montagnier, Frank Ruscetti, me. Frank Ruscetti is actually an author, and he’s talking about the plague of corruption that has been his entire career, and how good discoveries made by people, scientists of integrity could have changed all of this. It’s just where we have to speak the truth. It’s where we have to speak the truth. All good, is where you can find it for Ending Plague. The only way it won’t get censored, and I hear people’s, “I’m not going to use Amazon”. Don’t let them convince you not to buy it. That is the only agreement between the publisher and Amazon, so the only person that can pre-sell it is Amazon or a company.
Pre-order it from Amazon and you may get the only copies, because that’s how Plague of Corruption sold out the day after it was published. It was published April 14th of 2020, and it sold out April 15th. The only people that got the books were, because of censorship, were the pre-orders. That will… God’s already won by that time because I talk too much, I’m not finishing the editing. Every day, I learn more. Just this has to go in the book, just talking about Luc Montagnier has to go in the book because we can’t end it. What is a scholar’s obligation? It’s every walk of life, to produce knowledge, speak the truth of love, communicate it, no matter the cost, that’s what we’re called to do. Not interpret it in a way that makes us comfortable, it’s not about our comfort. It’s about the truth.
So, with that, has pretty much everything there, I so appreciate your doing this for me today, and for the community, as you always serve. We appreciate that.
Charlene Bollinger:
Well, Judy, we appreciate you and besides The Plague and the websites you just mentioned, you are on social media. So I’d love for our followers to know where you are, and if they’re not aware now, they can come and join you. I know you’re on Instagram and Twitter, Facebook, where can they find you there?
Judy Mikovits:
Yes, never Facebook. Never had it.
Charlene Bollinger:
Judy Mikovits:
@DrJudyAMikovits. So you’ve got to have the A in it, because if you don’t it’s somebody fake. There’s no website other than Anybody that says Judy at is a liar. So Instagram and Twitter are @DrJudyAMikovits.
Charlene Bollinger:
I follow you on both. Actually, we had five channels, we followed you on Twitter on all five channels. When we started going back and forth because we’re on the disinformation dozen list, there’s the badge of honor. When I started telling the truth to those people that were lying about us, it’s a digital hit list, hate list, that’s when they took us off of twitter because I was telling the truth and you can’t do that. You are on twitter, under Dr. Judy A Mikovits, I’ve seen the fake one. You’ve got an A, Dr. Judy A Mikovits, and you’ve got a large following there. Same with Instagram, and we are still following you there. They took our vaccine channel down, but we’ve still got a couple of other channels.
Judy, thank you for joining us today. Thank you for bringing, as you always do, hope, solutions, answers, and the truth. I love you, thank you for joining. Everyone out there, thank you so much for joining us once again for this fascinating and hopeful interview. I hope that you will share this interview with everyone that you know because we want people to be filled with hope and understand the truth that truly sets you free. Thank you and God bless. Bye.
Judy Mikovits:
Thank you and God bless.

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How are we doing getting out the information about the long known efficacy of Ivermectin for treating patients with Covid 19?
Ivermectin is not FDA approved for COVID-19 patients based on double-blind randomized clinical trials with inert placebo.
Over 1 billion people across the Earth take it daily because of their bad water! It is safe and it works to defeat the c-bug!
Ivermectin has mixed results in double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials for COVID-19, which is not a parasite. Do not use unapproved drugs like Ivermectin for COVID-19.
FDA – are fence-sitting on this…so NOT outlawed by any means.
See the FLCCC website with Dr Pierre Kory’s testimony to the senate:
There is a world-wide alliance of Critical Care Specialists with a plethora of evidence but ivermectin is never be used in isolation – it is a protcol – and varies for the individual needs.
1. Prophylaxis (or prevention) 2. Early treatment. 3. Early progression of Covid19 (hospitalised
4. ICU care and now they are seeing efficacy in treatment of %. Long haul Covid.
Please see Dr Jackie Stone from Zimbabwe on youtube – she’s fantastic.
What are the concerns for those who got COVID and have natural immunity? Are we better or worse off? Obviously we should never take any shot whatsoever. So much being said but nothing about natural COVID infection. Thanks!
Please consider posting audios of your video interviews.
Thankyou so much Charlene and Dr Judy
for such vital information.
Soldiers of truth sets so many free
Never comes without the evil rulers of this world opposing it
Thankyou again
May God continue to bless and protect all of you , no one can take our lives until God calls us home.
Love and blessings alway
Pst Julie
If I didn’t know Dr. Mikovit was a Dr. I would assume she was a pastor, she talks about god and it a great feeling where most pastor talks god (they are insincere, look at the life style they live),I never get that spiritual feeling from them like I got from Dr. Mikovits. Also, from my research I found that” food grade hydrogen peroxide” can be used for covid 19 ,(side note,my wife had copd and we used Food Grade H2O2 she no longer has copd). The book by Madison Cavanaugh, The one minute cure help her.
what is food grade hydrogen peroxide?
I just love you to pieces Judy and Charlene. Your both so great. Keep up all your good work. 🙏💛
I appreciate Judy so much, but this interview was hard to follow. I feel like she touched on a lot, but assumed the listener knows each piece well so she did not expound on it. I would love to hear a more detailed version from her wealth of knowledge.
Wonderful. One tiny possibly contrary point. Acutally it was not covered here. Yes i believe there is hope to negate health probs from the jab. Thats good. But one thing cant be fixed. The dna is changed.ones name in book of life is no longer as dna is ones name. Abels blood (dna-name cried out to God. The jab is the mark of the beast so the soul has lost salvation even if health can be improved.
judy mikovitz is talking facts vs fiction.
a well said, readable scientific terms, a seemed reality.
thank you judy!
Thank God for Decent, Honest men and women like Ty, Charlene and a variety of good honest doctors.,They are the “Salt of the earth.” But an enormous amount of people in high places will surely stand before a judge one day to receive their rewards or punishments for what they have done, and said, May that day be soon upon them, and put and end to this wickedness against mankind.and put the evil doer’s away forever where they belong.
Thank you for your positive information. on Hydroxychloroquine and Saline on the contagious Ebola
I love you for all that I have learned from your series. May God bless you.
I have a compromised immune system due to mold, parasites, metals and probably Lyme and co-infection. I contracted COVID in January of 2021 and now am showing I have the antibodies for COVID. I did not receive any vaccines but I am worried about this because you mentioned something about the antibodies, I think because this virus was man made. Will I ever be able to heal my body now that I have had COVID?
Thank you both!
I think we need to keep this objective. There is enough good science and information that there is no need to start referring to Satan. I think Anthony Fauci is totally wrong and self-serving but calling him Satan is a step too far for me. God says, “Judge not lest you be judged.” Dr. Mikovits has been wronged. There is no question; however, there is being righteous and there is being self-righteous. My way of stating what she is trying to get across is: “The truth is very hard to see, but it is not hard to feel.” We have within us a way to feel the truth without blaming and condemning others even when we think they are wrong.
Jesus also said, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”
A lot of people are talking about how to get Ivermectin like What I don’t understand that Judy is saying on a interview with Mike Adams is for people to not distance themselves from those who have received the injection. Others like Dr. Palevsky and Tenpenny are saying that those injected are giving off something…….is it the spike protein or mrna? This makes me think we should stay away from those injected to the extent possible or at least be cautious. Judy is not saying that. Could you ask her about that and get some clarification? I am not going to my family reunion in Alabama over the 4th of July because everyone there has been “vaccinated.” In a small house with one bathroom and people crammed in together for 2-3 days. I am not taking the chance.
Dr. Mikovits is clearly a hero, I appreciate all that she is exposing, and I believe everything that she is stating. However, please provide more information and proof regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine and saline to cure Ebola. If true, it is incredible. I purchased the book “Called for Life: How Loving Our Neighbor Led Us into the Heart of the Ebola Epidemic” by Kent Brantly. He doesn’t mention HCQ in the book but says that he was cured by ZMapp. I realize that ZMapp could have been used to cover up the real cure which was HCQ. If possible, please provide more information to support the claim.
Very interesting and also very concerning. Thanks for your investigation and input into the almost mandatory vaccination.
Thank you and God Bless
Some flu shots have polysobate 80/mercury? The flu shot may lower the immune system. New York required a flu shot if you were in the hospital for the Corona virus. The dose of the flu shot has been raised for all people. Elderly may get twice the dose and may die from the flu shot alone. The PCR test gave false positives at 40 cycles and now they are using 9 cycles to pretend the vaccines are helping. Mullis who invented the PCR test said he could not multiply anything for AIDS and knew it was a scam. The Mysterious Death of Dr. Fauci’s Most Notable Critic!
Fauci is lying. Fauci/Gates are the link/cause not just China. Fauci/Gates funded this weaponized virus/patented the virus/simulated it and want to make trillions on government contracts for the weaponized vaccines which they also patent. This was intentional it seems since Fauci said a surprise was coming.
Next plandemic 2025-2028 is called SPARS: Bill Gates says the next pandemic will be 10X worse.
Fauci may have sent all the viruses that came to America during the last 7 presidents to lower the population/make money on the treatment.
Fauci/Gates wanted this research at Wuhan etc. since they could not do it in America. This virus was intentionally released to lower the population/make money and usher in the New World order/UN/China/”the left”. She explains Wuhan lab etc and can prove it came from there and other labs etc.
Mikovits made a statement last year expecting 50 million Americans to die due to the mass inoculation campaign. Does she still hold to this prediction?
Great interview, Judy is so amazing and inspirational. Charlene you mentioned that if you were forced to have a vaccine for work or whatever reason, there is a way to get rid of it in your body. Is that really possible and if so, how?